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[ERROR] No.7859138 [Reply] [Original]

What killed the hype?

>> No.7859231


>> No.7859258

Western roasties are boring as fuck, they literaly have no talent and hiding behind anime avatar.
I can't wait for more 3D roasties to transition to becoming vtubers only so that it breaks the illusion of vtubers being cute anime girls. They are coddled way too muxh and shielded from so much criticism for no reason other than that they look cute.

>> No.7859296

>irys beat kiara and ame
>almost beat mori too
Hahaha, this is a good karma.

>> No.7859324

I started watching Hololive through EN, I discovered the JP branch and I’m not going back. EN vtubers have no personality besides very simple character trait and lack the quick thinking that comes with being a nice comedian/entertainer. Why is it that Pekora can come up with something funny to what some guy said in chat on the spot and all Gura can do is to a fake laugh and not say anything?

>> No.7859398

>35 minutes ago
Hey faggot, the collab is over. You can now take a screenshot of the actual numbers of all the streams instead of posting outdated shit.

>> No.7859469

They don't fucking play any good collab games or do group collabs with JP. The last Among Us collab was NINE MONTHS AGO. Of course people lost interest in this shit. They squandered all of the hype by doing as little interesting content as possible.

>> No.7859754

She is a good streamer. No long stretches of silence, no getting angry at chat, occasionally trolls people for the lulz.

>> No.7860101

Imagine if she had a good model, she's be more popular than EN.

>> No.7860303

Let's hope management doesn't fuck up again and give her an update soon.

>> No.7860441

>Ina mogged everyone
Very interesting.

>> No.7860468

bitch are you more talented than any of the en vtubers

>> No.7860508

because it's a game about drawing people want to see someone that are good at it.

>> No.7860512

The calmest girl mugs all the other “high energy” screechers. This gen is over. Onto the next one.

>> No.7860645

That argument never gets old uh? People can critique and give their opinion on something without being an expert on it. It’s normal to expect entertainers backed by a corporation to be able to, you know, entertain people en masse. It’s clear that the EN gen has fallen like a piano in terms of numbers. Whether it is because of the novelty and hype dying or just because they’re not really good at streaming is up to you. The single fact that so many people are still willing to watch JP vtubers even though they don’t speak Japanese speaks volume in my opinion. The EN branch is just not as talented as you would expect coming from a company with the resources Cover has. Their 2 EN gen will probably be a lot more popular.

>> No.7860657

Too many breaks, what it's killing the hype over any streamers (not only Hololive) it's too many breaks, look at Pekora, the most successful vtuber in live views, she doesn't take a break, she makes long streams and sometimes she streams twice in a day.
Breaks always kill the hype

>> No.7860692

EN1 just kinda sucks as a group. None of them seem to actually like streaming besides maybe Ame, Kiara, and now you can add IRyS to this list.

>> No.7860860

This, on top of rarely doing collabs, still no 3d models, always playing the same shit games or copying games that JP has started playing hence never bringing any kind of novelty. Lacking confidence (Gura), leeching off chat for moral support (Kiara), terrible entertainers in general.

>> No.7861021

The reasoning behind the recline of 4 of 5 EN girls is pretty obvious
>Gura: meme shark. Memes tend to grow old and irrelevant.
>Kiara: chicken voice + ESL sense of humor, her appeal is hard to notice from the first sign
>Mori: simply unstable as a streamer, constantly changes timeslots.
>Amelia: same as Mori, complemented with probably the biggest imposter syndrome in Hololive.
Ina is the most safe and inoffensive among them, thus her numbers have stabilized.

>> No.7861095

>on top of rarely doing collabs
only Ina and Kiara can hold themselves in collab settings. Mori gives off the vibe, that she would literally want to be anywhere else on the globe instead of collabing. Ame and Gura can only do 1v1 collabs, otherwise they wont open their mouths.
>always playing the same shit games
JP does this aswell
>Lacking confidence (Gura), leeching off chat for moral support (Kiara)
hasnt stopped any of the JPs from being successful. Just try watame and you get a good combination of both these points.

>> No.7861477
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>Mori gives off the vibe, that she would literally want to be anywhere else on the globe instead of collabing
Funny how she doesn't give off that vibe when she collabs with Gigguk

>> No.7861634

Time kill everything

>> No.7861689


>> No.7861713

Perhaps that is why? Because they're sometimes just regular people and listening to someone from across the world is less boring than listening to someone who could just be your classmate. Not only that but vtubers are more fit for japanese culture, while western people prefer live people streaming. Despite all that the first EN gen is obviously very successful due to their star-like talent. No, people cannot critique without being an expert binch, that is just retarded. That's why you have retard reviewers for everything and fucking twitch chat backseaters who think they know shit when they suck. fuck u

>> No.7861860

Speaking for myself, I just don't like to waste time on Gartic Phone collabs. I'd much rather just watch the clips afterwards. This goes for any vtuber, EN or JP.

>> No.7861902

>1/2 the vod views of Gura
>Mogged everyone
Ok Susan let me know when live view count is fixed so it's not a completely irrelevant number.

>> No.7861960

You’re a master fucking moron who will never be good at anything if you keep that mindset. Constructive criticism is still valuable even if it doesn’t come from an expert. If a streamer’s chat tells them that they should be improving x thing about their stream I hope to fucking god they listen instead of being a close-minded chimp such as yourself. It’s easy to tell from your arguments that you haven’t done a whole lot in life besides sperging on 4chan, have you? People who strive to improve make it to the top and those who are too shallow or too weak to take criticism stay at the bottom.

>> No.7862119

Chumbuds are easily distracted children who tune in for five minutes then close the stream. This isn’t new knowledge.

>> No.7862139

Yea the "chumbuds don't care about Collab" thing is becoming more true for all EN fans. People just don't like losing time with their oshi for a 1 hour session of people talking over each other.

>> No.7862195

Shut the fuck up numberfag nobody cares your oshi has less fans just fucking enjoy her without getting assmad at Gura.

>> No.7862210

szhut the fuck up dumbass. You're an idiot. Your criticism is useless. Just shut the fuck up.

>> No.7862235

If what you have to say is so helpful why dont you help yourself not be a fucking idiot huh fucking gottemmmm

>> No.7862280

do you retards actually believe the average hololive fan watches multiple streams simultaneously?
shit thread

>> No.7862814

Mori Calliope is the worst. Just the absolute worst. She’s just so painfully white it’s unbearable. She talks like a juggalo who’s still in high school trying way too hard to be “cool” using cringe ass phrases like “ya boi” and also just the way she speaks has such an overt fakeness to it, just a general all encompassing fake aura. Her songs are shit her streams are shit her persona is shit I cannot stand anything about her. If you like her you’re probably also unbearable to be around.

>> No.7862847

this except her songs are really good

>> No.7862860

>If a streamer’s chat tells them that they should be improving x thing about their stream I hope to fucking god they listen instead of being a close-minded chimp such as yourself
Are you actually retarded? Most people dont know what the fuck they are talking about. Just look at this board and you can find various reasons why streamer X is unpopular. All of these things are just speculations from people with zero expertise. You speak of a streamers chat like it is one entity, while in reality it is a bunch of people with different opinions, that often contradict each other.

A streamer has to take in every constructive criticism, yes, BUT needs to decide for themselves, which advice is actually good advice. And no, the perceived amount of people agreeing with advice, isnt the best indicator to evaluate the usefulness of advice because you always have to account for the silent majority, that isnt voicing their opinions at all.

I have read advice from anons on here for my oshi. If she would apply any of those points, I would outright stop watching her. If you listen to every criticism, especially the ones, that result in big changes to your streams, you might end up losing viewers instead of winning new ones over. There are also different viewertyps, that you have to consider, when taking advice from chat. Like would you for example value the opinion of someone, who doesnt even watch you frequently over the opinion of your most loyal supporters? Would you trade a loyal veteran supporter for 5 normie fags, whos attention will be short lived and probably drop you in a month anyways? Evaluating what is good criticism, what is schizo rambling and who is voicing the criticism is crucial for a streamer.

At the end of the day noone really knows, what makes things go viral or become popular. Also even if streamers would apply good advice, you might still wont see a massive change in viewership, since people need to actually give second chances or have a reason to check out that persons stream. Like how would people even find out that streamer X improved after they already dropped them? There are also so many things, that are outside of a streamers control like youtube algorithm, that determine a streamers popularity, but I dont want to touch that topic aswell.

>> No.7862962

Not Ayame

>> No.7863071

>Too many breaks
This is kinda false when you look at Ayame barely stream and Kiara or Watame who stream all the fucking time.

>> No.7863105

Absolute shit taste, I bet you still listen to Eminem. Neck yourself.

>> No.7863263

Oh hello Blizzard how's the lawsuit goin?

>> No.7863296

I agree, they should take constructive criticism like >>7862814. I'm sure it'll help them greatly.

Do everyone a favor and shut the fuck up

>> No.7863447

NTA but he ain't even mad at Gura or chumbuds. It's just facts.

>> No.7863467

I know numbers are important, it affects the moods too. But generally, I want more quality time with my oshi :) so no matter what the number displays, I want them to keep being happy with what they have cuz that way, it makes me feel obligated to keep support them.
No matter what.

>> No.7863509

inb4 kiara cries about hololive adding too many people, stealing her viewer pool

>> No.7863556

It really isn't though.
The only people who bitch about Gura or Chumbuds are number fags and "popular thing bad" fags. That is a real fact.

>> No.7863597

that bar isn't high considering that all it takes to be more talented than them (other than like Ina) is just being a functional member of society

>> No.7863598

She's right though. We really should only get en2 and maybe holostars en and they should stop adding people until more idols graduate.
This isn't Nijisanji.

>> No.7863613

Yes. It's not hard to be more talented than Ame who literally has no talents.

>> No.7863673

You thought that was me giving constructive criticism? Not at all, I fucking hate Mori and no amount of criticism will make her not shit, unless she entirely changed her brand and attitude, and stopped fucking rapping.

>> No.7863722

You need to learn what "constructive criticism" is my dude....

>> No.7863724

>just being a functional member of society
That's a boring entertainment venue. Too saturated unless you don't have any social circle.

>> No.7863730

if you go to 5ch you'll see japs posting the same about the JP Holos

>> No.7863871

Learn what the fuck sarcasm is, fucktards

>> No.7863932

People realized that HoloEN isn't entertaining and moved on, they either started to watch Vshoujo, NijiEN or simply lost interest in vtubers. Now the only ones watching HoloEN are cultists such as KFPhaggots, Cumsharts and Cuckbeats.

>> No.7864161

This unironically. I also came to realize that the rrat about Gura not caring about hololive was actually true. She genuinely doesn't put any effort into this shit. She has no ambitions and no plans which frankly just isn't that fun to watch. She's constantly moving streams for nebulous reasons. She seems perpetually scared and unsure of what she is and isn't allowed to say even. Most of the time she's just a boring conversationalist. I'm to the point of pretty much just showing up for her karaokes, but she even ruins that with her laziness because she doesn't practice, does some scuffed version of the song, says she'll practice and do it better next time, then never does. I'm just tired of her bullshit honestly. I'm ready to move on to someone who cares and doesn't treat our time together like a fucking holding pattern.

>> No.7864317

>I'm ready to move on to someone who cares and doesn't treat our time together like a fucking holding pattern.
you won't move on to anyone, you'll keep posting about the lazy shark instead of watching streams

>> No.7864504
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>she even ruins that with her laziness because she doesn't practice, does some scuffed version of the song, says she'll practice and do it better next time, then never does
Actually fuck me I just realized you can apply that to her game streams as well. She never plays anything for a long enough time to get even moderately proficient at it. I want to watch my oshi grow and improve at something. Gura feels like she's the same as she was at debut and the same as she'll ever be. I'm always hopeful that she'll find some game that she's really into so we'll get to see her practice and improve and become proficient, but that's never gonna fucking happen. She's do her 1 stream of whatever game, be bad at it, drop it, wash rinse repeat forever.
Deep down you know I'm right

>> No.7864533

If Guras so lazy and doesn’t care then why did she put so much effort into her original song

>> No.7864598

Because she actually had to pay for it herself

>> No.7864601
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>Actually fuck me I just realized you can apply that to her game streams as well
and that took you more than 6 months?

>> No.7864687

Denial is a hell of a drug anon. I kept hoping that she would find something that she liked enough to keep playing it.

>> No.7864804

>She seems perpetually scared and unsure of what she is and isn't allowed to say even
kek you sure didn't watch the streams
>does some scuffed version of the song
jesus gura's standard is extremely high, best singer!

>> No.7864882
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Her streams hours are below average, she's bad at videogames, doesn't interact with her fans off-stream, barely puts any effort in general and even her antis are 6 month members
How does she do it?

>> No.7864916

All she had to do was sing though, she didn't even write the lyrics by herself

>> No.7864954

The term anti has list all meaning in this shit board

>> No.7864968

Look at this kek
Chumkeks are so immature that they treat anyone criticizing their oshi as a anti, even when they have 6 months membership lmao

>> No.7864988

This. Watching HoloEN made me realized how boring all western females are. No matter how talented they are, all they can amount to is garbage at the end of the day. That's why english vtubers are a failed experiment, there are no interesting english females out there.

That's why the JP vtubers are far superior.

>> No.7865119

Fuck off Japanophile. Waa waa only Japan can produce good content, fucking defeatist loser

>> No.7865144
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This, so much this. Asian women are superior to Western whores

>> No.7865168

It's actually 10 month. I was either day 1 or day 2 I think. Proves your point though I'm not an anti I'm just expressing some genuine frustrations I have with Gura and explaining why I no longer treat her streams as something I need to clear my schedule for.

>> No.7865173

This is why I watch indies or small vtubers from all those new startups. They feature talented hardworking girls that actually try to become better over time.

>> No.7865633

>They feature talented hardworking girls that actually try to become better over time.
Till they eventually graduate and redebut as corporate vtuber. Many such cases.

>> No.7865695

You guys told me once I understood the JPs they would be boring and cringe, but they are actually better than EN once you understand them

>> No.7865954

>peak of 50,480 live viewers
>What killed the hype?
I was going to insult you for making a lazy bait thread but you actually made quite a few retards bite. Well done OP.

>> No.7866113

Bro.. we were brainwashed I used to wake up 3-4 am just to watch her streams.

>> No.7866214

Who the fuck is "you guus" in this scenario? Are you believing shit from strangers on this board, anon?

>> No.7866299


>> No.7867539

This, EN is fucking boring and the declining numbers prove it. Majority of shitposting in this coming from bored people who quit watching EN.

>> No.7867540

EN is stagnant. They haven't significantly improved as characters or entertainers despite us glorious chancels screaming criticism at them 24/7. The status quo reigns supreme. In fact, I'd say things are worse now.

>gura doesn't do her reps or commit to anything, still hasn't found her bread, and wasn't the cool retro city pop shark we all hoped she'd be
>Ame is a burnt out shadow of her former self
>deep fried still hasn't dropped the shit voice
>Ina is the same as always and hasn't changed one bit; she's already peaked and is too busy with her day job to fully commit to being as engaged as tamaki and ui
>Mori has chilled out a bit and isn't as enjoyable to watch as she used to be back when her streams were more of a trainwreck
>Irys is the most boring streamer you'll ever watch and stands tall as the symbol of cover's nepotism

If EN2 isn't absolutely Herculean, Hololive EN is over.

>> No.7867625

Novelty wore off.

>> No.7870035
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I remember that game

>> No.7870140

The only reason you think this is because of anime. I had an Asian gf and we broke up after only a month because she only cared about what I could buy for her. Meanwhile my wife of 3 years is Canadian.

>> No.7870253

Irys nepotism? Can you explain? Was she someone recommended by existing talent?

>> No.7870284


>> No.7870383

Who recommended her and did she have a channel before joining? Also what was the point of holding auditions if they just let an existing talent recommend the winner

>> No.7870410

it's better this way. lower numbers = lower crybabies. exactly the reason small indies are nice too (aside from the fact that they have lesser, if not, none at all, filters

>> No.7870434

The fact is nobody watched female streamers before they started talking in fake high pitched baby voices and rping as anime girls online, unless they were those twitch whores who would bend over to pick up their "dropped" controller every few minutes.

>> No.7870469

Who cares

>> No.7870552

this. also, it even feels like her singing (in karaoke streams) is "downgrading". either she prepped a lot during the first few karaoke streams or i'm just getting used to her singing. either way, it would have been better if she did it more often. sad that her singing is being put into her shadow rn

>> No.7870601

Her old channel has one video with 100million views. Thats impressive. Funny thing, 80% of viewers never realised that it is her singing in that video.

>> No.7870652

What’s the vid

>> No.7870675

Being well-connnected is a talent
Sucks that the others who auditioned were less talented

>> No.7870718
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>> No.7870724


>> No.7870794

search Renai Circulation

>> No.7870822

wow she has more views than gura

>> No.7870870

I feel like people in this thread just have 2D yellow fever.

>> No.7870947

I only watch Gura when she solo streams

>> No.7870954

The people on this BOARD are incel neet losers, thats for sure.

>> No.7870975

You should try to get out of that rut man.

>> No.7871044

I am amazed how stupid weebs can be. 100 million not realising that it is a cover

>> No.7871064

some of them do know it's a cover but nobody can read Japanese so they don't know
plus most don't care

>> No.7871232

This thread is so bizarre, it’s full of people taking about a group they don’t watch using cherrypicked information. HoloEN group collabs never get this amount of people, it’s usually in the 35-40k range.

>> No.7871426

>This thread is so bizarre
that's how every single thread on this board goes

>> No.7871441

Cancel your membership that’ll show her. Oh wait doesn’t she have a minimum of 14k members kek

>> No.7872256
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>so mad he doesn't realize the logic used here actually insults himself
/vt/ is truly a magical place

>> No.7873717

Good I hate those faggots who spend all their time circlejerking EN garbage in this board, so fucking creepy snd pathetic man, they should make something of their life with those hours instead.

>> No.7873756

it's closer to 20k as the minimum iirc

>> No.7874206

Now imagine an 9.0 IELTS Pekora

>> No.7874237

If anything, its impressive that Amelia got higher numbers than anyone.
She scheduled the stream 10 minutes before it started, and didn't tweet.

>> No.7874246

oh look, another anti post who tries to fool you with not showing their full numbers

>> No.7874425

Canada is cringe, but Canadians are based. Glad you're in a decent marriage anon

>> No.7874478
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>> No.7874520

>I can't wait for more 3D roasties to transition to becoming vtubers only so that it breaks the illusion of vtubers being cute anime girls
That's already happened.
Usually not with great success from what I saw.

>> No.7874575

i am literally ESL, i KNOW what i'm talking about, anon. White women are the most bland yet abysmal thing ever. Why do you browse a potentially GFE board while already having a partner? What does she think about all this?

>> No.7874666

same, 6 months of reps and Pekora's zatsudan had become more interesting then most gameplays

>> No.7874756

fucking trying, all this covid isn't of any help bro

>> No.7875616

>>Ina is the same as always and hasn't changed one bit;
Tell me how I know you don't watch stream

>> No.7877556

If anyone is to blame it’s the managers. I remember a few times that Jenma or whoever told Ame to play this game instead of the regular scheduled stream

>> No.7879010

That's what you get when Shaft is too good at taking down the real version.

>> No.7879033

assuming a couple thousand people are watching multiple streams 38k is bretty good, whats the highest collab viewcount?

>> No.7879136

>38k is bretty good
Is it? In the last JP Gartic Phone collab just Marine alone had that many viewers.

>> No.7879240

She had to be buffed

>> No.7883541

Imagine if she was boring.

>> No.7884707

Imagine if she wasn’t boring.

>> No.7885052

Ina wins lol

>> No.7885750

first off out dated numbers but second how is 50,480 people watching bad

>> No.7885823
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>> No.7885925

Subaru has a special guest.
Gura is just doing a regular stream

>> No.7886037

Most of us learned nihongo by now and moved to greener pastures.

>> No.7886181

She swears at in-game NPCs before murdering them, if they piss her off.

>> No.7886235

She's so funny

>> No.7886343

when you realize its all people with 6 windows open

>> No.7886601
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IRyS inclining?

>> No.7887750

That's unfair, Subaru's zatsudan is one of the best content in the entire Hololive

>> No.7888132

>What killed the hype?

Nothing. Stop falseflagging

>> No.7888249

so chinese then

>> No.7888359

non-subatomo EOPs dont know about the special guest

>> No.7888685

are you implying that most of her 3m subs are dead?

>> No.7890171
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>I'm always hopeful that she'll find some game that she's really into so we'll get to see her practice and improve and become proficient
Well yeah, just look at Luna, not everybody likes piano and that's understandable, but for those Lunaitos who do, they have seen her Oshi do her reps for an entire year and now her Electone streams are an spectacle, and they can feel proud about her, and then you have Gura and the rest of Holo EN, that it doesn't matter what bullshit they do, they will have a Legion of faggots simping and telling them that everything is ok and good, HoloEN doesn't feel the need to change, they all live in complacentlye, that's why Niji EN is shining right now even if they don't have the numbers on their side.

>> No.7890894

The hype died of natural causes.

>> No.7892461

>gura [...] still hasn't found her bread
I'm STILL wondering what happened to that bread
Wtf did she get blackout drunk and eat a whole loaf?
Sometimes this stuff feels like one of those manga where the author starts is out 10/10 and doesn't know how to finish it. I need closure

>> No.7892986


>> No.7896562

the sonic boomer

>> No.7897403

Nothing. Those are still pretty great numbers
