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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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78932563 No.78932563 [Reply] [Original]

>HoloJustice is supposed to be the cute EU generation
>They all sound like Latina hags

>> No.78932687

Mint will you stream your sex sessions with Henya?

>> No.78932752

Please visit an otolaryngologist anon, deafness will seriously harm your quality of life

>> No.78932795

I'm latino, none of them sound like latinas wtf are you smokin OP

>> No.78932798


>> No.78932854

>I d-don't really like H-hololive
>I'm t-too talented for t-them

>> No.78932928

less weed for you also consider booking tine to check your ears

>> No.78932973
File: 687 KB, 700x700, I don't think that's how you write it[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fb01akn.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78933018

mintfag spotted

>> No.78933069

It's impressive considering they all have some sort of accent that OP managed to pick a completely wrong one.

>> No.78933199

I’ve always wanted more EUs so I can actually watch streams during work. I masturbate exclusively to hags. Apart from red, I couldn’t be happier with this gen.

>> No.78933262

you guys really hate the brits kek

>> No.78933377

Don't worry Panko, you'll always be the undisputed ESL queen of /vt/.

>> No.78933486

It's the country that brought us Vox Akuma after all.

>> No.78933501

I AM British. I’m literally surrounded with whores like her and it’s embarrassing to have her represent us. Wish we had someone like Kilia from EIEN instead.

>> No.78933572
File: 726 KB, 953x750, 1719147742735052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>constantly says "mamma mia" and "boh"
>has a dedicated pizza day once a week
>has to stop drawing while talking because she talks with her hans
>asked her fans to put "-ino" affixes to their names
>keeps referring to her country as the "roman empire"
She's MORE Italian than a parody of an Italian.

>> No.78933701

none of them sound latina you ignorant gringo

>> No.78935052


>> No.78935615

She doesn't like onions. Just another fake bitch like the rest of them.

>> No.78935670
File: 168 KB, 1110x1500, 1633967061656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, and?

>> No.78935792

>Thinks everything not american is spanish.
Dumbass take but when you're country's invaded by spics, that's no surpise.

>> No.78935909

>Takes trip to Murrica
>Eats at an Olive Garden
>Rambles on for hours how the food sucks

>> No.78936026

I'm italian too, holy shit

>> No.78936061

>latina hags
i will now watch hololive

>> No.78936091
File: 630 KB, 673x719, 1678155512444829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wish we had someone like Kilia from EIEN instead.
Kilia is great and would be a perfect fit for Hololive. Just don't think too much about why she goes to America every May to see her "friends".

>> No.78936202

I haven't been watching vtubers for over a month.
Did Hololive literally make an EU gen? Are they actually hags? Are any of them british?

>> No.78936253

I can agree on them not sounding cute enough, the best they got is a hag trying to make cutesy sound.
Feels like they toned down cute voices since Advent already got a metric ton of cute voices

>> No.78936257

*rapes and beheads you *

>> No.78936399

hello SEASLUG i see you never been to europe before.

>> No.78937263

Fuck cute voice, we're long overdue for that smooth uuuu voice

>> No.78938007


>> No.78938747

get filtered phasecuck

>> No.78938833

ill be honest im kinda liking beeko more than panko these days

>> No.78939050
File: 87 KB, 256x256, 1709069347840183.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78939160

bri'ish, what was rrated to be polish (iirc) but ended up burger, german, and italian

>> No.78939271

I looked them up and ended up liking the German the most.

>> No.78939283

Don't you know that 30s are in demand
> Latina hags
That's even better

>> No.78939460

im not sure if you know this, but latin based languages give people somewhat similar accents when speaking english...
Spanish, Italian and French are all latin based; so of course you'd notice some similarities.

>> No.78941143

I'm surprised yhey didn't get a Finn or a Dutch. Those two countries have a surprisingly large amount of vtubers.

>> No.78941606

There's only one vtuber from the Netherlands that's perfect for Hololive and I don't think she has any interest.

>> No.78941735

>abhorrently stupid post
many such cases

>> No.78941795

We reflect our oshi

>> No.78941969

Literally no one likes onions.

>> No.78942174

the british preferred to board ships, to live in deplorable conditions for months and go to godforsaken parts of the world rather than to be with their wives

>> No.78942280

Its all Numbers fault, they spam covers email about wanting EU Gen and Hags

>> No.78942346

kys yuribait tranny

>> No.78942784

It’s great that she has friends wdym

>> No.78942808

I am British. She speaks with Received Pronunciation (the BBC News presenter accent) and it makes her unwatchable because it sounds like she's constantly about to update me on the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. She's also shown a lot of the red flags of some one who doesn't respect Vtubing as a medium beyond being a source of clout

>> No.78942870

she also isn't half as good a singer as the tonedeaf easily amused braindead cattle think

>> No.78942960
File: 120 KB, 795x863, 1671104013688778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>has to stop drawing while talking because she talks with her hands
gosh what a fucking dork, i love her

>> No.78943074

People said the same thing about Shiori and then it turned out she wasn't half as bad as people made/make her out to be so I'm going to give her time.

>> No.78943213
File: 216 KB, 499x591, 1717874737850270.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally no one likes the number one most used flavor enhancing vegetable so we put it in fucking everything
>GLOBAL RULE 2: You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.

>> No.78943310

>HoloJustice is supposed to be the cute EU generation
When was this ever said? Holy shit how are you all this retarded

>> No.78943350


>> No.78943675

>Deaf anon can't into accents

>> No.78943755

Fuwamoco are two grown women in their 30s and they don't like onions.

>> No.78944315

Just wait for HoloES

>> No.78944501

idiot go support palestine

>> No.78944601
File: 34 KB, 405x421, 1694448056474297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You make it sound like a bad thing.

>> No.78945315

>this thing I had nothing to do with was supposed to be this way, but they’re actually this others
>all statements false
>thread is off and running. Will max out 450 to 500 replies.

>> No.78945908

They are not normal people by any means though. Mococo in particular has legit autism and Fuwawa is evil and incestuous. Plus they are both codependent and extreme weebs.

>> No.78946895

Point taken

>> No.78946986

mint failed the audition, she got rejected, move on mintfag, holy shit you guys are starting like nijisisters now

>> No.78947328

It's the Nijisisters going full cope mode. They do it every time a new holo gen debuts.

>> No.78947342


>> No.78947407

it's americans that are obsessed with latinxs

>> No.78947496
File: 2.77 MB, 498x376, 1718974296358475.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78948425

Seriously it's kind insane how absolutely omni-present onions are in every cuisine in the world.
