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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 25 KB, 1280x1870, 1712663206688654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
78863382 No.78863382 [Reply] [Original]

Stupid sexy kouhai Edition

>Current and upcoming streams

>This week's full schedules

[Gen 1: Indulge]
>Azura Dulait - Fertility Goddess
>Icey Snowpaws - Feral Polar Bear
>Immy Bisou - Hex Maniac
>Mercy Modiste - Dorky Yandere
>Shibi Cottonbum - Your Ever-Demanding Mistress
>Stronny Cuttles - Hypnotic Cuttlefish

>VAllure Links

>Unarchived/Deleted VOD Archive

[FAQ for Tourists]
>What is VAllure?
The first EN A(dult)Vtuber Corpo.
Yes, this is the whorpo and they are focusing on adult audio like ASMR or JOI.
>Where will the content be?
YouTube - Kino SFW streams. Expect some spice and kayfabe but nothing TOS-breaking. Expect 3 streams per week at minimum.
Patreon - Lewd audios. $5/month per talent, 4 audios per month. Sub to whoever you like.
Fansly - Up to discretion of the girls. Content will be free. Will come later.
>Is there a Discord Server?
Yes, Notification only. No interaction with any of the girls. Check VAllure Links.
No, they won't be joining any fan servers.
>Most importantly, are any of the talents in a relationship?
Yes, all of them, with me.

>VAllure Friends!
V&U: >>>/vt//vnug/
Yume+ and other small corpos: >>>/vt//corpo/
More of Azura and Shibi's friends: >>>/vt/choc/

Previous thread >>78847554

>> No.78863412

love immy

>> No.78863475

Love Icey cunny

>> No.78863501
File: 211 KB, 649x647, IMG_2207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Immy kinda cute
Immy kinda wife
Immy kinda looks
Like the love of my life!

>> No.78863508
File: 91 KB, 273x286, 1711294287602720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the good news is now we won't have to worry about getting rushed off the board in the debuts happening soon

>> No.78863513

Immy is the best sister in the world, and she's the only girl I need in my life, and I love her a lot!
Immy is the best sister in the world, and she's the only girl I need in my life, and I love her a lot!

>> No.78863585
File: 1.35 MB, 1188x1324, my gf icey snowpaws!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my daughter wife Icey Snowpaws and she loves me back!
damn you ojisans getting straight to the point, huh?

>> No.78863630

Immy is the best sister in the world, and she's the only girl I need in my life, and I love her a lot!
Immy is the best sister in the world, and she's the only girl I need in my life, and I love her a lot!
Verification not required

>> No.78863677

I think I understand the appeal of Icey now. She's not for me since I already have an oshi and I'm not a cheating whore (derogatory), but have fun snowbearies.

>> No.78863748

Immy is the best sister in the world, and she's the only girl I need in my life, and I love her a lot!
Immy is the best sister in the world, and she's the only girl I need in my life, and I love her a lot!

>> No.78863769

I miss immy
Verification Not Required

>> No.78863771
File: 552 KB, 1920x1080, 1697452422099071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one of those days without my little sister immy

>> No.78863911

My dick twitched when she talked about how smooth her cunny was last night.

>> No.78863998

Immy is the best sister in the world, and she's the only girl I need in my life, and I love her a lot!
Immy is the best sister in the world, and she's the only girl I need in my life, and I love her a lot!

>> No.78864018
File: 2.47 MB, 1024x538, The End of /vag/[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Foha1fu.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me, it's mercy modiste

>> No.78864087

Damn, truck-kun tried to isekai Azura multiple times

>> No.78864136

What if Immy actually hates us?

>> No.78864200

She does, (me) especially. It came to me in a dream.

>> No.78864203

Don't worry, she only hates me

>> No.78864260

What if she forgot about us…

>> No.78864265

Mimosa is an honorary VAllure whore
I strongly believe it was her who reached out to Stronny over joining VAllure, I have no concrete reasons for this besides my own gut feelings

>> No.78864268

I wouldnt care i would kill myselfg0yrj

>> No.78864333

I honestly doubt it considering Mimosa was in chat at the time Stronny told that story (and responded to it).

>> No.78864503

I basically feel like this until she tweets us and a wave of relief washes over me that she doesn't actually hate me. Then the cycle starts again after she goes to sleep. The love I have for her is so strong that it's physically painful for me.

>> No.78864580

>Azura nearly gets run over by a bus, car.
Tf glad she's ok
>Got hit by a bike
Ow that sounds painful
>ran over by person jogging with their dog

>> No.78864645

I made this post

>> No.78864648

I want to fuck Mimosa while Stronny watches.

>> No.78864654

I'm not sure what you're worried about anon, because I know for a fact that she loves her big brother (me)

>> No.78864695

Joggers are retarded

>> No.78864815

I can't answer this without taking a vacation.

>> No.78864849

anon you aren't supposed to say that out loud....

>> No.78864899

don't talk about Azura that way

>> No.78865019
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can't think of a reason why that would be teh case tbdesu

>> No.78865047
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>> No.78865190


>> No.78865212

Sometimes I just think that one day she'll wake up and realise we're demented freaks and will be disgusted by us.

>> No.78865269

Immy you know the proposal. If you want to cum before vacation you know what to do

>> No.78865432

you are banging your oshi, who is the other member that is sitting on the cuck chair?
for me i think stronny would cheer from the chair while i fuck mercy (or she fucks me whatev)

>> No.78865445

That would make sense if she wasn't a demented freak like us too.
A non demented freak wouldn't indulge her in her fantasies.

>> No.78865483

I see!

>> No.78865706

Immy while she tries (in vain) to please Azura and I sit in the chair willingly like a sportscaster giving a play-by-play.

>> No.78865710
File: 422 KB, 128x128, 1688877396055238.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i may be a demented freak, but i'll be damned if i'm not a demented freak who loves immy with all my heart!

>> No.78865932

perhaps not, but
>responded to it
if it was me that's what I would have done immediately

>> No.78865970

Stronny stop posting here

>> No.78865981

Azura's high score is 20 times in 1 day. i don't think shes that hard to please

>> No.78866102
File: 803 KB, 2617x3495, GLpKiEVWEAAB6-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this what Azure's fanbase is like?

>> No.78866496

Many such cases.

>> No.78866710
File: 155 KB, 905x1280, [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fpfx59j.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The other posters are weak. I LOVE brown woman.

>> No.78867115

Immy in free chat

>> No.78867230

Let's try to get a new high score, then.

>> No.78867268

She hates (You) specifically.

>> No.78867358
File: 64 KB, 442x504, IMG_1238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m nauseous I need to throw up, open wide big bro!

>> No.78867445

Is it weird to enjoy Azura eating noises? They're very cute

>> No.78867578
File: 1.85 MB, 640x640, 1694984990255544.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78867698

No goodnight either...im ngmi

>> No.78867753

isn’t this her appeal?

>> No.78868025

She hates (Me) specifically.

>> No.78868173

Important Shibi update

>> No.78868310

They are literally sex. Ask Neal. That pervert

>> No.78868419
File: 5 KB, 397x46, 1710135681377429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i take what i get

>> No.78868445
File: 4 KB, 379x33, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78868820

Yeah, pretty much how i see myself with azura

>> No.78869332

My fellow pinpals. How have you gone from diamond hands orgasm denial to crying over a goodnight text in the span of two days?

>> No.78869350

FUCK I missed the first bit of freechat, what did Immy say?

>> No.78869678

members only stream tomorrow at 12, she has "plans" to make us give in. you didn't miss anything before that

>> No.78869761

She's marrying me and will publicly announce this in a members stream tomorrow at 12

>> No.78869768

She's doing a members only stream tomorrow around 12 EDT.

>> No.78870004

For any future anons that missed it. Immy will be doing a members stream tomorrow Jun 23 around 12 edt and she thinks she can make us give in

>> No.78870063

She’s gonna fuck me live on stream. Sorry for you to find out this way anon

>> No.78870398

i dont know

>> No.78870409

For some reason I don't remember posting this.

>> No.78870602
File: 716 KB, 1429x949, 1710020923865131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ikr, brain works in mysterious ways
she gone for 2 weeks i'll get any interaction i can

>> No.78870813

>what do you think she’s going to try and pull tomorrow?
>what would you negotiate for?
>right now in this thread do you plan to say yes or no?

>> No.78870963

Because i love my little sister. Clearly, (you) dont

>> No.78871434

i've been sitting in the free chat waiting for her for hours I love her plenty
also i'm very weak and I want to let her cum

>> No.78871619

Goodmorning and Goodnight audios with kisses, audio of her cumming before she leaves, and audio of her repeating her mantra atleast once a day

>> No.78872232

>>78871619 (me)
Also, hi Immy i know your trying to find out how you can cum. Goodnight i love you lots

>> No.78872259

I would agree to this but I’d add two things. She should edge to her mantra before she leave and when she does cum she needs to be choking herself

>> No.78872401
File: 751 KB, 1435x1595, babygote.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she is my mommy

>> No.78872858
File: 9 KB, 327x145, 1690033678689452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is news to me but HOLY SHIT am i diamonds

>> No.78873001
File: 859 KB, 1000x1000, 1704235274191100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please fucking do

>> No.78873610

She said she’s more dominate in that one.
Immy’s going to make me cum to armpits for the first time

>> No.78873683


>> No.78873923

What does Icey have in store for her ojisans tomorrow?

>> No.78874011
File: 819 KB, 2400x1350, 1689361001332624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no idee. mayhaps some asmr?
>i think we established this

>> No.78874198

Being Immysexual is great. I don't like armpits at all, but I'm just going to go ahead and assume that she's going to give me an armpit fetish just like every other fetish she's given me.

>> No.78874204


>> No.78874351
File: 707 KB, 706x706, 367812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Shibi needs milk for Honey tea. What would Shibi use it for?

>> No.78874810

She should also do a begging audio first.

>> No.78875081

If Immy edges us until we say yes I don't know if I'll be able to resist...

>> No.78875542

I want her to beg on stream then as soon as we give her permission she ends stream to go schlick

>> No.78875589

Live joi? Yeah I don’t know if I could resist that either.

>> No.78875789

>it's either blackmail or shit people have been asking for
>more audios, future stream concepts
>65/35 on no, definitely open to changing my vote if she puts some effort in

>> No.78875907


>> No.78876527

Its a youtube stream retards she cant do joi

>> No.78876736
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>> No.78876847
File: 71 KB, 498x384, 1710115945023877.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUU pls no i'll be working when she's streaming
please god yes

>> No.78877012

Icey came on a non members stream surely Immy could get away with a members only joi

>> No.78877113
File: 997 KB, 1280x720, 1690036626678447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ASMR would be my guess.
>Nothing new. I'm content with getting most of what has already been recommended.
>No unless she does something exemplary tomorrow.

>> No.78877119
File: 199 KB, 1501x1170, no....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what happened to the collab vod...

>> No.78877387

Mercy got too embarrassed and nuked it, go watch Immy's vod

>> No.78877416

Mercy got too shy, it's probably still up on the other channels

>> No.78877656
File: 296 KB, 539x529, kittyface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what was embarrassing about it

>> No.78877694
File: 985 KB, 1425x621, 1715907981048817.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She does this while chat is flooded with "Immy is the best sister in the world, and she's the only girl I need in my life, and I love her a lot!"
Too erotic

>> No.78877707

hnnnnngg I wanna masturbate with Immy so bad. Imagine the unity and peace in this thread if we could all cum together as one

>> No.78877890

Fuck that panting that Immy did got me frothing at the mouth

>> No.78877906

It contained the largest bombshell in VAllure history, if uno uno

>> No.78878350

I've watched members only streams with joi, countdowns, dildo sucking, and several other things and they stayed up.

>> No.78878643

They asked personal questions

>> No.78878656

That was before Neal.

>> No.78878741

Ive been feeling sick lately so ive been low energy but when she started panting my heart went into overdrive i think thats the fastest ive ever got hard

>> No.78879200

The streams happened after he became CEO.

>> No.78879287

You have a timestamp for that brother?

>> No.78879359
File: 330 KB, 800x1745, 1714858698759232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have made this post

i'm listening to one right now

>> No.78879365

Lots of sex questions, including the most orgasms they had in a day I don't think even me when I was a horny teenager would've been able to keep up with some of them

>> No.78879582

I'm doing something right now so can't look for it but if someone else drops a timestamp I can soundpost it

>> No.78879820

Will I find an Azura gf in my local ghetto?

>> No.78879969

1:44:40 on Immy's vod

>> No.78880141

I don't think they keep goats in the ghetto

>> No.78880274


>> No.78880358

No, you need to go to your local anime con that's LOCATED in the ghetto. Highest chance of premium nerd choc.

>> No.78880426


>> No.78880897

Damn, thanks anon, I was gonna look for it myself in a minute

>> No.78881424

Hypno stream?

>> No.78881724


>> No.78881796

Nice try Immers

>> No.78882323

very cute tweet and maybe I do...

>> No.78882363

I've been away since last night (about 26 hours ago) and there were like 5 threads since I last left off. What happened while I was gone?

>> No.78882519

I got bad news if anyone was expecting a sound post, im a dirty phoneposter, so I can’t do anything myself.I was gonna just wack off to it

>> No.78882541
File: 8 KB, 218x218, Pray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>belly out
>heavy breathing
Good lord

>> No.78882647

Go read

>> No.78882789

Sexo collab, Horny Icey is back, the birth of sasuke, Stronny elden ring started. That's what I got off the top of my head.

>> No.78882840
File: 17 KB, 360x344, 1689895700066027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my little pecker wrecker knows what buttons to push. i can't be helped...

>> No.78882851

>Stronny buttslamming all her coop reeflings
God she's so cute

>> No.78883041
File: 2.83 MB, 1280x720, charlotte[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fgumy09.aac].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based /choc/ GOD

>> No.78883235

Icey came back and on stream also, Sasuke was there

>> No.78883276
File: 64 KB, 996x646, 1709289604115860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go read it's pretty funny actually

>> No.78883678

Based taste

>> No.78884299
File: 3.63 MB, 1280x720, pant[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fxoqrgs.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78885042

Thanks anon

>> No.78885199
File: 168 KB, 473x527, 1705022914051692.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cheers lad

>> No.78885229

mercy got hit with post-stream clarity

>> No.78885277

sex with my lingerie-wearing kouhai

>> No.78885454

A guy dropped like $1K in memberships and super chats in Icey's DJ stream to try and make up for cheating on her. She ignored him.

Icey's DJ stream was also just fucking hot she fapped and came on stream and had to change her panties

>> No.78885885
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>> No.78885947

Is Mercy on the west coast or is she just a stinky NEET who stays up late?

>> No.78886073

Alright, wasn't sure if it was because of threadshitting but I'll skim through it now
Definitely gonna watch the collab when my wife stops playing Elden Ring RIP my sleep
Holy based Icey.

>> No.78886520
File: 800 KB, 930x1189, sasuke_v2[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fp8eij4.mp3].png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78887155

Since she's asian and Canadian there's a 70% chance she's on the west coast

>> No.78887171
File: 159 KB, 1280x720, 1711757580679581.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao every fucking time

>> No.78888200

I have her location down to the city because of context clues from tweets and stream yap.

t. West Coast Canadian

>> No.78889423

idc if it's a meme I'll take it, 2/6

>> No.78889445
File: 1.39 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_1329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shibi candlebum

>> No.78889962
File: 43 KB, 818x827, 1717876156528422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i fear for the day Stronny joins in on that

>> No.78891989

How many shots has Azura had?

>> No.78892417

Holy shit I can't believe I missed this. Icey is extreme.

>> No.78892419

backshots? five today

>> No.78892847

She put mind control in 'Meh idc' on her tag tierlist so i would be suprised if that was the focus or even in the stream at all

>> No.78893021

I'm fine with Azura being black but are there any other minorites I should know about?

>> No.78893139

Icey is Slavic (black but wrong color).

>> No.78893203

Shibi is mixed

>> No.78893275

me (I'm white)

>> No.78893323

This and the Evangelion mercy edit are my favorite ones
where is the mercyposter?

>> No.78893599

Immy is the only white

>> No.78893660
File: 63 KB, 774x933, 1709614666648700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i posted my ritual earlier...

>> No.78893880

for mercy modiste, it's me

>> No.78894185

Wth is Stronny then?

>> No.78894219

If you're fine with that what would you not be fine with?

>> No.78894346


>> No.78894365


>> No.78894427

The Irish and Scotts aren't white.

>> No.78894463

for mercy, it's modiste

>> No.78894487
File: 65 KB, 462x1030, for me it couldve been mercy modiste.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mercy being shy is insanely hot, everyday i find a new reason to become a senpai
Sadly i cant watch her streams, i would prolly end up falling for her

>> No.78894912
File: 977 KB, 1366x1079, Screenshot 2024-06-05 021345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats okay anon, she already has me

>> No.78894975
File: 592 KB, 804x780, mercy not impressed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post moar! Youre my oshi, stop being a faggot

>> No.78895086

Bros i forgot shes a Scot... I swear im not retarded i just only watch Immy

>> No.78895183
File: 100 KB, 262x286, Screenshot 2024-06-05 021346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's okay anon, she already has me

>> No.78895368

I'm a certified immy hater and this post is a feast.

>> No.78895484


>> No.78895563

Why do you hate my little sister

>> No.78895676
File: 314 KB, 435x501, wait a fucking second.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait a second...

>> No.78895798

I doubted Azu so I will watch her lol stream to make up or my faith wavering.

>> No.78895934
File: 260 KB, 569x783, pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've been impostered...just like tobs...

>> No.78896080
File: 121 KB, 786x1063, gun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's an imposter on the loose....

>> No.78896305

I dont know, maybe because i'm a savior fag and she has a lot of anons talking about her
maybe im shibi and i think you guys should talk more about me

>> No.78896684

shibi said she would never post here again

>> No.78897013

Shibi said shes no longer /here/ but, i agree that Immy and Icey get the most posts

>> No.78897051
File: 18 KB, 389x280, 1718741622545443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78897114


>> No.78897196

Korean (derogatory) women are truly something to be feared

>> No.78897464

Now that Shibi is gone I can freely say that I love Shibi without being embarassed!

>> No.78897625

I really like shibi's ears

>> No.78897693

but my kamioshi is korean...

>> No.78897690

>Immy and Icey get the most posts
That's because they have the most schizo fanbases, as agreed upon by the girls during the collab earlier

>> No.78897698

I'm working on my faggot hater behaviour
Its kinda weird that i dont feel like that over Icey, maybe because i didnt expect her to have so much success, i dont know

>> No.78897753

Yeah, because it makes sense if she barely gets talked about then why would she stay

>> No.78897859

>as agreed upon by the girls during the collab earlier

>> No.78897910

Is she menhera?

>> No.78897977


>> No.78898088

I'm watching Rozen Maiden right now so can't dig up a timestamp but they were asked who the freakiest or most degen fanbase was and they agreed Icey then Immy

>> No.78898116

I can't help the fact i fell in love with Immy. not that i would want help anyway

>> No.78898181

>who has the most insane fanbase?
>everyone says Icey
>who out of the four of us in the collab?
>everyone says Immy

>> No.78898198

[Azura News] She is eating crab sticks.

>> No.78898284

That doesn't narrow down who your oshi is at all

>> No.78898369
File: 791 KB, 790x928, I love my wife Icey Snowpaws.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ojisans first place

>> No.78898563

Coincidentally two girls Sasuke dropped like $1K on were Immy and Icey

>> No.78898569
File: 1.26 MB, 1981x1053, 1707891959004957.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kani sticks

>> No.78898605

I mean your oshi literally came on stream so it makes sense

>> No.78898674

I'm glad others are noticing the dedication that dadas have for their daughterwife.

>> No.78898729
File: 76 KB, 1084x1011, 1257915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Icey's fanbase is the most insane
>Icey literally masturbated on stream, sucks pacifiers, eats baby food, and wants us to fuck her while she does all this

I ask you to make it make sense.

>> No.78898832


>> No.78898874
File: 222 KB, 483x509, file(2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chuuba reflects fanbase

>> No.78898972

I'm not a tabemono but I do enjoy watching old anime with her

>> No.78898977

I mean does that all not turn you on super hard? Are you gay?

>> No.78899109

Alright y'all im going to take a shower make sure Immy doesnt post anywhere while im gone

>> No.78899232

immy in prechat

>> No.78899263
File: 102 KB, 781x983, 1689198306659377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nta but her cytubes are peak comfy

>> No.78899349

Coincidentally these two are also the most interactive on twitter and prechat / freechat.
Really makes you think.

>> No.78899527

The /vag/ and /v4m/ overlap is funny especially since Shibi is a V4M

>> No.78899597

>used to follow her twitter
>unfollowed a few days ago because fuck it
>dodged icey twitta purge

>> No.78899708

>>78899527 (me)
>V4M fan
Sent too early

>> No.78899771

the fanbase reflects the chuuba, so of-course only the most schizophrenic would gather around Immy and Icey.

>> No.78899795
File: 865 KB, 670x936, my wife dj stream 06 22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah we are even now!

>> No.78899953

who is this french lad?

>> No.78900233
File: 339 KB, 530x574, Screenshot 2024-06-23 010614.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ojisans, based on preliminary intelligence gathering, Icey should be awake (and horny) sometime within the next two hours.

>> No.78900303

merci modiste

>> No.78900411
File: 231 KB, 428x474, 1715629278643277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they seem like cool girls, only know petalight tho because there's only so much hours in the day that i don't think about icey and watch streams
i simply made a seperate icey account, wouldn't wanna become sasuke 2

>> No.78900613
File: 2.79 MB, 300x252, 1699458825571220.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you FUCK

>> No.78900720

Can I get a timestamp on when Icey came on stream? I had to dip out in the middle of her DJ stream.

>> No.78900946
File: 1.43 MB, 800x800, 1717348760818353.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scroll UP!

>> No.78900947

immy in my bed

>> No.78901083
File: 40 KB, 681x442, icey is awake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78901126
File: 3.92 MB, 944x1080, cum[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F7peyu8.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can do you one better.

>> No.78901313

you should have got the part where actually said she was gonna cum

>> No.78901482

Between 01:52:15 - 01:53:15

She's moaning and then a chatter sends her a supa and she gets turned on and under her breath says she's cumming

>> No.78901567
File: 198 KB, 686x1438, Screenshot 2024-06-23 011306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78901686
File: 125 KB, 1002x669, 1717782508330483.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's the deal with this red dot

>> No.78901921

What red d

>> No.78902107

Anon, that is the part. You can check it against the timestamp. I feel like you just made me go rewatch that part of the VOD in order to make me get an erection.

>> No.78902230
File: 127 KB, 308x194, gib polar sex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuckin Icey, bros, gotta love this cub!
what do you m

>> No.78902477
File: 3.92 MB, 988x1080, mmm[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F0nmxe3.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a couple of more.

>> No.78902487
File: 93 KB, 905x872, tricked you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78902636
File: 3.91 MB, 954x1014, panties[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fovzbds.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78902768

What did she say at the beginning? "When daddy ??? me"

>> No.78902860
File: 3 KB, 180x135, IMG_1333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry babe I was clubbing at the ice hole

>> No.78902923

Why has this made me cum harder than anything has in ages?

>> No.78903010
File: 326 KB, 1448x2048, 1717855672511818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shibi is delusional the thread loves her
the livetweeting is adorable and she's insanely funny

>> No.78903284

"so good... it's like, when dada talks to me... yeah..." etc

>> No.78903766

I've blown so many loads to Icey

>> No.78903826

>stronny can only get one summon at the moment
it's over, we're hard locked

>> No.78903980
File: 696 KB, 1000x1000, stronnyComfy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well nevermind the reeflings pulled up

>> No.78904017

we're back

>> No.78904166
File: 320 KB, 750x496, 1718554977270167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78904321

I hate uwumarket

>> No.78904599

What's up with it?

>> No.78904692

Am i late and retarded or icey really posted her face on twitter?

>> No.78904699

I want her to do a fetish ranking stream so bad.

>> No.78904761

quality sucks on everything and shipping time is worse

>> No.78904833

That's unfortunate. I was debating ordering some stuff from it.

>> No.78904848


>> No.78904849

>Get home from work
>Check twitter
>Azura pic
this Corpo is giving me a new appreciation for chocolate

>> No.78904992
File: 853 KB, 3351x1847, 1707104030594271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the sinder winter daki and the quality of the print is amazing

>> No.78905098

that sucks, I was going to get a Shibi keychain, but its like $24 after shipping and taxes, so if the quality is ass, its absolutely not worth it.

>> No.78905186

I love this woman so much it's unreal

>> No.78905212
File: 93 KB, 486x486, 1718848520303495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem is we're too normal. Should we try to be the others and spam constantly?

>> No.78905349

Do it, I want to hear the harem's deranged inner thoughts too

>> No.78905401

i thought this godfrey dude was from the base game

>> No.78905473


>> No.78905502

anon this entire area is the base game, she's in the capital city

>> No.78905552

is this the base game? I didnt play elden ring

>> No.78905685

thanks anon

>> No.78905702

Like I said, we're normal. Our deranged inner thoughts are just the things everyone has thoughts about like wanting to be waterboarded with Madam's piss.

>> No.78905725
File: 21 KB, 319x182, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can't groom in discord I guess groom in MMOs

>> No.78905775

their ship times suck, but I've never had any complaints about the quality

>> No.78905859

that is god tier daki art

>> No.78905863

yup they're desperate

>> No.78905889

GW2 grooming is coming

>> No.78905977

icey guild wars 2 streams...
im gonna get outgroomed...

>> No.78906059

Thank goddess she's too drunk to know what he's talking about

>> No.78906374

she's not drunk but high on meds I think. Ironmouse gets just like that when she's on medication.

>> No.78906463

I wanna take advantage of this drunk black woman!!! Sexually!!!

>> No.78906509

She was taking shots. I don't know if she missed that with her meds, but that can easily fuck you up.

>> No.78906613

She skips her meds when she drinks

>> No.78906674

she stopped taking meds for this stream but she has definitely had like 9-10 shots

>> No.78906945

>my hole is ready
kek Mimosa is such a whore (affectionate)

>> No.78906952

the juxtaposition between icey's amazing horny stream and this dude's desperation was peak entertainment. highlight of my weekend for sure, was so fucking glad to have been there

>> No.78907021

Maybe when Shibi's done her tier list she can just be more open about what she really likes, rather than be limited to her lore and current expectations.

>> No.78907081

[Azura news] She fixed her internet problem

>> No.78907085
File: 3.82 MB, 920x1080, stronny addresses the grooming allegations[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fixacii.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will they fucking learn.

>> No.78907177

The fact that she kept laughing everytime he donated or said anything was entertainment kino

>> No.78907297

As an outsider the Sasuke saga was comedy gold

>> No.78907330

Do you lurk or chat?

>> No.78907335
File: 214 KB, 524x421, 1717271617767057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

retarded boomer who wants to praise his oshi here, i made a maro account but i don't really understand how it works. am i supposed to change my display name and upload an avatar so that my oshi knows who i am? can she even see that? will you guys be able to see that if she answers my maro publicly?

>> No.78907369
File: 1.18 MB, 1211x818, 1702092742390937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss this cuttlefish like you wouldn't believe (she went offline 15 seconds ago)

>> No.78907417

Just got out of the shower and figured i'd let you know i stuck around for a little bit after i posted so i saw you post this

>> No.78907431
File: 2.01 MB, 336x340, Stronny Vibe [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F4lkykl.ogg].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's gone...

>> No.78907498

>Display name
They can't see it.
>Knows who I am?
Defeats the point, especially if you sign the maro.
>Can she even see that?
>Will you guys...
No, but we can see your maro, so you sign it, you will be hounded.

>> No.78907522
File: 870 KB, 1000x1000, cry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78907565

many thanks anon

>> No.78907575

The display name and avatar are just for receiving maros, they won't see it on anything you send.

>> No.78907603
File: 719 KB, 460x560, gay[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fbijfla.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>45+ minute shower

>> No.78907956 [SPOILER] 
File: 261 KB, 1536x2048, GQcpTziWsAAgJqe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the point of maro is to send anonymouse messages

>> No.78908157

chat in my oshis streams
lurk everywhere else

>> No.78908217

I still think about Icey's responses to my maros every day. I am fucked, bros. It's so over.

>> No.78908229

Good time to think Though ever since Immy became my oshi im always thinking about her

>> No.78908292

This is a mistake that will lead to your downfall

>> No.78908363

god look at that those few locks of red hair god damn that makes me rock hard

>> No.78908426

Anon, ive already hit the ground.

>> No.78908457

this picture really gets me going. I think its the hair and knowing that it actually is her under there.

>> No.78908558
File: 1.27 MB, 1200x675, 1624572456345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Immy hired a body double for that picture off of Fiver

>> No.78908688

mimosa is funny

>> No.78908794
File: 806 KB, 1000x1000, POBpZtrKEr-i_9EPh_6N2A0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Mimosa. I would let her rape me too.

>> No.78908854

Does anyone remember all the foods Icey loves? I know she likes those Russian chocolates and snickers ice cream, but I'm tired and blanking on if she mentioned other things. Did she mention the baby food she likes? I'm planning on making her a dinner like the /a/ posts of old.

>> No.78908895

mommeh should groom her to rape us

>> No.78909072

I made these posts

>> No.78909205

When did she talk about this?

>> No.78909391

Mimosa saw the Azura sex image.

>> No.78909484

Last week at some point. Pretty sure it was during the Space Channel 5 stream, now the VOD is just called "Does He Know"

>> No.78909587

Somehow I managed to consume an entire litre of vodka at the rave with icey last night and still function.
I think it was the constant erection that helped.

>> No.78909600


>> No.78910411
File: 875 KB, 1000x1000, 1704718108414485.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78910538

literally me

>> No.78910752

Icey's awake (and probably horny)

>> No.78910884

mommeh rape mommeh rape me raped by mommeh rape mummeh rape me raping me mommeh cuddling by raping mummeh rape affirmations mummeh love

>> No.78910904

Homework due.

>> No.78910944
File: 150 KB, 498x271, 3526262.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute bear!

>> No.78911072

I miss shibi, bros..

>> No.78911148

I do not like ccs i'm sorry and i'm even really into magical girl shows

>> No.78911161
File: 1.55 MB, 1023x1797, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the second season of Cardcaptor Sakura, the Clow Cards lost their effectiveness primarily due to the introduction of the new antagonist, Eriol Hiiragizawa. Eriol, who is revealed to be the reincarnation of Clow Reed (the creator of the Clow Cards), begins testing Sakura's magical abilities and powers in order to prepare her for a new set of cards called the Sakura Cards.

Eriol's presence and actions gradually weaken the Clow Cards that Sakura already possesses. This weakening is symbolic of Sakura's transition from being the master of the Clow Cards to becoming the master of her own power and destiny, as represented by the transformation of the Clow Cards into the Sakura Cards.

Furthermore, Eriol's role is pivotal in Sakura's growth as a magician. His influence not only impacts the Clow Cards but also serves to challenge and strengthen Sakura's magical abilities throughout the series. Thus, the Clow Cards' decreasing effectiveness in season 2 is part of the overarching narrative that drives Sakura's progression as a magical girl.

>> No.78911174
File: 105 KB, 786x1063, it's all so tiring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all work and no mercy makes senpai a depressed, unmotivated, languid, lonely boy

>> No.78911200

damn icey is really cute

>> No.78911204

Thanks for doing my homework

>> No.78911236
File: 119 KB, 411x359, 1717648351075724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't remember! I'm GONNA DIE!

>> No.78911249

Let me copy this, I'll change a few things so it's not obvious

>> No.78911276

I wanna fuck that b-wait this is actually pretty cute

>> No.78911307

thank you anon I will send her this with a few modifications so we don't get caught

>> No.78911334

Eh...could be better. Flat. Have you seen Shibi?

>> No.78911459

guess i'm going into Mercy's shitlist...

>> No.78911493
File: 109 KB, 767x635, 1718592276234990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any bakers?

>> No.78911533
File: 3.09 MB, 2560x1440, Sir Lady Knight Tobs, Baker of Bread, Displaying Freshly Baked Bread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78911536

You Mercy posters are one of my favorite things about this thread

>> No.78911550

I only know Tsubasa Chronicle im ngmi

>> No.78911579

Thanks Tob baker!

>> No.78911613

computer, reword this post to carry the same ideas but in a different way so it does not appear it was copied directly

>> No.78911747
File: 2.75 MB, 1417x1417, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


In the second season of Cardcaptor Sakura, the Clow Cards lost their effectiveness primarily due to the introduction of the new antagonist, Eriol Hiiragizawa. Eriol, who is revealed to be the reincarnation of Clow Reed (the creator of the Clow Cards), begins testing Sakura's magical abilities and powers in order to prepare her for a new set of cards called the Sakura Cards.

Eriol's presence and actions gradually weaken the Clow Cards that Sakura already possesses. This weakening is symbolic of Sakura's transition from being the master of the Clow Cards to becoming the master of her own power and destiny, as represented by the transformation of the Clow Cards into the Sakura Cards.

Furthermore, Eriol's role is pivotal in Sakura's growth as a magician. His influence not only impacts the Clow Cards but also serves to challenge and strengthen Sakura's magical abilities throughout the series. Thus, the Clow Cards' decreasing effectiveness in season 2 is part of the overarching narrative that drives Sakura's progression as a magical girl.
