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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 779 KB, 823x655, kiara.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.7852568 [Reply] [Original]

KFPs, explain yourselves, why don't you support your Oshi?

>> No.7852656

i'm puzzled as to how she has lower numbers than somebody like Ina or Ame who don't give a shit about numbers kek. does the youtube algorithm hate her or something?

>> No.7852714

Nobody cares. Not even Kiara. Take your meds.

>> No.7852902

If you wanna numberfag harder, then Kiara only had 44k after the stream ended. The only ones to be above 100k immediately after the stream ended were Ina and Gura. This collab bombed hard and vtubers as a whole are losing views. Hell, even Miko's been struggling with views lately. Hope some of the good ones don't end up like Kizuna AI

>> No.7853043

A better question is: Why the fuck is a 3 mil sub Vtuber losing to someone with half her subs?

Chumkek btfo rumao

>> No.7853620

Why does Gura's fanbase hate collabs?

>> No.7854080

Because they have to listen to Kiara's voice during them

>> No.7854732

That goes for a lot of people who aren't KFPs

>> No.7854984

1.wrong time slot (5 AM in SEA) 2.nobody can entertain them more than gura 3.debuff game 4.still pull 13k live viewers
for real why are holo fans like this ? stop being a Cover drone you nigger.

>> No.7855014
File: 670 KB, 1819x2481, 1624779646854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Miko's struggling.
She is one of the steadily inclined. She went hiatus for 4 months and missed the boom of Hololives. Came back with 9-12k live viewers to 20-30k live viewers every stream, also increase in VODs too. She is now in top tier with Pekora and Marine.

>> No.7855050

I was asleep. Tried to stay up bit fell alseep 30 mins before it started. Watching the VOD now.

>> No.7855053

They put the collab on wrong time hence why theres no SEAniggers complaining on chat

>> No.7855099

Did we ever find out why Miko went MIA for half 2020? I know the preganancy rrat

>> No.7855157

But she does.

>> No.7855244

KFP Cope.
Kiara cares more than literally anyone else in EN.

>> No.7855359

Medical condition of some sort , possibly heart related, nothing more is known other than those hints that she dropped.

>> No.7855376

Trannies stuck in February huh? You guys might need Ames time machine KEK
Timestamp When she numberfagged on-stream recently

>> No.7855406

Kiara puts herself in foreground in the tumbnail.

The others put themselves in the background, behind the others.

There's your answer. That's how kiara acts and thinks in every situation. It's obvious and people hate selfish egotistical cunts like her.

>> No.7855439

>everyone makes herself bigger part of the thumbnail
>Mori just placed all six equally with the same size

>> No.7855518

Don't mistake me for a Kiara defenderz but Gura's clearly in the foreground too. What are you on about?

>> No.7855584

Gura gets carried by massive subscriber count and momentum. She's an outlier and as such doesn't really matter.
But yes, in this case Gura shows herself to also have low awareness of group dynamics.

>> No.7855586

is that you, Phaggot-kun?

>> No.7855808

One half is a desperate search for symbolism and another half is projection. Hardly any mysteries as to how schizo's head work really.

>> No.7855886

Holy fuck HAHAHAHA

>> No.7855897

So chumbuds are mostly SEA?

>> No.7855987

>Take your meds.
You've taken all the supply of it.

>> No.7856121

>how a person does one thing has no bearing on how they do other things
Sorry to hear you're still chained up in the cave, looking at shadows. It's fine, most people are NPC's, but I believe you can make it.
As someone who has seen the Sun I've returned to help others reach that state too.
The natural response of the NPC upon being confronted with someone who is awake is to insult them, prosecute them, chase them away, or even kill them (as they did to Socrates). But that's fine, there's nothing better than sharing your wisdom even if you die for it.

And the greatest wisdom I have for you right now is that Kiara is garbage.

>> No.7856137

Is it just me or does IRyS have the same expression in every thumbnail but Ina's?

>> No.7856195

>reddit spacing
Every time.

>> No.7856222

Gura is the only one who refers to them as friends...

>> No.7856299









>> No.7856301

Nice pretentious bait. It seems I hit the nail on the head

>> No.7856350

Every collab they do is in 1-6 AM in middle/east Asia. Thats where majority of her viewers come from. You can check views on her Chinese, Japanese and Russian clips.

>> No.7856373

Because she doesn't have any.

>> No.7856387

You show the exact behaviour of the NPC. There's still time to get saved! FOLLOW JESUS! Cast off these chains of the devil! I cannot imagine what awaits your soul!
These succubi draining your energy are no good for you, son.
You have two choices: follow the light, or sit in the pit.

>> No.7856431

It might be because nobody gives a shit about her Hardcord Minecraft runs, but her last couple of streams ended and only had about 60k or so views. It's weird seeing that low of a number for her. Hell, she had a non Minecraft video that only had 80k views after it finished.

>> No.7856435

Poor Kiara. What happened to her 1M subscribers?

>> No.7856479

And they say IryS is a failure

>> No.7856574


That's how you can tell that she's winning.

>> No.7856588

They're mostly bots.

>> No.7856932

How can that be when she already has more fans than Kiara?
Kiara pity subs don't count as fans

>> No.7857459

Of course. Why do you think her VOD numbers are much higher compared to her live views? Bulk of gurah fanbase are underage Indonesians

>> No.7857493

she got really horny from being pregnant with my child, and we had to fuck constantly to satiate her lust

>> No.7857635
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>> No.7857731
File: 227 KB, 325x340, 1624114130545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7857850

HoloJP got a lot more live views with their gartic phone collab. Marine alone got more live views than all of EN combined.

>> No.7857896

of course they do, there's no Kiara on that collab

>> No.7858689

ofc, majority of SEAniggers especially IDfags love gura. Like you can find clippers with gura pfp and then face reveal themself as 14 year old IDfag

I'm not sure if he still keep the post or not but he showed his face for sure

>> No.7859273




>> No.7860021

It's that C-disease isn't it?

>> No.7860035

>art collab stream
>majority jump to Ina, the best artist of the group
I am shocked.

Chum buds are the exception as it’s well documented they only care about Gura

>> No.7860065

sigh, i cant watch this shit live, i live in asia if only they put it in the better time

>> No.7860075

Numbers show that most people tend to watch Gura VoDs instead because people are busy

>> No.7860580


>> No.7860855

That must be the reason why he makes the most sense out of everyone in this thread.

>> No.7861618

So in the end, it was true... she only got to 1m with pity subs....

>> No.7862372

Orange woman really lives rent free in the heads of half of this board

>> No.7863642

...guilty as charged

>> No.7864569

Me too.

>> No.7865449

>a few discordtrannies
>half this board

>> No.7865572

Yes; specifically, it's a Congenital Heart Disease
