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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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78785564 No.78785564 [Reply] [Original]

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@KosekiBijou
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kosekibijou

Next stream: SAT - Elden Ring DLC before the collab at 7 PM EST | 4 PM PST | 8 AM JST
Previous stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q7_DWdk0iUA
Debut stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpAQib0T5v0

>Shorts/music/unarchived streams


>Intro/starter newpebble guide

Do not engage with diggers (trolls, doxxers, holo vs holo baiters). Hide, report and rock on.


>> No.78785647

I love Biboo-senpai

>> No.78785720

remember this kino happened today https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N8F8x4Dlvos&t=10284s

>> No.78785723
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Schejewel TBC, busy week confirmed.
SAT - Elden Ring DLC before the collab at 7 PM EST | 4 PM PST | 8 AM JST
SAT - Advent Collab at at 11 PM EST | 8 PM PST | 12 AM JST https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r48GZBKZjtc
SUN - Elden Ring DLC at 7 PM EST | 4 PM PST | 8 AM JST
Possible streams:
Elden Ring
Monster Hunter
Members' Frieren Watchalong
Double streams on collab days

>> No.78785839

Biboo will be bratty and use her senpai status to get away with it and it will be glorious

>> No.78785956
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Biboo could either lord over her status as senpai and make her kouhai obey her or she could overstep and get corrected in a game. Either way, I win. Advent could help Justice put her in her place every now and again and make her do silly Biboo noises.

>> No.78786275

Biboo needs to stay as far away as possible from Elizabeth please and thank you.

>> No.78786636

Not our call, bub.

>> No.78786705

Do you think that will stop the schizophrenic from reposting that every 30 minutes?

>> No.78786708

You lack Biboo Faith. The gem will never cave, no matter whom she collabs with. And she WILL collect every onee/mama.

>> No.78786848
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I wonder if Godhome is still an option even, maybe it has become the other way round and team cherry needs to manifest Biboo streams with announcing Hornet game.

>> No.78787202

imagine she does an ollie and invites biboo to a collab. ends up with the homos as a surprise. what will you do?

>> No.78787278

fuck off retard

>> No.78787620

Unironically, Ollie would stop that before it happened. She's tried that in the past and it led to a realization moment for her that if she keeps doing that literally everyone will hate her, even her coworkers.
Also funny to consider that Cover actually found someone worse than Ollie in that case, truly impressive.

>> No.78787767

stfu brown hands

>> No.78787795

post hand

>> No.78787803

anyways, how was biboo's elden ring stream? where'd she get to, i'm still playing it myself, i'm exploring the area after pontiff 2.0 which i just beat this afternoon

>> No.78788002

It was good, she HELICOPTER'd all over the place and using the power of friendship she defeated Fire Giant

>> No.78788225

t. commiefornian spic

>> No.78788318

I always find it funny that some "fans" think the girls are clockwork and don't talk to each other or, god forbid, organize their collabs in mutual agreement.
Yeah retards, ONE is always the BAD EGG and FORCES the rest into it.

>> No.78788418

The red whore is unironically the bad egg, yes

>> No.78788506

Most kino ending to a stream I've ever witnessed.

>> No.78788546

>lives in the jungle
>calls others spics
The ironing.

>> No.78788604

She didn't really progress a ton this stream, probably because she knew she only had a few hours, so it was mostly spent exploring and collecting shards and stuff. Good stream

>> No.78788640

maybe but my point was, Biboo wouldn't collab if there was something showing up she doesn't want to be seen with.

>> No.78788668

Post greencard, spic

>> No.78788690

Stop replying to the mentally ill

>> No.78788950
File: 22 KB, 400x395, s-l400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ONE is always the BAD EGG
ONE did nothing wrong. Why would you drag him into this?

>> No.78789037

It's becase Ollie has literally done that in the past you retard

>> No.78789094

kek nice one

>> No.78789122

>Stop replying to the mentally ill
Says the commiefornian spic that doesn't even watch Biboo

>> No.78789400

Are we past the ninja arc yet? if so, I might cease my slander

>> No.78789852
File: 134 KB, 292x396, biboocute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A montage of her greatest feats is going to hit so hard in another year

>> No.78789975

Biboo is too much of a pushover to say no and I know for a fact she'll collab with Elizabeth and Raora. It's not out if the realm of possibility Elizabeth tries to pull an Ollie and she'll be forced to sit through it to not hurt her.

>> No.78789977

someone should make a 1st anniv clip montage

>> No.78790024

I haven't checked in quite awhile honestly. Last chapter I read Blast, Sonic and Flash were still duking it out with the ninja monster nerd.

>> No.78790201

I don't think monhun is happening this week, and even frieren is more like a 50 50 thing at this point. She'll probably stream elden wing Sunday as well

>> No.78790224

damn didn't know blast showed up in the orignal at this point but thanks, gonna check it out, last time I read speed dude and fuckboy were trashing fodder

>> No.78790437

any chance biboo will do a second elden ring stream tomorrow? asking bc fuwamoco will have a solo stream tomorrow after the debuts, but it's at midnight PT so i don't know if biboo will want to start a stream at that time

>> No.78790441

Just got to watching this, it was super cute
Thank you for the link

>> No.78790604

She didn't talk about doing it, and she usually doesn't do stuff like that. We simply don't know, but looking at previous similar situations she'll not stream after the debut.

>> No.78790773

Fuck, sorry pebble. Figured we were on the same page.
>in the original
I haven't read ONE's OPM webcomic since Tatsumaki and Saitama were having it out after the Garou arc. What I was referring to takes place after that in ONE's/Murata's v2.

>> No.78791626

Yeah it's things like this that make random advent moments so cute

>> No.78791708

No she said she's busy with work stuff so she can't stream after the watchalongs. Since they're doing the watchalongs in studio, I'm guessing they're just staying in the studio for the rest of the day afterwards for training or recording or whatever.

>> No.78791845
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Ah don't worry pebble, those thankfully weren't spoilers to feel... spoiled about

>> No.78791984

Post about the Biboo
Discuss the future streams of the Biboo
Do not spread drama unrelated to the Biboo

>> No.78792162
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sure, see pic related
yes, elden ring tomorrow is gonna be great
I still can't believe mococo said forget it bitch bau bau

>> No.78792193

>busy with work stuff
What kind of "work stuff" do you guys hope she's working on? Anything 3D gets my vote. The more biboo 3D wiggling we get the better.

>> No.78792281

i think their 3d debuts are already done with recording, I'm guessing that this is for the concert

>> No.78792414

Thanks broulder, would feel awful spoiling your fun. You should catch up, there's been some interesting developments. That and Murata's art is always a treat.

>> No.78792687 [DELETED] 
File: 827 KB, 1080x607, where-are-you-guys-sitting-v0-ak0monjzoy2d1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello pebbles, tourist here. I was just curious about something, would you mind filling out this survey?

>> No.78792780

8 obviously

>> No.78792869

>can sit between best girl and BEST GIRL
Is this a trick question? What am I missing?

>> No.78792913

next to biboo and behind fauna is literally the only choice
unless bae wants to give me a handy in seat 10

>> No.78792994

which best girl is which?

>> No.78793038

1, I like window seats and that's the best one

>> No.78793194

Dunno, Biboo will just enter blank staring mode and Yagoo might try to sell you something for 10 hours.
Still best choice

>> No.78793199

I mean, yagoo is always gonna be BEST GIRL period. He's why we're all here. He may not be my "best girl", but he is objectively, in the broad sense of Hololive, BEST GIRL at the end of the day all things considered.

>> No.78793322

I mean obviously it's pretty much all 3D stuff, don't need to be in Japan for anything else really. But I genuinely have no idea where they are at in the recording 3D debut process right now. I figured they would be done by now but every time FWMC talk about work stuff it's usually just still "dance practice" and make it sound like they've got tons more work to do still. And Biboo hasn't really said any specifics. Of course that could all just be for the concert. They need to learn a few songs and dances for that, especially if the 2 days are completely different. Who knows.

>> No.78793424

>especially if the 2 days are completely different
obviously they are fucking different

>> No.78793646

Clearly fuwawa

>> No.78793760

Sex with me

8 and I keep "accidentally" bumping the seat in front of me

>> No.78793827

Biboo duh

>> No.78793983

The free space between 3, 5, 6 and 7

>> No.78794127 [DELETED] 

Right, this mostly seems to confirm my hypothesis
For example, when I asked this in /ggg/ about a month ago, they thought it was a fun brain teaser for various reasons, mostly because a) some thought their oshi would be too shy to talk to them and would just listen to music the whole flight and b) the only seat by Gura was also next to Kiara, whom chumbuds tend to either love or hate. This forced them to weigh alternative seats and consider which combinations of other girls that they liked second-most, third-most, least, etc. would be optimal
By contrast, from your guys' perspective, the layout of the seats and Biboo's more extraverted nature (If I'm reading her right? Sorry if that's not accurate, like I said, tourist) means there appears to be no downside whatsoever to sitting next to your rock oshi. Therefore the brain-teasing is minimal, and therefore you don't find the question nearly as fun or interesting - about what I expected, but nice to see some empirical validation
Thank you for participating in my social experiment, have some cute Biboo as payment for my tourism.
I wonder who I should ask next - saplings or brats maybe? Part of me wants to ask the hoomans, since Mumei is conspicuously absent which again means they'd have a non-trivial choice, but then again that also means it's debatably off-topic. Gonna have to sleep on it
First time I've had an answer that pointed this out kek

>> No.78794159

>passing up the chance to brush shoulders with biboo and best girl
For what reason?
>for the sake of sana gone joke
Real reply then.

>> No.78794203 [DELETED] 
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>>78794127 (me)
Oops forgot picrel

>> No.78794285

see >>78793194 then, the sana joke came later

>> No.78794492


>> No.78794496

I will sit in every numbered seat simultaneously by using the speedforce, except for 5 and 7

>> No.78794562

It was an easy answer for me. Out of curiosity: Who's your oshi?
>still best choice
I'm glad we agree. Anything less and I'd suspect you of being an Ebblep.

>> No.78794569 [DELETED] 

>Yagoo anti
Based and schizophrenic

>> No.78794906

I really dont know why hes sitting there hes supposed to be teaching the class

>> No.78795134

uhm other rock but I don't want untrained people to run around in the plane.

>> No.78795349 [DELETED] 
File: 435 KB, 850x1203, sample_913a668a6ce19e265ba08aa947938f72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm torn between Gura and Mumei, if I had a gun to my head I'd probably say Gura as you might've suspected that's why I was in /ggg/ a month ago, figured I'd try not to be blatant about it out of courtesy and because I know you guys constantly get threadshitters who try to start gay cunny fanbase wars, but now I might as well say now since I was asked
And for the record, my answer would be 5. Firstly to play with the shark tail, and secondly so chumbud prime has a good view of me when I eat my airplane steak

>> No.78796670

How long do you think it will take biboo to down that bear? As I beat it before her stream today, I think it will take her an hour or so, unless she goes and gets more seeds to power up. Also, if she goes to try and go to Farum Azula, remind her in chat that she needs to get the frenzied flame before lighting the cauldron, as it saves Melina if you do so and you get a special cutscene with her after you beat the game. If you dont save her you dont get that cutscene.

>> No.78796897

I think 30m or so, doesn't seem THAT bad, just obnoxious

>> No.78797438

I appreciate your honesty. Your question was relatively harmless given the answer was really only one of 2 among most pebbles so I wouldn't expect much shitstirring to come of it outside of obvious agitators, so no hard feelings. biboo would sit quietly, and most knowing pebbles would just enjoy her presence in silence.

>> No.78797745

I'm gonna beep boo

>> No.78797956 [DELETED] 
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Thanks pebblebro, you guys are alright o/
Here's hoping our oshis get a proper collab together sometime soon - I don't think it's unlikely, since Gura seems to be actually back now and she's been mentioning Advent quite a bit as of late

>> No.78798045
File: 1.50 MB, 900x600, PhdPigeon - 1804062843752583658.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78798310 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.78798331


>> No.78798411


>> No.78799120

I wonder how antsy Biboo is to get back into Elden Wing. Wish it came out during the two weeks she was in the States, we could have gotten multiple 10 hour Biboo streams in a row.

>> No.78799363

The timing of the release and her obligations with cover really were fucking awful. Add her cold on top of the and it's as if the outer gods conspired against her.

They fear her p̶̧̯̯̬̭͔͚̪̾̇͛͆́̽̔̀͛̈̃̔̽͠͝ǒ̵̰̗̻͕͎̜̖̥̫̓̀̔̈́͂̎̾̓͆̄̾̏̆̍̽̈́̌̄w̸̛̩̳͍̪̦̭͎̮͓͌͐͒̏̒̿̌̓̍̆̈̀̑͘̕͠͠e̸̢̺͓͓̤̯̺̬̞͊̄̈ŗ̸̧̨̨̛̛͈͉͔͓̖̱̬͎̏̆̃̑͋̒̾͛͊̒͂̃̈̌̈̃͘͜͝͝.

>> No.78801231

Ugly and oversized hat

>> No.78801648

was the second watchalong always at :45 or did it get moved 15 minutes later? i guess biboo will get 15 extra minutes of elden ring

>> No.78801984
File: 764 KB, 605x773, bibooing stops.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heard you talking shit about my wife's wife's fashion sense as depicted by my wife's mama.

>> No.78803330


And if we can't find her everyone out of the plane. You can't be too careful.

>> No.78803530 [DELETED] 
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Agreed, always thought it was weird that the original left her out
I did end up asking in /who/ next, so I made this new version and I think I'm going to use it from now on

>> No.78803807

>replacing best girl with mumei
I figured it was a joke that mumei too much of a wildcard to pin to one seat. Also this isn't /gem/ related at all.

>> No.78804022 [DELETED] 

Don't worry I just wanted to answer anon's question, please resume posting your cute rock

>> No.78804148
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She'll probably reach the next big boss tomorrow and will need to stop playing because of the 3 hours limit. The next boss is hard as fuck
And she can't really start earlier because she goes to the studio and they don't open before 7AM
I hope she gets to play a lot next week at least

>> No.78804755

8 Easily. Also I really kneel to Biboo.
I've been stuck on Rellana for over 8 hrs...I think I'm too old for these games.

>> No.78804816

7, 8 or 3

>> No.78806213

Of the new girls so far which do you think Biboo will do better with collabs?

>> No.78806252

7 for sure now. We get Moom on one side and Biboo on the other,

>> No.78806673

Gigi night be on the same wavelength as her so get but we'll see how the other two are and maybe a final call

>> No.78806736

This is what happens when you phone post before going to bed. Those typos are something else

>> No.78806772

Yeah I agree just need to have Biboo tax her into getting on her wavelength, now Biboo can be the Kaela.

>> No.78806874

Gigi will be easy to collab with I think
Also hoping for more interactions with Cecilia, she seems really sweet going by what people said about her
The brit hag would be the perfect mom role for her if she wasn't such a homo supporter. I don't trust her
No comments on pink cat, I just hope hololive is a clean slate for her

>> No.78807000

Gigi and Biboo will be something close to bae and Biboo. Chaotic brain rot. I think most people are waiting on Cece though before thinking of Collab options, especially since she's "canonically" the one tied to Bibs.

>> No.78807788

yeah I'll definitely be keeping an eye out on Cecilia, but we'll see SOON(tm)

>> No.78808020
File: 1.76 MB, 720x720, Lore Accurate Sound When Cecilia Arresting Biboo[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F9acvec.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78808244

Now make them do a stealth game collab

>> No.78808956

I know it's jokes but I would love to see a gremlin like Bibs try and play a stealth game...

>> No.78809193

We got a taste of how she handles stealth in the AC6 streams. Poorly.

>> No.78809285

That's why I want to see a proper stealth game! It would be peak content, I would definitely enjoy myself at least.

>> No.78809616

>sneaking through shadows
>panic sounds into game over or back into shadows
yeah I'm thinking kino

>> No.78809623

Didn't mean to imply I disagreed, would like to see more too. Some more Hitman streams would be nice. And the new Splinter Cell whenever that comes out.

>> No.78809785

No Biboo Ring today

>> No.78809845

she needs more msg

>> No.78809884

This poor gem. She's really been going hard this week WHILE sick. She really needs one solid day to recover

>> No.78810104

fug. fuwamoco acting as her spokesman was pretty cute at least.

>> No.78810174

The futas did this

>> No.78810229

I don't think she's SICK still, so that's good at least. But she's definitely been pushing her voice too hard this week and we don't even know if she's been doing voice recordings at the same time in the studio.
Hope gemwife feels better soon regardless.

>> No.78810403

>Literally pulling Biboo out of the studio to stop streaming.
>FWMC now taking over her twitter and forcing her not to stream before watchalong.
They keep putting a leash on my child!

>> No.78810629

>dogs leashing a gem
Does this mean gems are below dogs in the pet hierarchy?

>> No.78810658

Maybe I was a bit too rough with her last night. Gomen.

>> No.78810781
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Well she did like the idea of being a pet rock...

>> No.78811086

Good morning, I love biboo.

>> No.78811618
File: 189 KB, 850x704, 1709960110143714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biboo ...

>> No.78811619

I hate biboo, peeb you.

>> No.78811881

Poor Biboo... I hope she's feeling better

>> No.78812389
File: 68 KB, 1000x1000, 1714187883443417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm on to you, Elbbep fuck

>> No.78812983
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NTA but you'll never take me alive

>> No.78813496

Figured it might happen when I heard that cough, poor rock. Hope she gets well soon. Somehow the thought of Fuwawa nursing Biboo back to health is rather alluring. I bet all the girls' mothering instincts kick in hard for Biboo in particular.

>> No.78813711
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>> No.78813801

Biboo's surrounded by tons a moms right now, I bet she's living the life...

>> No.78814007
File: 169 KB, 329x389, 1719010342801981.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>biboo at fuwawa's mercy
>rather alluring
Do you understand what you're saying. Are you an elbbep?

>> No.78814486

GIWTWM (any of them)

>> No.78814858
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>> No.78815027
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>> No.78815521

Fuwawa going to backseat my wife...

>> No.78816071

Mococo and Biboo still need to have that cage fight in the mud

>> No.78816493

It needs to be a round-robin tournament with all of Advent.

>> No.78816932

bros i really want gigi and biboo to get along and have her call her senpai man it would be so damn cute

>> No.78816991

Fuwawas backseating coming through the chaos yesterday during Fire Giant was PEAK

>> No.78817650

Biboo get well soon, dangit...

>> No.78818108

If Biboo doesn't start exploring in the DLC to get fragments she's going to get her ass beat in the later parts, they are not a suggestion

>> No.78818197

I will beat her ass
with my hand
plap plap

>> No.78818267

You don't need defense if you just don't get hit

>> No.78818606

Damn, this is way cuter than it should be, a sore throat sucks hard, this constant feeling of having a lump behind your tongue is just irritating as beep, GET WELL SOON BIBBUBABOO

>> No.78819029

>No Biboo stweam today
There was no point in me even waking up today.

>> No.78819156

To hear cute laryngitis Biboo and support her, you fucking greedy elbbep

>> No.78819395

MGS never....

>> No.78819463

This dumb rock overdid it. She needs the concernfagging.

>> No.78819537

I'll never play MGO2 with Biboo...

>> No.78819573

>read MGS
>brain autocorrects it to MSGK
I'm getting tired of this.

>> No.78819626

Her damage is really crappy though

>> No.78819918

You don't need high damage if you just don't get hit

>> No.78820023

This is so cute.

>> No.78820753

There's a chance her throat is still messed up tomorrow because of the watchalong tonight
Hoping she doesn't overdo it

>> No.78820773

She's not gonna be talking, baka

>> No.78820907

correction, she will do a little introductory bit for cuddles and awwwwws and then use chat for the rest of the stream.

>> No.78820975

correction of correction, she will spend the entire stream suckling gently on my peenus weenus for comfort

>> No.78821096

Anon her voice is busted
She won't magically be better tomorrow. The next stream is probably monday/tuesday

>> No.78822336

why is the gem so cute

>> No.78822434


>> No.78823085


>> No.78823300

Bonbijou! I'm Koseki Bijou, sparkling gem of Hololive English -Advent- and TODAAAAYY :D we're committing war crimes!

>> No.78823525

My headcannon is manechan bonked her

>> No.78823562

your headcanon is extremely stupid and out of touch with reality

>> No.78823673

I'm manechan (futa) and I bonked her cervix with my cock

>> No.78823896

That mane? Fuwawa's stonking huge tits!

>> No.78824072

Good parenting

>> No.78824171

Biboo is too cute to bonk

>> No.78824397

bonked for what, you double digger?

>> No.78824714

would you watch 12 hours of Biboo elden ring where she doesn't talk at all?

>> No.78824808

Only if she let out some muffled sounds like mmpf! here and there

>> No.78824812

With cute noises at least yes
But she's too self conscious about her content quality to do that

>> No.78824868


>> No.78825007

I would watch a stream where she uses a soundboard with her voice like Kaela's Don't Scream stream.

>> No.78825074

thanks for reminding me, despite Biboo saying I should watch it, I still haven't...

>> No.78825247

/gem/ soundposts soundboard

>> No.78825829
File: 3.92 MB, 640x480, WAKE UP[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fxcrs1x.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78826782

The crinkly audio somehow makes this even better

>> No.78826852

"I'm not sick I'm not sick" she kept saying as she slowly shrivelled up and turned into a halite stone.

>> No.78827109
File: 26 KB, 632x108, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>halite stone
>relaxation, calmness, and serenity
>if you're feeling low, deflated or flat, keep this crystal close

>> No.78827459

This is just Biboo in gem form
wait a second

>> No.78827557

aight imma steal it

>> No.78827694
File: 161 KB, 1071x207, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78827752


>> No.78827836

So it IS Biboo in gem form

>> No.78828528

My gemwife is DYING, I must save her

>> No.78829499

don't worry i'm taking good care of her

>> No.78829616

Wait a minute, this is just so biboo can avoid trying to say Raora's name later, in all seriousness, hope biboo gets better soon, wouldn't really mind if biboo takes Monday off if her voice is still shot til then

>> No.78829753

>>78829616 (me)
Wait today's only Saturday I thought it was sunday

>> No.78829783

Can't wait to see the string of "coincidental" accidents that keeps her from saying Raora's name... We're onto you, Bibert

>> No.78830562

everyone thought it was cece that was her opposite, but the real opponent is trying to pronounce waowowa

>> No.78831590
File: 35 KB, 220x122, 1717808594923687.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this child

>> No.78833560

I will care for biboo, no need to thank me

>> No.78835519

did advent say whether the watchalong will include the collab or is it just the 2 indiv debuts?

>> No.78835736

Biboo love

>> No.78835850

They didn't outright say it but it's safe to assume, since they're doing "debut watchalongs - day 1 and day 2" and day 2 includes the justice collab

>> No.78836048

>She could have just put out a regular text tweet that ER will be postponed
>Instead we get a Diamond Dogs voice tweet
they made the absolute best of a bad situation

>> No.78836616

Just the debuts


>> No.78837146

If they do the same as the official channel's advent watchalong last year, it will also include the collab (I'm only interested in the collab bc I wanna hear Above Below it seems like eurobeat)

>> No.78837373

If she had a little notepad on the screen that she could occasionally type stuff or draw little doodles. Knowing her she'd make it quite entertaining and extract a lot of Biboo tax.

>> No.78837545

wow super rude

>> No.78839274 [SPOILER] 
File: 295 KB, 2200x2000, do not open.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78839502


>> No.78840845
File: 599 KB, 3840x2160, ascended biboo character sheet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey bros, I kinda wanna join with other pebbles to form a pebble golem, who's up for it? Ascended pebbles only, I don't want any talc motherbeepers ruining our vibe
elbeeps aren't welcome either, you guys should just erode

>> No.78840937

i don't think we get to choose whether we get to be a part of it or not, ascended biboo will pick which ascended pebbles will become a pebble golem

>> No.78841269

You think we wanna form a golem with an anon who hasn't even charged his crystals? Fuckin' hell man, next you'll tell me you're not even polished.

>> No.78842060

God i just slept all day. I get depressed when biboo doesn't when in the weekend and it just puts me into a coma

>> No.78842141

doesn't stream*

>> No.78842194

yeah me

>> No.78842693

The least parasocial pebble

>> No.78843663

Biboo is going to be so lost once she gets to where I am in Elden Ring, I thought things were going to go differently

>> No.78844901

Biboo rocks my world

>> No.78845106

Busy week, I only managed to have some free time today and I'm catching up with OW2's stream now. Towa's self introduction had her calling herself Biboo's mama already... I'm ascending

>> No.78845196
File: 45 KB, 1200x675, CUHRAYZEE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope Biboo feels better soon, I can't wait until the fated battle.

>> No.78845430

8, 15, or 16 Biboo?

>> No.78845588


>> No.78845616


>> No.78845688


>> No.78845936


>> No.78845943
File: 133 KB, 786x778, 1705800083359365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in Elum whatever it's called and I haven't seen that yet. Did I miss it?

>> No.78846113

Hmm... bweh. Yes, bweh.

>> No.78846119

He's hiding in a cave
under Bellurat

>> No.78846162

What is this cute creature??? Where do I find more?

>> No.78846280

Well you see, that's my wife. I left her on the bed last night but now both she in the bed are gone. Any help with finding them would be greatly appreciated.

>> No.78846403
File: 15 KB, 340x216, 1705724295003073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you, but I'm not going back to that place. The horned warriors and the shadow people got what they deserved from Messmer since they're so fucking annoying.
You can usually find her on youtube dot com at 4pm PDT playing cool games but today she's sick and lost her voice so she's gonna be on at like 7

>> No.78846583

In case it gives you some motivation, the entrance is actually outside the dungeon, past the lake.

>> No.78846874
File: 2.79 MB, 1259x1079, cave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78847347

How long until rock? 5 hours 30 minutes?

>> No.78847449

7 45 PT so 4 hr 15 min

>> No.78847675


>> No.78847895

They should postpone the debuts until Biboo's voice gets better.

>> No.78849675

I'm sorry pebbles. her gagging on my cock didn't help fix her throat.

>> No.78849941
File: 1.57 MB, 1920x1080, SD Biboo [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fldawpt.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78850246

this is wrong...

>> No.78850276


>> No.78850874

Give it to me straight pebbles...what does a Chumbie have to do in order to join your ranks?

>> No.78850969

Stop mentioning unrelated chuubas and trying to bring your other oshis here unless it's related to biboo
enjoy the biboo
post about the biboo
do not derail the thread with unrelated topics and chubbas

>> No.78851241
File: 482 KB, 874x869, 062224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

POV: you done goofed

>> No.78851430

I have to say, Biboo is being very inconsiderate getting sick like this when I need my strims. Has she stopped to think about my needs?

>> No.78852678
File: 278 KB, 850x1218, 591565154803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get better soon my cute rock wife!

>> No.78853533

Fellas, when Mococo had a bad sore throat, it took her weeks to recover
And Biboo forced her voice a lot in the last few days too
I'm gonna doompost...

>> No.78853760
File: 2.38 MB, 2217x1973, 100682935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78853982
File: 329 KB, 600x497, bweh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is you. Broken. Dusty. Nothing but talc.
Real pebbles will remain rock hard for her. We are smooth. Brilliant. We will not crumble.

>> No.78855389
File: 9 KB, 220x135, 1707984108306565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this, I hope you like it

>> No.78855744

thats adorable, thanks anon

>> No.78857086
File: 620 KB, 1500x1500, 1715408774469333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78857607

stupid rock, I learned the Tiger Drop after over 1k hours of Yakuza

>> No.78857875
File: 600 KB, 2984x3904, 1715369335499083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what an ideal rock looks like.

>> No.78858799

Wife is awake and tweeting

>> No.78858810
File: 451 KB, 573x731, firefox_gVDXn8D63y.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's alive!

>> No.78858892

FemPebbles should be named Raye.
RayePebble if you will

>> No.78859115

That's stupid. You're stupid. I laughed.

>> No.78859165

My poor babu...

>> No.78859311

I feel like some of these are too similar. Like what's the difference between 2 and 13? 9 and 10? Also feel better Biboo. I would always take you not speaking at all during the debut watch along in place of you getting better even a second sooner.

>> No.78859315

oh hey >>78845430 you were right

>> No.78859388

2 and 13 are just a matter of intensity. 9 is ultra smug, 10 is just dumdum

>> No.78859436
File: 134 KB, 321x321, 1715409304032117.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Japan arc so gay?

>> No.78859827

VERY excited for Biboo's jailer's debut

>> No.78860232

She's the one I'm looking forward the most

>> No.78860829

Wait I thought that was the orange one

>> No.78860946

No, Gigi is similar to Biboo, but Green is the Biboo counterpart.

>> No.78861129

I'd say Gigi is more similar to Bae than Biboo
both voice and content wise. Seems like she likes doing skits like Bae

>> No.78861265

Green was the one in the initial reveal that doodled on Biboo's wanted poster. Also it makes sense because she is a doll, and dolls lack real emotion. The jewel of emotions will be powerless against her at first until Biboo befriends her and teaches her how to feel.

>> No.78861444


>> No.78861540
File: 153 KB, 313x329, 1681268935067517.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bretty good, would watch the OVA animated by KyoAni.

>> No.78861646
File: 877 KB, 2400x2400, 1693253162938909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78861774

>oobib vs ascended biboo movie by ufotable
>grindstone wacky adventures by trigger
>biboo's saga by madhouse

>> No.78862559

I keep coming back to Biboo's VIOLET ft. Ina. The song is great, they sang it very well and the overall vibe of Biboo singing with her oshi fills the hollow geode I call my heart with a warm feeling

>> No.78862833

bib in prechat

>> No.78862974

Mori found a lot more NPCs and dungeons than Biboo so far before any boss
Biboo's ADHD brain is making her kinda beeline through the DLC

>> No.78863033

Biboo doesn't have ADHD you fucking elbbep deadbeat NIGGER

>> No.78863090

I don't care about what other people are doing in the DLC, the only thing that matters is my rock having fun, which she clearly is

>> No.78863135
File: 184 KB, 563x512, 1705903193241060.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTA but that's not nice

>> No.78863194
File: 95 KB, 747x568, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dork rock

>> No.78863366

Oh weird, I thought it was the orange one who doodled on Biboo's wanted poster. I have rock for brains.

>> No.78863498

me when a game uses silly American keyboard theme that doesn't even have Ä, Ü or god forbid Ö

>> No.78863685

She can probably swap the layouts using the windows keyboard layout settings.
Theres usually a hotkey for it, at least there is for switching between canadian and USA english.

>> No.78863767

Are you shitting me? You anglos have different layouts between each other?

>> No.78864114


>> No.78864271

In my bed. And my bed is in her secret bunker. I think I already triangulated its location, but I need a group to help me raid it.

>> No.78864368

For Canada its just accented characters like é.

>> No.78864378
File: 42 KB, 480x360, 1714100066586984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have my stone.

>> No.78864387
File: 1.01 MB, 1000x563, doodles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You aren't going crazy. There were two Biboo doodles. The first one during the initial reveal has green's oshi mark and the second for the sketchbook callout was orange.

>> No.78864393
File: 1.02 MB, 800x450, 1705725128587070.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In route to your location

>> No.78864447


>> No.78864520

>In route
It's "en route." Which is not "in route," but "on the way." Gravelbrain...

>> No.78864584

Biboo SOON!

well in hindsight it makes sense for leafs I guess

>> No.78864595
File: 64 KB, 1000x1000, elbbep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was the informant.

>> No.78864710
File: 679 KB, 1600x1080, 1705878522967688.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tomato Tomato pebble

>> No.78864753

We won't hear her...

>> No.78864857

I feel like I just got Mandela effected.

>> No.78864878

YOU wont hear her.
Biboos is the voice in my head.

>> No.78864897
File: 676 KB, 865x773, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You called?

>> No.78864977

You can grudgepost me in like 8 minutes, she will atleast do a little introduction and, not part of my bet, a true pebble will feel her and enjoy regardless.

>> No.78865075
File: 308 KB, 644x672, 144p Smile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SILENT WIFE IN 5 MINUTES! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r48GZBKZjtc

>> No.78865216

wife in chat

>> No.78865251

I cant believe the unbreakable rock broke
Its over

>> No.78865314


>> No.78865347
File: 17 KB, 325x118, 1698425455230740.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78865383


>> No.78865392
File: 15 KB, 388x145, 1710254906669443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78865436

Shes not broke

>> No.78865534

why is haachama calling Biboo senpai? I thought she was her grandmother

>> No.78865543

>hewwwooo I will be here fishing teetee
>Incoherent hiraganaromaji

>> No.78865580

debut watchalongs are probably a mistake, I spent all yesterday just listening to biboo and advent instead of paying attention

>> No.78865592

Chat summary
Auto-generated experiment • Quality may vary
Kaseki Bijou, the guest for this stream, is having a voice condition and might not be able to stream for long, viewers are giving her support and encouragement while expressing their excitement for her new character, Advent.

>> No.78865605


>> No.78865632

Must be sorta funny being right there in studio but your voice is so fucked that you gotta write while everyone next to you is yelling and talking

>> No.78865708
File: 659 KB, 850x1128, 81320938761610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same. I just realized I don't remember their names at all, I was only watching Biboo being cute

>> No.78865750


>> No.78865749

>doesn't remember that Biboo wants to be Biboo Bloodflame

>> No.78865790

If they are all in the same room, biboo will 100% yell even if her throat is sore.
If we dont hear her yell they taped her mouth shut. Which is kinda hot.

>> No.78865889

Taped shut by a pile of big breasts I hope

>> No.78865905
File: 201 KB, 648x566, running rock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get in here.

>> No.78865921

>taped her mouth shut
>hogtied her arms and legs
thats pretty hot
I have to masturbate now

>> No.78866107

Yeah, mine.

>> No.78866155

Oh no her voice...

>> No.78866157


>> No.78866165

Biboo's dead voice...

>> No.78866181

BIBOO :(((((((

>> No.78866228

Silent as a rock

>> No.78866238

>youre going to be a silent rock today
Im already hard...

>> No.78866251

poor biboo ahhhhhhhh I'm suffering

>> No.78866265
File: 123 KB, 337x401, 1697294740074966.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her suffering amuses me

>> No.78866274

My Biboo...

>> No.78866327
File: 465 KB, 894x1403, 3218937982173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor biboo...

>> No.78866328


>> No.78866325

Jesus Christ that sounds painful

>> No.78866343

her :D and optimism gone

>> No.78866398
File: 224 KB, 452x488, fuwawapain (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck /gem/ I'm so sorry
I hope she recovers quickly

>> No.78866403
File: 36 KB, 95x165, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78866404

oh lord we're looking at a 1 month hiatus with that voice

>> No.78866425


>> No.78866461

It turns out the gargling with MSG water isn't actually a doctor approved treatment...

>> No.78866563
File: 29 KB, 1000x1000, 405991827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78866616

no way it takes longer than a couple weeks

>> No.78866620

OH dang, who would've thought...

>> No.78866651

wait did it actually make it worse

>> No.78866721

Biboo and her gooners- I mean goons

>> No.78866796

I'd be panicking and a mess if my voice was like that

I wish i could have her optimism and positivity

>> No.78866805

I love Biboo lots but she's such a beeping idiot sometimes.

>> No.78866811

Talk about the worst possible timing too
She wants to play her favorite game and can't

>> No.78866916

lmao Biboo

>> No.78866927

chat is calling her a goat I'm crying
this is worse than when mococo got her voice stolen

>> No.78866950

I mean that's suppose to relief, not medicate

>> No.78867017

if fuwawa kinda...you know...

>> No.78867108

>Romance Empire
SHE'S ROMAN!??!?!?!?

>> No.78867146

wtf Nerissa

>> No.78867266

Probably not. It was definitely all the yelling and screaming the past few days on top of vocal practice in the background. She likely has been overdoing it while sick. Had this happen to me every so often when I sang a lot. With rest and some treatment she should be ok in a week or so.

>> No.78867306


>> No.78867327

biboo is fucking dying

>> No.78867351
File: 12 KB, 362x126, 2024-06-22 21_59_08-【#holoJustice】The Chase Continues! Day 2 Debut Watchalong With #holoAdvent! - Yo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her voice may be broken but her fingers still work...

>> No.78867361

Fluffy rocks...

>> No.78867372

Fuck it, she can play Elden Ring silently and have Shiori fill the empty air with tangents

>> No.78867400
File: 70 KB, 223x247, 1717044985642848.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78867490


>> No.78867652

one is nuts inside spikey balls you retard

>> No.78867720

we share a birthday; what an auspicious start

>> No.78867760

There's some salt in the ajinotama, it probably helped a little if anything
Bigger issue was her refusing to tone down her "scream at beeping everything for no good reason" bits during ER, you'd literally be hearing
>Biboo gets hit by standard ER shitmob for half her HP
>"KYAAAAAAAAAA" *hack cough cough hack* "aaaaaaaH"
all last stream
Plus several minutes of nonstop screaming when the others came into the room and started molesting her at the end

>> No.78867916

Oh so she's Amelia Bedelia

>> No.78868102


>> No.78868251

Short but sweet just like Biboo

>> No.78868502
File: 428 KB, 1110x1091, 1694391483674369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78868612

biboo looks very happy

>> No.78868795

she cute

>> No.78868918

I just got here
Is she Australian? I cant tell if its that or some EU accent.

>> No.78869006


>> No.78869032


>> No.78869131

yeah man, wanted to post this too, I hope they get alongaa

>> No.78869140

either german or the other australian

>> No.78869142

slightly unusual accent but seems cute

>> No.78869199
File: 1.00 MB, 1024x1248, 1699252377927370.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78869353
File: 59 KB, 427x500, 1694396783674365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

proper bust size but too tall
thankfully dolls are modular so that can be fixed, just attach shorter legs

>> No.78869460

If I had only seen 1 clip of Kiara you could convince me that they gave Kiara a second vtuber and told her to just play it because it would be funny

>> No.78869497

>in freedom

>> No.78869512

>towers over Biboo

>> No.78869639

She's WAY less nasally, but that's because Wawa does the chicken voice. She does sound a lot like Wawa's more natural tone.

>> No.78869644

Give the current legs to Biboo so she can use them as stilts to sneak into movie theatres.

>> No.78869655

check your ears onegaishimasu

>> No.78869795

Her german is very cute.

>> No.78869794

oh god I just cummed at the German speech

>> No.78870164

>french and german
Huh whats the connection there?

>> No.78870212

cute girl
I hope she collabs with biboo soon

>> No.78870310

They both got their asses kicked in WW2

>> No.78870358


>> No.78870395
File: 3 KB, 282x27, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78870468


>> No.78870569

>bad books
That means romance novels lol

>> No.78871007

>she gets sick a lot
Welp it's over already...

>> No.78871065
File: 216 KB, 718x716, Sexbot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I didnt notice the joints. Neat.
I wish she was more robotic, robot girls are super fucking hot. But its not really holo's style so I get it.

>> No.78871083

I love this theme of a doll being uninhabited because of her origin instead of a robotic creature (which would be annoying to roleplay I guess)


>> No.78871200


>> No.78871274

>it's bitter
So she doesn't like beer either?

>> No.78871288

>hates coffee
biboo is fuming

>> No.78871423
File: 98 KB, 800x600, robot-furry chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do not fist android girls

>> No.78871448

>There's no room for you guys
She's got Korone energy with how she's using OBS, oh boy I'm excited for that

>> No.78871484

Maybe I'm retarded but that's what they said no? Probably some team game

>> No.78871679

My baby biboo isn't talking much so I kind of tuned out from the advent collab

>> No.78871694


>> No.78871772

That cabinet layout

>> No.78871827

Oh, she's going the Twitch Plays thing like Gigi, blech.

>> No.78871997

>What do you mean down? Are you stupid?
Oh I like her, she's bitchy

>> No.78872076

>oh wait this is the wrong chat HAHAHA
Biboo cute

>> No.78872134
File: 5 KB, 491x34, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78872152


>> No.78872217

>German girl asking if we're stupid
As a Reifag, I must now sell all of my dollcoin.

>> No.78872392


>> No.78872532


>> No.78872533

Oh thank God, a German girl that doesn't remind me of my psychotic sister.

>> No.78872558

has Holo ever actually properly set up a Twitch Plays thing before? inclined to assume they're just controlling it manually or running a prerendered vid otherwise

>> No.78872684

>Fromsoft gamer

>> No.78872681


>> No.78872688


>> No.78872717

Uh oh

>> No.78872722


>> No.78872747

>Dark souls
She and Biboo will get along just fine.

>> No.78872830


>> No.78872924

>hates racing games
I dont like them, but hating seems weird.
>hates movie games

>> No.78873011


>> No.78873057
File: 10 KB, 395x59, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're gonna get along swimingly

>> No.78873106

>ds3 and madoka
Biboo will groom her
ds3 is unironically the best souls

>> No.78873109

Ame did for her dress, but chat was trolling her so she had to take control

>> No.78873113

Kudos to that guy that was 100% certain she liked Code Geass

>> No.78873163

Did I hear her right when she said she preferred DS2 or is my hearing shite again? If so, she's a rare model of bot.

>> No.78873215

>Is Guilty Pleasure the sequel to Guilty Gear
fucking kek

>> No.78873218


>> No.78873286

How OLD is this Alte

>> No.78873381
File: 6 KB, 517x233, 1714888277316893.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78873383

Absolute hag

>> No.78873386
File: 681 KB, 1084x996, 1507907032455.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>girls last tour

>> No.78873391


>> No.78873499

ummm she's ancient, didn't you watch???

>> No.78873502

Goddamn I cannot get a read on her power level like at all...Is she a manga addict like IRyS?

>> No.78873555

Ive never heard of a single one of those manga.

>> No.78873917

Nerissa just referenced this lol

>> No.78874021


>> No.78874125

...Okay. She's the star of this bunch.

>> No.78874176

So Cece confirmed the best like everyone predicted. Hopefully Biboo collabs with her way more than the others.

>> No.78874178


>> No.78874227
File: 556 KB, 960x960, hyper_cheer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78874256

So. I used to play in Orchestra from middle to high school.

Lets just say.

I'm back.

>> No.78874333
File: 16 KB, 228x185, 1689298428597100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biboo looks so sad not being able to talk...

>> No.78874496

No one likes DS2. Fix yourself.

>> No.78874517

Best Nier Automata song

>> No.78874557


>> No.78874564

pretty sure that's just her staring down at her phone to spam in chat instead

>> No.78874613

A Beautiful Song played by an automaton. Perfect.

>> No.78874646


>> No.78874663

I need her to collab with biboo and just talk about game/anime osts

>> No.78874678

she's screaming in the comments

>> No.78874732

I want to hug her so hard, hopefully the others will treat her after this.

>> No.78874778


>> No.78874787

biboo is so cute

>> No.78874791

Fucking good taste.

>> No.78874885


>> No.78875075
File: 27 KB, 494x163, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>biboo is going crazy
>I am going crazy

>> No.78875107

That was pretty cool.

>> No.78875218

There are exactly 5 people who like DS2. 4 of them are lying to themselves to seem different and 1 is a DBD streamer from Spain. It's shit, but there is one person on the planet that unironically likes it.

>> No.78875268

She's so creative with her OBS shit, I love it

>> No.78875352

Damn, she's good

>> No.78875511

BASED DEUTSCHE AUTOBAHN! oooh..... never mind not a real german

>> No.78875533

Cecilia is beeping dead again...

>> No.78875544

>she can drive
>I cant drive
>no license
Man so many of the girls cant drive in holo. It surprises me when one mentions they can.

>> No.78875564

good girl,

>> No.78875693


>> No.78875718

>Does this unit have a soul?

>> No.78875779

Mori probably can but why the fuck would you have a car in Japan

>> No.78875820

Ok, found the winner of the generation. Please God, no future yabs. EN needs more like her, the dogs, and Biboo.

>> No.78876061


>> No.78876081

>EN needs more like her, the dogs, and Biboo.
Very true but also Ina

>> No.78876151


>> No.78876254

Hey, Otz isn't the only DS2 fan. I fucking love how variable build options are in that game, and it's one of only two slow and methodical Souls games (aside from Demon's), which suits me best.

>> No.78876288

>see through skirt

>> No.78876311


>> No.78876345

Saved the debuts all by herself. Green robot good

>> No.78876418

Man sometimes she sounds Australian

>> No.78876437

>violin lance

>> No.78876624


>> No.78876842

Ina's pretty good too, just haven't been able to catch one of her streams in ages. I won't be fully happy until there's a group of 4 EN girls that stream as long as Korone/Biboo/Kaela that have a good vibe.

>> No.78876958

Yeah keep hearing it as well.
I think being an international student in Germany is pretty common, she probably lived in Australia for a bit.

>> No.78877104

>1pm PT

>> No.78877231

Well, nobody's perfect but still happy with her.

>> No.78877374

she's based!

>> No.78877452

New bread:

>> No.78877458

She will make her own mods for her streams, likely.

>> No.78877812

She's a dork
This is good
