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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 354 KB, 748x1058, Holo Whore (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
78533396 No.78533396 [Reply] [Original]

>Join Holo
>Immediately start whoring out
Trying to branch into EU was a mistake

>> No.78533449


>> No.78533485

>branch into EU
>at 04.00 CET
>during the Euros
They don't branch into EU.

>> No.78533568

the realisation that if she's a nijisister that loves nothing but homostar male chuubas that she's probably a nijisister from that ""OTHER"" site.

>> No.78533585

Is it just this one so far? Heard bad things about the pink woman too, but the other 2 seem ok.

>> No.78533681

She's currently ignoring the twin dogs tweet btw.

>> No.78533682

So far this one is the only one talking to homos
Pink is concerning but we don’t know what her holo persona will be like for sure yet
Yellow and Green are as far as I know at least, fine, especially green.

>> No.78533723

>She's interacted with more Homos on Twitter than the Holo girls
Please god do not let the rest of this gen be like her, im fine getting cucked behind the scenes but its a different story when they do it openly like this

>> No.78533924

Why do people care about Twitter interactions? As long as they stay clear on stream, they who cares. Shiori did the same shit early on, but has still yet to collab with men thankfully

>> No.78534213

Her going out of her way to ignore FuwaMoco is the surest sign that they hired a fucking homosister
We'll see how long she can keep it up before people start calling her out on it

>> No.78534241
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>inb4 404
holojanny has started cracking things down


>> No.78534315

Doesn't seem to be affecting her channel at all, in fact she's currently the most subbed out of the gen and has likes/views are also alot more than the other girls'

>> No.78534385

She said she's not cunny in anyway but a shortstack. Ironic she's not a shortstack either. Just ironic weeb hires from Reddit.

>> No.78534428

This is legit gross behaviour. What the actual fuck

>> No.78534468

Hololive really having to reach the bottom of the barrel for applications huh, I don't even want to imagine the shit they had to filter through for this gen then probably alot of fuckin trannies

>> No.78534512


>> No.78534542

isn't this the veibae clone that started sounding just like vei one day? or am i thinking about someone else?

>> No.78534712

The only number that matters is ccv, homobeggars throw likes and subs at anyone that will own "le unicorns" but they don't actually watch steams

>> No.78534772

It's crazy that with oversaturated market we still have difficulties in finding good people.

>> No.78534785 [DELETED] 
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>holocucks make fun of Ren because mumei ignored him
>in a roundabout way Ren managed to cuck holofaggots anyway

>> No.78534852

Muslim detected

>> No.78534892

I'm actually Jewish

>> No.78534923

Same shit

>> No.78534960

Sure, in a short run. It's different in a long run.

>> No.78535017

I will now watch your whore.

>> No.78535236

It feels super deliberate, right?
Normally, I'd just ignore her like the other girls that collab with homos, but she's brand new and ignoring all the holo girls tweeting at her and pretty much only interacting with the guys.
I don't think I've ever anti'ed someone before they even debuted, but this bitch is being rude as fuck to her senpai and blatantly chasing cock.
It's really obvious she only joined to get closer to the holostars and doesn't give a shit about hololive or the other girls.
Get this disgusting, ungrateful whore out of here. What a waste of a slot.

>> No.78535332

This is really all it is, well also the fact that she's gonna be the first to debut. As soon as streams actually start, she's gonna be finished. Even if she never collabs with the homos, its too late cause she's thrown out any good will by doing shit like this

>> No.78535404

Yeah, I'm not touching that one. If it's just "normal" replying to homos on twitter I will at least see how girl is and won't dislike her for it, just ignore at worst. But this shit makes her instantly dead on arrival for me, won't even check debut.

>> No.78535486

Its honestly almost as bad as the shit Rex was doing before he joined the company

>> No.78535543

This sums it all pretty well, it's not only saddening but actually sickening...

>> No.78535548

>she posts nsfw art of her character in her patreon
is this the onlyfans equivalent of vtubing?

>> No.78535561

no thats shylily lol

>> No.78535617


Shiori was 2nd place in subs too at the beginning, probly due to all the porn pics of her ruined makeup.

>> No.78535640

She's going out of her way to shout them out. It's not just some being polite to your coworkers and being unaware it's a faux pas thing, she's telegraphing loud and clear that she's going to be making this a core part of her identity.

>> No.78535679

Honestly this desu, if the genders were reversed they would be getting antiposted to hell and back

>> No.78535697

thanks for reminding me to unsub

>> No.78535700

Women having women moments is nothing to be surprised about.
Blame Yagoo for making Holostars even a thing and blame his incompetent management for allowing the Hololive girls to interact with Holostars at all.

>> No.78535708

What makes it worse is that Hololive management sees nothing wrong with it, they are fine letting a new member intentionally sabotage herself like this

>> No.78535724

same sandpeople

>> No.78535728

This might annoy some people, but I don't really care about these girls collabing with Holostars. If you've ever hung out with girls like this who are friendly with guys, you'd know that they're way more fun to be with than the dead fish types who never make any effort to talk with men. This isn't even a cucking scenario, it's completely normal for men and women to be able to be friends/acquaintences with each other without sex.

>> No.78535758
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Literally ignored FuwaMoco but is extremely eager to chase cock.
She's honestly worse than ollie. At least Ollie wanted to be part of hololive and was excited to meet the other girls.

>> No.78535780

Early subscription counts from most gens are pretty funny in hindsight.

>> No.78535810


>> No.78535829


>> No.78535834

Yeah same thing with Kronii I think, turns out people will dip real quick once they get a good idea whether one of the girls will be like this

>> No.78535836

No they still do that normally.

>> No.78535853
File: 226 KB, 463x453, 1681527050893365.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this absolute dumpster fire going to be an EN first in flopping immediately? I can't think of any other HoloEN that sabotaged themselves this hard before debut. After, yes, but I can't think of any who didn't do at least decent in the beginning. Kronii at least waited a while before destroying her reputation, this bitch is going in full bore.
I wonder how she got in, and how long until she's doing Niji numbers or terminated for going menhera in an attempt to "own" her "antis", which is something no other Holo has ever made me wonder before.

>> No.78535858

Red = Kronii of EN4

>> No.78535873

Then go enjoy that shit anywhere else online. You're well catered to, you don't need to drag it in here.

>> No.78535937

Fuck off

>> No.78535968


>> No.78535982

Kronii was once leading her gen in subs by about 100k and consistently got the highest viewership. There's now a chance she's going to be passed to 1m by Bae, who was the runt of Council. And her viewership is about 60% of what it used to be. All because she couldn't stop chasing Pester and Fagni's homo cocks.

>> No.78536000

nah, that's not who i'm thinking of

>> No.78536038

Red bitch got me the most excited out of the 4. Red and Pink are DOA. Let's hope Yellow and Green aren't the same.

>> No.78536071

That's what fleshstreamers/Twitch thots are for, female vtubers are meant to encapsulate the CGDCT trope because its a fantasy. I hate shipping and all that shit, so I can only enjoy this entertainment when it is strictly within these parameters

>> No.78536113

>it's completely normal for men and women to be able to be friends/acquaintences with each other without sex
Yeah, if you’re ugly mutt with no sex appeal of course you won’t be able to get your dick wet but that’s not natural whatsoever

>> No.78536145

is there a qrd of what they've done so far? just got off work

>> No.78536148

So how does that work?
Homocollabing helps one and hinders another.

>> No.78536159

I mean in fairness it's also because of her awful doomer personality.

>> No.78536167

>Kronii fell off because she collabed with homos
>Bae, the biggest homo collaber in EN, might pass her in subs
Did you even realize what you just wrote?

>> No.78536171

Israel oh no.

Shiori and Fwmc got ignored but the others have a reply. We have a legit homosister inside EN

>> No.78536265

If she was just interested in the homos, I wouldn't care. I'd just ignore her.
If she just wanted to send some kind of message to the fans because she hates idol culture, I'd dislike her, but ultimately, I wouldn't care.
But she's purposefully insulting the other girls by ignoring them while jumping at the chance to talk to the stars.
This bitch is ungrateful and doesn't belong in hololive. She's just treating her genmates and the others like irrelevant trash.
Fuck her.

>> No.78536331

Lmao, it certainly does not help bae, she literally cried on stream and was saying that this past year (the year the homos debuted) was the worst of her life, along with complaining how she gets overshadowed by all the other girls

>> No.78536364
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isn't it weird? It's not even just a simple 'nijiniggers are muddying the water' situation either. I've never seen this much disliking toward a hololive gen instantaneously before.

This desperately needs to be seen as a PR lesson. First impressions are fucking everything, and not only has Lizzo Bloodflame already ruined her own first impressions; but the gen itself is already riding on this "EU" mark they've given themselves with the 'innit' branding and then they've set their debut times to the middle of the night in that area of the world.

It's just really weird. It's... phase connect level messy to me.

>> No.78536400

Yeah like at least Ollie/Bae/Kronii etc somewhat cared about the other girls, but this chick just seems to only care about the homos. Probably wanted to join Niji, but realized that was a sinking ship and yolo'd on Holo for clout

>> No.78536416

Protip not hanging around homostars =/= being unable to be entertaining or not having male friends irl. These girls whole life isn't streaming. People just don't wanna see the homos. The homos themselves aren't entertaining. If they were, they wouldn't be so unpopular and we'd be actually watching them too. But that is not what happens.

>> No.78536444

she seems to be doing pretty well for herself and almost has a million subs. I don't know why she'd feel that way

>> No.78536480


>> No.78536498

I'm so glad its unicorn friendly here, so fucking annoying seeing beggars and shit on Twitter/Reddit act like this is some major achievement when in reality its just gonna make her the runt of her gen cause they'll never actually support her lmao

>> No.78536537

>There's nothing wrong
>NijiEN was the same thing and the leaker that got that note to delete everything from anycolor confirmed that there was at least 3 couples between nijiEN members, that means that Mysta and Mika didn't count because Mika was ID
It's a mistake

>> No.78536577

Bae comes to mind cause she openly said Roberu was her oshi, and now even today Bae is still the runt of her gen

>> No.78536606
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>> No.78536611

thats the worst part about sjw culture. they'll tell you you're doing the best thing in the world but then they'll be fucking nowhere to support you when you need it. you think troons got money to spend? theyre too busy spending it on finana

>> No.78536691

she also ignored Bae, Anya, Zeta and Nodoka. guess what your strawmen mean nothing

>> No.78536707

not him but bae has been growing because of her JP collabs ever since moving to japan

>> No.78536828

>the one time we get an actual honest to god english lass
>and it's a fucking SISTER
sorry guys...my bad for dreaming i guess...

>> No.78536840

Cover is usually REALLY good at picking women that don't act catty, form cliques, or cause fights with the other talents. Of the 63 women in hololive, it's extremely rare to ever see any of them openly fight or disrespect the others.
But it's clear this bitch is purposefully ignoring FuwaMoco because she's obsessed with the stars and they don't acknowledge them.
This whore does not belong in hololive. You can already tell she's going to cause fights and problems.

>> No.78536853

Oga is based though.

>> No.78536883

Ain't it simpler to say Mumei and IRyS both beat them to 1 million?

>> No.78536896
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ackshually, twitter likes count as support, chud

>> No.78536913

Yeah? How many stars did she ignore?

>> No.78536942

all english women are slags

>> No.78536994

>meanwhile the runt of promise is still the one member who has never interacted with males

>> No.78536995

If the rrat about her RM is true, then she's ignoring FuwaMoco and Shiori on purpose because she thinks they aren't talented and because of that, have to pander to unicorns, and only replied to Biboo and Nerissa who are talented at something and don't really need a unicorn fanbase.

>> No.78537011

It's a good experiment to see how much it can affect someone's channel off the bat.

>> No.78537038

>so how does that work
reluctance in doing male collabs, even the barbie watchalong felt forced
collabs with JPs
focus on gaming and idol activities
lowered her pitch, less screechy (still screechy tho)
it's a series of things

>> No.78537041

I bet she's some pajeet feminist bitch.

>> No.78537054

Because Bae is still the runt of her gen, yes she still gets decent numbers and has a large sub count but there is going to be feelings of inadequacy comparing herself to her genmates and seeing just how much bigger they are to her

>> No.78537066

I believe this rrat.

>> No.78537094
File: 31 KB, 512x429, BDCEF6EF-D771-470E-A405-0CD92DCE8DF2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The day of reckoning will come throughout the world.

>> No.78537102
File: 46 KB, 360x360, Posting False Info [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fpvympz.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cover is usually REALLY good at picking women that don't act catty, form cliques
>form cliques

>> No.78537106

Nice new hire lol.

>> No.78537121

>Rin is british and a huge stars fag
>Liz is a brit and a huge stars fag
british girls love holostars

>> No.78537147

Why do they even fucking hire these people.

>> No.78537157

>look at all these other women she ignored
that makes the "strawman" more real you idiot

>> No.78537201

They encourage it actually.

>> No.78537271

how does holo management fuck up this bad? phase is less cucked than this

>> No.78537280

>pander to unicorns

>> No.78537286

Its just virtue signaling, these people get off on being part of the culture war and "owning" the bad guys for their minute of internet fame. But as soon as the storm subsides, they are gone because they don't actually care. Its exactly what's happening in entertainment in general, trying to appeal to these freaks when they don't actually support said thing and just want to complain about dumb shit that was never brought up back in the day

>> No.78537295

Are those talents relevant to their literal lore and supposedly "mission"? They've greeted almost every talent other than the 2 which they supposed to catch. A little banter or greeting like her genmates did would've suffice. But no, let's ignore the 2 who don't actively entertain homobeggars.

>> No.78537313

Unicorn meltdown currently in effect lmao. Love to see it.

>> No.78537328

As far as I saw, no one knows who her roommate might be yet because there weren't any graduations of british vtubers around the time the other two graduated except for a couple that ended up in other corpos.
So what rrat are you talking about?

>> No.78537330

1) you're colorblind
2) you're retarded

>> No.78537402
File: 40 KB, 853x163, 1709774709731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doxsitesisters are seething and they haven't even debuted yet

>> No.78537405

Next you'll tell me everyone with 1m subs actually has 1m active live viewers because dead subs aren't a thing.

>> No.78537410

British people are literally some of the most cucked around, they forsake their history of being one of the largest empires in the world cause "le colonialism bad." Now England is just Pajeet central of EU

>> No.78537417

>The only number that matters is ccv,
God /#/chimps are so delusional its funny

>> No.78537420

yeah this is indefensible

>> No.78537428

>she literally cried on stream and was saying that this past year was the worst
She sure did say that but there wasn't any real connecti-
>Along with complaining how she gera overshadowed by all the other girls
Oh so you were just making stuffs up then kek. Anon that is Bae, not 2021 Kiara.

>> No.78537449

Bae's homo collabs have been inoffensive and kept far from her channel as the primary content especially now a days. Even the bait sc from today was mostly dodged with a one sentence acknowledgement and a direct tangent to how her friends do pole dancing

>> No.78537461

You'll all be posting Goslings for her this time next month when she does a karaoke or something. It's the same shit every time.

>> No.78537466

This is HoloEN management though, it was such a shitshow when omega was there that we had to get a jap to fix things

>> No.78537473

The EU shitposting is such a dumb angle
Where did it even come from

>> No.78537488

Gura would rather hang out with promise than her own gen.
Kiara would prefer to be by herself in a dead timezone for 4 years rather than waking up earlier to actually have people to collab with. Meanwhile 14/15 of EN stream in a 5 hour range timeslot that's completely opposite of her.
The cliques are there, you just need to open your eyes.

>> No.78537516

I'm pretty sure cliques still do happen in Hololive, its just that they are smart about not airing their dirty laundry against each other because its probably contractually against speaking bad in any way about their coworkers even implying

>> No.78537523

Is this what we deserve?
Is this Justice?

>> No.78537535

>Homocock lover

The only downside to rin other than being a pansexual

>> No.78537551

>Another confirmed /here/
It just doesnt stop

>Be whore
>Apply to idol company

>> No.78537559
File: 242 KB, 506x866, aiiieee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw a holomem is straight

>> No.78537574

She's just farming subs with shorts karaoke. Her viewership is still runt tier. There certainly was no spike in subs/views from doing homo collabs.

>> No.78537601

For better or worse, distinctions like "male collaber" and "unicorn" aren't in Cover's lexicon, leading to situations like FuwaMoco's where they had to be dead silent while the stars were onscreen.

>> No.78537624

People naturally become good friends with a small number of people. Having a usual group of friends that do things together is not what a clique is. A clique in this context would be if one of those groups of friends started excluding or bullying members that weren't in their group. That doesn't happen in hololive that anyone knows of.

>> No.78537697

We won't know anything about RM stuff with her until we hear her voice, only real confirmed one is the pink woman cause she makes it blatant even without hearing her voice

>> No.78537743

Tbf retards on the management adding holostars in that video did not help at all. They have their own channel yet they still manage to crawl in that live stream. Talking about cornering the doggos..

>> No.78537747

Women hahahaha

>> No.78537753

Bae has never said this btw

>> No.78537756

I'm honestly ok with her being straight. At least she keeps her interactions with males more or less normal, unlike the pink Onlyfansesque artist

>> No.78537792

Maybe its a containment thing, like have all the beggars and shit have their 1 or even 2 members to congregate around while the rest are able to enjoy their unicorn/gachi audience

>> No.78537811

>But no, let's ignore the 2 who don't actively entertain homobeggars.
yes, she answered to the likes of Bibou and Nerissa who are totally pro-males RUMAO

>> No.78537816

Bae did said it. Go get more reps anon.

>> No.78537822

>Biboo talented at.... playing vidya (citation needed)
>FWMC, LITERAL idols, aren't.
lolmao. already a dumpster fire

>> No.78537956

Sure, post when she said it then
Except you can't because you're just parroting second hand knowledge

>> No.78537964

Better if they didn't exist at all.

>> No.78537992
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I want to kill everyone with an opinion about this.

>> No.78537995

Because no one cares except for the schizos here

>> No.78538010

>nijisister that loves nothing but homostar
lol,lmao even

>> No.78538079

Hell its even more profound in JP. Gen 2 doesn't do shit cause they have their cliques like Subaru with the gamers crowd and Luna/Choco/Botan, gen 4 kind of does their own thing separately except Towa who is not as bad as Laplus but still in the same region.

>> No.78538132


NTA but

>Rissa and biboo no interaction whatsoever
>Replied in just minutes

>Shiori and FWMC who BTFO'd and filtered the homobeggars
>15 hours of no reply and counting.

You can't make this shit up. You're only proving the unicorn anon right.

>> No.78538206

That whole situation is still hilarious, never have I ever seen sisters/beggars get that riled up before because there was no reaction to the boys from a Holo

>> No.78538214

thanks shirou

>> No.78538269

Literally on her debut stream

>> No.78538273

2/4 already dead, new Gen looks grim

>> No.78538293

it's simple, anon. she answered to most of them then se went to sleep and now have more new things to look at her twitter

>> No.78538394

How low has cover fallen holy shit

>> No.78538400
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>Come back after two years
>/vt/ full of threads for western normalfag e-thots disguising themselves as vtubers
>They even managed to infiltrate Hololive and take it over
Coming back here was a mistake...

>> No.78538462

Timestamp the moment she called him her oshi during her debut stream (she didn't so this is not possible)

>> No.78538555

Fucking disgusting.

>> No.78538606
File: 680 KB, 2000x3000, ooinaru_ocha-1634554895369117696-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gets to talk with Oga
I'm so jealous...

>> No.78538604

okay sisters, now you didnt even put any effort

>> No.78538629

>she conveniently fell asleep when fwmc and shiori replied to her then conveniently woke up several minutes later when the homos replied to her to reply back

>> No.78538639
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truth, it makes people just getting into the hobby think its full of retarded incel neets, no one bats an eye when a female singer duets with a man one, i hope the ''no men'' thing goes the way of the ''dont talk about your past life'' shit

>> No.78538657

She replied to a homo once and still gets cuckposted relentlessly and somehow her fans are seen as unicorns for not liking it. The homo fanbase has gone to shit by doing what only antis were supposed to do.

>> No.78538677

For the easy money, dude

>> No.78538723

>and she purposely didn't reply to other holos just to trick (you)
what a bitch

>> No.78538845

>>FWMC, LITERAL idols, aren't.
They grinded for 12 years and never found a lick of success until the blue dorito. So they aren't really that good.

>> No.78538928

Is she the kindred one?
Get her away from my majin.

>> No.78538993

Get that harlot away from my Oga.

>> No.78539006

>falseflagging SEAnigs that hololive has fallen because one of the girls draws porn of herself
I mean it's not like they have had a JP that tittyfucks dildos for 5 years now

>> No.78539024


>> No.78539036

why samefagging?

>> No.78539063

retarded logic, if that was true then hololive would not have grown as big as they are now and kurosanji would've been the more popular corpo.

>> No.78539128

kurosanji failed because of retarded corpo decisions and things that should have gone to HR, not because of cross gender collabs

>> No.78539285

So not only are you implying that nijiEN was dominating until the Selen drama, you're also suggesting nijiJP is currently the top corpo in Japan? Amazing brain damage.

>> No.78539301

They did cross gender collabs way before they started producing yabs every other day and it didn't make them grow any faster than hololive

>> No.78539304

Ok sis

>> No.78539335

Nice gaslighting sister, guess you missed her reply to the Niji griefer and how she also deleted it

>> No.78539481

>muh unicorns
Homocollabers and interacting with males is nothing new in hololive. And despite what you dumb bitches think, the talents that collab with guys are not ganged up on and harrassed by fans that don't want homos there. The worst that happens is that they're called a whore in some thread on 4chan. They weren't even harrassed back when Mori, Kronii, and Bae were spamming homo collabs.
But this is different. This woman's deliberately going out of her way to disrespect her seniors and is completely ignoring the ones that don't collab with guys.
She's a toxic, petty bitch and she doesn't belong in hololive if she can't be polite. If this is how she plans on behaving and is going to treat the other talents that she disagrees with this way, then she needs to go.
Hololive has always been very peaceful between talent. There is no fucking way fans are going to let some arrogant narcissistic whore ruin everything.

>> No.78539522

bro everyone is calling this shit out, no one wants twitch thots in hololive

>> No.78539567

Holopro love!

>> No.78539586

But they were? They had a solid fanbase and about to release something big this year though.

>> No.78539653

She doesn't even have viewers you retard she hasn't debuted yet

>> No.78539677

How do you explain the discrepancy between homos and holos viewership? It's just a coincidence despite the homos getting shilled a shitton, they are lucky to get over 1k viewers and their irl events are filled with women? Or can you just admit yes most the majority male viewership of hololive is there for the women? It's not incel behavior to have a preference and not want to watch fujobait males.

>> No.78539733

Your analogy falls apart assuming the female singer has a career outside of interacting with male singers.

>> No.78539779
File: 55 KB, 209x178, 1704311385690706.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw it's revenge for that time when the doggos ignored the homos

>> No.78539885

you don't know what a strawman is, you just supported his argument

>> No.78540098

Now unfollow the homos and you'll be on the right path. Joining Hololive is a great opportunity to wash away the sins of the past and become a better person.

>> No.78540125

Having friends you prefer or liking someone more than others is not a clique, retard. It only becomes a clique when they start ostracizing other members or treating the members who aren't in the friend group poorly.
Holos don't even exclude the others or do petty, passive-aggressive shit to the ones they don't hang out with much.
There are almost 70 girls in hololive. Some of them are better friends and closer to each other than they are with others. That's not what a clique is. You expecting all of them to be extremely close and best friends with all the others is fucking retarded.

>> No.78540248

Red holos are always bad. Pinks are a coinflip. Green is a massive whore ticking time bomb. This has been shown to be true in every scenario.
Cover gave out the color code, and you guys haven't caught up yet.

>> No.78540311
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You know only this place manages to throw a fit over Oga, the one star who is relatively harmless.

You all need help.

>> No.78540383

Who said anything about her viewers, you stupid cunt?
I'm talking about hololive fans in general and the way this bitch is being rude to the the other girls by deliberately ignoring the ones that don't collab with males while instantly replying to every tweet from a holostar.

>> No.78540385

and that argument isn't baseless shit because she answered Nerissa but ignored Bae, right?

>> No.78540399

im pretty sure irys got superchats telling her to stop collabing with kronii because she was a homocollaber

>> No.78540405

Of course it's different from before, unicorns being loud and obnoxious changed things for the worse. FWMC doing their little mute stunt pretty much acknowledged that type of fan so I would say FWMC started it. But whatever, what Elizabeth is doing is smart because this way she can filter her fanbase before she even debuts. It's cleaner that way and more people should be grateful they didn't waste any time watching someone they'd end up not liking.

Personally though, I agree she shouldn't ignore her colleagues like that.

>> No.78540403

And roberu, that guy has mea

>> No.78540506

>Filters fanbase
>Gets left with homobeggars who don't watch stream.

More like a retarded move.

>> No.78540525

Yeah, from known troll Babski. He's made it his mission to get banned from every chat in HoloEN.

>> No.78540558

You have outlier schizos like that bugeyed slav or gabe but otherwise people with a problem with it overwhelmingly move on. Mass unicorn harrassment/anti'ing of girls who homocollab is a sister myth, it has never happened.

>> No.78540575

Literally no one is going to be offended by this except the weirdos here. They're incredibly small, casual Twitter interactions most fans aren't even going to see.

>> No.78540580

This isn't about her interacting with stars. This is about her ignoring her seniors and disrespecting the other girls that don't interact with stars like a petty cunt.

>> No.78540585
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>Green is a massive whore ticking time bomb
That is a false statement.

>> No.78540629

Cecilia is the only CGDCT approved member.

>> No.78540645

It's almost like the unicorns here are worthless

>> No.78540651

She's just like me. Go get that dick.

>> No.78540715

I am now a whore fan

>> No.78540718

ccv matters the least by every metric

>> No.78540722

It's still harassment.
>harassment never happened
>MASS harassment never happened
hmm. Also I'm pretty sure Babski never moved on and he's still donating a shitload of money to IRyS lol.

>> No.78540763

Only one that sabotaged themselves before debut, but not as grim as debut ReGloss (yet).

>> No.78540811

And you think that listing a couple of counter examples where some schizo speaks up to their face somehow contradicts what I said? Why exactly do you think these outliers are indicative of how the overwhelming majority of fans that do not like stars behave when that is clearly not the case?

>> No.78540881

>already interacting with big black holostar
Wtf I thought Jap (Gura according to schizos) had fixed the homo problem already

>> No.78540882

I'm willing to give the pink one a chance if she can keep her cocklust off of her streams and Hololive account, but the red one is pretty much dead to me already

>> No.78540894
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I'm glad it's revealed the people obsessed with cuckposting are actually homofans and not unicorns. Great fanbase to appeal to.

>> No.78540908

You're the one who said there was no harassment when it's clearly not the case.

>> No.78541105

Music same buff as Mori

>> No.78541139
File: 396 KB, 753x749, 1697946177797392.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's almost if if unicorns are a screechy minority who don't actually donate or buy merch and the only reason they're acknowledged at all is because it's fun to mock them.
But clearly that could never be the case. Just look at galaxy-brainers like OP.

>> No.78541178

isnt she asexual? she wont fuck no one

>> No.78541215

Yes she is a genius, it’s smart that she is filtering out the fans that watch streams and give SCs, smart move, she might be the gura killer

>> No.78541246

The reason you're a dumb cunt is because you keep focusing back on the fans. That's not what this is about. She isn't filtering fans. She is filtering hololive itself by disrespecting the other talent, especially her seniors. That's unacceptable, and whatever way she treats her fans or whatever her intentions are to cultivate a specific type of fanbase is completely irrelevant.
You do not join a company like this and then begin treating the ithers like trash.
The fact you keep bringing this back to "unicorns vs non-unicorns" is ridiculous and it shows how fucking braindead you are.

>> No.78541250

i love it when girls are passive agressive towards each other. reminds me of some mean girls shit

>> No.78541274

Yeah mb. I don't give a shit eitherway. Whoever made all these fucking gender should rope him/herself

>> No.78541303

oy vey

>> No.78541349

they're influential to get people like Kronii to completely change course

>> No.78541368
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>> No.78541412

KEK the seethe is real, they haven't even debut yet

>> No.78541418

I remember this board getting all worked up about how Altare was going to get tons of shit in his first stream after the Ame karaoke thing, and there was like one person who sent a Superchat, and Altare just ignored it. People who read Catalog all the time really lose sight of how small and petty all of this actually is.

>> No.78541460

She got access to her corpo account and her first order of business wasn't to interact with fans, her gen mates or branch mates. She's just talking to the homos, and even going out of her way to reply to hours long tweets that nobody would've seen appear on their timelines naturally. She's 100% doing this intentionally. I guess at least it's good shes driving everyone off early but its sad for two reasons:
>1. She stole the opportunity from someone more deserving or that would do something better with it
>2. Shes dragging down her whole gen
Even if the others didn't have any problems (pink cat already bad) her actions will still impact her genmates, specially during collabs or if she tries to pull a Bae and drag a nonhomo collaber genmate into a homo collab.

>> No.78541470

>It's still harassment.
One person sending an angry superchat is not indicative of a culture of mass harrassment against talents by aggrieved fans. You might like to think that exceptions prove rules, but that's not how real life works.

>> No.78541525

They are big donators and streams watchers. She will still survive just fine because hololive audience is huge. As long as she doesn't go retarded on gachis, then she'll have a problem. Let's not pretend many girls in ID aren't lagging behind hardcore, far less for the guys themselves.

>> No.78541535

western women

>> No.78541634

The initial statement implied there was no harassment, that's a lie. I do not care for you moving the goalposts.

>> No.78541681

Sure, and I suppose if I were to say, "humans have ten fingers", you'd bring up cases where people have been born with nine or 11 fingers and say I was wrong, correct?

>> No.78541692

>she acknowledge males

Take your meds; incel kun

>> No.78541770

Your false equivalence means nothing to me.

>> No.78542033

People always say actual unicorns just leave silently or ignore homos. There's a lot of larpers who do it for drama while not caring just to cause problems. Beggars on the opposite side are way more vocal and antagonistic to holos who avoid the homos in public places. See the thousands of nijifags and homofags coming out to shit on fwmc under an official youtube video for not saying anything for a few seconds.

>> No.78542043

Stop browsing the catalog for a day anon

>> No.78542058

>disrespecring muh seniors
Man, this sounds a whole lot like nijiniggers obsessing with seniority and pecking order, I wonder why....

>> No.78542083

Is that why she replied to a 12 hours old unrelated homo post?

>> No.78542147

Yeah sure tell me anon, How are cover stocks going?

>> No.78542198

There is a reason nobody else does it, tranny.

>> No.78542243

Incorrect. I never said there was NO harassment. I specifically stated they do not get harrassed the way people like you like to portray.
And in fact, it is still correct to say that generally speaking, they do not get harrassed. Very few people ever even bring it up. The overwhelming majority of people upset by male interaction simply leave.
When someone says, "I have to work all day today", they do not literally mean they will be laboring every second of the day. They are speaking in qualitative, generalized terms about the nature of their situation. It is the same here.
Learn to read and write English.

>> No.78542294

Why did she do it?

>> No.78542365


Unicorns never fail to deliver good content

>> No.78542551

>"the worst that happens is that they're called a whore in some thread on 4chan".

>> No.78542561

melu sex

>> No.78542592

Yours is honestly a baffling post. You're both accusing me of being a nijinigger while also saying that only nijisanji cares about respect or politeness in the workplace? Neither of those assertions are true and the state of their EN branch proves the latter.
Have you never worked in a single company or organization your entire life?
Generally, it's not very smart to insult those that have been working there longer than you or hold positions higher than yours.

>> No.78542728

Based side-taker. Fence-sitters get the rope.

>> No.78542818

I would say that a bunch of people coming together on 4chan to call you a whore is probably worse than someone paying you hundreds of dollars to ask you not to collab with someone they don't like.
At least in one scenario, you get paid.

>> No.78543041

UniGODS come home

>> No.78543066

We won. (again)

>> No.78543075

fuck those annoying cunts, always with the forced baubau shit, i wish they didn't collabed with anyone

>> No.78543090

Jesus Christ

>> No.78543129
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I don't know why I even bother

>> No.78543174

every vtuber with more than 10 viewers gets called a whore on 4chan

>> No.78543181
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>> No.78543321

she changed her course because her boyfriend graduated retard

>> No.78543635

Then you have holostars fans being antis about fwmc on reddit, youtube, twitter where normal non schizos can see it

>> No.78543666

>pro-males he said
>literally one of the Advent members to NEVER interact with a Homo, NEVER to collab with them either
roru roru

>> No.78543777

Babudon is dead...

>> No.78543778

It's sad really, I was hyped up when they announced gen4 but now seeing this shit just completely zeroed my interest in all of gen4. I'm just going to stick with Advent and see how the new gen are like when they inevitably collab

>> No.78544233

She's based

>> No.78544274

You retards have been fighting about the homo shit for 2 years straight since Tempus debuted. At this point who cares? Half of EN and most of ID has collabed with the holostars. If you're that autistic just watch the chuubas that don't and ignore the ones that do. At least 1 of Justice will probably not fuck with them.

Jesus you people are fucking idiots

>> No.78544751

Advent was a giant fluke, Holo EN is just gonna get whorier and whorier from here on out.

Abondon ship while you still can.

I wouldnt be surprised if Justice doesnt form a clique and corrupt Advent at some point because they are all just giant whores who lust after the homos and shut out anyone that doesnt.

Some of Advent might be bummed to not be able to be proper senpai when Justice shuns them until they start collabing with males.

Nerissa is an easy first target to whore out, then maybe Shiori? Biboo would be Extreme hard mode and Fuwamoco would never. Could divide Advent forever.

>> No.78544939

Unsubscribing before their debut. A new record for me. Bitch thinks this is Nijisanji or some shit. Probably hardly knows any Holo lore.

>> No.78545086

oh neat, an actual schizo

>> No.78545104

Scratch that, I'm unsubbing from 2 before they debut. Skank ass hoes.

>> No.78545189

Fuck you and go kill yourself little bitch ass cuck

>> No.78545268

>What makes it worse is that Hololive management sees nothing wrong with it
Cover did heavily pander to unicorns and than moved to HoloPro unity when they got enough casual fans. Still if a steak house starts promoting their vegan salad bar while management insults the customers for ordering meat there is no reason to get angry with the waiters. Yagoo has made it clear what he thinks about unicorns and that he wants to destroy the wall between Hololive and Holostars.

>> No.78545340

Why would you sub in the first place? Its retarded IMO, its like pre-ordering a game, and just like I'll never do that again with games I'll never sub pre-debut. Took me months to sub to Advent.

To many cases of post debut whore-outs, kinda crazy we are at pre-debut whore outs now. Jesus.

>> No.78545495

Well a pre-order costs money, a sub costs nothing.

>> No.78545535

Oof.... there goes your future merch sales and SC.,however, she might be the exception, the next Suisei/FBK/Mori/ and be able to withstand the powerful defuff.

>> No.78545690

Hololive has a lot of impact and influence because of its large fanbase and yet all niggers do is shake, scream, and cry at the thought of obese women having a say over their hobby. I will never understand the lack of resolve to push out what you don't like and demand changes in a company that is only standing because you invested time and money into them in the first place.

>> No.78545826

That's why I was worried about Niji EN falling off a cliff, they were the perfect containment for whores like these, imagine a timeline where we got Finana and Enna for Hololive, this is our reality now.

>> No.78545921

Yes-men will be the death of this company, yeah, everyone with a brain is aware of this
Probably the reason why calling yes-men yes-men is a bannable offense in hololive global

>> No.78546408

Jap / Gura cannot go against Yagoo's order no matter how much /vt/ wishes it.

>> No.78546608

It doesn't have to be, is my point. It sounds like a majority of fans, while they might not care about certain interactions, might be incited if it hurts their hobby. You'd think with that possibility there would be more action to tell management this will not work, and no one wants it, before it's too late

>> No.78546703

I don't wish Yagoo see this, but his wife and kids. Then I want him to personally tell me to get hyped about this branch.

>> No.78546819

Tourists have no emotional investment into hololive like us real fans do and tourists are now the bigger demographic
Nobody will speak out because nobody cares enough to do so

>> No.78547066
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>loud minority

>> No.78547094

It's hilarious how many hundreds of thousands of posts /#/ and the catalogue have posted about this but the actual homo threads are just minding their own business and don't give a shit.

>> No.78547177

I mean it's lose-lose on their part kek

>> No.78547256

Oga is cool, you shut your whore mouth.

>> No.78547356

Yellow is an ironic ethot, not a cunny.

>> No.78547444

Is this the first legit whore in Hololive?
Even as horny as Marine is she plays it safe by always directing her horniness towards her viewers. And all the other homocollabers are pretty respectful even in their PLs. But this one is the first one that is a full blown Twitch thot let's go... Or maybe worse? Because you never see the likes of Shylily doing stuff like this. Her horniness is always reserved for her viewers.

>> No.78547527

Somehow Niji managed to nab Twisty instead. Fuck this shit. I love Twisty but can't support her because she's in shitty corpo. Meanwhile good corpo Hololive is hiring whores. I'm glad we can simply keep watching old talents like JPs, Gura and Diamond Dogs.

>> No.78547830


>> No.78547964

you can bet the only reason she deleted it is because Niji-, I mean, Kurosanji bad. Women are suckers for validation and Kurosanji is a no-no now.

>> No.78548132
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>They encourage it actually.

>> No.78548229
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>state-enforced homobegging

>> No.78548414
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>> No.78548647

>and tourists are now the bigger demographic
They aren't a paying demographic. They don't even watch streams. They're worthless, only good for dead sub count.

>> No.78549050

Anon, the normies blow it out of proportion on the mainstream sites lmao. Literal hundreds of thousands up to millions of viewers.
Most Holofans don't like whores, especially these Niji adjacent whores.

>> No.78549175
File: 309 KB, 1080x1764, Screenshot_20240619_180438_X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You people are either blind or morons









>> No.78549180

That shit is gross wtf

>> No.78549229

I'll wait until the collab ban is lifted, but she's already on her last straw.

>> No.78549305
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She straight up hates FWMC and Shiori LMAO

>> No.78549339


>> No.78549432

>There is no fucking way fans are going to let some arrogant narcissistic whore ruin everything.
Kiara has been in hololive for 4 years now though?

>> No.78549513


>> No.78549592


>> No.78549639

This bitch is everything the retards here said Mori would be AND MORE
Jesus fucking Christ

>> No.78549648

>Yagoo has made it clear what he thinks about unicorns and that he wants to destroy the wall between Hololive and Holostars
i dont think what he thinks matters when those attempts are met by pushbacks from both the talents and the fans alike

>> No.78549825

It's amazing how bent out of shape some of y'all are getting over tweets lmfao.

Shit would be entertaining if it wasn't so pathetic.

>> No.78549880
File: 664 KB, 1281x747, 1711700589074571.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this happens because beggars are loud and you people dont fight back
one single comment against it equals the effot of 100 beggars

>> No.78549892

Stop astroturfing, whore

>> No.78549901

>It's amazing how bent out of shape some of y'all are getting over tweets lmfao.
Wait till we can clip it and put it on our channels kek.

>> No.78549912
File: 478 KB, 762x713, 1703298554032503.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pretty much only interacting with the guys
Interesting. Let me check on that for you.
HoloJP- 0/0
HoloID- 1/1

Well, you're wrong, but the ratio is in the boys favor for sure, since so little of them attempted to greet her publicly, and she missed two girls. She is doing a lot of Nerissa interactions though, everyone else only got one. Seems normal to me.

>> No.78549924

Desperate for a yab, BrownVTM? When will you hang yourself? After the 6 millionth ban?

>> No.78549936

seems like she only hates fwmc and shiori kek >>78549305

>> No.78549992
File: 94 KB, 290x333, 1447117521455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>FWMC doing their little mute stunt pretty much acknowledged that type of fan so I would say FWMC started it.

...homobeggars were ACTUALLY offended by that. That isn't just a bit.

>> No.78550035

It's incomprehensible to everyone /here., but for some reason chicks really dig that guy. I'm not even a stars hater, but I couldn't make it through more than five minutes of his debut. When I later visited my sister she was all
>Wasn't he the greatest?!

>> No.78550103

i understand the doggos but wtf did shiori do to her? people always hate shiori for no reason...

>> No.78550165

These people never give money.

>> No.78550200

I will never understand women.

>> No.78550235

Schizophrenics believe this.

>> No.78550254

Someone give these niggas a swirlie and push them in lockers holy shit lmfao

>> No.78550335


>> No.78550374

Homobeggars hate her because she never collabed with homos even though they set her up as homocollabing queen.

They made up unrealistic expectations about her and blame her for betraying those expectations. Homobeggars are like nijisisters (there's a lot of overlap between two, actually).

>> No.78550375

You thought otherwise? They cried for months on end and still anti FWMC to this very day because of it.

>> No.78550460

>Nijisister HATES the unicorn friendly GFEtubers
Many many such cases

>> No.78550465

she didnt apply

>> No.78550498

You muck-swallowers keep bringing up Noel,, but she’s never once bled her rm activities into her career in anything but perhaps HoloSummer, the mildest of all things. Every single time with you faggots, fuck.

>> No.78550586

So does anyone have the picture with her nipples?

>> No.78550693

the point is some won't even give the panther a chance, while noel's proven herself

>> No.78550707

You can see it right there. Her clitoris is Luca shaped btw.

>> No.78550784
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>> No.78550830

stunning and brave

>> No.78550884

growing brand vs established brand
people have expectations now

>> No.78550950

During the homo civil war last year. There was the Gura Clique for CGDCTs and the Mori clique to push the Nijification of HoloEN.
This ended when the homos in Mori's clique all fucked off causing the Mori clique to collapse and Mori dropping most homo interactions after she was the vanguard for forcing them when HomoEN debuted.

>> No.78551006

I’d gladly give her a chance if she didn’t seem like Bae to the power of ten right now.

>> No.78551016

Now show yt subscription status.

>> No.78551203

>It feels super deliberate, right?
Yes, it was Yagoo's master plan all along, YOU WILL WATCH DA BOIZ, holochuds, because everything with a blue dorito has a seal of approval, that's why you watch only holo, right?

>> No.78551266

And what RM activity did Elizabeth or Roari bleed into their Holo account, you stupid fuck? They haven't even debuted yet. Anons are calling them whores when JP have more whores than EN has members.

>Verification not required.

>> No.78551322

This is so obviously deliberate lol. She even went back to the tweet to respond to ririka 14 hours later while still ignoring them.

>> No.78551439

Have any of the other members of Justice ignored Advent thus far?

>> No.78551534

Somebody should punch her in the face methinks

>> No.78551584

>Subtle (It's actually blatant) Holo vs Holo

>> No.78551745

Catalog is 50% holo vs holo

>> No.78551797

She's obviously malicious you retarded brainwashed yes-man faggot

>> No.78552098
File: 303 KB, 651x543, shondo death scream[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fyg25dm.ogg].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not even going to watch the debuts. The entire gen is dead to me. I'll be busy with Elden Ring anyways. I took for granted how amazing Advent was.

>> No.78552254


>> No.78552314

No. They all responded. Pink girl even has retweeted fan art of them together and people were shitting themselves about her.

>> No.78552406

Saving this for the grudge post by the way you fucking faggot
hololive will die because of people like you letting whores slip through auditions and sabotaging everything while you say nothing and perpetually make excuses for them

>> No.78552543

>people like you you letting whores slip through auditions
they got hired months ago, you cant do shit

>> No.78552566

>They made up unrealistic expectations about her and blame her for betraying those expectations.
Hilarious post

>> No.78552641

Then make her accountable now that she's here and being a dumb bitch.

>> No.78552686

rumao shondo

>> No.78552719

2 more weeks you god damned silly billy retard.

>> No.78552764

3 more days actually

>> No.78552824

My favorite clip. Respect shondo.

>> No.78552852

I love laughing at Eastern Euro/Brown SEAtards/Mixed race Amerimutts like you.

>> No.78552875

>I took for granted how amazing Advent was.
I still don't get why people act like Advent is the best thing ever
I got bored of them after 2 months flat and went back to JP

>> No.78552950

Nigga you just listed every possible time zone, what are you, Martian?

>> No.78553165

Because its successful. They never think about 'how' and 'why' is it successful? 'Why is Cover doing better than the competition?

To them. Cover has always been this popular thing that magically gets money.

Why is Cover performing better than their competitors? Sorcery, magic, they made a blue Dorito logo.

>> No.78553181

I'm out of this Universe, anon. Braindead NIGGA ZOOMIE. No wonder this shit feels miserable now, mixed race drama obsessed broccoli hairs like you found it.

>> No.78553193

It has been proven time and time again that no group is as pro homo as SEA, Nguyen.

>> No.78553274

Well you see I can't learn Japanese.

>> No.78553350

Not with that attitude

>> No.78553362

I'm a White man, Goldstein.

>> No.78553452

>/pol/nigger and a homobeggar
Are you mentally retarded? The Goldsteins are with the side you're on

>> No.78553534

Then this has to be intentional.

>> No.78553575


>> No.78553623

>Is it out of "our" system now
No you dumb bitch I'm the one that's supposed to scream and freak out. Your menhera moment doesn't speak for mine

>> No.78553834

Oh really? You think so?

>> No.78553847

>Jews are pushing LE HOMOBEGGING
You fucking wish LMFAO. I didn't know Jews were pushing heterosexuality on to me and not the whole you know, anti-White and tranny fag propagandizing they've been doing since the end of WW2. Go back unironic homo lover.

>> No.78554024
File: 537 KB, 820x999, 1713843016572756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goldbullet supports troons and said so on stream you fucking dumbass
Most of EN stars are probably shitlibs too
EN star fans are overwhelmingly either libshit teenage girls or troons
You're on the wrong side, come back here, you've lost your way

>> No.78554110

Never forget that Regis had to support “the cause”.

>> No.78554153
File: 34 KB, 575x192, 1692296094323322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78554421

You are all retarded. It is the investors who are pushing this shit. Kill all investors.

>> No.78554552
File: 127 KB, 796x678, 1686678572757094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jews hate Vtubing, why do you think Aviel gets Mossad money and is pushing his faggot OUR CONTRACTS ARE BETTER THAN THE REST AND WE HAVE HAD 6 GORILLION TALENTS COME TO US trash? I don't give a fuck about gaybullet being an actual faggot, I give zero fucks about "LE SUPPORT THE CAUSE" I give zero fucks about Ruzes one bad anime take and I give zero fucks about the supposed fandom you reference. How much power do they have? Close to none. What is the actual reality and not some warped sense of reality terminally online faggots like you have? SHE REPLIED TO JURARD, YOU'RE A KEK LE KEK KEK CUUUUUUUUUUCCCKKK. Obsessed faggots is what you are. You won't do shit because you won't put in the work to get into positions of power at COVER. Oh bro how do I get rid of these people I don't like!?!? I'll complain online! Fucking retard.

>> No.78554670

>How much power do they have? Close to none.
They will gain it because people like you keep sitting on the fence
This is why we lose

>> No.78554801

I'm not sitting on the fence because I want ineffectual retards like you that saw a chance to be in HoloSTARS and waved it away to be a retard that sits safe in their rooms gone.

>> No.78554883

>that little bit when mococo cried after that banter with shiori was real
>the doggos are stressed because of the new girl is bullying them
wtf no fucking way

>> No.78554986

NTA, but what in the fuck are you smoking? You’re essentially confirming to me that being near the girls is all the homos ever wanted to begin with.

>> No.78555256

see you in a month

>> No.78555360
File: 787 KB, 960x604, 1717063046644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i better see you fuckers actively hating on them and not be hypocrites in the coming weeks, it's always the same shit every new gen.

>> No.78555409

You are the biggest retard if you got "They just wanted to be sexpests from the beginning" I'm saying people could have joined them and have a brotherhood while underneath COVER/HoloPro/STARS and do their own thing separate from what management wanted. Not everything is about sex and NTR, 110 middling IQ faggot.
