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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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78619346 No.78619346 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.78619399

Unity is happening.

>> No.78619431

Homobeggar apocalypse
It's a coordinated attack by gen4 and the homos

>> No.78619438

It's time to purge unicucks and embrace Unity.

>> No.78619460 [DELETED] 

I hope they all spam her shit. So unicorns seethe

>> No.78619485
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Total Nijification

>> No.78619492

Homos are trying to get ignored again

>> No.78619537

>Niji dies
>Holo tries to take their place
Holy fucking kino.

>> No.78619596

A fucking Niji is in



>> No.78619615

Yep, this is exactly what happens when one of the Holo girls starts interacting with the guys; they feel energized to start harassing all the other girls on Twitter

>> No.78619637


>> No.78619648

it's time to provoke a backlash that will finally purge unicucks and enthrone the Unicorn

>> No.78619667

Homos were ignored by Advent. Justice paid attention to them and reactivated their sexpest mode

>> No.78619686

>saying happy birthday = harassing

>> No.78619703

>/vt/ - I don't understand how media corporations work: the board

>> No.78619743

He knows what the fuck he's doing, don't try to downplay the resident sex pest of stars en

>> No.78619753

He's the reply guy of EN.

>> No.78619755

Based Unicorn Warlord

>> No.78619795
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>Replies to the homo and ignores Gura's Birthday tweet

>> No.78619844

wtf those fuckers are suddenly getting bolder now..

>> No.78619850

Literally nothing wrong is being done in this image

>> No.78619889

I am so fucking sick of stars and their tranny fanbase who screech "BASED MY OSHI NOW" just because one of the new girls is replying to them on Twitter

>> No.78619922

Ok, schizo. Keep chasing shadows then.

>> No.78619925


>> No.78619951

Fuck unicorns

>> No.78619952 [DELETED] 

Hey you chumfucks, you're the "Most Loyal" fanbase in EN right? Then do your job and CRUSH those homofaggots. You have the numbers, overwhelm them. Should be an easy thing for you to do right??

>> No.78619966

So for beggars, this is somehow a win even though she's not going to respond, and for unicorns, this is a loss because she will not respond. I don't understand either side, desu.

>> No.78620017

>Homofaggot gets energized to try leeching off the biggest Holo EN member because one of the new girls couldn't help but be a whore within literally the first few days before debuting

>> No.78620021
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You miss all shots you don't take I guess.

>> No.78620075

Have any of the other girls replied to them?

>> No.78620085

God I hope she replies to them. So that all the unicorns can hang themselves. The world would be a better place.

>> No.78620138
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I sincerely do not give a fuck about twitter.

>> No.78620154

is this the guy whose old content was hololive porn videos?

>> No.78620173


>> No.78620320

I don't see this ending well for the red homo

>> No.78620446


>> No.78620463

Has Gura EVER even acknowledged the existence of holostars?

>> No.78620554

JP, yes at the very beginning of myth. StarsEN, no never not once never even followed one of their accounts by accident

>> No.78620564

>doxxsister announcing she /here/
My 'retarded sister radar' are on point today.

>> No.78620612

Him and the other flip do this for every EN girl’s birthday/event
Elizabeth is literally the first one to respond, even Mori ignored them on her birthday.

>> No.78620654

this fucking retard has been an absolute stain on the entire company from even before debut when he publicly replied to the doxxsagi fag. I hope cover wakes up or he finally says the wrong thing to the wrong Holo and he gets graduated ASAP

>> No.78620693

So, what does Gura need to do in this situation in order for /vt/ to treat her like Elizabeth?

>> No.78620717

what a pathetic attempt at begging if true

>> No.78620738

No. Pink replied to her non-Holo female friends but that's about it.

>> No.78620765

meds schizo

>> No.78620781

sister lurk 1000 more years kek

>> No.78620810

She’s made some starsJP references years ago.

>> No.78620846

He's done this for like every birthday on the official HoloPro account dude. It's not some special new thing.

>> No.78620855
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>> No.78620880

I hope they all spam her shit so everyone recognizes them as the enemy they are

>> No.78620883

>anon states a fact
>"meds schizo"

>> No.78620930

Tweet at FuwaMoco and Bijou. bet this retard won't do it

>> No.78620947

Pretty much, seaniggers need to die

>> No.78620962

Nobody is treating this like a win. We're treating your seethe over nothing as a win.

>> No.78621031

Wishing her a happy birthday is enemy hostility? Hang yourself retard

>> No.78621041

sound like projection anon.

>> No.78621054

He's not even tweeting at Gura. That was posted by the holoEN account.

>> No.78621083
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>> No.78621112

>saying happy birthday
Holy shit you sound insufferable. You're one of those retards who thinks men and women can't interact without it turning into a sexual thing? Maybe you're the sexpest and projecting because the only reason you'd talk to a woman is because your incel ass can't figure out how to relationship

>> No.78621141

How desperate of a simp can one be, imagine getting in hololive to treat it like Tinder

>> No.78621184

Good luck dealing with the chumbuds. I heard some of them are really unhinged.

>> No.78621188

this thread smells like obese femcel

>> No.78621193

Justice redhead emboldened them.

>> No.78621238

>JP, yes at the very beginning of myth
never happened

>> No.78621246

Two more weeks, yeah?

>> No.78621300

Saying happy birthday on twitter. ON TWITTER!

>> No.78621360
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you mean on X

>> No.78621380
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>> No.78621403

He just sent her an xwit.

>> No.78621409

>treating it like Tinder
He's not even tweeting at their accounts dude, he's commenting on the posts on the official HoloPro one. It's the equivalent of signing a coworker's birthday card with "happy birthday, _! From _".

>> No.78621416

Mike Pence rule nigger

>> No.78621430

>hiring hitman to neuter the homo for daring to tweet at Gura
Kino. But I don't doubt it given the sheer number of chumbuds.

>> No.78621446

ya can't refute that

>> No.78621500

She literally made a roberu reference you braindead newfag. Before starsEN ruined everything, acknowledging homostars wasn’t a big deal.

>> No.78621538

yes she acknowledged "cafeteria in my soul" roberu meme a long ass time ago before Stars and their fans got retarded and infested with nijiniggers

>> No.78621582

Jurard is drawing in all my disdain for the homos.
It's honestly impressive. I'm literally losing some of my dislike of the other homos.

>> No.78621597

all of myth did, StarJP actually knew how to stay in their lane and be respectful. StarsEN just ruined everything by being leeches right off the bat

>> No.78621605

Ok? And? Are you mentally ill?

>> No.78621609

nah you faggot homolovers are just desperate for any validation

>> No.78621625

Next you'll hate will boil over to Ollie.

>> No.78621664

I can only hope. Sisters tried to say Magni and Vesper were just "on break" when that happened so I have faith this fucker can get removed too

>> No.78621736

as if Ollie isn't already the most hated Holo

>> No.78621776

Flips got the biggest rush of their lives when one singular holoEN decided to cast in with them and now they are trying their luck with the queen.
it's not going to work and the rest of the girls will continue ignoring them

>> No.78621888

Just get the fuck off my board you knuckle dragging troglodyte tourist

>> No.78621947

>you give a homo an inch and they take the whole mile
Not even a unicorn, i just ignore the stars. However, the flip homos and his squad of beggars are fucking pissing me off. Stay in your lane homoshit

>> No.78621951

>God I hope she replies to them
Kek its a bit sad that sisters still dont realize that gura is THE perfect vtuber. She'll never reply to them because she never makes any mistakes

>> No.78622059

Jutard has always been beggar prime
the only reason he's in the homos in the first place is cause he begged Ollie
he tried leeching off Pekora, he tried leeching off the ID girls, he's gonna leech off the new members
just your typical pagpag leech

>> No.78622060

Unlimited Balls Works

>> No.78622076

They hate dinoman because chicks irrationally like his schtick.

>> No.78622177

>his "schtick" is being loud and obnoxious
Literally nobody likes his "schtick" otherwise he'd be like Bettel who can stand on his own. Instead he is leechgodprime

>> No.78622186

Huh. That's nice of him.

>> No.78622301

Nigga, you need to learn how to read if you think what I typed is anyway seething.

>> No.78622328

After you faggot cocksucking homoloving nigger

>> No.78622420

ollie is hands down the worst holo. ugly as fuck, boring as fuck, fat as fuck, and stupid as fuck.

>> No.78622592

Pagpag eaters are fucking attentionfags on internet. Nobody like these shitters

>> No.78622636

he's way less popular than Magni, Vesper, and Bettel?
what's his "schtick", being an obnoxiously loud faggot?

>> No.78622685

Jurard is unironically the 2nd strongest homo after Bettel.

>> No.78622686

>chicks irrationally like his schtick
>ignored for a year by even the homofriendly ENs
His shameless debut period begging and cringe tweeting actually seems to have made them steer clear of him, not that it stops him @'ing them despite months of zero interaction. Other than owning the unichuds I really don't get what his goal is, public humiliation?
Either way he caught one this gen clearly.

>> No.78622718

then why even bother when said "coworker" (not coworkers btw) doesn't acknowledge that you or your branch exists

>> No.78622778
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SEA and EU Unity cucks are Poor and Gay

>> No.78622786

Total Ollie Death

>> No.78622790

you can keep shitting and pissing your pants cause thats never happening fatso

>> No.78622889

The red homo at his finest being a leech. He did the same thing for Biboo's birthday and got ignored

>> No.78622928

>instead of horseshit, he is only dogshit
He solely became that due to leeching of others such as Iofi, Ollie and Doki

>> No.78623021

Yes I'm sure Gura would reply to one of the homos finally after 4 years

>> No.78623076

Of course is an incel /pol/tard unicorn seething

>> No.78623161 [DELETED] 

Biboo is a whore who lives with her bf "broseki"

>> No.78623176

And Shiori's...and Ina's......

>> No.78623236

He's just the malicious drama whore that he is.

>> No.78623262 [DELETED] 

He’s not a bf he put a ring on that shit

>> No.78623346

The homofag took off his mask and to no suprise, turns out it is a nyfco sis

>> No.78623387

this retard is what people tried to claim Magni and Vesper were

>> No.78623417
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Seethe and Dialte more HomoTroon.
America Hates LGBTQPEDO Niggers

>> No.78623502

I didn't get mad if was a normal homo, but this fucker is a gigafaggot worse at bitching at "sexualization" than any woman.

>> No.78623716

>homosister bringing up disproven doxx
>calling someone a whore for being in a committed monogamous marriage

>> No.78623871

Unity Wins again

>> No.78624050

What is even the point wishing happy birthday to someone you know will ignore you

>> No.78624055

Anon the guy that said he won't sexualize fictional children was Ruze.

>> No.78624089


>> No.78624146

Oh no no no no Holokeks

>> No.78624158

Oh my fault, so dinosaur and tits guy are different homos

>> No.78624197

Same reason you say "happy birthday," knowing full well you don't actually give a shit if they're happy, and also, it's not their birthday:
Because you feel obligated to.

>> No.78624271
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>sister posting fake dox

>> No.78624320

You defending the honor of whores on vt who will never fuck you

>> No.78624326

why would he feel "obligated" to when she has never acknowledged the homos existence?

>> No.78624327

I say happy birthday to my friends to let them know I'm thinking of them. Saying it to a stranger who refuses to talk to you sounds pointless.

>> No.78624387
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>thanks to Elon she can now like their tweets without anyone knowing

>> No.78624405

Sure they do

>> No.78624474

I fucked their female fans. Who look better than nyfcosisters like you

>> No.78624488

He did the same shit with Biboo and got completly ignored

>> No.78624547

do your rep sister.

>> No.78624574

You didn't fuck anything Clown your post radiate estrogen from masturbating to vtubers 5 times a day fatso.

>> No.78624631

So funny to think about. Gura used to reference Roberu memes and even said she loved Izuru's voice. Either of those would be a months long meltdown on here if they happened today.

>> No.78624692

He's been ignored by pretty much everyone except the new girl from the upcoming Gen.

>> No.78624776

its only for drama.
this guy dont even say happy birthday to girls know for collabing with homos .

>> No.78624987

Unironically because he felt empowered that one of the new hires replied to him.

>> No.78625210

The couple of women I know irl who watch vtubers think he's great. I don't get it, personally, but it is what it is.

>> No.78625348

>Sayu and Doki supporter

>> No.78625411

>Yagoo paid Elon to have unity under the unicucks noses all along.
I like this rrat. Any rrat that makes unicucks bad is good.

>> No.78625427
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You see, what you retards don’t understand is that’s not even Gura’s acct. it’s not like she will ever see it anyways. Why? Cus she likes JP Holo twitter instead unless manager does it for her

>> No.78625547

>Replying to @gawrgura
Yep, totally invisible, not gonna appear in TL.

>> No.78625653

She has literally mentioned before that she doesn’t even look at @s cus she has so many fucking retarded homobeggar that doesn’t watch streams.

>> No.78625759

>whore this and whore that
stop projecting women and get some help. your eggs are probably drying up while you're screeching on here.

>> No.78625945

The combination of management constantly trying to force Hololive fans to watch the homos and HomoEN proving the doomposters right about them destroyed any tolerance people had for Holostars existing

>> No.78626052

He didn't even say happy birthday to her directly. He said it to the official HololiveEN account.

>> No.78626120

>He knows what the fuck he's doing
Making you rage over something innocuous?

>> No.78626242

She referenced the 'cafeteria in my soul' meme years ago and that's it. Zero acknowledgement of EN stars. No mentions, no replies on twitter, no responding to homobeggars. Nothing.

>> No.78626316

ive been in a 2 month coma, has this been happening a lot recently?

>> No.78626374

He does that on everybody's birthday posts. He's not even @ing her so I don't see the issue

>> No.78626400

Gura doing nothing? That's hard to believe, it's so out of character for her.

>> No.78626407

Motherfuckers, he's responding to the FUCKING Hololive English account. HOLY SHIT I get wanting to be paranoid but this is just fucking forced.

>> No.78626601

Gura won't even respond to advent

>> No.78626694

It's not rocket science Anon.
>If she responds he gets to pretend that there is some level of personal connection between the girls and the boys.
>If she doesn't he gets called "brave" for even trying or some people cope that she totally thanked him in private (Actual reddit cop-out from when he tried it with Biboo).
Either way he has nothing to lose because his career can't go any lower.

>> No.78626714

You know the theory of six handshakes? He practically raped her.

>> No.78626802

I can't imagine an actual chumbud getting mad about this. At this point we know damn well that she's going to completely ignore it assuming that she ever even sees it which she probably won't. Gura's said explicitly that mane-san basically runs the account and Gura herself just uses it to like and retweet cunny art.
If (You) are a chumbie and not just here to stir shit, are you actually pissed about this and if sohdtgv why?

>> No.78626887

In case you haven't found out already by now, everything on this board is forced.

>> No.78626982


>> No.78627095

He embarrassed himself by getting outed as little more than a clipfag when it comes to his "oshi" Pekora. Is he going to try and say Gura is his oshi so he can leech there too?

>> No.78627199

As expected from the guy that interacted with DN

>> No.78627536

Bravo kojima

>> No.78627597

Someone is having a birthday and is being wished a happy birthday by the looks of it.

>> No.78627790

then why do it? It's not like a mandated thing. He's clearly doing it to spark drama like the faggot he is

>> No.78628132

Maybe he just likes Gura.

>> No.78628391

Have you thought MAYBE its to say happy birthday? I don't watch the fucker maybe he's fucking corny and likes to do that shit.

>> No.78628506

Give them a nail clipping and they'll take your arm. THD is the only solution.

>> No.78628603

>He's clearly doing it to spark drama like the faggot he is
No shit, sherlock. The thread itself will tell you he's merely doing it just to get a reaction out of /vt/.

Too bad for him (not that /vt/ will ever admit it) Gura will never reply to him.

>> No.78628963

You know how girls are cutest when they're retarded, and the dumbest ones make you genuinely wonder how the fuck they're alive? Same thing applies to the males for childless hags with spare income.

>> No.78629337

Jurard says happy birthday every Holo brithday post, nothing new lmao you need to go to terapy holy sht

>> No.78629426

holy based

>> No.78630321

nobody cares if he like Gura but don't try to leech off of someone who will never acknowledge you are even alive

>> No.78630881

Explain to me how saying "Happy Birthday" is leeching.

>> No.78631059

Your image literally contains a lesbian

>> No.78631103


>> No.78631279

publicly replying to a post of someone whom does not acknowledge that you actually exist with the intention of making people upset and starting drama is textbook leeching. Why would he even reply to a Gura birthday post? The previous Homos never did shit like this

>> No.78631866

delicious incel tears

>> No.78632066

When my company sends out their "it's (blanks) birthday today!" on our internal message board for someone I never interact with and I still send them a "Happy Birthday (blank)!", is this considered leeching?

>> No.78633138

therapy*. now kill yourself nigger sister

>> No.78633188

Are you niggas mad over a tweet to a fake corpo birthday? What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.78633251
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>> No.78633259

No that's retarded. You'll only feel obligated if you're somehow related to the person like you know each other someway. This is like wishing a happy birthday to a celebrity. Yeah you might know the celebrity but they have zero idea of your existence so there's no obligation at all.

>> No.78633400

If its so innocuous why aren't the other homos doing it then?

>> No.78633526

Sisters, your hubris will lead to backlash the likes of which you've never seen

>> No.78633771

Most of them don't care about Hololive. Dino boy is the only overall Holo fanboy. The others mostly like one or two in particular, like Hakka with Towa.

>> No.78633845

proof next thread.

>> No.78633992

He replied to the announcement tweet, not Gura directly. This is not harassment. Now that I think of it, he didn't comment under any of new girl's tweets either. He commented from a distance and she came to his tweet. Seems like he is keeping his distance.

>> No.78634064


>> No.78634139


>> No.78634159

This is literally true, he's a massive holofag. He also doesn't give a fuck, whereas the rest of them are all terrified of le unichuds.

>> No.78634187

Nice to know that he will only ever get a collab from kronii or maybe one of the new girls who weren't even in hololive when he was a fan of it.

>> No.78634234


>> No.78634278

Nice deflect attempt, answer my fucking question.

>> No.78634336

>interested in your own career and your own audience
>this i bad because it's not owning the enemy in my head
Just enjoy the things you like culture warrior bro.

>> No.78634650

just reading the replies and all the ex-nijisisters coming in... It's gonna be a bloodbath bros. The homobegging is about to ramp up by a 1,000%.

>> No.78634695

Jurard T "Non binnie finnies" Rexford needs to stay away from my transphobic EN girls.

>> No.78634820

You wish transgenderism upon us and that is not okay.

>> No.78635041

>public humiliation
Unironically i think this might be it. From what i caught of him during Doki's Wrestletuber, he was thoughly humiliated and took it in stride.

>> No.78635138

he's just wishing her a happy birthday
what the fuck is the problem here

>> No.78635265

don't pretend to be a retard-kun. You know exactly what's up.

>> No.78635348

Was this a misfire or do you not understand what I'm saying?

>> No.78635898

It's reeks of desperation at best since the overlap between the two groups is less of a venn diagram and more of two circles very slightly overlapping to the point where you need to open up Photoshop and zoom in to see the overlap space.

At worst he knows doing this will rile up people to act like idiots since for every 1 person either larping or acting like a unicorn, you get 3 dozen either jumping on that one person or just using it as an excuse to quote tweet about "sticking it to the chuds" for the hundred-billionth time as if this is going to be the post that'll break down the walls. Meanwhile in reality, Hololive and Stars are like Pizza Hut and Taco Bell; sure they're owned by the same parent company but they are not coworkers by any reasonable stretch and most members don't care to interact with each other because they don't want to deliberately poke the hornet's nest.

>> No.78635962


>> No.78635983

You're saying they should make an effort to own the unichuds.

>> No.78636191

You might just be more pathetic than him, holy shit

>> No.78636468

you fucking retard, it's just a tweet, ignore it and go
do you think ANYONE who watches GURA will jump ship from her to him? i assure you that's a big no

>> No.78636647
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>> No.78638155

Anon if you remember him by his tits I don't think he's the homo here....

>> No.78638633

I'm not. I'm saying they're pussies who are terrified of threads like this when actually nothing said here matters.

>> No.78639677

our ally in the great unicorn extermination plan to make HoloEN great

>> No.78639797

you will never be Ren Sotto

>> No.78639819

>Her not replying is unity

>> No.78640023

I mean he's retarded for having tagged her, but it's a reply to the Hololive English Twitter

>> No.78640514

Dino is so retarded that he's the only one banned from speaking in his native language without permission

>> No.78641882

It's about the status quo, she's QUEEN she can do whatever she wants. If she kneels down to the stupid norms created by filthy commoners then she's not actually QUEEN. You can't be at the top without this rebellious mindset that distinguishes you

never collabed with IRyS
never collabed with homos
never collabed will Flopvent
likely will ghost Justice too if they turn out to be a bunch of annoying whores who lack basic manners

It's more of "I'm the one deciding who are my friends" and less "I hate xx chuubas" or "I love my unicorns <3"

>> No.78643049

/vt/ is the only board on 4chan that will lash out at you for calling you out on your autistic analysis of 2 people socializing

>> No.78643622

>wishes coworker happy birthday
Sounds like corpo formalities. Does she usually collab with the homos? Is that a fear? I don't watch her but I think she's big enough to decide who she streams with.

>> No.78643699

it's not even 2 people socializing, it's one person desperately trying to leech

>> No.78643824

Okay. Make sure to leech your family on their birthdays.

>> No.78643896


>> No.78643974

So you didn't deny that one

>> No.78644302

If you are not pretending to be a tourist then no, she has not interacted once with the EN male branch in her entire time streaming, has never followed any of them on twitter or even acknowledged they exist. She couldn't have made it more clear she wants nothing to do with them.
It's also not a corpo formality and infact not common practice for talents that haven't interacted to tweet at each other, especially between the male branch and the female one.

Its pretty much only two new hires that have decided to start pointlessly @'ing people they have had no interaction with, it's not some huge deal but considering they already know they are not going to get a response and none of their colleagues do it you have to wonder why they even bother and most people have assumed its because they get a kick out of triggering parts of the girls fanbase.

>> No.78644736

>Never interacted with the fags
I can see why she's the most popular EN now. Based as fuck. He'll just be ignored and learn his place. Sounds like he got a big head because the new girl interacted with him. I don't know him but I hope he's terminated for trying that shit to set an example.

>> No.78644829

What if he's just a chumbud?
Keep in mind he made videos about Gura before he joined joined Stars.

>> No.78644909

He's not @ing her, she's tagged in the initial tweet.

>> No.78645292

he is fucking her as we speak, you should kys to cope OP

>> No.78645521

You confused him with me, silly.

>> No.78645533

Yeah we know what kind of videos he made before joining stars. Clickbait with holoJP members calling him master, rule34 hololive streams - reuploading Marines ecchi shorts with him voicing a self insert character she was talking to. No doubt he is a fan, he is a self inserting flip kek

>> No.78645667

between armpiss and justice it's looking like their talent scouting has really gone to shit

>> No.78645813

He just said "Happy Birthday", why are you acting like he raped her on camera?

>> No.78646161

Cover also knew that and hired him anyway, nobody seems to have a problem with it.

>> No.78646230

If the homostar hires are going through the fujo it's no wonder they'd hire hololive antis lol

>> No.78646374

I sent thumbnails of the most egregious ones to cover because I couldn't believe what I was seeing, I am sure the fujo manager that got my report dragged it straight to the recycle bin. They don't give a fuck clearly, even outright stealing and reuploading hololive content and monetizing it didn't bother them.

>> No.78646377

>wanting someone to get terminated because he wished Gura a happy birthday

There isn't enough meds in the world to cure whatever illness unicorns have. Imaging trying to explain this scenario to a normal person.

>> No.78646413

>or even acknowledged they exist
You know the guys where in the Cover office at the same time as the girls, right? You know they all took busses together to go and look at the venue, right? Jurassic T-Ford have 100% met or atleast seen Gura

>> No.78646723

>they all took busses together
Thanks for your headcanon beggarchama I am sure you have some kind of proof of this roadtrip together beyond some of them overlapping their time in JP

>> No.78646801

I simply want CGDCT. Homos should stay in their own lane for Fujos, cucks, and fags. This is an entertainment industry and Homos and Holos interacting is not entertaining

>> No.78646895
File: 172 KB, 363x339, 164402523452345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tags Gura on a reply
>Gura is not even replying
you guys have terminal brainrot

>> No.78646899

Pinoy being peenoise

>> No.78646986

Do you guys genuinely believe if you could corner Yagoo or Dimitri Jap in an elevator and show them Jurard's PL on your phone they'd fire him? Nobody cares.

>> No.78647118

I don't think anyone genuinely cares. It's just weird attention seeking behavior. The guy has replied to multiple holos who completely ignore him at this point it's kind sad.

>> No.78647241

You're definitely wrong considering the collabs Vesper and Magni had with the HoloEN girls were the most kino in all of Hololive history.

>> No.78647297

the point is for everyone else to see it and bring attention to himself

>> No.78647317

Honey wake up! New beggars cope just dropped

>> No.78647341

Most of us before Jurard got hired assumed making highly sexualised content of the hololive girls would put you firmly in
>fan, potential sexpest only joining to get close to the girls
territory and be an automatic filter and they would be looking for people with some degree of separation from the fan zone. In fact homo apologists regularly called anybody who thought they would ever hire someone like that paranoid schizos.
All bets are off with EN's fujo scouting team since he got in though.

>> No.78647380

A Holo/Homo collab could include the return of Christ and it would still be worthless dogshit. Sorry, sis

>> No.78647426

Nothing, he legit replies to nearly everything Holo related, namely the HoloEN account given that it is the main account for Live and Star EN.

It's a nothing burger.

>> No.78647451

One more reason to hate shameless homo leeches. If you want to know why he acted like this, remember that guy is a Pinoy

>> No.78647458

Shouldn't that be a Russian flag?

>> No.78647460

if you keep posting that it will eventually become reality

>> No.78647523

Gura interacted with a few of the Jp homos once at a con a couple of years ago though. Way before the EN homos existed. I think that was the first and only time so far.

>> No.78647533

If your unity managed to do shit, NijiEN wouldn't be in this state

>> No.78647652

Yeah the video from JP stars welcoming them, that's why I specified EN males but calling it an interaction is a stretch, it was an acknowledgement and it was also well before the en homos existed.

>> No.78647690

>I am sure you have some kind of proof of this roadtrip together
Yes, both IRyS and Gura was very weird about who they where going with on the busses to the venue, when Gura told her "Bus bus bus bus bus bus bus bus" autism chant she did waiting for the bus to the venue she was very weird about the details about who they where going with, she could just have said she vent with the girls but she "Oh...erhm...eh...then we went with.....people to go and see the venue", she was weirdly vague about it etc etc etc

>> No.78647784

It seems very obvious to me why he passed the scouting, his talents and dedication outweighed those downsides. I don't even say this as a Jurard fan, I've only watched him on Wrestletuber and in a collab with Ironmouse, he's very skilled with his voice (sounds American despite being totally ESL) and is a pretty good actor.

>> No.78647883

absolute headcanon as expected

>> No.78647983

"Dino boy" claimed his oshi was Pekora yet knew next to nothing about her and replied to a famous doxxfag that any actual Holofna would know about

>> No.78648035

talent and dedication to being a pest?

>> No.78648080

Do you send a "happy birthday" to coworkers who actively pretend you don't exist and will not engage with anything you are a part of?

>> No.78648117
File: 490 KB, 737x843, Screenshot 2024-06-20 203551.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KYS faggot

>> No.78648172

Yeah sure buddy, mega copium from you, or do you have any other theories why she was so weird about it when she talked about who she was going to the venue with instead of her just saying she went with the girls/genmates? When she went to Universal she mentioned every single girl that was going, same with trip to the fireworks show, anytime they went somewhere Gura said exactly who went with them but the first time the guys where there at the same time as the girls she all of a sudden stuttered "urhm eerhm..we went with people...e"

>> No.78648713

>never collabed with IRyS
>never collabed will Advent

She has done both those things...

>> No.78648732

>mega copium from you
You are quite literally inserting what you want to have happened into the gaps of Gura telling a vague story about behind the scenes things, something she is known for. Do you have any idea how hard it was to get details from the first myth offcollab from her? You had to rely on the other girls to tell a story properly and piece together the Gura interactions from them.
She is extremely careful and paranoid when giving any info like that, she wouldn't even tell us what senpai she had a dinner date with because she didn't know if she was allowed to.

You can insert your beggar fantasies into anything she says if you are dedicated enough
>guys she said erm alot isn't that like SUPER weird and cagey she must have been with the boys
give me a break.
You would have had better luck saying they have probably been in the studio as the homos at the same time at some point I probably would have agreed with you on that one.

>> No.78648997

They are coworkers, they are in the same company.

>> No.78649066

homostars will never be hololive

>> No.78649086

Always. You never know when a simple kind comment can turn things around.

>> No.78649091

>the janitor at this company is coworkers with the CEO

>> No.78649163

First paragraph conveniently ignored that i mentioned she told us who she went with to Universal, to the fireworks show...then we have the "date" with Ogayu, then going to the arcade with Ina & Ame, going to karaoke with Kiara which she posted a video singing to Twitter etc etc, she is not as secretive as you make her out to be, the homo JP overlap was the FIRST time she didn't mention who she went to the venue with, and you know full well that Cover did not split them out in groups for the venue inspection, first girls going, then homos going, there is no time for that, time is way to limited, EVERYONE went there when it opened for the Cover staff before the venue itself opened...idiot

>> No.78649193

D-do you think Yagoo would be offended if the janitor at Cover HQ told wished him a happy birthday?

>> No.78649247

He wouldn't care. you're also comparing apples to oranges

>> No.78649379

If I could make unicorns seethe with two words I would too

>> No.78649403

I just think it's funny how obsessed sisters are with potential collabs that will never happen

>> No.78649470

then you're a weirdo who your coworkers probably hate

>> No.78649557

no shared managers, servers, events, no interactions unless actively sought from one side
might as well be two separate companies and definitely are not coworkers

>> No.78649776

>Anon is the shut in who doesn't interact with his coworkers, not even a simple "happy birthday"
It sounds like you're the coworker everyone hates

>> No.78649827

No one is saying that it will be, but they do the same thing in the company

The CEO is Yagoo, Gura and that faggot are both talents/VTubers, they have the same job in the company. I sure Cover Corp HQ has a janitor, and I bet Gura at lease waves hi when she pass them in the hall way.

>> No.78649885

You can keep repeating your headcanon but it doesn't make it any less headcanon
>Cover did not split them out in groups for the venue inspection, first girls going, then homos going, there is no time for that, time is way to limited, EVERYONE went there when it opened
You have an intimate knowledge of the schedules they were on I assume? It just HAD to be a cosy roadtrip for all the talents at once because you say so based on absolutely nothing.

You are as delusional as the people who claim that none of them have ever crossed paths in the studio. If you are SO sure this singular bus trip was the only time any of them went to check out the venue do some detective work and cross reference all the mentions by the holos and the homos, throw in some timestamps, make it a proper rrat that gives people pause instead of relying on nothing but Gura being vague when telling a story and not giving enough details kek.

>> No.78650006

>I bet Gura at lease waves hi when she pass them in the hall way.
Yeah because the fucking janny isn't trying to leech and attention beg. He's doing his job, unlike that faggot is doing.

>> No.78650062

No, we would likely say thank you. Do you have a job? Do you not know how people interact in the work place?

>> No.78650098

Nah dude you’re the creeper that we all make fun of when you send an awkward happy birthday to one of the girls that tries to ignore you kek

>> No.78650101

It more sounds like you are the coworker that everybody hates due to the fact that you are too nosy instead of minding your own goddamn business

>> No.78650133

If you think women and men should not be talking, you lost all your human rights. Even animals should be laughing at you, freak.

>> No.78650342

When all of your coworkers hang out at the bar at the weekend they make sure not to invite you

>> No.78650739
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Seems like he's doing his job too?

>> No.78650756

thank god i'm not that fucking guy, i can eat up my autism and drink with coworkers and friends instead of shitposting on /vt/ for once.

>> No.78650961

at least some of us have coworkers instead of being neets hated by their parents

>> No.78650998
File: 412 KB, 1786x1816, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doxxagi and his ilk are having a blast dunking on the filthy incels and unicorns. Loving teh friction going on here because drama is always the most fun part of vtubing.

>> No.78651279

You guys should seriously hold a grudge against OG Tempiss and Omega. Someday StarsEN fans must acknowledge that the members of StarsEN themselves ruined any hope of unity with their desperate cloying, leeching, and sexpestery. It didn't have to be the way it is now, but there's no going back.

>> No.78651561

no, you don't understand, it has to be the fault of the pesky unicorns because they don't watch DA BOIIIIISSS

>> No.78651585

i read your post and my god you sound like a woman lmao

>> No.78651723

Yeah cuz i am really interested how Jessica from HR will cry up about her kids hitting her for taking away their ipad while drunk

>> No.78651958

And yet you care about what a fucking male v-tuber reply or not, i think Jessica gushing about her kids seems far more interesting.

>> No.78652162

Seconded. The mentally ill must be euthanised.

>> No.78652298

Men don't voluntarily interact with women they have no intention of fucking.

>> No.78653128

the homos are literally going to starve if they aren't already

>> No.78653160

my coworkers like me because I don't inject myself into unnecessary shit and mind my own business

>> No.78653217 [DELETED] 

It's always flips

>> No.78653309
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>> No.78653429
File: 30 KB, 438x425, 1662319506559511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1st season villain returns gets usurped and replaced for season 2
>Returns and reclaims his place more powerful and evil than ever for season 3

>> No.78653628
File: 792 KB, 1280x720, 1661396269937238.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>please respond

>> No.78654400

I bet my life savings that someone on this thread did this just to spite hate

>> No.78654806 [DELETED] 
File: 13 KB, 459x162, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahahahaha the beggars making their move.

>> No.78655110

hahahahaha the beggars making their move.

>> No.78655622

Least obvious bait, and yet people will fall for it

>> No.78656637

>More people are wishing her happy birthday
>This is somehow wrong according to unikeks

>> No.78656650

Trannies don't even watch them, they only care about girls and CGDCT, they feel like they fit in with that shit. Tired of insecure troons trying to gaslight and push the trannies watch males narrative.

They left of their own volition. Damn shame because the branch tanked without them, they were fucking great and I don't care what any retarded tranny unicuck says. Magni is a faggot that threw it all away, vesper is happier though.

>> No.78657004

Just when you thought you got rid of it... It's back!! And that isn't even its final form either.

>> No.78657285

if anything homobeggars are more similar to trannies because of their victim complex and constant crying about equal rights for fags despite the bois getting constant favoritism from cover and fagoo

>> No.78657461

Jutard is a dumbass who did the same thing to biboo

>> No.78657777

Don't bite the hand that fed you everything

>> No.78658409

This thread tells me just how fucking insanely mental vtuber fans are. You guys look like wackos to everyone outside of your hug box

>> No.78660954


>> No.78661718


>> No.78661737

this fucking scumbag has no shame. He's the worst homoleech we've ever had. Kiara...you know what to do.

>> No.78661849

Based, fuck parasocial incels and /u/troons
Time to purge this waste out of hololive

>> No.78661853

Jurard never gave a shit about your rage towards his mere existence?

>> No.78662016

a little late with the raid sisters

>> No.78662058

yes, it is. in this case. She couldn't make it more clear she wants nothing to do with these fuckers, to try to horn in and associate yourself with her in any way is harrassment.

>> No.78662431

Do not cross us. If Hololive abandons unicorns, we will go to Phase and holoEN will collapse. We ARE the ones who fund Hololive. Beggars are freeloaders.

>> No.78662844

>Flocking to Phase
Falseflag or actual fucking retard? The world may never know.

>> No.78663186

If hololive as a whole ever goes against unicorns I'll just stop watching vtubers

>> No.78663425

dont worry anon, there's always VAllure or Pixellink

>> No.78663468

assuming he started DMing her dick pics, what are you gonna do about it?

>> No.78663531

oh no, if this guy stops watching whats going to happen with the world oh noooooooo

>> No.78663618

how much have you spend? on whom?

>> No.78663628

seethe more? not much else I can do other than shit on him anytime I possibly can and hope he gets hit by a bus

>> No.78666190

>If Hololive abandons unicorns
I honestly hope this happens so I can abandon vtubing as a whole and finally live my life.
