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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 373 KB, 1667x2048, @shina_eno3-1804734696909308030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
78896200 No.78896200 [Reply] [Original]

Debut Stream:https://youtu.be/JW7j8tKMOfY


>> No.78897665


>> No.78897747

Anyone got the template for the Chattino? Stream is broken on my end so I can't grab a screenshot

>> No.78897854
File: 727 KB, 640x360, GuP duce duce duce.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like her voice more than all the other justice's am I schizo?

>> No.78897971

happi https://x.com/sayusyn/status/1804727820834230525

>> No.78898656
File: 446 KB, 828x928, pizza.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78898690

>wants to be a mama
so, should this spawn preggo art or /ss/ art? or both?

>> No.78899373

sex with big tit cat.

>> No.78899782

Anyone have any hi res Raora wallpapers?

>> No.78899877

dios mio... La creatura...

>> No.78900331
File: 750 KB, 4096x2304, __raora_panthera_and_chattino_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_dasdokter__55b847ddbd6c151b2ff1165f49f95769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78900588

ciao ciao is too close to bau bau, someone needs to adjust their farewell

>> No.78901014


>> No.78901033
File: 241 KB, 562x725, 1719116189962103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78901195

I love this Italian pink cat with fat fucking tiddies

>> No.78901199

i really need to watch the sopranos already

>> No.78901401

my cute nihongo jouzu wife

>> No.78901583
File: 118 KB, 353x292, -_-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her voice... home....

>> No.78901839

bad voice

>> No.78901878

need nursing handjob

>> No.78902043

It's kino

>> No.78902351
File: 960 KB, 288x392, raorautism [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fe9b53e.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78902394

Hearing her speak Japanese with a foreign accent is really interesting (and somewhat intriguing)

Kinda reminds me in a way of Sana with how she speaks Japanese with her Australian accent (especially the "er" sound)

>> No.78902617
File: 67 KB, 873x570, 2024-06-22_22-21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so uh, does the big pen vibrate?

>> No.78902903

You know...Quasimodo predicted this

>> No.78902984

Big fat cat tats

>> No.78903131

...who did WHA...?

>> No.78903227
File: 1.97 MB, 640x360, Towa Bounce.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait she really might be EN Towa

>> No.78903264

Tatas are overrated.
Thighs are justice.

>> No.78903435
File: 249 KB, 1118x919, chadtino.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did someone say pizza?

>> No.78903989

but her tits are larger I believe

>> No.78904491

bring the french fries chadtino

>> No.78904543

She should do a new version of this. https://kemono.su/patreon/user/3391184/post/76729291

>> No.78905016

She would if she could.
Sadly, her days of drawing porn are likely over. Probably.

>> No.78905518

>into fat ugly bastard
bros... we made it

>> No.78906076

I'm hoping for some great art. Her model is sex incarnate.

>> No.78906136

fat bastard chattino fucking raora

>> No.78906237

I cooka da pizza

>> No.78906517

Why does she have to have that accent? Someone in my immediate family sounds like that. Fucking hell. Sexo model, but will I be able to get passed the association I have with that accent? Hopefully

>> No.78906581

>Fat ugly bastard
That's just your average barese construction worker

>> No.78906618

most likely it will pass with time

>> No.78906699

>soft pink slut getting railed by a fub

>> No.78906769

I was completely shitting on her earlier but now her voice has grown on me.

>> No.78906833

she's not doing a voice like FuwaMoco anon, that's just what Italians sound like

>> No.78906941

He means my association with the accent. The feeling will fade, I presume is what he meant.

>> No.78907014

pink woman fans your girl's voice is so cute, I love it. I wasn't able to catch her debut since I had to leave after cece but I just saw her for a bit in the full gen collab and her voice is like a ray of sunshine warming my heart, she sounds so cheerful and warm. I gather from the catalog that she isn't for everybody I guess but I love her already.

>> No.78907125

Same, YouTube keeps recommending me Sopranos clips because I go on Godfather and Goodfellas clip binges.

>> No.78907176

I want to PLAP PLAP PLAP this retarded pizza cat

>> No.78907356

Ugly bastard bros we are winning

>> No.78907377
File: 1.12 MB, 640x480, spaghetti.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78907457
File: 363 KB, 1318x1959, sexcat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's imperative for everyone here to know that I will be spilling copious quantities of cum to Raora Panthera.

>> No.78907548

are we going to change the general name every time or what?

>> No.78907567

was this the live action yuru camp special?

>> No.78907633

based cat enjoyer

>> No.78907650

Previous thread >>78793529

>> No.78907715


>> No.78907756

Is that pixel art animation available somewhere?

>> No.78907782

>Not /ciaora/

>> No.78907789

>best of EN4
>streams exclusively at 4am in my time zone
well, there's always VODs and clips I guess.

>> No.78907922
File: 224 KB, 373x498, 1697131289139474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A twappi for me...

>> No.78908086

>best of EN4
Anon she's not even top 3.
And this gen has Elizabeth.

>> No.78908187

based pink cat, good fucking taste

>> No.78908339

Same with nerissa for me, but youll get over it in a bit

>> No.78908766

can someone post her schedule?

>> No.78908836
File: 349 KB, 1920x1080, GQuH_MsaUAAT_7G.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78909140
File: 58 KB, 800x900, 1719039571551495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please go back to Italy so i can watch your streams at a normal time you sexcat

>> No.78909165

oof I will definitely be watching vods. good for eurobros though

>> No.78909201

What is the thing on her head, a hat?

>> No.78909225

you don't have to add ugly in front of it.

>> No.78909310

Fuck i'm working, another one joins the VODgang i guess

>> No.78909516

yes, that's what I meant

>> No.78909621
File: 310 KB, 468x533, 1713290794219951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>7 am est
>but i'm a neet

>> No.78909671

perfect time for me to watch stream! as an aussie im so happpppppy for raora!!!

finally a EN holo stream i can watch consistently, chattinos is this real??

>> No.78909675

vods it is.

>> No.78909804

straight 4am, oof. fuck cover for getting me excited about this gen by debuting them in a timeslot they won't actually use

>> No.78909853

i'm est but i'm usually up in time to watch my favorite jp whores in the morning, but that isn't gonna be this morning after staying up for the debuts.
i'll catch you some other time, raora

>> No.78909865
File: 96 KB, 405x402, 1701636935884190.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78910028

Holy boobers!

>> No.78910072

that's still midday for eurobros, so neet hours no matter how you slice it.
aussie, kiwi, and asia chuuba for sure

>> No.78910162

>evening for me
I lucked out lol

>> No.78910227

She won't stream Italy matches at euro...

>> No.78910346

PST bros...

>> No.78910436

>7am EST
>like 3am PDT
I guess I'll just have to kill myself now... I just want to listen to her talk and draw bros...

>> No.78910485

I wonder if she'll stay all in on art? Do any successful vtubers draw for a majority of their content?

>> No.78910504

I wanna segs the kot

>> No.78910586

Old PL Viewers, qrd on what Games should I expect

>> No.78910938

thread theme

>> No.78911032

those she listed in her debut, pokemon for sure, she did play Elden Ring and games like Jump King I guess

>> No.78911119

to be fair not many successful vtubers are as good as her as far I've seen. I was looking forward specifically to art streams for her since finding out es ella. After hearing her voice I would also love ASMR or soft reading streams but she should definitely be showing off her art skills right away to make a good first impression

>> No.78911411
File: 445 KB, 1080x1080, 1713583345166990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome fucking gattini

I really like your weird cat, but her timeslots are impossible... will be peeking some vods i guess

>> No.78911426

are you retarded? DST happens on the west and east coast together. It's a 3hr difference.

>> No.78911675

>pokemon for sure,
about that uhhh the perms for that...

>> No.78911730
File: 87 KB, 855x955, fubino.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did someone say FUB?

>> No.78911777
File: 474 KB, 1656x1744, Raorasmile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78911836

holo played the latest release that was infested with bugs, if they want to, she can just request for it

>> No.78912128

Her model is the most coombaiting of EN. It's not fair.

>> No.78912401
File: 27 KB, 563x539, 1719058910042538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey do you guys know your Oshi is a whore

>> No.78912486

your point?

>> No.78912508

Don't care, I could get off to her reading the driest, most boring textbook known to man(the bible).

>> No.78912628

Hello, my fellow anonttino. How do you do?

>> No.78912637

anon the bible is full of sex violence and incest

>> No.78912757


>> No.78912860

And they wrote it in the most boring, sleep-inducing prose ever created.
Yet I could goon to Raora reading the bible.

>> No.78913052

I want to see her big fat cat tats

>> No.78913621

i'm just catching up to raora's vod and
>3/4 girls like roguelikes

>> No.78913715
File: 2.47 MB, 272x276, 1641067158115.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You and people like you should disappear

>> No.78913765
File: 140 KB, 597x182, 2024-06-22 235516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of the top V-artists do that, with exceptions like Squ, Saru and Anny whose content is more varied.
She was definitely at the top of the art business along with her friend Dya, ccv wasn't relevant when you can make 10000s from every model commission.

It begs the question though.
>wanting to become a mama in Hololive
Ina keeps an active PL/RM on top of her idol gig, but Raora shuttered her old account up, which felt odd at first.
Like, did she just retire her life career already?

But seeing her model design, it now makes sense.
Instead of starting a whole new character or lifestyle, she's likely just moving her entire art business onto the Holo account.
Which is actually quite unprecedented.

"Mama in Hololive" sounds like being a Holomom, but that might be overly competitive and restrictive for a prolific model artist like her.
There's a nonzero chance she could resume doing model commissions for everyone, such that she becomes a mama "in Hololive".
Even if that sounds like grounds for possible leeching, there is much potential for novel interaction and goodwill coming from that.

>> No.78913842

Nah, fuck you, I'm happy and you can't ruin it.

>> No.78913914

She should absolutely leech. (off the company)
Take all the money from all the other holos
Charge at a discount and draw holomember art constantly, signing her name and being thanked for every schedule, new loading screen, wallpaper, anything. .

>> No.78914022

>nijisis trying to give bad advise

>> No.78914072

I'm catching up to all of Justice's debut. When suddenly, Holy shit is that pink pesto doggo?

>> No.78914135

she's a cat you retard.

>> No.78914151

>he is slow

>> No.78914215 [SPOILER] 
File: 719 KB, 984x560, 1717540816755281.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that timezone

>> No.78914228

unfathomably based. I desperately want her to do reading threads of some old as dirt public domain literature. It would be the most kino stream of all time

>> No.78914230

Is the pixel art animation she had on stream available somewhere raw?

>> No.78914233

I'm curious which roguelikes they will play

>> No.78914285

I am, in fact, very slow, congrats on noticing the obvious Anon.

>> No.78914292

shit taste, consider a ballistic brain surgery

>> No.78914305

>>78914230 (me)
I have the artist but he didn't post the thing to my knowledge.

>> No.78914414

just wait retard, she just debuted

>> No.78914479

>the roguelikes I want them to play
Noita, spelunky 2, barony, slay the spire, monster train,
>the roguelikes they will probably play instead
Hades, dead cells, enter the gungeon
not that the ones on the bottom are bad, but they are notably less niche.

>> No.78914514
File: 658 KB, 1145x640, Screenshot 2024-05-12 11.55.29 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cover won't let her. That's why Ui won't join, I doubt they'd make an exception for an EN if they wouldn't for her

>> No.78914546

one day a holo will play nuclear throne and then I'll coom uncontrollably and pass away

>> No.78914619

>That's why Ui won't join
pulling this from your ass

>> No.78914664

Need this pink cat's acidic piss in my mouth!

>> No.78914669

I still need to get around to playing nuclear throne. I've enjoyed the hell out of every roguelike i listed, though.

>> No.78914730

What is it about hololive cat vtubers that makes their laughs so wonderful?
>they are all cats
>they all have blessed laughter

>> No.78914778

watch your tone with me faggot

>> No.78914963

You two should stop fighting and make out immediately.

>> No.78915041

kek rip me

>> No.78915044

are they cat because they have blessed laughter or do they have blessed laughter because they are cat

>> No.78915072

I'm wanna fuck that pussy, Italian are like a drug man.

>> No.78915107

I have a confession to make. I have watched Botan's laugh compilation video at the very least a hundred times since her debut.

>> No.78915130
File: 108 KB, 272x317, 1718771308303243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am berry sorwy

>> No.78915189

The impossible, eternal question.
Holocat laughter is soul-healing.

>> No.78915366

Surely Jupiter Hell

>> No.78915445

>the only person in all of holo who's played Noita is a m*le

>> No.78915656

None of those are roguelikes

>> No.78915750

begone. your semantics are unnecessary. unless you actually think the girls meant 'dungeons of dredmor' when they said 'roguelikes'.

>> No.78915812

So all Roguelites and no Roguelikes

>> No.78915858

me too. imagine the bouquet. the bubbly mouthfeel

>> No.78915879

I wish they did, even zoomer ones like Caves of Qud or CDDA would be acceptable.

>> No.78915992

God I would love a Holo girl to commit to Noita, I fucking love that game

>> No.78916036

Anon you're out of your fucking mind.

>> No.78916068

Honestly i spent a lot of time in CDDA and Nethack, too, but they're very hard to get into so I jumped to Roguelite instead of Roguelike, because they're used interchangeably unless you're an extremely diehard Roguelike fan.
What? It's a good game. And holo has perms for it.

>> No.78916085

Except that the "Roguelike" term is strictly games like Dungeons of Dredmor.

The rest are Roguelites.

>> No.78916173

Haha imagine her wearing nyappies and using them as a litterbox. Wouldn't that be so funny haha.

>> No.78916379

Roguelikes are garbage. "Boy I love my run based arcade game sacrificing quality and depth for randomness"

>> No.78916405

Language is abandoning you. Only actual roguelike fans make this distinction, and I can guarantee you that there's no way 3/4 of those girls even know what Rogue is.

>> No.78916419

If these cunts can spend hours playing minecraft they can spent an extra hour learning how to play a basic roguelike, and I think they'd work well on stream since there's no rush in doing things. Honestly, Yagoo should hire me to be the manager of the EU branch, will make him boatloads of cash.

>> No.78916451

No, noita is a fantastic game, but i genuinely cannot think of a en holo that could actually commit to it

>> No.78916511


>> No.78916569

As a nethack fan myself it's time to let go gramps

>> No.78916578
File: 726 KB, 953x750, 1699082447009716.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get some help bro.

>> No.78917232

is it really true that people didn't like her voice during debut? How can anyone be so flagrantly homosexual it's baffling to me. Hearing her talk instantly brought a smile to my face I love it.

>> No.78917340

Lots of people rating the group gave her a 1/10 based on her voice alone. I haven't watched yet but I followed her PL and I remember her voice was cute so I don't get it either

>> No.78917590

hey faggots, I know you niggers play gacha here. I've been debating myself if I should either start with Reverse 1999, Limbussy, Snowbreak or PGR. Which one is worth more than my time? I've been really heartbroken to what mihoyo did with Honkai Impact. I just want some closure and stop playing that game like every single sane person did after 7.3

>> No.78917710

She learned over 1000 Pokemon names.
Imagine the sheer passion and borderline autism she's capable of.

>> No.78917757

dunno, I like her voice

>> No.78917768

I think it was a combo of the initial recorded voice and her nervousness (she was going high), people started to change the tune as the stream progressed.

Other part criticized was the accent itself, which you can like or not, I guess.

>> No.78917877
File: 149 KB, 1000x1000, 1681160473391322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Late night EN streams starting at 3-4am
>noon JST streams starting at 6am
as EU watcher, you'll get used to it

>> No.78917952

That's actually a deranged opinion held only be the irreparably unhinged, how could someone have such shit taste? Her voice is like a warm cup of coffee on a rainy day. She was obviously nervous in the debut but still. In the collab she sounded so comfy and positive and friendly, I missed her debut live but she immediately won me after only a couple sentences.

>> No.78918004

what's hololive error? also ??? on saturday?

>> No.78918522 [SPOILER] 
File: 329 KB, 850x600, 1718503086404322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dang there goes my recommendation

>> No.78918523
File: 594 KB, 424x534, Fat cats[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fmmkgun.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The time slot is good for me, even if it's technically 12:00 BST and not GMT,

>> No.78918525

It's a holo themed horror game iirc

>> No.78918667

mumei please

>> No.78918749

>art stream in two hours
>already 2am
fuck it ill take an adderall and stay up until 4 to watch pink cat.

>> No.78918879
File: 884 KB, 1192x1629, GQulw8_akAAi63l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78918942

im really proud of her for not taking her mistake in the collab stream too bad. she bounced back immediately. the whole gen seems very confident in their own way.

>> No.78919039

made for being a slutty asmrtist
shame that youtube is going crazy on asmrtist though

>> No.78919041

the only gacha I play is mahjong soul

>> No.78919084

unfathomably based

>> No.78919473

Looks like a less bitchy Kokonoe

>> No.78920309

Yeah, my bitch

>> No.78920641

made me reinstall the app

>> No.78920656
File: 212 KB, 970x2048, GQv1WEzW4AA8rBh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Questa fatta gatta lesbica is my favorite so far

>> No.78920713

the voice whining is always falseflagging

>> No.78920896

holy ISL

>> No.78921003
File: 97 KB, 850x680, smugka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's next? are you going to rewatch saki? reread akagi?

>> No.78921040

mmh, why not

>> No.78921056
File: 185 KB, 2048x2048, GQv15onaoAEFPQ7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no it's just google translate lmao

>> No.78921170

That's entirely understandable. I still watch her sneeze compilation sometimes.

>> No.78921208

is it worth learning italian for her? she told chat to only speak english and japanese, right?

>> No.78921244
File: 214 KB, 658x568, 1716061949644017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78921246

I know, I just wanted to start a "Italiano Seconda Lingua" joke
maybe it'll stick

>> No.78921253

I hope she will sing some Italian music kino.

>> No.78921272

I will defend, I will defend.

>> No.78921303

it depends if you wanna catch those cute moments when she slips into italian

>> No.78921328

from now on I'll try to ricordare what I learned in middleschool

>> No.78921339
File: 574 KB, 600x600, CCCP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post your favorite italian albums

>> No.78921352

Nope. So the way Pokemon perms work is Hololive doesn’t get them from TPc They get them from NicoNico for a limited time in exchange for hosting a tournament there.

>> No.78921368

Maybe she'll teach you if you ask her Chattino

>> No.78921402
File: 1.77 MB, 3000x3840, 1690163197352208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personal lessons with Raora!

>> No.78921410
File: 95 KB, 300x300, 1671990540943350.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't beat the classics

>> No.78921431

Hi won’t join because she is the most successful indie on the planet with a bustling art career who’s basically treated as an honorary holo anyway

>> No.78921447

??? might be monetization stream

>> No.78921467
File: 204 KB, 800x804, 22662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not joking, I like this song.

>> No.78921466

God, I would pay her 500 euros to sing this.

>> No.78921480

politics is too much of a slippery slope, better staying drama free

>> No.78921500

The lyrics are german though

>> No.78921516

her favorite anime are just the oldfag /a/ favorites.

>> No.78921514
File: 25 KB, 680x447, my nigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78921540

I know its impossibe.
But if she ever covered this song... or even sang 2 seconds of it on stream just for the memes...

>> No.78921548

yeah new anime sucks ass
anime peaked with the old mecha anime

>> No.78921558

How bad is she gonna be at games?

>> No.78921596

Italian hag tier

>> No.78921598

I wonder if italian pm will be a fan, isn't she some anime watcher or something?

>> No.78921674

Italian ladies seem very skilled with their hands

>> No.78921716
File: 280 KB, 424x378, giorgia meloni anime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Less "fan" and more "I see the internet is meme-ing me like they did with that cute russian woman and I'm going to roll with it for campaign reasons"

>> No.78921722

Only with vertical movement

>> No.78921730


>> No.78921737

it's too creaky, man.

however, it's not a "1/10". it's not as bad as current Towa, or Hayase Sou. it's still listenable.

>> No.78921781

if I speak spanish I can basically understand italian right?

>> No.78921794


>> No.78921824

dunno, but I can understand spanish alright and never studied it

>> No.78921866

Like a toddler. You'll catch words here and there, and figure out the transition words or conjugations well enough. If an italian speaks slowly enough it can work out.
T. Italian who has gone vacationing in South America before. It helped me out more than expected you fuckers can't learn english.

>> No.78921887

raora is in danger of getting jailed if she says something bad against meloni. That woman is actively killing freedom of speech in the country and not in the same way whiny americans say when they get called retarded when they say retarded shit.

>> No.78921901

I can understad both fairly well because I learned portuguese, it certainly was enough for work

>> No.78921907

Chattini di terra, di mare e dell'aria.
Chattini neri della rivoluzione e delle legioni.
4channers d'Italia, dell'Impero e del Regno d'Albania.

>> No.78921934
File: 88 KB, 600x750, GuP duce hair wave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a based way right?

>> No.78922002

Towa's voice is great you uncultured swine

>> No.78922011

>no one reacted to the ausländer raus song

>> No.78922038

no, in a really bitchy way where she wants a regulation to silence anyone who says something bad against what she is doing. That's called being a whiny baby that cant handle criticism. This "bastion of the western world" would be pretty much the same as middle easter arab countries where you get beheaded for speaking against the head of state or allah

>> No.78922056

Cece should sing it and then get jailed. My Italian wife will only sing songs by Alessandra Mussolini.

>> No.78922057

please don't turn her thread into /pol/ please and thank you

>> No.78922069

Not just nursing hand job. But nursing hand job with encouragement and broken English. Using her tight Italian hand pussy and roughly chew sucking on her saggy tits and being rough with her but she's being so nice and mommyish and patting your head that all that feral roughness melts away just before you shoot ropes of cum in the air and drench her in foreign seed!

>> No.78922114

I'm well aware of the auslander raus song.
Problem is the Germans have laws far beyond oppressive. As much as I want CC or Kiara to be based, they're proper fucked if they try.
Same with BongLand
Raora might get away with it.

>> No.78922115

But Italy is a middle eastern arab country? Trust me, I've been there and I loved it. Especially the women.

>> No.78922160

Raora makes me so happy, she is perfect

Especially after what a massive fucking disappointment Liz is

>> No.78922182

please post your suggestions in the chat so we can get rid of you forever
you dont belong in this hobby sinnce you didn't get the message about hololive being for everyone

>> No.78922205

Towa's voice is one of the best in JP but I went back and watched her debut and I kinda get it. far from a 1/10 but she was clearly extremely nervous and spoke way higher. In the collab she was much more calm and cozy

>> No.78922207

in the same way as any italian government did before her, we still have state controlled televisions and media is heavily polirized
guys believe me, leave politics outside this space if you wanna help raora, avoid making it a shitfest

>> No.78922213

So that's a German girl and an Italian. All we needed was a Japanese girl and we would've had an Axis of Justice

>> No.78922212

i need unintelligble (italian) rambling asmr

>> No.78922218
File: 70 KB, 632x616, 1713280281038367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to sleep, but maybe watching half an hour of her stream won't hurt...

>> No.78922240

we are probably screwed with this gen in that sense, but we won't it have as bad as CC's thread

>> No.78922252

I'm a burger wtf are you guys talking about?

>> No.78922258

Do it for her anon, she will thank you in her cute broken english.

>> No.78922277

>all we need is a japanese girl
yea if hololive only had a single japanese girl right

>> No.78922284

if only we had japanese girls in hololive

>> No.78922300

Ui-mama will not join because she has gorillions off Loli Kami
She's getting the residuals from Gura's cover as well

>> No.78922309

Some randos sang this song but replaced the lyrics with 'foreigners out' the german government overreacted to this and banned it or some shit

>> No.78922318

>Especially after what a massive fucking disappointment Liz is
ngl it probably tainted my impression of Gigi since I was in such a foul mood, I thought I was prepared due to her twitter antics
oh no someone made a joke suggestion in the 4chan thread, you do know that fucking turks and arabs sing the ausländer raus song too?

its this song by an italian dj >>78921500
german politicians on the right partied to it and sang DEUSTCHLAND FOR DEUTSCH AUSLÄNDER RAUS (Germany for germans, outlanders/immigrants get out)

>> No.78922347

the song isnt banned at all. We just punish people for blatant retarded racism, which is the normal thing to do.

>> No.78922349
File: 2.36 MB, 2075x2165, GQvEUvHa8AAly_r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ready for the stream chattini?

>> No.78922372

Let's hope Cover will open a branch in Japan in the near future.

>> No.78922385

Posted for educational reasons.

Racist germans who don't like immigrants decided to take 2000s techno song posted here
and changed the lyrics to sing "Auslander raus" (Immigrants out) and "Germany for Germans" (A big no no) at parties and hangouts
Naturally, the german government sperged, banned the song, declared it hate speech, and will now fine or jail anybody who sings it

>> No.78922388

Yeah I got some leftover spaghetti carbonara (made the swedish way) that I am going to heat up and eat while watching the stream

>> No.78922390

>you do know that fucking turks and arabs
like a true piece of shit human, you try to legitimize your actions by grabbing a token because you are too much of a pussy to show people who you truly are: a piece of shit that needs to be ridiculed into suicide.

>> No.78922397

We're doing a good job of gatekeeping the schizos from /grün/ so far. Everyone just tells them to eat a bullet and slit their wrists whenever they post bait. But we had the advantage of 28 pre-debut threads to reinforce a decent thread culture I guess.

>> No.78922403

YES! I want to hear her voice again...

>> No.78922423

so american bro, see the little political turmoil brewing in the us atm... to keep it short we invented that a century or so ago

>> No.78922431

Gonna be eating while listening to my wife talk about her hobby!

>> No.78922435
File: 145 KB, 386x268, duce si si.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very ready.
Its still an hour away so may as well duce post in the meantime

>> No.78922440

i hope she sings italian versions of anime ops, because a lot of them are top tier


>> No.78922447

>Posted for educational reasons.
>banned the song
the song isnt banned. your education is lacking, retard

>> No.78922496

picarto NSFW streams when?

>> No.78922507

Stop making me want to jerk off asshole.

>> No.78922536


>> No.78922552

L'Amor Toujours is an italian classic and none of you retarded krauts will be able to claim ownership of it
any italian would just laugh at you
now fuck off back to /pol/

>> No.78922554

Certain festival organizers banned it. Dunno which and don't care, all the popular german festivals are filled with tourists and the unpopular ones are filled with arabs.

>> No.78922701
File: 1.25 MB, 1984x2806, 1701676901008671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

going back on topic from all the schizos now:
will raora forgive mori for her italian accent?

>> No.78922710
File: 12 KB, 692x213, what polfaggotry does to a board.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gotta be ironfisted on this topic
no /pol/shit in Hololive, one way or the other
their horrid culture war just ruins everything it touches

memes about GuP are fine tho, Duce is cute

>> No.78922750
File: 757 KB, 592x830, 1665834422433208.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

promise was all booba plus the stickbug-ass clock woman, we can have a few flatties it's fine
cover if you're reading, we need more tall girls. Nerissa is great but 170 can't be the limit, i'm talking 200+ here bro it'll be fun

>> No.78922771

Its great when localizers localize properly and actually rhyme the songs and make everything fit perfectly to the language (unlike most English ones)

>> No.78922842

waowa kawaii

>> No.78923034

Based. Election tourists destroyed this site. You used to be mocked for taking yourself so seriously you can't stop pushing a political agenda in an anime girl thread

>> No.78923053


>> No.78923103

Hitler was Austrian.

>> No.78923162

Hitler was pure Venedi descendant, ancient line of Slavic nobility that has resided in that area of Austria for ten thousand years

>> No.78923172

holo already has one of those

>> No.78923176

if she wants potatoes on pizza, she should try baked ones. (sliced.)

>> No.78923180

italy has (had?) a huge dubbing culture and industry because nobody spoke english but american movies were super popular
then they started airing anime in the 70s, it exploded in popularity and the good dubs were translated to it

i wonder what Raora's favourite anime was growing up, i place her in the 90s generation, so she was probably a Guru Guru or Rossana enjoyer


>> No.78923392

I know it's hard to discuss the band without any politics, but I genuinely just love their sound. Emilia Paranoica is one of my favourite post-punk songs of all time.

>> No.78923450

>reads thread
>Yuropoors using racist unironically
>sperging at Miloni
can't you faggots stop being insufferable holy shit.

>> No.78923513

People are ironically racist?

>> No.78923561

its called /int/

>> No.78923570

We're mentally unstable and will take any chance to shit on each other, it's a curse
I have enough experience with bosnians, albanians and turks that it's impossible not to be prejudiced against them

>> No.78923595

if I gave a shit about the real world I wouldn't be watching vtubers, shut the fuck up already

>> No.78923596

We need flags for this thread.

>> No.78923609

stop typing like a gay niggerfaggot. God this fucking safety-ism language is some quintissential plebbitor behaviour. Reddit might unironically more of your alley

>> No.78923669

Anons i need some cool italian lines

>> No.78923712

Hasta la vista, fratelli!

>> No.78923724


>> No.78923742

That's it, it's gonna be chiattoni from now on

>> No.78923746
File: 612 KB, 778x706, 1716062890475850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Il mondo è tuo

>> No.78923757

being edgy on 4chan stopped being cool like 10 years ago bro

>> No.78923817

new sincerity niggerfaggotry will never bring your dad back

>> No.78923941

fun fact, "niggerfaggot" was coined by this guy, who I assume you must be a big fan of, since you keep using his word: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VYOjWnS4cMY

>> No.78923969

HALF AN HOUR LEFT BROS, ARE WE READY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

>> No.78923973

>tony soprano

>> No.78924004


>> No.78924036


>> No.78924082
File: 50 KB, 200x200, 1719138843844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78924212

>uhhh you know the guy who coined the term? He's actually the type of guy who hates you, actually
peak norwood post. Good job!

>> No.78924303

>He's actually the type of guy who hates you
well for you, that's most people, so safe bet, really

>> No.78924483

Chattinobros, what are we eating while watching Raora? Gonna be chowing down on some homemade pizza myself! (pizza napulitana, like God intended)

>> No.78924619

ahh da pepeloni

>> No.78924628
File: 287 KB, 1310x2048, 1710668662965611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spaghetti bolognese just like the ancient Roman emperors.

>> No.78924639

peperonata for me

>> No.78924662

>stream in 10 mins
ah, comfy. just as I was about to call it a day

>> No.78924677

I actually have some pizza in the fridge, but it's gonna be 4am here and I probably should not be eating pizza at such an hour

>> No.78924692

I am eating a quaso

>> No.78924693

Polpo e patate

>> No.78924700
File: 584 KB, 467x480, janitor-wtf[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fu9bll4.m4a].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i really wish meidos did their fucking job every once in a while

>> No.78924731

instant noodles and seaweed sandwich

>> No.78924799
File: 7 KB, 191x264, 1711893494551778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mama is actually making lasagna today so I'm just waiting and keeping my stomach empty for it

>> No.78924810

glad I can help

>> No.78924855

Polpette (Meatballs)

>> No.78924879

Time to draw Raora, while Raora draws live. Gonna post results as they manifest.

>> No.78924961


>> No.78925025


>> No.78925090

obviously shes got to sing some Adriano Celentano

>> No.78925123

Rara soon. Let's see what your girl can do.

>> No.78925125

ay tone where the fuck are we

>> No.78925175

her boobs are criminally bouncy on this startup screen, is this justice?

>> No.78925178

Sex with big, soft Italian hags

>> No.78925191


>> No.78925197

I'm a fucking retard

>> No.78925227

starting, get in chattini

>> No.78925240

We are so fucking back.

>> No.78925258

>Funny accent
Is Raora Sana 2.0?

>> No.78925263

god her giggles...

>> No.78925267

My oshiino is here!

>> No.78925299


>> No.78925317
File: 3.83 MB, 2894x5093, 1716054887108512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If her boobs keep bouncing I will cum

>> No.78925327

We never even left!
She's so cute, I love her!

>> No.78925383

she's so cute and nervous

>> No.78925394

her boob is distracting

>> No.78925486

>That "R" roll

>> No.78925496

I finally get why I love her. She reminds me of the super gentle and bubbly 30-something English teacher I had in elementary school in Italy.

>> No.78925525

Beef steak with hainanese rice

>> No.78925536


>> No.78925553


>> No.78925573

It’s 9pm I’m in my bed watching on my tv

>> No.78925592

finally... appreciated...

>> No.78925600

>Born in Italy
>still have dual citizenship
>don't give a shit about Italy because it got worse
>Raora debuts
FUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK now I care about going back, how could she do this to me?

>> No.78925635

So what's pink panter mating season?

>> No.78925647

Bros she's so cute

>> No.78925666

bros... when she goes "hihihi"... I'm going... to... gosling...............

>> No.78925677

Raora is my oshi now.

>> No.78925687
File: 578 KB, 1676x3000, raora2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sexy older women

>> No.78925723
File: 101 KB, 365x365, Goslin_smile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her so much chattinibro...

>> No.78925747

cheese pringles

>> No.78925753

I thought heer ESL would filter me, but this is alright.

>> No.78925757


>> No.78925770

based satan gosling

>> No.78925783


>> No.78925793

never too late or maybe you can just have a visit for some big anime cons, we need more vtuber fans there (and merch, pls merch)

>> No.78925798
File: 32 KB, 419x534, album45_Warpups_data.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>loves dogs

>> No.78925832

The era of hags is everlasting

>> No.78925830


>> No.78925838

but Anon, she left Italy too

>> No.78925872


>> No.78925879
File: 374 KB, 1448x2048, 1716746535529048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ESL is a +3 to any chuuba's score /10

>> No.78925887

If you want to come back, the best way to do it is by having a job you can do at home with a non-Italian company so you earn more, don't pay the quite high Italian taxes, and get to enjoy all the perks of being in Italy (food, somewhat decent free healthcare/cheap and extremely good private healthcare, Italian weather and history, etc.)

>> No.78925888
File: 694 KB, 3621x1909, GQaPS0WasAAHfpm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cringe, motherless behaviour, spoken by sex pests
cute, endearing, something a child would say to their actual mother and raora is my mamma

>> No.78925947

Guys...I am addicted to her laugh...

>> No.78925952

Euro ESL is good

>> No.78925954

And the best part, Italian women

>> No.78925966

It's 2pm and A Holo chuuba is streaming
Rose gatta mio amore

>> No.78925972

Not my brozer istori!

>> No.78925990
File: 134 KB, 499x374, Battler_Kneel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's so giggly and cute. Thank you, holoscouts. I kneel.

>> No.78925993

>quit her job to become an idol
so she's fresh fresh?

>> No.78926020

O nyo!

>> No.78926049



>> No.78926053
File: 785 KB, 4096x2304, __raora_panthera_elizabeth_rose_bloodflame_gigi_murin_cecilia_immergreen_and_chattino_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_dasdokter__5414ca01cce13300b732157e55f70224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God eye beings

>> No.78926061

risata carina

>> No.78926074

she means her justice criminal hunting job

>> No.78926084

>look at'cha

>> No.78926145

Since she's italian I can only call her mama with a slight feel of respect to it, I wonder why

Maybe it's the italian media I consumed

>> No.78926226

what if we were called chuddini and we were racist

>> No.78926231

Does anyone have her interests and games images saved?

>> No.78926242

penso che laura dovrebbe fare sesso con Botan

>> No.78926276


>> No.78926283
File: 292 KB, 668x361, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a low quality grab for now

>> No.78926291

>I'll reveal you
god I love ESL women they're so cute

>> No.78926296

>won't reveal pineapple pizza opinion until 1 million subs
what a tease

>> No.78926326

>brit hates tea
>italian doesn't openly hate pineapple pizza

what is wrong with these girls

>> No.78926345

millions must gosling

>> No.78926350
File: 788 KB, 1920x1080, 1719115629686076.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78926392


>> No.78926404

>german can't drive

well I guess all of them are the outcasts of their respective nations

>> No.78926448

As I said on another thread, the problem with pineapple pizza is mainly tomato sauce, and also the fact that people use canned pineapple which tends to be overly sweet
Roasted fresh pineapple on a white pizza can be decent if done right
t. Italian

>> No.78926457

I like your funny word magic cat

>> No.78926466

Why all the cats in Hololive have the best giggle?

>> No.78926473
File: 18 KB, 284x271, ryansmile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Slowed and reverbed music

>> No.78926520

tomato sauce and sweet pineapple go together tho

>> No.78926582

Whenever my family makes pizza at home, I put chocolate chips on mine

>> No.78926595

I have a stupid smile on my face and I can't get rid of it

>> No.78926606

Cute praiseslut.

>> No.78926611
File: 99 KB, 720x465, 1715848343446474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78926612

Is the nya kayfabe or is it just how she says yeah in her accent?
Either way it's cute

>> No.78926619

do most italians speak english?

>> No.78926648

>Lucky Star
>Yume Nikki
Hag confirmed.

>> No.78926646

No, but those who matter do

>> No.78926654

Hawaiian pizza has always been one of the most popular pizzas, it's a meme by snobs

>> No.78926668

I live for these smiles that don't happen any other way. just like it was with the twin dogs.

>> No.78926710

They tend to have thick accents and a limited vocabulary, but they understand well enough in my experience

>> No.78926719

mangiare gelato con Raora

>> No.78926729

She's so fucking cute...

>> No.78926734

Not at all, although the situation is improving, especially with younger generations and in the north

>> No.78926740

younger middle and upper class does

>> No.78926773
File: 2.08 MB, 2000x2400, Europe english proficiency.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck no

>> No.78926784

Rissa won.

>> No.78926793

First time I might Oshi someone outside of JP

>> No.78926796

>It's so haaaaaard

>> No.78926821

>It's so haaaard
It's too early for this...

>> No.78926827

You can tell she's really nervous but genuinely passionate and happy to be in Hololive.

>> No.78926863

Prepare foe this general to be colonised by KFP

>> No.78926873

Slovenia really is just an extension of the germanics at this point...

>> No.78926893

>Posso parlare in inglese ?
No !
- t. some guy in Lago di Garda

>> No.78926912

which one of those is italy?

>> No.78926940


>> No.78926963

the one that looks like a boot

>> No.78926971

Why Americans?

>> No.78926974

the one that looks like a fucked up boot

>> No.78926981

its funny how every europe map is the same

>> No.78926991

Isn't >Mori specifically from 4chan? Usually people are calling her Calli

>> No.78926993

Mommy is mommy's cat...

>> No.78927046


>> No.78927048

What is going on with spain and portugal???

>> No.78927059

she talks with the italian hand movement

>> No.78927064

>cant speak and draw at the same time

>> No.78927081
File: 113 KB, 653x401, IMG_3166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely fucking not lmao

>> No.78927086

Imagine how cute she looks right now doing that in front of her screen.

>> No.78927093

>has to use her hands while talking
why italians lmao

>> No.78927098

I can't wait to see her in 3D

>> No.78927108

pulled up by their femboys?

>> No.78927113

I guess Portugal don't dub movies ?

>> No.78927134

She should've made that hand emoji her oshi mark

>> No.78927162

>Hand talking

>> No.78927164

>Talk-a the phone

>> No.78927203

Your son calls me mommy too

>> No.78927213

gonna be a brutal year to wait

>> No.78927225

People refusing to learn german

>> No.78927234

portugal on these maps being the odd one out has become a meme on /int/ because how often it happens

>> No.78927249
File: 806 KB, 1200x1200, 1200px-Tokoyami_Towa_-_Portrait_01-2880980467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have your first towa /ciao/

>> No.78927272

Fav sex position ?

>> No.78927279

it's always either portugal or denmark

>> No.78927310

She's kind of an airhead...
lol she's more forgetful than Mumei

>> No.78927313

>not god tier
woman, you draw the most detailed dicks than anyone

>> No.78927337


>> No.78927346

yeah, mine

>> No.78927361

Towa of Pisa...

>> No.78927365

Passionate kissing while slowly stripping and then falling onto the bed. Kissing up her body followed by Missionary position for the purposes of procreation no matter how hag she is. Finally, cuddles with face between the booba just as the catholic church intended

>> No.78927385

sorry chattini, dropped your oshi and will anti her now

>> No.78927422

>most detailed dicks than anyone
Why do you know this?

>> No.78927430

Thanks I love it.

>> No.78927428

Thanks Raora

>> No.78927458

The shiny Chattino? Me.

>> No.78927500

sex with pink hairy italian pussy

>> No.78927533

>gen 5
greetings chattini, picked your oshi up and will anti all the others now

>> No.78927539

Cute boy

>> No.78927585

what's the difference between chattino and chattini?

>> No.78927595
File: 33 KB, 387x290, jupiter animal rape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dropping the vaporeon pasta


>> No.78927606
File: 236 KB, 1025x1217, Raora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Progress: rough sketch.

>> No.78927619


>> No.78927622

Man her tits are bouncy
Maybe I will watch haggy italian after all...

>> No.78927627

Singular vs plural.

>> No.78927634

singular and plural, I presume

>> No.78927642

How can a woman be so cute but also so sexy at the same time? I can't handle this!

>> No.78927654

That is a THICK Raora
Keeo going Anon

>> No.78927674

chattino is singular, chattini is plural

>> No.78927698

i like her raspy voice

>> No.78927697

ask any ssrb, it's the cat effect

>> No.78927711
File: 9 KB, 653x141, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

raora ponthera

>> No.78927720

godspeed anon, already looks great

>> No.78927724

God bless you anon

>> No.78927746

She will be proud but i'm disappointed

>> No.78927769

thanks, anons

>> No.78927774

I wanto Raora to be mad at me but then laugh

>> No.78927797

Holy based!

>> No.78927835
File: 645 KB, 647x790, architect in italy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maestro architetto

>> No.78927877

they did some work on each other's end screens, too. It's nice to see some friendships forming right off the bat

>> No.78927894

buono lavore

>> No.78927896

>>don't expect me to finish

>> No.78927897

I will forever kneel to drawGODS, that being a rough sketch baffles and scares me.

>> No.78927901

>"lower your expectations"
>shows literally sexiest image possible
I want to have sex with low self-esteem italian hags

>> No.78927903

>Raora drawing Cece
the axis upon which the world turns...

>> No.78927922

>I'm still learing
>Lower your expectations
>Proceeds to show us a god tier sketch
What did she mean by this?

>> No.78927953

imposter syndrome

>> No.78927963

Pasta syndrome / disclaimer. Ina does that too.

>> No.78928016

I like how she says scaft

>> No.78928033
File: 440 KB, 1500x773, 1608403420958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78928054

the brush stabilizer is so clean bros, I'm jealous

>> No.78928067

isn't inners a professional artist

>> No.78928134

the actual rough rough sketch would take more time to get going

>> No.78928153

Artists are either the most narcissistic freaks or have self esteem in the Earths core

>> No.78928163

Yes. Artists never outgrow this, it seems. They endlessly compete with themselves.
