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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 70 KB, 1280x854, EU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
78500578 No.78500578 [Reply] [Original]

>cover will never enter the EU market
>it's too difficult
>europeans don't superchat
>they don't even watch anime

>> No.78500772

>they don't even watch anime
whoever said this got down syndrome
my mother was an anime fan, she even had VHS in japanese with subtittle
i grew up watching stuff like dragon ball and hokuto no ken on the fucking national TV channels

>> No.78500831

>streams at 4 in the night
Fuck off.

>> No.78500911

have you seen the time slots? they are evidently not entering the euro market they're merely showing burgers some actual culture to gawk at

>> No.78501211
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>> No.78501229

What makes you retard think they'll stream at the same time the debuts are when all debuts in EN are at the same fucking times?

>> No.78501276

Myth and Council didn't debut at that time

>> No.78501285

just wake up early lol

>> No.78501313

They all look like ass and don't stream at EU times, this is a setup to crash and burn in failure and scream "Look, EU doesn't want VTubers". Dimitri is an absolute retard.

>> No.78501511

it's going to be funny when 90% of their audience/superchats are from the US anyway

>> No.78501513

Even if by some miracle they end up streaming at EU hours it's a retarded move no matter how you look at it.
>burgers get to watch their debuts and then can't never watch them again so they become dead debuts
>yuros can't watch their debuts so most won't bother checking out their streams afterwards

>> No.78501537

>not even streaming at EU hours

>> No.78501585

>debut while euros are sleeping
>if they stream in euro time they will overlap the euros
sasuga cover
like everyone I know is watching the euros and we are not even in it (yes all the weebs and nerds watch football, welcome to europe)

>> No.78501596

dead subs*

>> No.78501604

it aint confirmed yut, ill believe it when i see it

>> No.78501650
File: 223 KB, 1536x1172, topp_keke3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Debuts in the middle of the night
>During the Euro
A move so retarded I'm surprised it's not some new Niji wave

>> No.78501681

I've been let down so many times I expect these people too stream in hours that are impossible as a yuro to watch. Cover would force their talents to stream in NA prime time even if it means preventing their talents to sleep through the night

>> No.78501792

ask yourself why the hell they'd debut them while europe is actually fast asleep if they're supposedly the target audience? you're choking on copium for some eu holo branch that won't come when there are countless amazing euro indies you could enjoy.

>> No.78501850

at least one of the new gen has a history of night shifts and she hated it. would 100% expect cover to push her through that hamster wheel again.

>> No.78501854
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>> No.78501870
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Too late bro, my schedule is full of baltic hag duck thoughts

>> No.78501920

...why the fuck would they debut at different time from their normal streaming time, retard?

>> No.78501956

If they stream at EU times and get decent views / growth, why would cover care where the SC money comes from? In the end the main point is to get a presence in EU, not to start making money right away.

>> No.78501977

she is nordic, she is a norwegian for gods sake

>> No.78502020

they're not getting a presence in the EU if all their viewers are Americans. They'd have that demographic info where they'd realize that even in their timezone, Euros aren't the ones watching, which would just give more reason to not even bother.

>> No.78502037

if they want EU viewers then why debut them in the middle of the night and during the euros? whenever they stream everyone will be out drinking with the boys and watching football

>> No.78502039

Because they need numbers for debut and their stream will be at the most convenient time for them, it's not rocket science.

>> No.78502042

fuck knows. maybe thats when EN Management is awake.
But why would Europeans regularly stream at 3am?

>> No.78502044

>In the end the main point is to get a presence in EU
Streaming while everybody in EU is asleep sure as fuck won't grant them presence in EU.

>> No.78502045

if they stream at 4AM no shit

>> No.78502072

much like how previous ENs/JPs got superchats from all over EU?

>> No.78502083

I meant if they stream at Eu prime times

>> No.78502099

Cool, they'll get numbers from 90% NA, 9.5% Asia and 0.5% EU.
Nobody in EU will even know they exist so they won't tune into later streams even if they're in EU times because only NA people saw the schedule.
You're fucking retarded if you think that's a good plan.

>> No.78502254

The target demographic certainly does that.

>> No.78502303

>debut during the night to american and japanese audience
>algorithm learns this and pushes their streams only to americans and japs
>the few euros that would get their streams recommended are watching football
I am a weeb and watch vtubers, I am out with my weeb friends (some watch vtubers) every day to drink beer and watch football

>> No.78502332

they're debuting in the middle of the night that's guaranteed to be the time of the day (night) all collabs will happen because that's the only time managers are awake

>> No.78502361

Only NA people will see that they stream in EU times and they'll proceed to not watch the streams unless they WFH/get out early.
EU people see the announcement of new gen on twitter, see unfamiliar timezone, give up like with previous three gens. Some type the timezone into google to convert it (imagine if Cover was the one who did that instead of forcing hundreds of thousands of people of "supposed target audience" to do this crap), see that stream is at 5 in the night which isn't even possible for night owls to watch, give up like with previous three gens.
That's it, end of the story.

Eventually EU people might see the streams if YouTube algorithm decides to show them on home page but that's the single hope. Leaving up to Google RNG assfuckery, with zero effort put in by Cover.

>> No.78502363

are we talking about european european or are we talking about "british" european?

>> No.78502381

>Hololive shop still doesn't ship to EU and you have to either use Geekjack or a proxy
Dead on arrival unless they fix this by their debut.

>> No.78502419


>> No.78502426

Bri'ish, German, Italian and I think Brazilian? Not sure.

>> No.78502595

>stream at 5am when no one is awake
>no supas
no shit retard

>> No.78502644

not a problem, US and SEA and even JP will buy their merch.
Be grateful they might stream in your pointless timezone cuck

>> No.78502724

Not even just indies, every other corpo has a few EU chuubas as well

>> No.78502784
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I'm all for getting some fresh international blood into Holo, but why in Yagoo's fresh hell would you ever choose a German talent after how Kirara turned out to be?
These people have negative charisma, no exceptions.

>> No.78502788

Who said it would be easy or fast? Cover is so late to the party that it might take years to get a foothold in europe

>> No.78502797

They won't stop, they're obsessed.

>> No.78502799


They literally voted to NOT be European, why would they care now lmao

>> No.78502801

the loli is unironically american and is probably bisco from v4mirai

>> No.78502914


>> No.78502988

>3 out of 4 already salivating after Homostars cocks in public
who the fuck asked for this group

>> No.78503022

Lay Off The Robot

>> No.78503057

Soya is cute though.

>> No.78503067

5am, it's summer time now
Imagine if they had any brain and just moved this shit like three hours earlier, surely burgers can tune for 17:00 stream, jps can wake up at 7:00 and we could had watched this 2:00. 5:00 is fucking dead on arrival, nobody cares about holovod here.
But it is ok, burgers can enjoy bitches that show their tits to nijien males and we can enjoy our small euro chubas.
500ccv chubas are better than whatever holovod posts anyway

>> No.78503287

How the fuck could Dimitri let such a talent get away? This tells me enough about this HoloUS Gen.

>> No.78503299

3 hours would be much better, pretty much anyone could watch.
5 am is really brain dead but I could go to sleep early and still get to sleep my full hours.

>> No.78503406

it does indeed. everybody does. you unironically have to watch the euros to participate in society right now.

>> No.78503410

pls understando, mane-chan only comes to work at 9am
they can't stream without mane-chan

>> No.78503482

thread refers to geographic location and timezone, please take your autism pills

>> No.78503800

eu the continent, not the european union. surely you know how continents are called right.

>> No.78503852
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Cover marketing is shit as per usual

But as usual with new gens, I'll be give them a look about 3 months after debug(at least the ones that are still standing at that point)

CBA to waste time listening all that lore rp and pretend-to-be-someone-else-for-opsec-reasons bullshit

>> No.78503860

You got what you wanted, now we'll see if you actually support them and watch their streams.

>> No.78504259

nah, Kiara is the exception
Very unfortunate one.

>> No.78504540
File: 24 KB, 615x178, 1702612658490294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You got what you wanted
I did not fucking ask for this.

>> No.78504562
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Badabing badabong
your EUchuuba is now sucking pignoys dong

>> No.78504621

>retards having slap fights about what ifs and maybes
have you considered at least waiting until after their debuts before throwing shit at each other like the subhumans monkeys you are?

>> No.78504699

very organic posts

>> No.78504748

What are we gonna supposed to do until then? This is the only content.

>> No.78504773

There is a reason nobody watches nijisanji.

>> No.78504783
File: 32 KB, 400x400, Fillian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the words of the legendry Johnny Silverhand ... fuck the corpos Indi's are the only true vtubers

>> No.78504810
File: 27 KB, 605x418, 1717443996224807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you even know where you are?

>> No.78504883

>What are we gonna supposed to do until then?
watch streams retard
or if you are a brainlet who can't into 日本語 watch vods

>> No.78504901
File: 280 KB, 717x350, Mein gott I need a taste of that peafowl pussy I want to make that big blue lady come harder than she has ever came before oh Reine I will make you my newest Lebensraum you will be mine my beautiful Reine MINE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>middle of the night
>05:00 CET

>> No.78504927

Why are they debuting in the middle of the night for me then?! They'll go for the NA timeslot because that's what cover tells them where their audience it supposedly at. Anything else I'll believe if I see it.

>> No.78504992

Post me a section of a Japanese stream that hasn't been clipped yet with an explanation on what's happening and I tell you why you're wrong and why you don't know Japanese.

>> No.78506335

Lamy talking about where she puts her hololive merch on her house mentioning that she got very little in the bathroom and areas that could need maintenance. she later mentions how nice it would be to have a hidden room

sorry i kinda just started watching the vods instead of searching for a part to translate.
but i am more than willing to admit that my own japanese is lacking

>> No.78506465

this bait's quality is so low that it makes me answer anyway. Kiara is EN's 2nd most superchatted talent so i'd argue she turned out to be a good investment, and also kiara is not german.

>> No.78507136

Based and True

>> No.78507372

5 AM isn't even that bad, since I usually wake up to work at 6 AM anyways, I can give up this 1 hour of sleep once
>it's on weekend
Yeah nevermind, not going to give up one of the few days I can sleep like normal human being, maybe I will watch VODs

>> No.78507541

Based anon delivering with his nihongo reps. There should be more like us, even if life is tough as oppressed continent.

>> No.78507628

This will honestly be the final straw if they're yet another gen focused solely on Americans who already have more choices than they know what to do with. I'm huffing strong copium that the debut streams being so late is a one off, but it makes no logical sense for a gen targeted for Europeans to debut stream when 99.5% of Europeans are asleep. People saying it's just to get maximum views make even less sense. That would mean they have little faith in the appropriate European timezone, which means they wouldn't make a gen for us to begin with. We still can't even buy fucking merch.

I'm holding out hope but if they speak and I hear American accents again and see their streams are all going to be in the middle of the night then I'm done having any hope. At least we have Rin Penrose.

>> No.78507659

It's fine even Europeans don't differentiate between Germany and Austrai
When we talk streamers as big as Hololive, that's a sad cope. Superchats are a tiny fraction of what they earn through merch and sponsorships.

>> No.78508313

Cover is a big numberfag. They probably want to collect as many subs as possible so they can market them better. Not that it makes it any better for debuting in EU.

>> No.78508321

what I dont get is that they have been streaming on youtube for years and still havent learnt that the youtube algorithm will learn what audience it should recommend your content to, so what happens when you debut to 99.5% non europeans and then switch over to stream in euro prime time (while the euros are on btw roru)
its like they want to fail, nothing they have done has inspired confidence that they are actually going into the EU market. Like they are not even spending money out the wazoo on ads for the debuts for example, they have not fixed shipping to EU etc
All I see is a bong, 2 (or 3) ESL girls that will move their streaming times to NA prime time

>> No.78508338

Calling it now, worst HoloEN gen. Screencap this.
Im an EU and cover is fucking this one up really good.

>> No.78508395

You're right, she was talking about hiding figures and stuff with a cloth but that easily topples them over, and she got 隠し部屋 part in chat to which she reacted to. I didn't watch more because I'm at work, sorry for doubting you anon. I only asked because most people who talk about Japanese here are larpers, I've asked the same thing many times and you're the first person who replied.

>> No.78508496
File: 141 KB, 320x320, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should have poached Erika Byakko, she is made for hololive but now she is in pixellink instead

>> No.78508765

funny you say this, she and Panko are my most favorite together with Biboo(who isnt EU friendly unfortunately)

>> No.78509362

She is great, absolutely mogs everyone in holoen quality wise. No clue if cover passed her or she hadn't applied. If they choose that pink trash throwing her tits at Ren over her, then they are seriously brain dead.
I hope she will get big enough to stream full time, instead of being stuck with day job. Maybe one day

>> No.78509625

Who's that girl? Never heard of her.
They obviously went with the pink girl because she has connections, she's a nepo hire.

>> No.78509805
File: 1006 KB, 4001x2250, GQMri36WgAAKw9u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kanna Yanagi from Pixellink, here is her schedule
A bit heavy on minecraft and elden ring since they both released today (server in minecraft and elden ring dlc)
She is part time btw and took a week of vacation to stream

>> No.78509841

it would be nice to have more anons who enjoy the jps. even just for the chance of having a meet up at holofes
thanks for explaining the finer details. i still need to learn a lot more to reach the level i want

>> No.78510027

next stop will be the reconquering of CHINA
hire 5 ABCs that can speak chink language fluently for those sweet and juicy chink bucks

>> No.78510115
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Euros are like impossible to market to, it's 50 cultures who all want to kill each other and aren't in a real union. It's like if every state in the US was Texas and Island Texas didn't even stay in the union so why are posting it's flag? But you see what I mean, it hasn't even been one human lifetime and the history of the EU is already full of disappointment and convolutions to the point an American can barely follow it. Whatever group I market to will just be liquidated later anyway, it's literally a safer bet to market to the Chinese because as shitty as they are at least they're not going anywhere.

>> No.78510257

shut the fuck up jap dimitri

>> No.78510263

I know this to be true in the long run but I'm here for the ride anyway. In the end, you will know the "corpos" by their true name: MCNs aka Maker aka Machinima.

And that's the best case scenario. The worst is they continue to grow and destroy all competition from the indie scene, and then sell to Disney or something. I'd rather the whales fall.

>> No.78510541

Oh I see, I listened to some of her ASMRs but never really looked at her channel. Thanks anon, I'll watch some of her content.

>> No.78510905

Why should I watch covers "eu chuubas" in the middle of the night when I can watch cute eu indies like Laimu at 8pm prime time and then sleep at night and not be a zombie at work the next day?

>> No.78510914
File: 89 KB, 882x439, 1718472622474929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't know a single thing about europe

>> No.78511095

This, if they deny me the chance of being there for the debut streams then why should I give a fuck. I want to be able to say that I was there since day 1

>> No.78511133

Why do you keep getting buffed you UMU piece of shit? Give some of that love to Emiya

>> No.78511407

>it's 50 cultures who all want to kill each
Honestly not wrong, I don't know a single European country that doesn't hate their neighbors. For instance, we fucking hate all Romanians

>> No.78511413

Cover has expressed zero interest in the EU market so far and will probably continue to not care about Euros for the foreseeable future unless proven otherwise.
Thankfully the market has already provided plenty of indie and small corpo options over the years catering to almost any taste.
Also a small reminder that merch sales are more important than akasupas. Euros don't tip just for the sake of you existing, they pay you because you offer an actual product they consider worth buying.

>> No.78511570

i kekking wish, too bad my local osh just sodded off without resurfacing

>> No.78512155

Nobody in EU will watch their debuts anyway. They need time to capture EU market share. So for now, they work within existing markets that are stronger, then spread out later as more yuros actually start watching.

>> No.78514351

That's the only reason they can get me to watch any of them

>> No.78514881

the only thing that euros want is streams in the timezone. you dont market to anyone specific because literally everyone speaks english anyway lol

>> No.78516206

>it's 50 cultures who all want to kill each other
damn that sounds like the US

>> No.78516738

>going to sleep at 5PM EU time

>> No.78516761

Well as an EU, I feel disappointed HoloEN4 starts their debuts at 4 in the morning!

It doesn't feel very "HoloEU"

>> No.78517621
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>Streaming at hours only NEETs would be awake for
Maybe they're friendly for Southern Europeans but not the rest of us. Kiara remains being the only truly EU friendly HoloEN.

>> No.78517628

unicorn status?

>> No.78517923

my horn is strong and shiny
not when she starts her streams like 15:00-16:00, she is for weirdos

>> No.78517932

no homo ineraction whatsoever in her previous channels
30 years old hag, she knows better than a retarded zoomer

>> No.78518037

You say this yet Yagoo targets SEAs who are far more volatile and poor

>> No.78518204

>At least we have Rin Penrose
You might want to check the latest stream on the channel

>> No.78518214

I've not ever actually given Pixellink a look, what about the others there?

>> No.78518349

austrians arent german

>> No.78518498 [DELETED] 
File: 66 KB, 720x960, 1718537346270075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

euros hate each other, but we like each over more than niggers

>> No.78518531

Why do people work night shifts?

>> No.78518602

Raki is GFE
Miuna is your bedridden little sister experience
Lottie is some walmart pomu
Chiaki has some schizo trying to bruteforce a boyfriend yab
Chio is your obligatory loud zoomer
Arisu is an autistic latina
Daiya is gonna end up being sex trust the plan

The only male collaber the corpo had graduated, so far the corpo is cgdct things core

>> No.78518700

I'll have to check them out thanks lad

>> No.78518741

>The Point

>> No.78518886

Right back at you. If their job description requires them to stream at that hour, they'll stream at that hour.

>> No.78519474

We got EU but at what cost anon. Two already whored their models and one is a homo/niji collaber.

>> No.78519493

Sure, anon. They're completely different people, like Alabamans and Texans.

>> No.78519908

Any concrete proof they're all really from EU?

>> No.78520184
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I'm thinking Euro it the very reason they go for 5am timeslot. 8pm primeslot is just not going to work out in the middle of football matches. 5am is good compromise, considering this should bring in NA and JP views, too. What is questionable though, is them debuting new gen in the middle of fucking Euro.

>> No.78520259

Nothing 100% concrete, just lots of little hints
>innit in the original announcement
>other ENs making EU jokes (Shiori talking about Holo England, Wawa making Italian jokes, etc.)
>their home regions all correspond to places in Europe in some way
>Elizabeth Rose being a very stereotypical British name (though we did also have Ame and she's US)
>Immergreen has 'Immer', which is German in origin
apparently Mori also implied they won't be streaming at the same time as their debuts happen but I didn't hear her say that myself, just picked it up from other posts.

>> No.78520342

don't forget about the Elden Ring dlc releasing

>> No.78520845

the duck just started streaming now

>> No.78520984

>Muh footballs
Are you guys that much of normalfaggots? Every weeb I know barely follow footballs during the world cup. I didn't even know there was the euro cup until Kiara talked about the austrian being beaten by the french. If they prefer watching dudes running behind a ball then they are not the target demographics.

>> No.78521268

nigga, you just demonstrated that even kiara cares about the cup.

>> No.78521400

Guess I'll catch the VOD, the footie is on

>> No.78521459

not interested but everyone knows when it's ongoing because it's fucking everywhere, can't even avoid it because people are literally screaming from their own homes

>> No.78521518

Kiara is the most normalfag among myth.

>> No.78521601

Meanwhile one is confirmed for living in Japan and streaming in japan prime time, another one that isnt confirmed used to stream in american prime time
This is going to be a dumpster fire and there will be no more HoloEU, why the fuck are they debuting when no euro can watch AND WHY DURING THE EUROS
jesus christ

>> No.78521691

Only fat nerds who were picked last seethe about football.
Now go be the goalie, fattie.

>> No.78521722

Euro families are more close knit than American ones so when your da tells you to sit your ass down in the couch and watch the footy then that is exactly what you do.

>> No.78521825

are you french

>> No.78521827

Being aware and actively following are different matter. Football is also heavily advertise here but I will not go out of my way watching a match just because my country plays that day. I'd rather watch an anime girl instead.

>> No.78521884

in what world normalfags try to become idols in nipland

>> No.78521943

Based mom.

>> No.78521996

Those are all still good arguments, Cover just fell for eurobeggar propaganda. This gen will be the biggest flop in EN.

>> No.78522068

Not all euro families care about football especially when it's not the world cup.

>> No.78522166 [DELETED] 

>it's too difficult
>europeans don't superchat
>they don't even watch anime
These phrases were said by literal SEAmonkeys that simply didn't want an EU gen because they can't watch them. It was never true, it was a psyop.

>> No.78522200

yeah but what I'm saying is that it's not really that weird that euroweebs know so much about sports in comparison with American ones

>> No.78522363

They're relying on Americans to support them.

>> No.78522372
File: 49 KB, 960x540, 1707058995349275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Those are all still good arguments

>> No.78522419

Oh yeah I agree it's just that the argument of not being able to stream for eu because of football is a shitty excuse. Euroweeb will absolutely choose the funny anime girl than watching football.

>> No.78522579

You obviously aren't European. Even people that don't give a shit about football watch the Euros.

>> No.78522711

You'll see I'm right when they have ID-tier numbers.

>> No.78522831

no they don't

>> No.78522839

Oh yes I am. Most weeb I know of really don't care about foot unless it's the world cup. I don't care about the rest of the normalfags since they don't watch Vtuber anyway.

>> No.78522862
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>> No.78523222

>all the girls are euro
>but all live in Japan like Kiara before
That's some monkey pawn tier shit.

>> No.78523405

am euro
learned that football was happening because people talked about it here
there's always some football happening so I just kind of tune it out unless it's the world cup and my country is doing well.

>> No.78523507

you have to be delusional to see that time slot and think "europe". this is a hardcore FUCK YOU to the entire continent.

>> No.78523780

European here. Don't give a shit about football. Don't give a shit about Euros. That whole sport can frankly go fuck itself.

>> No.78524209

It's where the EN money is. For now, at least. They're probably trying to slowly expand their options. Testing the waters to see if EU has any real potential.

>> No.78524257

Heres my expectations:

1 Cantonese girl in London.
2 Canadians. Asian. Probably Korean.
1 Australian. Probably Chinese.

>> No.78526028

>Meanwhile one is confirmed for living in Japan and streaming in japan prime time, another one that isnt confirmed used to stream in american prime time
This is going to be the Myth situation 2, where they can't collab on the regular like Promise and Advent do.
That's fine if they want to be independent streamers without a gen, or the euros will have to stream during 2AM and overlap Faunina hours and Kiara's superchat reading slot.

>> No.78526248

I just wanted them to live in europe so we get euro prime time streams and some kino off collabs but that seems to be asking for too much. I'll stay with my small corpo vtubers since hololive cant offer a superior (or equal) product

>> No.78526439

Ah, now I get it. I thought it was just anons making assumptions just because one of them may be British but their home regions being inspired by places in Europe is strong evidence. Thanks.

>> No.78527007
File: 51 KB, 195x195, 1700946235165452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Midsummer is a couple of days away so more people are talking about that.

>> No.78527877

Mori said not to worry about their debuts being at that time because their streaming times will be different. The only reason she would say that is to reassure people who can't watch them then, and those people are Europeans.

>> No.78529006

and who cares about what mori says, it wont reach the masses of casual vtuber watchers in europe, hell it wont even reach many of the europeans that are pretty into vtubers

>> No.78531099

Well, yeah, I never claimed otherwise. This is a classic Cover move that makes talents have to clear things out themselves as much as they can.

>> No.78532837

>>yuros can't watch their debuts
nigga the debuts are in the weekend, i can simply set my alarm for 4:55 AM you fucking retard
