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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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78912357 No.78912357 [Reply] [Original]

With the debut of Holo Justice and VSPO EN that appeal to the normie, is this the end for Vshojo?

>> No.78912437

rangeban SEA

>> No.78912450

It depends how hard VSPO caters to giga normies compared to VShojo

>> No.78912476

They just gonna hire fired/graduated chuubas anyway

>> No.78912517


>> No.78912605

When NijiEN gets folded into JP and the dead weight gets cut loose, it's going to be raining whores/sexpests over in VShoujo.

>> No.78912673

No, they stream on Twitch. Also >>78912437

>> No.78912708


>> No.78912886

As long as NijiEN has people to graduate Vshojo will always be the trashcan of the EN vtubing industry

>> No.78913421

They are waiting for new ex-Nijis or ex-Holos. All the regular big Twitch indies already joined while the rest eifher joined Mythic or stayed as indie

>> No.78913488

Yeah it's over, no need to keep making catalog seethe threads.

>> No.78913583


>> No.78913942

I'm pretty sure vShojo's plan is the grab talent from other corpos since they've dropped the pretense of auditions before. They're just the vtuber retirement home for those who graduated with a decent following.

>> No.78914259

Hoping all the Nijisanji members in that one IM music video gets a home there.

>> No.78914293

fippy bippy

>> No.78914418

Yeah I honestly laugh when I remember they used to have audition and they hyped up so much about VShojo Japan when in the end they just stick to hiring ex-Nijis, and their intention is very clear when they hired Kuro the only male VShojomem and possibly the last one

>> No.78914517

>Ban Kuro and Michi

>> No.78914556

Hi Ennacuck.

>> No.78914634

I didn't know Twitch worked for 4chan.

>> No.78914883

>normie appeal

>> No.78915284

Just PH and Vietnam

>> No.78915430

Indog outed itself again

>> No.78915519


>> No.78915652

Eat pagpag pignoise

>> No.78915738

I thought twitch isn’t in your data plan seafag

>> No.78915854

Did you just challenged yourself about how much buzzwords can you stuff in one sentence?

>> No.78915913


>> No.78915939

That was India

>> No.78916043
File: 809 KB, 618x364, 4598723465.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Vshojo just for the simple fact it filters SEAs.

>> No.78916088

fpbp. Vshojofags should go back to their shitholes

>> No.78916179

>n-no u!

>> No.78916224
File: 55 KB, 159x210, 1713895826053177.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>catalog seethe thread about Vshojo
Alright, in what way is Vshojo kicking your favorite chuubas ass this time? If I apologize on behalf of our chuubas at VSJ will you stop crying and go to bed?

>> No.78916276

>used to have audition
You say that as if it happened more than once

>> No.78916286

Why would that matter at all for Vshojo?

So you think this means they can't hire indies, even though they hired Geega last year and big indies like for example Cottontail stated she would join in a heartbeat? Sorry to burst your bubble but Vshojo keeps winning.

>> No.78916336

As a full blooded American with a big cock I hereby dub Indonesians better than Filipinos.
Why? Don't question me faggot.

You're welcome.

>> No.78916375
File: 43 KB, 256x128, 1692732823634461.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>major complaint is that they're western whores that collab with LA types and appeal to normies in the US
that doesn't add up, anon

>> No.78917808
File: 19 KB, 385x385, 20231112_172953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really nigga that your now sister

>> No.78917853


>> No.78918675 [DELETED] 

https://x.com/zentreya/status/1804660206271377776 BTW Steve is fucking dead.

>> No.78919390 [DELETED] 

the idea of zen looking at this guys stuff will never not be funny to me

>> No.78921031
File: 1.64 MB, 1772x1040, vspo chat speed.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vspo wont even beat phase connect
unless they bot like hell just like the jp branch, but then we will get some funny dead chats with huge ccv
