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78481087 No.78481087 [Reply] [Original]

Now that the dust has settled on
What do we think about Advent?

>> No.78481228

They're okay
Only Nerissa kinda sucks

>> No.78481282

New Green momma new cunny uooooh into the trash it goes. Minus fwmc since they're honorary jp.

>> No.78481386

We don't, no thoughts, head empty.

>> No.78481392

Only Myth matters. Counsel was a bit souless and advent is just whatever. 4th gen is going to suck

>> No.78481474


>> No.78481559

FuwaMoco are great
Biboo is cute and funny
Nerissa is a boring tranny
Shiori is a tryhard

>> No.78481579

i already forgot about them

>> No.78481724

Nerissa does too much non holocollab I don't really like her

>> No.78481948

It was supposed to bring in new audience outside holobox

>> No.78482076

Nobody in her branch wants to do collabs with her. She always try to assert dominance during collabs trying to get her way in shit and nobody listens to her. Unironically everyone including nerissa listens to biboo she's the leader of her gen and nerissa has yet to realize this yet and thinks she's the leader in the branch.

>> No.78482221

>pedophile weeb has shit taste

>> No.78482394

everytime i see bijou i mistake her for enna

>> No.78482448

Least delusional pebble

>> No.78483152

the cunny is taller than ame, anon.
That's a full grown woman with flat chest and child complex

>> No.78483526
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What I expected
>Shiori: goth menhera, romance novels + yandere
>Nerissa: refined classy witch siren-harpy
>Fuwamoco: smart one/dumb one life of the party duo
>Bijou: EN Aqua

What I got
>autistic lol random XD nerd won't shut up holy fu-
>autistic pickme sledneck always a bridesmaid. wholesome family
>zoomer daughteru chuuni gamer gremlin best girl 10/10
>double autistic nick jr

Pretty good overall considering past EN gens

>> No.78483968

They are the golden gen. The Gold Standard of EN vtubing.

>> No.78483993

Cool memorable character designs
Literally mihoyo gacha characters
Nothing looking good chief

>> No.78484043
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I love them all, especially my dogwives!

>> No.78484093

>What I got
>>autistic lol random XD nerd won't shut up holy fu-
>>autistic pickme sledneck always a bridesmaid. wholesome family
>>zoomer daughteru chuuni gamer gremlin best girl 10/10
>>double autistic nick jr
Unironically all sounds kino

>> No.78484133

Literally who? I only know JUSTICE

>> No.78484164


>> No.78484277

This but unironically
Advent saved HoloEN

>> No.78484390

Myth > Advent > CouncilRyS for me but if they have good chemistry with Justice and good 3Ds they could be equal

>> No.78484847

They're okay. None of them kept me interested. Nerissa's sisters and mom were cute tho

>> No.78486070

I wasn't being ironic.

>> No.78487414

Old and washed up

>> No.78487513

They are the heroes Hololive needed.

The fact that they've stuck so hard is proof of how good they are, in an era where they say Vtubing is dying they show they still have what it takes.

>> No.78488244

Diamond Dogs love

>> No.78488313

thats a good thing

>> No.78488384


>> No.78489010

FWMC : The next big thing after gura
Bijou : Bibot
Nerissa : Meh
Shiori : Underrated

>> No.78489585

The twins and the baby are fine.
The other two have such horrendous unfunny clips I won't even consider watching giving them a chance.

>> No.78489864

Why did they give Advent less than one year before another gen? They gave the previous ENs so much more time.

>> No.78489916

I enjoy Shiori and Biboo's solo streams. I enjoy Nerissa and Fuwamoco in collabs.

>> No.78489986

They had so much time because of the great OmegaAlpha/management Purge. Took awhile to get back on track.

>> No.78490052

the time between myth and council was 11 months, just like advent and justice.

>> No.78490232

Epic generation. Overall the best one yet in HoloEn but hopefully that will change soon!

>> No.78490860

Promise still the best generation overall.
The only Advent who i regularly watch is Biboo so it's the second best gen still

>> No.78490960
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>>double autistic nick jr
I fucking love the dogs. They somehow ended up being the only hololive channel I still actively watch and look forwards to.

>> No.78491002

luv advent
simple as

>> No.78491060

old and busted
justice is the new hotness but bijou and fuwamoco will just overlap them

>> No.78491121

Promise > Advent >Myth
FuwaMoco unironcially fell off from the my favourite En members to now my top 5 members.
Fauna, Mumei and IRyS still are carrying Promise and En for the most part (alongside Biboo and the dogs)which makes them my top 3.
Overall, the generation could have been something special, but no one can't stand the test of time like Promise did

>> No.78491141

saved EN, Justice is about to complete the job

>> No.78491217

Biboo is one of my favourite members so yeah, a good generation.
People really overrate the dogs though

>> No.78491388

If I had to rank the generations as per chemistry
Advent had a really strong and promising start like Myth which has died down if we are being honest.
Talking about individual talent, the biggest one has to be FuwaMoco but besides then, the generation doesnt shine so bright.
Sana was the main factor which held back Council.
Not to mention, the sub cull those poor members had to face. Turns out they only needed to replace 1 member to go from the weakest gen to strongest gen in Holo

>> No.78491596

who cares about them
Justice is about to debut

>> No.78491681

Not as good as CouncilRyS and much better than Myth.
We will have to wait another year to find out if they are truly better than Myth though.
Well not much problem there I guess as there is no Mori, Ame, Kiara in Advent

>> No.78491762

Nerissa is utter garbage. She associates with Nijis, she's part of that whole clique. Her voice sounds like a hag. She can't actually sing very well. Her personality is an aggressive lesbian.

Fuwamoco is amazing, I like the fact they exist. But, just being honest, they appeal more strongly to Japan than anyone else. That's not a bad thing, but they are kind of Teletubby tier vtubers.

Bijou is great, I like watching her gameplay. She's actually competent at games which is fantastic. I love her design and her aesthetic, one of the best overall. I personally don't really like how she's always shouting and being loud, I prefer more of comfy soft-spoken type.

Shiori is the one that most appeals to me, but the one I've watched the least ironically enough. Her voice is kind of harsh on the ear. I think overall she's done fantastically and she's very underrated. I like the way she uses assets and her aesthetic, and theme with the scissors. Way underrated, plagued by shitposting over her unfortunate debut comments.

>> No.78491844

They are like Myth, strong start where every one hyped them up and soon, people realise that some members of the generation are really fucking trash (Nerissa and Mori)
So far, each Gen has had 1 shit En member.
For myth it's Mori
For council, it's Kronii
For advent, it's Nerissa

>> No.78491896

never really cared for them

>> No.78492042

FuwaMoco didn't keep their promise. So shit gen.
Gura, Fauna, Mumei and IRyS have better CCV as the pebble and the dogs have to rely on botted CCV

>> No.78492209

People tend to forget how incredibly stale the EN scene was in the months before Advent's debut. Council was almost broken, with only Fauna and Mumei streaming semi-regularly. Project Hope was a failure, and Myth was at its lowest point in history: no Gura, no Ame, low-energy Ina, emo Calli, and an almost graduated Fuwawa.

Advent lit a fire under everybody. Calli came back with some of the best streams of her career, Fuwawa stayed, Ina slowly but surely regained energy, and Gura and Ame made a partial comeback. Project Hope was ditched, and Promise was made, saving both IRyS and the Council girls.

Is Advent the strongest individual generation in Holo history? Not at all, but they saved the EN scene with their work ethic alone. Now Justice is hopefully carrying on that spirit.

>> No.78492723

>Council was almost broken, with only Fauna and Mumei streaming semi-regularly
You are a lying faggot.
Kronii and Bae streamed more than Mumei and IRyS was canonically a part of CouncilRyS

>> No.78492871

Why do you say things that can really easily be disapproved?
Advent didn't have to deal with Niji En, another point that you miss out as Niji En imploded and killed itself by then

>> No.78492873

>People tend to forget
nope, it's just they are not obsessed schizos like (you). stop dwelling on the past
here in the present quality is all that matters if I want generic streamers I go to twitch. Advent is shit because they are B grade streamers at best

>> No.78492933

Kek no.
Council and IRyS post Sana were already considered to be CouncilRyS by the fans. You are just a new fag

>> No.78493172

>Myth was at its lowest point in history: ... and an almost graduated Fuwawa.
Anon is from an alternate timeline

>> No.78493897

I think Advent had the best go at fostering a strong group feeling, compared to how mandated the collabs among Myth and Council (now Promise) felt at the start. They’ve gotten better about it, mind you, but Advent just did it better from the onset and kept going, and without compromising their individuality when streaming on their own (as in, they don’t come off as needing to collab with other members to attract their personal main audience).

>> No.78494616

It's nuts to me that this is actually a valid thread now, hopefully the culling doesnt effect the new Gen too much

>> No.78494733

Isn't Shiori supposed to be the leader?

>> No.78495284

>Council and IRyS post Sana were already considered to be CouncilRyS by the fans
They were considered CouncilRyS way before Sana left, both by the fans and themselves. Talk about newfags.

>> No.78495528

When it comes to streaming and corporate and background stuff she is, apparently she has to backseat manage Fuwamoco and biboo sometimes when they aren't dong their homework.

To be fair Shiori is the eldest vtubing veteran in Hololive so she knows her shit.

Thing is gamewise, she isn't, Biboo is and like a good leader she knows how to delegate people towards their strengths, same with Nerissa, according to several of them Nersissa was the one who organized Advent for Rebellion and likely their other group songs, cause she knows singing and she knows where their voices are best used.

I'm pretty sure on the dancing and Idol front Fuwamoco are the ones who lead Advent on their end, at least according to some of the Japan streams from the dogs talking about group practice.

That's what make Advent work so well, they all cover each others weaknesses with their strengths.

Shiori is the streamer expert
Biboo is the gamer expert
Nerissia is the song expert
And FWMC are the Idol experts.

>> No.78495678

Some of Shiori's tangents in the group collabs are also tactically done on purpose to disrupt something that's interfering with the dynamic.

I noticed in some early collabs she'll start spouting some off the wall bullshit when everyone is starting to get frustrated just so they'll stop being mad long enough to figure out what the fuck she's talking about.

Shiori's a good tardwrangler and that's ultimately her role as leader, counter the autism of the group interfering with her own autism.

>> No.78496056

Nerissa has the best voice in en by a mile

>> No.78496154

a much needed breath of fresh air for EN as a whole

>> No.78496360

Best gen in EN by far. You actually want to root for them, all of them have a purpose for being in Hololive

>> No.78496931

Nerissa is hentai, I like it. Shiori is creative, but lack managing skill. Fwmc dart back and forth between jp and en, they probably fine. Biboo model is super sex, but her personality is the opposite

>> No.78497050

Pretty solid gen that rakes in money. I mostly watch Shiori and Fuwamoco, but I don't mind the others either.

>> No.78497142

Even Nerissa disagrees with that take nijikek
