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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 52 KB, 1024x454, worm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
78495210 No.78495210 [Reply] [Original]

Wormtail Wednesday

If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

ASMR Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Nise Menhera Twitter:https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter:https://twitter.com/managerotis
Menhera Twitter (dead):https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter (also dead):https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: soon™

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters. It's easier than you think.

Previous thread: >>78436435

>> No.78495339
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>last thread died before 310 posts
Pathetic, been a while since having one die before bump limit being reached

>> No.78496335
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>> No.78496667
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>> No.78497855

It's a really cute gif
Can't wait to see my lore

>> No.78498020
File: 48 KB, 500x437, DoTheShomie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78500968

i love my cute wife

>> No.78501161
File: 276 KB, 489x629, 1718140669421396.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife [is] cute [and] I love [her]

>> No.78501555

I like to imagine that the context of this piece is that you threw shondo around the globe and that's why you're looking outwards while she's coming at you flying from behind

>> No.78502874
File: 240 KB, 519x481, promise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you won't make it to christmas
i conjured up an extremely dangerous brainworm while thinking for a second part to this post, but it's one of my strongest, much too strong for the average shogga, so you cannot have it

>> No.78503417
File: 58 KB, 569x1024, 1717533382533302m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am to elevate shonciety, i am not to fall at the hands of mere brainworms
Be nise
Be better

>> No.78503818

Is marygone34 another of his alts? Follows the same structure

>> No.78503937

Do you really need to ask?

>> No.78503992


>> No.78504686
File: 3.83 MB, 552x452, 1715222430420455.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bouta goon for hours, post here if she is to say anything anywhere and post what also if on the discord

>> No.78504932

there's a reason i won't say what it was

>> No.78505413
File: 179 KB, 413x418, 1717728423974086.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her very much! I hope she is having a wonderful day and sorts out all the issues with her (bad) bank!

>> No.78506905

Be orange

>> No.78507975

Is this a reference to something? Or are you just saying to be more him?

>> No.78508056

>>78507975 (me)
More like him*

>> No.78510718


>> No.78511944

I love my wrinkly son

>> No.78513580

So is soya going corpo? Do you think shondo knows if so? Idk how to feel about that if it's the case

>> No.78514024

i don't know how to feel

>> No.78516072

i asked shondo in a dm yesterday and she told me she didnt know

>> No.78516076

i'm slowly beginning to realize that i don't like her anymore

>> No.78516203

took you long enough to realize that fleece
now please stop shitting up the threads and move on

>> No.78517131

>the main reason she is not lewd is her meds
so unmedicated shondo is a nympho mesugaki?
i bet she masturbates like this: https://files.catbox.moe/yngyqn.mp4

>> No.78517188

Reminder that she asked us to bonk her if needed
Please don't dismiss it

>> No.78517282

SyadouInspect her boobies are not the same shape and size

>> No.78517364

do it in offline chat right now or @ her on twitter, it's what she wants you do to do. you are a good husband right?

>> No.78517445

so she's essentially telling the people who only show up to chat when she's around to fuck off? nigga i'm not interested in the rest of your retarded tranny-infested faggot community, shondo. i want to talk with you. why is this so difficult of a concept for her to grasp?

>> No.78517559

she knows what you want and still does otherwise

>> No.78517593

thats not what she's saying at all?
she wants you to READ what she says before you reply and to reply with a proper comment and not just a retarded question to farm attention
how hard can it be to just treat her like a real person and not a dopamine dispenser? fucking hell get a grip you disgusting incels

>> No.78517597

I want to crush Shondo under the heft of my big fat belly

>> No.78517751

I said if needed, which I don't deem to necessary yet
Maybe(but hopefully not) in the near future

>> No.78517865

she isn't a normal person in this circumstance. you're just as retarded as she is

>> No.78517948

neither are you

>> No.78518023

Women expect you to be mind readers. I'm glad my wife is a cute girl and not a woman.

>> No.78518164

>erm i know i'm the sole reason all of you 10k+ people are here, but just treat me like any random chatter ok? teehee
lol irl

>> No.78518274

get a job

>> No.78518352

my job is thinking about fallenshadow

>> No.78518483

i believe you meant to say posting your negative obsession about her on public forums, but i'm still not sure how that's a job

>> No.78518654

I'm currently jobless, but shondo takes up as much time in my head as 3 shifts in a day would and also everyday

>> No.78519485

Is Saali going deaf in his old age? The subs are ass.

>> No.78519665

time for me to swoop in and steal all his viewers with proper clips

>> No.78521091

He's cooked, but i am glad for this clip

>> No.78522032

>thinking about the fact that shondo has been sent an unknown amount of threads containing all the things said about me
that makes me anxious but hopefully she finds some of it funny :c

>> No.78522115

this is so pathetic i hope it's larp

>> No.78522189

it is c:

>> No.78522251

ok good

>> No.78522622

you will forever be the bbc poster for her dewd

>> No.78522737


>> No.78523593


>> No.78523871

I hope she finds my jokes about dewd's weight to be funny

>> No.78524816

i hope she liked me talking about how much i want her to grind her unwashed pussy against my face

>> No.78525061

unmedicated shondo would kill you before she fucks you

>> No.78525440

Does orange timestamp subs only stream vods also?

>> No.78525741

if a tiny 39kg girl can kill you you need to do your gym reps pronto

>> No.78526233

Ft please feed your sister
Shondo please feed your brother

>> No.78527205

do the SHONDO gamer supps promo code still work I need to re up

>> No.78527475

yeah most likely still works

>> No.78527864

anyone else want their anus tickled by the tip of otis' tail?

>> No.78528165


>> No.78528939

No shogga, what the actual sigma?

>> No.78529250

bro i was just baiting, i don't actually want it

>> No.78529407

yeah more like masturbating to the idea of your sphincter getting stimulated my Otis’ tail you disgusting beastiality enjoying faggot

>> No.78529548

weird how they're hairless but you can see how they have hair on their tails.

>> No.78529655

gary level message, ban this shogger NOW

>> No.78529891

self report
nobody cares what you have to say, T

>> No.78530711

Otis not beating the "rat" allegations with that tail.

>> No.78531436
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>> No.78531685
File: 162 KB, 746x2048, proof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can't look at this image and call him anything but a rat. he was outed by his own mother no less

>> No.78531803

leave him the fuck alone, he's full of mother's milk

>> No.78531809

Cute feet

>> No.78531900

My baby bingus is cute Cute!

>> No.78532155

>>78531685 (me)
and man do i love my beautiful rat son. i lost the chance to get him something last year, but maybe this year perchance. we'll see, though

>> No.78532316
File: 373 KB, 575x529, you look lonely.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love

>> No.78532471

stop making up fake stories Dewd

>> No.78532679


>> No.78532688

i did tho

>> No.78532785

why are you sniffly after a few hours from touching grass

>> No.78532828

allergies D:

>> No.78532910

that sucks

>> No.78533749

im allergic to not having shondo asleep on my chest in a puddle of her drool
when are you going to cure my allergies shondo

>> No.78534620
File: 12 KB, 640x364, ab9lb2mj1t991-2518772445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah, fireneko will buy them all this year too

>> No.78534787 [SPOILER] 
File: 3 KB, 341x84, 3478y57834png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78534825

It's so cute everyone is talking about it

>> No.78534841 [SPOILER] 

if flammable feline pulls another stunt like that i'm gonna uuuuuu

>> No.78535874

Has shon ever mentioned her bf on stream?
I stopped watching her asmr when she did that.
It’s kinda funny that a schizo shut-in dropout can still find love as long as they’re a girl.

>> No.78535921

yes, multiple times

>> No.78535992

I am mentioned quite frequently, yes.

>> No.78536179

people get confused but she means husband and specifically means me

>> No.78536767

So why didn't she get in?

>> No.78536766

all posts made by and referring to me

>> No.78536857
File: 105 KB, 939x1024, 1711990032998063m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78536888

Because she simps for shotas too hard

>> No.78536901
File: 3.54 MB, 2048x2048, 1715542226846348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

punchable face

>> No.78536915

its kinda funny how she went from anti to pro unicorn from the asmr to vtuber time

>> No.78536967

get in what?

>> No.78536996

eskimo kiss

>> No.78537050

What’s not funny is that she got rid of all of her kino yandere asmr videos.
I’ll never find out the secret of that town and I’m fucking mad about it.

>> No.78537062
File: 369 KB, 3840x2160, 1718305173922249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't punch the oinker

>> No.78537152

Aren't her deleted asmr videos very easy to find? Unless you mean something else, i don't listen to asmr

>> No.78537207

thats like the first thing you find when you start doing reps

>> No.78537231

don't worry, apparently literally everything she ever said back then was a complete lie. source: shondo and her army of white knights.

>> No.78537257

i'd be aiming for a bruised cheek or a black eye. oinker stays as is

>> No.78537550

if i want to boop her snoot i will and there is quite literally nothing she could do to stop me

>> No.78537608

Yeah they are, but she’s never going to make anymore of them.

>> No.78537613
File: 85 KB, 637x453, 1715841199036323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shondo and i as we wait for humanity's advancement in technology so she can start streaming again in the world after this one(she ended up getting spawned in during the 5th century)

>> No.78537662


>> No.78537929
File: 47 KB, 982x755, 1718057121898532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Giving shondo's oinker a creampie

>> No.78539512

5 hour gooning sesh is pretty insane T

>> No.78540765

I can't wait to hear her beautiful voice again!!

>> No.78541141
File: 356 KB, 452x636, 1718788522246284.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same here

>> No.78541527

i want to hear her say "i love you" to me and have her actually mean it

>> No.78541761

I want to cum in shondo right now

>> No.78542942

She means it to every 3 month resub message that make her say it back, so I'm sure she means it when she says it to you.

>> No.78543322
File: 259 KB, 439x415, IMG_20240513_031829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shondo's life is the 2nd best documented behind Jesus's(do no fact check this)

>> No.78543352

If she says it unprompted it means something, if it's "I love you too" to a sub message or donation then it doesn't mean much

>> No.78543805

She's done both before so pop off

>> No.78544493
File: 449 KB, 1392x1035, 1692569995759098.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78544861

Yeah, that's what I meant by "make her say it back". She probably sees this as a "quota" thing, and I think husbands should refrain from using it so much in resub messages. But that will never happen.

>> No.78544959


>> No.78545007

They're just saying they love her

>> No.78545198

she should just stop saying i love you too in response to resub messages and only say it when she means it (aka to me, obviously)

>> No.78546004

Just start saying you love her outside of sub messages more

>> No.78546057

something i kind of feel bad about is that it's becoming hard to tell what things she actually enjoyed doing for us.
obviously there is a balance to be made when she goes out of her way to be affectionate or chooses how to spend her time making us happy.
i guess there is just a general fear i have with feeling like i'm a chore to appease or i've managed to be an exception that doesn't make her feel exhausted.

>> No.78546805

Because I love her I hope if there's anything she doesn't enjoy she is honest with us unless she truly doesn't mind it

>> No.78547030

the threads got gayer this week!!

>> No.78547089

gay thread for a gay oshi

>> No.78547157

>it's becoming hard to tell what things she actually enjoyed doing for us.
She enjoyed it every time I was there, whenever i left stuff happened
I left 30 minutes before the suntan incident
Last deadly premonition stream i left 1 minute before it crashed stream
Many more examples
Jokes aside, she doesn't necessarily enjoy stuff for us, but with us
Rarely is it that she forces an opinion, if she doesn't like a game she'll stop playing it

>> No.78547280

>if she doesn't like a game she'll stop playing it
after the stream ends maybe

>> No.78547403

sorry, shondo

>> No.78547513

I asked people to derek me less this week though

>> No.78548740

what if we all dereked shondo instead

>> No.78548879

She doesn't want that anymore.

>> No.78549127

thats not what she meant

>> No.78549286

who is shondo?
im here for dewd

>> No.78549331

it's tuffnarr for me

>> No.78550882
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>> No.78552500
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>> No.78552681
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>> No.78552929
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>> No.78553706
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>> No.78554019
File: 967 KB, 1433x1079, 1704032112183874 akimbo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 squeaky 3 hut mac10 i smoke molly

>> No.78554144

Are you okay

>> No.78554348

i plant for main

>> No.78554396

no no go b go b fahking noobs

>> No.78554432
File: 849 KB, 908x720, angy [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fk0g64a.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78554438
File: 96 KB, 629x1024, 1717421419632675m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been quiet lately innit

>> No.78554486

I really like the angy kitty she posts sometimes

>> No.78554502

whats blud wafflin about in offline chat

>> No.78554549

I love this model so much but i hate the skin fang
Woulda been so much cuter if it was a tooth fang

>> No.78554642

we are all admiring our wife *silently*

>> No.78554699
File: 394 KB, 873x740, 1710975709985209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the skin fang, it's cute.

>> No.78554774

i want to see her face close above me and her saying this to me while she tries to sleep grrr why cant i have this i hate the world universe everything

>> No.78555318
File: 23 KB, 112x112, 1688061624541240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Middle of the week, hasn't posted anything today so theres not really anything to discuss. Can't even stalk her likes because of Elon. Real slow day.

>> No.78555396

She's so darn adorable
I love the 3d chibi model
I love my wife

>> No.78555574
File: 113 KB, 768x1024, 1712700007886238m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need more sho art, draw sho

>> No.78556056

Need shordfighting art with You

>> No.78556132
File: 446 KB, 511x549, 1684203671521123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's my fute bagel

>> No.78556286
File: 87 KB, 1024x747, 1715312549296229m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SyadouNonderogatory what sort of shord fighting?

>> No.78556606

Wouldn't it be "funny" if Pettan drew Sho for June? In panties, of course.

>> No.78557835

crazy to think how long she's been gone

>> No.78557996

Imagine how hilarious it'd be for ren to draw sho also(in a bunny outfit)

>> No.78558070

2 and a half months... Finally... Just a few more weeks...

>> No.78558190
File: 825 KB, 960x1234, 1708531624818837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What sort of megane would sho wear?

>> No.78558489

i just love that she's shameless enough to behave like this as an adult. she's very special

>> No.78558962

My special(endearing) wife

>> No.78559268

just finished ep4 of fargo
its growing on me

>> No.78559410

thats nice gary

>> No.78560574


>> No.78560695

wifey doko

>> No.78562380

its quiet... too quiet...

>> No.78563141
File: 27 KB, 112x112, 1715783486375814.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she fuckin hates me

>> No.78563266

Probably true

>> No.78563389
File: 3.65 MB, 498x348, 1710924890626350.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78563825

kill yourself for only saying she hates you for sympathy

>> No.78563989

Sorry Shondo.

>> No.78564105
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>> No.78564128

what the squibba

>> No.78564579
File: 12 KB, 150x150, 1689048769391614.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's nice Magnetomaster

>> No.78564625

Why /vt/ sisters are saying this is Shondo?

>> No.78564708

profound mental retardation

>> No.78564760

i posted it because of the song and the relevance and the thread was dead, is there a joke i'm missing?

>> No.78564820
File: 3.00 MB, 400x400, 1707249069701688.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because they headcanon that her hiatus wasn't mental health related and instead a stealth graduation to join Holo.

>> No.78564981

that's nonsense though

>> No.78565011
File: 70 KB, 348x458, shondowouldnever.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does my wife never worry like this

>> No.78565066

because not one of them actually watch shondo

>> No.78565074

how new?

>> No.78565152

that guy killed himself because he hates life
fleece killed himself because he wanted attention

>> No.78565154

I never said it was a rational headcanon.

>> No.78565833

fleece is alive he follow a new account on twitter now that likes are private

>> No.78566440

thanks, week ruined

>> No.78567255

droolposting and klubposting in p2w chat

>> No.78567358


>> No.78567368

>usual suspects doing the same shit as always

>> No.78567502

other than fleece have any regulars ever been perma'd? or are you just immune after a certain time

>> No.78567615


>> No.78567709

bratty is the only other one that i can think of but he was only a 3 month sub

>> No.78568175 [DELETED] 

fleece showed that to get permabanned you have to put her on blast publicly. you can do whatever you want to your schizo punching bag aslong as its in pseudoprivate sekrit clubs, emails or DMs and you wont get banned no matter how much of a creep, groomer or disgusting person you are. the only reason gary got permabanned was he wasn't a regular but hes still going on twitter

>> No.78570422

that's changing now

>> No.78572543
File: 419 KB, 674x665, 1712014266334880.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78574003

>calling her a prostitute

>> No.78574131
File: 2.33 MB, 1837x2812, 1716596249638518.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78574436

i just love shadow as a hole

>> No.78574495

you're the only one who said that anon
weird post

>> No.78574559

too far tuffnarr

>> No.78574804

close but not him

>> No.78574838

ok bratty

>> No.78574872

Imagine her raping you with her tentacles, shoving them down your throat and poking at your prostate while the others hold you down and and andnngnsnejsncnnwnxjskwkfnc

>> No.78575104

new bitchier shondo I respect but it could get annoying on stream we shall see

>> No.78577138

this but replace come with stream

>> No.78577611
File: 340 KB, 1572x592, 1715828946373871.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

replace come with cum

>> No.78579368

goodnight wifey love u <3
gn shoggas
fuck you tourists and newfags

>> No.78579596

>fuck you tourists and newfags
you need to stop talking about yourself

>> No.78579898
File: 3.94 MB, 480x426, eepyshon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goodnight shoggas

>> No.78580417

sleep well shogga

>> No.78581566

If she doesn't stream tomorrow or the day after, the official start of Summer, she is completely full of shit with regards to the Summer of Shondo. How can you miss the first day?

>> No.78582126

fool she just needs one good stream to make it her summer

>> No.78582135

>please continue to wait warmly over the coming weeks for announcements and more information!!!
>coming weeks
She's coming back July at the earliest. Who knows she might come back on her birthday and make it a double celebration.

>> No.78582209

just announcements

>> No.78583698

mary gone, fairy alone…

>> No.78584249

I don’t even care anymore.. it’s a loss cause.

>> No.78584581
File: 1.02 MB, 4032x3024, 1715706078094386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

miss me wife

>> No.78585491
File: 373 KB, 704x502, image-1-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every morning i wake up im thankful for her.

>> No.78587516


>> No.78587953
File: 297 KB, 492x614, 1715931068994741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Megane... Imagine all the new art when the megane outfit drops...

>> No.78588668
File: 3.86 MB, 307x480, 1717356614536321.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78589744

proper little lady

>> No.78591486
File: 710 KB, 960x982, 1718699050258659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78593581
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>> No.78594883

>suicidebaiting for attention
what a faggot lol

>> No.78596296
File: 10 KB, 103x111, the extreme wiggler.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78597457
File: 439 KB, 960x1001, 1717281037269944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just woke up, did I miss anything?

>> No.78598999
File: 69 KB, 550x1024, 1715813275824903m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess not

>> No.78600730
File: 670 KB, 822x821, 1713671595043810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78602206
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>> No.78602574
File: 1.16 MB, 4096x2892, 1708034998732774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine if you convinced shondo to give you thighjobs and she's disgusted and awkward at first but eventually she starts really getting into it

>> No.78603691

good morning /shon/

>> No.78604006
File: 72 KB, 673x1024, 1712700473444667m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asking shondo to do this(she will ruin the car)
Good morning shogga

>> No.78604188

Wasn't the guy in chat already told off for doing that? Or was it someone else

>> No.78605319

Shondo went outside to buy house of leaves

>> No.78605414

this is my fav shondo art
i really like the pose and proportions

>> No.78605453

Same, also very erotic

>> No.78606922

Idk why i thought the bag said "rent"

>> No.78606996

You forgot to take your medication

>> No.78607373

Does otis like cat weed?

>> No.78607540
File: 33 KB, 112x112, 1718751953969072.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning shiggie

>> No.78608195

It's also good because her man hands that Giru draws are put away.

>> No.78608597

yeah and she's putting your dick closer and closer to her crotch every time. then, one day, after she's done finishing you off with her thighs, you notice a strand of suspicious liquid clinging to your dick. she got so fucking wet her cunny juice seeped through her little shorts and panties

>> No.78609658

i see you
what are you doing in an ntr thread? huh?

>> No.78609906
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>> No.78610888
File: 240 KB, 1625x1000, 1703869031364371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heard YouTube might take down ear licking asmr, can any shondophrenic confirm/deny?

>> No.78610950

yeah sounds about right
twitch/youtube really dont like earlicking

>> No.78612756

i hate him already

>> No.78612946

Be nise

>> No.78613756

tuffnar is such an attention whore holy shit

>> No.78613898

>>78613756 (me)
>tuffnar's attention whoring made wifey not want to talk

>> No.78613910

keep this energy for the next 5 other people who do it too

>> No.78613938

you just noticing this?

>> No.78613969

what other 5 people? its just fucking you

>> No.78614004

how new?

>> No.78614022

all hiatus

>> No.78614083

was she about to say something but he scared her away?

>> No.78614146

no, she just wanted an excuse to shitpost /here/

>> No.78614153


>> No.78614422

What'd he say?

>> No.78614472
File: 832 KB, 884x1440, 1698200586622013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love love love my wife

>> No.78614579

he said hi to her as soon as she showed up

>> No.78615001

Based pushy autism, personally, i wouldn't say anything until someone else points it out
I doubt he scared her away though

>> No.78615138

FT start stream already

>> No.78615300

>>78615138 (me)
Gort wait wtf last stream 12 days ago? missed the last stream entirely, fucked up

>> No.78615620
File: 1.38 MB, 1000x1414, 9ct1j5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>78615300 (me)
Going through the vod rn and it's free to play now?? Damn is that why I kept seeing streamers play it?
Fucked up

>> No.78616420

>I doubt he scared her away though
She has been spoonfed plenty of information by now that he is Bratty and his new persona has only decided to start interacting just recently before her hiatus.
It is reasons such as this that she is constantly on edge whenever she tries interacting with us. There is nothing but dishonesty and deceit in her community. For a girl that also has schizo paranoia, you can't even blame her for being scared off.

>> No.78616491

i don't know how she's been spoonfed when i'm not him

>> No.78616580

T is not bratty take your meds

>> No.78616623

>>78616580 (me)
Ok well I mean, he IS bratty, but he's not Bratty

>> No.78616743

INSANECAT she's at 1046 follows now

>> No.78616829

Email anon would have absolutely shared in the insurmountable evidence with her and she has also made a tweet alluding to it around the time that this was a highly discussed topic.
What I fail to understand is why that matters when a simple change in behavior is what is needed, yet he still fails to do so?

>> No.78616935


>> No.78617200

The evidence is circumstantial and he unfortunately satisfies these circumstances. A snake that molts it's skin is still the same snake, after all.

>> No.78617263

Shondo and nina were playing bloons yesterday

>> No.78617288

part of me wants to believe you're not shitposting because it would so much more interesting if you were serious
>inb4 he actually sent schizo rrats to her
good meme if true
dm me it on an alt i wanna see what you've cooked if you really did, i'll wait if you need time to make something

>> No.78617418

What wave did they reach

>> No.78617431

>has only decided to start interacting just recently before her hiatus
>just recently
iirc I started noticing T in December long after Bratty was banned.
I'm Bratty.
T talking to the most active offline chatter counts as evidence now? lol irl

>> No.78617433

super regulars is this real?

>> No.78617553

i want to lubricate my shondo with wd40

>> No.78617572

I am well aware of this tactic that tiresomely demands retreading the same topics and repeating information and that is a game I am refusing to play.

>> No.78617618

I dont know but nina likes it more than fortnight, shondo told nina the bloons lore and she read rape

>> No.78617636

>i have no evidence
you could've just said that.

>> No.78617807

There is no need to retread the same topic that has already been discussed. I am not the one desperately seeking ways to blow the sand over my tracks.

>> No.78617819

It gets boring after a while though, played it for like 2 months straight and moved(mostly) on

>> No.78617906

>shondo keeps checking offline chat during hiatus (or logging into chatterino atleast)
>people notice it and start talking about it
>she stops
>shondo starts using discord
>specifically says she is tired of people trying to interaction bait
>people keep trying to interaction bait
posting emotes in offline chat is one thing, constantly greeting and saying goodbye to her in the discord discussion channel just because she keeps using it is sad

>> No.78617963

then get my name outta your mouth? faggot. I'm not T & if worst comes to worst & I get exposed im just coming back with a fresh identity. you aint getting rid of me.

>> No.78617975

it's the result of her being around so seldomly. if she was actually hanging out regularly people wouldn't lose their shit every time she showed up. again, this is something that works in almost every other community except hers.

>> No.78618055

I am aware of this tactic you are doing as well. Carry on now, faggot.

>> No.78618136

there isnt anything wrong with waiting until she goes offline to say goodnight :<

>> No.78618219

nade nade dewd

>> No.78618236

>it's the result of her being around so seldomly
She wasn't spending hours on discord even during the bean era. The only change between this week and old Shadow is DMs, which again she wasn't replying with a novel.

>> No.78618370

lol youre aware of all my "tactics" yet mistake me for another shogga. pathetic.

>> No.78618399

>greeting her as soon as she comes online is interaction bait
>saying goodnight is interaction bait
or maybe i just think it's cute and funny to do
i never interaction bait, i've always tried to avoid it mostly, if she has an issue she should make that clear cause it's a different issue

>> No.78618482

>greeting her as soon as she comes online is interaction bait
>saying goodnight is interaction bait

>> No.78618507

is void tweeting interaction bait too?

>> No.78618510

There's nothing wrong with interaction bait.

>> No.78618543


>> No.78618595

i would ask her if she is okay with us doing that but then that would also be interaction bait D:

>> No.78618644

Everything is interaction bait, everything is antiing and you gotta call it out.

>> No.78618685

fellas, is wanting to talk to my wife interaction bait and attentionwhoring?

>> No.78618702

saying you love her is anting now???

>> No.78618712

Yes, if you're not me doing it.

>> No.78618720

she just said a few days ago she doesn't like it. you're right it's okay to ask questions but you should moderate it and make sure they have value so it doesn't become fishing for attention, at least that's what i would guess what she wants from what she said

>> No.78618846

if you're an anti then yeah

>> No.78619045

Am i an anti

>> No.78619150

>projecting a headcanon
Retardchama she said to read before replying. That's all.

>> No.78619156

shondo this could quite literally be us

>> No.78619389

everyone except me is an anti

>> No.78619631


>> No.78619645

>please read my messages before you vy for my attention
>super exhausting to have people race to reply to what i say
>some people do this, i notice these things, just talk to me normally
you're the one with a headcanon projectorchama, read what she said yourself

>> No.78619721

Reading comprehension reps. NOW! The whole point of calling out Neosky was that she hates having to repeat herself.

>> No.78619830

>i'm kind of tired of repeating the same messages over and over because someone wants a gram of attention!
>because someone wants a gram of attention
she wasn't just calling him out and the entire time she was talking about people who do that stuff just to get attention (interaction) from her

>> No.78619962

when i want a gram of shondos attention i just post in the thread

>> No.78619970

That's it shondo. Extend the hiatus another month!

>> No.78620074

She retweeted the latest announcement tweet, does that mean anything?

>> No.78620239

She is hungry for more clout. Under 100k views? Pathetic, shondo. No one is even going to show up to your return event.

>> No.78620429

shondo just dm me the link to the secret stream i will be there

>> No.78620596


>> No.78620830

