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File: 249 KB, 496x354, Screenshot 2024-06-19 091021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
78487390 No.78487390 [Reply] [Original]

Can you really say HoloID is a successful branch if their most successful member is more like a HoloEN member?

>> No.78487432

Yes. Kobo is the kaigai queen.

>> No.78487521
File: 61 KB, 706x674, 46E12CBF-08FD-4B90-97A8-D155E0D5082C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78487690
File: 1 KB, 88x125, kaela36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Indofags encouraged their bitches to collab with homo and eceleb sexpests instead of bullying them out of it
>The vast majority of the hololive audience, meaning heterosexual men that are into CGDCT, abandoned their girls (with the exception of Kaela, the only good one left)
>Viewership is declining or is, at best, stagnant at low numbers (again with the exception of Kaela)
>Superchats and merch sales in the gutter

Are ID fags really that delusional?

>> No.78487849

>most successful member is more like a HoloEN member
I wouldn't call Kobo an EN member, most of the time when I turn on a stream of hers she's speaking some gibberish language that I'm guessing is Indonesia

>> No.78488058

tell me why Kobo's ccv and superchats are so low compared to Ela's

>> No.78488284

Do you also think Ollie is more popular than most other IDs just by having over a million subs?

>> No.78488325

Give me the hi res picture motherfucker !!!!!!

>> No.78488642

I genuinely think she got lucky. I like her a lot, but only started watching her because sana was gone. If they had to compete for 8 hour grinding streams, I'd pick sana every time.

>> No.78488777
File: 407 KB, 1736x1764, 1695315552328966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is lying! If she was trying to get better at english for 2 years she wouldn't be at this level. No effort is put into english or japanese for that fact.

>> No.78488805

Kinda this, I remember when she debuted it was considered mega cringe actually and people were way way more interested in Kobo primarily but Zeta also was held in much higher regard.

Kaela's minecraft grinding and being willing to mostly talk English for those streams filled in a block-shaped hole in EN at the time. It's not that MC is the greatest game ever but it's a good game to chill in and also zatsu as much as you want in and importantly Kaela actually played the game with interest because she just likes it, not out of obligation. Went and explored all over, collected tons of shit in excess just to do it, done a ton of cool builds etc she's a literally a lifeline because there IS nobody in EN like that.

>> No.78488815

No, just you. At the way you call people fags and sexpests, you need to deal with your own trans women chasing ways because it's warping the way you look at women.

>> No.78488861

Her english is godawful though. She needs 10 mintues to say something that requires less than half that because she keeps repeating herself trying to find the right words to use.

>> No.78489254

Sana left just as Id gen 3 came out. Sana used to stream for hours playing Pokemon. She left a hole that kaela fit perfectly into:

>> No.78489505

Yeah but it's cute so it's okay

>> No.78490572

Okay but what does the Poland flag in the thumbnail have to do with it, though?

>> No.78491084

Ok but why did Ollie get fingered live?

>> No.78491115

wtf kaela is polish?

>> No.78491256

Go ask her stupid ass, a simple mute/idol meeting could've fixed that issue.

>> No.78491527

>SC cope
Did we already debunk this already?sc is not the main income for hololive talent

>> No.78491603

She unironically popular than most id member

>> No.78491705

unironically learn english before trying to make bait posts

>> No.78491715

wait what?

>> No.78491727

Kids go to school during the day. Kaela streams all day

>> No.78491806

>Sana left just as Id gen 3 came out

>> No.78491905

idk can you say HoloEN is a successful branch if their most successful member streams 3 times a year?

>> No.78491943

It's called typo you retard

>> No.78492270

can't blame them, there are barely SC from indo

>> No.78492347

Someone might have the clip if you are lucky

>> No.78492463

Sana was infinitely more annoying than Kaela and was just a much worse fit for Holo as a whole

>> No.78492562

retarded rrat from butthurt unicorns fabricated 6 months after the fact of the stream in question because ollie dared to acknowledge a male

>> No.78492635
File: 262 KB, 1536x2048, 1691369759201468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. you lying
2. they use sociabuzz
IIt won't show up in all these external YT business sites

>> No.78492725
File: 399 KB, 1455x2223, 1706956889138635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78492834

Nice try Ollie but even the other IDs were weirded out by what was going on

>> No.78492955

If you've actually watched ID streams, even though they have Socialbuzz, ID fans don't donate frequently at all (except Kobo) and even when they do it's almost always around a dollar each

>> No.78492990

No matter how many times I see this it's always worse than I remembered it being

>> No.78493021

If it's not real, why is the stream gone?

>> No.78493067

>conveniently ignore the CCV part

>> No.78493102

Once upon a time, when the ID branch had only three members, they all spoke almost exclusively English. Now every time I tune into any member, including the original three, they don't speak English at all. It's sad to see, really.

>> No.78493209

It's actually still up

>> No.78493271

These girls have no loyalty to their fans and they wonder why their fans have no loyalty to them

>> No.78493334

Because SEAtards have a currency worth nothing.

>> No.78493453

sisters will always try to memoryhole this, and in case of failure they'll just say it's not that bad

>> No.78493581

>finished in like 5 minutes
That's the only unbelievable part for me

>> No.78493596

It's literally just the same faux sex noises virtually every holo makes during horror games

>> No.78493705

Good bait

>> No.78493720
File: 102 KB, 193x303, 1690304270913269.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't keep book that's not my job as a viewer i just notice it going off very often.
Back in the day Lo-fi translated for Moona because her english was almost nonexistent and she lied about it. Only the Squirrel was a good pickup but because it was about money or being sold off in a muslim marriage she made her gachikoi a mod. HoloID 1 is bad, just bad.

>> No.78493735

how does it feel to get expose?

>> No.78494083

you wanna try that again in English?

>> No.78495183

Not sure I understand why this would even be a yab. Isn't cumming on stream hot?

>> No.78495405

The problem is Ollie looks like twomad irl

>> No.78495476

I'm not sure you understand the point of vtubing. How did you even get here?

>> No.78495770

I'm a tourist from twitter. Seeing you monkeys seethe over moving anime girl PNGs is entertaining

>> No.78496112

ID women should follow the Quran more carefully on stream

>> No.78496230

Nope. She received the shark buff and managed to keep it afloat. Then hardcore mc arc begin which boosted her as unbeatable god

>> No.78496313

Fuck you she's the most wholesome and gentle in council

>> No.78496375

But why is that the polish flag?

>> No.78497092

>kobo's SC lower compared to kaela
well, her main audience is the indo market and they have shit currency.
she might catch up if she successfully taps the chink market with her bilibili streams though.

>> No.78497483

>faked a back injury
>faked a dog dying

>> No.78497604

Oh boy, here we go. The schizo whispers telling you.

>> No.78497717

nice kaela for ants

>> No.78497856

To attract german viewers

>> No.78498199

