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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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78793257 No.78793257 [Reply] [Original]

If you became CEO of Cover Corp, what would you do?

Hard mode: no rape correction or mandating every holo become your wife.

>> No.78793370

Fire Laplus and all of EN except Advent

>> No.78793520

why Lap-chan? She's a good kusogaki.

>> No.78793540

I mean... Probably just let folks do a lot of the good work they've been doing. Might seek some company blanket permissions for more things like songs (Sabaton perms, Nightwish perms, Stupendium and Miracle of Sound perms) and games.

I might also invest a bit more into better tracking suit tech and such. My dream would be to see if any of the talents woulds want to basically do a full LARP or something and actually do some foam weapon duels, roughly that level of fidelity. But the Stars poledancing and stuff seems to suggest we're already at a pretty good point on tracking.

>> No.78793590

I'll play on easy mode and mandate every holo to become my wife and rape correct them all.

>> No.78793681

Legit just move the company headquarters to a different country with less anal copyright laws.

>> No.78793744

Refuse to hire people that /still/ support people that want to genocide them or wants to create a 'modern audience', fire anybody that fits that bill - by doing this, 95% of all future drama will be avoided

>> No.78794364

To begin with I'd destroy the branch of faggots, both EN and JP, and with all those resources make another high-specs 3D studio in the States.

>> No.78794997

Start vtuber RTS tournaments. Primarily Command and Conquer games

>> No.78795186
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Very based. Classic C&C, Red Alert, Generals, or just 'yes'? Also, what other RTS besides C&C series?

>> No.78795207

Rule 1: one stream at least every two weeks barring administrative overload (too busy behind the scenes), formal vacation, or prolonged medical emergency
Rule 2: one out-company collab per talent at some point, no matter how small the partner. Building bridges is never a bad idea, just clear it with management

>> No.78795293

No, you start with C&C 4. Anybody that survives that gets to play the good stuff, that way you're not going downhill from the start

>> No.78795382

That's fine for rules 2 and 3, but Rule 1 absolutely needs to be 'no hiring or interacting with people that want to watch society and the industry burn'

>> No.78795429

I figure that’s a given?

>> No.78795431

and fire all the recent staff?

>> No.78795491

Dissolve Homos

>> No.78795498

>except Advent
Get some help, psychiatric help especially.

>> No.78795528

All, but primarily Generals. Also Rise of Nations
Goddamn chill out satan

>> No.78795603

Less gens, more chuubas who can play instruments so they can jam, segregate males and females, more experimental mo-cap and VR setups like obstacle courses and a shooting range, 24/7 office stream space access, motivate lazy streamers with coffee and energy drinks

>> No.78795664

Hire a talent with coding autism

>> No.78795701


>> No.78795744 [DELETED] 

I'd force Gura and Fuwamoco to collab with Flayon and Randon, and I would make them read from scripts filled with anti-Chinese propaganda on Billibilli

>> No.78795786

>same sex managers for talents
>fire every woman from the higher ranks where decisions are taken
>force all talents to stream at least once a week unless there are special reasons
>hard initial screening against woke whores
these on top of my head

>> No.78795873

disolve homos and use that money to make a hololive eroge, mandatory for all talents, and force them to fully voice it

>> No.78795902


>> No.78796141

You are looking for phase connect

>> No.78796335

Rie and even Pippa are pretty damned woke, anon.

>> No.78796403

Whats your problem with Advent?

>> No.78796549

They are Hitler compared to Kronii. Rie seems to have earnestly reevaluated, and Pippa is… mentally ill. You can’t put too much stock in her words either way.

>> No.78797241

>Try and prevent any situations where a talent goes radio silent for months on end, breaks from streaming is fine but at the very least a weekly update should be expected so fans don't shit themselves. If there's a problem the company can alleviate then it should try and do so
>Improve the permissions acquisition and drop anti-modding autism, at least for western games, no non-asian dev gives a shit about modding games
>Make it easier to Collab outside the company, there's clearly a system where potential partners get vetted and approved/denied so that process should be sped up and maybe even relaxed

>> No.78797342

I don't have a problem, I just know that half the internet is gonna go after the anon's head if they ever get rid of the rest of EN

>> No.78797518

Push for a spin-off alternative universe Holo RTS game, every faction is a gen. Every leader is their own hero unit.
Idk how it could work but the thought of Holos doing literal finishers on each-other when one is low on health makes my imagination run wild. Especially the special ones with Holos that are the "contrary" to the other like Calli and Kiara or Towa and Kanata (she's just going to break anyone's neck by default as hero -on-hero finisher, I can tell), and maybe Ame and Kronii because time theme (although with Ame it was acquired).
I can't think of a proper scenario to justify a Hololove RTS. Not without ripping off most MOBAs.

>> No.78797538

Terminate EVERYONE in HoloStars

>> No.78797582

New clause in all Holo contracts that prevents them from reading or posting on /vt/.

>> No.78797602

Rie reevaluated after a few things happened.
Pippa is just winging it all. Nothing makes fucking sense.

>> No.78797752

Rie had a bit of a melty and seems to have grown baseder over time. Pippa is fucking nuts lol, don’t look at her for fear she will look back

>> No.78797803

Start by firing people of course, cutting unnecessary spending. Shit is bloated with useless stuff.

>> No.78797879

If I had to guess, because:
1. She has herpes
2. Male collabs
3. Retarded whore streaming on twitch

>> No.78797902

Easy. Don't become Anycolor.

>> No.78798117

With so many holos factions would end up being too samey mechanically even if they differ visually. For a scenario the story could be some generic world ending threat that various holos fight against with the help of their fans, holo Vs holo could be limited to skirmishes and online play

>> No.78798227

Get rid of all branches except HoloJP. I'd keep Gura and FWMC though.

>> No.78798379

Fire Elizabeth

>> No.78798742

Fire my cum into Elizabeth

>> No.78799327

Was thinking instead that every gen's management is the leader (either faceless, we are not using Jenma nor any of those real mane-san, or maybe OC design managers just for the game and gen?, not real managers) but you can instead select between the available respective Holos of that gen as your hero unit for the match unless you want some batshit insane crazy micromanagement with multiple hero units available. And I don't think there's enough average brain power through the audience to justify the later as a decision.

>> No.78799524

would kill pewhora and kill all her fans

>> No.78799648

Disband hologame project. Hire indie studios to make those games instead. Holowomen play those games are free pr. Purchase rights for shark so she can make albums of any song she want. Rake in profit in America with those cds. Upgrading new tech like vr for better streaming and open a new age of chubba interaction. Hire better broker to managing stock and make profits from it. Ban all mix gender interaction except those with company representative role

>> No.78799743

Maybe you could have each holo come with a couple of generic units - heavy tanks, snipers, helicopters, etc and you create a "build" where you end up with a decently balanced psudo-faction.
For example:
Hero Ame comes with gators (heavy melee infantry) and dogs (fast scouts, detect cloaking/disguised units)
Hero RoboCop comes with large mechs (hit hard but slow & expensive) and batteries (walking bombs that do a lot of damage)

>> No.78800596

That sounds better but ranged Holos would dominate very quickly if some units are too specialized and leader-locked.
Holo JP 4 would have Botan, and that would probably skyrocket the gen into top-tier due to bigger DPS and range.
Also, death animations... Hm...
Generic units not so hard, probably make it comedic.
The real question is how to animate the girls dying without it looking too offensive or over the top.
With Ollie and Evergreen you could probably just make them fall apart like the lego Vidya characters.
You can pull something thematic with any of the non-fully human girls. Like Anya turning into a lifeless dagger or Kiara freezing in-place,. dropping her hat, shield and sword, trembling real fast and then imploding into a phoenix egg which immediately hatches into a chick looking phoenix that runs off and despawns.
The real catch is the normal girls like Matsuri or most if not all of ReGloss.
Maybe just make them literally fall dead instantly?, with Haato just make a Lovecraft reference using Haachama.

>> No.78801169

metas are always tricky so there would need to be balancing to make sure every holo brings something to the table, as for deaths, it's not like they need to explode into gore, fainting or teleporting away when hp reaches zero could work just as well but personalised animations sound fun. For normal girls having them say "fuck it, I'm out" and running away would be funny

>> No.78801221
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Mori becomes my wife, every other girl becomes my mistress

>> No.78801268
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Easy, I impregnate them all to fix their female brain chemisty.

>> No.78801509

you forgot >buy a yacht

>> No.78801828

CEOs don't 'do' anything besides sucking shareholder-cock.
Lrn 2 corpo.

>> No.78802042

Try (and most likely fail) to fix Kronii for real.

>> No.78802100

Not much, I’m generally happy with cover

>> No.78802149

Cover needs to invest real good into their in-house tracking technology.
Their VTuber app is seriously like 2+ years behind most other apps used by indies, smol corpos and literal who's.

>> No.78802235

Sell all my stocks.

>> No.78802237

hetcollabs all the time
no more yuribaiting/yaoibaiting pole dancing lgbthomo shit
get all that shipper money

>> No.78802290

Fire Homos immediately
Fire Elizabeth (though she'd quit if the homos left)
Make FUWAMOCO the new mascots of EN since they're significantly more dedicated than anyone has ever been
I don't watch Kronii but I'd throw her a pizza party or something to calm her down

>> No.78802493

Should probably just pair FWMC and Gura constantly so if the shark one day randomly says "I'm out" then the audience will not feel such a harsh whiplash from literally replacing the mascot of EN with two others because they would have been there with her all-too-often so it would feel more natural for them to be the new face of HoloEN.
Also immediately assign someone in th bspot that FWMC had when paired with Gura so if anything happens, that same chuuba becomes the new mascot, again, and repeat strat.

>> No.78802723

Good point. I mainly suggested FWMC take the spot since they stream practically every day of the week. Granted they're not even a year in but I genuinely have full confidence they'll become the most popular EN one day. They're geniuses and have a successful career path set for them.

>> No.78802823


>> No.78803135

you know Gura would literally explode from overwork if she had one stream every two weeks right? She can't handle such a busy, unforgiving, uncompromising schedule.

>> No.78803251

>Fire Gura
>Fire Irys


>> No.78803317

Gura is very lazy and would be fired from any other position if she fucked off without a word for months at a time

>> No.78803610

She prints money without even streaming. Zero risk, zero chance of yab, steady income.

>> No.78803669

>Fire Gura
Are you retarded?

>> No.78803704

>She prints money without even streaming
So nobody would even know she's gone. No downside.

>> No.78804144

Sell gravure videos, that swimsuit will only be the beginning

>> No.78804149

Based, here are my additions to it
>Strict ban on any male collabs
>Stars and girls will be completely segregated. No female-star interaction allowed on any social media platform.
>Fire all the SEA staff (except the idols, for now) and mandatory DNA test before hiring to make sure no SEA immigrant gets in.
>Only 1 stream in foreign language allowed in a month for EN branch.
>If the idol is on break, mandatory daily updates through Twitter/YouTube community.

>> No.78804700

Anon you’ll make them all kill themselves before they even make it half way

>> No.78804809

>go through each and every employee and see who is and isn't needed
>talents, managers, etc. everyone is at risk, no one is safe
>completely restructure EN management architecture
>a lot of firings and a lot of new hirings
>top priority is growth for the branch
>completely overhaul branches
>soft redebut ReGloss as JPExtra, a way to showcase more talent without the need to take money away from the main branch
>rename HoloID to HoloSEA, to increase growth opportunities without the need for additional branches
>restructure all Hololive branches under Hololive Productions
>rename Holostars to Stardom
>rename HolostarsEN to StardomEN
>put both branches under Stardom Productions
>new goal of Stardom Productions is to make sure the remaining talent under it is able to thrive
>split the two halves of Cover Corp all the way to the top, essentially becoming separate companies in the public consciousness
>fire Jurard & Octavio under reasoning of not being professional enough
>fire and hire new management for all of StardomEN, citing the original management staff as too casual and not of professional quality
>negotiate to get Muse Dash perms again, and succeed by allowing 3 talents to have b2 exclusive streams (ollie, iofi, kobo)
>Keion is now required watching material for all talents, and any new talent wishing to join must pass a Keion Exam testing them on the series.
>debut 1 new green talent every 3 generations, for good luck

>> No.78805119

Mandatory homm3 streams all day every day

>> No.78807041

Fix Holoearth

>> No.78808714

Enforce lewd pussy-pink armpits on every model.

>> No.78810256

>no rape correction
man being a CEO is hard

>> No.78811371

Fire all the oldest members that don't stream, fire all of homostars, fire Laplus and any of the girls that would rather play games with men rather than holo mems. Hire two new hololive gens for JP and EN

>> No.78814045
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First thing I'd do is restart HoloEarth development. The old version can continue, as it is little more than a "hey look we have a metaverse app!" to investors. The new, real game would have hefty pre-production where everything that will go into the game will be set in stone, not to be deviated from with the goal of actually releasing a product.

I would make sure Roboco always has something to eat on stream.

I'd hire a bunch of new "permissions" guys. It sounds like they still have one or two guys handling everything via fax and email, and if one goes on vacation no more new permissions for a while. I'd give the new guys full permission to be aggressive about it.
Roboco would get full motion tracking at home so she can put her claw feet on the desk on camera.

Reduce whatever work the girls are taking on behind the scenes. Remind everyone streamers are supposed to stream. Sometimes the girls make it sound like they've got a full time office job on top of streaming and that cuts into everything.

Re-allow talents to be openly horny. Let them have and like their R-18 tags on Twitter again.
Increase moderation. Especially against trolling-for-a-reaction superchats.

Roboco should get more costumes that show off her bangin' body.

>> No.78814499

>"Yeah, let's fire the literal passive fortune maker Chuuba for uh... Lazyness... Yeah, lazyness"
Are you OK anon?

>> No.78814567

I'd buy a house instead of slaving six days a week to barely make my rent

I'd let the girls do whatever and pay for the managers to keep them safe

>> No.78814629

If she doesn't need to stream to make money then she doesn't need to be employed. What's the difference between selling her merch when she doesn't stream on the payroll and selling her merch when she isn't employed? You tell me.

>> No.78814715

>Fire all the SEA staff (except the idols, for now)...
>...and mandatory DNA test before hiring to make sure no SEA immigrant gets in.
Fucking Christ anon, I just spat Pepsi all over my rig, could have short-circuited my house, fuck you LMAO.

>> No.78815484

>what other RTS
Total Annihilation, Supreme Commander

>> No.78817821

Probably hang-out with Polka for a day.

>> No.78818633

>no rape correction
>mandating every holo become your wife
Well, I can still order them to get naked and fap to them
