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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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78618147 No.78618147 [Reply] [Original]

another thread innit?

DEBUT STREAM: https://youtu.be/NdlSHUEVCj8

#Bloodflame #BloodflameArt

previous thread >>78599962

>> No.78618778

This will beat the ethyria thread!

>> No.78619308


>> No.78619436
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I think i'll make this my ritualpost.

>> No.78619586

Who’s her rm? Someone in another thread said it was a really big person. Maybe Taylor swift? Or Ivanka Trump?

>> No.78619752

Queen Elizabeth reincarnated.

>> No.78619910

How many more times is this whore gonna talk to stars before her debut? Is she mental, does she want to be even worse than Ollie or something?

>> No.78620171

She's going to continue talking to them after debut as well lol.

>> No.78620442

How she already have her own general?we dont know anything about her yet

>> No.78620585

We know she's the worst EN hire yet, relentlessly spams at homostars on Twitter already. Expect countless collabs with them.

>> No.78620689

You know what you then? You don't watch those streams.


I know.

>> No.78620821

>is the worst one
many such cases

>> No.78620831

I know what I'll do instead. Not watch her at all and instead watch some of the cute holo girls that actually understand holo idol culture and its atmosphere.

>> No.78620849

>she's the worst EN hire yet
Calm down lets see her debut first

>> No.78620936
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>> No.78620970

So she's just ok with being the runt of this gen then I guess? Why even join Hololive with that type of attitude, is it really just for clout and to be an e-whore under the guide of an idol company

>> No.78621319

Warm pussy

>> No.78621782

>he doesn’t want to watch a non binary hag who supports trannies, supports the boys, and is perfect for architects
Your loss bitch

>> No.78622086

No that definitely sounds like a nightmare

>> No.78622309

This thread is extremely low quality.

>> No.78622376

She hasn't even debuted yet. There is almost nothing to talk about that hasn't been talked about already.

>> No.78622539

There's a lot to talk about, actually. Did you know she x'd at the holostars EN?

>> No.78623081

Stars access only, sorry

>> No.78623682

My rat: During their discord meet and greet with Myth, Promise, Advent someone asked is there anything to watch out for in being an idol in Hololive. Fuwamoco responded with giving a long diatribe with warnings about the homo plague and what it means to be an idol. Red head being the old righteous british whore that she is, decided to take a stand for equality and burn her career for virtual lqbtqw+ dick points. Management gave her the okay, since they also would like to see the homos grow from the shithole that their in since they've invested so much and gotten so little back.

Red head doesn't know that she is being used to as a test for unification of hololive and homolive. Investors can see the hole that NijiEN lost and want to insert their.. um.. dicks.

>> No.78623747

Is she even British? Timezones do not support this idea, I'm assuming a Watson situation

>> No.78623890


>> No.78623977

Holy shit that's my aunt

>> No.78625211

Congrats on the wine aunt, she made it into hololive

>> No.78626787

Weird since we hate trannies in the UK. She just a whore.

>> No.78626959

yeah if it is her then idk what the recruitment team was thinking

>> No.78627553

Days ago I was so excited for the debut of a new generation. Then this red traitor killed all the excitement.

>> No.78627567

shouldve gotten a more MILF like model like Vexoria

>> No.78627777

Why do you think it's this hag with a different model every few months? Are there no singer indie chuubas who are british and like homostars, cause she doesn't seem to have any history

>> No.78627825

shes a brit not California

>> No.78628096
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A solid, grounded stance that repels all manner of attacks

>> No.78628172

Nice fanfic I guess

>> No.78628704

After looking at her twitter stuff, I think I get what she is going for.
She is a Mio type ultrahag that wants to look out for her «children» no matter their gender because only a mother would be supportive of even her failure of a son, yet equally as supportive of her succesful daughter.

>> No.78628776
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>> No.78629085

do you think she could support me?

>> No.78629263


>> No.78629513

so she's just Nina from NijiEN, because Mio doesn't act like that all, not only does she ignore the Homos but outside of her defined group (OKFAMS) She really doesn't do much for other members outside of giving them vague advice during her tarot streams, she is motherly but only to certain members. Nina was more universal in who she doted on and also regularly insisted on wanting "sons" until Luxiem debuted

>> No.78629716


>> No.78629805

they should have hired JKR for the role. she hates males so much she would never collab with them lmao

>> No.78630070

Have you SEEN London? It's all muslims and indians, if anything that's too clean

>> No.78630148

Any porn of her yet?

>> No.78630347

The ntr artists are hard at work, wait a bit

>> No.78630383

outside of central and west yeah, not wrong lol

>> No.78631076
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her face is too weird I can't get used to it.
it reminds me of that one homo who graduated last year and i hate it

>> No.78631357
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>> No.78631416

This. Her model is so ugly in comparison to official art.

>> No.78631887

Okay this is her, the art she did for a friend matches what she did on her twitter. She's not a genuine stars fan like Bae. She was big in the mlp community too(grim). She can sing, VA and do impressions. Doesn't seem to have a lot of streaming experience. Regular voice is not as cool as Kronii or warm enough for a "mom" character. I see her being carried by covers more than anything else. Sadly ugly when looking at the unfiltered photos

>> No.78632952

i think shes hot as hell

>> No.78633261

I just want to let anyone know who is excited to see ERB that the unicron tourists will eventually get bored and jump on some new flavor of the week ragebait.
In the meantime you should try not to feed them.

>> No.78633354

>Will be Mio but not a bitch
Even better

>> No.78633368

Then this place will be pretty dead.

>> No.78633506

Kill yourself faggot.

>> No.78633536

just use /MANS/ instead of wasting thread space for this bitch

>> No.78634280

When will she talk about lgbt stuff and the "cause"? Debut? First week?

>> No.78634295

Honestly she seems like yet another Raziel, an ugly, overweight fujo lusting after men younger than her using anime avatars online. It makes me wonder if they didn't ask "how comfortable are you with collabing with holostars" as one of the questions in the interview.

Her april fools joke was showing a ring to pretend someone wanted her ass. It's quite sad, really.

The only ones winning here are the cuck architects

>> No.78634552

Anyone know if she is a fembud? Or will she be a friend of Gura's?

>> No.78634702

If she's the righteous british bitch people are saying she'll be then she'll try to befreind her just to use her as bait for the homos.

>> No.78634868

But will she have the personality to befriend Gura?

>> No.78635045
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>> No.78635082

someone should ask her about JKR/Harry potter

>> No.78635249

better not be during a collab
that shit just ruins the whole thing

>> No.78636755

don't worry
a JP, probably even one of the sankisei, since they went to Edinburgh, will talk to her about Harry Potter, if she's a fan and other shit like that.

>> No.78636923

Why did they have to give her the same initials as Epic Rap Battles, it's fucking me up

>> No.78638042

I disagree completely, then again I never understood why people hated Sana's design either

>> No.78638286

Is this what you faggots felt like when Bae mentioned homostars the first time? Talk about insecure lol

>> No.78638539

Believe it or not, Stars discussion barely registered for most people and was generally tolerated until 2022 when the jannies gave up and this board became a culture war tourist-infested wasteland

>> No.78638825

she didn't openly flirt with them on twitter before debut, just mentioned roberu being her oshi during debut, this british whore is just downright disgusting

>> No.78640441

I hope this one actually has a British accent of some sort.
They're targeting you, anon.

>> No.78641091


>> No.78641167

Would explain why she's changing models so often and uses vrchat

>> No.78641667

No because starsjp fans genuinely liked the guys, stayed in their corner and didn't try to start culture war fights about muh parasocial shit because some people prefer watching girls only. I even tried tempus before the fanbase went to shit. Back then fanbase wasn't filled with dramafags falseflagging so they have material for twitter and youtube too.

>> No.78642104

Funnily enough people didn't really care that much when it was just starsJP. But StarsEN (and Luxiem, indirectly) permanently turned this board into a cultural warzone.
The turning point was probably everything surrounding Kronii since she had been a unicorn favorite, plus management making a statement on Twitter propelled the entire discussion into the community at whole instead of it being confined to /vt/.

>> No.78642309

>Back then fanbase wasn't filled with dramafags falseflagging so they have material for twitter and youtube too.
Oh yeah the rise of people using /vt/ shitposts for content like BVTM, desertorium, parrot, and all the dramatubers, drew in additional dramafags and shitposters who thought that /vt/'s only purpose was for bait and drama.

>> No.78642441

Nigger, that screencap talking about how some people's oshi are this site and they are here for drama only is from 2 years ago.

>> No.78642604

Oh I know, that's why I said additional. Things were never fantastic, but it definitely feels like they've gotten worse

>> No.78642914

Okay sister, crawl back to your own thread.

>> No.78643720

Bae was way worse, her entire PL lore is being Roberu lover

>> No.78644352

Damn how do I become Roberto?

>> No.78644437

Become JP and have a harem of stinky girls.

>> No.78644444

at least try to be less obvious

>> No.78644627

She’s replying to literally everything on Twitter, including Luna’s morning tweet. I’m now inclined to believe we got a grandma someone who knows nothing about hololive and hasn’t gotten the memo yet

>> No.78644745
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Man these threads never stop being entertaining KEK!

>> No.78644782

It is because they speak English that this place turned into a warzone. Don't fucking kid yourself because you don't understand a lick of JP.

>> No.78644890

That's what I said?

>> No.78644975

I don't think japan has these tranny types who try to ruin every medium they inject themselves into

>> No.78645062
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Well, she definitely talks like a granny
Anyone know what this is supposed to be referencing?

>> No.78645315
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what an innocent child

>> No.78646151

off topic and trolling

>> No.78646392

Well they have okamas but i don’t know if they’re anything like trannies here in burgerland

>> No.78646521
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Can't wait for this thread to actually be about vtubers

>> No.78648496

Bong here, there is a very popular TV show called Strictly Come Dancing, where celebrities go and learn to dance. It's probably one of the most popular TV shows in the UK, though desu I don't know if it's still on. My mum watched it religiously when I was growing up.

There was a judge called Len Goodman, who had a catchphrase of "Seveeeeennnn!" when he gave a score of 7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yS3gqDvSupo

The "do do do do" whatever is the theme tune. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p_YIfXw77yQ

>> No.78648983

Thanks. I wonder how many people even got that.

>> No.78649675

She reminds me of a Tales Of heroine.

>> No.78649963

She's 34 and uses the same very clearly fake filters teenagers use on all her pics. I'm surprised she even knows how to set up a stream

>> No.78650207

He was also a judge on the American version of that show, Dancing with the Stars. My parents fucking loved that show. Idk if it's on here anymore.

>> No.78652024

>Has the most subs.
What is this retardation?

>> No.78656065

Not to give the schizo credit, but she could fall behind once she debuts. We'll see though.

>> No.78657268

All these outrage is fake as fuck because in our board we are receiving the same type of attacks but the different is we have ids and flags so all of these falseflaggers are new ids/posters. Nice try sisters.

.t chink

>> No.78657783

>knows nothing about Hololive
Am I the only one who remembers her making Vtuber impression videos where have the impressions were Holos?

>> No.78657924
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>>78657783 (Me)

>> No.78658874

Content creator who do these type of vtuber impressions are exactly people who have surface knowledge of vtubers. She really reeks of debut mori who is kinda like an outsider to vtubing.

>> No.78661171
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Why give someone a general when you don't even know if she's shit yet

>> No.78661756

>Hasn't even debuted
>One of the worst hires based on twitter activity alone

>> No.78661879

Sure but every single assumption about her being unpalatable is from schizo rrats so there is no indication if she will do better or worse post debut.
