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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 168 KB, 340x340, Elizabeth-Rose-Bloodflame_list_thumb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
78716195 No.78716195 [Reply] [Original]

She debuts in a matter of hours, this is your last chance.

>> No.78716226

I apologize

>> No.78716279

Fuck you whore, you don't belong in hololive

>> No.78716316

If I was being 100% truthful and not shitposting she doesn't look like a hololive talent, she looks like something a small corpo would shit out with genshin impact-style art to try and get holofags and genshinfags to look at them and boost their numbers past 100 ccv. Hololive unironically had more SOVL in the past.

>> No.78716325


>> No.78716353

i’ll wait at least two months before i apologize

>> No.78716365

I'm ready to grin from ear to ear, laughing at the meltdowns when she confirms she's pro homostars and will bring them up during her debut stream

>> No.78716388

I still don't get what she did wrong in the first place

>> No.78716395

I'm sorry everyone is losing their minds /here/. I'm also sorry I probably won't watch you.

>> No.78716424

She's gonna mention Homos on debut,

>> No.78716492

She burned our crops, poisoned the water supply and brought a plague upon our houses

>> No.78716567

She should stream on Twitch.

>> No.78716616

won’t someone please think of the children

>> No.78716679

She's openly friendly with Holostars, which makes all the sad little incels on VT throw tantrums

>> No.78716802

She unironically looks like a that one red head from the slop anime FairyTail

>> No.78716877
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>> No.78716916

go back tranny

>> No.78716937 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.78716949

She cheated on thousands of men who imagined she was their girlfriend 30 seconds after seeing her design

>> No.78716965

Thanks for the reminder, I'll be sure to anti her on debut

>> No.78717009

I'm sorry for slandering you, Lizzy. I promise to always support Hololive members no matter what they say or do like a good little simp.

>> No.78717012


>> No.78717047

Worst hire in all of EN, grudgepost this.

>> No.78717051

she did?

>> No.78717065

Call me a anything you want but their name reek of kurosanji en, not nearly as bad as fucking bandage but still

>> No.78717070

She, uhh...
>frantically flips through notes
Replied to tweets made by men

>> No.78717077

plz do not ruin the sexy redhead model.

>> No.78717097

Won't watch her. will be in the waiting room for yellow instead.

>> No.78717108
File: 57 KB, 381x314, Lamy Dual Guns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

since when is it a crime to call a whore a whore?

>> No.78717117

4 years in how is there still homobeggars in EN. Can’t possibly be all 1k stars fans

>> No.78717123

It reeks of bad fantasy anime writing

>> No.78717128

Wait until you learn what HoloJP names mean

>> No.78717157

Kys females

>> No.78717185

post tits

>> No.78717205

She tweeted at men which upsets /vt/

>> No.78717226
File: 1.30 MB, 200x200, 1697768975778.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a fan of the hyper fantasy element this gen has

Feels like they're dollar store fire emblem or tactics ogre characters.

>> No.78717228

>I hate the fanbase now demand my forgiveness
Sorry fatty, this isn't your Fetlife fanfic

>> No.78717246

Dead on arrival, she didn't listen. She'll lose all her viewers in the first weeks, just like Shiori.

>> No.78717247

Yes. In this corpo it’s been that way since the beginning. That’s just how shit runs here. If you don’t like it maybe give nijisanji a try

>> No.78717275


>> No.78717294


>> No.78717336
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>she's back

>> No.78717387

Listen to who, the screeching incels on 4chan?

>> No.78717408

That's my wife

>> No.78717438

See what I mean?

They're like tiny sad little robots, unable to form an original thought.

It's ok little guy, maybe one day someone will actually care about you

>> No.78717440

Apologize for what? I did nothing wrong. Meanwhile she was birthed by anglos that's 1 wrong already.

>> No.78717510

>Join NBA
>Kick the ball ont he first play
>"What the fuck is this shit?, what do you mean I can't kick the ball, football players do it all the time, this isn't fair"

>> No.78717613
File: 609 KB, 320x233, 1712626539682433.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi cuties
Post pits and/or slit

>> No.78717640

Don't need to. I kneel to unitychads.

>> No.78717708

I'll apologize if her debut is good

>> No.78717725

Nijisanji is there for you

>> No.78717729

>it's been that way since the beginning
If we ignore Sora, Fubuki, Matsuri, Aki, Suisei, Towa, Botan, Mel, the entirety of the ID branch, Mori, Kronii, Ame, Baelz, and all the other male collabers who are so numerous I can't even remember them all, then yeah. Male interactions have been normalized a long time ago no matter how much denial you're in.

>> No.78717743

kys incel

>> No.78717758

I mean, say whatever you want, it just means she's not going to be as successful as the rest of her gen. Some might get mad, but the vast majority of people are just going to feel apathy and go watch someone else.

>> No.78717764
File: 207 KB, 1632x1200, Biboo Laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Burger King stops serving burgers, now its pasta only
>Customers complains
>Burger King: fucking schizo incels

>> No.78717792

For what? Saying the truth?

>> No.78717808

How many "it's ok when jp does it" does it need to make you understand?

>> No.78717817

Whenever you say something negative about women, they will immediately come to prove you right

>> No.78717819

This analogy serves only to prove how much of an idiot you are.

An *actual* analogy would be a Kpop group debuting, one of the girls having normal interactions with a male, and parasocial kpop "stans" having meltdowns while everyone else points and laughs at them.

>> No.78717860

You're in the wrong hobby, jock.

>> No.78717862

Sorry Elizabeth. Good luck tonight, its your 1 shot

>> No.78717894

>she cant interact with males because... sh-she just CANT okay!?
If Bae and Ollie dont care, why should you?

>> No.78717930

So you're gonna watch and member and super chat and buy her merch right? This isn't just about you scoring meaningless morality points in your own head right? You'll put your money where your mouth is?

>> No.78717953

of course the foid instantly makes an analogy involving gookslop
you must be over 18 to post here btw, girlie

>> No.78718002

Repeat for fucking everything. How long can the gaslighting as a PR defense survive

>> No.78718009

This. I miss it but theres still JP kino from time to time. Pre-Myth was an absolute golden era

>> No.78718051

Good luck. Best wishes to her. Hope she and everyone in EN4 will do well

>> No.78718056
File: 92 KB, 249x367, Shiori What the Slut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Runt of holoEN
>Runt of holoID
Ofc they CAN but to what cost?

>> No.78718082

>How long can the gaslighting as a PR defense survive
for as long as you wont do shit
so for eternity

>> No.78718088

Hope to see you at the next /vt/cup~

>> No.78718095

>the burgers are still available
>now with a choice of a side order of pasta
Did you even use your brain cooking up this analogy?

>> No.78718124
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Still waiting beauty
You can also join sweeties

>> No.78718136

I love hags even if she's man crazy, I forgive her. As long as she's fun to watch.

>> No.78718151

I can answer that

What brain?

>> No.78718156

her PL screams anita's clique

>> No.78718161

This post was sponsored by Lezbollah

>> No.78718181

>burger king continues serving burgers
>also has chicken sandwiches as a menu option
>autistic fat guy spends hours outside the establishment screeching and throwing his own shit at the windows because it upsets him that there are options for people with different preferences

>> No.78718196

I’m all in on hagcoin

>> No.78718272

>the pasta is cooked alongside the burgers
>therefore ruining both the burgers AND the pasta
I don't care if you love this culinary monstrosity, it's insane that you think you're the normal ones here, shippers.

>> No.78718287

See this?

This is an accurate analogy

>> No.78718307

Buy an ad holobrony.

>> No.78718347
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>> No.78718351
File: 1.65 MB, 1170x1919, 1697187993775747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You faggots brought this upon yourselves, just saying

>> No.78718352

so glad Hololive is finally starting to crack down on the dredges of the Hololive fanbase

>> No.78718355

You sure? https://x.com/MontyVocals/status/1509947757238407186

>> No.78718400

No, that's not an analogy, that's just a made up scenario. It's more like a luxury car brand releases a new series of cars, and in the middle of the sleek, streamlined models, there's a busted up fifteen year old sedan with one of the headlights busted, and you're shouting at all the people buying the nicer cars from outside the car lot about how they should be buying the shitty car. Then when everyone ignored you, you get bored and leave without buying the shitty car yourself.

>> No.78718416

she to her channel, send a tweet telling her how based she is and then kill yourself

>> No.78718422

So are you actually going to answer for that shitpile of an analogy or are you going to admit you folded and your only retort is buzzwords?

>> No.78718425

is she a lolcowlizer VA?

>> No.78718461


>> No.78718466

I am because I am the one with one foot still tethered to a reality that doesn't revolve around cuckold fantasies.

>> No.78718521

McDonald's did this in the Philippines.

>> No.78718531

your words are meaningless if you're not going to back them up with money. nobody cares about screeching harpies without money to back them up.

>> No.78718533

why the fuck are you bothering to argue with obvious raiders?
they don't give a shit, they just want to take everything away from you for being a chud incel
it happened with videogames, it happened with tabletop, it happened with anime and now it will happen with hololive
all because you retards couldnt gatekeep

>> No.78718563

Why didn't you post the second part of the tweet?

>> No.78718577

Correct as femcels aren't reality, at least in the West.

>> No.78718622

Iirc her most notable role is the Moustache Girl in Hat in Time.

>> No.78718632
File: 47 KB, 736x516, 4739E8C9-C7E6-44FD-8C18-42D08FE4855A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78718634

>burger king serving burgers and chicken sandwich
>burgers are doing good but chicken no so well
>the burger fans are happy
>chicken fans are screaming at the managers to mix them
>creates a monstrosity that no one wants anymore.

>> No.78718650

>a foot tethered in reality instead of fantasy
lol. lmao even.

>> No.78718652
File: 494 KB, 640x720, Luna Really.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>97% of the revenue is from burgers
>Burger King expands the pasta dishes in hope it will finally get popular
>Rince repeat
>We are now at Pasta gen3 (Tempagpag)

>> No.78718654

for what and why?

>> No.78718656

The accurate would add nobody is buying the chicken but some karen still screams and wants moar chicken.

>> No.78718676
File: 85 KB, 1280x720, schlop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baby please, my patience is running out
Slit now

>> No.78718696

LMFAO yeah it's over hololive is infiltrated by social justice locusts
Hope that California office was worth it

>> No.78718717

You forgot
>chicken fans pretend they want it but never buy it
Thats literally twitter homobeggars, they dont watch streams, they dont buy merch, they dont SC...

>> No.78718722

>all because you retards couldnt gatekeep
Well, most of your post was real. There's no real ``gatekeeping'' of Western investors and their HR bureaucrats.

>> No.78718736

>Doki di'Italia opens up across the street and sells malecollab rigatoni del with tomato sauce.
>Is a smash hit with the city's hipster colony.
>Corporate says "I wanna take 'dem customers"
>Creates own male collab pasta.
>Uses burger ingredients and cooking techniques.

>> No.78718754

>There's no real ``gatekeeping'' of Western investors and their HR bureaucrats.
yeah thatd be antisemitic

>> No.78718759


>> No.78718813

But are we just gonna sit around and wait until she does!?

>> No.78718827

>grr, why do people respond to our culture war bait?

>> No.78718863

>willingly throws away the no homo buff
I hope she debuts with a banging EP or an album because or else she is going to have a rough time

>> No.78718876

Which watchalong will you watch to not give her a view?

>> No.78718878

you guys dont know how the idols work and its sad

>> No.78718901

Why are you quoting yourself like I said it?

>> No.78718909

I'm hungry...

>> No.78718978

ITT: unicorns and nijifags, very few sane people to be had.

>> No.78718979

You don't know how English works and it's sad.

>> No.78718981

Way to out yourself as a tourist, sister

>> No.78719012 [SPOILER] 
File: 388 KB, 2000x2256, 1695474594124443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys
You can always just get away from the now compromised English branch by learning Japanese

>> No.78719117
File: 179 KB, 449x449, 1711519392828586.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a shipper
>pretending your accusation was one I assented to to score a win

>> No.78719131

>unitroon projects again

>> No.78719151


>> No.78719156
File: 65 KB, 670x697, 9A5000E5-A8EB-4852-8CC3-77640A884C39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only real gatekeeping, violence works Anons the only thing that really matters is who wins and who loses.

>> No.78719211

this one gets it

>> No.78719222

Don't make the old allies get back together again and kick your ass a THIRD time.

>> No.78719219

I wanted to see advent, but having 5 people talking on top of another would probably suck
So I guess I'll watch koro-san

>> No.78719241

I hope she says that she'll collab with whoever she wants and you can unsub if you don't like it. It would be risky and bold to do so on debut but it would also garner a lot of respect.

>> No.78719243
File: 1019 KB, 720x720, Polka Food Burger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here fellow anon

>> No.78719304

Nah, I call 'em as I see 'em.

>> No.78719309

They are probably sisters pretending most of us are incels

>> No.78719324

the managers disagree

>> No.78719354

That is greatly diminished through the work of the left. There is no unity among the western world that isn’t forced anymore.

>> No.78719380

>the old allies
You mean international globohomo jews and nationalist jews?

>> No.78719386

You constantly see visions of NTR in your head so I hardly trust your judgement.

>> No.78719408

JP, as a branch, interacts with Homos and Nijis way more than EN does so I honestly never understood this angle

>> No.78719423

>Grand reveal of burgerking pasta day.
>Burger purists furious that a noodle touched a burger bun, spam fake yelp reviews.
>Pastafujos rush to defend Burger King's honor.
>Fist fight beaks out inside Burger King.
>Place burns down.
>Tattooed metrosexuals at Doki di'Italia don't notice anything changed.

>> No.78719427


>> No.78719447
File: 342 KB, 850x1197, disgusted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>active /pol/ discussion
really? in front of my oshi?

>> No.78719460

The difference is that JP doesn't interact with homos as a smug culture war statement

>> No.78719466

I'm just sad, not angry anymore. I miss thinking holo was an Idol company. Started watching them before myth and even though JP also collabs with males maybe the language barrier prevented me from realizing it before.

Now we are literally getting two whores, I think pink will redeem herself but red one literally has granny humor and doesn't seem to sing in Japanese, plus she likes promoting LGBT agenda...

I don't even like gura but her bday live was absolute kino and all thanks to having mostly JP members, are there no cute idols on the EN side?

>> No.78719525

>I'm just sad, not angry anymore
Please take their debut as motivation to kill yourself, unicuck.

>> No.78719549

imperative form
that's literally it
its for when you're telling someone to do something
it has some other uses but you'll get used to those by encountering them

>> No.78719587

Where's the culture war statement, I don't see it?

>> No.78719597

EN doesn't either.

>> No.78719626


>> No.78719652

>a woman is nice to some dudes
>she must be doing this to spite ME PERSONALLY

>> No.78719659

>lgbt agenda
>one of the only girls in the entire company who is being actively heterosexual and NOT dyking it up for views
Are you thinking of Nerissa?

>> No.78719662

>interact with homos as a smug culture war statement
If you wanted to write fanfics you should have started a /wg/ thread.

>> No.78719695

I'll be filling out my apology form once she does NOT mention holostars on debut, but so far she's female Jurard and vtweeter-tier.

>> No.78719703

you severely underestimate the pettiness of liberal white women

>> No.78719749

Lesbian is different from lgbt

>> No.78719757

if you think about it, every time your oshi thanks a man who's superchatted her, she's interacting with a male.
they are literally all whores.

>> No.78719793

Stop being disingenuous

>> No.78719827
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>> No.78719845

Bae and Ollie do care. Ollie has been graduating bating in member streams and Bae is depressed, because she's the only one in EN who still does co-ed shit.

>> No.78719881

I don't actually care about the male stuff but the granny humor actually worries me and it's funny that no one else is really talking about that angle. I'm not sure how well she'll get along with the rest of EN who are millennial and zoomers.
Also 3D live guests are probably just based on who's available and willing. Honestly surprised Gura managed to drag in 2 ENs.

>> No.78719890

What does the L in LGBT stand for you fucking dweeb

>> No.78719905


>> No.78719908

Maybe you should stop projecting your personal life tragedies onto people on the internet.

>> No.78719971

>lgbt agenda
Guess all the yuri pandering from the JP side is all part of one big psyop.

>> No.78719985

NTA but one is a fetish and the other is a political movement centered around several fetishes

>> No.78720051
File: 1.67 MB, 1200x675, 1693940571156568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cover disagrees

>> No.78720050

still better than matsuri

>> No.78720056

Of which lesbianism is one you fucking dork

>> No.78720064

>Lesbians are a fetish
I've seen everything now

>> No.78720078

"but I did have breakfast"

>> No.78720110
File: 129 KB, 512x512, 1699575854870503.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't it similar to the present continuous?

>> No.78720116

Anon, you already graduated from high school. Stacey cant hurt you anymore.

>> No.78720136
File: 317 KB, 837x1181, __mori_calliope_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_darkmaya__285619e7eac984b44ee7fc67bccedac9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Female vtuuber is a woman who gets paid to perform for a bunch of lonely men and the men throw money at her in hopes of being noticed...
basically a stripper

>> No.78720151

Anything other than heterosexuality is a deviation from the biological norm and therefore a perversion/fetish, yes

>> No.78720170

>a new option is added to the menu that puts chicken on the burger
>the burgers and chicken sandwiches still exist separately in addition to to the combined option
>the burger fans get really upset that the presence of chicken on the menu is now 1% greater than it was before

>> No.78720208

Can you imagine the butt hurt if this turns out to be a Shiori like situation where you got this group convinced shes gonna collab with men, and then she just never mentions them again?

Get the popcorn.

>> No.78720240
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>> No.78720251

I'm waiting to see how advent will react to her mentioning the homos in the debut watchalong, especially the based baubaus

>> No.78720255

that's just between fans.

>> No.78720306

Same, personally, I'll watch her debut just to figure out her style of humor beyond the obvious
>yer a fokin cheeky cunt m8
which I'd be surprised if it wasn't present

>> No.78720317


>> No.78720321

If a big part of your vtuber career is collabing with males, why join hololive? Aren't there like a hundred other vtuber companies that are oriented more towards male x female collabs?

>> No.78720349
File: 101 KB, 960x960, 1B9726CA-218E-4ABE-896A-4705EECC8BFC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78720366

Nah this one actually simps for Homos on Twitter, it's over before it began

>> No.78720370

>grr, they beat me at my own game
I accept your concession, fag.

>> No.78720398

This is one of the worst threads of this year

>> No.78720421

>why join hololive?
to own the chudshitlordcels

>> No.78720426

was she specifically a Stars fujo before? Could explain her going for Holo over Niji

>> No.78720451

Fwmc barely even interact with their own genmates anymore much less other ENs, they're fully committed to becoming Japanese

>> No.78720517
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>> No.78720547
File: 464 KB, 1100x1100, 1699821648442464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey sisters, since you're here, can you recommend me any homo? I'd like to see someone competent at video games at least once in a while
Obviously no faggots

>> No.78720560

Her pl is friends with Jutard and Octavio pls, it's most likely why they spoke to her first whereas with Ruze and Oga she was the one to approach them first

>> No.78720567


>> No.78720581
File: 100 KB, 624x1024, 9236674F-EFC1-4D76-B91A-CD76AB1A8D82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78720584

>talent hasnt even debuted
>already taking his fabrications as fact
Whew lad

>> No.78720630
File: 261 KB, 886x886, GK7L22OawAAnBn2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78720641

>Why join a good compo when you can be in as shitty small corpo that hires kids/abuses their power/ get you in debt or a shitty big corpo that has a favouritis problem/drives ppl to suicide/only nepohires?

>> No.78720765

>why join hololive?
anon... it's 2024. the blue dorito is king and they're trying to expand into different markets therefor going the twitch whore route. they know it's against their standard MO hence the short notice and relatively quick debut after being revealed. this wave is going to be one big high school clique where YOU are left to orbit while everyone else gets a turn with YOUR oshi.

>> No.78720782

yeah that makes sense, have no issues with her if she's just like Bae but am slightly concerned that she seems to be a unity pusher

>> No.78720853

I'm just a sucker for redheads. The fact that she is giving the homos any attention is annoying, but I'll have hope that she is cute enough and realizes not to touch them with a 100 foot pole

>> No.78720965

There are barely any actual incels on here lol. If anything we respect women way too much.

>> No.78721023

I'm not a fan of pandering to yuri but when it's just for the job and feeding viewers fetishes it's alright. Nerissa grosses me out, it's okay but do not make being gay your whole personality.

Plus red PL was seen actively saying trans rights, love is love, and that kind of queer bullshit. As I said before, being gay is okay but don't make it your only trait please

>> No.78721041

Anon, all you have to do is audition and get into Armis gen 2 and you're in

>> No.78721196

Definitely seems like it

Everyone knows that calling someone a whore because she

*checks notes*

Tweeted a few guys is the height of respecting women.

>> No.78721270

what really matters is what kind of British accent she has. let's hope it's not one of the bad ones.

>> No.78721291

All of them are bad.

>> No.78721341

My stance is as follow:

I will tweet my apology publicly on my 5-year-old twitter that gachi's 2 hololive members and an EN with about 600 followers if she cleanly and concisely states during her debut that hololive and holostars are different businesses only associated by the same parent company.
Otherwise I'll block her.

>> No.78721345

I have no idea what Armis is, but if it's homoshit, I wouldn't want to join

>> No.78721430

but some are worse.

>> No.78721644

Respect is earned

>> No.78721668

Thank you for designating yourself as the runt right off the bat, truly you're a great leader if you want your genmates to outshine you

>> No.78721688



>> No.78721779

Your oshi interacts with men every stream.
Every vtuber is a whore.

>> No.78721898
File: 185 KB, 1080x582, ROSE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's here to unite the branches. KNEEL.

>> No.78721917

>we dindu nuffin'!
you're the ones who started it.

>> No.78721954

You may wish it, but the women won't bend to your will.

>> No.78721977

go back.

>> No.78722033

No, they actively do.
Are you telling me their audience, including you, is 100% female?

>> No.78722037

She is literally a millennial. But yeah she seems normie af. I for one find the cheesy sense of humour somewhat endearing. I said it elsewhere but reminds me of Matara in that regard.

>> No.78722194

make me sister

>> No.78722318

They should have debuted 2 toxic yuri english talents so instead of the war of the roses we could have had the war of the lillies

>> No.78722333

Joining for the grift, which makes them the worst hire imaginable.

>> No.78722592

Post tits

>> No.78722785

this is the right one

>> No.78722922

>the burger fans get really upset that the presence of chicken on the menu is now 1% greater than it was before
>"by popular demands" cope
KEK, you sisters are funny. Good try though!

>> No.78722953

you're proud of the fact you use Twitter terms?

>> No.78723011


>> No.78723149

Why do people even think it's her?

>> No.78723170

I wouldn't say "respect", but you definitely like them too much.

>> No.78723479

>i want women performing for me, only acknowledging me and molding their online personality a certain way to please me exclusively
>my issue, is that i respect women too much :(

>> No.78723546

kilia from eien has a lovely voice albeit

>> No.78723554

Respect is earned, remember equality and all that sisterchama.

>> No.78723614

Also REM Kanashibari has a lovely voice and dialect

>> No.78723645


>> No.78723648

Stars are boring losers. I have no interest in watching someone doing content with them when there are so many other members.

>> No.78723708

her too, some british girls have really nice voices

>> No.78723719

Barely anyone watches Stars now and that's not going to change.

>> No.78723789

NijiEN is in the other direction, sister.

>> No.78723874
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Never gonna watch her, but did people find out if she's a past friend of the homos or not? Even Bae completely ignored tempag.

>> No.78724083


>> No.78724094

Total homoshit DEATH

>> No.78724115

She probably isn't even the whore that doxxfags bring up. Who knows, people were sure that Kobo was some singer and she wasn't and even ollie's leaked files had the wrong doxx for reine.

>> No.78724148

A food analogy that actually works.

>> No.78724178

literally nobody knows who Elizbeth is. people have seen finding random brits who are vtuber/anime adjacent and claiming its her

>> No.78724180

Bae likes JP Stars way more than she likes EN

>> No.78724652

Except they're not mixed, but sometimes they offer a combo meal which has two sandwiches, one beef, one chicken, at the price of one. And if you don't like the offer, you can just skip on the promotion

>> No.78725099

Their only market is Asia

>> No.78725629

Bros, you realize that if your oshi is sucking cock, they're going to do it off stream right? Everyone knows that talents that stream together fucking hate each other, you should be more worried about the talents that stay away from men on stream because they're far more obviously liars and grifters. At least the whores who hang out with homos on stream are honest about their predilections.

>> No.78726381

If she does homo collabs I will pray for her to graduate.

>> No.78726549

Women. Or trannies Typing on MY /vt/?
It's more likely than you think!

>> No.78726731


>> No.78726905

>Chicken burger fans SCREAM on twitter at the top of their lungs for chicken burgers!
>They don't buy any.
>They keep screaming for more chicken burgers.
>Only kept afloat by beef burger subsidizing it
>They keep selling more chicken burgers on the menu that no one buys
>Beef burger enjoyers the overwhelming majority of the customerbase start getting annoyed. They do NOT want chicken burgers.

>> No.78727095

>she's going to be talking to men every stream
What sort of mental gymnastics will you come up with to make up for the fact that most female vtubers have a largely male audience that they interact with regularly, unicuck?

>> No.78727299

Sorry for laughing at your name Elden Ring Bloodflame

>> No.78728236
File: 637 KB, 1275x759, b9a8373896d1734fb0eab6f889908b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Protip for the tourist this is a niche largely for lonely guys or guys who want to watch a cute anime girl chat or play videogames badly for hours as background noise. Very few want to watch or hear anime homos with bad dub voices. They would watch regular flesh male streamers instead. Most of these women aren't insanely talented or anything they are basically virtual hostesses offering entertainment for a few hours.
Hope this helps you understand why the demand for male vtubers is low. Drama tourists like you won't actually watch or buy their merch.

>> No.78728304
File: 52 KB, 900x900, 1712825748203199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spbp (Sippy bippy)

>> No.78728733

Lonely guy who watches holostars here, your mental gymnastics are insufficient.
>you don't watch streams
I do. I was a big magni and vesper fan(i still check in on vesper's rm from time to time). I also watch a lot of ruze and bettel. Ruze got me to buy Barony because we have pretty similar taste in games.
Before you accuse me of only watching stars, I watch a lot of fauna, bae, mumei, and ame.
>you won't buy their merch
I don't buy anyone's merch.
I do send superchats occasionally though.
I am in fact pretty damn poor.

>> No.78728834

Just kinda disappointing that she's taking up a slot which could've been given to an actual idol.

>> No.78728883

i never said anything bad about her and i only watch production kawaii, i am indifferent to her but she should have good luck in hololive

>> No.78728920

None of them are actual idols, anon. The all interact with men on a daily basis and anyone who thinks otherwise are legally obligated to kill themselves.

>> No.78728953

There aren't enough gay incels to make up for the straight losses, sorry homobro

>> No.78729331

That a woman likable enough to be a streamer is chaste is a statistical impossibility in the west, since the decline of religiosity. Just keep it off the show.

>> No.78729833

>why join hololive?
She's guaranteed to have thousands of people emptying out their wallets to her no matter what she does thanks to the blue dorito. Sure she'll make less money by male collabing, but she'll still be extremely comfortable financially and can have fun doing what she wants if she just ignores a few of the crybabies whining about male collabs.

>> No.78730009

https://twitter.com/ERBloodflame/status/1803723406971470265 ok fine I forgive her

>> No.78730143

It is fine if this is the worst EN holo gen ever we still have Gura

>> No.78730317

>don't bother reading the room or being considerate. just make money. all about the ego, bro

>crybabies whining about male collabs.
Or in other words, her would-be biggest donators. If homobeggars only told the truth, they'd have nothing to say

>> No.78730466

>since the decline of religiosity
Since way before then. There's a reason sex outside of marriage was taboo, and it did happen.

>> No.78730738

She's great if you ignore her going to America every May for a month to visit her long distance bf.

>> No.78730780

I'm suspicious from the amount of shilling they're getting compared to Advent.

>> No.78730803

Yagoo, management, and literally all the Hololive members would disagree. Some of them might pander to unicorns but they all hate the "fans" that would scream insults at Elizabeth for being friendly to Holostars. They all have a shared HoloPro discord and talk with each other behind the scenes.

>> No.78730854

It will always exist in some form, that doesn't invalidate it. Gays have always existed as well, would you say it was comparable to this cultural zeitgeist?

>> No.78730934

Corporations don't always have the customers' best interests at heart, this isn't revelatory

>> No.78730982

It's probably the last EN gen, that's why.

>> No.78731117

What makes you say that

>> No.78731415

kek, I guess she does give a fuck about her image after all.
Afraid to be associated romantically with men, ERB? A bit late for that.

>> No.78731592

Probably trying to impress investors.

>> No.78731596

Oh shit really? Ok that makes it a bit more likely that it's her.

>> No.78731710

Cover made an announcement that they will soon stop debuting new gens to support their current ones

>> No.78731716
File: 2.13 MB, 1280x680, Faggot [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F8m07j0.m4a].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>food analogy: the thread

>> No.78731851

Why would I apologize? If anything I'm rooting for her.

>> No.78731853

I guess they just wanted a few more EUs to round it out. Will be interesting to see.

>> No.78731972

> behind the scenes
good; they should keep it that way

>> No.78732438

So last ENgen will have homoshit flops damm why is cover so retarded?

>> No.78732474

Is this her general? Not even links in the OP post? Damn...

>> No.78732546

Cover making Hololive talents act single while selling wedding merch has never been healthy since it only feeds the unicorns.

isn't healthy.

only feeds the unicorns. That isn't done for the customers and that

and that isn't done for the customers

that isn't healthy but it earns them a lot of mon

delusions is unhealthy a

>> No.78732575

>tales from my ass btw
let me guess, they also should treat each other like what the word you sisters love using these days... "coworkers" was it?

>> No.78732839

Nobody wants to be a "big fan" of someone who is as transparent as air in showing she is massively interested in talking to any guy she can instead of either her genmate ""friends""" or the audience for that matter. She wants to make it clear she is down bad for everyone except (you). If she thinks she is being like Suisei or Mori doing this, she doesn't understand that Suisei doesn't act like this at all and it's like a desperate caricature version of Mori or Ollie level to respond to every random useless trifle a homo tweets out just because they are homos.

>> No.78732910

Please call an ambulance!

>> No.78733054

Why is Erza Scarlet wearing IRyS' clothes?

>> No.78733221

She looted them when her anglo ass invaded Irysland

>> No.78733353

Only Rushia was truly a hardcore GFE Holo, the rest have been ambiguous and maybe flirty or something but are nowhere near the shit Rushia did. Rushia would actively try to make her fans promose to not watch other girls, promise to trust her when she said she only was there for them etc. Absolutely fucking slimy manipulative actual fucking predatory lying from her ass. No wonder Cover did not take too much prodding to let her go after she fucked up. Clearly some people in the company wanted to keep her because she just brings in so much damn income, but it seems those people lost out in the end. Again no other Holo girl does what she did.

One bad example (who was eliminated and unpersoned) doesn't make for the whole company. Personally I am fine with them just never talking about their actual love lives and just leaving it unspecified and that's that. Manipulative predatory shit need not apply. They can like and appreciate their audience without being backhanded about it and also without being scumbags like Rushia.

>> No.78733402
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>ok fine i forgive her
It begins

>> No.78733491

>when she confirms she's pro homostars
????? Is her Twitter timeline being just them not enough confirmation for you?

>> No.78733564

Wow, this thread is a good encapsulation of just how many women and trannies now infest this place thanks to the likes of brownvtm and containment breakers. You'd think they'd want to steer clear of this place, but they're obsessed. Also, fuck you kristheholosimp, fucking drama-chasing faggot.

>> No.78733567

Holo managers look at this and be like:
>Is this worth it?
Destroying their mental health and throwing money at them like prostitutes makes you feel good don't it?

>> No.78733593

not even once

>> No.78733643

Shut the fuck up Ernoul.

>> No.78733660

You've never had a job, have you?

>> No.78734449

Also if note about this is that Mori was 'sickened' when she heard they fired her and IIRC even took time off from streaming to cope with it. To cope with Rushia the one who dug the hardest into her fans' pockets while being the absolute most hardcore liar in the company. That shining example of morality leaving, absolutely devastated Mori. Tells all we need to really know about her and her kind really. They are not here for us, we apparently have no rights and don't matter even though we literally are the gasoline that keeps the entire motor of the company running. The most natural reaction to being spurned and dismissed despite literally being the reason Hololive is successful at all SHOULD BE "well fuck you too then, I'm not watching, you're never getting a penny out of me then." All this gaslighting and mental gymnastics trying to convince you not to react that way is their attempting to condition and brainwash you like dogs. Which should be even more insulting and make you only pull out harder.

>> No.78734640

I have nothing to apologize for.

She's shifting the overton window towards homo acceptance. If she isn't smacked down it will embolden others.

Shit like this makes me want to abandon vtubers altogether. If this turns into another Nijisanji I will drop all these whores and watch Esfand Pug and other male fleshtubers.

>> No.78734918

Only when someone acknowledges they've done something wrong, regrets it, apologizes for it, and then actively does their best to change and avoid making those same mistakes again, can they be called a changed/better person.

>> No.78734930

If she isnt the next coming of Suisei, Mori, Kobo or FBK she is fucked. There are very few Holos that withstand homocollab debuff.

>> No.78734995

>we apparently have no rights and don't matter even though we literally are the gasoline that keeps the entire motor of the company running
Kek, wow. You niggers are really doing this just as a way to assert some illusion of control within your miserable existence, aren't you.

>> No.78735262

Also a fucking loser that endlessly makes a fucking fool of himself. Go back to Twitter and argue with him there, roastie.

>> No.78735476

The rest of her gen is so shit she might actually be the best of them.

>> No.78735798

>Sora, Fubuki, Matsuri, Aki, Suisei, Towa, Botan, Mel, the entirety of the ID branch, Mori, Kronii, Ame, Baelz
>13% of all of hololive
HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA holy fuck you retarded faggots genuinely have no IQ.
>captcha SADR

>> No.78735977

>EU gen
>Reveal at 6am

>> No.78735993

Fuck you whore. You will drag the rest of your gen to the deepshit.

>> No.78736124

Yeah, just like La+ better off in twitch. I don't want to see her appear on my YT homepage.

If she does I will just "do not recommend" her channel

>> No.78736297

When compared to this red hair piece of shit, Mori seems to be ok these days. Not Kronii tho

>> No.78736764

>food analogy

>> No.78736943

Nobody cares what happens in the fucking Philippines. Once you SEA monkeys figure that out the world will be better off.

>> No.78737022

NTA but the first tweet got deleted, you got an archive or smthing?

>> No.78737189

Cancerous shit like this is why I outright avoid the Hololive community now. It has been hijacked.
I use "community" very fucking lightly there. Literal children and manchildren from Twitter make up the majority of their fanbase now. (and that includes the JPs, this isn't an EN only thing)

>> No.78737384

JP interacts with male in a much more professional way. You won't see any JP member reposting males underwear and saying she wants to fuck them.

Stars JP are also more aware of the potential issues when interacting with the girls so they act more appropriately as well.

>> No.78737606


>> No.78737760

But they are retarded sister, is not a combo meal is mixed that's why every runt homocollaber get depressed and plummets, Ollie is graduation baiting because she knows nobody fucking likes her that's why nobody collabs with her, Bae is "a little sad" (depressed AF) because she isn't making as good as she wants but why? riiigth she is a homocollaber ugh, that's why at her new outift reveal she fucking tried to play that dumbass fucking bit of "meeting w/(You) at night after the "debut"" somwhow thinking ppl would unironically forget she's a homocollaber KEK.

>> No.78737776

no thanks, i have too many other girls to watch who actually want my support

>> No.78738260

Do you have some illusion that the fan support is not the reason Hololive succeeded? There are plenty of vtubers who work way harder for way longer than most Holos and are permanently obscure and poor. Being a talented hard worker just by itself does not guarantee success otherwise we would see that reflected in the top dogs numbers. Which means, the Holo girls' success is not because they are naturally better than all Holo vtubers. It's because the fans agree this is THE company to like and support and rally around. That support should not be taken for granted is what I am saying. Girls testing it trying to fuck with us thinking they do not need our support are gonna have to learn sooner or later they are not all-that and support is a two way street - they like us and like being here as a Holo, we like them. They don't like us and don't like the company, we don't like them.

>> No.78738593

>My oshi is not the company btw

>> No.78738846

Plenty of non-holo companies to be an ethot in

>> No.78739285
File: 295 KB, 809x600, 1709105595989560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how much of a normie, I hope normie enough to be annoyed at holo culture so she can gets push to graduate, that would be the best course of actions mhm mhm.

>> No.78739438

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA You retarded trannies genuinly thought guys like the yuri shipping because it was "le progressive lesbians" ????

>> No.78739563

Epic Rap Battles?

>> No.78739648

That's highly offensive, anon. The correct nomenclature is troonicorn.

>> No.78739660

>bae is depressed
fucking WHAT? don't lie you cunt
Jesus christ this board gives the luxury of lying to anyone these days, she's some of the happiest these days you subhuman monkey
Instead of misconstruing her intentions of fanservice which she has always provided, go stick your head in a gutter and die you worthless son of a whore

>> No.78739803

I've literally never watched a stars stream. I do, however, derive immense satisfaction from watching troonicorns seethe /here/.

>> No.78740089


>> No.78740652

No, they did not. Learn to read English.

>> No.78740760

>this just as a way to assert some illusion
KEK sisters not having any understanding of how business operate and succeed, nothing new to witness.

>> No.78740762

luckily she's not my oshi so i don't give a fuck about that, i just like her voice

>> No.78740989

it was really obvious it was her from the drawing artstyle and the fact she talks like a hag (the real kind not the /vt/ kind)

>> No.78741317

Matsuri is just a whore, I never view her as a holomember

>> No.78741439

She cut off unicorn horns

>> No.78741467

I just hope that Rojo doesn't try to convince Shiori to want to collaborate with men.
Not because I don't like it (I wouldn't like it) but because that can be a mortal wound for any girl who is not pekora, suisei or FBK
and I would end up being like Matsuri or Ollie
