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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 410 KB, 659x579, bg_Elizabeth-Rose-Bloodflame_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
78815984 No.78815984 [Reply] [Original]

I bet she is a woke lgbt supporter who says fuck trump and other shit.

>Uhhh I can change the idol culture and I will collab with males and everybody else will follow me and I will be praised by everybody...

I blocked instantly.

>> No.78816003


>> No.78816015

Do you support Trump ?

>> No.78816047

at least try to make believable bait

>> No.78816076

>reddit spacing

>> No.78816175

>>Uhhh I can change the idol culture and I will collab with males and everybody else will follow me and I will be praised by everybody...
Who are you quoting?

>> No.78816211

Hating Trump only makes her more likeable kek

>> No.78816249


>> No.78816265


>> No.78816330

You idiotic obese lardtard, she's a yuro. Everybody here hates your orange douchebag for his Putler cocksucking and the shit he tried to pull with NATO. Even the right in my country despises your orange daughterfucking pedophile rapist.

>> No.78816336

>Falling for the russian psyops

>> No.78816378 [DELETED] 

She is.

>> No.78816396


>> No.78816477

No, he had his chance on J6 and pussied out.

>> No.78816581

My name is Mohammed and I’m going to rape you and leech off your welfare

>> No.78816634

>Still believing the russian shit fake news....
>hurr putin has a sex tape of trump where the prostites piss on him...


>> No.78816640

Biden's not orange though?

>> No.78816664

When a white person who isn't from Texas or some shit and uses
You already know their entire worldview, it's only a matter of time till the dumb shit leaks out

>> No.78816669 [DELETED] 

>hating trump
trump is a jew loving fag who too stupid and a pussy to go full hittler. J6 attemp as a coup was the biggest meme of all time and his brain is just as melted as biden

>> No.78816692
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based. i don't like her but i will stay seething about her only in /vt/. She doesn't push her taste onto others.

>> No.78816714

so do you want to go to sweden, germany or prison

>> No.78816754

If my choice is only between him or bidet, then yes.

>> No.78816761

She's a coal burner too, gross

>> No.78816803

its okay OP
you didnt belong in this hobby anyway.
Nobody will miss you and nobody loves you.

>> No.78816814

why are so many people from asp in holo now

>> No.78816829

based and redpilled.
Bring the Nijisanji. Become the Nijisanji.

>> No.78816832
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Please enter via the Turkey/Greece border. Try to have some fun with the Bulgarian and Serbian refugee hunters while you're there too.

>> No.78816858

The only British girls who have a chance of not being indoctrinated with this shit are weirdos and autists like Shondo. Britain is the most cucked gay country on the planet (I'm English, so I know) so any remotely normal girl is gonna be into this shit at least a little bit because women follow the hivemind and the hive says chopping your cock/tits off is great.

The only question is can she keep her spaghetti in her pocket.

>> No.78816872
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You'd be shocked who's talking to us instead of you. So, that's what will happen, we get to see a paladin turned from their deity. The Yamato is charging us and her wooden deck just looks so beautiful in the sunlight, it feels shameful to send the torpedo planes.

>> No.78816893

I can't belive someone would stoop so low as to *checks notes* have sane political opinions like a human person would.

>> No.78816920


>> No.78816922

Filter by Harry Potter fans, it doesnt get any easier than that bong bro

>> No.78816923

Delicious prime Nijiseethe.

>> No.78817009

But then you might come across a rabid radfem

>> No.78817034

>Actively hostile to Russia.
>Actively hostile to China.
>Still called Russian and Chinese agent.
Trump might be awful, but the reasons the average mouth breathers think he's bad are surreal. Comments like that make me wonder if euros are dumber than murrikans, which seemed impossible of an idea to entertain only a few years ago.

>> No.78817050

California is one of the least sane, worst run states in America which is one of the dumbest first world countries on earth. Californian politics is anything but sane

>> No.78817053

I would like to have gotten shondo. I saw some clips of her and she was funny

>> No.78817109

It has gotten more complicated in recent years. We need some new YA garbage to become mega popular with gen alpha or whatever they're called so we can filter successfully again.

>> No.78817111

I like her a lot too but she really isn't Hololive material, or any corpo material, really.

>> No.78817118

>Zen's hair color
>Her hair color

>> No.78817172

You are without exaggeration making up a person so you can get mad at them. Kill yourself

>> No.78817223

>implying shitting on trump isn't a good thing
Reminder that Trump pardoned some nigger and kike but not his supporter who got arrested on j6 because of him.

>> No.78817237

The problem is she's one of the very rare funny Vtubers and so is able to make money outside of a corporation so the desire to become a wage slave with endless responsibilities is very low

>> No.78817254

>California out of nowhere
>thinks some random Biblebelt shithole is anything better and definitely not the asshole of the universe

>> No.78817312

At least it's not Mississippi

>> No.78817335

I mean this is off-topic... but he did boost the Canadian economy during his presidency, whereas Biden has been fucking us with his. I would prefer Trump get in again so that our economy stops kicking rocks.

>> No.78817343

I hope she enjoys the twitter comments and reddit karma. Nijisisters dont watch streams nor buy merch

>> No.78817396

>She doesn't push her taste onto others.
I hope you are right about that

>> No.78817557

Jesus fucking christ, is that her? No wonder she wants to destroy the idol culture. She will never will be an idol with that face.

>> No.78817601

California is the cultural centre of the new left if you don't understand this you have not been paying attention to your surroundings for the past 15 years.
>Shitting on random Christians
I see your worldview never progressed beyond the cringe, fedora tipping 16 year old.

>> No.78817614

Hostile to China I get with the import taxes. But how was he hostile to Russia?

>> No.78817793

Trump has been warning that germany would become dependent on russian gas.
They were all laughing at him back them.
What happened later?



>> No.78817857

Who needs antis when you have Holofans?

>> No.78817999

Imagine unironically being a right-winger, lmao. Oh well, I guess you did grow up in a red state shithole with Bible studies for public education, so I can't really fault you. Don't take it out on the chuubas tho, I'm sure you have some minorities around to rope in your giant free time.

>> No.78818139

Myeah ok that's just talk though. At least the import tax raise was actual policy, which I agree with in this case.

>> No.78818286

Vaxxed thread

>> No.78818320

What an absolute disappointment, she went off the deep end immediately

>> No.78818379

>Actively hostile to Russia
>Has gone on record encouraging Ukraine to surrender, and stated he'll end all military aid to Ukraine
Seems like Russia would love that.

>> No.78818411

Yes. She's a fujo through and through. Female sexpest

>> No.78818419

I'm not American or religious, your sense of right and left, good and bad is all fucked up so the relative marker is meaningless. You're so completely out of your depth I don't know why you even pretend to hold political opinions. Every moral or political law you pretend to uphold comes from living in a neo Christian society, you have the privalliage of shitting on your roots because you don't know what it's like it live in a society without any.

There's nothing wrong with conserving what is good in your culture as there is nothing wrong with seeking to improve it slowly. But in your head is a cartoon sports game between right and left, good and bad written by depressed, mentally ill Californians.

>> No.78818441

All women are like that.

>> No.78818442

Retarded golem, she's literally not American, why are you bringing up Trump?

>> No.78818459
File: 109 KB, 1024x442, 80E220A9-0513-42EB-8337-384CE965C02C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>homobegging pot calls the kettle black

>> No.78818487

>leftie faggot
You seem to be lost, retard

>> No.78818698

Everyone except /here/ was amazed by her powerful singing voice
Anyone knows why?

>> No.78818719

>Uhhh I can change the idol culture and I will collab with males and everybody else will follow me and I will be praised by everybody...
Did she REALLY said that?

>> No.78818775

Ancestor cry.

>> No.78818790

no one dares be truthful without anonymity.

>> No.78818814

Anon, all your "authority" over politics went out the window the moment you described California as left-wing and implied it's the idiological centre of the universe. After that, there is nothing to talk with you about let alone consider your political opinions an expert's.

>> No.78818894
File: 136 KB, 546x700, weneedtogoback.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I beg to differ.

>> No.78818898

I can actually believe you're a Californian leftist by the way you deny simple, self-evident truths
>California is not left-wing

>> No.78819075

>California isn't left-wing
"I read Marx, so I'm superior"

>> No.78819205

>I'm not American, so I can be actually left-wing.
There I fixed it for you.

>> No.78819373

No, for some reason she triggered all of the unmedicated schizophrenics on veetee

>> No.78819440

When kids fighting for democracy in Hong Kong and young people fighting for their country in Ukraine are quoting from Hollywood films as their source of inspiration you know the cultural and moral centre has been profoundly influenced by California. The richest, most influential media and tech corporations on earth all crammed into a tiny malfunctioning state. The entire internet controlled and regulated by google, Californian tech giants controlling the overton window on all social and political discourse. The home to all woke movements just so happens to be this shitty little state, the countries most effected just so happen to be the English speaking anglosphere with closest ties to america.

I never said I was an expert I said you had no idea what you believe in, no understanding of the world you live in and where the ideas that permiate your mind originate.

>> No.78819597

Started off somewhat strong and went downhill really fast.

>> No.78819681

>already getting doxxed
Unicorns have finally lowered themselves to the level of sisters and phasefags, amazing.

>> No.78819797

Are you gonna buy her merch? Watch her streams, even?

>> No.78819878

I don't know yet, because unlike you schizos, I don't base my entire view on a person from a 30 minute introduction

>> No.78819887

Actually take your meds. There are Americans out there less US-centered than you, a supposed foreigner. I wish Californians were the enlightened leftist freedom fighters you imagine them to be, then maybe they could have got the rest of the country into shape by now.

>> No.78819948

You’re gonna base them based on the few clips she watches and how many unichuds she owns on xitter instead

>> No.78819994

Holly shit, if she is really pro LGBT shit, then there is no way I'm going to watch anything that has her.

>> No.78820233

>Calls CA a malfunctioning state.
>Talks about how CA inspires freedom fighters in Hong Kong and Ukraine.
There is definitely something odd about this comment.

Anyways, one of the cool things about being a liberal of /vt/ is unlike the poltards here, I can be reasonably confident that my Oshiis don't hate my political guts.

>> No.78820310

Californians are nihilistic, confused, depressed and mentally ill moral crusaders who are dealing with the reality of living in a hyper materialistic post religious society. They go on moral crusades despite having no morals because they reject the origin of their moral framework. The freedom fighters in foreign cultures are influenced by an older less mentally ill Hollywood, the generation after will only know of the garbage propaganda seeping out of new Disney and it's peers.

You think any attempt to trace the origin of ideas is a shizophrenic task because you're so myopic the thought never occured to you that ideas have origins and culture is influenced by who controls and propagates them.

>> No.78820342

>wahh she supports LGTVS! booo!!
>muh holo yuri is so good! yes more please!!!
which one is it faggots?

>> No.78820479

how are yuritroons not lgbtjfxh?

>> No.78820532

definitely the KFPs

>> No.78820554

Because the majority will be seething I will also seethe too

>> No.78820570

I'm sure they would, but trump also said he'd drain the swamp and put us interests first, yet he hired the most substantial swamp creatures for his admin, got mad at Powell for not pumping the stock market and is now saying he'll send literally everything to Israel because he's the biggest ally. I'd rather assess him based on what he actually did in his first term which saw Russia continued to be heavily sanctioned and arms flowing into Ukraine in preparation for the war in record numbers.

>> No.78820576

I thought we liked our holomems lesbian

>> No.78820621

love lesbians
hate lgbt
simple as

>> No.78820674

Trump endorsed the vaxx and kneels to Jews.

>> No.78820708

but lesbians is the first letter in the alphabet?

>> No.78820722

Hollywood's influence stretches back many, many decades. Before it adopted it's current worldview. That point was to illustrate how influential Hollywood is to global culture and how it falling off a moral cliff in the last decade will have global cultural implications. The more obvious example of American mental rot spreading like cancer was the BLM riots infecting European capitals who had no similar history of slavery or black oppression by their police forces. The history of these kinds of riots dates back, the largest in American post civil rights history was the LA riots in 1992.

>> No.78821180

>no history of systematic racism
Yepp, we're really just talking out of our ass like that. Enjoy your last (you).

>> No.78821214

Pretty girls making out for the enjoyment of males = Good
Ugly bulldykes engaging in sex roleplay to "stick it to the man" = Bad

>> No.78821327

>makes chuds seethe
based, i will now subscribe to the red woman

>> No.78821352

>I bet she is a woke lgbt supporter who says fuck trump and other shit.
She's British. They're all like that.
It's a bold strategy, let's see how it works out for 'em.

>> No.78821413

You're an American with no understanding of the world outside your borders, you barely even understand your own country. There were european capitals with no history of slavery or even multicultural societites rioting over BLM. How the fuck were they supposed to share Americas history of systemic racism when there weren't any black people in their countries till the mass immigration movements in the 1990s.

America's issue is they project their own history into every other country on earth.

>> No.78821492

/pol/ or /vt/ ?

>> No.78821535

Trump is not my president
Because Im not a fucking American

>> No.78821565

*teleports behind you*
*puts dick in your mouth* heh nothing personnel

>> No.78821585

Ollie probably

>> No.78821665

>"systemic racism"
>historical Europe is a single entity
>no black people = no racism
>but America is the one projecting their history into every other country
>and it's the American who doesn't understand America
How do people like this even exist?

>> No.78821761

what a coincidence, i also like to subscribes to channels i dont intend to watch for the sole purpose of believing it upsets strangers on the internet who have no interest in me whatsoever

>> No.78821847

He vows to end the ethnic cleansing of Ukrainians being funded by America an Europe to plunder the country's trillions in resources and stop the money laundering of billions through an installed comedian dictator.
>this is bad.
I know liberals are fucking brain rotten, being a Canadian but you fuckers really are idiots.

>> No.78821862

Those are phaseroaches falseflagging as usual.

>> No.78821887
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>> No.78821928

Systemic racism is not the same as racism. Slavery was systemic racism. European countries have almost no internal history of slavery, the British fought to abolish it on a Christian moral grounds, the morals you think are stupid and only belong to rednecks in the bible belt.

The argument that all white societies are still systemically racist is a Californian idea from the new left.

>> No.78821967

Yurifags are a different piece, just there and get caught on the crossfire, not waifufag enough to be a unicorn, don't like cock enough to be a homobeggar

>> No.78821986

Your post is longer than his so that means you're mad.

>> No.78822205

>my israeli puppet is better than your israeli puppet!

>> No.78822224

Nice try Ivan.

>> No.78822462

should have left out the trump part. he has gone mad. it's ok to vote for him against biden but to support him? bruh

>> No.78822562

based takes

>> No.78822597

After the fourth debut they'll reveal that the group's actually called Social Justice

>> No.78822660

I wish they had 5 members so we can continue the curse of the 5th

>> No.78822863
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>makes a dogshit political thread
go back >>>/pol/

>> No.78822905

I'm telling you. It's impossible for a straight male to be a vtuber. The only thing straight about these faggots is their faggotry.

>> No.78822906

He's probably a seething jew trying to pilpul his way out of the retardation brought forth by his kind.

>> No.78822981

Europeans invented that shit, especially Brits and French. Well, I say "invented", but they refined what the Arabs were already doing. The thing is, they eventually realised it was not only morally abhorrent, but more critically, it was dumb economically.
Meanwhile the US stuck with it and made slavery a huge part of the country's identity, which eventually led to having segregation until the fucking 60s'.

>> No.78823004

holy shit just take the L and learn something bro. you look so pathetic.

>> No.78823063
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Exactly. She's a politics parading libtard leftie eurocuk, absolutely disgusting, wouldn't be surprised if all the homo interactions and the ollie drawing were entirely disingenuous and purely to own the chuds, can't believe they bothered with someone like that

>> No.78823108

Wut? You have never studied history even on surface level, Europe has a long history of slavery, longer than the colonies entire existence. The word slave itself is derived from slav.

>> No.78823190

I'm already watching her, you don't have to sell me on it.

>> No.78823316

so when is kiara doing her lecture? can we also get matara as a guest?

>> No.78823368

They weren't niggers so that's not real slavery

>> No.78823379

Damn, well one day you'll grow up. You can't be underage forever

>> No.78823419

They should invite Kronii too, pretty sure she has something to say as well.

>> No.78823513

>”politics are okay when it’s pro LGBT slop!!!!!” >>78822905

>> No.78823554

The issue with conservatives is usually that they are overage, and even if not quite forever, it still feels like it.

>> No.78823574

Whoops wrong post >>78823513

>> No.78823639

I love how these faggots keep pushing the LBGT shit more than the ones who are supposed to be the supporters of it.

>> No.78823650

he boosted the Canadian economy? one of the first things he did was put huge penalties on our wood exports! what did he do to boost the economy?

>> No.78823817 [DELETED] 
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You think a whore Unicornigger

>> No.78823897

Thanks for reminding me why I hate Holostars EN.

>> No.78824017

>Oy vey the Goyim need to be educated on this forum too

>> No.78824099

I said internal slavery. The context of this discussion is European citizens rioting over internal systemic racism, none of those citizens are there as a result of slavery they are all economic migrants.

This is why it's complete larp for them to pretend they share the history of slavery, racial segregation and then police oppression that characterises race relations in America.

>> No.78824367

stopped watching holomen after my oshi vesper left
anything that hurts a unicorn is good

>> No.78824378

What the fuck is internal supposed to mean? In some European countries more than 50% of the population was slaves.

>> No.78824471

Your entire worldview is based on buzzwords and bullshit, but you like the feeling of superiority it gives you.
Total lost cause.

>> No.78824524

100% a vote for Biden is a vote for world war 3

>> No.78824598

Tranny Communist rodent you can go fight the democrats wars then when they start world war 3.

>> No.78824662

Hololive has most likely been infiltrated by kikes.
They're going to destroy it fom the inside.
Fucking kikes, no wonder they got expelled thousands of times from hundreds of countries for thousands of years. They're wicked to the core.

>> No.78824664

Fuck NATO, nato is a parasite to the US,

>> No.78824672

They didn't import slaves for internal use, what the fuck are you talking about if any European country was 50% black or brown slaves they would be an African state by this point.

>> No.78824698

He is still getting (you)s... This board is a lost cause.

>> No.78824721

Faggot commie bot go back to China

>> No.78824749

I'm using very basic English here, making very simple arguments. The fact that you're intimidated by simple vocabulary is your own problem, come up with a counter argument or shut up.

>> No.78824845

Europe would be better off conquered by Russia rather than be under the globohomo zog EU. The EU betrayed Europe and allowed a soft invasion. Europe is for white people.

>> No.78824907
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>> No.78824930


>> No.78825002
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>> No.78825005

they hated him because he told the truth

>> No.78825022

Gas all kikes and their left0id golems now

>> No.78825131

People literally shit in the streets of California, there are robberies and murders every day. California is a shithole.

>> No.78825202

So? You're wrong, because there was trade in slaves that included quite a large region, but even if you weren't - how would having the slaves originate from the same geographic region constitute no slavery occurring? I can actually approximate the point you're trying to make, but because the language you use is so broad and careless you're saying something completely retarded instead.

>> No.78825203

Imagine being a leftist commie cuck tranny. Lead pill abortions for you and your kind are coming.

>> No.78825280

Ah yes the straight and trad russians that literally fuck each other in the ass as a part of their culture and have the highest aids rate in Europe.

>> No.78825279

>Actively hates Russia
>Transformed into reek during the Helsinki conference
>Hates China
>Has Chinese bank account
>Pays taxes in China
>Went to NK
>Saluted Kim
Hate sure has different meaning nowadays

>> No.78825294

I hope she will stream more than normie games.

>> No.78825302

Fuck Ukraine not a real country, it was always part of Russia. Ukraine was literally created to die as a nato proxy state by NATO after the Cold War. That’s Ukraines only reason that it exists at all.

>> No.78825327

Did Elizabeth have a lioscence for any of those opinions of hers?

>> No.78825353

what a pussy ass snowflake, go to your safespace

>> No.78825420

Faggot kill your self democrat rodent you and your party are the biggest threat to the republic.

>> No.78825476

The war will come to you sooner or later, and to Japan as well, for that matter.
You should start reading what the Russians actually write, instead of what they tell you the Russians think.

>> No.78825544

The Greeks and Romans did it as well.
Tell me the Ancient Greeks and Romans weren't based, you insidious wicked kike. Go ahead.

>> No.78825651

>do you support a great economy and no wars
No, I want to die for Israel and send all my money to countries whose main export is human trafficking

>> No.78825656

You're equivocating and backtracking all over the place. Let me recap since you seem to be confused. This discussion is in the context of race relations in America being imported overseas to Europe with a completely different context.

Europe did not import massive amounts of Africans and middle eastern people to use as slaves in their own countries therefore the black and brown minority populations that currently live there are economic migrants who moved of their own accord, they never lived under the systemic racism of slavery and did not undergo generations of racial conflict that resulted from it. They larped as black Americans during blm because they consume shitty American culture which began to supplant their own view of their own history.

>> No.78825673
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>> No.78825680

Only trannies don't

>> No.78825788

I said is hostile to, not hates. You don't need to hate someone in order to take actions that are against them.

>> No.78825810

Fuck and your California commies.

>> No.78825909

They don’t even know who you are retard, it doesn’t matter you and you kind always likes to go on about how your Oshi doesn’t care about you, PARASOCIAL FUCK!

>> No.78825931
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>made with mematic
the right isn't sending their best

>> No.78825981
File: 230 KB, 389x501, MakeAtlantisGureatAgain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, OP struck a nerve eh?

>> No.78826037

Fuck minorities Europe is for white people, death to the traitor governments and the leftist infiltrators.

>> No.78826040
File: 247 KB, 1529x832, Untitled41_20240622234731~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's already over for NijiEN. It's just basic strategy to occupy the territory your enemies lost so they can't reclaim it. NijiEN was already losing it's grip on EN so now Cover will send in their mixed collabers and occupy the mixcollab niche NijiEN once filled. But they don't need to dedicate a majority of their forces to this. A handful will do occupy Niji's position while the rest continue as normal. That's why nijisisters are on full panic mode.

>> No.78826043

Yeah, no shit Sherlock. Maybe you shouldn't say dumb things like "Europe never had internal slavery", though. Do you really expect people to make the most generous assumptions possible about whatever you say? You're not a 5 year old, you should be capable of being specific in your language.

>> No.78826094
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>> No.78826108

the enemy territory is irradiated wasteland you retard

>> No.78826133

it's really cringe trying to force memes you saw on /g/ in other boards anon

>> No.78826159

Blacks should be enslaved again.

>> No.78826161

Ok but which white people? Do the Irish count? The French? What about the gypsies?

>> No.78826177

Trump is an absolute faggot that is led by Jews. Conservatoids are the new liberals these days, love brown people but hate Whites. Love fags, hate heterosexuality. Lady MAGA? Love drag queens too. Fuck off. What does this have to do with vtubers exactly? Oh that's right, this is just an opening for a rightoid like you to piss shit and fart everywhere.

>> No.78826182


/pol/ has ruined this fucking site

>> No.78826195

>Muh Russians in my Froot Loops
What pool of radioactive sludge did you slither out of, and what do we have to do to make you go back and stay there

>> No.78826290

I expect you to understand basic English and to track the context of the argument that is being made. Instead you retreat to semantic quibbles because you've so thoroughly lost the ability to form an actual counter argument.

>> No.78826528
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Intentionally disingenuous question would you say the same about Asians or blacks in their respective continents. Anyway fuck leftists they are all traitors to western civilization.

>> No.78826667

*rapes and beheads you*

>> No.78826683

>just ignore active measures anon! the kgb magically lost their ability to manipulate people when the USSR ended
>never ever read what medvedev and dugin say in russian, read what a russian diplomat is saying in english for the english speaking audiences!

>> No.78826711

I do understand basic English, which is exactly why I called you a retard for saying what you did. If your argument is so inept that even someone that agrees with you feels compelled to take it out of context, maybe you shouldn't be arguing over anything more sophisticated than your aesthetic preferences.

>> No.78826739

I should have taken a screenshot before the last elections when a similar chud like you claimed that a Biden win means that China will 100% be emboldened to invade Taiwan. The mental gymnastics of the faggots in this board

>> No.78826831

Ok you want to start a boring argument about grammar and punctuation now? It's about as insightful and relevant to the actual points being discussed.

>> No.78826832

>I blocked instantly.
The only correct action.

>> No.78826939

But you can't say the same about the Americas, and that is perhaps why karma will make Europe get fucked.
The issue could be easily solved if you took most of the settlers you sent there, btw, then José Bourbonelli and Pablo Burgstein could wash your toilets instead of Ahmed.

>> No.78826960

>Go to Asia and ask if they consider their neighbors true Asians and you'll get some funny answers
>Go to Africa and ask if they consider their neighbors true Africans and you'll get some funny answers
Answer the question anon

>> No.78827027

Least vile poltard

>> No.78827082

So true OP, i bet she is reading this thread and seething very hard. But she can't reply anything officially due to her contract with Cover.


>> No.78827095

The Greeks and Romans were pretty based. The Romans more so because they first put Christians to the torch, as they should have kept doing. Nero had the right idea but alas.

>> No.78827105
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>> No.78827214

The Americas has a different history than the old world thus a different destiny.

>> No.78827321

I don’t answer disingenuous questions but by whatever communist logic you are using the EU was a mistake, it is destroying ethnic identity for the globohomo zog agenda.

>> No.78827357

Your issue isn't grammar or punctuation, it's using sentences that will make you look like a retard if you don't give them the most generous possible context interpretation. Nobody is going to do that. Specially not someone who disagrees with you on ideological grounds. Your argument was so bad that it was not even necessary to deliberately lie about what you said to make you sound like lunatic. All I had to do was take your words at face value.

Yes it's a semantic argument, but try not losing every single argument to semantics in the future. Nobody gives a shit about your actual points when the way you botch your expression of those points is far more interesting.

>> No.78827392

Bet you love Israel and won't stand with Palestinians because you fall for the Fuentes/Tommy Robinson type grift arguments. "Oi m8 my society is shitting the bed but I love dem Sikhs and hate them muzzies" Getting rid of Israel benefits everyone in the world and we, yes fucking WE, can finally create real solutions to world problems and the first being like I don't fucking know creating a way back for those people to leave Europe/America/Canada.

>> No.78827497
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>> No.78827626
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Fuck Muslims and Jews both enemies of Europe, I choose the third option. DEUS VULT

>> No.78827689

Enjoy getting nothing done then.

>> No.78827698

Look, you're very very attached to a simple misunderstanding you made, that I immediately corrected and to which you agree. You were confused because you did not pay attention to the context of the argument, I'm under no obligation to make every word I say make sense when taken out of context and welded as a retarded sematic counter argument.

You're boring and a waste of time and you feel the need to disagree with me because you dislike my tone, remember where you are, the fact I'm not shit posting out my ass and actually making sincere arguments is more than this shit hole deserves.

>> No.78827767

They are more aggressive than ever and there were no new wars under trump. Anyway enjoy your TDS when you’re conscripted and sent to some nameless foreign field as cannon fodder.

>> No.78827817

She does have a set of lungs on her

>> No.78827850

Better than getting involved in the conflict of your enemies.

>> No.78827887

>Britain suppressing the Irish for generations
>America lumping the Irish and the Italians with colored
Please explain how this happened then

>> No.78827923

Trump is going to give foreign students permanent residence status in the US by stapling green cards to their diplomas after they graduate lmfao. Trump is an unironic piece of trash.

>> No.78828005

The only destiny is the constant curse befalling old Europa. God's punishment for going back on deals made after converting the native to Christ.
All the secret societies and minorities that were about to be exterminated, found a continent to hide in, regroup and strengthen. Where would the masons and jews be if not for the new world?
The gold and silver extracted corrupted the heart of your kingdoms to the core, making the merchants richer and more powerful than your kings, now those merchants sniff the america's cocaine and decide to let you die for a small increase of profit.
No american silver, no rich jews in german cities, no spice and drug dealers in asia.
The potatoes gave the peasantry room to breathe and break the feudal order created by the wheat cycle.
Quinine, the miracle drug, opened up Africa, so you could die in there, ignite the envy of nations without colonies so they would wage a mad war to tear the continent apart, and ultimately, bring millions of Africans to your land.
Even the rainbow flag, once the symbol of the Incas, is now waved in your capitals more often than that of your own nation.
In the coming decade your last trial will come, a war in the mountain. The European man will have a chance to prove his honor and faith or his greed and pride, their last chance.

>> No.78828083

Yeah man it's almost like they were lining his pockets to not lift a finger.

>> No.78828154

>Bro like don't you know they're you enemy?
Imagine being this much of a pussy LMFAO. I 100% support Hamas (not materially) but in spirit and will stamp on asinine bloviators like you all day.

>> No.78828169
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Imagine being this guy

>> No.78828421

it's not a misunderstanding, there was no confusion. I read your argument exactly the way I intended to knowing the full context of it. I don't dislike your tone either, I think you're an illiterate monkey who is way out of his depth.

The only reason I'm even engaging with you is because I actually believe you're trying to make sincere arguments. Someone needs to call you a retard and make you fix your shit, because if you present arguments this bad to someone who genuinely doesn't like what you're saying, then you're going straight to their cringe compilation which they'll be using to paint their their opponents as clueless retards and you sure do belong there.

>> No.78828540 [DELETED] 
File: 106 KB, 734x1266, D1115E60-8FDE-490A-8625-E88AE8216E6B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DEUS VULT fuck the Jews and the Muslims, let them kill each other than the holy land can be reclaimed for Christ!

>> No.78828702

It’s proven that Biden took money from Chinese and Russian agents he is a pedophile traitor. They had to Rig a trial in the rotten apple called NYC to even touch trump. NYC deserved 9/11

>> No.78828763

>quick, fixate on my irrelevant bogeyman James Bond fanfiction
>not on your own government which is actively committing demographic replacement as we speak
>and the actually competent rogue intelligence apparatus which employs psychological warfare, including active measures, against your own people on a daily basis
Next you'll tell me I'm "subverted" because I'm not letting the liberal post-war order redefine itself as the western civilization that it already destroyed. You know, because you lack all self-awareness

>> No.78829122

When are you going to stop pretending you're not the same person who just lost the argument who has now retreated to banging on about a misunderstanding you made so you don't feel like complete shit. It's embarrassing.
It was obvious from the start the context was BLM riots, Whenever I used the term internal slavery in the same post there was obvious discussion of race and/or historical race relations, the fact that you couldn't put 2 and 2 together and conclude I was talking about internal use of none white slavery is your own autistic, pedantic problem.

Again, you are boring, you have made no real arguments except to quibble and cry about your own lack of reading comprehension and you continue to waste my and everyone who reads your comments time.

>> No.78829223

Thanks for telling us you love Jews that dance before every major attack that benefits them happens.

>> No.78829330

Kill yourselves and back to /pol/

>> No.78829357

You'd be retarded not to at this point

>> No.78829358

Why do /pol/ schizo force this shit on literally everything, it's like the sjws that try to scrutinize every little thing for nazi/chud bs, I thought you guys claimed to be better

>> No.78829537
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Some fucking anon here needs to get in start /pol/ posting. That would instantly boost the Stars to relevance. Especially if it is on the more intelligent end of things. A HomoStar talking about Faustian struggle and Evola Aryan ideas mixed in with Bowden speeches.


>> No.78829573

Two sides of the same retarded coin. They'll rant and rave on how based they are but the moment someone has a slightly left opinion they'll screech about wokeness or DEI or whatever buzzword their specific overlords tell them to be frightened about.

>> No.78829586
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>> No.78829606

Kek, red woman is gonna be the spark that lights up ww3 at this rate

>> No.78829717

Can't do anything these days without running into culture war shit, the issue is the left won the last fight when normal people ignored it and they took control of all the most important institutions in the west so now ignoring it is not an option. You have to fight it till every person on the west knows it's dumb as fuck.

>> No.78829875

I don’t love Jews I could care less if Israel ceases to exist Muslims danced too Mohammad.

>> No.78829930

2024 baby

>> No.78830856
File: 362 KB, 2048x1648, 1718843967000348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You realize none of the EN girls would vote trump, right? You're not so delusional to think otherwise, are you?

>> No.78831114

I bet gomba would vote Trump.

>> No.78831367

Nah, she was a bernie supporter.

>> No.78831796

This thread is full of people who pretend that Trump supporters don't also hate weebs and would hate vtuber fans if they knew what they were. Like a five year old bashing on a four year old for how small he is. In the eyes of them they're equally despicable.

>> No.78831848

eliemonty was in siivagunner
shes cool in my book

>> No.78831887

No, but I greatly prefer him over the other

>> No.78831905

Yeah, they're a group of millenial/zoomer girls who are on average at least a little gayer than the general population of women. Of fucking course their politics are going to be somewhere between "standard liberal" and "basically a communist," particularly when it comes to LGBT shit.

>> No.78831929

>I bet she is a woke lgbt supporter who says fuck trump and other shit.
I will now watch her

>> No.78831987

>who says fuck trump

>> No.78832075

>This thread is full of people who pretend that Trump supporters don't also hate weebs

>Guy is on 4chan
>4chan is filled with Trump supporters.
>4chan was create mostly for anime stuff

>Has the image of Trump supporters that the MSM brainwashed him to believe
>Oh no, Trump supporters are terrible!!!! - he thinks

>> No.78832087

>not supporting trump after we now have 4 years of utter shit Biden presidency to compare with 4 years of excellent Trump presidency
Anyone who lives in America and actually goes outside supports Trump by now.

>> No.78832110

Not surprising the bot filled brain drain known as 4chan has the most lukewarm takes imaginable. She objectively has great talent so your only criticism is Huur durrr Im an incel she tweeted at a holostar probably a lib. Damn yall REACHING

>> No.78832193

Holokeks Holozhangs are Holoseethe

>> No.78832370

of course, she's a niji sister, same as a homostar and she will try to change shit. fortunately for her and unfortunately for us the en management is run by sisters that suck off of the homostars (literally). I will still watch my hololive oshis because I love them but my hololive black pill arc has been started since armis debut

>> No.78832397
File: 92 KB, 850x1160, fau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, 4chan was created for weebs, and then chudcels showed up a decade later and ruined the place.

>> No.78832572

>he thinks Gawr "I love cowboys and riding horses and guns and camping and dudes with huge muscles and being a gardening, baking housewife and making based jokes about how women are dumber than men and the holocaust and dog whistles/here/ and talks about how much she hates reddit cringe etc etc" Gura would ever vote liberal

>> No.78832629

Thanks for conceding to me since that's all you have, basic bitch conservatoid.

>> No.78832701

Hey retard, they didnt show up.

The weebs BECAME the chuds as we got older and started paying attention to politics and wokoids started investing and destroying all of our hobbies.

>> No.78832786

nah, a bunch of you flooded over when r/thedonald and the adjacent communities got nuked

>> No.78832805

The stuff Anonymous was doing was rather left leaning

>> No.78832863

People who vote for Trump are blacks and browns cutting shitty rap MVs for him. I hope you enjoy having even more of them come in since he wants to staple green cards on to these future scientists and doctors diplomas.

>> No.78832865

we know she voted bernie tho

>> No.78832904

While Trump funding the creation of, and then bungling the Trump Virus response, which directly lead to the lockdowns that destroyed the economy, but directly helped HoloEN's growth, doesn't mean he's good.

Trump is the NijiEN of presidencies.

>> No.78832994

No but I sure as fuck dont support the faggotry that is democrats and how they want to troon out kids.

>> No.78833068

yeah, im voting for him in november.

>> No.78833123

The intersection between “Chudcels” and weebs is a circle, dummy. What actually happened, is that tourists found their way into anime and—as is always the case—complained and complained everytime shit wasn’t to their taste, thus “normifying” it. Chuds and weebs are chuds and weebs because they don’t care for social proofing shit, they’re self-made outcasts. They don’t want to change what’s around them, they’re happy to make their own corner by themselves. It’s normies like you who are obsessed with how things “seem” and what things “should be” on behalf of imaginary others. Normies like you are normies *because* all they care about is social proofing and that the group agrees with them, so that they’re not cast out and so that other people are. Which is why they’re always the termites who change shit. It’s never the chuds. Your entire mental model is wrong.

>> No.78833150

How the fuck is this fighting against government institutional power

These are vtubers from a jp company bro, how the flying fuck does this have even a modicum of relevancy in the western culture war

>> No.78833196

No but I hate the skittles more

>> No.78833238

Bernie was a special case, even I liked him in 2016 before I learned better

>> No.78833457

>Conveniently omitting hat election tourists are constantly screaming 'tranime' now when they see anime image and are even trying to rewrite 4chan history claiming it isn't an anime site.
The association fallacy and strawmen are entirely on point for you fags.

>> No.78833499

Don't confuse Anonymous with 4chan anon.
Anonymous is cringe as fuck with that mask and stuff.

>> No.78833536

There’s like seven different “Anonymous”, dude. That’s why it was “anonymous”. And, yeah, one of them was a super commie guy, and he tried to claim the name, but it was never just him or people who thought like him.

>> No.78833568

oh my fauci

>> No.78833630

Devout Christians support Trump to put the Ten Commandments in every classroom. Godless heathens support Biden.

>> No.78833753

>I 100% support Hamas
i always find these idiotic claims so funny because they would behead you the moment they get their hands on you if you ever end up in gaza. besides hamas's goal is not to only murder innocent israelis but also every jew around the world and they will sacrifice as many palestinians as they can to achieve it.
you are basically a genocidal piece of shit that wants death both to israelis and palestinians.

>> No.78833858

That doesn’t say much. Bernie was the dissident normie lib vote. Half of the “chud” YTers people on here would despise and call “chudcels” or something worse, voted Bernie at some point. It was a dissidence vote by political newbies as much as it was anything else. Nobody should think much of it.
And that would be even if I bought or cared that she voted Bernie, which I don’t.

>> No.78833864

Stop lying nigger. Like everything it's split 50-50

>> No.78833904

>before I learned better
Just admit you got paid off by the heritage foundation.

>> No.78833945

This year I will be voting for him yes

>> No.78834153

Cool, so like everyone else in DC? Still voting for him tranny. The machine clearly fears him so he is inherently worth supporting.

>> No.78834263

This board truly died with the vax

>> No.78834277

Kek. Hello, fellow rightist!!!

Your 3rd world country sucks my dick by the way.

>> No.78834283

It's really not. Even democrats would be considered right wing in Europe. Anyone to the right of Bernie would be at the most center. Merkel was from the Christian conservative party and very aligned with Obama.

>> No.78834391

They range from politically disaffected normies to online weirdoes, so I doubt they even vote or care very much at all. The closest thing to the wacky weirdoes on here you’re likely to find among them—at least thus far, new gen might be a different matter—is probably just a run-of-the-mill, “go with the flow”, “political NPC” late millennial person. The latest batches I don’t know, but cover seemed to be careful enough with screening to avoid the real problem people. However, cover has been increasingly americanizing itself as of late so who knows if that healthy standard has remained in place.

>> No.78834405

As an unvaxx Chad, I don't care if people die from corona desu

>> No.78834480

I support Hitler

>> No.78834512
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No one here actually gives a fuck about policy it's just constant back and forth spite voting and it flips around each decade
When zoomers get tired of pretending they converted to catholicism or orthodox christianity and taking their revenge on the gays who got too faggy in the 2010s they'll go right back to being the "legalize gay marriage, the bacon narwhals at midnight, science fucking rules and god isn't real" group, I guarantee it

>> No.78834544

>feature creature on /vt/
im tired

>> No.78834546

>Even democrats would be considered right wing in Europe.
Sure, if you go by what they say. If you go by what they do, you'd see that they're all on the same team, chasing the same goals, just from a different starting point. hell, even European "leftists" are just rebranded Soviets, using Marxism as a marketing gimmick so they can become the next oligarchs. And everyone falls for the same tricks, over and over and over.

>> No.78834660

I'll always laugh that the Trump Virus killed so many Trump supporters because they refused to get vaxxed when it was intended to kill everyone else.

>> No.78834787 [DELETED] 

> why l hate holostars en
Unicornigger kill yourself/#/

>> No.78834809

>T-they would behead you!
I a White man have more to gain siding with these icky brown people because if Israel gets destroyed (They already lost a lot of good faith and will since their propaganda and made up claims are absolutely trash) I have more to gain. I give ZERO FUCKS ABOUT ISRAELI EMOTIONS WHEN THEY COMMIT ACTUAL GENOCIDE. Israelis are literally all combatants and when they cry it's fucking fake and two sided. Maybe don't send your fucking whores out on the front line to get captured and feign innocence. Genocide for Palestinians is what I'm advocating? That's what Jews are doing and have done throughout history. Geeze, why is the Middle East so unstable and why are all these people coming into America/Europe/Canada? Couldn't be because Israel antagonizes literally every country around them and then sets up NGOs to flood other countries with refugees, nooooo. Jews killing kids? A OK! Jews committing actual war crimes? A OK too! It is morally just to wish and pray for their destruction and for their people to be scattered to the winds never to be close to the ears of power ever again. Don't come to me with your weak ass fence sitting and moralize to me, your superior.

>> No.78834922

genocide is when you're in a constant state of war yet the genocided population continues to grow

>> No.78834944

Then why did they make a literal golden idol of Trump? Didn't God specifically punish the people who did that before? Not even mentioning his astonishing amount of adultery and greed. But I guess that is the "Christian" MO these days while denouncing Jesus as a woke libtard.

>> No.78835009

Simple: one side of the culture war is “everything must be the same” termites, and the other side is “leave me be, I just wanna be alone” self-actualized people. The half that wants everything to be the same extends its claws to everything it can. People who want to be left alone seek refuge in ever smaller, ever more isolated pockets of culture. By now, they’ve seen this happen so many times, they no longer take it as empty threats when their fellow veterans tell them: “this is dangerous, don’t believe their lies, they’re not actually being nice”. And so, you have a new theater of war. All because of self-appointed paladins who come into spaces not to partake in them but to “teach them a lesson” in how wonderful they are, and how much you need to learn from them in order to be better.

The western culture war is the entire worlds’ culture war because the west keeps exporting it. It’s their main, most consistent cultural product: colonization. As always, spearheaded by the self-appointed “progressives” and their emmissaries, who come to tell you “the good news”.

>> No.78835083

>Israel gets destroyed
will never happen so long as they have nukes, you're just a genocidal piece of shit
1.5 dead civillians to 1 dead terrorist is not a genocide you fucking retard, if israel truly wanted to genocide palestinians the war would have ended on october 8th

>> No.78835177

i encourage everyone to look up the samson option

>> No.78835351

>Rebranded soviets
Either a pajeet being paid in rubles, or brainwashed burger to actually think these exist.

>> No.78835413

It’s not a genocide, it’s just a war they’re losing. They could have ended the war on October 8th by giving the hostages back but they didn’t. Instead, they went and hid themselves among the civilian population so that people like you would take their side once shrapnel from an israeli bomb hit a palestinian child. It’s Hamas’ fault that the war has taken so many civilian lives: they started the war, they kept it going, and they used their own civilians as meat shields for PR. Well and, also, if you look at the actual data, the war hasn’t even taken that many civilian lives, relatively speaking. When compared to other theaters of urban war, it’s actually below average in terms of collateral damage.

>> No.78835438

Hey bro let me just bomb your country for decades on end, displace you and eject you elsewhere to be someone elses problem. That's not genocide to remove people from land it HAS to be the cartoonish Nazi way that the media told me.

>> No.78835448

It's not really about that. If you're not tired of hearing about him at this point there is probably something wrong with you.

>> No.78835473


>> No.78835503

Throwing a rave next to the people you caged up isn't a good look.

>> No.78835846

The people at that rave where all people who think like Palestinian supporters: people who think that the world is magic, that a symbol is worth more than a shovel to the ground, and that slogans are what policy solutions are made of. If the people at the rave hadn’t been attacked, they would be taking the Palestinian side today, just like the progressive genderblobs who think they’re “being the good ones” for supporting a group of people that would hang, burn and stone them to death. Like I said, people who believe performance is reality, because they have never actually dealt with reality.

>> No.78835933

How can all you chuds be anti lgbt while watching vtubers? I can’t think of a more pro lgbt industry than vtubing

>> No.78836001

>bomb your country
first of all palestine is not a country, second of all they get bombed because they launch rockets at israeli civilians, any country would react the same as israel if they had terrorists launching rockets at them.
>displace you and eject you elsewhere to be someone elses problem
you don't get to start a genocidal war and then cry that you lost land after you get your ass kicked. palestinians are so radicalized that not even the muslim countries around them will take them because they brought them nothing but terrorism in the past.

>> No.78836099

>Jews in Israel taking up the side of their enemies
lol, lmfao. If they do it's to make actual Palestinian supporters look goofy and to discredit any criticism. All I'm seeing is basic bitch conservatoid "gotta own the libs!" argumentation that is gleaned from listening to grifting misdirectors in the BAPsphere.

>> No.78836182
File: 1.61 MB, 2394x1172, 1702056357416762.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They do have a far right vtuber, but like all far right loonies, her entire thing is politics.

>> No.78836240

Yuri is not lgbt.

>> No.78836295

Keep buying in to those conservative media talking points and definitely don't do any research. I bet I'm talking with an IDF soldier right now that's doing the bit given that it's been proven they trawl every board on this ever shrinking website, and if not you're just an Israel sycophant.

>> No.78836465

>no counter argument and instantly goes for ad hominem
yeah that's about as much as i'd expect from a hamas supporter, i accept your concession

>> No.78836592

It's immunisation against bad ideas, it's a big enough problem that every normal citizen in the west must be exposed to the counter argument before we can resume normal functioning. It is possible to move beyond these retarded culture wars because the woke lefts position melts in the face of anyone willing to argue.

>> No.78836630

Whatever, dude. We’ve veered the fuck away from vtubers and that’s not what I come on here for.
(BAP can suck my microplasticked balls tho.)

>> No.78837576

I swear to god you think more about tranny cock than actual troons do. Just transition already.

>> No.78839107


>> No.78840800

Russia literally has the largest muslim population in Europe you goddamned idiot.

>> No.78840869

You think retards on this board would vote for anybody else?

>> No.78841173


>> No.78841343

41% yourself troon

>> No.78841581

It's hilarious that some people actually think Russians are some kind of last hope of the white race. Russia has always been an absolute shithole and Russians are just third world monkeys with a white skin.

>> No.78842389
File: 104 KB, 750x842, 1694954087274672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you support Trump ?
No he love jews and brown people

>> No.78842821

I'd rather have Pekoras monkey be the president.

>> No.78842870

The white race will go extinct and nobody will hear your screams of desperation KEK

>> No.78843475

this thread is a good example of how awful the moderation is on this board

>> No.78843639

>your superior

>> No.78844011

Virtual Youtubers?

>> No.78844102

It is hilarious how unaware of their fate they are, i almost pity them.

>> No.78844257


anyone who does is brain damaged. Economies especially ALWAYS do better under democrats. We'd all be on the street if Trump won in 2020

>> No.78844283

Anons half of the aryan race warriors on the right are literal spics
