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78620450 No.78620450[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

In case you were wondering why there's so many shit threads recently.

>> No.78620660

>*snirrrq* there’th tho many shit threads cuz Niji and Holo are working together to defeat Phaze…

Baffling post. Begone.

>> No.78620661

No, I won't shake your hand you disgusting nijinigger.

>> No.78620679

I'm pretty sure everyone knows that Phaseniggers are behind 90% of catalogbait and ALL OUT WAR threads, who are you trying to convince?

>> No.78620767

also obviously the reason why there are so many shit threads is because you keep making threads like >>78620450

>> No.78620808

You'd wish nijicuck

>> No.78620863
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Why the fuck would I want to be anywhere near Nijis when Phase has a higher concentration of Holofans?

>> No.78620975

You’re right. Nijisanji is awful but at least they have Mito. Phase connect is just a bunch of bullies who control this board with their jannies

>> No.78621053

Kys nijikeks

>> No.78621065

Let go of my hand nijifag

>> No.78621091

>everyone knows this weird conspiracy theory that makes no sense is real

Half the threads about Phase are anti threads. They stick to their generals mostly. It’s a smaller fanbase, anon. Trolls, nijis and (You) beggars are the catalog fags.

There’s an uptick in buzz for the new gen. Otherwise it’s business as usual.

>> No.78621135

I will never shake hands with a nijinigger

>> No.78621242

but phasefags like holos

>> No.78621313


>> No.78621357

I would never shake hands with some disgusting Nijisister. I almost want to gag at the thought of it.

>> No.78621410

I'd rather have 1 Panko and phasefags than all of Niji and all the sisters

>> No.78622421

Phase as a Takodachi and a KFP.
That makes them immediately better than Niji in every way possible.

>> No.78622870

I will never shake hands with a filthy nijinigger

>> No.78623134

Anon, this is also a conflict between Unicorns and Homobeggars and it overlaps with what you are doing.

Either that, or Niji is the mask Unicorns or Homobeggars use to keep shitting the thread without staining the Hololive FNDM's reputation of being a wholesome place

>> No.78623950

sure bvtm fag

>> No.78624723


>> No.78624842

I pissed in my hand before shaking yours holocuck, how you like them apples?

>> No.78625137
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>Hololive FNDM's reputation of being a wholesome place

>> No.78625288

>blatantly phase running the defense in this thread when called out
This is why we have to ally with nijisanji

>> No.78625492

>Phase jannies
In bizarro world maybe

>> No.78625546
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Why would I want a single thing to do with Nijisanji?

>> No.78625666
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I now realize it's not as fun shitting on Phasefags. Can't you cunts at least be comically evil instead of scattering like roaches when you get called out?
I miss the squeaky punching bag.

>> No.78625737

Because is not we who are your enemy

>> No.78625876
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>Just forget the last five years bro
>We're not the enemy bro it's not us anymore
You're pathetic
Now that you're a nobody corpo you're crying for help

>> No.78625957

>divide and conquest
you're blatant phasefalseflagger

>> No.78626005
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Division implies >we were ever together.
Or do you want to pretend it isn't an "all out war"?

>> No.78626090

You're too obvious bvtm

>> No.78626246
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Sorry anon but that defense doesn't work against nijis. They're only reaping what they sowed. Keep hoping for Hololive to save you though while >we love Panko, Shiina, Mint, and Doki.

>> No.78627473

Piece of shit black company

>> No.78627607

You are contributing to the quantity of shit threads.

>> No.78627617

Theres no such thing as homobeggar.
It's a niji astroturf.

>> No.78627933

Nah, beggars are quite real. Overblown as fuck, but denying their existence doesn't help to purge them, either.
t. Bettelion

>> No.78628634

Don't try to pretend like anyone likes you or that you're not guilty of posting garbage on this board, Nijifag

>> No.78630110
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>> No.78630242

So this is the current level of desperation of Nijikeks, huh

>> No.78630629

>phase connect
>worse than nijisanji

>> No.78631688

Fuck off Niggysanji. U not part of the team, blood.

>> No.78631835

niji should be licking holo toes while phase is cleaning the portapotty called /pcg/

>> No.78631864
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>> No.78632004

Yeah, I can live with that. Especially because there's actually collabs.

>> No.78632101

Why do holofags pretend they don’t shit up the board? I’d have more respect for you guys if the decent holofags at least called out your own when they’re being faggots.

>> No.78632293
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I want to have sex with FAT lumi

>> No.78632749

I don't trust anyone who espouses unicorn sentiment to actually be a holofag. It's nijisisters larping because proclaiming yourself a unicorn is an effective way to shit on ex-Nijis who escaped their shitty cult. And while i'm somewhat of a newfag, I know that unicorns were widely mocked during pre- and early Myth days in /jp/.

>> No.78634597


>> No.78634670

>seething vshojofag

>> No.78634672
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why is it always the Phase connect fans doing it here honestly? I do not understand the appeal of phase at all.

>> No.78634825

>Nijisanji is awful but at least they have Mito
Ange, Lize and Toko as well

Damn I hate that the SanBaka concert got cancelled

>> No.78636242
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>> No.78636359

Phase appeals to chuds and literally only chuds. That's why they're consistently shitting up the board and running around like cockroaches in the board.

>> No.78636769

probably the most accurate version.
no hate or love for eachother, only disdain for the nijjers.

>> No.78636916

Phasefags are really trying to fit in by deflecting to Niji

>> No.78637030

>this is what phasefags delude themselves into

>> No.78637349

i love the corpo wars that go on here because in reality 95% of the talents in all the corpos anons fight about literally do not give a fuck about hating on other corpos.
the hate is basically all in the fans heads alone.

>> No.78637477

Based and true.

>> No.78637487

this is soccer for weebs

>> No.78637770

fair enough.
how does scoring work?

>> No.78639729


>> No.78639890

Fuck off phase.

>> No.78639991

Holofags and Nijifags love each other.

>> No.78640065

>Niji trying to blame others for their sperg.
Classic Nijisis behaviour. Rope.

>> No.78640238

>Niji still trying to justify being on this board with literally 2views
What’s this bahaviour again? Right, hutdwellers.

>> No.78640247

phase is infinitely better than niji, nigger. rope yourself.

>> No.78640249

Tell me what reasons you have for hating Phase Connect that doesn't have to do with Pippa.
