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File: 181 KB, 272x317, 1674194711609.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
78477842 No.78477842 [Reply] [Original]

This is going to be another pickme gen, isn't it?

>> No.78477987

what does that even mean?

>> No.78478015

Unfortunately, idol culture is a thing...

>> No.78478046


>> No.78478072

Not the quote

>> No.78478142

Post the clip then.

>> No.78478176

a gen full of a pickme girls

>> No.78478210

>says this while posting EN's first pickme girl

>> No.78478308
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>> No.78478342

Don't be sad Kronii I won't leave you for any of those new girls
Even if you hate me I'll always be here for you

>> No.78478414
File: 270 KB, 559x446, parasocial fucks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

parasocial FUCK

>> No.78478595

what does that even mean though?

>> No.78478756

Pickme until tummy hort until 25 vacations in a row

>> No.78478786

She is my WIFE (real)

>> No.78479000
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Sister mad people wont watch her menhara whores who talks about their periods and politics nonstop.

>> No.78479077

>The girls who actually take into account the fact that their job revolves around pleasing and entertaining males takes note to avoid doing things that commonly piss off males WOOOOOOW WHAT A PICKME

This is a job revolving around being pleasing to hang around the audience with so they stick around. Pickmes are girls who can read the basic fucking instructions, instead of try to gaslight the audience into accepting that the girl can be an unlikable cunt and somehow this is still a watchable supportable product. She can do whatever she wants but she is not entitled to be praised or rewarded for doing a bad job.

>> No.78479118
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>> No.78480132

fraid so

>> No.78480794

op is a vtweeter

>> No.78481144
File: 998 KB, 448x600, What a pickme[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fbfbl88.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How awful

>> No.78483168

What a cringe retard

>> No.78483219

anything is better than kronii so i welcome it

>> No.78484089

Can somebody explain this? Wtf is she talking about?

>> No.78484538

I think it translates to "im a woman im going to ruin something good for no reason"

>> No.78485072

“pick me” is a term created by jealous women to apply to other women who don’t agree with them on things
example: nsfw art
Girl 1: this is so sexist don’t men think about anything else?
Girl 2: actually I think it’s pretty hot
Girl 1: wow thanks for your input did they pick you yet?
It’s their way of shutting down any girl who doesn’t side with them because they can’t use incel

>> No.78485107
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>> No.78485110
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If by "pickme", you mean they'll cater to their audience, particularly the paying ones, then FUCK YEAH. It's kind of, you know, good business practice. Cover can't afford to go full disney. Also, it's interesting that you used a kronii image to make this bait thread.

>> No.78485192

So basicly a non-feminist

>> No.78485315

Mori makes more money than any of those advent bitches that won’t collab with le males

>> No.78485493

Pretty much. If they act in a way a guy would of approve of they’re a pick me

>> No.78485618
File: 439 KB, 1000x1000, 1695098054279789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is going to be another pagpag catalog, isn't it?

>> No.78487728

Kek, unfortunately, that's going to follow her to the grave.

>> No.78488193

THAT'S what you losers were having a melty about???

>> No.78490830

I wish someone would pick me

>> No.78491901

A pick me girl is a girl that tries to latch onto traditionally male things and hobbies for attention.
Nothing boosts your self worth than being surrounded by hordes of nerds who all bend over backwards for you.

>> No.78492957

The venn diagram of people still using stale Kronii bait as it relates to homos and who pissed themselves over her saying she doesn't care for sandwich jokes anymore is a circle.

>> No.78493310

Always has been since the 2017.

>> No.78493452

Stop being anonymous so someone would pick you.

>> No.78493523

Sounds like Lumi from cyberlive.

>> No.78493902
File: 352 KB, 1672x2048, 353831585_300940868931540_4814424543107209516_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blame the culture of idiots pushing money out towards the people that peddle GFE/BFE bullshit on the daily over people streaming just Video Games.
I blame the SIMPS ultimately on this. Not the content creators. The Content Creators are hustling to demand and the Meta calls for making simps.

>> No.78495681


>> No.78496100
File: 101 KB, 400x400, gMnh5JWv_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a perfect example of a pickme.

>> No.78496182

Please be in London.

>...a girl that tries to latch onto traditionally male things and hobbies for attention.
Almost like they are a female performer, who performs for a male audience? Seems like a reasonable choice.

>> No.78496331

There is a
>I have a male audience so I need to give them some fan service sometimes
>look at me I play autism games, hate women and I'm into warhammer aren't I the best?

>> No.78496351

I prefer the second.

>> No.78496398

Post tits, OP

>> No.78496419

Go to niji or twitch for those liberated women, male collaber you love so much and never return

>> No.78496507

An employee who know what their customer want? Yes please

>> No.78496597

If they really hate women they won't watch female streamer to begin with

>> No.78496846

The thing is that they're not actually into any of this, they just know it will give them male attention if they say that.

>> No.78497049
File: 199 KB, 500x472, 1718780471061088.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's always the same with this kind of stuff. They might give you a semi-reasonable definition of the thing but it's never how it actually works in reality.
Cultural appropriation is supposed to be mean "disrespectful adoption of elements from other people's cultures" but it actually just means "white people interacting in any way with other cultures = bad"
It's the same in this case. How it actually works is that if you don't adhere to modern feminism, you're a pick-me girl and a traitor to your sex.

>> No.78497358

>The thing is that they're not actually into any of this, they just know it will give them male attention if they say that.
So you're saying that they play a role for an audience?
Almost like some kind of character?
Big, if true.

>> No.78497433
File: 1.37 MB, 1920x1831, 869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same vibe

>> No.78497636

>"You're a good boy"
I will never understand Japs and weebs obsession with mommy roleplay. I have always hated that line and how obnoxious mommyfags are about forcing that shit.

>> No.78497767

Yeah, mine.

>> No.78497953

So basically the female version of a simp

>> No.78497974

Perhaps we're not so different, you and I...

>> No.78497985
File: 523 KB, 634x793, 1663595569544686.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As opposed to this? Yeah, I'll take the "pickme" every time.

>> No.78498148

Everyone likes to think they can do things on their own and be the masters of their own destiny and whatever, but ultimately us humans are social creatures, and we will always seek others approval and comforting presence.
Recognizing your limits and that you can't do everything on your own and that you need others to accomplish your goals is a sign of maturity.

>> No.78498249

If they aren't they won't apply for the job to begin with. Everyone know it's an idol company

>> No.78498646

lol why so insecure?

>> No.78498950

Thanks for the Disney/SquareEnix moment

>> No.78499161

So OP use a Kronii pic for baits and anons just shit on her for no reason?

>> No.78499206

It means that OP is a seething woman

>> No.78499563

It's a term created by men in communities like MMO guilds. The predecessor is "not like the other girls" and it's used to describe women that ruin friend groups by cheating on all of them.
You're just trying to revise it so you can maintain your delusional fantasy that girls that validate your stupid views genuinely agree and like your company. But you're the guy that's going to whine over and over about how you were betrayed when she goes mask off.

>> No.78499686

what's pickme about them anyway

>> No.78499880
File: 253 KB, 380x427, memery.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pickme Pikamee
Evolves into
Whore Henya

>> No.78499914

hope she sees this bro

>> No.78500182
File: 109 KB, 384x356, she laughed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow that's a lot my dude.

>> No.78500909

>muh pick me
>muh pick me
>muh pick me
I don't know about you but I like women that work hard to earn my money. Most girls in real life don't even play videos game. When you remove Candy Crush and smartphone games in general the percentage ratio of women vs men that actually play video games drops to like 80% men and 20% women. Women don't actually like video games you goddammed nerds. Women don't even watch anime either. Have you ever gone to a convention? It's always like 90% men and the few girls cosplaying and stuff and getting all the attention because women are attention whores by nature.

>> No.78503335

>pick me
Only women and trannies use that word

>> No.78504551

This post is a pristine example of a woman faced with accountability for something women did. Instead of owning up to it, she fabricates her own version of events where she's right and the man she's arguing with is wrong.

>> No.78505463

>The predecessor is "not like the other girls"...
Yeah I've met a few of those.
>...and it's used to describe women that ruin friend groups by cheating on all of them.
Now you're just projecting.
>...your delusional fantasy that girls that validate your stupid views genuinely agree and like your company.
Oh my. You've got some layers to unpack, honey.

>> No.78505556

Pick me, pick that. You're just mad no one picks you.

>> No.78508263

Woman post

>> No.78508332

this post aged horribly
