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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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[ERROR] No.7821654 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.7821872
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>> No.7826483

I thought it wasn't that good but on subsequent listens it's grown on me a little. Visuals are absolute fire though.

>> No.7827051

She even mixed some asmr elements into it.

>> No.7827163
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What is good about it exactly? I don't get it.

>> No.7827389


>> No.7827642
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At first i was like:
"wtf is this?"
But then i just kept listening to it, over and over again...

You can't really explain it, yet it just works.

>> No.7827809
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I cum every time

>> No.7827965

I wouldn't say it's good in the same way that Ahoy! is a good song, but it's fun to listen to in it's own way. Ahoy! is a more typical pop song, very catchy, strong melody, just fun to listen to, but Unison is a different beast. It's more experimental in how it mixes beats and styles, but I think the result has a great texture to it. I'm not even really a big ASMR guy but I like the part where the vocals and the whispering overlap.

>> No.7828104

Honestly I still don't like it. Feels like the vocals and the instrumental are two completely different songs that were forced together by some artsy retard engineer.

>> No.7828166

What's the name of this genre? Glitchpop?

>> No.7828169

I had my first impression through my phone and half awake, getting ready for work. Thought it had a shit song but good MV. Then when I went home and enjoyed it full screen on my 27' monitor with my Beyerdynamics, and I really came to understand and appreciate how unique and special this MV is, both on the visual and audio sides. I really enjoy the ASMR-like whispering and 4(?)-person harmony.

>> No.7828232

sounds more like psychedelic trance to me.

>> No.7828233

It's pretty great. I hope Marine keeps running with it and puts out some more songs in a similar style. I'm not into idol style music so most of Hololive's songs do nothing for me.

>> No.7830056

progressive techno

>> No.7830087

It's alright

>> No.7830095


isn't there that genre which is like sickly kawaii to the point it starts getting over the top and starts going into horror.

>> No.7830343

What artists should I listen to if I want more stuff like this? I'm a pleb but I absolutely love this song.

>> No.7832991

I didn't even listen to that song but I heard its very me me me material

>> No.7833060

It's really bad

>> No.7841425

I like the atmosphere. Mainly because I hate generic popshit.

>> No.7842067

you know, it kind of remind me of that song Born Slippy...

>> No.7842272

First run of it I thought it was ok. I think I've listened to it like 4-5 more times after and it gets better after every play. I really like they are kinda coming out of the same idol pop style. Like Mikochi's song at the end of her 3d last week.

>> No.7842910

That shit was so good. If only she would release it already...
That song belongs in Yakuza 0.

>> No.7844208

The off beat timing thing was surprisingly great. My favorite thing about it is just how different it is. Definitely wish some of the other girls will do the same and branch out from generic idol jpop.

>> No.7847359

i love marine a lot but unison isn't for me i guess. i felt like it was not that energetic compared to her actual personality to be honest

>> No.7847402

at least post the link fag

>> No.7847601
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Stream Unison, just a little more to one million views.

>> No.7847752

Gave it 3 listens, not my cup of tea, but glad some of you guys are enjoying it.

>> No.7848072

Just listened to it once, not really my thing.
For the anons that wanted something more upbeat perhaps this can scratch the itch

>> No.7850579

need more, what's the name of the song artist ?

>> No.7850894

She mogged Ina and Kiara really hard.

>> No.7850906

It was great, much prefer it to the more poppy idol stuff. I get that's their thing, they're all idols, and I like that stuff too, but I think this more exploratory sound is really cool. Marine's got a sultry sort of voice that lends itself really well to this more soothing trance-y kind of sound, it's a good fit for her even if it doesn't seem like a song someone with her personality might sing. Excellent atmosphere with the visuals, too.

>> No.7851105

1M in 1 day and 14 hours, bravo Marine!

>> No.7851507

Unison sucks and Marine is a vulgar whore

>> No.7852969

shhhh, leave that 1 day 14 hours part out. SPARKS fags will be seething.

>> No.7853344

So the chorus main lyrics are "onegai choose me" and "onegai chuuni"?

>> No.7854106
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I'm conflicted.

I still fucking hate the song, but love the video, and love seeing marine succeed.


>> No.7854153

Good song but cringe video. The lyrics seem gay.

>> No.7854201

Just watch the video muted, you can recognize the good parts and be happy for her

>> No.7854216

Let your dick do the listening. I think it'd be a different experience if unison was played down there.

>> No.7854301

when I heard it for the first time I thought it was chuu (kiss) me, but it's probably meant to be ambiguous.

>> No.7857714

It's minimalism done well. Not quite as heavy a focus on strong melodies as with more popular minimalistic songs like Daft Punk's hits, but does a really good job of transforming from irregular beats and sparse vocals into something more orderly and filled-out. Then it continues strong by mixing things up and giving small fakeouts that reward close listening. Also, it's not generic J-pop.

>> No.7857741

Oh, and I forgot to mention the neat soundscape. It's always nice when a song puts in the effort to create one.

>> No.7857755
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>> No.7857816

>i felt like it was not that energetic compared to her actual personality to be honest
It might not be her usual, upbeat entertainer self, but it's definitely her. Kind of ironic that you're making that comment on a song that's so clearly about all the different aspects that make her her.

>> No.7858651

it's very trippy and gets addicting by listening to it more times

>> No.7858740

I love it so much, it grows on me every single time i listen to it, i just keep falling more and more in love with my captain.

>> No.7858996

This is a really really good song. Hope more vtuber songs are more on this level, less pop, more art that I can listen to more than several times without getting bored. Tsukino Mito's new album is on the right track as well.

>> No.7859487

>basic 4/4 beat at 150 bpm
>percussion and phrasing trick retards into thinking rhythm is complicated

The rhythm and phrase syncopation is on purpose, it's there to create a disjointed feeling of uncertainty and doubt because the singer is saying that is the state of their relationship with the audience. When the chorus comes on it becomes harmonized and in rhythm saying "please choose me" as in the uncertainty is gone and what she really wants is snapped into focus. The 150 bpm pushes the beat along so that it's not too fast where you're left behind but the feeling of having to keep going forward is there. Her relaxed voice with the odd lyrics contradicts the push of the rhythm.

>> No.7859651

Best suggestion I can come up with is Grimes from her Visions-Era, songs like Genesis or Nightmusic go that direction and she tends to use overlapping and drawn out vocals quite extensively.

>> No.7859778

I like the lyrics and the double meaning that they offer, even if it's really just picking words that sounds like "kiss me".
It's really different the other songs, I'm glad it's not another 怪物 cover.

>> No.7860615


>> No.7863288

senchou's new song

>> No.7866773
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I imagine it's what taking a barrel full of acid would feel like, and I like it

>> No.7867389

I love how the entire song FEELS both nautical and horny on a textural level, the way the melody rocks and sways so steadily like ocean waves or sex. How when she sings about sinking in the middle the beat actually sinks into something totally different. How in the beginning part when the four Marines argue over who should stay with you, she doesn't just use four different voices/styles, but the whole melody shifts into a new rhythmic variant that evokes the costume. How the instruments sound like bubbles and open water. How she keeps sneaking in homonyms for kissing on the chorus, and literally ends the whole thing with complaining about not being able to come.
Ahoy! is fun and its lyrics are -about- Senchou, but I love Unison because it -sounds- like Senchou.

>> No.7868050
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It's fucking great, listening non-stop

>> No.7870443

best listened to with MV. the visuals hit me right in that nostalgic weak spot.
>it's ~15 years in the past
>you rush home from school and eat on the couch
>turn on cathode ray TV and touch the screen for static electricity because it's fun
>watch dubbed Anime for 3 hours and forget about homework
it's so long ago and it will never be like that ever again.

>> No.7873306

>150 bpm
Last guy I talked about was hell-bent sure it's 160bpm and told my metronome was bugged...

turns out you schizo-spergs don't know the bpm either apparently

>> No.7874417

I really really like the animation

>> No.7874793
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it really really grew on me. I was originally pretty eh on it; now, i listen to it a few times a day. this and 3:12 are pretty addictive. Can't wait for the botan one; I don't think ive ever heard her sing a solo song.
Heres a translation of Unison (read the comments to understand what was lost in translation tho): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QxpSoLCzpxM

>> No.7874864

Honestly the Gosling song is kinda close

>> No.7874872

I haven't seen any of you EOPs talk about how the whole chorus is a pun on the word chuu. senchou you dirty kiss whore.

>> No.7874897
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>> No.7875269

This is literally the only part of the lyrics EOPs can catch, anon.

>> No.7878561


Try hearing her cover song from her 3d debut, she submitted it apart after it, or any of her milestone karaoker


Karaoke list:

>> No.7879725

love her breathy soft singing voice but she definitely need some more training. she would make a great lounge singer otherwise.
