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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.78857945

Mint mentioned in Doki's stream!
She was very cute and sweet.

>> No.78858238

We are super thankful for Mint being back in Doki's life.
t. Dragoon/Wisp

>> No.78858269
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>> No.78858524
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/x/ discusses the important questions and I think you may be interested in this for some reason.

>> No.78858612
File: 1 KB, 123x131, 1716019554319535.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of question even is that? Of course I would.

>> No.78858900

Why not trying to save the fairy by bringing her back to God? It says they are neutral fallen angels so that means they are still not corrupted by the devil

>> No.78859005

A bit of news from Mata's stream.

>Since they are both busy, Mata and Mint will be going to Japan at the end of August, instead of July.
>Will try to reprint, sign and send first month postcards, since most of them got damaged, this time will be in envelopes.

>> No.78859083

Oh huh
They are going to sign them after all?
ganbatte minthands

>> No.78859160

According to Mata, around 850...

>> No.78859196

Isn't a fallen angel corrupted by default? Meaning they did something to fall out of God's good graces and so they became fallen angels, even if they don't actively support Lucifer or whatever.

>> No.78859294
File: 74 KB, 519x472, PomuMayBeStupid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If that meant losing all hope of Christian salvation?
>I’ve been studying this and it has become clear to me that fairies are fallen angels, or rather angels that remained neutral in the war in heaven, and were exiled to earth, but not so far as hell as the evil angels. They are immortal, but human souls that are adopted into the fairy fold can and do die, and are reborn as humans and when they die as humans they are reborn as fairies again (the fairy world was called the Other Life in Celtic folklore, Neolithic humans buried their dead in tumuli, which were also known as fairy mounds, fairies were known as their ancestors, because they were), in a perpetual reincarnation cycle (that is until the final judgement).
The full OP text.
It has some flaws in itself. You're totally right. If they were cast to Earth, then they share Adam's fate which does NOT prevent salvation obviously and if human souls can inhabit fairies, then this means they are eligible for salvation like every human soul.

>> No.78859329

Maybe? I don't know if angels can be saved easily like humans

>> No.78859461

Angels basically work like Elves. They don't die a natural death and don't age, but they aren't immortal.

>> No.78859598

It's funny how I became more religious again thanks to Pomu's playtrough of faith and some youtube videos

>> No.78859919
File: 86 KB, 850x798, pomuleaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude what

>> No.78860627


>> No.78860724


>> No.78860791

>pomusuke is unironically dying
It's over
Poor Mint

>> No.78860827
File: 614 KB, 3857x3019, pomussy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78860889
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V1 Minto-chan, my beloved!

>> No.78860918

As someone who had a cat die today I really hope he gets better. Don't wanna see Mint go through this shit.

>> No.78860922

Well, I get this anon... in a way. I was never pious or religious early in life, but studies about late Antiquity and early Christianity, Roman architecture and just cultural studies in general also made me more religious. It's that feeling of being overwhelmed by the splendor of religious works and also an aspect of embracing one's own culture.
Bootaro... oh no.

>> No.78860971

This weekend is fucking cursed man, love the stinky boy

>> No.78861028


>> No.78861128

She got Paz to lessen the impact of his passing.
my mom got another cat within a month of ours dying, and I had to tell her she gets 1 fucking cat cause shes not using another animal as a coping mechanism for the loss of this one

>> No.78861166

I'm sorry for your loss anon :(

>> No.78861228
File: 35 KB, 112x112, 1701023908073527.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry to hear that anon, hang in there

>> No.78861243

I just heard the news wispbros. What a day for rain...

>> No.78861306

Is this the dying gasps of the sand curse? It better fucking be, otherwise I'm going to glass every god damn beach on this earth.
Sorry for your loss anon.

>> No.78861409

I joked to myself that the reason why a lot of bad things have been happening today was because a new episode of Helluva Boss came out today and made the devil mad but much to my dismay I was right. I hope that Mint will be okay. Losing a pet is awful.

>> No.78861412

Thanks. Just unfortunately how it goes with pets sometimes.
I was thankful Mint was streaming for me to take my mind off it for a couple hours at least.

>> No.78861843
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My beloved...

>> No.78861935

Not really, she tried to get a new cat for a long time to make pomusuke more active but she wasnt able until paz

>> No.78861977

>Doki has to cancel her new model debut and is sad
>Bootaro is dying
How did this weekend go from pretty good to shit?
Maybe watching the new green holo debut will cheer me up

>> No.78862566


>> No.78862752

Please no anon, I don't want to cry right now

>> No.78862757

This is why I hesitate to get a new pet. This shit never gets any easier. Poor stinky.

>> No.78862854

I had a scare with my cat shortly after Pomu graduated where I had to get a lump removed. Turned out to be fine but I'm praying things will get better with Bootaro

>> No.78863028

I grew up with a lot of cats and obviously outlived all of them. It's painful, but the time you share with them is the highest joy you could feel.

>> No.78863027 [DELETED] 
File: 111 KB, 480x480, 1698039533258723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't do more than hope he goes painlessly in his sleep

>> No.78863613
File: 974 KB, 646x634, StopTheRain[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fglmluc.mp4].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78863719

Unfortunately Bootaro is just an old boy

>> No.78864339
File: 609 KB, 3223x2237, stinky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78864786

She didn't say he was dying. Just that he hasn't been doing as well lately. Perhaps he will be fine again soon.

>> No.78865878

>>>78849925 well, Solidus DEFINITELY was, and Liquid PROBABLY was since he led a band of them as a kid himself, and never really expressed any distaste for it in any way. (And knowing Kojima's writing style, Liquid would have had a soliloquy about it if he did have a problem with child soldiers) We (being everyone who played the series already) know Big Boss wasn't opposed to the idea of kids being soldiers so long as they CHOSE to follow him and his ideals. (That was one of the few big things about Big Boss that stayed debatably benevolent; he never forced anyone to join up. He offered a choice, sometimes to barely-alive mercenaries, sometimes to starving kids in a warzone.)
Solid in that case was the odd one out, thank FUCK.

>> No.78866146

get ready for a very fast board in 10 minutes. perhaps we may see her at the debuts, she said she would watch them after all. I saw Shondo in the waiting room already, but Mint tends to be more careful.

>> No.78866848

I doubt very much Mint will show up in chat, it's not her style
Does she even have a history with green and pink's PLs

>> No.78867208

>it's not her style
well, she once slipped and this is how she 1st met nerissa (i think it was nerissa?)
i don't know of any

>> No.78867553

I'm gonna shit up this thread and I'm sorry, but this. People don't actually give a fuck about who is looking out for them, or whether they can trust the government. They want to pick a side, stick with it, and use it as an excuse to not think too hard about anything outside of their immediate lives. That's just how people work 99% of the time. AI Rose was right. People love their little ponds.

>> No.78867566

>I saw Shondo in the waiting room already
Well that's hardly surprising given who the first one is, but as far as I'm aware Mint has never interacted with her or the other one who's debuting today.

>> No.78868318

Oh yeah? Well I choose the side you're not on, how about that?!?!?

>> No.78870692

Mint mentioned!

>> No.78870877

Vtuber company wars

>> No.78875026

Don't tell Minto but I really like this green doll

>> No.78875679

Buy an ad

>> No.78878607

I want to rim mints asshole

>> No.78882784

Yeah she's amazing and a proper German, thank God. I guess I'll watch her when Mint doesn't stream early from time to time. I wonder what Mint thinks of her debut.

>> No.78882969

buy an ad holocuckis

>> No.78884260


>> No.78886555

mint is literally watching it too you shitter

>> No.78888439
File: 260 KB, 650x650, Minto_stop_fucking_around.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTA but I literally baked the last bread. I don't shit up the thread, it's just what Mint does as well right now.

>> No.78891882
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>> No.78894824
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>> No.78897337
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Oh shit... It seems like barely a month ago she told us how the vet said that he's the healthiest cat ever, but now this? No...

>> No.78899621

With this and doki, I can't say I'm feeling good right now

>> No.78900208

I feel you. Been trying to motivate myself to do much of anything right now, but it's not going well.

>> No.78900527

Yeah it was supposed to be a win day and it turned into a big loss on every side. But doki will have her day toimorrow and mint... well, stinky lived a full and loved life. She will be ok

>> No.78901193

She's posting pics of the stinky...

>> No.78901816
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>> No.78902689

stinky boi passed away? fuck did i jinx it the other day when i asked...

>> No.78902793

Not yet

>> No.78902815

No he's still alive, but not doing well

>> No.78904998

>but acting desperate for food
heres hoping that he will be okay. from my experience animals that are "getting ready to go" are very lethargic, dont really want to eat and just chill as their bodies slowly shut down. at the very least hes not suffering since she says that she goes to the vet a lot and they would have made her put him to sleep if that was the case.

>> No.78906867

Back when my childhood dog was old we decided to put him down. Believe me when I say his quality of life was TERRIBLE
He couldn't support his own weight a lot of the time and we would find him collapsed with his legs bent in an awkward and painful split for him. He would often do this in a pile of his own feces because he couldn't move or hold it
The day finally came to put him down and I swear to god it was the most preppy and active I had seen him in years. He was eating chicken from my lap when the injection happened. We went through with it because we knew that was an exception, not a rule for him

>> No.78906915
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He gets to spend his last days being pampered by Mint, and told how much she loves him. What more could any of us ask for out of life, really?

>> No.78908349


>> No.78911137
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>> No.78912161

thats why i mentioned the suffering part. its very hard to part with your pet, but you also gotta make the hard choice when the time comes and the old age isnt very kind to it.
a few years ago my dogs condition took a nosedive literally overnight, she collapsed and no longer could get up anymore and even barely reacted to anything at that point. she was already very old and dealing with cancer, so we decided to put her to sleep, but it also happened when everything was closed and we had to wait until monday. then as i was waiting with her until she falls asleep, literally right after injection she would attempt to get up for the very first time in a few days. i dont know if she figured out that something is up(she was always really good at reading the mood of people around), but that made a fucking grown ass man burst into tears. shit is rough.

>> No.78914686
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Man, I just want her to be happy.

>> No.78914865


>> No.78916825
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>> No.78918452
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>> No.78919895

If Pomusuke croaks she will probably go on hiatus for like a month. Praying for the stinky stinky nasty one

>> No.78920370

The pomusuke pics made me cry

>> No.78920499
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>> No.78921601

I'm so sorry, Mint.

>> No.78922434

Bootaro, you can make it.

>> No.78923569

But will this thread make it?

>> No.78925911

fast board...

>> No.78927993
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>> No.78928996

Mint is cute

>> No.78930157

Bootaro is cute as well.

>> No.78930562


>> No.78931965
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>> No.78935182

Did mint sing on unnamed live?

>> No.78935426


>> No.78935710

That was also supposed to happen yesterday, crazy how everything fell apart around the same time.

>> No.78936370

Good morning my wispggas
DOOM 64 today how we feelin?
Stinky boy love

>> No.78936396

yeah, a truly cursed weekend.

>> No.78936672

Rest day today*

>> No.78936938

>DOOM 64 today
about that...
Germany plays todays, so that's great. And unfortunate at the same time because I unironically wanted to check this new German doll
Hope that Bootaro will get better soon.

>> No.78937567

buy an ad

>> No.78938560
File: 363 KB, 2048x1628, stink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stinky LOVE! Today I'm just going to be watching vods from other streamers. Not a lot that catches my eye right now unless Matara starts Metal Gear on a whim

>> No.78939623

I had to miss the stream yesterday and was about to watch it now, but I saw the stinky boy stuff, and I don't want to watch it if she gets sad during the stream. Did it show during it or not?

>> No.78939820

It was after the stream

>> No.78939826 [SPOILER] 
File: 61 KB, 480x480, j1A4Zu3fDoPA_9EPwPeooA0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, you're safe. The stream was lots of fun, it was just a box... exactly what you expect.

>> No.78939942

why she looks like a 2hu

>> No.78940422
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When she hates us

>> No.78940740
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What do you mean?

>> No.78940940

The new Holo girl keeps showing up on my Twitter timeline and I think she's Mint...

>> No.78941458

>bad shit happened yesterday
>raining all day today
Feel like shit and trying to look for healthy way to vent my frustrations. Maybe new green german holo will cheer me up

>> No.78942928
File: 79 KB, 480x480, j1A4ZpXgDoPA_9EPwPeooA0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like this is the new meta. White haired maids with Mint hair details. Alias Anono of V4Mirai also comes to mind.

>> No.78943219

Why does V4M get to have both notPomu and notMint?

>> No.78943302

Does anyone of you have a link to that tweet with the box at Offkai? Or images of that box?
I need them to provide some context for the VTL player. If the art anon prefers this, this could also be a reference model.

>> No.78943509

Just browse threads from the offkai days, specifically the first one

>> No.78943594

How much time will she take off if her cat finally bites it? Maybe a week or so should be enough.

>> No.78943986

That's a really rude way of wording it, so I'll answer assuming you are just a sperg and not an asshole
Honestly it may vary, a week may be enough, or a week without streaming to distract her may be too much so is less time

>> No.78944020

Yeah, obviously the best idea. It's unironically harder to find a good ingame model.

>> No.78944316
File: 198 KB, 1280x720, IMG_20240623_174823_922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a pic, but you can still look for different angles

>> No.78944957
File: 446 KB, 1500x1909, Minto_wink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will do, thank you!
Yeah I basically dissect all of Warosu right now and write a rentry with an aes request based on our VTL roster ver. 0.5.0.
To make Non-Wisps understand what we're going for, I also need to provide context, reference sheets, etc.
Germany plays in 3 hours, I unironically doubt that I can do this in that time.
I may provide the rentry link to you guys as well, but you have seen my request to Wisps already and therefore, much of it is just redundant info for you.
Also, we haven't talked about a kit yet!
I'd just suggest...
kit 1: basically Chocomint as a football kit.
kit 2: based on those brown outfits that were posted in here in the last few days like >pic related
kit 3: ghostbusters uniforms

>> No.78945145
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>> No.78945331

It was like a month with bloo, but that was when she also had her OL job

>> No.78946130

Is there even a reference sheet for V1? I can't find one.

>> No.78947009

I suspect she never had one in the first place

>> No.78947225
File: 134 KB, 299x381, 1712510162557633.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stopped watching vtubers for over a month politics in the UK hit the fan so i've been focused on that
How much have I missed?

>> No.78947477

A lot

>> No.78947599

Doki and Mint finally got back together

>> No.78947607
File: 23 KB, 112x112, 1718543590291432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a lot lot

>> No.78947727

Whoops I forgot to specify
This was the last thing i saw before I vanished

>> No.78947911

Then watch their recent collab, it was pure kino

>> No.78948220
File: 121 KB, 750x650, 35301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a model for the divegrass player #NotSafeForMint

>> No.78948679

Oh hell yes

>> No.78949027

The same page also has models for Solid Snake in his regular outfit of Twin Snakes and the original with which we can work.
I just miss a Psycho Mantis model...

>> No.78950288

I love mint

>> No.78950912
File: 198 KB, 1365x2048, Minto_psycho_mintis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't find that Psycho Mintis fanart in the archive, so this post is for me to have a reference of it.
This is her own shitpost: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4lYGs4Boauc

>> No.78952495
File: 292 KB, 1200x2456, Mint_v1_Full_Body_Model.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mint V1 full body

>> No.78952586

My wife....

>> No.78952892
File: 248 KB, 384x649, me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, mine

>> No.78952989
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>> No.78954673
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>> No.78954947

V1 had the better design
V2 is more expressive and has better rigging
I would commit a minot felony for v1 with v2's rigging

>> No.78955608

So yeah, half an hour until kick-off and I'm done with my rentry. I wait for some response from our Ogey Calibur Wisp, it's a fucking massive text with a metric ton of links to models, VODs and images. I'll link it to /mint/ as well when it's proofread.
me too, anon, me too...

>> No.78957026
File: 258 KB, 800x800, 1787140203951596014.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Protominto-chan kawaii uoh ToT

>> No.78957379

Yeah much of this thread is me artificially creating archive links and resources for VTL7. Protominto is some inspiration for
>Cel-shaded Mint resembling the characters of Facade: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=irDaWl7n7-A

>> No.78958380

Thank you Footiewisp. I am excited to GO SOME BALLS in September.

>> No.78961072

>less than 30 minutes
>page 10

>> No.78961230

Sorry but no Minto (and the fact she's isn't streaming because stinky is dying) makes me too sad to post

>> No.78962216

The lack of good morning minto today has me mentally bottomed out.

>> No.78962861

Honestly if she isn't having a good morning I don't want her to lie for our sake

>> No.78963395

For sure.

>> No.78963650

She must be still sleeping

>> No.78965108

no problem. We work hard in the background on the team and I hope I can properly communicate with the other Wisps so that /mint/ gets a team that everyone enjoys.
But fuck this real life match. Good thing you can't see my medium melty because of this shit.

>> No.78966770

Very cool but also kind of gay
Much to ponder...

>> No.78967790

i agree

>> No.78969664
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>> No.78969770

Mint just opened an Onlyfans.....

>> No.78970145

>Outer Wilds and Karaoke during Euro hours
Mint get off 4chan.

>> No.78970148
File: 20 KB, 580x82, 123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78970386

Wouldn't only Outer Wilds be endurance? And maybe MGS I guess.

>> No.78970397

If she was on 4chan she'd cater to the 4+ Aussie Wisps here and wouldn't stream at 3AM..

>> No.78970547

Oh hey she finally decided on the 18+ tag:

>> No.78970701

Probably also whatever she has planned for Sunday.

>> No.78970965

Hope the karaoke isn't endurance... the Virtual Vacation concert is next week, she should rest her voice for that...

>> No.78971008
File: 128 KB, 800x1168, GLFRyH_WcAAnKcv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prude Wisps banished, Mint sex is now officially sanctioned

>> No.78971170

do you guys think mint faps to her own horny artwork?

>> No.78971656

Absolutely not, she's a pure Christian maid

>> No.78971851

>officially sanctioned

>> No.78971957

It's hard to say where the line goes with your very personal avatar, essentially an entire online persona, and finding it erotic. Considering Mint though I'd give it a pretty high chance

>> No.78972031

She bought fairy, ghost, and maid doujins.
Of course she does.

>> No.78972290

Damn the only stream I can catch live is Doom, and I still haven't watched the pt 1 vod. Should have done that today I guess.

>> No.78972698

of course, how is this even a question?

>> No.78973069

Yes with Pomu and Mint, not with the nerd one

>> No.78974069

If she's anything like doki, who is known to have done it, absolutely

>> No.78974085

Is this real? I'll miss #NotSafeForMint

>> No.78974489

is real, in the new schedule tweet

>> No.78975669
File: 104 KB, 384x364, 1712275970216117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>V-Tuber apologizes for trying to stream a lot

>> No.78976576
File: 99 KB, 960x705, live.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>emotional woman is an emotional woman

>> No.78977559

she faps to all 3, and nerd is even hotter because its based on her and knowing thousands of horny ojisans are getting their rocks off to her makes HER horny too.

>> No.78980249
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>> No.78981004
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>> No.78982799

Will you watch Doki's skinsuit reveal?

>> No.78982816


>> No.78983098

Yeah I'm planning to watch it since Mint isn't streaming today.

>> No.78983443


>> No.78983710

Wisp I’m gonna be very gay with you and share story. About last year I’ve lost a friend he was into vtubers for a long time. I always give him a hard time for it, I myself never cared for it. Last year I lost him. He was a bit of a boomer of the age of 39 had heart problems, it ran in the family.
About December I was looking forward to mgs3 and came across pomu… loved her reaction and I have no idea how vtubing works so I had no idea she had retired by then.

I was watching her vods and then I heard her say his online name from a dono, I paused looked it up and sure enough it was him from way back when the stream was live.
He and I both loved mgs and had the same taste and apparently both found the same vtuber. I wanted to tell mint but I don’t want to tell her this sad tale, and make her sad for any old fans that had come and gone. Either way I felt connected to my bud.
Don’t want to say who it was or his online tag but man, getting old sucks anons.

>> No.78983887
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>> No.78984032

Probably not. Im a bit busy today

>> No.78984237
File: 256 KB, 1068x1424, GKtRi9JasAA6ZDe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fate is funny like that sometimes, glad you were able to find a way to reconnect with your friend in some way. Sorry for your loss anon.

>> No.78986320
File: 235 KB, 849x849, Minto_heart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wisp I’m gonna be very gay with you
/mint/ in a nutshell.
Getting old sucks indeed, but it's nice that you could feel this way again.

>> No.78988572
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>> No.78989857

I wonder if we will see or hear Mint in Doki's stream.

>> No.78990588


>> No.78992177
File: 1.03 MB, 1059x1200, 1694616585159754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78992754

several minor Mint references in Doki's stream so far

>> No.78994830

Is Doki's new model done by Selen's mama? Sure looks like it

>> No.78995128

It's literally blonde Selen. It's funny.

>> No.78995373

During the collab, I made a booboo and accidentally typed Selen in Mints chat. I don't feel so bad now

>> No.78995485

I'm afraid to check /lazu/ right now

>> No.78995566

Lets us know she's watching by making a Metal Gear reference. Never change Mint.

>> No.78995666

I put a ytcfilter on the word Pomu, and its funny seeing some people show up in chat and go "wait, is this Pomu?!"

>> No.78995675
File: 56 KB, 268x190, 1694791496771118.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fought Najarala like 20 times already and still didn't got a Chilling Beak, even with breaking its face
They're talking about wanting Mint's next outfit to be done by Ayamy and saying Ichiso's art took a nosedive in quality (which is true).

>> No.78995757

what are we supposed to do with her ex merch?

>> No.78995859

Either keep it for the memories or resell it and make your money back.

>> No.78996010
File: 112 KB, 1280x1280, 1707768857079405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ex merch
You mean Pomu merch? Keep it you dunce. There were so many Wisps with Pomu merch meeting her at Offkai and she was fine with it.

>> No.78996274


>> No.78996428
File: 122 KB, 315x315, 1704919925823192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78996524

It's blonde selen but without her sexy tail.....

>> No.78996672 [DELETED] 

So the ex corpo vtubers that got their model done by their old mama are: Kson, MikeCat, Triangle and now Selen

>> No.78996748

haha it's

>> No.78996797

Ksons was a downgrade honestly. I liked the theme but VTUBERS NEED TAILS FOR ANAL PLAPPING

>> No.78996888

You forgot Misumi/Unou

>> No.78996960

>only know the hololive ones + doki
I see

>> No.78997081

Sisters won't shit up their own bed. And they only think in terms of corpos.

>> No.78997184

all vtubers need to be fantasy. what's the point of making another human?

>> No.78997910

Doki has been very open about reclaiming her past as Selen because it was taken from her, so don't feel too bad. It's a pretty unique situation as far as high-profile reincarnations go. Wisps have been pretty polite about it though, even in clip comments (besides the rainbow channel)

>> No.78998187

Exactly. I'm always shocked by how many people embrace boring human designs when they could be literally anything

>> No.78998198

kson basically became a twitch fleshstreamer, so that was just a bridge for it

>> No.78998252
File: 1.07 MB, 771x873, 1718215741532859.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how Ichiso's Mint would look like

>> No.78998421

You are right, that was gay
>I wanted to tell mint but I don’t want to tell her this sad tale, and make her sad for any old fans that had come and gone
You can still tell her about recognizing a friend of yours in her stream, there's no need to tell her about him passing away (specially with stinky's situation)

>> No.78998471

She's the only case where I don't mind watching both because she's very cute

>> No.78999019

She's literally Gandalf the White

>> No.78999246

The dokimint yurifags are acting like the elipomu Twitter lesbians and that's bothering me, I though we finally got rid of them

>> No.78999278
File: 596 KB, 4096x2371, 1688543552887201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This talk is reminding I miss Pomu's elven ears... I am used to Minto but I human ears are lame

>> No.78999320

You can never be rid of /u/tards

>> No.78999340

I do enjoy elf ears

>> No.78999456

You can, but that's a fate worse than death. As if you cut off your arm because you have a scratch.

>> No.78999688

I've been a 2hu fag for over 15 years, I've learned how to deal with them

>> No.78999733

Why? Yurifags are annoying, it would be more like getting rid of a tumor

>> No.78999965

Give another year or so and as more Nijis graduate mint will ship them with herself.

>> No.78999985

It would be the way of the Aloucuck.

>> No.78999991

Don't hate me but I always really love when they stream together.

>> No.79000091

You almost secured the next giga get for /mint/, Wisp! You were so close...

>> No.79000110
File: 551 KB, 1080x2262, IMG_20240624_032550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I personally find them very funny

>> No.79000118
File: 129 KB, 898x1270, 1697615891246941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to chew on them

>> No.79000139

I hate you

>> No.79000160

Yeah I know, but I think that will cause a shipping war and those are always shit
I have no idea what you are talking about

>> No.79000200

It's okay everyone hates me anyway, I'm very used to that.

>> No.79000217

I want to smell Mint's hair.

>> No.79000245

Well then I love

>> No.79000267

That's not a giga get, those are just sixths

>> No.79000273

Everything in moderation. Doki is too loud for my liking, but I'm fine with occasional collabs.

>> No.79000294

I am unlovable trash garbage.

>> No.79000348

Cillia is a god tier rigger I hope she rigs Mint some day too

>> No.79000358

That's not what I mean, that is pretty funny. I am just talking about shipping stuff like the replies under minto tweet

>> No.79000402

Also Mint gets super toxic to match Doki which is fine in small doses but gets tiring quickly

>> No.79000606

Not familiar, who else have they done?
Also ngl I kinda hope she'll work with Bri some day

>> No.79000674

This, I got pretty tired last stream, but I also blame the game for that

>> No.79000728

check what you say nijicuck

>> No.79000880

Why are you niggas talking about kson when it's totally offtopic

>> No.79001077

What are the chances for Ayamy Mint 3.0?

>> No.79001223


>> No.79001233

I don't think she will be doing complete redesigns so fast, and she specifically said that she has an outfit in the works and asked ideas for another one. That doesn't mean they can't be made by Ayamy which I think does have a high chance of happening.

>> No.79001247

I think she'd do it in a heartbeat but I fear mint is too shy to ask

>> No.79001254

Uhhh, 60%

>> No.79001255
File: 69 KB, 217x301, Squiddingme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know this person, but that hairstyle tells me that she's great.

>> No.79001446

Ah I thought that was the case
Yeah she's pretty good then

>> No.79002775
File: 40 KB, 152x150, mintgoon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally me

>> No.79002855
File: 133 KB, 307x294, mintgoon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUCK, beat me to it...

>> No.79002886

look at that FAT FUCK

>> No.79002964

Yours is better res though, thanks bro

>> No.79003185

What a CUTE goon

>> No.79003344

I think Mint is going to be a lot slower on doing stuff like that, she seemed to have relied really heavily on having management. Would love to see it.

>> No.79003410

>I'll better go to bed now, I'm fucking tired
>I miss this
some terrible life choices were made, this fat fuck is cute

>> No.79003667


>> No.79003819

Why an angry bird? Where is this from?
Now I want mint to play angry birds

>> No.79003880
File: 230 KB, 421x423, 1712454757352607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lots of not moving on over there

>> No.79004019

I mean, I doubt doki wanted to move on totally from niji, only the drama and management

>> No.79004276
File: 344 KB, 2047x1152, im-pomu-and-you-are-too-v0-qa0b0fwaredc1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make them give back our past. Take back everything that we have lost..

>> No.79004360

This isn't the insult you think it is, sis

>> No.79004398

I think mint wants to move on more than doki ngl

>> No.79004440

Hehehe Mint in the chat

>> No.79004545

Yeah Doki honestly would have stayed in Niji for at least another year if it weren't for her menhera artist honestly.

>> No.79004549

Framing everything as owning the nijis just slows nijisanji's fade into irrelevancy and keeps them at the forefront of everyone's mind.

>> No.79004620

Well stop being a tribalfag then

>> No.79004696

Yeah honestly I'm fine with moving on, but I'm also not going to fault Doki for taking everything that isn't nailed down on her way out.

>> No.79005082

It's not like they were going to use any of it after she left desu

>> No.79005166
File: 25 KB, 598x287, segseg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You heard her. NO discussing stinky on stream


>> No.79005300

Wasn't planning to bring it up because I wouldn't wanna bring her down.

>> No.79005362

>fuckton of vtubers I watch getting sick or busy
>Mint's cat is dying
Did someone cast a curse on the vtuber community?

>> No.79005849

>Nijisanji sent us to hell... But we're going even deeper
>Doki, I'm already a ghost. Heaven's not my kind of place anyway

>> No.79006911
File: 1023 KB, 2600x4072, 1714010136730130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, sir.

>> No.79008583

Minto CUTE

>> No.79008830


>> No.79008832
File: 52 KB, 480x480, 1714978368514653.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I require proof of your claims

>> No.79009341

They're a cursed people

>> No.79009350
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>> No.79009406
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>> No.79009626


>> No.79009772

It's not stealing if the entire place is going to explode in the near future.

>> No.79010023

a friend that knows what I'm into sent me a clip of Mint saying "I'd pee on you guys"
It lives rent free in my head 24/7

>> No.79010136
File: 504 KB, 995x1024, 1687958525562266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like a good friend

>> No.79010326

I like the one where she says "pee in my mouth"

>> No.79012160

Minto-chan kawaii

>> No.79012886
File: 285 KB, 1280x720, 1709766807447168.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Minto is beautiful

>> No.79013547
File: 320 KB, 1144x1789, GK6rgvWbQAALYA5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am going to eat some Mint ice cream now.

>> No.79013731
File: 900 KB, 1064x1080, 1698781017478858.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never had Mint icecream

>> No.79013973
File: 2.58 MB, 1278x2160, Mintojisan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79014324
File: 109 KB, 512x512, 1703605167973172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop being addicted to Mint 1.0

>> No.79014412

You should try it! Some people like it, some people hate it.

>> No.79014703

But she's cute

>> No.79014765
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>> No.79015019
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>> No.79016071

Damn bratty ghost!

>> No.79016161

She's a ghost

>> No.79016426


>> No.79016429
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>> No.79016626


>> No.79016847

>thumnail art: https://x.com/S20_TBL

>> No.79016849

>Kept you waiting, huh?
I love this line so much, but I can't put into words exactly why.

>> No.79016921

I guess she messed up the upload somehow.

>> No.79017116

I've never seen a pomu or mint doom stream. Has she ever said if she will play the modern ones?

>> No.79017149

She said she was gonna work her way up to them.

>> No.79018698

Thumbnail fixed

>> No.79018774

she's known to be a bit silly

>> No.79019246


>> No.79019321

On it

>> No.79019340


>> No.79019637

Next thread
