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78462074 No.78462074 [Reply] [Original]

FWW Edition
Previous Thread >>78449742

>Upcoming Stream
>Previous Stream

>Youtube Channel

>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_フワワ・アビスガード%22 (Fuwawa)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_モココ・アビスガード%22 (Mococo)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list)

>Thread Template

>> No.78462117


>> No.78462131

Did Justice rape FWMC at some point?

>> No.78462129
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>> No.78462130
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>> No.78462136
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>> No.78462137

will they read the SCs from FWMCMORNING 100?

>> No.78462148

anan why would you superchat that now when they can't talk about it yet

>> No.78462166

Tell me with a straight face this was better than Mbembe

>> No.78462174

>5 pinks, 2 reds

>> No.78462188

anal they haven't official announced it yet...

>> No.78462190


>> No.78462194

did you know this game is an NES game

>> No.78462196


>> No.78462211

You can notice a trend with some of the top pigs that makes it very obvious they are attention starved

>> No.78462232

So weird that they say SNS instead of just social media lol

>> No.78462245

They just leaked that justice are actually goats

>> No.78462250


>> No.78462252

Hopefully Justice will give these girls the correction they've been needing.

>> No.78462258


>> No.78462268

It was.
No joke.
Now if you said Dogs Organized Neatly, you might have a slight argument with the pieces being fully cut off the screen,

>> No.78462294

Fuwamoco raped the cat

>> No.78462314

for all the JUSTICE lovers out there

>> No.78462318

Ojisans they're making fun of us again

>> No.78462364

Mococo HATES us now

>> No.78462363

Its what the Japs say, so of course that's how FWMC will say it too.

>> No.78462372


>> No.78462374


>> No.78462376

What do you mean?

>> No.78462379



>> No.78462387

It was retro kino, of course it was better.

>> No.78462400

what percentage of ruffians are about to oshihen to someone in EN4?

>> No.78462423

If they want to make fun of us for being old, I'm gonna start fighting back.

>> No.78462432


>> No.78462446

>a pepper is NOT cute
t mococo after seeing my pepper

>> No.78462463

Hopefully everyone but me

>> No.78462467


>> No.78462477
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>> No.78462476

Ojisans your era sucked fucking ass

>> No.78462513

at least the sisters will focus on the fresh meat and we'll get raided less

>> No.78462544

Ice Climbers was a shit game even in my time. Bubble Bobble would have been a better choice.

>> No.78462566

>wait to see if SC reading is confirmed to send one
>wait to see how many SCs there are to determine the amount

>> No.78462597

pacman was better

>> No.78462613

They were stalling until mane-chan said it was ok to talk about it

>> No.78462645

Why are they so hard on themselves?

>> No.78462653

one can hope

>> No.78462699

It was, the best part of Mbembe was them seeing the loaf cat.

>> No.78462704

I tried playing the first Metroid and it was trash. Ojisans are full of shit hyping up their era.

>> No.78462709

sucks that this basically guarantees they won't hit a million this year. Promise subs basically froze when Advent debuted

>> No.78462716

That's what I'm hoping on, but we'll see

>> No.78462733

These retards just walk around the streets screaming. Do you think they did that in the NWPassage?

>> No.78462759

It is what it is

>> No.78462780

>insulting Metroid
You're getting my fat-coagulated ojisan blood boiling there, son.

>> No.78462828

I've played every Metroid, and indeed the first is bad.

>> No.78462831

Halo bros...

>> No.78462846

Come on now, you two don't like to reach out because you're awkward and a little autistic.

>> No.78462853

Two can play this game

>> No.78462945

The SNES is objectively the best console that's ever existed.

>> No.78462963

It's your fault for NOT slowing down and appreciating what you have.

>> No.78462974

nta, I love the original metroid, but it's super rough around the edges

>> No.78462976

They're very emotional puppies.
I love them.

>> No.78462986


>> No.78462989

Mbembe was a pretty boring slog with the only highlights being the haunted house with nothing in it, and the cat. They at least seemed more excited with Ice Climber in general besides at the very start where Mococo wanted to give up

>> No.78463014

they bau bau constantly

>> No.78463015

Almost no one says NES Metroid is actually good. At best they'll say it was influential in some vague way.

>> No.78463024

Wrap it up ladies Justice is about to be served

>> No.78463025

the remake, zero mission, is one of the greatest games of all time tho

>> No.78463076

I love OG metroid, but it's RUFF.

>> No.78463097

how is this supachat reading not over wtf i thought it was short

>> No.78463108

hard agree on that

>> No.78463117

Fuck off Zuzu

>> No.78463120

>it's the summer of Advent NOT the summer of Justice
Damn Mococo you really didn't need to make it so personal.

>> No.78463149

I played zero mission instead as I heard it was the remake

>> No.78463177

I enjoyed it and thought it was good. Liked it better than Zelda 2 or Kid Icarus.

>> No.78463214

is this image manipulated

>> No.78463221

>fuwawa winking at the comments mentioning mococo's chest

>> No.78463225

I just want to understand why they're always acting like they're graduating next week and also talk about how they wish they could slow down. Sure, there's mandated stuff that they have to do, but we know and they've said as much that they took on a ton of extra shit.

>> No.78463230

why do are they called shorts when they should be called longs

>> No.78463232
File: 395 KB, 1482x2048, GQME0RrboAAfJaR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


are you following

fuwawa winked to me btw

>> No.78463237

No you did not. You actually think Zelda 2 is the best Zelda.

>> No.78463238

very ruff indeed

>> No.78463240

>fuwamoco talked about cats like 20 times
>fuwamoco counter is a cat
>cover i kneel

>> No.78463256


>> No.78463258

(they love us)

>> No.78463279
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>> No.78463315

That's reserved for A Link to the Past.

>> No.78463340


>> No.78463357

how do you people find these

>> No.78463359
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>> No.78463370

Maybe they should do less voicepacks and shit, but we all know they're greedy af

>> No.78463379

I'm a hero of JUSTICE but I'm also a ADVENTurer

>> No.78463386

they have to fill in the time to raid

>> No.78463432

Zelda 2 is underrated but it's not the best Zelda. It's way better than Zelda 1, even if it's different.

>> No.78463459


>> No.78463473
File: 408 KB, 760x414, 4351564316.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78463477

Gorilla dot dot dot...

>> No.78463501

Kys retard

>> No.78463507

Mococo is not sexy. She will lose this poll. Watch.

>> No.78463546

If you don't vote sexy ruffians i will expose all of you on their hashtag

>> No.78463579

Mococo if I were truthful about what I would do to your small body, you'd hate me.

>> No.78463580

unfortunately ruffians arent funny enough for that

>> No.78463617

It's never the time for anything...

>> No.78463637

Mococo stop being a fucking pussy.

>> No.78463651

First SC I've given an updoot

>> No.78463700

Gorillas are retarded, nothing new here.

>> No.78463715

She's unsexy and I just ripped ass It smells like a burning tire..

>> No.78463716
File: 1.57 MB, 789x1200, 119414333_p0_master.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my wives are both sexy

>> No.78463743


>> No.78463746

You don't understand Mococo's heart

>> No.78463754


>> No.78463785

fuck off gorilla, God damn coomer

>> No.78463844
File: 14 KB, 686x84, BULLY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78463849

Alright this is pretty good.

>> No.78463864

new gen has me feeling doomer about advent

>> No.78463873

Fuwawa using her head... Dangerous...

>> No.78463877

Don't speak that way about the Ruffians' thoughtful and nice comments.

>> No.78463889

She'll read my supa calling her sexy. She just hates gorilla and loves me.

>> No.78463897

send some more SCs they need 5 more minutes

>> No.78463925

they are really riding this shit out holy crap, justice is soon

>> No.78463937

Another gorilla supa another awkward moment with Mococo LOL

>> No.78463965

FWMC tard wrangling is imminent.

>> No.78463968

what the fuck
post the sc raffeans

>> No.78463983

what a waste

>> No.78463982


>> No.78463986

Why is Mococo so sad, is it because she knows lots of people will oshihen for the new girls?

>> No.78464005

Holy shit imagine if she whispered that

>> No.78464028

thats right fuck off gorilla, fucking porn brained attention whore

>> No.78464036

>maybe if I whisper it it won't be as weird
Fuwawa is so stupid I love her

>> No.78464092

Okay fuck you then Moco-chan you are NOT sexy.

>> No.78464099
File: 142 KB, 341x329, deviousfuwawa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This temptress knew what she was doing when she suggested it

>> No.78464100

Hahaha, they really are a little afraid.

>> No.78464106

opened the thread specifically hoping this would happen. would have been glorious

>> No.78464148

What was the SC?

>> No.78464158


>> No.78464171

are they gonna fuckin' overlap a gen debut??

>> No.78464183

wrong again

>> No.78464196

ladies you can end it now

>> No.78464216

they're gonna redirect to it baka

>> No.78464219

Mococo is sexy

>> No.78464222

so true sister

>> No.78464227
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>> No.78464271

This bit would be so boring without Fuwawa.

>> No.78464281

It's not a debut, just a short 1-2 minute teaser.

>> No.78464283

ok well fuck you Moco-chan. it's all for fuwawa now

>> No.78464286

>mouthful of hair
she ate the fluff...

>> No.78464321

If they don't read me, I'm oshihenning.

>> No.78464331

You'll see when then read previous supas.

>> No.78464341
File: 26 KB, 490x323, 1631673965787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78464364

We tried to compliment Mococo but she doesn't want it.

>> No.78464365

that's why they're filling in time to raid it retard

>> No.78464387

they're tard wrangling someone

>> No.78464401

nerissa ++

>> No.78464409

Moco-chan never plays along, she needs to be less autistic.

>> No.78464437

Are these bitches going to overlap the new gen debut? Man they're really scared about all the oshihen that's incoming.
These dogs are old news it's time for the new.

>> No.78464486

Fuck this I'm getting justice

>> No.78464487

Didn't ask

>> No.78464490


>> No.78464507

amazing how they managed to draw out this supachat reading like this
more time with them is nice thoguh

>> No.78464511

once again coomers trying to push their agenda onto mococo and she has shut you down
when will you LEARN

>> No.78464546

Gorilla is exclusively mentioning Fuwawa from now on. that's Mococo's third strike I know when I've been rejected.

>> No.78464550

she plays along when i say it

>> No.78464572


>> No.78464592

Tranny mentioned

>> No.78464596

Less than a minute

>> No.78464619

>Nerissa just hugged Mococo as she ate breakfast

>> No.78464621


>> No.78464652

You already failed this b8 in /#/ bro, go back to your estrogen popping sisters

>> No.78464659

Waiting room is up and it is set to premiere in a minute on yt

>> No.78464663

baused and truthpilled

>> No.78464706

A minute until the countdown starts. Still 5 more minutes for the actual video.

>> No.78464720

Redirect already you old hags, it's time to get that new hotness

>> No.78464763

Are they really going to shit on Justice by not redirecting?

>> No.78464778


>> No.78464801

>they are actually just doing a post-game zatsu unprompted
holy shit isnt this something we've been hoping for since the early months?

>> No.78464837

countdown up, selfish dogs

>> No.78464876


>> No.78464882

I think their gonna watch it with us

>> No.78464891

I wonder why >>78464100

>> No.78464893

Every single retard mentioning it in chat is a massive faggot.

>> No.78464908

my fucking EARS

>> No.78464910


>> No.78464915

Jesus Christ FWMC it's not about you today.

>> No.78464920

oh it's a watchalong

>> No.78464925

>not redirecting

>> No.78464987

2k subs

>> No.78464999

absolute fucking leeches

>> No.78465041

>not redirecting
Cunts. Oshihenning.

>> No.78465053

Why aren't they redirecting?

>> No.78465056

nobody redirected

>> No.78465101


>> No.78465119

I can't wait to see them try hard to collab with them over and over in the first couple months.

>> No.78465126

nerissa is also doing a watchalong/no redirect fyi
probably shiori too

>> No.78465133

they really just need a little push to give us that ASMR we need a oldfag to oshihen

>> No.78465151

>2x speed
>catches up and freezes for 10 seconds

>> No.78465150
File: 842 KB, 520x375, 1620770346371.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's ok Gorilla you did your best. At least you know when to give up, good luck with Fuwawa.

>> No.78465199


>> No.78465214

No one from Advent is redirecting.

>> No.78465234

>It needs to be about US

>> No.78465283


>> No.78465303

Hi energy Gigi will steal me.

>> No.78465356

I like Yellow Kobo

>> No.78465456


>> No.78465553

@holoen_erbloodflame (Debut: 6/21 @ 8:00 PM PDT)
Debut stream: https://youtube.com/live/NdlSHUEVCj8
X: https://x.com/ERBloodflame

@holoen_gigimurin (Debut: 6/21 @ 8:45 PM PDT)
Debut stream: https://youtube.com/live/15aufXwBIKw
X: https://x.com/gigimurin

@holoen_ceciliaimmergreen (Debut: 6/22 @ 8:00 PM PDT)
Debut stream: https://youtube.com/live/p_ZQs-kgUKI
X: https://x.com/ceciliaimgreen

@holoen_raorapanthera (Debut: 6/22 @ 8:45 PM PDT)
Debut stream: https://www.youtube.com/live/JW7j8tKMOfY
X: https://x.com/raorapanthera

>> No.78465572
File: 1.91 MB, 1920x1080, 【#holoJustice】The Mission Begins!【hololive English New Unit Debut PV】_ 【#holoJustice】The Mission Begins!【hololive English New Unit Debut PV】-2024-6-18-23127.370-1080p-streamshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78465637

hehe, gigi means teeth in my language and she's showing teeth

>> No.78465661

nijisanji ass names

>> No.78465670

>looking down to read her notes

>> No.78465680

Best design. We'll see what she's actually like. Please don't be a weeb who watches more anime than these two.

>> No.78465736

you said that last time

>> No.78465747

So which ones are following the homos?

>> No.78465752

Bae 2

>> No.78465755

nijisanji ass designs too

>> No.78465798

So if FWMC are committed to kayfabe, they can't collab with them, right?

>> No.78465822

sorry, no gay retards

>> No.78465854

>not EU time

>> No.78465891

walkie talkie collab ala fren backroom collab gonna be kinoe

>> No.78465909

I meant because she might actually steal me with that.

>> No.78465984


>> No.78465993

I don't think that's even possible

>> No.78465997

kek she is

>> No.78466031
File: 169 KB, 659x373, (you).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is fucking over

>> No.78466056

Just leave already if that's all it takes lol

>> No.78466091


>> No.78466097
File: 230 KB, 1000x1792, GQZ5Og0aIAMsLN7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78466150

And this is the one they're excited about because ears

>> No.78466170

>/here/ grifter
Nice, exactly what hololive needs

>> No.78466190

holy fuck, is she her own mama

>> No.78466197
File: 344 KB, 466x503, 【#holoJustice】The Mission Begins!【hololive English New Unit Debut PV】_ 【#holoJustice】The Mission Begins!【hololive English New Unit Debut PV】-2024-6-18-23448.219-1080p-streamshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78466266
File: 82 KB, 741x274, firefox_YZ4FxXDf0u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78466281

I can't believe we're losing two slots this week for this trash

>> No.78466290

>FuwaMoco are nervous, they're crying, they don't want to lose to the new girls
Meanwhile they're more excited than anyone for these new girls. Shame on all of you.

>> No.78466318

What's that on her feet?

>> No.78466382
File: 237 KB, 753x566, Screenshot_20240618_210546_Chrome Beta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78466409

I just literally don't care and wish they would end the stream already instead of reading a clearly forced script to shill them

>> No.78466421


>> No.78466434

Hey gorilla i think your sc would be better spent on this one instead of continuing to bug Mococo

>> No.78466439

unironically disgusting, avoiding this one at all costs

>> No.78466441

this must be a coincidence right

>> No.78466461
File: 2.70 MB, 1920x1080, sex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So we're grooming Gigi on our alts right lads?

>> No.78466518

Koyori impregnated Okayu

>> No.78466538
File: 83 KB, 423x531, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78466543

Do you expect them to break down, cry, and beg on stream? You’re the type of retard that believes they actually want you to cheat on them

>> No.78466566

They love robot girls...

>> No.78466564


>> No.78466574

Are you talking about the circles? They probably open up for jets or something. Gotta be good at chasing stuff down with little legs somehow

>> No.78466589

Stingray chama...

>> No.78466601

well RIP

>> No.78466609

>but also can draw
there ain't no artist here

>> No.78466614
File: 1.86 MB, 228x170, 1618955729888.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pure sex

>> No.78466651

It's over.

>> No.78466653

Cover is trash. The girls are busy with their 3D debuts. Get forced to use their limited time to shill their rivals.

>> No.78466663

Even Pekora gets afraid of losing fans to new gens anon

>> No.78466667
File: 722 KB, 775x921, snapshot2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78466685

that shit breached containment to twitter just like everything else from /here/

>> No.78466707

I'm doing it on main

>> No.78466721

Why does this description sound like fuwamoco?
>gets in trouble for fun
>craving = how fuwamoco always say "hunger"
The fuwamoco killer is coming from inside the house...

>> No.78466736

unfollowing homos is a requirement for me

>> No.78466740

jesus christ

>> No.78466741


>> No.78466750

alts? I'll just show up with my oshi mark

>> No.78466760

New Bae just dropped

>> No.78466767

That looks nice. I want the original of that art on the sketchpad.

>> No.78466781

Kill yourself, Raora

>> No.78466812

I'm not even paying attention to you anymore Fuwamoco, why are you even still streaming?

>> No.78466835

i am honestly half-paying attention to what fuwamoco are saying but theyre being cutely enthusiastitc

>> No.78466837

Reminder that FuwaMoco went out of their way to unfollow the holostars account that cover followed for them

>> No.78466897

>follow homos dropped

>> No.78466898

Do you retards not get that it's a joke like "capturing you....r heart"? Nothing to do with /here/

>> No.78466963
File: 285 KB, 3840x3840, 1705405792397777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78466969

Autism please understand

>> No.78466980

Holy fucking sex

>> No.78466994

Corporate does this automatically before the mem gets access to the accounts

>> No.78466996

>yfw this is our cutting femruffian

>> No.78467003

Is there somewhere I can read what they're saying?

>> No.78467011

There's always some tone deaf retard that makes an oshihen joke every new gen

>> No.78467022

>gather info from SNS
>and other unique method
she's /here/ alrite

>> No.78467050

Mind control Raora

>> No.78467060

this is a hype moment so im zooming between twitter and threads its hard to focus on fwmc

>> No.78467062

Plausible deniability and interpreting it multiple ways.

>> No.78467117

the others aren't all following them

>> No.78467121


>> No.78467151

Wouldn't that be "capturing you(r heart)"

>> No.78467161

>that mouth
hmm... I really think the pink one is a live grenade

>> No.78467182


>> No.78467186

Lol, I can already tell Justice are all gonna be homocollabers. I don't give a shit about them.

>> No.78467249

someone get the muzzle im trying to sleep

>> No.78467309

They're reading the lore shit off the website

>> No.78467330

That places the emphasis on "capturing you" instead of "capturing your heart", where it is intended

>> No.78467334


>> No.78467348

I'll give the cat one chance to not fuck it up. If she doesn't fuck up I'll watch her.

>> No.78467390

>can not stop thinking about males

>> No.78467472

That is a real feature btw

>> No.78467511

At least with this gen we'll finally get some FWMC BDSM art

>> No.78467514

Why are fuwamoco STILL going?

>> No.78467515

What page on the website?

>> No.78467564

It's their fault Don't feel sorry They ruined everything when they moved

>> No.78467572

It's a real feature but I'm pretty sure it only works for vods

>> No.78467591
File: 740 KB, 1890x1890, GQZ5p6dXYAApwu9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is cute

>> No.78467593

give it a few days. two of them arent follwing them, but the other two are.

>> No.78467611

I'm not subscribing to shit until I see debuts

>> No.78467686
File: 61 KB, 228x234, 1718729754978074.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did NOT subscribe to Justice.

>> No.78467693

Fuck off fags, they just spent 15 minutes hyping this shit up, they are happy, they are good senpai and not jealous at all.

>> No.78467701

I subscribe to everyone until I see debut

>> No.78467710
File: 89 KB, 400x400, 1717722373317344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>debuting on the weekend a day or two after the Elden Ring DLC releases
May or may not be good. On one hand more people will be probably taking time off, but that's going to dominate social media for a few days.

>> No.78467740

> more supas

>> No.78467750


>> No.78467791

its over x2

>> No.78467795

Then why not just say "Capturing your heart"?

>> No.78467834

correct, like and subscribe light up after the auto captioning picks it up

>> No.78467852

no one that watches vtubers plays games, the whole point is to watch someone else play them

>> No.78467882

It looks like it, style matches up

>> No.78467893

baused and same

>> No.78467953

Mococo holy shit my heart

>> No.78467955

>Hachi really was about the kouhai

>> No.78467997

I'm subscribed to everyone. It's up to them whether I'm a dead sub or not.

>> No.78468008

Because it's a joke about how she is going to both capture you (her job) and your heart (as an idol).

>> No.78468034

>there is a real chance that at least one of the new debuts are astroturfing in the thread right now

>> No.78468045
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>> No.78468087

Anon he just explained the joke to you... It's a funny way for it to be both, that's all it is

>> No.78468091

are you kidding me half the board is zoomers and they have like 19 things on 3 monitors at any given time

>> No.78468094

What's Fuwawa's endgame? Why are her tits so big?

>> No.78468098

it's just DLC mang

>> No.78468127


>> No.78468146


>> No.78468210

I never said they were jealous I said all Holos get afraid of losing fans to new gens.

>> No.78468221


>> No.78468223

>suzu is now mane-chan to a /here/ grifter

>> No.78468225


>> No.78468241

You serious

>> No.78468247

zoomers don't have monitors, they watch shit on their phone

>> No.78468295
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why is mococo's oshi like this

>> No.78468302
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They follow the homos...

>> No.78468358
File: 42 KB, 661x461, 1718767015118573.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck is this? We're in for some cringe.

>> No.78468370

I'll be honest.
I didn't subscribe to any of them because they want to bring Advent back to prison.
So I want them all to get fired.

>> No.78468374

Definitely the stupidest thing I've read here this week

>> No.78468390

How do I do the debut watchalong without missing looking at Advent's models and chat? Holodex?

>> No.78468394

How am I supposed to know to get a good rest if they don't tell me...

>> No.78468410
File: 20 KB, 312x312, 1718664512858433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>following the homos
KEK. Enjoy your oshis, Europoors.

>> No.78468430

I won't be watching any of them that are following homo accounts

>> No.78468450

Well they didn't read me this stream. Hopefully someone in Justice will appreciate me as a fan.

>> No.78468452

>the loli's oshi mark is the little girl emoji
Trying way too hard. I can already tell she's going to be obnoxious as fuck.

>> No.78468457

My wives are gone...
time for dinner

>> No.78468463


>> No.78468478

all 4 of them? no way

>> No.78468481

better artwork than I can draw

>> No.78468509

this >>78466266 didnt tip you off?

>> No.78468541
File: 297 KB, 381x387, mopero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you enjoy? It felt like they would just magnetically attracted to falling into those holes. I would love a soundpack/mod where they add their soundclips to the game. Popo and Nana constantly looked like they were panicking. How do you think they did?

>> No.78468549

Gorilla here. I give up on Moco-chan, sorry for pushing it even this far. I'll go back to the jungle for a while and think about life.

>> No.78468550
File: 896 KB, 640x640, 1621468312176.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every new Holo account is given to the talents already following the homos.

>> No.78468598

>Ice Fallers

>> No.78468617

Cute and Funny...stay with us...

>> No.78468692


>> No.78468715

They did their best, and that is enough. I always kind of hated playing Ice Climber myself, so this was actually surprisingly fun.

>> No.78468726

Oh you can do that with youtube on youtube? nice

>> No.78468744

FWMC almost immediately unfollowed those faggots.

>> No.78468783

newfags, the lot of them

>> No.78468794

>popo and nana rhyme with (mo)coco and (fu)wawa

>> No.78468819

oh what the hell, the pink one IS actually an artist

>> No.78468832

Didn't you say this last time you got BTFO. It hasn't been that long.

>> No.78468918

I never really liked this game very much, but I'll watch FWMC play pretty much anything that isn't another fun of mbembe so I had fun, and enjoyed being excited with them about new debuts

>> No.78468946

that's cause my wives are based

>> No.78468975

They actually did better than I thought they would.

>> No.78469018

Oh man, I hope she's as exciting and fun to watch as Ina

>> No.78469034

Nah I think he's done for real this time. A man can only take so much rejection.

>> No.78469035
File: 77 KB, 588x816, bib.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biboo pls...

>> No.78469037
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>> No.78469095

Don’t go, I was hoping that all the other fags would leave so that the gorillas could reclaim this thread

>> No.78469112

Sorry Moco-chan doesn't like you.

>> No.78469144

Why are only two girls following the homos then?

>> No.78469150
File: 251 KB, 1455x1027, 1694505484036489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sheep is very cute

>> No.78469179

don't like dox shit, but I found her just as boring if not more so kek

>> No.78469191

selfish whores running scared

>> No.78469197
File: 59 KB, 797x214, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they love running...

>> No.78469217

the disrespect

>> No.78469247

which two?

>> No.78469309

Stay gone
Hopefully you get the idea now

>> No.78469338

Please tell me none of them are Korean.

>> No.78469335

Begin, the cunny wars have... I'm glad I'm not a lolicon so I don't have to die in battle to determine who the superior cunny is.

>> No.78469392

both are dumb as rocks

>> No.78469407

No you don't understand he's giving up on calling Moco-chan sexy in SC's. Not necessarily leaving the threads completely.

>> No.78469455

>got home 2 minutes after stream
How was it

>> No.78469466

Loli is one of them.

>> No.78469473


>> No.78469556
File: 882 KB, 900x1600, 1694373717748514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please get spats mococo

>> No.78469617
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>> No.78469658

Fuck off faggot.

>> No.78469662

Why does the debut video reveal look like it had no budget

>> No.78469676

This is who I would main in a fighting game

>> No.78469686


>> No.78469787

I could bounce a coin off those tits
I could fall asleep in those thighs
I could huff that tail
I could fuck that pussy

>> No.78469821

I did but I convinced myself this was the time after she was at her weakest from all the bullying. But I'm just broken now and sorry I ever even tried because she clearly hates the idea of being sexy. I'm just going to silently stick to cumming for Fuwawa only until the next fluffy week.

>> No.78469837

Chocobo lookin ass

>> No.78469844
File: 73 KB, 697x1024, fuzzyprincess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember which loli you belong to raffians

>> No.78469862

I don't care about any of Justice. I only want more FuwaMoco

>> No.78469891
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>> No.78469941

I want to fuck her!!

>> No.78469943

Yep I think she might be a good contender, but time will tell.

>> No.78469976

wrong thread

>> No.78469977

They all do now. It's automated. Once they have full control after debut, then we'll see

>> No.78470005

I don't really care about you doing that shit here or even on twitter but some of you guys should really take the hint that they like to be seiso and cute. They aren't like Nerissa or Marine
Especially Mococo.

>> No.78470029


>> No.78470046

please interact with your kouhai fuwamoco...

>> No.78470050


>> No.78470070

Their recent album was pretty good though

>> No.78470071

>Don't worry ruffians are loyal

>> No.78470118

bunch of vshoujo drawings, I can already tell its a pass

>> No.78470157

fuwawa please masturbate before using twitter...

>> No.78470191
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>> No.78470195

they hate justice

>> No.78470200

Oh goddamn Fuwawa

>> No.78470306

if gigi drops an oniichan I drop fuwamoco. simple as.

>> No.78470343

They weren't worried at all. Too bad two streams this week will get eaten by the debut watchalongs though.

>> No.78470391

they should've just given holoearth's budget to pekora to make her dream game instead

>> No.78470403

how does she have the picture currently being taken on her ID card?

>> No.78470418

yeah me

>> No.78470435

Gigi and her pikachu

>> No.78470480

This is a BlazBlue character

>> No.78470518

The loli has 24 hours to unsub from the homos.

>> No.78470530
File: 216 KB, 362x332, 1718501468945955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78470535

I am mad at Cover for eating up Advent's time to shill this.

>> No.78470558

and the kouhai leeching begins. you all shat on Mori for this, I'm sure you'll be consistent, right?

>> No.78470570

Kenja time is for men. Fuwawa only gets worse.

>> No.78470587

what's pekora's dream game

>> No.78470622

>and seem to have loose connections with the escapees.
Pairing them up with lore bullshit is going to be so painful.

>> No.78470625

You're wrong. They like being seen as sexy but not during normal streams. It's reserved for special ones. Plus, they have to do it themselves. We can't force it, only reciprocate it when it comes up, like MM.

>> No.78470645

I'm honestly a little sad about the watchalongs. Just made this week go from a "collab heavy but still fun" week to a really weak one. Not anyone's fault, it's tradition, but really boring.

>> No.78470721

They're literally all following the same people. It's not their choice probably.

>> No.78470724
File: 190 KB, 1366x2048, GPsca9HagAEw515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss her so fucking much

>> No.78470726

go back cuckbeat

>> No.78470789


>> No.78470825

>doesn't know how to deal with the zoomer loli
>BAU BAU spam

>> No.78470844

Gorilla, your fault is that you are doing it during a gaming stream.

>> No.78470856

once again, they are given a premade account

>> No.78470972

I didnt shit on kari-chan for that, though. She was being a kind and helpful senpai.

>> No.78470986

It was a decent choice for their vertical streams. A little boring but there were cute moments and some Moco-gaming too.

>> No.78471029

Arc did it again

>> No.78471046
File: 397 KB, 578x536, 【#holoJustice】The Mission Begins!【hololive English New Unit Debut PV】 0-16 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to tongue Gigi's butthole

>> No.78471117

Uh they're kind of connected lore-wise.

>> No.78471120

FWMC's account were following the homos too

>> No.78471132

I am mad at you for continuing to be an anti-EN faggot.

>> No.78471139

No, the timer starts after they debut, dummy.

>> No.78471215

If it's like the watchalongs that were had for regloss then they'll just stream the debut on their watchalong stream

>> No.78471228

>They weren't worried at all
dyrbi? Mococo repeated what they said during Hachi when the superchat teased them about "it's over for you now, new gen LOL"
>We'll be waiting
It literally just happened.

>> No.78471307

I dont know what you are talking about but mori posted this https://x.com/moricalliope/status/1803264281238245662

>> No.78471346
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>> No.78471367
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>> No.78471382


>> No.78471394
File: 102 KB, 942x496, Screenshot 2024-06-18 at 20.37.15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78471424
File: 699 KB, 898x568, 51865368.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JP account is heavy advertising Justice.

>> No.78471440

how the FUCK is this even remotely related to FWMC?

>> No.78471526

Damn brat needs major correction

>> No.78471545

Just go from a new angle and blatantly only call Fuwawa sexy while only calling her cute

>> No.78471563
File: 423 KB, 1484x1005, 1698311394668421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry FWMC, new toys just arrived.

>> No.78471575

they just straight up stole Mint's design, huh?

>> No.78471592

What is the rational behind account like that (not even that one necessarily, just shared accounts that SC)?

>> No.78471653

>She's a cat
Holy kek I hope she can actually mesh well with these two

>> No.78471667

They really are women
Worrying about the hag when they should worry about the loli

>> No.78471685

I can't get much of a read on any of them except that I fucking despise Gigi. The other three might be cute, especially Cecilia.

>> No.78471682

They better not eat my potential new wife

>> No.78471688

More than one person controls that account.

>> No.78471687


>> No.78471701

unfortunately this is the gossip about men thread

>> No.78471717

>They like being seen as sexy but not during normal streams
We wouldn't have had the Fuwawa is not sexy misunderstanding if that were the case

>> No.78471723

This would work actually.

>> No.78471761


>> No.78471800

I just... Gigi...

>> No.78471815

pachinko using other people's money

>> No.78471849

s-stay strong. don't be tempted by the sexy cat girl. goddamn she's hot.

>> No.78471888

Are the PNGs on the hololive site yet?

>> No.78471901

totally normal to hate someone that has never even streamed

>> No.78471906

Will any of them know Japanese?

>> No.78471946

No thanks. whenever I do SC again it won't involve Moco-chan. She can just watch as her sister is praised and accepts it.

>> No.78471979

Not a chance. The garter belt is too much.

>> No.78471994

I hope not

>> No.78472011

Kill yourself, Rorona

>> No.78472009

I meant by us. Like I said, they can bring it up.

>> No.78472016
File: 49 KB, 589x386, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rape rape rape rape vore???? fuwawa????

>> No.78472091

If you're the actual gorilla and not kidding then that's even better honestly

>> No.78472097

They just like to ignore the very heavy-handed 'It's been eleven months with YOU' comment.

>> No.78472109

It's an exaggeration, but from the way she presents herself, I can tell that she has maximum negative appeal for me.

>> No.78472127

I enjoy their tummies

>> No.78472132

Red one does.

>> No.78472139

Fuwawa is a bit you know..

>> No.78472171

someone please post that one fuwawa vore soundpost, i lost it

>> No.78472177

There are plenty of pre-debut vtweeters on xwitter worth revulsion. I'm sure these justice girls are fine though

>> No.78472180


>> No.78472205

Fuwawa can't control herself

>> No.78472213

>Good good
This is Mocospeak

>> No.78472248

there's a difference between someone that hasn't streamed and someone that will never stream

>> No.78472286

Why? Wouldn't it make it easier for them to do collabs with Fuwawa and Moco-chan because they're more inclined to do Japanese collabs over non-Advent EN?

>> No.78472294

>No blue woman
Gen's already a failure.

>> No.78472300

>hasn't even been an hour yet and the kouhai have Fuwa-tummy access and the ruffians don't

>> No.78472307
File: 23 KB, 569x284, 1718768649827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fire one has kana in her bio

>> No.78472331

Girls please calm down

>> No.78472390

I just want a pure EN branch to be EN

>> No.78472430

this but unironically

>> No.78472436
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>> No.78472481

why are you watching anime characters if you want them to be English?

>> No.78472508

Sexual relations between warden and inmate are strictly prohibited.

>> No.78472531


>> No.78472546

We're way past that, unless you're try to push that faggot shit about how Fuwawa and Mococo are honorary JP or something.

>> No.78472569
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>> No.78472604

bau bau... [down arrows]

>> No.78472627
File: 454 KB, 1805x1253, __nicole_demara_and_bangboo_zenless_zone_zero__8d6e5271c56645be162c0a90994bf651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she kinda reminds of me pic related. she's also an information broker or something.

>> No.78472642

She sounds boring based on her tweets, but in a way I kinda like.

>> No.78472647


>> No.78472653

Jesus, watch out Lui.

>> No.78472732

What are their hag statuses?

>> No.78472768

The design is good but it's too similar to existing designs in Hololive IMO

>> No.78472770

this is the way

>> No.78472794
File: 1.16 MB, 886x634, Mori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because they're more inclined to do Japanese collabs over non-Advent EN?

>> No.78472797

asking the real questions here

>> No.78472830
File: 16 KB, 700x453, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this artstyle somehow feels really familiar and evokes an intense bittersweet feeling


>> No.78472878

Gura's scribbles?

>> No.78472915

I'd prolly mixed her with Koyori honestly

>> No.78472932

Her face looks a bit like Nene's.

>> No.78473025

I just... to Raora...
if her voice and personality are good this might be the perfect storm I am so sorry fuwamoco

>> No.78473044

I shpuld go through and tally up the total non-JP non-advent vs JP collabs. Kinda curious.

>> No.78473074

genshin impact

>> No.78473093

nta but yeah that's what it is for me... It's been nice having her back but she'll be gone again after the debut buzz fades

>> No.78473097
File: 250 KB, 1577x2048, IdolMia_ 1803269351971205600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78473135

>FWMC used the mass new gen follow to hide that they followed a goddamn KOREAN too
That's it, I'm oshihenning. I'm now watching Raul Panthera or whatever the fuck is her name.

>> No.78473160

Nero Arc she is playing melty blood on debut

>> No.78473185

you know, maybe that's it

>> No.78473203

>if her voice is good
Do NOT look at the sticky archive

>> No.78473284

I thought of Yae Miko when I saw that design.

>> No.78473326

Raora's last name sounds like Pantera and that's based as fuck.

>> No.78473380

Just link it

>> No.78473398

wtf I dont see the connection on why they followed them

>> No.78473417

that's who did their new emotes

>> No.78473430

They followed her from the start.

>> No.78473442

Very sex and the little bows are cute

>> No.78473451


>> No.78473583


>> No.78473651

I do not care for holoJustice.

>> No.78473697
File: 76 KB, 727x493, 1714882476624238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78473724

they're just like me fr fr

>> No.78473765

That's fucking disgusting

>> No.78473795

EN Ririka
