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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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78549406 No.78549406 [Reply] [Original]

What if your general was not just a general but a nation, devoted to your oshi and their will? Enter this general where the fanbases and generals of /vt/ are reimagined as rival nations fighting bitter battles or beginning wholesome friendships for the glory of their oshis.

music edition

Previously: >>78210270

Interactive map:

Introductory document for new anons:




>> No.78549440
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Anchor post for any story/map/lore. Please reply here for archival purposes. Anchored posts in the last thread will be archived within a day after the thread has been archived. You may also ask for your own archive posts to be updated or organized according to your standards.
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>> No.78549643

robot girls

>> No.78549934
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Love green women. Simple as.

>> No.78550114
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onahole machine

>> No.78551619

>The breadog has lost his superiority to the Joshu as the sapient dog companion.

>> No.78553294

Invasion of the Joshu kuns

>> No.78553793


>> No.78553993

>The Joshu puts on silly hats and clothes.
>Everyone gives Joshu attention.
>Meanwhile the breadog who has served for many years is left alone.
>He doesn't get the attention he needs right now.
>The breadog sulks back to the oven.
>Its going to be a long day of work tomorrow.

>> No.78554313

Go be an attention whore somewhere else, /asp/ I hear is always looking for new people

>> No.78555264

We have a lorebuilding moment with this. It's not often we see one animal outright replace another.

>> No.78556364


>> No.78556765

So how is your projects going? I should write down some rules of resurrection for zomrades. I'd like a second opinion about it though.

>> No.78558730
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hello fuckers

>> No.78558778

well how much is it science and how much of it is magic would be my first question

>> No.78559736
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The sun and the heat’s driving me crazy so I decided they’ll drive salamoim crazy too

>> No.78561075


>> No.78561138

Do you burn in the sun like I do? I am very pale and burn in the plains heat without sunscreen. Also it makes sense for animals with colder body temperatures to have a hard time in summer.

How's the game.

I'm thinking science applies to human anatomy but even magic can stitch broken people together. There will be multiple factors on why the church refuses to resurrect bodies. If the body's ash or completely butchered beyond recognition then there's no saving it. If the body's soul left the mortal realm then there's no resurrection if there's no soul. If the soul has no will to return, holds a grudge, or has chosen the risk of death either by combat or sacrificed in a dangerous job there's no saving it. I'm iffy on these rules. And they're open to change. The goal is to not make mindless zombies but to preserve what few blood Zomrades there are in Viti. I think. I do need another Zomrade's opinion.

>> No.78561737
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It's 34C here as well, except I'm kind immune to it somehow. I haven't decided if it's funnier if deadbeats in the lowlands of Morijigoku find the tropical heat really uncomfortable but somehow cope with it, or they feel fine with it even though they can be observed literally melting in real time.
Unrelated, but I've got some loring I wanna do and the crunch at work has been a bit too much to get to it. Should get more time this weekend, I want to write some more about creatures.

>> No.78562655

Just wait until July. I'm using freedom units here. It's expected to get 95-110F where I live.

>> No.78562681
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I used to be but it’s better after I got a tan so at least my skin doesn’t peel off now. Still feels like I’m going to pass out whenever I walk out
As for salamoim their lower body temperature and a body designed to cope with cold better definitely means they’ll have a harder time getting rid of the heat, but I also think that high UV exposure’s going to trigger something in them besides/alongside the temperature. I imagine it’s probably like a fight or flight response (ironic since opossums having neither are why we’re them to begin with) where the initial UV and temperature spike makes them want to hide and burrow instinctively, and after a while if the light and temperature drops to a certain point it triggers a compensating response that involves heightened aggression and other primal instincts. I was going to say that means /vnug/ will have some kinda festival around July 21 but then I remember they live in the tropics where it happens every day. Maybe that’s another reason why they prefer to stay underground during the day

>> No.78564623


>> No.78564722
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Me looking down on Viti

>> No.78565976

Baker-chan has decided to name the stoaway joshu, Joshua. Since Joshua is a girl Ryely doesn't mind her too much. Though Joshua is afraid of Ryely.

Joshua tries to help Baker-chan in the bakery. However Joshua doesn't know what she's doing. Using the power of "dog language" Ryely tells Joshua how he prepares the bakery step by step. She won't get everything at first. Which is okay. Ryely gives her smol jobs like picking out mixing bowls and teaching her how to measure cups and spoons. Today wasn't as productive but Ryely is training a new recruit.

If only Joshua doesn't snuggle so closely to Ryely at bedtime he'd have a better time.

>> No.78568606

There's a lot of stipulations here though it makes me wonder since ollie is put together like Frankenstein and not a rotting zombie. There implication someone put her back together and revived her. There's no mention of science or magic. Should probably research zombies in media and see how they usually are brought about. In real life fungi can take over a bugs body and make it a 'Zombie' but would you consider it a zombie in the same way as ollie

>> No.78570052

In that sense Ollie is more or less Frankenstein's homonculus. Sometimes it's called a homonculus. Either way Ollie is a revived body that has retained her soul. I'd say that's a successful resurrection. Technically zombies don't have to be undead. Witch doctors in Affica make people into zombies with drugs and have them do free labor before curing them. You can say fentanol makes people into zombies. Cordyceps take over ants while they're still alive so there's that.

You can resurrect a body with a soul only to have the soul leave the body a week later. Which turns the body into a zombie. I think.

>> No.78570444

I'm sure Joshua will figure it out, Joshu's have evolved to be ideal lab assistants, and baking is just chemistry that you can eat at the end.

>> No.78571822

I'm on sleeping pills when I wrote this. So it's a ramble. I'll need to sleep and rewrite in the morning.

Long and short the difference between a resurrected body and a zombie is the soul and conciousness. Frankenstein's monster has a conciousness. Though it's questionable if he has a soul.

>> No.78573746

lol what are helicopters gonna do about a whatever that is clearly in space

>> No.78576342
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>> No.78578922


>> No.78580294
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>> No.78581815

Okay but is it dry heat or moist heat because they do hit different

>> No.78581926

So salamoim are more comfy when it's cloudy and overcast? That would be a good reason they were drawn to that "thunderstorm every day" area.

>> No.78582866
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Somewhat, since clouds don’t block a lotta UV so it’ll still make them feel uneasy, but cloudy days are not as hot so it’s still better than cloudless days! I imagine the full emotional response only triggers when both UV and temperature are high so they generally won’t go full lunatic (solatic?) unless they’re fully exposed. Salamoim fabric can block a significant amount of UV so they’re likely to wear wide brim hats and/or carry parasol to protect themselves!

>> No.78583155

Last night, I started with Regloss cars, starting with Ririka.

>> No.78583185

Bros I fucking love big hats... it's a great tragedy that vtuber models have to fit in the corner of a screen without blocking too much gameplay, so they rarely include a big fucking hat... Witch Koopa and witch Nyanners have some nice big hats.

>> No.78583371

Joshua is a male name btw

T.is named that

>> No.78583415

>>78583185 (me)
Mori's cowboy outfit would be perfect if she just had a way bigger hat...

>> No.78583494

That's only for jew-descended etymologies, in koyote linguistics the -a suffix is feminizing

>> No.78585622

Well a frankenstein has thoughts and feelings, whats to say it doesn't have a soul?

>> No.78587380
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>> No.78589577
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>> No.78591043


>> No.78592091

That finish doesn't work for me, brother

>> No.78592186


>> No.78593004

Perfect to break my pelvis with

>> No.78594137

Take a bump

>> No.78595223

Not liking how fast the board is as of late

>> No.78595670

>on top of eggs



>> No.78596748

Back up you go

>> No.78597706


>> No.78598919

Allow to film what's happening from a (marginally) closer distance? Maybe?

>> No.78600636


>> No.78602125


>> No.78602621

Invasive species do it on the regular tho? Anon? Your biology reps?

>> No.78603748


>> No.78603768


>> No.78604341
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Which nation's women look like this?

>> No.78605365


>> No.78606083

There's an indie vtuber like this out there somewhere.

>> No.78606661
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>> No.78606720
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>> No.78606799
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>> No.78606876
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>> No.78607214

I prefer mayonnaise with fried egg and bologna sandwiches.

>> No.78608676

bologna and eggs sounds good right now

>> No.78609219

So this is what AIslop that generated girls with 4 tits was trained on...

>> No.78609666

Just remember to brown your bologna before using it in a scramble or omlett. Brown not black.

>> No.78610559

Mayo into egg sounds kinds redundant to me. There's meat tho so it fine.

>> No.78610811

This nigga eats his eggs plain

>> No.78610947

Usually with tomato ketchup.

>> No.78611090

Kikoman will kikopunch you for not using his onions sauce.

>> No.78611627

Have mercy, that shite aint common in flipland

>> No.78612920

Ywn have a 4 breasted wife breastfeeding your quadruplets at once

>> No.78614298

Remember to water your dodos during these hot summer days.

>> No.78615449

didnt dodos live in tropical areas

>> No.78616020

We need to figure out where Loreli's water sources are. There's the channels that drain water to keep the caldera from flooding. But I wonder if there should be a resivoir lake too.

>> No.78617122
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>> No.78618156


>> No.78619638

Okay had to sleep on a few things.

A resurrected person is when a soul is returned to a revived body. It could be as simple as resusitation or using magic to revive a body. A zombie is when the body loses its soul and is wandering aimlessly. The soul can be captured by witch doctors while the body is still alive or the body can be revived by without a soul.

There are multiple reasons a soul will not return to the body. 1) The soul has moved onto the afterlife and has recieved judgement. 2) The soul has a grudge and will its existence to curse whoever wronged it. 3) The soul refuses to return to the body because it has given up. And other reasons. Lost souls are very dangerous phenomena. Ghosts, curses, posession, poltergeists, and pure negativity are very dangerous things to be around. Outside of /mint/ ghosts are not a good thing to be around. Even in /mint/ the Maid Ghost Resort is TO DIE FOR.

I'm also trying to think about the purpose of having a second life. It's usually not up to the victim if they get resurrected. But they can make the choice of a second life if it means to have faith in Ollie. Which is to live a fruitful life and have lots of babies or at least help those who should have babies.

Just a few thoughts and ramblings.

>> No.78620971

So the thing about ollie. Did she actually revive them or is she like a vision right before they are resurrected

>> No.78621213

I think it's more of a vision. Or at least a meeting with god. One joke was that zomrades were so horny for Ollie they refused to die. And then /zomg/ died.

>> No.78623114
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>> No.78623801

Yes. It can be either or.

I know. I thought about naming her Josha but I still needed the "u".

>> No.78623998

or just call her Joshu-chan

>> No.78625156
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>> No.78626874

time to check out this corn video. Will report back on my findings

>> No.78628181

There aren't too many recipes. It's more of a history lesson about the importance of corn to both native Americans and settlers.

>> No.78629610
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>> No.78631457

i never did realize corn was an american crop. It's interesting to see it didnt become invasive in some way

>> No.78632909
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>> No.78633516
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So far my notes are:
-Corn is versatile
-Outsiders do not appreciate corn for what its worth

I could write about ancient gators that applied corn in similar fashions to expand on the area since Teamates had to evolve to be able to stand on their hindlegs and speak. Maybe hit them with some south american flavor so I can include aliens since Ame likes talking about conspiracy theories

>> No.78634061

Corn only has a bad reputation now because of high fructose corn syrup. Which isn't even naturally made from sweetcorn. You have to add a chemical to make corn produce high fructose. Which is a shame because regular or lite corn syrup has a very buttery corny taste. Which I can see why it was a substitute for maple syrup.

>> No.78635451

aieeeeeeee speed

>> No.78635550

Speaking of corn you can make a wide variety of desserts with corn meal alone. In the US Civil War the south used corn instead of wheat for their rations. You can make ash cakes out of corn meal by mixing water with the meal to make a dough. Then you put the formed dough directly on the coals to cook. The ash cakes are tough to eat but if made correctly they won't spoil for over a week. Ash cakes like biscuits can be crumbled into broths and stews. They can also be soaked in wine for a dessert.

>> No.78636231

When you're on the front lines you had to experiment with what rations you had as well as what you could find. Unlike modern warfare you could not get supplies for days, weeks, or sometimes months. You can even get lost. And with no real way of fast long distance communicating your superiors wouldn't know where you went off to.

>> No.78637061

One more random comment for gators before I make dinner:

Corn on the cob slathered in butter and caijin seasoning is fantastic.

>> No.78638771
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>> No.78640337


>> No.78642378


>> No.78644195

I mean to be anatomically accurate all catgirls should have six boobs really

>> No.78644730

I need something besides food to worldbuild. Maybe we can talk about airship travel routes. Assuming the rest of the world has airships.

>> No.78645467
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Morijigoku is in a bit of a pickle, since many of its largest population centers are above the operational ceiling of most airships. The largest aerodrome of the country is found near the southern border, near that operational ceiling, and receives a lot of traffic since air cargo headed towards the mountaintop cities all have to go through there.

>> No.78645663

How's ground freight? Is it still wagons or do you have trains?

>> No.78645753
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I know its been like weeks now.
But it sort of stuck in my head, and I just now remembered I never touched on it.
If I remember right, some anon asked specifically how /uuu/ does irrigation and crops.
We have no real organized system of agriculture. 90% of sapling food comes from foraging and gathering things that grow in the forests.
The combination of:
- Sapling "settlements" starting near abundant sources of food
- Concentrations of religiously practicing saplings encouraging the growth of edible food near them
- Matres being able to will specific kinds of growth whenever/wherever they choose
All lead to no real need for anything that might be considered "systemic modern agriculture"
On top of all of this, as I've mentioned several times in the past, we don't have much in the way of metallurgy. So while we could dig irrigation troughs etc. with our magically hardened wood, it's just not something that ever needs done when we could spend the relative same amount of "magical work" just asking the forest to grow the things we want.

Just in case

>> No.78646211

Hello Sapling. Well I'm glad the forest provides food and herbs. I was thinking about capturing clean rain water for drinking and medicine. So how have you been?

>> No.78646816
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>> No.78646880
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>> No.78648146
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board fast?

introducing the make a joshu campaign!
make a joshu cosplay another vtuber or fanbase or whatever you want!
because its fun and joshus are cute and funny!

>> No.78648661
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>water for drinking and medicine
Wells and rivers/lakes mostly. Between boiling and Matres' magic, it's usually pretty safe.
Being doing ok, thanks! Mostly been lurking and bumping lately

>> No.78648827

>/vtwbg/ vs /tactical/
guns and war

>> No.78650021

Baker-chan has a cute new employee. So that should help her in the kitchen eventually. What's your opinion about the new visitors (joshus)?

>> No.78653491

The joshus have been cute. Not sure how I feel about their "partly anthropomorphic" and speech thing, but I like the little interactions with the breaddog.

>> No.78655895
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There are no trains as we know them, but the carriages are drawn by house-sized demonbeasts, so they're able to move a lot of freight.
based pre-agricultural subsistence lifestyle... God I wish that was me. The neolithic was a disaster for the human race.

>> No.78657129

I do like the hermit agrarian lifestyle. But then again I'm virtually exhiled in my town for stupid young mistakes.

>> No.78658509

Also I forgot to mention that trains in this era would be steam engines. So you wouldn't be able to run frozen trains. Even diesel has a very hard time in the cold with freezing and condensation. You could add ethanol to gas but even then your other fluids like engine oil might freeze. It'd be interesting to ponder a cold-based solution to create power.

>> No.78661135


>> No.78663200

I've actually given some thought to this... In theory, since water expands when it's frozen (and can exert enormous pressures doing so), you could theoretically create engine cycles that work by expanding a piston with the freezing of water. They'd be really slow, but could have a lot of torque. I don't think they'd be useful on land, but I was thinking battleships could maybe use something like that.

>> No.78664877
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>> No.78665821

Hmm... I don't quite see it without a way to melt the ice back into water.

>> No.78666909

>>78665821 (me)
Another thought I have is compressing gas into liquid. Have you thought about compressing a gas like oxygen into liquid and then have it expand to pump an engine? Liquid oxygen is used as rocket fuel.

>> No.78667266

Maybe with enough surface area?
Obviously some magic is leans into "free" freezing...
The heat could come from the compressed gas in another compartment and some re-routed general friction from other parts fo the engine?

>> No.78667722

You could probably make an antifreeze lubricant out of the wildlife's fat to prevent too much heat from building up.

>> No.78668117
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That's why you do it on boats. You just dump the frozen ice in the ocean and suck up more water from the ocean to restart the cycle, like how you cycle the air in a gas combustion engine.
Yeah I had ideas like that too, that would basically be using the heat of the atmosphere as an inverted heat sink. Might be more applicable to lower torque and faster rev engines?
Ohh that's a nice idea, the antifreeze proteina would probably have a role like that in fat stores yeah...

>> No.78668755

The big thing to keep in mind about liquid oxygen is that it explodes when lit on fire. The same could be said for almost any fuel container really.

>> No.78668777
File: 134 KB, 500x500, yattaa yay koyo joshu cute xD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bread dog big love!
cosplay with us!

>> No.78669517

"Oi! Yah lil' winkie. I'm bleedin' busy gineerin' a ship'n 'ere," says the breadog. All breadogs speak like Sean Connory fyi.

>> No.78671060

juicy lore

>> No.78673395


>> No.78675674
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>> No.78677955
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>> No.78679901

yeah that video went over stuff like that, it's kind of interesting to think about

>> No.78681676
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>> No.78681842

I think there's a few types of fuel that are difficult enough to ignite you can throw a lit match into them and they'll just extinguish the flame instead of catching on.

>> No.78683108
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koyote evolution chart

>> No.78683255

why does koyori have a joshu fur suit

>> No.78685687
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>> No.78686883
File: 15 KB, 107x109, youwillneverunderstandhowharditistostayonkoyorisheadasshewillnotstopswayingleftandrightiwishigetpaidenoughforthisbutnoitisjustmorestreamsitjustwillnotstoppleaseletmerestmyhandisgettingtired.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its not a fur suit its me!

>> No.78687959


>> No.78688528


>> No.78689504
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>> No.78690325

Biblically accurate Koyo...

>> No.78690423


>> No.78691861

Take a bump

>> No.78693100

Not sure if I wanna be Bae or Ollie in this.

>> No.78694104


>> No.78694861
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>> No.78696049
File: 776 KB, 1080x1920, koyo type gachagacha【3D】カチャカチャターーーーーン!!! #shorts 【博衣こより⧸ホロライブ】-SJiCDe7isog.f248[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F308paw.opus].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78696831


>> No.78699002


>> No.78700688

Stop kwabbing

>> No.78701715
File: 78 KB, 1000x1000, Jobzu.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78702502

Good morning. Today's menu is pie. Meat pies, fruit pies, cream pies, cornchip chili cheese pie, etc.

>> No.78703112


>> No.78703159


>> No.78703377

>cream pies
That could be meant another way if you get what I'm tryna tell lol

>> No.78703575
File: 259 KB, 506x500, ejxhwtqjdr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those are what I give Meeta every morning. Oh and i forgot to tell you all about last weeks game so ill just tell you what happens after today since ill be home in like 5 hours or something.

>> No.78704454

Cream pies are literal pies. Banana cream pie, chocolate cream pie, lemon marange pie, and others.

>> No.78705847

>Five Takeshis have been tranquilized after barging in the bakery and taking their pants off.

>> No.78706975

this dude vanished for 2 weeks

>> No.78707499

>A male breadog has gotten into a brawl with a male joshu.
>The male joshu was harassing a female joshu and the breadog's protective instincts kicked in.
>Fortunately there was no harm between them.
>Even male breadogs fight among each other for rank and superiority.
>Still the breadog knows better.
>He will be reprimanded for interfering with joshu culture.
>It will not be a severe punishment; just minor adjustments to his parameters.
>That said the combat data between breadog and joshu will be studied closely.
>We've never had combat between two sapient canines before.
>There appears to be an understanding between breadog and joshu that we humans cannot understand.

>> No.78709595
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>> No.78711283

pan pan

>> No.78711354

I just have a stupid idea of some idiot trying to light uranium on fire with a match.

>> No.78712816


>> No.78712935

So apparently Saplings like watching joshus and breadogs interract. Things are a little bumpy right now but maybe things will sort out. It's mostly males duking it out for superiority.

>> No.78715675

Macho contests huh...nature truly is our mother...

>> No.78716533

Sanallites are space Austrailians. So a friendly brawl here and there is fine. The breadog will have to wear the cone of shame for a while for disobeying orders. The lower order female joshus might cuddle up to breadog for protection. It might piss off the male joshus though.

>> No.78717575


>> No.78719543

live so I can get home to type LORE

>> No.78720591

I want to feed a kirin apple slices.

>> No.78721535

Dream bump: Had a nice dream with centaur Fauna, harpy Mumei, lamia Kronii, tiny rat Baelz, and giant five meter high Sana.

>> No.78722343

>Joshu transforms into Beefcake Joshu to get a rematch with breadog.

Board's fast today.

>> No.78724585

Emergency stew bump.

>> No.78724746
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So you mean...

>> No.78725546

Top cake.

>> No.78725650


Group 1:
>Left Puellola village after dealing with the fucking annoying jazz music players and got money
>Decide to head north towards that big city Tuihovyn
>Along the road they encounter a traveling patrol who just kind of look at them and not really give a shit, moving along quickly
>It becomes night time and they all accept watch shifts
>First and second shifts nothing happens
>Third one is funny cuz bunch of random rodents show up that eat some of their food show and all of a sudden their bread is gone
>One of the players is constantly trying to find shrooms and gets high, I tell him he has a -5 to all rolls because shrooms/weed be crazy
>Another one is trying to find a pet and tries to befriend a giant ass hawk, to no avail but at least it didnt try to eat him.
>Meanwhile the changeling is just pulling funny pranks on people for shits and giggles
>Ended with them being stalked by a pack of wolves.

Group 2:
>Headed East to the mountains
>The IRL girl in the game decides to start a bromance with the cleric because she is fucking obsessed with animals and cleric man has the speak with animals spell
>They find a statue that kills wild animals like wolves and other predators on sight
>See blood trail and bear who is injured
>They find an abandoned firewatch tower and find only minor loot when SURPRISE some giant rats come out and tell them "Hey fuckers can ya get out of our home"?
>I re use the same big fuck off bird and cleric man uses the same spell to tell the bird, oh hey there be dead wolves down the road have fun
>Big bird says K thanks bye and fucks off
>Later at night, random ape steals the rogues shit and she doesnt even seem concerned.
>They fight it and the rogue is such a fucking retard she doesnt even try to do damage.
>Ends up with her being knocked the fuck out.

Ill see you all next time.

>> No.78726571
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Kamen joshu, the hero of all good joshus

>> No.78728455

Page 10 punishment bump.

>> No.78729700

Sounds like an anime about isekai retards.

>> No.78729979

>Kamen Joshu gets trained by the big breadog via military dog exercises.
>Big breadog teaches him about good, honor, and righteousness.
>The breadog Kamen Joshu thought was the enemy turned out to be one of the good guys all along.

What a tweest.

>> No.78731163

Well all my players have really bad tism so yeah. Most of them are actually just fucking stupid.

>> No.78732040

I'm afraid to know what they'll do to dodo birds.

>> No.78732730

Probably try to make friends with them. Way too many of them are fucking obsessed with animals. Like I said the rogue literally let an ape punch her to near death because "ape is friend no bully the animals"

>> No.78732818

What a fucking dumbass. They'll be eaten alive by dodos before they know it.

>> No.78735414

I need to come up with a menu for more exotic food stuffs. Maybe ice-creams and cold bread puddings will do for the summer. Sandwiches and punch will be nice. Though I think we'll need hydrating sour pickles to keep everyone hydrated. A dill pickle tastes sweet when you need the salts. Frozen shaved melons would be a delicacy. And then there's joshus and mayo.

>> No.78737209

Anyone familiar with cold noodle dishes? Also bump.

>> No.78737284

mostly just cold soba noodles, I know you can do more with them since I see them all the time at the international markets

>> No.78737739

There's stir-fry as well as salads. I could make pasta salads. Though they are expensive to make with spices, herbs, and oil for dressing.

>> No.78738099

If you reduce them to a powder, lots of metals are quite flammable, actually. Maybe uranium is too? Don't breathe this kek

>> No.78739341

Maybe depleted uranium. Breaking decaying uranium is asking for a bad time.

>> No.78739704
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dropped some more notes on /awat/ but quick overview

#New Details about Watson industries
- Started out as a company that manufactured clocks
- Has a working relationship with Koyolabo, a Research facility within the nation of /mayo/
- Helped in the development of the Kamen Joshu suit with Koyolabo while also harnessing some ancient tribal Gator magic
- The toilet paper sells like hot cakes

#/awat/ farms
- An abundant about of corn field with other crops in designated areas
- Along with corn there are rice fields in the wet lands, buckwheat, pepper farms in the more drier areas
- Corn being the main export of /awat/ due to history of supplying it to sustain their economy. Nowadays other regions and Nations have adopted the plant but swear that /awat/ corn is the sweetest
- Know for their corn dishes and other edibles such as various tortilla products, canned corn, corn flour, tamales, Pasteles etc
- Have various options of gluten free products, despite this no gator is actually allergic to gluten. It's merely what they are used to. Though some old writings stated a traveler introduced gluten free products to them long ago.

>> No.78740157

If the Flying Bakery reaches /awat/ then what goods should Baker-chan and company make?

>> No.78740667

teamates indulge in milk berad when the flying bakery shows up and use it to make french toast during the weekends
other then that just other various breads, gluten and gluten free

>> No.78742113

Milk bread seems simple enough. Does /awat/ have sources of milk? We can use powdered milk but fresh milk is the best.

>> No.78744253
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>> No.78746285

Trying to think of which animals milk is most used from. There's cattle milk and goat's milk. But there's also yak's milk and camel's milk. Don't know if there's other milk animals.

>> No.78747157
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goat milk you say........

>> No.78747599

In a lot of places around the world it's easier to keep goats instead of cattle.

>> No.78750952

I'm going through video game withdrawals. Didn't think it'd be possible. Also bump.

>> No.78752166

Also sponsors the Amelia Watson car in Formula Holo.

>> No.78753456
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Oppai milk

>> No.78755965

debuts happening
be alert of speed

>> No.78758543

pre-emptive bump

>> No.78761635

I don't care how big or small the booba is. Having a girl to snuggle up at bedtime sounds nice now.

>> No.78764205

Elizabeth's country is called Great Exardia, stay tuned.

>> No.78766547
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what creates eternal flames on someone that JUST said they are human mortals though...

>> No.78772938
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Stats of the gigipeople

>> No.78779465

/awat/ has normal farm animals on their farms like cows, chickens and pigs due to the HIGH protein diet Teamates have

>> No.78786534


>> No.78789014
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>> No.78789024

based thread

>> No.78791306


>> No.78793578


>> No.78795641
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>> No.78796949
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>> No.78798342

its rough out here

>> No.78799275
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>> No.78800599


>> No.78801368


>> No.78804584

Just in time!

Capcha: aopon

She be catching strays

>> No.78806984


>> No.78808938

It still hasn't calmed down
