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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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78585726 No.78585726 [Reply] [Original]

>here’s your soft-spoken, pure GFE vtuber, bro

>> No.78585791

I don't get what I'm supposed to be upset about.

>> No.78585859

Kaito stop making shitty thread
on my 4chinz
get therapy
thank you

>> No.78585930

remember when she had a meltdown and deleted her graduated genmates channel because she saw an art of her while looking at twitter on stream?

>> No.78585970

yeah kaito shut the fuck up

>> No.78585983

Sounds like Kaito needs to touch some damn grass

>> No.78586003

Shut the fuck up Kaito

>> No.78586008

Op got btfo in his number thread so now he makes another one. Sad!

>> No.78586040

Malding SEAmonkey thread?

>> No.78586045

Honestly based. Fuck you niggers that mention other streamers and their Reddit memes in other peoples chat. Yes that means you fags spamming “BAU BAU” every time you see a dog

>> No.78586072

Kaito fuck off.

>> No.78586122

not even watching her but fuck you kaito. those can't even follow the most basic rule is a fking POS tourist.

>> No.78586253

All you had to do was follow the damn rules, Kaito

>> No.78586311

Really she shouldn't have even mentioned it and just shadowbanned him.

>> No.78586314

man the more I learn about Nene, the more I like her

>> No.78586363

There are valid reasons to dislike Nene. This isn't one of them

>> No.78586391

She's right Kaito

>> No.78586407

based but what she should have done was shadowban him and let him obliviously talk into the void

>> No.78586440

Maybe if you learned to read chat rules and weren’t a massive faggot you wouldn’t be getting called out like that, Kaito

>> No.78586479

>Second Nene bait thread in a day
Damn. /pkg/ schizo working overtime.
This guy unironically never sleeps. Whenever you enter /pkg/ you will see the same type of cuckposting and calling girls whores from this imbecile.
Samefag OP btw

>> No.78586495

Kaito? the fucking vocaloid?

>> No.78586554

>number too low to ban people
>but also want them to stop
cue passive aggression

>> No.78586556

She didn't get in lol

>> No.78586670

Dunno who the hell this is but eat shit Kaito.
Nah publicly shaming retarded chatters is the best way to do it. Bonus points if they make an animation or some kind of alert just to further shame them even more. A quick 2 minute dogpile is always good for a community.

>> No.78586698

why is /pkg/ the way that it is, anyway? It has to have some of the gayest and catty type of shitposting that I've ever seen and it makes up most of the thread.

>> No.78586901
File: 164 KB, 1447x2047, 1689822784825366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of Nene anti threads recently I'm sure it's just a coincidence lol.

>> No.78586931

seethe kaito

>> No.78586940 [DELETED] 

Kaito's just been seething the past few days? At least we got a name now if he doesn't stop.

>> No.78586997

ESL Latinos and SEAnigs make up most of our fanbase. Discord trannies that jerk off way more to other chatters than anything else. Name dropping "chat celebs".
And to top it off, there's one ultra mindbroken retard that is shitting up the thread for 2 years now. This person is quite literally mentally ill and has no life. He shitposts for 20+ hours a day.

>> No.78587002

A handful of people are dysfunctional and use the general as an anti-thread while jannies either do nothing or support them.

>> No.78587030

>that filename format
this is 100% the oceane schizo
he makes anti kawaii and anti vdere threads every day

>> No.78587055

>Thread shitter has to check up on his bait thread
Btw your post is completely out of context. Kill yourself any day now. Your life is not worth living. You are pure garbage in human form. End your life.

>> No.78587098

you are mentally ill kaito, get some help

>> No.78587108

As funny as that would be, nah. I wouldn't attach that name to the /pkg/ shitter. What he said in chat was complaints about someone else, unnamed, he was watching banning him. Nene timed him out and he came back talking about her prompting OP. He deserved the ban but he didn't read like the longterm schizo.

>> No.78587126

He is a retarded SEAnigger that gives himself away in /pkg/ by using singular where plural should be, like most SEAniggers.

>> No.78587143

she's right

>> No.78587190

Get some sleep you subhuman. Your sole purpose of existence is to just shitpost on /vt/. You are one of the saddest faggots on the planet probably.

>> No.78587210

Ah well, back to the drawing board then.

>> No.78587235

OP's pic was saved from another thread anyway

>> No.78587286

I’m chilling in bed while you seethe in anger, kaito

>> No.78587682

I have no idea who Kaito is. I don't even watch Nene. But I recognize your style of thread shitting from /pkg/. You are perma online. Kill yourself and end your misery already. I understand someone that shitposts every once in a while but you are online all the time. I go to bed, wake up, and you are still posting. I go to work, come back home, same. I think you unironically take 2-3 hours break to sleep and go straight back into the thread.
What a pathetic life holy fucking shit. But I think that you dont care. You are just a shameless cocksucker in his 30's giggling to yourself while shitting on barely famous anime girls. This is your primary source of entertainment btw. Again, kill yourself.

>> No.78587864

There is literally nothing wrong with this. OP is a fucking schizo.

>> No.78587950

OP is a fat slob no lifer that has been antiing kawaii for 2 years. Please understand Nene mindbroke him so he dedicated his entire life to antiing her and kawaii in general.

>> No.78588054

Nene being based?
I'm sorry you're so fucking retarded Kaito. How you managed to spur that on is beyond my scope of imagination.

>> No.78588060

Wtf I love Nene now

>> No.78588062

I don't like Nene but she is right. Should have just banned instead of malding about it tho.

>> No.78588089

kaito should do a flip and stop shitting in chats

>> No.78588124

uh oh melty

>> No.78588163

I bet this is the same faggot that went to a meet and greet with Nene while she was streaming it, flashed her the traitor Whorse figure and said he was loyal to her still.

>> No.78588679

Unironically women and one sea schizo

>> No.78590068

Kaito kys please. I don't watch her but her model is pure sexo

>> No.78590360

She should keep her complaining to the arya_cos discord server instead of yt chat.

>> No.78590369

Oceane schizo still working for free and not in heaven? Probably had a chance with her if he improved himself.

>> No.78590387

Kill yourself kaito

>> No.78590589

>Threadshitter realizes his anti thread (#4) isn't getting traction and backfires so he tries to doxx post
Death is your only salvation schizo

>> No.78590725

>Kaito's feeling is hurt
>made this thread

>> No.78590775

The corp has been around a long time and gathered a disproportionate number of dedicated antis compared to the overall fanbase.
I think the real tipping point was around the HoloStars EN debut when people spammed the board, some genuine but often maliciously, saying Kawaii was a Holo alternative. That drew a bunch of antis, parasocial-bad type culture warriors and general shitposters, and then it was all compounded by the fallout of their gen 3 walkout.

>> No.78591539

The problem with kawaii fans is that they are all a bunch of passive faggots. They are normalfags sitting in their discords for the most part and barelty visit 4chan. Even during the peak of gen 3 popularity when there were severals streams going on with hundreds of viewers, thread peaked with like 30 unique IP's.
One troll is literally owning their general for the past 2 years while they do absolutely nothing to stand up for their girls.

>> No.78591777

Isn't she too old
To be
Like this

>> No.78592149

it is the discords dump where they fight with each other and some shitposters that mixed in

every large drama can be link back to a discord paypig

small corpo is what happens when unicorns can really try get close to there oshi

>> No.78592262

90% of it is the same flip nigger. used to doxx bae & kiara, now harasses nene & miori. he's literally at it every waking moment.

>> No.78593499
File: 217 KB, 1768x1630, 1717791961019638 1703517782572586.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is literally normal. I find picrel much more fucked up.

>> No.78594585

Wow she is worse than Hitler.

>> No.78594821

So pkg is gonna anti pillow now?

>> No.78595330

Stop being an autistic retard, Kaito.
