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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 66 KB, 900x900, 1718504851196424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
78444487 No.78444487 [Reply] [Original]

>stinks up her room

>> No.78444541

The Big Fart Edition

>Who is Filian?
White haired and bushed kemonomutt girl(?). Hyperactive zoomer vtuber. Fruit snack goblin. She does her best to entertain her fans!

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/filian
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@filianIsLost
Twitter: https://twitter.com/filianIsLost

>Notable Clips
Filian breaks containment
Filian is bilingual?
When $20 is $20
If I Laugh, I Get Punished #3

>Featured Streams
The VTuber Awards 2023, hosted by Filian
Monopoly with Pippa, Dokibird and Lumi
Filian & Vedal vs Neuro
Filan & MariMari_EN Watch ONE Championship Fight Night 21

>Fan music videos
Love Taste
My Vtuber Life

Vod Archival Guide
Stream Archives
Thread baking instructions

>Usual schedule
Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat
21:05 - 24:00 UTC

>Recent Stream
If I laugh, I eat the world's smelliest fruit.


>Previous Thread

>> No.78444548

inb4 bakepost

>> No.78444637

L rizz skibidi gyatt, nerd

>> No.78444656

>6 seconds
I’ll get you next time you fricker

>> No.78444753

Pankolini killed the thread, whoopee

>> No.78444848

I was gonna post “I love filian the most” right before it archived but I was on cooldown

>> No.78444999
File: 2.47 MB, 681x921, pbt[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fqo3emj.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78445006

Answering to the previous guy about Kraków and Russia:

I love that city, it's been a while since I've visited though.

Rule #1 of life — you are never paranoid enough of Russia. They could be really nice lads, but unfortunately they are stuck in a propaganda police state since basically tsarist times. Everyone in the region wishes they were normal, but well... So far it's the same thing over and over again. Would not recommend them as a neighbour, they throw around threats of nuking your country basically weekly.

>> No.78445097

For the anons that wanted more Filian crying/being emotional.
it contains happy crying laughter ,
although maybe you have already seen this

>> No.78445352

These clips are too emotionally intense for me, I can’t watch them
I see. Something something the tyranny of no natural borders

>> No.78445717
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>> No.78445846

It is nice. Curious how much money this year for AHA she manages to get. People donate like crazy on charity streams.

>> No.78446109

>People donate like crazy on charity streams.
As long as they're not held too frequently. Some streamers abuse it.

>> No.78446158

here's another

>> No.78446202

It makes wayyyyyy more sense to do a giant paypig donation to a charity than just give it to filian. it feels significantly less down bad even if it’s basically the same thing, you get to feel good about it, she gets to feel good about it, you can actually write it off on taxes. The list goes on and on

>> No.78447419
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>> No.78447664

Part of me is disgusted by Filian taking advantage of these "people", but a larger part of me thinks anyone willing to pay $200/mo for text-based AI erotic roleplay deserves no compassion.
It's like boomers deleting their pension at a gas station slot machine. They don't deserve that money, and I would take it from them myself if I was in a position to.

>> No.78447678

those cute giggles...

>> No.78447795

I unironically feel like the people giving her money are the victims in this situation, like they may be being stupid but she is going for the jugular and trying to milk money from lonely people, it makes me uncomfortable. I still watch her streams but I find it to be a serious black mark against filian.

>> No.78447933

You might feel differently if it was your parents pissing away any possibility for your inheritance.

>> No.78448000

that, and going through life thinking that the weak and stupid deserve to have their money taken from them is genuinely just a hollow way to live that will eventually catch up to you

>> No.78448142

i kind of agree. even if you're lonely, how are you going to make the decision to pay 200 dollars for a chatbot? you might just be gullible enough to be tricked by a twitter sexbot
but in that regard, i do think it's scummy to even do that kind of "business" at all, there's really no reason for her to and it mainly just makes people dislike her for scummy practices, which it is

>> No.78448217

i honestly think she set the price so stupidly high to disincentivize people from spending money on it. we know the fansly shit is a contractual obligation, but its pretty much just treated as a meme in her community, so I dont think shes really trying to get her fans to pay for it

>> No.78448277

you can simultaneously think that the people giving her money are wanton morons who are ngmi and that filian is a bad person for taking their money, it’s not mutually exclusive.

>> No.78448342

The world shouldn't bend over backwards to protect people from their own bad decisions. The kind of person who drops $200 on a shitty AI either has so much to burn they don't need to care or is so retarded they can't be made to care. In either case getting mad on their behalf is a waste.

>> No.78448387

haha just a meme bro no one is actually supposed to give me money haha it’s so silly that that button is there

stfu filian. do better.

>> No.78448466

It's still cold-blooded but I can tolerate it since she doesn't lean into GFE and go full emotional vampire.
That would be my own misfortune for having moronic and unloving parents.
The fact is any boomer at a gas station slot machine sought it out, and any smacker paying $200 for AI chat ERP would be imprinting on another, probably openly predatory chuuba doing GFE. At least Filian has content (100% of it, in fact) that doesn't revolve around sucking money out of losers, unlike your average GFE bloodsucker.
Don't hate the player, hate the game.

>> No.78448521

nah that’s bullshit, people are retarded and need to be protected from themselves

>> No.78448532

???what better way to drive someone away than to put absolutely retarded prices no one would ever pay for lol

>> No.78448570

filian needs a manager so she can stop being utterly moronic decisions like the AI thing and her discord shitcoin usurpers

>> No.78448651

I don't think reasonable people are getting mad. It's just a sad affair. We have protections in place to prevent people from ruining their lives even if they really want to. It's why a lot of drugs are either illegal or heavily regulated. It's the mark of an advanced, civilized society to avoid grinding up unfortunate people. We're supposed to be prosperous enough and generous enough to afford a certain quality of life for people that are stupid. We're not throwing deformed babies off of cliffs anymore, even though an argument could be made that many people are still doing this in spirit.

>> No.78448696

she needs an actual tard wrangler before she does even more damage to her brand for like $5,000. she’s lucky that half her audience is underaged and dgaf

>> No.78448726

>Darwinism BAD
The only thing wrong with giving suckers the abuse they ask for is that they aren't publicly humiliated and castrated for it.

>> No.78448813
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i have had it with newfags taking the bait

>> No.78448836

yeah basically this
she does not have the skills or self-control to be doing this

>> No.78448895

I literally got rich ruining people’s lives and now have to repent for my sins for the rest of my life. listen to my advice, or don’t, I guess. Your and filian’s choice.

>> No.78448918

I appreciate Filian taking financial advantage of her most vulnerable fans because it lowers my affection for her and keeps me from getting too emotionally invested.

>> No.78449140

no hate, but if someone is willing to drop their life savings on a shitty chatbot when there are countless free ones, they're unironically too retarded to live without constant supervision

>> No.78449259


>> No.78449446

You can use this justification to perform all sorts of unethical acts against people.
>they were too stupid to see through my deception, so they deserved it
Anyone could use this exact same justification against you to ruin your life. Do you feel like your life deserves to be ruined because you weren't attentive enough to treat every person in the world like your most hated enemy?

>> No.78449860

No, we don't have protections in place for that. Drugs aren't illegal to prevent people from ruining their lives, they're illegal for political reasons. We throw people in prison for doing them rather than mandatory rehab, because as a society we don't care about their lives being ruined, we just want them gone. Beyond drugs there are still perfectly legal channels for people to ruin their own lives with, namely alcohol and gambling, that each individually destroy more lives than any illegal drug you'd care to name. There are not and will not be laws to restrict these things, probably ever. I don't even know that I'd want those laws if they were being voted on, because I consider sacrificing stupid people to be acceptable in the interest of protecting personal freedom.

>> No.78450027

brother, this isnt some deceptive scam that requires 200iq to avoid. its 200 fricking dollars a month for a dogshit chatbot. anyone that seriously pays for this when they dont have that kind of money needs to have their internet usage monitored/restricted, because they'll 100% get scammed or ruin their life in some other way otherwise

>> No.78450470

the absolute mental gymnastics at play to justify the internet equivalent of selling heroin to junkies

>> No.78450501

You're going to make me repeat myself. You're justifying people suffering by saying "well, they'll be suffering anyway so who cares". You're mistaken if you think you can't get scammed or ruin your life. If you were in that situation despite all of your efforts to avoid it you would be wishing that something was in place to discourage of prevent it from happening. I urge you to explain to me what you stand to lose by protecting unfortunate (read as: stupid) people from being unfairly exploited by others. Is your life in such dire straits that you are antagonistic towards everyone else as though you're in direct competition with them over life sustaining resources?

>> No.78450655
File: 2.38 MB, 880x1080, Rare instance of Filian dancing like a woman[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F4m5v1g.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah but what if Filian actually danced to this song?

>> No.78450729

thats it. calling up filian rn to send me some of the putrid air in her room to gas you faggots with

>> No.78450798
File: 2.16 MB, 600x338, 1519157895904.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank God.

>> No.78450828

>I'll never forgive Filian for tricking my parents into giving her my trust fund money

>> No.78450858

unless it's her after an hour of sweating i don't want it

>> No.78450866
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>> No.78450941

As good of a reason to anit I've ever heard.

>> No.78450988


>> No.78451133

filySweat filyLove

>> No.78451160

it’s a genuinely excellent reason to anti someone. I still like filian and she’s still my oshi at the end of the day, but she’s a scumbag for the way she monetized her audience

>> No.78451343
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I don't blame her for giving simps more options. I blame her for pissing the money away on crane games when she clearly sucks ass at them.

>> No.78451376
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What a shitty thread.

>> No.78451430

it's time to hornypost the shit away

>> No.78451465

not your hugbox faggot. if I don’t like something that filian does I’ll talk about it

>> No.78451513
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>> No.78451728
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>> No.78452058
File: 1.58 MB, 660x748, damn bitch[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fzu6ulj.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78452152
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Mods are asleep post flashbangs.

>> No.78452713
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>> No.78452760

Enough is enough! I'm playing Darkest Dungeon 1 now.

>> No.78452885

imagine nibbling her little abs

>> No.78453085

I didn't used to have this tomboy/fit girl fetish but she has awoken something in me. She should get defined abs on her model.

>> No.78453200
File: 215 KB, 600x490, 1718203425590962.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

behold a rare and dangerous full body flashbang.

>> No.78453284

backshots ready

>> No.78453430

>suicidal idiocy is equal to sophisticated scams or getting mugged by someone bigger and armed
This is childlike. Setting aside your black and white idiocy, try going outside, visiting the nearest Walmart and engaging with the biggest subhumans in the building, then tell me the same thing.

>> No.78453551

statements uttered by actual sociopaths

>> No.78453662

Your justifications don't make you right. They're only used by you to assuage your guilt and silence your own conscience.

>> No.78454017
File: 1.65 MB, 650x796, 1709831412192.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this outfit. Partly because I constantly expect her tits to pop out when she's bouncing around even though I know there's nothing there, but also because it's cute.

>> No.78454238

How is the chatbot thing any worse than having super chats or memberships?
Genuine question. I've never spent a cent on vtubers, but I've seen people drop thousands on akasupas and twitch gift sub bombs.

>> No.78454365

unironically. gfe is a waaaaaay more malicious grift imo, but thats just one of those things people overlook

>> No.78454860

she's just that erotic and cute

>> No.78454923
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>> No.78455360
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>> No.78455621

GFEshit and enabling parasocial weirdos is cancerAIDS, giving money to streamers is not

>> No.78456404

i recognize three distinctly different typing styles involved in todays threadshitting. two of which only ever post when theres drama. the third is our resident fart sniffer retard who posts way too much but never anything of value.
in order of mentions
1) >>78451465
2) >>78454365
3) >>78453662
go through the archives and see for yourself. i cant handle such rampant faggotry when it isnt drowned out by snackers so im out, gn.

>> No.78456633

>it's everyone else's fault

>> No.78456937


>> No.78457061

fuck off. filian went full retard and now the thread gets periodically shit up by it. I don’t know what else to tell you

>> No.78457102 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.79 MB, 1083x2083, Screenshot_20240618-212339.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might get in trouble for posting this, I think I'm the only one who bought it. This is one of the photos from the 50$ photoset Filian's fansly put out.

>> No.78457165
File: 513 KB, 720x720, Lord Have Mercy[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F8bi8fq.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78457249

You forgot to put the watermark on, bro.

>> No.78457676

I really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really wanna touch Filian's butt

>> No.78457728 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.06 MB, 1440x2877, Screenshot_20240618-213855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78457757


>> No.78457820
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>> No.78457876

it's just some retard seething about nothing

>> No.78458028

I'm not a smacker, I bought it for the PEOPLE

>> No.78458033

putting a tatelet in charge of her discord is genuinely disrespectful to her fans, you get that right

>> No.78458037

Sounds to me like he wanted to use it but got pissed off that it was so expensive and now he's on his poor little crusade.

>> No.78458176

as if you'd give a single shit about the retards on her discord
you're just grasping at straws to start shit

>> No.78458540

No, I’m just unironically upset by it and wish she would chill out. And judging by the fact that no one in the entire thread has been able to construct an argument for why what’s she’s doing isn’t wrong and is just trying to shift the topic of discussion, everyone agrees with me on some level.

>> No.78458873
File: 12 KB, 500x500, 1716409976217678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Filian pee

>> No.78458979

>panty/ass shots
b-but I don't have a smacker tag! stop drawing l-lewds of me!!

>> No.78458992

>but it's wrong
It's optional. You could pretend it doesn't exist and the effect on you would be identical. That's why nobody else gives a shit, bro. They recognize it's quantifiably inconsequential. You might as well become enraged that someone is selling a shitty painting for $10 million dollars. You don't have to buy it.

>> No.78459239

Nah, it’s more bullshit than that, it’s living proof that vtubing is failing to grow up and be real entertainment. Even the best of the best falls back on milking paypigs with GFE bs. It’s frustrating.

>> No.78459665

>Nah, it’s more bullshit than that
You're crying about nothing. You're 100% unaffected by this. You have experienced no loss or suffering. If you're going to act like you are standing on principle then fucking prove it by fucking off instead of crying and trying to convince other people to stand for your principles. You're not entitled to a free optional service, or even an affordable service. You don't get to decide the price. You only get to decide whether you think the price is worth the value. Stop whinging like you're being attacked. Nobody has any sympathy for your desolate wallet and intense sense of entitlement.

tl;dr: If you don't like it, kick rocks. If you can tolerate it then spare us your bellyaching.

>> No.78459729

You know what, you’re right. I give up on vtubing.

>> No.78460396
File: 5 KB, 429x410, 130057615284420110725-22047-1bvv56h.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get Valve Index
>Have to wait for Steam Sale, to start buying more VR games
>already beat Alyx
>don't feel like playing more Lab minigames again
>remember Filian uses VRchat, and got her start there
>try it out to see if I'll enjoy it this time with actual tracking
>wander around public worlds, fucking with the props there. Playing around with my avatar's hands (hory sheet my fingers in game move like my fingers IRL)
>decide to start listening in to conversations/looking around to see if there's anyone I'd want to talk to
>the vast majority of players sound underage
>those that don't are acting like they actually look like their prettyboy emo avatar IRL, talking about sex and shit to them, occasionally to each other
>go to another public world
>kids and pedos/groomers
>go to another public world
>kids and pedos/groomers

This game is fucked, holy shit, no wonder Filian never fucking goes to public worlds/talks to strangers in VRchat outside of wheel punishments

>> No.78460410

If coomer.su's fansly archiver would work I'd be able to put the highest res images on there for you guys but alas.

>> No.78461152
File: 602 KB, 1064x935, 1515423280762.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing I use VR for anymore is to read manga while in bed, so I don't have to hold up a phone.

>> No.78461369

you know VR is fucked when the only things that's worth playing are Valve games
i've downloaded a shit ton of VR porn but even that is kinda awkward

>> No.78461665

I got it so games like Underdogs and Beat Saber will help me sweat out the pudge, to play Alyx, and other stuff I've wanted.
So you can imagine how utterly weirded out I was by this shit. I thought stuff like Gatorschizo was rare in VRC, but it was most of what I saw

I wouldn't say it's a gimmick, so much as a ton of limiting factors make it hyper niche at best. Alyx shows the potential the medium has, and I don't think it's going to die, but devs really need to treat it as a wholly separate ecosystem from traditional games, because they are.

>> No.78463952
File: 292 KB, 747x774, 1718753040139855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's up motherflippers

>> No.78464731

Major incorrect assumption being made is that people make these kind of decisions with their intellect vs their emotions. People making these decisions don't necessarily have low IQ, but instead either poor emotional/behavioural control and/or particularly strong emotions (from their temperament or negative life experiences). This is why you see geniuses with addictions. A part of them knows it's 'stupid' but they can't stop because it isn't their logical thinking part that is making the decision to take action. The idea that everyone behaves based on reason and thus bad decisions come from being stupid is just wrong and more than 50 years behind what we know to be true psychologically.

>> No.78465008

who cares anon, just let the thread die, filian doesn’t deserve it

>> No.78465144

We're still 200 posts away from the thread dying.

>> No.78465222

Based and true.
