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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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[ERROR] No.7828248 [Reply] [Original]

Help I've fallen in love with her.

>> No.7828261

Me too. I fucking love that tako

>> No.7828326

You'll never even meet her. Stop obsessing while you're ahead.

>> No.7828410
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Goslinging isn't a logical emotion. Most of us know we are illogical but also know we won't ever find anyone who activates our dopamine receptors like our oshi does

>> No.7828737

1. Take a few steps back and realise she is a fictive character portrayed by a talented individual. She, the character is not real. She is entertainment nothing more.
2. If step 1 does not help you, try reflecting on what you are missing in your life that makes you so miserable that you fall in love with a non existing character. Try improving your life and you will find you do not need this fake love.
3. If step 2 does not help you, you have developed a serious issue of obsession. Seek professional help immediately for counselling and so they can provide you with the meds you clearly need.
4. If step 3 is not helping you out of this obsession the only path left is investing in rope and finding a tree with a sturdy branch.

Gosling syndrome is a mental illness. Try your best to realise these girls/women are entertainers, they are not your friends and you will never meet them.

>> No.7829218

good, now watch the tako

>> No.7829268

I live in BC. I may have met her an never even known it

>> No.7829369

What kind of fartbrain thinks this is some deep insight? Dilate.
Stop projecting. There is nothing unusual about liking a cute girl you spend so much time seeing and hearing.
What the fuck is wrong with you? What makes you sperg out like this over a simple i love my waifu thread. You're a legit psychopath.

>> No.7829400

Get in line.

>> No.7829707

Dopamine is fucking overrated. The obsession with dopamine is exactly what's causing the shitty shit in society.
Go for serotonin.
Serotonin is quite literally and unironically the chad neurotransmitter.

>> No.7829842

I have to watch VODs though, sorry.

>> No.7829881

Newfag here what do these mean?

>> No.7829945

I can't tell if baiting or genuinely retarded.

>> No.7829964

The later.

>> No.7830006

You do know that you can easily do google searches for these terms to figure it out yourself right?

>> No.7830051

How would i google watch the tako and get the meaning?

>> No.7830104
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>> No.7830181

Yeah and that doesn't explain what watch the tako is supposed to mean here.

>> No.7830228

What are you doing in this thread if you haven't even watched Ina?

>> No.7830295

What are you talking about?

>> No.7830385

Is it entertaining to pretend to be retarded?

>> No.7830548

>You enjoy things I don't so you should kill yourself

>> No.7830754

It has nothing to do with deep insight, it is the most basic concept. She is not real.
There is nothing wrong in liking a cute girl that you are seeing or talking to, but here you are liking(loving to use op's word) a character portrayed by for the lack of a better word an actor. It would even have been the same thing if you were interacting with an e-girl. Ina is not the same girl that is behind the character. None of them are. All streamers put on an act for their audience.

You might call me a psychopath, but all I want here is for OP to realize that whatever love he's feeling is a fake feeling. Does she make you feel happy? Great. Does she help you get through an otherwise shitty life? Even better. But that does not change the fact that for her you are at best a name among thousands in a chat box. At worst you are a name attached to a superchat. Do not devolve the feeling of happiness you have into an obsession that you mistake for "love", for a person you have never and will never meet. Such a trait is the first step to becoming a real stalker, not some waifu "lover" on the internet.

>> No.7831039
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You’re a hopeless retard

>> No.7831088

At least the chances are non-zero for that anon. I on the other hand have had no chance at all since I live in China.

>> No.7831146

Hurray for apathy, I guess.

>> No.7831152

What she look like irl?
I only know that one picture

>> No.7831223

She looks like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lq9eqHDKJPE

>> No.7831645

>It has nothing to do with deep insight, it is the most basic concept. She is not real.
That's his point you pretentious virtue-signaller.

>> No.7832077

Ina loves chink money tho and she panders to ccp. If you have some yuans and love xi you have pretty good chance.

>> No.7840760
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You know what you must do: reps!

>> No.7847604
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How could one love this woman, look at her chest, it's non existent, literally paper flat almost as it's a man, are you perhaps, homosexual?

>> No.7847816


>> No.7847885

Based opinion

>> No.7848629
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>> No.7848651

sorry, bro. she's not a virgin

>> No.7848664


>> No.7849173

You are right. It will be fixed after I pump 5 children into her, that'll do.

>> No.7849379

I've seen Ina's roommate and she's super cute too. I really love the stories she tells about her family, it's nice to know that someone in the world is happy.

"Can we have dippin' daawwwwts?"

>> No.7849408

No, ask the takodachi if you want that.

>> No.7849796

I don't really love Ina, but I do love Takodachis. I'm buying her Tako plushie and sticking an onahole in it so I can fuck it everyday.

>> No.7853308

That makes it even better.

>> No.7853476

So you're a cuck then? Because her roommate has a bf.

>> No.7853619

I want to caress that chest.

>> No.7859438

She’s over 40

>> No.7859970

Yes, that's how I like my women; so flat that they're 2D.

>> No.7860188

i want to play xylophone on those ribs

>> No.7860254
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shut the fuck up and let the man gosling. its in our blood.
t. ame gosling

>> No.7864052

Stealth wah thread
post wah

>> No.7864472

She probably smells like fish and unwashed underwear

>> No.7865302

>Ina panties

>> No.7865331

Boring and generic asian girl is boring and generic. There are 1 billion of them out there, take your pick.

>> No.7865391

Shes pretty unattractive irl. Just saying.

>> No.7865473

yeah her bf is pptenshi

>> No.7865563

You've fallen in love with an avatar.

None of the hololiveEN girls are attractive irl.

Mori is fat.
Kiara has fucked up buck teeth and uses heavy photoshop to hide her flaws.
Ina is a fairly unattractive korean NEET
Gura is fat and short and fairly unattractive
Ame the less said about her the better

The only Vtubers that are attractive irl are: Matsuri and Nyaaaners.

>> No.7866110

>board primarily filled with white and brown young male losers
>average at best looking asian girl who likes memes and shit
im surprised its not more common

>> No.7866151

Ina is cute IRL in my opinion. Gura is also attractive. Ame actually is built like a refrigerator, her voice does not match her body at all.

>> No.7866205

Congrats, now you can be a part of the most obnoxious falseflagging fanbase to ever exist in this board.

>> No.7866206

>Ina is a fairly unattractive korean NEET
That's pretty hot.

>> No.7867119

Now that's some bait you got there buddy

>> No.7867146

Based and facts

>> No.7867499

>anti falseflags as gosling to start another doxthread

>> No.7872123
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>> No.7872180

thank you for bumping an obvious falseflag thread, retard. this shit was close from falling off the board

>> No.7872304

n-no you cant post...

>> No.7872509

idk I find Sora's cute

>> No.7873415

i didn't read all of it but here's my take: goslinging is a-okay if you don't annoy the streamer or anyone else. please think of the doomed neets whose only joy in life is to simulate a relationship with their oshi in their heads

>> No.7874388

shes literally a chink shill.
one of her family member has ties with the ccp,
one of the reasons why she stayed far away from coco most of the time when she was around

>> No.7874729

epic meme, upvoted

>> No.7878595


>> No.7881492

Anon... your doxreps...

>> No.7881888
File: 11 KB, 273x184, 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually goes to the gym
>huge tits
>outside of questionable fashion choices she is fine
ps i did my reps

>just fucking speculation
>no1 actually know for 100% how her roommate looks
so shut the fuck up falseflager

Ina, Kiara are just regular girls, you could find those outside your mom's basement

Ame has got some "goods"

>> No.7882575

>This post is off-topic.

>> No.7883115

1 hand right under her non existent boob, the other gripping knee pit which is pushed up near her chest and pump away. Nothing gay about that, anon

>> No.7888023
File: 881 KB, 915x798, 1616644301339.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drown yourself in your love. Goslinging is the true path to enlightenment, unironically. Feeling love for someone else like you've never had before gives you motivation, happiness, and strength. You will do reps like you wouldn't believe.

>> No.7891455

Unironically based. Pleasure is dog shit. Happiness is where it's at.
