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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.12 MB, 1920x1080, 1719118183005700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
78898171 No.78898171 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.78898287

Cover office PC.

Thread over, all posts after this one are retarded manchildren and gossiping sisters.

>> No.78898304


>> No.78898337

Hakka is currently being rimmed by FWMC

>> No.78898371


>> No.78898459


>> No.78898472


>> No.78898491

this would've been a yab if it weren't for a fact that they're in cover's office...

>> No.78898520

I wasn't watching the watchalong. Did they mess up on the PC?
Or did we finally confirm that all of Advent is just Hakka with a voice changer?

>> No.78898556

Is that a homo name? In my Advent collab stream? AIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.78898623
File: 10 KB, 1240x151, Unicorns in shambles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is nothing, but I'm gonna laugh anyways.

>> No.78898710

what the fuck is this?

>> No.78898726


>> No.78898725

The closest Advent has come to recognizing homos existence since debut

>> No.78898750
File: 65 KB, 710x710, EhiMvTLXYAEh3Db.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hakka saved his login credentials on a public pc
Homos once again confirming they're retards.

>> No.78898761

How does it feel that homos are closer to your oshis than you will ever be regardless how much money you spent huh unikeks?

>> No.78898794

This feels like sabotage. Fuckin Red bitch!!

>> No.78898801
File: 159 KB, 480x480, 1691256151861801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78898809


>> No.78898931

anon Hakka is the staff

>> No.78898949

What I am supposed to be mad about this?

>> No.78898956

>logged into his work account on an office pc
I don't see the issue here.

>> No.78899037

who tf is hakka?

>> No.78899102

what kind of retard saves their credentials on a public PC

>> No.78899121

KEK. love the deflections and cope.

>> No.78899127


>> No.78899139

tempiss member

>> No.78899179

Hakka owns Google!??

>> No.78899188

that's a fucking bad yab jesus

>> No.78899243

He's a fucking spic, they've got absolute shit for brains.

>> No.78899271

damn, this board really not only exists as containment facility, but also as a place where you can see schizoid, autistic, and insufferable chained monkeys dancing, right?

>> No.78899305

Based Lmao

>> No.78899316

you still need to punch a password in and go through 2fa, also you can hardly call it a public pc
the rrat is that he's somehow involved in managing

>> No.78899524 [DELETED] 

>the girls are touching the same keyboard a MAN touched

they're literally holding hands, it's so fucking over

>> No.78899533

What is it with you and these gay ass fantasies?

>> No.78899541

>involved in managing
woah. that's just as believable as the ame recruits the new members for EN "rrat".

>> No.78899596

Explain the homo favoritism, so hakka is fucking cover elira, good i can openly hate on him from now on.

>> No.78899641

>credentials belong to cover
>credentials saved in cover's office PC
>somehow vt retard thinks it's public property
Can't make this shit up

>> No.78899688

God I wish Hakka was a manager, that would explain so much why the holopro twitter behaves the way that it does, but is 99% just a shared Japan PC

>> No.78899734

He's just the last one to use the computer?

>> No.78899736

"Talent Banzoin Hakka" who in the japanese names their google accounts like this

>> No.78899759

this, they shared germs. I'm fucking devastated.

>> No.78899765

it's over

>> No.78899796

>Retard homo saves login credentials on pc in cover studio
>Hasn't been in Japan in months

>> No.78899884

who are you quoting?

>> No.78899897

Holy seethe

>> No.78899908

>actual retard

>> No.78899911

hey more people saw that faggots name on advent's stream than on his entire career

>> No.78899936

>Advent are in a room that the mexican stars was in at some point
Adventrixbros... its literally the same as him creampieing them in every hole.....

>> No.78899975


>> No.78900037
File: 1.03 MB, 1151x751, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hasn't been in Japan in months
>4 days ago

>> No.78900050


>> No.78900061

>Bijou is Hakka with a voice changer
It's over...

>> No.78900070

You’re right anon, I should go around my office telling everyone my password to my desk PC because the company owns it anyway!

>> No.78900124

Prob just Google Suite/Workspace corpo account.

>> No.78900146

Is the same shit as the "Oga Juice", stars just don't give a shit and want to leave anything that can turn into a stars mention behind

>> No.78900213

They probably have Talent and Manager accounts that can both access the youtube channel and other resources

>> No.78900270

It's such a nothing burger that even calling it a "shared pc" is barely an accurate description compared to just saying its "the stream room PC".
In the same way that it'd be weird to call the front door of the Cover building "a shared hololive/holostar door" instead of just "the front door".

>> No.78900272

leave me out of this, retard
I'm laughing at the scuff

>> No.78900280

I thought Advent didn't interact with males. What happened bros?

>> No.78900291

Puriso andarstand need to win sar

>> No.78900299

its just how gmail works moron

>> No.78900332

You're all missing the real yab here: Are all of their emails just <firstname><lastname>@...? That seems way too easy to guess and do bad things with.

>> No.78900439


>> No.78900504

If you're gonna take it as a win they're using the same streaming room PC, you might as well take them using the same 3D studio as a win too. Retards.

>> No.78900535

All corporate IT solutions are cursed in their own unique ways.

Its likely that these are for internal use only and any email that isn't whitelisted gets immediately filtered. My work email is <firstname><lastname>@<company>.com and it's similarly heavily filtered.

>> No.78900549

Bro do you have any idea how easy it is to mine corporate email account names? Every single cover email is on a giant spam list somewhere I can promise you that.

>> No.78900599

>not logging out of a shared computer, even if its in the studio
Does Cover not give basig opsec lessons to these retards

>> No.78900634

brb emailing my oshi

>> No.78900636

They're streaming from Hakka's sex dungeon

>> No.78900644

Are sisters that desperate for a win?

>> No.78900700

>ITT: making a mountain out of an ant hill.

>> No.78900768


>> No.78900842

>implying anybody actually pays attention to corporate IT training
Shit is the most boring thing imaginable, and I bet getting it in JP is doubly awful.

>> No.78900857

God talk about being a retard that can't undestand sarcasm holy shit

>> No.78900895

You know? I think all of this culture war is nothing but some psy op to farm you people, with several parties of interest in it, such as dramafaggots, and maybe even hololive management itself.
But I will reserve my schizo theories for now.

>> No.78900958
File: 44 KB, 1047x830, 1700362214318694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, even if you logged out, the email is still there, unless you clear the cookies
nothing he could do about it tbqhdes
image for reference

>> No.78901032

What happened ? I thought unikeks didn't care about stars and holos meeting at the office as long as they didn't appear in their streams

>> No.78901080

Immediately 0/5 gen.

>> No.78901232


>> No.78901329

You are this pathetically desperate, huh...

>> No.78901358

>Gigilia Muringreen

>> No.78901359

Anon, you are describing 99% of Catalog posts

>> No.78901389


>> No.78901494

I accept your concession

>> No.78901520

Their bodily fluids (skin oils) mixed together. They literally had sex

>> No.78901543

Gottem, we fucking got em

>> No.78901661

Lmao cuccks...

>> No.78901690


>> No.78901728

weak shit. they're going to wear the same mocap suits. that's literally nakadashi sex.

>> No.78901751

This is just the chef kiss after their snob yesterday. These girls are the unicorn champions.

>> No.78901795


>> No.78901844

Doubt it was actually Hakka who logged in on that computer. Probably an EN manager. All the holo accounts are shared between the talents and staff members.

>> No.78901870

Sisters will ignore this

>> No.78901910

You're making it way to obvious, retard.

>> No.78901929
File: 785 KB, 1510x870, 1673657798738748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Axel stop samefagging.

>> No.78901931

they're already tained with homo fluids yuuuuck!!!

>> No.78902018

They're supposed to be the unicorn gen? lmao

>> No.78902081
File: 220 KB, 1217x1686, 1714969388923239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its just the girls hanging out after work. Whats the problem?

>> No.78902099

>stars and holos together at Cover Corp's cafeteria hanging out and chatting

>> No.78902238

HAHAHA Hakka probably their manager and they meet up all the time

>> No.78902278
File: 27 KB, 128x128, 1719112341424374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know they meet at the studio, they dont collab but they have definitely meet eachother irl kek

>> No.78902343

Adventfags are legitimately so sensitive, they would have never survived the shitposting Myth and Council got

>> No.78902494

who is this semen demon?

>> No.78902650

I do that all the time because fuck having to go back to my office just to print some shit out then return again when I can just login wherever the nearest PC is.

>> No.78902661

Holy cope

>> No.78902665

I will now watch your stream

>> No.78902688

>All of Advent are puppeteer and voice acted by one homo
Its over

>> No.78902700

>we're gonna own the unicorns
>by making threads showcasing how mentally ill we are

You sure showed them. anyway im gonna go watch streams and support talents, have a nice time circlejerking /here/ in the meantime

>> No.78902715

I don't think I have ever seen a more pathetic, desperate attempt at cuckposting than this thread. Sisters holy fuck what is wrong with you? You got an ally this gen, stop shitposting and go watch the collab on her channel

>> No.78902731

It's Michi from Vshojo

>> No.78902826

>actually watching streams

>> No.78902948

/baubau/'s been pretty calm about it aside from the obvious raiders. some of them are more worried about being spotted by fwmc in one of their chats. lol

>> No.78902958

Remember, shitposting is a pendulum. It's now swinging your way to brace the fuck up, faggot.

>> No.78903000

what the fuck is this abomination

>> No.78903065

>funny leak
>turns into a tribal war
every time

>> No.78903079

> watching HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA also she is a fucking hag double the age of the sister i pitty her somehow she is fucking set up for failure.

>> No.78903105

Yeah they're cucks. They got used to this

>> No.78903121

>You got an ally this gen
That's exactly why. They've been emboldened.

>> No.78903203
File: 954 KB, 3508x2480, 1714968728141545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry about it.

>> No.78903276

That works for me, especially when the homos fuck up royally.

>> No.78903293
File: 260 KB, 1152x2048, average phasebrown fan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not now, phasebrown. Go watch Clara pretend to be pregnant with black babies again.

>> No.78903347


>> No.78903396

Banzoin Hakka indirectly saved the girls from actual yab

>> No.78903436

>said ally is 40k subs ahead of the rest and Her debut was the most viewed even after spamming homo interactions
I believe they are indeed supporting Her , next cope ?

>> No.78903497

Wait, then why is Biboo so much better at video games than Hakka?

>> No.78903615

Mindbroken by JPbros, as always

>> No.78903625

Why is Stars using the same equipment that Hololive uses? It's a waste for Stars to use it.

>> No.78903633
File: 42 KB, 420x479, ncmvpnn8rg5d1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit, can you imagine if that was shiori's email

>> No.78903641

nasa is so cute

>> No.78903656

Plausible deniability

>> No.78903660
File: 31 KB, 257x134, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Liggers getting mad and lashing out that the two they bet on holochads hating, we actually like.

>> No.78903839

>You're not participating

>> No.78903983

Hey retard, where's the homobeggars? This is unicorns doomjerking eachother off, and you simply fell for the bait.

>> No.78904063

based bird

>> No.78904078

Has anyone tested various emails to find the valid one? I want to email Gura chumjar pics.

>> No.78904143
File: 15 KB, 300x233, 1600819796753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A genuine beggar moment.

>> No.78904329

As if it's not homobeggars trying to gloat with what little they've been given.

>> No.78904671

This proves they share management with Holostars btw, the separation is 100% artificial

>> No.78904872 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.12 MB, 2464x2284, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>company computer
If you want an actual relationship yab its this

>> No.78904914

No... unicorn bros... what is this?

>> No.78904948

Surely drama baiting will eventually help mi load get back to his successful career. Organs are so cringe even the Japs dont want anything to do with them lol.

>> No.78904953

Why are ruffaggots the most sensitive fanbase on the board?

>> No.78904993

This proves you are a desperate faggot and need a mental asylum to contain your retardation.

>> No.78905004

More like using any crumb of ammo to make fun of the unicucks

>> No.78905009

>holo vs homo

>> No.78905075

This is the tamest fucking "yab" ever. Are you retards really getting insecure about it?

>> No.78905131

Nice bench.png deflection post

>> No.78905188

Uhhh micomet bros? Aquapeko bros?

>> No.78905307

It's about time the cgdct fags get dunked HAHAHAHA

>> No.78905383

>Where's the homobeggars?
You fags are frothing at the mouth over a literal crumb if it means you can cuckpost the cgdct gen. I really hope ERB will end up as a containment zone for you lot but I think it's in your blood to push the envelope anti any holo who ignores your boys.

>> No.78905504

The absolute state of this anon.

>> No.78905553

>this mad over shitposts about a nothingburger

>> No.78905554

do you people have jobs? I am literally surrounded by women at mine and have yet to fuck one.

>> No.78905596
File: 37 KB, 945x633, 1648633978547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sisters and homobeggars orgasmed because a retarded homo forgot to log out Cover's studio PC

>> No.78905732

just let them be
these guys think that a male breathing the same air as their oshi is considered NTR

>> No.78905778

That sounds like hell even if you did get to bang them

>> No.78905968

How are these girls so tech illiterate that they fuck up so often
Isn't it their jobs?

>> No.78906022

Did you really confess you don't have game? Then again you're a unicorn so no surprise there

>> No.78906028

it's not so bad they're generally pretty nice to me because I'm polite and I help them even when I don't have to

>> No.78906057


>> No.78906141

They're a little jumpy after Elizabeth's debut. A good chunk of them didn't even show up for the two debuts today kek

>> No.78906158

Their job is baiting money out of incel pockets

>> No.78906171

only 1 account there = that is the account that was signed in. hakka is either streaming POV for them for some reason or he is right there beside them holding fuwawa's hand. those are the only two options.

>> No.78906266

Time to get some air, anon.

>> No.78906363

Well,,I guess that makes sense. I suppose it depends on the job and your own disposition.

>> No.78906418

No, I mean this was actually something
Pekora wasn't even playing Palworld at the time, it was Terraria

>> No.78906424

Just in case you're not pretending to be retarded
If this can even be classified as a yab, it's on management. They already should've been logged in on the account of an Advent member in the first place.

>> No.78906485

>half the genetic code of the girls came from a man's testes
It's already so fucking over.

>> No.78906643

I will now save this picture and use it for funposting in the future.

>> No.78906731

>obs closed

>> No.78907131

Kek yeah...

>> No.78907223

>MP4 to MP3 convert

>> No.78907422

You're oshi has met male talents in the studio. She told stories about all the things she did with the girls and all the girls she met, yet lied to you by omission about meeting DA BOIS.
IRyS has spoken with a Holostar. Fauna met a Holostar face to face. Gura greeted a Holostar with a smile.

>> No.78907453

>The gen that doesn't acknowledge homos
>Gets an in your face ad from hakka
Wow. It's like pottery. Management fucked up big time

>> No.78907456

Try with an underscore at the end like in the tab here maybe if they use the same format: >>78901929

>> No.78907485

That holostar, btw? Me.

>> No.78907538

>You're oshi

>> No.78907582

>being anywhere near human females
They need surrogate girlfriends for a reason, anon

>> No.78907736
File: 181 KB, 560x381, 1673154738955083.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78907811

That oshi? Me.

>> No.78907844

I like Hakka unironically
he's cute

>> No.78907906

>You are oshi

>> No.78908007 [DELETED] 

speak english you subhuman brown nigger

>> No.78908066

Is this thread the kind of thing unicorns use as proof of le homobeggar boogieman?
you people are fucking retarded i swear to god

>> No.78908141

>Tech Support


>> No.78908197

That page opened specifically because NO ONE was logged in, retard

>> No.78908213
File: 10 KB, 709x102, Screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was a day 1 member for Gura (Oct. 2nd 2020) but I dropped her primarily because of all the Ghosting and lack of communication, but a part of it was also knowing that while she was ignoring us, there was a pretty decent chance she had met with them in person thanks to the shared studio. Not to mention the plethora of dudes she would undoubtedly be talking to while working on behind-the-scenes stuff while totally ignoring her fanbase.

Anyway, I don't really care what they do now, I just come here to shitpost form time to time.

>> No.78908307


>> No.78908342

Are you really gonna try and pretend homobeggars don't exist now?

>> No.78908382

>Just found out my oshi came out of a male penis before she was born, brb killing myself

>> No.78908598

that obese latinx was in that room with them and bijou was sucking him off the entire time thats why she was silent the majority of the stream

>> No.78908671

>didn't oshi someone that came from a female penis

>> No.78908676


>> No.78908920

Homobeggar are womans anon. They don't have job, at best DEI where their only real thing to do all day is to spread their legs.

>> No.78908981

Izuru?! Your english is so good!

>> No.78909003

Looking at this >>78901929 it could very well be the faggots themselves seething at being ignored.

>> No.78909171

Dawg, I don't care what she does now, or any vtuber for that matter. She could get gangbanged by all of Tempus and I wouldn't give a shit (though it would be pretty funny).

>> No.78909240
File: 8 KB, 843x65, 1719119908629006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sister are illiterate or in this case fishing for yab

>> No.78909372

Why did you include >>78902081 in your list, anon? Surely there's no way an unichad seethes over something as silly as that, right?

>> No.78909496

>you in some kind relationship with them
Damn he sound like an incel that can't seperate people who just want to watch entertaining girls than homo poledance

>> No.78909649

>claims it's a nothingburger
>still copes
>still seethes
>still deflects

>> No.78909762
File: 79 KB, 569x575, TITS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>supervised by this
i'm gonna fucking apply

>> No.78909830

Classic /vt/

>> No.78909832

Sometimes I'm impressed by the perseverance of unemployed women...

>> No.78909851

Yes. But it's also the same when homobeggars try to use obvious catalog bait as proof of unicorn retardation. None of you can understand sarcasm and shitposting.

>> No.78909879

Nice stolen img, can i borrow this expired gift membership too, lol.

>> No.78909885

Uh.. yumesisters?

>> No.78909970

I could get her for less than aka supa. Also brotuber kek.

>> No.78910016

So why are they called "homos" exactly?

>> No.78910039
File: 3.91 MB, 1264x720, 1718598072644982.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she must be a really good teacher...

>> No.78910055

>Bettel grind to this girl
Sister, save your man.

>> No.78910054

>male only branch
>all the branch managers look like THAT
would you join?

>> No.78910171
File: 81 KB, 723x847, Screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what kinda retarded cope is this

>> No.78910186

The way they shit their pants was funny

>> No.78910200

"Brotuber" that changing job to sucking dick for pay = homostar

>> No.78910212

That's not the branch manager though? That's just some hoe they hired for poledancing lessons.

>> No.78910298

>unikeks think Holostars want their used up roasties
>when they get handed women like that daily
My bros are so lucky, bros...

>> No.78910315

Imagine being this much of a petty loser

>> No.78910335

ESL-chama, please... your grammar...

>> No.78910341

>so what if there's cum dripping out of my wife's pussy? she's not actually being fucked RIGHT NOW so i'm not a cuck!

>> No.78910426

>literally membered to a babis
holy shit you have some bad fucking taste

>> No.78910427
File: 78 KB, 1080x431, IMG_20240623_142952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, you just a retard.

>> No.78910434

>you don't want to acknowledge Tempus????
>eat this Advent

>> No.78910483

Oh shit, you’re right. Bettel yumes BTFO

>> No.78910537

Unicorn gen btw.

>> No.78910597

Seem true

>> No.78910628

Let's see your memberships then, pussy.
>More cope

>> No.78910635

>Bettel yumes
They're all ryonasisters, dude. This is more fuel for them.

>> No.78910640

Cope, seethe even

>> No.78910683

How short do you have to be to be too short in Japan?

>> No.78910687

>Cover's office
>Using babybirdmane PC

>> No.78910689

They are homosexuals who suck each others dicks (I watched for research purposes) but also they're sexpests who only joined to fuck my oshi!

>> No.78910906

My oshi was immaculately conceived by a virgin

>> No.78911005

Beggars love to use the “Holo” part of “Holostars” to grant DA BOOOIZ a Holo’s status, but they aren’t members of Hololive. Thus, the use of “homo” as a replacement puts them where they belong, squarely separated from any real member.

>> No.78911105
File: 84 KB, 885x775, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of mine are trannies pretending to be women, that's for sure.

>> No.78911272

>his oshi is Jesus

>> No.78911351

kys OP
jannies doko

>> No.78911425

It's a mk-ultra tier cope used by unicucks to convince themselves that the male holomems never ever EVER interact with their precious wives, and if they do cross each other they won't even talk to them let alone acknowledge their existence.
To be fair they do act pretty faggy to please their fujo audience but we all know the gay act drops the second they meet the girls at the studio, especially when they are balls deep inside them.

>> No.78911503
File: 3 KB, 253x80, H8H8VT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in b4 over 30 of the (You)s are samefagging and OP gets b&
wait, does that not happen any more?

>> No.78911583

They're faggots so we call them homos.

>> No.78911607


>> No.78911671

>grift-en fan
As shit as expected!

>> No.78911678
File: 139 KB, 271x403, ESL chama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(You)'re just jealous because the pagpag you put in your mouth is dirtier than that and you don't get paid for it.

>> No.78911801

I called your taste shit 'cause you're spending money on trannies, you fag. I called out those two specifically.

>> No.78911833

Yeah i'm sure the men who hang out with women like this are 100% gay.

>> No.78911862
File: 64 KB, 1024x1024, 1717470360572119m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wonder what the fuck the yeah is about
>Look at @ under talent name
Jobber Guild

>> No.78912066

>Roca membership
>25€ Kanna membership
I kneel

>> No.78912196

>Not spelling NIGGER with the letters
You had ONE job

>> No.78912275

Now it says Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles instead.

>> No.78912324

How new?

>> No.78912651 [DELETED] 
File: 62 KB, 627x680, 171848440045891386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good pathetic real Unicornigger death

>> No.78912854

So we have confirmed the entirety of advents became hakka's cocksleeves? Jesas.

>> No.78913139

Bunch of willing cucks in here.

>> No.78913275

It's highly ironic too. I guess it's true that the more cgdct they appear, the more secrets they try to hide.

>> No.78913383
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>> No.78913471
File: 346 KB, 811x794, 1707021054647892.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you jack off while writing shit like this?

>> No.78913489

So this is the power of hispanic swagger...

>> No.78913768

no, i jack off to unicorn tears and uses their snot as lube.

>> No.78913812

This proves sisters are destined for empty hollowed out wombs, since they've never had more than one account on their computers.

>> No.78913837

If this constitutes sex to you guys, then I've fucked the entire IT department at work.

>> No.78913916

You can say the same to unitards though? Oh wait, no, you faggots have multiple alt accounts to attack the girls if they ever crosses a line.

>> No.78913922

That entire IT department? Me

>> No.78913955

Its so funny ERB has become a virtue signal for the homos.

>> No.78914054

Why do you care? It's literal nothing burger shitposts. Everyone does it. People will take anything and try to construe it into the side they feel like championing (doesn't even mean they actually care, a good chunk of retards on this board are only here to stir shit and have no skin in the game, many of those are those often mentioned homobeggars who don't even watch the boys).

You niggas are so soft, look at the mans or stars threads, they get shit posting all the trying to start shit like you're sperging out about, they just fucking ignore it though. The wonders of not being so full of fucking hatred over anime shit.

>> No.78914237
File: 589 KB, 916x535, 1662486567080426.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That sounds extremely homosexual. Not like I was expecting anything better from a cuckposter.

>> No.78914258
File: 54 KB, 839x472, 1705335802394630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop fighting... Save each other's eggs and seeds... Do it for me.

>> No.78914320

Your oshi's womb is definitely not empty however, and not from just one "account".

>> No.78914471

>Speaking from experience

>> No.78914568

Absolute nothingburger, corporate had probably lot of talent on same pc. Any other reaction is a lie perpetuated by nijiniggers or ERB mindbroken trannies.

>> No.78914605


>> No.78914614

Yeah, from the Kronii incident. I don't care for Yagoo's boys but I will jump at every opportunity to shitpost about you subhuman faggots for what you did to Kronii.

>> No.78914708

>He's the one harassing

>> No.78915003

Reading comprehension, ESLfaggot. Follow the damn comment thread and point out where I harassed a girl? (You) don't count btw, subhuman faggot.

>> No.78915093

I have never seen someone so idiotic as to hold a grudge over what was an act of self-retardation.

>> No.78915100

Mad lol so easy

>> No.78915414

it doesn't really matter, google has pretty solid protections in place even if you don't enable 2fa

>> No.78915634

<firstname><lastname>_@gmail.com looking at >>78901929

>> No.78915717

Literal whorehouse

>> No.78915978

Oops. Tagged the wrong post somehow.

>> No.78916617

adventurds seething ahahahahahahahahaha. imagine getting cucked by a mexican ahahahahahahahaha

>> No.78916828

sure sister, kys

>> No.78917027 [SPOILER] 
File: 17 KB, 344x255, 440867476_1362583161090351_4844078265118953430_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah me, chingas a tu puta madre

>> No.78917110

It's "hacker" dumbass

>> No.78917182


>> No.78917197

>Beggars and sisters calling yet another nothingburger a Holo ya
Don't you have new organs to not watch?

>> No.78917240

Unicorn status? fwmc touched the same laptop / PC that Hakkerz used

>> No.78917385

They are in denial stage

>> No.78917419

That's practically exchanging vows.

>> No.78917499

You told me advent is "the golden gen" wtf is this

>> No.78917552

>Hololive and Holostars exist on the same planet
>they have breathed the same air
>they have looked at the same sky
>they have both have Holo in them

>> No.78917553

ah, so that's why he's on every PC at covercorp.

>> No.78917606

This is counted as collab btw

>> No.78917775


>> No.78917847
File: 135 KB, 293x365, 1716954932472559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This >>78910186

>> No.78917864

Shitposting aside, why is a thread that clearly exposes a talent's email still up after 3 hours?

>> No.78917923

>This happens after the red homobeggar whore debuts
I see so she is already trying to turn HoloEN into cuckjisanji2 kek

>> No.78917942

>Holo ya
What's that?

>> No.78917957

literal jokeposts going "what now ruffkeks xddd" and tards reply with "UHH SISTER TRANNY STFUU ; ; !!" and mucho texto explanation while of what is already obvious while turboseething, topkek unikeks are so fragile that even 100% obvious jokeposts upset them

>> No.78917984

It was on stream, public info is not dox

>> No.78918034

Why did they censor it?

>> No.78918047

Post Pippa's slip up then and see if it stays up.

>> No.78918049

No one gives a shit about the homos

>> No.78918061

op is brown and should rope himself

>> No.78918119

Kinda proves the homobeggars really don't care about the boys at all, huh? They're just in it for the culture war.

>> No.78918145

emails are prolly similar for all of them, going by this one it ain't hard to figure the rest of emails and send spam or dickpics to holos

>> No.78918166

>why did they censor a work email?

>> No.78918190
File: 32 KB, 274x362, 1708572091275781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why do they not want anyone to know a talent's work email
Are you really this dense?

>> No.78918229

Yeah it's weird. Even though I hate these whores, I still think these kinds of threads should be banned.

>> No.78918267

you replied to someone attacking unicorns retard, retard beyond retards can't get any more retarded

>> No.78918327

Damn. I'm glad they're protecting the boys with all their might. I'll just be sitting on this chair in the corner and watch.

>> No.78918354

Is it true that Hakka has plapped the entire Advent members in a single night? My god, he has an insane stamina

>> No.78918366

Their name is the email? Where is the opsec there?

>> No.78918377

What do you think Hakka and Fuwamoco talk about backstage?

>> No.78918414


>> No.78918455

Hakka doggystyling Mococo and kissing Fuwawa

>> No.78918468

No fucking way they doxxed themselves during debut

>> No.78918580

Shut up cuck

>> No.78919245

Breathing the same air is consider sex, im a sister btw.

>> No.78919377
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>> No.78920030
File: 125 KB, 1280x720, 1471402872508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Id say this whole thread is proof that homobeggars are the actual cuck posters. Even assuming that this isn't just from the studio or some manager's PC loaned to them, its just from whoever PC are they streaming from therefore doesn't really implicate all of them.

>> No.78920481

>saving and posting his own 2 years old post
Holy retard. Really making the rest of us look better.

>> No.78920748

He needs the views. I hatemailed him and was surprised by him replying that he wanted me to watch his streams and offered to suck my dick.
I obviously accepted, but I ain't watching his stream lol

>> No.78920891

Wait, are people actually being schizo about something like this? I swear I am reminded everyday that people are retarded.

>> No.78921009

Gotta support my fellow euros.

>> No.78921702
File: 73 KB, 600x720, raugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>op is brown and should rope himself
I don't know why but I raughed, too brutal kek

>> No.78922187
File: 1.29 MB, 1916x2158, homos are niggers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure you do fat sister

>> No.78922559
File: 774 KB, 2000x1600, yabba dabba doo[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F03fqxe.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

proof next thread?
Also, why Hakka of all people was logged there, and not a manager?
