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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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78593421 No.78593421 [Reply] [Original]

Doki wants to destroy the vtuber community as REVENGE

>> No.78593484
File: 100 KB, 733x962, GJQc9ogbAAAI71p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doki's a Tako and is close friends with Mumei so she'll always have the backing of Hololive.

>> No.78593530

Twitter screenshot threads should be a 3 day ban.

>> No.78593561

They used to be.
This board publicly crucified Twitter screenshot threads in its first month of infancy.

>> No.78593596

Dokiturd ruins everything

>> No.78593671
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She will, but only after the next holofes. She really liked the last one.

>> No.78593864
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>we are the victims because Dragoons are chad thundercocks who shove our nerd asses into school lockers
not as good a look as you think, sisters

>> No.78594154

I wish this were true

>> No.78594214

Not going to lie, it's a bit funny seeing them victim playing after their attempt to paint her as an unreliable nutcase failed and backfired spectacularly.

>> No.78594229

They feel threatened because they are the kind of people that would attack others if the situation was reversed and are too mentally delusional to act like an actual human beings at cons.

>> No.78594362

it's always projection with them nijiggers

>> No.78594415

>she'll always have the backing of Hololive
Mumei is not the whole of Hololive. She's not on the level of Gura, either. Yagoo says jump, she'll ask how high. No one in Hololive has shown an OUNCE of support for Doki.
Yagoo is a retard who still treats his rival with honoru while Riku would love nothing more than to drive the competition completely into the ground (not that he can at this point, but that's notwithstanding)

>> No.78594440

It did?
Niji being ass aside, I will always perceive her as a schizo menhera that will try to off herself when having to deal with any kind of rule enforcement/ bureaucracy.

>> No.78594448

is dragoons the nazi equivalent for vtubing?

>> No.78594481

I'm convinced the only reason they're not bannable is because jannys are the OP's to some of them.

>> No.78594495

In this case they're more Russia where people try to attack them and just end up losing their army to incompetence and frostbite.

>> No.78594547

I fucking wish. Every day I pray /vt/ is deleted.

>> No.78594650

Nah, just a bunch of tards gaslighting eachother into believing they are morally superior to everyone because the 2D schizo they worship couldn't help but vent on work twitter account about her workplace frustrations.

>> No.78594694

>No one in Hololive has shown an OUNCE of support for Doki.
>The boys freely interacted with her in the Wrestlertuber
You and the other Nijisisters are the only retards here

>> No.78594735

she ruined the dynamic of holo and niji
previously, holo beating niji in daily ccv was celebrated, now it's meaningless coz niji was destroyed by dookieturd

>> No.78594788


>> No.78594818
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>workplace frustrations
Morally superior here meaning having actual empathy, Sisiopath?

>> No.78594853

>>I had to cancle plane ticket.
That seanigger doesn't have enough money to buy a plane ticket.
Shit thread is shit. Maybe bait, but sisters are that dumb, so who knows.

>> No.78594856

Can't wait to read the fake interactions the nijinigs make up about how they were treated like second class citizens and forced to use the (any)colored sections only.

>> No.78594877
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Inb4 "Holostars isn't Hololive"

>> No.78594879

>Obvious alt accountt
>No oshi marks but talks about vtubers
>A lot of “we” talk
Strongest NDF member here, in the process of cry that grass is dangerous.

>> No.78594932

>I did felt threaten for my IRL safety
Imagine a world where these people couldn’t lie.

>> No.78594963
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I wonder if things would become better if we just purged the drama vultures.

>> No.78594975

>I said Niji aside so I’m not a sis, can I try the “she is guilty” angle again?
Nijisis made this board shit, twatter posts and now falseflagging that even /b/ would find pathetic.

>> No.78595011

This, also add numbertroon threads and dramafag threads
I wish we have jannies like /a/

>> No.78595020

They'll just make shit up again like that artist who said she TOTALLY heard people whisper as they walked past that they were weirded out by her selling nijimerch in february... during a con... with people screaming all around them.
Oh and she was spreading the sisters' bpd rentry around on that same account just days prior so she was clearly trustworthy.

>> No.78595067

you mean we should range ban nijisisters and all niji general? thats how you stop this

>> No.78595092

I like how they have no actual real basis or logical reasoning for hating Doki so just are making bigger and bigger bullshit excuses to justify it because hey if none of it is true anyway why stop there in case making her look worse might help turn away people from watching her. I fully expect by this time next year they will claim Doki is actually reincarnated Hitler and also probably the antichrist too.

>> No.78595097
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Remember how they created a lovebomb campaign to pretend to appreciate artists when one of the sisters reported becoming snowflake-melted over having con attendees mention that Nijisanji has been having yabs within earshot of her selling Nijimerch?

>> No.78595109

>Doki gather her masses and start a Nijiwitch hunt


>> No.78595132
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Oh joy. Another retarded thread

>> No.78595133

>No one in Hololive has shown an OUNCE of support for Doki
>the entire holostars in wrestletuber with the champion is the gura of starsEN

>> No.78595162
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They're not far off from there already

>> No.78595195

I mean, anyone defending a clear cut black company that can only still operate because Japan has a cyberpunk boner should be exluded by society.
This people probably vote to reintroduce slavery to be the slaves everyday, they are a danger to society.

>> No.78595202

>I felt threatened
What are people gonna do to them? Laugh at them? lol.

>> No.78595235

Whatever happened with "Holostars are not Hololive", huh?

>> No.78595315

NTA but they're still Cover, which was the whole point of that anon going "lol yagoo won't show any support."

>> No.78595329

>Nijisis said no one will care about her
>Nijisis said no company will touch her
>Nijisis said she was shadowbanned
>Nijisis said Mint was anti
>Nijisis said Matara was anti
>Nijisis said no Holo would pubblically support her
>Nijisis said she couldn’t join conventions or have marketing
>You are here, not once they were right
>Nijisis said Hololive is not gonna be with her ever
I never loved more watching the passage of time with popcorn. The goalpost movers this year are especially well trained.

>> No.78595385

Holy woman mome-

>> No.78595407

Tbh Yagoo should kiss Doki's feet for promoting his beloved homostars, I don't think they have ever been exposed to 25k of live audience

>> No.78595507

That's... a good point actually. I wouldn't be surprised if Wrestletuber even dwarfed all of their debut streams.

>> No.78595509

Worse anon, they could even make a snarky comment while passing in front of the booth.
Meanwhile Doki is declining to go in person to tournaments due to actual harrassement.

>> No.78595515

>Brought Yagoo into the arguement and called him a retard
>Surprised I brought up a branch which Yagoo also nurtures
Sisters... why are you even here? Are you not entertained by the GTA streams?

>> No.78595542

this thread reeks of women

>> No.78595566

based if true

>> No.78595748

>twitter trannies projecting their own violent tendencies on random nerds who are going there just to buy some merch and take photos

>> No.78595790

>A Niji shitter frames Mel
>Yagoo does nothing to retaliate
>Yagoo gave the greenlight for stars to appear in Doki's Wrestletuber
>In retaliation Riku sends in a corporate spy (Yuniiho) ans no one at Cover is completely none the wiser
How is Yagoo not a retard? He should have driven Riku into the ground MONTHS ago.
You are mindbroken.

>> No.78595871


>> No.78595961

nice fantasy, sayutard, mel's RM already debunked this.

>> No.78596002

>"uhm i know its time to use muh holostars are not hololive reee"
fuckng retardedsisterchama

>> No.78596032

They are its just that mods arent doing anything about it

>> No.78596162

As if a sayutard would ever say a single word about Yuniiho, the one who saved Sayu from attempting suicide.
Yuniiho did not completely cut ties with Anycolor, considering her Twitter interactions with Ren "I AM NOT BEING SKINWALKED" Zotto.

>> No.78596337

anyone who still uses kotoka as an excuse for mel's termination is a sayutard.

>> No.78596382

Hasn't she been suspended for like 140 days now? Coincidentally right around the Mel incident

>> No.78596458

probably getting her asshole raped by cover employees

>> No.78596479

Fuck off sis

>> No.78596485

>conveniently ignores every other time Anycolor employed straight up Yakuza and/or religious cult tactics

>> No.78596536
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Maybe because Yagoo does better reps than catalogueshitters

>> No.78596547

Another reminder that doki defenders don't actually care about doki. She told them to stop harassing people but they still do.

>> No.78596557

Low quality and OP is underage

>> No.78596589

Your Chewbacca Defence isn't very convincing

>> No.78596593

You tried to claim that in the last con how "dragoons vandalized a artists stand and attacked nijisanji fans and the artist, mocking"
Turned out that was a lie and she made all that shit up

>> No.78596676


>> No.78596731
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This board
>Doki is getting a booth directly in front of NijiEN to dunk on them
>how dare you accuse Dokibird and dragoons of being bullies?

>> No.78596782
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>> No.78596818

>anyone that hates niji is a dragoon
Lol no

>> No.78596875

Actually, its Hyte's booth and they're promoting her PC case there and it just happens to also be her birthday.
Also you have to set these up months in advance so it was NijiEN themselves that wanted their booth close so they could promote the (now cancelled) collab with hyte on the obsydia PC cases

>> No.78596878

She's probably out after getting the undeserved hate from being framed as the reason to Mel's termination. I think one of her family member also passed away during that time and the mental shit was probably too much for her.

>> No.78596880
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Hi Elira

>> No.78596983

Despite doing nothing to antagonize them Doki live rent free in the heads Chinese women who worship Niji.

>> No.78597080

>Yuniiho is a corporate spy sent by Anycolor
Same energy as "Matara and Mint are still friends with Elira and her clique and sided with them against Selen/Doki"

>> No.78597367
File: 613 KB, 774x516, dokiimp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Riku, I wish to confess. I wish to confess!
>[to the nijisisters] I saved you. I saved vtubing. All your worthless livers. I should have let Sayu nuke you all.
>Yes, Riku. I'm guilty. Guilty. Is that what you want to hear?
>"You admit you ruined NijiEN?"
>No. Of that, I'm innocent. I'm guilty of a far more monstrous crime. I'm guilty of being a holofag.
>"You are not on trial for being a holofag"
>Oh, yes I am. I've been on trial for that my entire life.
>"Have you nothing to say in your defense?"
>Nothing but this: I did not do it.
>[to Elira]
>I did not kill NijiEN, but I wish that I had! Watching your vicious branch die gave me more relief than a thousand lying whores!
>[to the nijisisters]
>I wish I was the monster you think I am! I wish I had enough meds for the whole pack of you! I would gladly give my life to watch you all swallow them!
>[nijisisters outburst again]
>I will not give my life for NijiEN's murder and I know I'll get no justice here, so I will let the gods decide my fate. I demand a trial by wrestling!

>> No.78597467

dyrbi? Really really believe it?

>> No.78597499

You got the timelines mixed retard. That was before the whole shitshow happened.

>> No.78597546

This is probably bait but if you ever want people to take you seriously you have to stop calling her dookie. What are you 12?

>> No.78597552

Good, let her live through what she made Zaion go through

>> No.78597585

good idea, implment this now that there are like 5 website left on the internet

>> No.78597609

Cope harder Kotoka. Soon you'll be an actual slut, not just a slut on the internet

>> No.78597653

doubt. you know who is an actual prostitute though? sayu. KEK

>> No.78597697

How tf are they a Sayu fan? For us Yunii is a fucking hero and is probably the person we love the most only after Sayu herself. Anyone shitting on her is either an asshurt Nijisis or a falseflager

>> No.78597819

>ESL pagpags and indogs, the lot of them
seethe some more NDF

>> No.78597907

We'll see about that in the future sister. Get something new instead of the month old shit that you faggots pushed her towards would you?

Also, genuine question. When Zaion was gone people were really scared or were celebrating. When Selen was gone the entire internet went haywire. Scarle was gone for 2 days and everyone almost lost their shit. Kotoka has been gone for how long now? Over 100 days I saw someone say? Where is her #WhereIsKotoka? Where's the concern? I'll tell you where. Nowhere. Because after Sayu finally got bold and openly talked about the shit Kotoka and Finana did everyone except sisters realized Kotoka is a fucking skank. No one cares about her, not even you sisters. When she gets terminated I'll be publicly celebrating like you faggots did when Zaion got terminated. The difference being you won't actually care about Kotoka and will use her only as an object to attack Sayu because clearly it's all her fault, like always. Right sisters?

>> No.78597963

Sounds like it got under your skin.

>> No.78597998

You have to be 18 to post on this site

>> No.78598016

>shit Kotoka and Finana did
I haven't been following this at all, what did they say?

>> No.78598020

Good I hope she succeeds too so unicorns can finally fuck off.

>> No.78598037

Oh nyo~

>> No.78598048

With the whole tomato possesing bodies shtick I could buy Doki being the antichrist

>> No.78598065

"Oh noe, management screwed up and now I can't post my song on YouTube. Imma post it anyway, even though I was told to hold it off."

"Oh noe, management took it down, I better go cry on twitter and make my company look bad"

"Oh noe, my employers and colleagues are tired of my antics and are all telling me to stop acting like a spoiled retard. "

"I should off myself, clearly I can't handle shit like the adult I pretend I am"

And this is assuming she's telling the truth and not pretending to have attempted suicide.
The way I look at it both Niji and her are retards.

>> No.78598081

Isn't she already successful? She's like the top EN indie right now.

>> No.78598131

Theres Vtuber Community and Theres Hololive
I only care about Hololive

>> No.78598144

"I can't wish her well"
"Zaion gaslighted me"

>> No.78598155

No she does not. Hololive doesn't even want their female talent near her unless they do rm. Only holostars have that kind of pull and only because unlike the girls the guys are shitters who need every little bit of exposure they can get.

>> No.78598178

I bet they were never actually going to go anyway

>> No.78598228

Kotoka is terminated who gives a fuck

>> No.78598231

Can’t wait for the story of how the down with niji bus pulled up and jumped them

>> No.78598238

At least one of the retard is successful currently. the other blew itself in the face

>> No.78598284

Apparently this guy

>> No.78598331

More like
>Hey management I want to post this song can I?
>*gets ghosted for a year*
>Hey management I really want to post this song on christmas for my fans...
>*schlicking to Milord while cutting Hex' name on her leg* huh? who are you? whatever just do it and dont interrupt me again
>turns out they never checked anything until after the song was out

>> No.78598339

Not sure if this is a bait but I'll bite because it doesn't matter at this point and honestly, sisters should be reminded of this just as much as they are reminded about Doki.
Right after Zaion got terminated and while she was being doxxed Kotoka, Hex and Meloco had similar streams like "A message from Nijisanji" except at the time it worked flawlessly. Hex did the infamous rape tangent abd how hurt he was about the unfinished joke Zaion made and Kotoka... Well she went on about how "she knows when someone disrespects her family" and ended it off with "I'm not in the state of mind to wish her well" basically saying "go fuck yourself".
Finana had a completely random tangent on a random stream about how Zaion "gaslight" her despite the fact the 2 had a conversation not long before that where Zaion explained everything to Finana and they both agreed it was a miscommunication. Yet Finana still went ahead and accused Zaion of lying and gaslighting all the while people were doxxing her.
Also fun fact, Sayu reached out to both of them to talk things through. Neither of them responded.

Tldr. Kotoka and Finana personally attacked Zaion while she was getting doxxed and harassed and now they are ghosting her

>> No.78598359
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Here is a (You) for your efforts you faggot

>> No.78598515

I'd rather have /vtg/ instead so /vt/ can /become/ the /v/ of vtubers

>> No.78598604

Mumei is too quick to jump for whatever Kiara wants including supporting secret visits with Mille. Not even Gura does this.

>> No.78598613
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>Doki does better and more successful promotion for StarsEN in one event than Hololive Productions has done in the last year
How does she keep running circles around all these suits

>> No.78598676

Based. Dookiegoons can't refute this.

>> No.78598696

Nijisanji is not the vtuber community

>> No.78598721

so zaion fucked their debut up by being an uncontrolable menhera. no one is going to wish her well. what would she have them do? support her and throw away their chances?

>> No.78598797

Remind us where Kotoka is right now again

>> No.78598829

>mumei supports Niji because... Kiara does!!
How the fuck did you get this conclusion?

>> No.78598861

in my bed

>> No.78598883
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>*schlicking to Milord while cutting Hex' name on her leg* huh? who are you? whatever just do it and dont interrupt me again
Actually she was having Millie go down on her at the time.

>> No.78598902

hopefully someone from here will really get in there and actually harrass nijisis. i'm sick of this shit, blaming innocent fuckers because of coincidence things.

>> No.78598997

Wow. Dragoons really are showing their true colors.

>> No.78599040

yeah hopefully some "dragoons" will do these things to them, for real for real.

>> No.78599125

More like dragoons will be happily visiting Hyte's booth and sister will be seething in Niji's corner, kek

>> No.78599202

Kiara literally did a secret visit on her own, got backlash for it and cried to Mumei to back her up with a tweet.

>> No.78599207

I think my favorite part about this "dookie" nonsense was Gumi calling her dookie when Doki tried to bail on Valorant, making it crystal clear they all point and laugh at the losers saying it unironically

>> No.78599208

worthless subhuman Fagoons ruin everything, she has the worst fanbase in all of vtubing. chumbies look like saints in comparison

>> No.78599317

>guns not allowed in AX
Who cares? It's not like dokibird fans can open carry as some kind of Peace Integrity Forces

>> No.78599365


>> No.78599399


>> No.78599439

that's funny, elira was in japan too :^)

>> No.78599550

I hope people hang around the Niji booth with Doki, Sayu, Matara etc. merch. Not obstructing anything, not heckling, not shooting looks - just chatting and being friendly. Being a silent reminder of what happened.

>> No.78599565


>> No.78599617

so the clique members are in japan now, for what?

>> No.78599672

My condolences. She'll probably say you raped her to get sympathy points

>> No.78599684

Revenge for what?

>> No.78599766

Why dont you follow a reply chain for more than 1 post
The manager Millie told Selen to "check with" was with her and Elira when that song dropped

>> No.78600407


>> No.78600771
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God my dick gets so hard when girls bully eachother. I fucking love spiteful, vindictive cunts that stab their supposed friends in the back with a smile on their face. I fucking hate the clique and how smug and self righteous they are knowing full well that they're lying bitches, but thinking about them standing over Selen with evil smiles as she cries. I want to hatefuck Elira and Millie while they taunt me for cheating on my oshi with her enemies.

>> No.78601763

they be thinking nijien is THE vtuber sphere, weird af

>> No.78601834

Nijinigger bot deflection thread... >>78601601

>> No.78602368

She was talking to him on twitter just 3 months ago, idiot.

>> No.78603288

wrong. Elira talks about mane-san all the time. She's just a fucking streamer you braindead, retarded rratpeddler.

>> No.78603419

Kill yourself elira.. You are worthless and drove the two talents with any actual merit to them out of your company with your clique hanamori bullshit, Nobody will support you when the branch dissolves and you need to go back to being nova

>> No.78603484

SHE GRADUATED JUST 3 MONTHS AGO IDIOT, But i did find this https://x.com/yuniiho/status/1755185615274991765

>> No.78603620

And? https://x.com/yuniiho/status/1764841344869306435
She's not the anti-nijisanji warrior you're trying to paint her as.

>> No.78603661

https://x.com/yuniiho/status/1764841344869306435 this is her replying to Ren, Granted ren was the only organ who said no to harass sayu so that's something, She ALSO tweeted this so on the offchance the doxxing rrats are real she atleast is a fan of her senpai

>> No.78603766

>One singular reply at the only niji organ who said not to harass sayu
It's not like she retweeted the fucking BPD rentry you retards, You desperately want her to be a sister based on... one fucking reply?

>> No.78603800

I hate niji as much as everyone else but some of the stories seem to ring true. I have an artist friend who tables at local cons here in the Philippines and she's heard whisperings of "niji bad"

Yes, I'm outing myself as a SEAnigger. Don't really care. Just making the point that it's not all lies. It doesn't change the fact that Niji still needs to burn already so we can find some normalcy in this hobby.

>> No.78603857

Yes, because most screenshots are of Holo by holofags, so literally need to rangeban all of SEA.

>> No.78603964

>You desperately want her to be a sister based on... one fucking reply?
I never said she's a "sister". I'm merely refuting your schizo theory that she hates nijisanji because she drew some whore.

>> No.78603984

More likely some Nijisis will do something incredibly stupid and moronic, the deamafags will restart the engine and the sis will blame Domi cuz hutdwelling low IQ required to follow Niji.

>> No.78604099

Doki's apparently so powerful now that she IS Hyte and can control where Hyte's booth is located at AnimeCon.

>> No.78604228

>Some whore
Kill yourself nijinigger. preferably stab yourself with a knife right in front og the HYTE booth at AX for maximum kek

>> No.78604253

Yeah, that's possible too. In any case, I'll be happily watching sister self-destruct for the n-th time

>> No.78604301

Blow your brains out, dramafaggot. Your imaginary niji vs dokiholo alliance war is all in your head.

>> No.78604319

Good. The EN vtubing should have been gatekept harder and sisters should kill themselves.

>> No.78604364


>> No.78604437

>some whore
But she didnt drew Vox????

>> No.78604454

They aren't according to the tards defending the new holoEN girls

>> No.78604482 [DELETED] 

Literally every anti doki and anti justice thread the past 2 days (hell the past 5 months if we wanna extend to the anti advent posting), Has been by seething inbred underage rotten pussy pagpag SEAMonkey nijiniggers like you who can't stand their oshi billionaire trustfund baby is losing out on millions of dollars for being a worthless piece of shit with a worthless black company, So kill yourself nijinigger, preferably while screaming something about doki so we can all laugh at your obsessed and retarded you are when it gets clipped

>> No.78604506

Holostars isnt hololive

>> No.78604550

>I think one of her family member also passed away during that time
No, that was almost a year prior to this whole thing, whoever reposted it purposely cropped out the date for some reason, gee I wonder why...

>> No.78604555

>Tards defending the new holoEN girls
The only tards here are the worthless nycfo 2.0 nijiniggers like you falseflagging as unicorns to harass and anti hololive as usual... while sprinkling in some anti dokibird threads because you are obsessed

>> No.78604559

Hololive is allied with nijisanji. Cope and seethe.

>> No.78604716

yeah sure they are sister.. the only alliance they have is when cover corp's stocks shoot up then USUALLY anycolor's follows... and vice versa whenever anycolor shits themselves..THANKFULLY it would seem that trend has been bucked now that the stock retards see that they are in fact two separate companies

>> No.78604763


>> No.78604818

holos collab with nijis all the time and Cover founded an anti harassment group together with Anycolor.

>> No.78604875

absolute cinema

>> No.78604965

I don't give a fuck about JP and that "anti harassment group" is worth about as much as the paper it was written on... significantly less than the one doki sold at auction for over twice enna's birthday supas KEKW

>> No.78605015

>I don't give a fuck about the fact that hololive is allied with nijisanji
Sure thing, retard.

>> No.78605140

>Both collab to avoid harrasment
>100% of cover harrassment is from Nijisisters
>100% if Niji harrassment denounced is also from unicuck nijisisters.
Goalpost keeps moving, Nijisis keep losing, board has become boring, it’s just menhera like you thinking their lies are worth the hut you live in.
Rope faster, it will get more views than your corpo.

>> No.78605196

Despite everything hololive is still allied with nijisanji and keeps collabing with them.

>> No.78605226

>Speges lies
>Post deleted for no reason.
Hi nijijanny, can’t you be more obvious?

>> No.78605300

What the fuck is a "speges"?

>> No.78605308

So when is Hololive going to go after the livers that shittalk and attack them?

>> No.78605321

>If i repeat it 3 times it will cone true.
Any amount of consideration for 3shitters is charity, even Riku prefers burning money that caring about whores like you, never forget that and rope.

>> No.78605344

You tell me. You're the one insisting that holos hate niji because they're allied with doki.

>> No.78605374

why the fuck would they respond to EN nobodies?

>> No.78605413

How is it not true? Holos keep collabing with nijis while you can only seethe about it and claim that you "don't care" while jerking off to homos collabing with doki lmao

>> No.78605449

You seem more clueless than I thought. Have a nice day in your thread

>> No.78605569

>nijiniggers are so fragile and pathetic they need safety groups at an anime convention

>> No.78606951

Yagoo won't let Hololive interact with Doki because of some under the table agreement with Nijisanji but he didn't stop Holostars from joining her wrestling event. He did have talents overlap several of her major events so like most vtuber companies he does have some concern about talents going indie.

>> No.78607162

>He did have talents overlap several of her major events
Why are you acting like all of hololive is supposed to stop streaming when your drama queen is streaming?

>> No.78607323

>drama queen
But enough about Niji

>> No.78607490

I couldn't possibly have any less sympathy for anyone who openly supports Niji EN on twitter, whilst acting like Doki's fans are out to literally kill them and their fans. It's the highest form of mental illness.

>> No.78607506

You're expecting the biggest vtuber group to stop streaming when your whore is doing something. That makes her a drama queen.

>> No.78607682
File: 51 KB, 404x372, Menherakek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doki mind broke these fools so hard it's honestly concerning how weak our species has become in the last few years. It would be soulshattering if it weren't so damn funny

>> No.78607720

The only drama I see of late is you Holobronies pissing yourselves over predebut interactions.

>> No.78607769
File: 145 KB, 1080x1021, Screenshot_20240620_173441_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the biggest vtuber group

>> No.78607903

You're out here posting schiro theories about Yagoo secretly plotting against dokiwhore by intentionally making holos overlap her. Your whore is nothing but a drama queen even to you. Her entire existence is drama.

Are you brain damaged?

>> No.78607942

and this statement makes you a retard, clearly

>> No.78607985

How am I a retard when your dramafaggot buddy literally said
>He did have talents overlap several of her major events so like most vtuber companies he does have some concern about talents going indie.

>> No.78608039
File: 488 KB, 1080x1584, Screenshot_20240620_173857_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the biggest vtuber group is full of 3views

>> No.78608046
File: 186 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (25).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>repeats whore and drama every other word
>calls someone else brain damaged

>> No.78608116

>thinks I was tlaking about niji
Yeah you really are brain damaged and cannot read simple sentences.

>> No.78608216

Why do you unironcally believe that all of hololive is supposed to stop streaming when your fat whore is hosting an event?

>> No.78608340
File: 1.48 MB, 1089x1192, 1710958648274318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't. I'm not even the anon who said that. Stop tilting at windmills.

>> No.78608387

You're defending that statement. The person who posted that is on your side.

>> No.78608499

>who said not to harass sayu
>but fully supported the harassment of Selen
So at best, he's a two-faced coward.

>> No.78608616
File: 306 KB, 2048x2048, GPzfZY7aEAAkHuJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh noes, I apparently implicitly endorsed an opinion you replied to by giving you a (You). Cry about it.

>> No.78608707

I don't see you disagreeing with it.

>> No.78608709

> Some whore
Lmao. That so called "whore" is mogging all the actual whores stuck in Niji. If you think that "just drawing a model" means nothing then you're a fucking braindead tourist and you should honestly kill yourself

>> No.78608803

Why do you act like I give a single fuck about niji?
Just drawing a model does mean absolutely nothing. She still talks to nijis over a year after all of that shit so clearly she has no problem with them.

>> No.78608923

It's actually worse/better/funnier than that. It wasn't a set of Obsydia PC cases, it was a set which had Rosemi (from Obsydia, to be fair), Enna, and Elira.
Because of course Elira was gonna get sponsored merch that the business partner wanted to give to Selen.

>> No.78608933


>> No.78608949
File: 645 KB, 1170x1437, 1715293627840008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe I do, maybe I don't. Why does it mean so much to you?

>> No.78608992

You showed up to defend the anon that posted it, retard.

>> No.78609029


>> No.78609047

You mean the one Niji that defended her? Imagine that.

>> No.78609052

> Sauce
> Your schizophrenia
Do you even understand the process of drawing a model? It takes weeks, perhaps even months. And have you seen the model she made for Sayu? It's one of the best designs out there. It took her months to make it for her. Plus she was making it while Sayu was getting harassed and if people somehow found out Yunii was helping Sayu she'd be next in the doxxing line. If you think this means less than some interactions on Twitter then we have no reason to talk because I don't talk to retarded tourists

>> No.78609108

Then she drew a picture of doki and talked again to a niji that DIDN'T defend her. Clearly her drawing something isn't a pledge of allegiance.

>> No.78609177

The source is right here you illiterate ADHD faggot

>> No.78609231

Did she make a model which took months to make? No? Do I need to explain why you are just making yourself look stupider with each post?

>> No.78609283
File: 98 KB, 1024x899, 1715688633577410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I showed up to mock you seething about my so-called "whore", and am continuing to make you seethe by letting you stew on this paranoid hill you want to die upon for some weird reason.

>> No.78609388

Why do you keep going on about "took months to make"? She talked to nijis just a few months ago long after the model was done.

>> No.78609402

>le goalpost move

>> No.78609437

> A singular 3 months old reply to the only Niji member that defended Zaion
And that is your great gotcha moment? She interacted with one of the members, she loves the entire corpo. Can your empty smooth brain even comprehend how retarded you are?

>> No.78609497

And your point is...

>> No.78609512

This sounds like Doki fans are a gang roaming around cons hunting for Niji fans lmao.

>> No.78609533

How has the goalpost been moved? The claim from the start was that she hates niji because she drew someone that hates niji.

>She interacted with one of the members, she loves the entire corpo.
That's way more plausible than "she hates the entire corpo except for this one person because she drew this other person"

>> No.78609603

The point from the start has been that she doesn't hate niji like you claim she does.

>> No.78609650


>> No.78609668


>> No.78609678


>> No.78610294

>Dragoons going around cons cleaning up the filth
Dare I say, based?

>> No.78610841

God I hope so. Nothing will happen because the people who go to these cons are cowards but can you imagine a nijilynching?

>> No.78611372

It's genuinely astonishing how broken these people are.

Imagine spending four months seething over a streamer.

>> No.78611514

I haven’t ever tweeted at this person and they still have me blocked

>> No.78611660
File: 100 KB, 1313x281, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78612652

I didn’t know doki was that powerful!
It seems like niji messed with the wrong person.

>> No.78612710

To be fair, nijiniggers brought this upon themselves by literally being one of the worst fanbases I have had the displeasure of interacting with.

>> No.78613310
File: 31 KB, 584x252, I725yD3qyycrvo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a better one for you. Why do you think there is so much seething over a certain pink woman

>> No.78613464

Why did she talk to a niji even after this if she's 100% anti niji now?

>> No.78614085

Probably because the Niji and his wife-girlfriend have been her friends since loooong he became a Niji, and he didn't participate in smear campaigns.

>> No.78614148
File: 198 KB, 601x721, E5mWYeBegn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or this?

>> No.78614167

>she a Tako
>doesn’t buy official merch instead buys some knock off
Yeah nah fuck off

>> No.78614243

they have blocklists, I don't know if it's following Doki or following Sayu that triggers it

>> No.78614246

He's still a niji and he approved of doki's harassment.

>> No.78615179

At this point almost every board is a dramafarm. Its like anons legitimately do not have positive hobbies anymore, they do not enjoy things, they are driven simply by hatred of what other people enjoy, to talk shit about other people's hobbies. Talking shit and drama is their hobby. That and porn.

>> No.78615379
File: 220 KB, 935x701, 1718500909224075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blurs out username
>doesn't blur it out in the reply
It's nice she get to be Mumei's senpai tho.

>> No.78615543

I only wanted to blur the username and went to far with the blur tool, lmao. Also anon, she gets to be her Kouhai!

>> No.78615666

Or this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-rYdpMgz1tw

>> No.78615673
File: 39 KB, 500x500, 1711054692752061.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a brainfart and forgot what kouhai was.

>> No.78615703

They feel threatened because they feel that their behavior would warrant threats. Clear case of
>The guilty flee when no men pursueth.

>> No.78615809

Oh Noooo WHISPERINGS? Kill yourself pagpag eater

>> No.78616252

Why are you talking about Mumei? Are you doxxing right now?

>> No.78616489

I mean its partially true, the PH vtuber community already blames nijiBAD they abandoned millie for good

>> No.78616578

Good. I hope no nijinigger would ever feel safe stepping foot outside again or within their homes, for that matter. I wish we could legally lynch nijinigs, but we can't always get what we want.

>> No.78618003

JP collabs with JP. nijiEN is isolated in their own bubble except for Selen, Pomu and Reimu. I almost never saw any outward collabs otherwise. I unsubbed to all of them so I don't know what they've been doing since, but NijiEN lost most of their outward collabers in a month.

>> No.78618165

All nijis are the same and it doesn't matter if they're JP or EN. Also JPs actually do collab with EN.

>> No.78618430

It's clear you've got an extra chromosome or two, so at least be more creative next time. Don't worry, you get C- for that at least.

>> No.78619744
File: 989 KB, 1307x1080, 1718820397815536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based, the vtuber community can burn for all I care, none of their lives mean anything. nobody would miss them if they were all to die
only hololive has value

>> No.78621629

buy an ad

>> No.78622603

Nice try sisters but Hololive will never be against Doki.

>> No.78623009

Number threading outside their generals / thread should apply as well.

>> No.78623069
File: 37 KB, 641x872, fuckingsmug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so you are telling me, hyte had a deal with kurosanji to market pc with elira as a graphic on the pc tower. a deal in which they would be next to each others booths at the anime con to help with the promotion. but because hyte is filled with dragoons, when shit hit the fan they cancelled the collab and now are collabing with dokibird directly, promoting her and using her likeness as advertisement. and this is happening RIGHT NEXT TOO AND ACROSS FROM the niji booths?
fucking christ, niji is just taking L after L. the only thing we can hope for is a niji sister freak out at doki smug face on pc towers and hopefully hear doki in the brachground while they run wrestletuber in the background or something. we all know there will be some form of drama, i really want to see elira or millie eat shit fucking god damn. i wonder if they realize they will never be able to vtube again after kurosanji. everyone fucking hates them.

>> No.78623276
File: 7 KB, 225x225, 1703926337722540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but Hololive will never be against Doki
Doki is simultaneously both a nijinigger and an indieshitter. True holochads will always be against people like her and Mint.

>> No.78623730

Don't use my wife for your shitposts

>> No.78623737

Nobody told the sisters that Dokibird recently hosted Wrestletuber and plans to make it a central part of the EN vtubing scene.

>> No.78623800

The least obvious falseflagger

>> No.78623811

nigga, miofa fucking hate people like dokibird. how new are you?

>> No.78623877

>trying to falseflag as miofa

>> No.78623943

why the fuck would you like a western, male collabing whore like dokibird dude
just because you like mio doesn't mean we're all cucks like you c'mon man

>> No.78624202

The key for the boys is to interact and stand out with the entire scene and never look at Hololive or at least keep inteactions at minimum.

>> No.78624292

Doki directly contradicted this narrative with her statement hours after that animation went viral. She disavowed any and all fans who carried out harassment in her name, so if Nijisisters want to use the "I don't feel safe" angle to try and slander her, then they're downright delusional.

>> No.78624437

glad nijiniggers living in fear without even me trying

>> No.78624642

Be less obvious next time BVTM

>> No.78624864

Are people not allowed to have opinions out loud any more? If they're not actually harassing you then it's not an issue.

>> No.78625138

>artist that earns a living through drawing what people like
>gets backslash if they try to sell things people hate
No way, REALLY? That's crazy.

>> No.78625225
File: 910 KB, 200x200, gura question spin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vile animation

>> No.78625862

>VPU on da screencap

>> No.78628944

Doki literally can't stop winning even if she wants to

>> No.78629899

They... They already did... Are you dumb?

>> No.78630029

>be safe
>"threaten for my IRL safety"
>being scared of vtuber fans
This sounds incredibly silly.

>> No.78630261

That Shikishiki meme video with dancing Doki and emancipated Elira with cum dripping from her mouth and Vox with chink hat and bilibili sign.
It was in such poor taste and spammed everywhere that even Doki had to make statement telling retards to stop that shit.

>> No.78630350

me too

>> No.78630363
File: 530 KB, 1080x1860, Screenshot_20240620_163219_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Phasekek posted this on Twitter a week or so ago and it blew up.
Sisters got so asspained that they started @ing Doki directly with it, forcing her hand to make this statement.

>> No.78630421

Twitter screen threads are good. Without them you'd have all the exact same bait/rrat/drama/troll posts except instead of a relevant screencap the OP would just be more Default_Vtuber images.

And you'd still end up with twitter screenshots in the thread anyway

>> No.78630470

>cum dripping from her mouth
That's...not the interpretation I took away.

>> No.78630584

>with cum dripping from her mouth
Are we just making shit up now?

>> No.78630712

If you think that is a reach Sisters were making Twitlongers about it being outright misogynistic.

>> No.78630749

That's a rrat i believe 100%. The backlash was huge. Nobody except sisters liked that move, even KFP coping argument was "she was on a break at that time, she didn't know about the drama!". Millie (or it was Enna?) twitted about Kiara asking "why you don't have a boyfriend being so cute?". After that even Kiara was smart enough to see she was being used to clean their reputation.
>>Verification not required.

>> No.78630757

The remaining NijiEN fanbase have the same safe bubble world mentality of 2010s Tumblr users where they believe that any minor upsetting incident will cause people so much distress that they will commit suicide on the spot.

>> No.78630789

>with cum dripping from her mouth
I thought I was horny fut this anon is on FIRE

>> No.78631199

Mumei should have fucking slapped her for this stunt.

>> No.78631400

Oooooh... That explains all the threads saying EN4 will be the worst gen. I thought they were unicorn threads. Now i see my error. Thanks anon.

>> No.78631614

Lmao, this is a shitpost, right? There's no way these people are real

>> No.78631710

She's also one of Sayu's best friend she allegedly saved her when she had suicidal thought after being fired from Niji as well as her mama. Make of this information what you will.

>> No.78633067

No, that's not how Hololive works.
especially after the failure of Tsukumo Sana.

>> No.78633503

They need to be deleted at the least. There is always someone outraged or saying something stupid on twitter, and you can find someone to say whatever you want if you spend your life going through posts of random people.

>> No.78634236

No, we are not emancipating Elira from anything. Let her sink with the yacht.

>> No.78635807

She is the one sinking it.

>> No.78638168

They're not that bad.

>> No.78638237

Miofa love Dokibird as do basically all JP fanbases. They all hate niji and nijisisters.

>> No.78639681

The world isn't black and while, anon. We learn this by elementary school.

>> No.78640229

The world has black and white according to "dragoons" for the past 7 months.

>> No.78640410

>Not even Gura does this.
Remember when Coco got suspended? Unlike Nijisanji where all the livers stay quiet like good little dogs, Gura has a karaoke with a hundred thousand live viewers and dedicates it to Coco. Getting chat riled up saying she 'Coco did nothing wrong.' 'Free Coco.'
Gura often does what she wants in her own indirect way. Is there another big NijiEN event for her to stream over?

>> No.78640558

>When a Nijisister gets escorted from the Con because she attacked the Doki Standee and tried to trash the Hyte merch while autistically screeching.

>> No.78640614

All JP fanbases consider Dokibird to be a giga menhera who got fired for being shit at her job so she threw a tantrum. I think you mean the EN fanbase of JP

>> No.78640832

>I speak for a fanbase
Nope, JP fans are still asking why thry need to suffer because the EN branch is made of shit. Thry literally got arrested for unitarding on thier own livers. What makes you think they like get shit upon because Nijisis are delulu?

>> No.78640910

Holy ESL

>> No.78641072

It's another falseflag. Sisters were using every excuse they could to shit on Yunii in another thread, including taking the name of Doki in vain for this purpose.

>> No.78641105

>Makes statment to own the haters
>Proves she is going strong until 2025 at least
>Still laughing, collabing and sis always wrong.
It’s so funny being /here/ watching Nijisis doing more replies than viewers for NijiEN. That merge would be the icing on the cake.

>> No.78641172

>Thinking I will use english for a Nijisis.
First mistake, not worth it.

>> No.78641256

Oh so it's a falseflag now that there's a holo that's an actual nijisister.

>> No.78642286

>Still trying to pass Sayu’s model mom as a Nijisis.
Holy out of argiment Nijisis, you really never give up clowing for us huh?

>> No.78642413

>Getting hired by someone means you hate everyone they hate
Is this the new cope? Or more falseflagging Sayucucks?

>> No.78642495

>Ignoring they still interact
This is more entertaining than NijiEN, look, we evne have more relies than their views! Keep clowning.

>> No.78642631

How is she not a nijisister when she is obviously a nijisister? It has been shown several times that she clearly doesn't stand with doki as she's still talking to nijis.
Reminder that this standard was created by YOU over the past 6 months. Anyone talking to doki hates niji and anyone that talks to nijis hates doki.

>> No.78642729

She interacts with niji so she clearly doesn't hate niji and that makes her a nijisister.

>> No.78642765

>Sayufag constantly attention whoring
>Ignores Sayu getting ghosted
>Ignores Roara flirting with Ren in March and slapping his face on her titties
There should be a Sayucuck playbook. Including all the falseflagging they do

>> No.78642827

>Forgetting Mori's perfectly well timed retweets and the checkered background in her music video

>> No.78642861

>Le funni samefag
Still clown and still wrong. Funni.

>> No.78642992

Close your eyes and all you see is black

>> No.78643061

You don't know what samefag means.

>> No.78643070
File: 79 KB, 706x268, Schizo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh-oh, the cuck is having a melty. How's Sayu's run at being a prostitute going?

>> No.78643314

>311 replies
What did change today? Nothing? Nijisis still shitty defenders with no arguments, abandoned by their company? Niji still 3 shitters?
Good, see you tomorrow for another cricus, the clowns are never gonna leave anyway.

>> No.78644498
File: 593 KB, 796x712, CrowkiLaugh[sound=files.catbox.moe%2f9ho2mb.opus].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's nice to know that the sisters seething at doki thread will always be here for our daily entertainment

>> No.78644953

If they weren't dumb they wouldn't be nijiniggers
