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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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78421791 No.78421791 [Reply] [Original]

Bau Bau Edition
Previous Thread >>78409266

>Upcoming Stream
>Previous Stream

>Youtube Channel

>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_モココ・アビスガード%22 (Mococo)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_フワワ・アビスガード%22 (Fuwawa)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list, VTL team info)

>Thread Template

>> No.78421818
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>> No.78421824

holo v holo is encouraged and canon now. I hope we're ready to fight off justice fags and traitors from now on. /advent/ is an inevitability after the new gen steals viewers

>> No.78421911


>> No.78421915
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>> No.78421945

kissing my monitor rn

>> No.78421962

they retweeted the Hungarian and have given penguin excessive attention this week because they know they'll oshihen to holoEU

>> No.78422053

I'd want nothing more than for the 10 worst schizoid shitpigs we have to leave
Sadly I'd be surprised if even 1 of them did

>> No.78422076
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What did they mean by this?

>> No.78422126

All 10 of them will leave as long as there's a single member of the new gen that acknowledges them in any way. Paypigs are groomers, no exceptions.

>> No.78422156

final fwmc morning in season 1
streaming break to give justice growth in their first week

>> No.78422157


>> No.78422196

Back to the cell...

>> No.78422204
File: 275 KB, 1212x1735, rswxx 1753340998619746683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rabu Moco-chan rabu rabu rabu rabu!

>> No.78422269

They signed a pact with Yagoo. 1 million by their anniversary or back in the cage.

>> No.78422284

They shouldn't try so hard to hang onto menheras who have a breakdown every week and insult them so frequently

>> No.78422379
File: 2.04 MB, 2900x1817, keenbiscuit 1803127277343088830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78422400

How will they treat their kouhai? Will they have them add senpai to their names, they are weebs after all

>> No.78422419

I think it's also in part that FWMC are too nice and people crave their care and attention because they're always willing to give it
Hopefully it doesn't end up like Watame's mental clinic where 1/4 of the SCs were trauma dumps with Watame crying every other stream

>> No.78422462

Fuwawa will bully them for sure.

>> No.78422530

are kouhai on the approved sex list? I'm about to sin

>> No.78422576


>> No.78422611

The sex list doesn't exist, you just want an excuse to be a whore

>> No.78422778

I am cuddling with my wives right now, Moco-chan's fuzzy tail keeps tickling my nose and Fuwawa keeps brapping, waking herself up, then slapping me and calling me gross and nasty.

This is the life.

>> No.78422797

they cheated first so I get a freebie too

>> No.78422812
File: 1014 KB, 1800x2400, namelesstwo0w0 1743623289074036794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You won't ever leave this behind

>> No.78422816

I'm actually happy Fuwawa has been more open
It still felt like she was holding herself back in the collab earlier, but these days with Mococo especially and Advent, she just lets loose and it's great

>> No.78422826


>> No.78422859

They would certainly never have any of the cloudy feelings you're thinking about, they're better than that. They are pure, beautiful, helpful girls, not bitter, jealous bitches. They are overjoyed to have kouhai and hope Ruffians watch and support them the same way they do Advent.

>> No.78422875

>EN4 thread
>stickied, dozen of posts a minute, everyone excited
>mostly dead, doomposting, menheras going crazy
It's over.

>> No.78422936

I wrote this post. Fuwawa tends to put herself in the background a lot, I want to see more of her.

>> No.78422954

If any of the new girls can speak JP and properly interact with JP senpai, I will drop FWMC in a heartbeat

>> No.78422971

You don't have to be bitter or jealous to be worried over whether or not your fans will oshihen from you

>> No.78422979

i hope they get along with them, fwmc barely collab with the rest of en as it is

>> No.78422986

Who the fuck is Mogo John why do I keep seeing him on subbed videos?

>> No.78423068

Mococo's TTRPG character

>> No.78423083

What's the point of posting like screen caps?

>> No.78423137

To make people like you seethe

>> No.78423149

Their morning streams are going to get overlapped hard

>> No.78423151

>4 members
Did someone back out, or are they going to do an IRyS/Promise but planned ahead of time?

>> No.78423157

Boasting about huge fucking Ws

>> No.78423168

>everyone excited
I wouldn't go that far given that no outstanding candidates have been found. Curious would be a better term.

>> No.78423179

You're assuming they're worried.

>> No.78423215

No but she left me in March and I'm still waiting...

>> No.78423246

For good reason because I actually watch streams

>> No.78423287

That's why it's getting canned or shifted after Friday. Hence the descriptions of Wednesday and Friday.

>> No.78423349

Can't you just watch IRyS play Splatoon with Furea then? IRyS' spoken Japanese is actually much more fluent than FWMC's and the amount of Japanese she speaks out of nowhere is way higher too

>> No.78423368

Why do I have 1 like on my tweet but when I click it, it says nobody has liked it?

>> No.78423383
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>> No.78423416

Maybe if she's more open, Marine will love her...

>> No.78423435 [DELETED] 

I will oshihen to Ally & Sally

>> No.78423484


>> No.78423517

You know IRyS exists right?

>> No.78423521

if they stop doing the show I'll kill myself

>> No.78423552
File: 7 KB, 251x250, morocco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm not doomposting, i'm MOCOCOE!!

>> No.78423582

Stop shilling your 2view here

>> No.78423608

What got me to do it was seeing how often JP fans do it and FWMC sometimes liking the screencap tweets. They seem to appreciate it and I don’t want them to think I don’t appreciate the like they gave me. As for EN fans, some of them are very jealous menheras and want other people to feel bad (bookmarkschizos, likeschizos, namedroppers, etc.)

>> No.78423641

Go to bed

>> No.78423688
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>> No.78423694

>still awake
they're crying... send them love walls

>> No.78423735

Please understand Fuwawa is still an introvert at heart and keeps dropping her spaghetti in front of her oshi
Can't compete with the youkya Nerissa when it comes to being open to new people

>> No.78423742

I wonder how FWMC are reacting to this thread as they read it right now

>> No.78423771

I made a like screenshot after not doing it because it was weird to me and they liked it so I make a thank you post after everyone now. Not doing it just makes you look ungrateful.

>> No.78423788
File: 59 KB, 875x710, Holo EN4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

told you guys the next ENs will be the ones chasing after Advent

>> No.78423817

I'm seeing a lot of ruffians on X getting really excited about the new gen, most of them from EU... A lot of them seem like they're going to jump ship. But you won't... Right?

>> No.78423818


>> No.78423832

If they ESR me within the next 20 episoded I'll stay
But if they keep only ESRing top paypigs and menheras repeatedly then no

>> No.78423853


>> No.78423860

like my headpat reply before you go to bed or I will oshihen to the new gen and be sure to send a SC to force you to read my goodbye.

>> No.78423863

how new, its pretty normal to be excited about a new gen, especially when you consider how great advent is
i hope they also treated this new gen with the same training advent did - bonding in japan before debut, hanging out, etc

>> No.78423871


>> No.78423887

>mogojohn in subs on clips
Fucking clip makers don't even watch streams
The official spelling is mogojan

>> No.78423895

Advent was fine filler gen but I'm ready to move on

>> No.78423940

it's mogojyan retard. kill yourself

>> No.78424024

I don't know. The thread is full of people concerned about how others will oshihen and asserting that they themselves won't.

>> No.78424056

>The mission begins...
So Justice's mission is to recapture Advent and steal the fans they've accumulated since their break out?

>> No.78424060

>canned or shifted after Friday.
Nice shitpost, but seriously why'd they make the descriptions so dramatic? Is it just them being doomers again?

>> No.78424081

Youre both wrong its mocojan

>> No.78424142

It doesn't update in real time. You can literally get a push notification from a post before you can see it on the Twitter notifications tab. Also I think private accounts don't show up either.

>> No.78424150

Remember when we called her mocotyan

>> No.78424158

You were never a ruffian.

>> No.78424238

I'm not shitposting. I genuinely it's back ok the shelf to not overlap the new members. They probably are busy anyways so it's a multitude of reasons. The descriptions are because they're menhera as fuck. (don't worry)

>> No.78424250

If anyone who watches one second of FWMC is a ruffian according to their definition, what would be the word for regular watchers and dedicated fans?

>> No.78424284

>kill yourself
You're being a bit rude for me missing one letter
You should redirect that to the clip makers subbing otherwise

>> No.78424318

It's Mocopan

>> No.78424353

They don't distinguish. We're just a number to them so one second of a clip or complete devotion means the same to them as long as you idol smashed the subscribe button.

>> No.78424371

Never happened

>> No.78424395

Its Mogochan

>> No.78424491


>> No.78424495

It's Mococo Abyssgard.

>> No.78424505

of course not, only people with esr are real ruffians

>> No.78424521

This one is definitely false

>> No.78424524

The idol smash now being a permanent part of FWMC lore is hilarious to me

>> No.78424530
File: 73 KB, 1080x600, Screenshot_20240618_144716_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78424533

I want to fuck the yellow one sorry Mococo she's actually sexy

>> No.78424539

Do they not egosa their own names? I get likes if I wrote FUWAMOCO but if I write Fuwawa and Mococo, I get nothing. Or do they just hate me?

>> No.78424547

Mococo is NOT sexy
Mocochan is NOT sexy
Mocopan is NOT sexy
Mogojan is NOT sexy
Mocotyan is NOT sexy

>> No.78424575

>Mocopan is NOT sexy

>> No.78424581

It's mokotan
shikanokonoko mokotantan
shikanokonoko mokotantan
shikanokonoko mokotantan
shikanokonoko mokotantan
shikanokonoko mokotantan

>> No.78424584


>> No.78424654

Are they asleep yet?

>> No.78424655

All me btw

>> No.78424659

it would unironically be kino if one of the new debuts was also an Abyssgard and was an angel instead, tasked to purify fuwamoco or re-jail them

>> No.78424664

>Still awake
Bets on it being homework or thinking so much about being left behind they can't sleep?

>> No.78424669

Well I'll be damned, it's all you

>> No.78424689
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>> No.78424692

names already known but yeah that would be cute

>> No.78424744
File: 236 KB, 1146x2048, Tomozoo83 1779702607893889151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on Fuwawa?

>> No.78424761

They do but definitely not as much. They want to trend so tag that shit

>> No.78424763

I hope whoever these 4 are, they place nice with FuwaMoco.

>> No.78424766


>> No.78424791

I really hope this one calls me oniichan because I'm prepared to give her everything I've got. Sorry Mococo you had your chance for almost a year but you kept resisting my compliments and now it's too late

>> No.78424827

Raora is my kamikamioshi

>> No.78424833


>> No.78424839

I love her...

>> No.78424859

...and this is an issue because...? retard

>> No.78424873

If even one of them calls Pero cute the entire gen is a wash

>> No.78424879
File: 51 KB, 220x139, shaq-laugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Raul got called creepy for calling FWMC puppies on reddit because it sounds like discord kitten
My fucking sides

>> No.78424881

Are you autistic? How is this a yab?

>> No.78424902
File: 322 KB, 726x981, Lance_Von_Erich,_circa_1986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This exact angle has been done multiple times in pro-wrestling, further solidifying the connection between the two forms of entertainment.

>> No.78424914

This but unironically

>> No.78424928

Angel attack cat named something Elysium

>> No.78424945
File: 129 KB, 320x337, 1690142213396739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78424951

>I genuinely it's back ok the shelf to not overlap the new members.
There's no such rule. Gura overlapped nerissa and biboo everyday.

>> No.78424992

Gigi Murin
Elizabeth Rose Bloodflame
Cecilia Immergreen
Raora Panthera

>> No.78424999

source: schizo delusions

>> No.78425029

The tag is for livestreams, I dont want to clutter it with my random faggotry.

>> No.78425053

Iron Claw watch along when? The ending actually got me

>> No.78425065

There's no loli in EN4 so Gura won't feel the need to stream over them.

>> No.78425072

Retard, people found the cover copyrights AND some of their twitter accounts already

>> No.78425079

It's not a rule but they will definitely do it. They're autistic enough to want to sacrifice to help them and "be good senpai"

>> No.78425082

Go fuck yourself, Decoration Cake. You are obsessed and you need help.

>> No.78425086
File: 32 KB, 348x452, 1713546021245110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's very cute, I love her stupid jokes, I love her fluffy brain moments, I love her voice, I love how kind and loving she is, I love hearing her talk about anything, I love her.

>> No.78425106

Who? Also, and? That doesn't mean anything
And if it's Sunset it definitely doesn't mean anything. They made porn of Fauna before she was more than a silhouette, and did the same to FuwaMoco before debut

>> No.78425145

Gigi is the Italian, Elizabeth and Cecilia are Brits, Raora is ze German.

>> No.78425149

I'm already planning my oshihen SC.

>> No.78425172

The two watchalongs I want the most are The Thing and Big Trouble In Little China.

>> No.78425181
File: 641 KB, 1560x2080, gotototouma 1803139433752862888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78425210

kys raul

>> No.78425227

>The Thing
Man I wish. So kino.

>> No.78425241

Mococo would hate both of those movies because of the body horror

>> No.78425272

which one is the cat / fuwamoco foil?

>> No.78425275

Am I the only one who thinks it works be weird to have a third character in a different gen with the Abyssgard surname when they are ACTUALLY twins?

>> No.78425293

I love her and her fluffy brain and the way she giggles and how she can be a menace and how she can be so sweet and her humor and everything else about her.

>> No.78425325

Which one do you think?

>> No.78425330

Damn even redditfags hate him that's pretty funny.

>> No.78425345

I guess Videodrome's out of the question then.

>> No.78425352

She’s witty and so mischievous sometimes it makes me laugh really hard. She’s got fluffy brain moments and her analogies are bizarre, but it’s part of her charm. My lovely wife who can’t tell left from right…

>> No.78425360

Alright, Human Centipede then.

>> No.78425361

Pretty sure that's Fable. But in any case I agree with him, Raul is a faggot.

>> No.78425369

I love you Fuwawa
You're adorable and sweet, playful and fun to be around, and I can listen to your voice and laughter forever. Always believe in yourself because you really are one of a kind

>> No.78425370

I can't believe FWMC is a discord groomer...
Who the fuck cares what someone who doesn't even watch clips think?

>> No.78425376


>> No.78425382

sex with the lolicatgirl in the new gen

>> No.78425442

fuck off obsessed faggot

>> No.78425459

You going to finally move on to shit up the new bloods after their debut, schizo?

>> No.78425518

You know what they mean, it's written right there

>> No.78425532

>koahri followed finally
>immediately switches to drawing new cat cunny

>> No.78425552

>mostly dead, doomposting, menheras going crazy
This place has not changed since March

>> No.78425561

why lie

>> No.78425597

Eh, I wouldn't call them filler. They were the appetizer. But now that Justice is here, we can feast on the main course.

>> No.78425629

Kill all namedroppers.

>> No.78425644

The imminent paypig exodus is going to make everything so much better, I can't wait. Less SC streams, less drama, less tension.

>> No.78425676

Her theme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MifXUbrjYr8

>> No.78425732

Its just the BR he namedrops himself and then pretends to be other people so he can have schizo fights with himself.

>> No.78425746

SC readings are here forever, just move on

>> No.78425783
File: 3.91 MB, 2500x4045, sex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, I don't see any of the new girls being anything like Fuwamoco, so I don't think I'd be an Oshihen hazard.
Fuwamoco are just so incredibly unique, that I can't see anyone else be my oshi.
Mococo sex

>> No.78425796

kys space toast

>> No.78425798

Spotted the paypig.

>> No.78425834

Yes but it'll be from people that actually care about fuwamoco more than attention. I for one cannot wait.

>> No.78425850

I don't watch SC readings because I don't like them, stop being a whiny faggot

>> No.78425899

>he thinks i don't have enough money to whale for an extra vtuber
fwmc aren't even my second in hololive

>> No.78425913

It's obvious the new girls are meant to pair up with Advent.

>> No.78425938

Sisters are obsessed with FWMC losing out on money. It’s like their brains revolve around numbers.

>> No.78425945

So you admit that you'd watch them if it wasn't a SC stream. Thanks for proving my point.

>> No.78425987

Please, I'm asking nicely, stop playing shit like hallwaysim spooky game and mbembe. At least with Chillaslop we got fun moments of them acting like whatever job their character held, telling stories about working jobs like that, and just a lot of personal fun out of it. If they want some JP game, just play the Kuukiyomi series. It's good for a short stream, they can either take turns or argue through everything, and we'll get a cute look into the way they process their daily life outside in Japan.

>> No.78426005

You underestimate the appeal of shiny new girls without baggage and endless potential. Plus if they deliver on things FWMC haven't done like calling viewers oniichan or dling ASMR or playing VNs again, you might see actual movement.

>> No.78426043

I simply do not care you retarded tranny, you've been bitching for multiple threads. Go and make a post using your main account, complain directly to them instead of being a little faggot

>> No.78426047

I'm sure you'll find your favorite game bring played by EN4, bye.

>> No.78426052

kuuki yomi is a jp game now?

>> No.78426061


>> No.78426100

This but all of Hololive

>> No.78426114

can you play the latest holocure without using the steam version?

>> No.78426126

Editing right now, give me a second

>> No.78426210

What the hell makes you think he was talking about leaving them? Are you that one anon that overreacts to everything?

>> No.78426246
File: 130 KB, 449x401, 1706919267379873.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him but you bring up valid points.
And with how many fans have up and left silently previously, this really is gonna be a test for them and the ruffians as a whole.
So we're gonna some really ruff times ahead.

>> No.78426296

That doesn't make sense. The smarter play is to stream before them and then raid.

>> No.78426304

>Any other streamer
>Playing VNs
Good one

>> No.78426452
File: 337 KB, 1440x2048, halu_1113 1746401723294650747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, did you even bother clicking on it?

>> No.78426464

3/4 girls won't even stream in english
fwmc have nothing to worry about

>> No.78426536

The real test is whether their tiger counterpart in Justice also loves idols and VNs. If the cat girl has any overlap with their audience a lot will oshihen because they'll interact a lot. Or at least there'll be a lot of pawprints + tiger double emoji names soon

>> No.78426553

Justice won't play any Chillaslop.

>> No.78426608
File: 182 KB, 495x495, 1700630529539618.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even know why I come here. We have a whole bunch of new girls for Fuwamoco to go full cgdct and they will call them kouhais, but you faggots are instead going menhera.

>> No.78426610

Enjoy EN4

>> No.78426629

>a test for them and the ruffians as a whole.
>So we're gonna some really ruff times ahead.
I genuinely don't see that at all. Probably because as a ruffian, I hold other ruffians to my standards. With those standards being that FuwaMoco is the best there is, despite their faults.
If a shiny new toy causes your love or faith to falter, you weren't a ruffian in the first place. Not in my eyes anyway

>> No.78426645

I'm sure that'll help retain ruffians. They'll drop them off to spend time with the EU girls while they sleep and many won't ever come back...

>> No.78426647

Of course he is. Either way, Mbembe was bottom of the barrel to the point that even when they purposly tried to get scared, Fuwawa let out a fake scream and and Moco-chan said 'Is that it?' to the toilet paper slowly rolling across the screen. Fuck those games, they make for an unfun viewing experience.

>> No.78426652
File: 91 KB, 795x878, 1696015752741977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for answering my question.

>> No.78426662

If any of EN4 focus on GFE and are actually good at then FWMC lose by default. Being twins helps them out in a lot of ways, but it's actually a hinderance with GFE content where most viewers want a more intimate 1-on-1 experience.

>> No.78426709

There's one menhera that insults them regularly that they give shit to (albeit subtly)

>> No.78426748

I see it happening already. A lot of ex-kronies like Gabe became ruffians, it's only natural that a good chunk of ruffians will jump ship once the new shiny gen comes out. Could easily see ruffians disillusioned by the JP move switching over to Justice.

>> No.78426752

Shiori is the GFE. FuwaMoco are for lampooning GFE.

>> No.78426757

>doesn't have the schedule either memorized or assigned to a hot key

>> No.78426783

You know what you're right.

>> No.78426798

I just... to FuwaMoco...

>> No.78426823

>girl that shows her old male streamer friends and how she still talks to them in private DMs during a member stream is GFE

>> No.78426870

I just... to EN4...

>> No.78426908

Thats a good point. The appeal is the package deal but often they are at different stages of affection which is why people live the solo streams so much. Then you have menheras like Raul who actually anti one of the girls.

>> No.78426922

Yea that game was hot garbage, I went and watched Nerissa instead and had a better time watching her power wash shit.

>> No.78427004

With this new gen, I hope some of the obsessed menheras fuck off to the new girls

>> No.78427032

>A lot of ex-kronies like Gabe became ruffians
Gabe jumped to a lot vtubers after kronii like oceanne from kawaii or that green girl from eien then kaela and then fuwamoco and has been spotted in vallure as well

>> No.78427053

As someone who watched both streams at the same time, Nerissa power wash stream was not better than FWMCs mbembe.

>> No.78427090

fuck this I'm making alts

>> No.78427119

I WILL be the doll's top paypig.

>> No.78427123

FWMC are nothing like their genmates and you have people oshihenning within advent. It'll happen, because it always does. It doesn't need logic or any connection point. It has fuck all to do with playing VNs or anything else. A lot of people just throw words around without meaning them.
Always reminds me of Noel talking in English and saying "I love you" as one of her first words. Because that's what English speakers always say.
The other day FWMC got a superchat (below read tier) saying they are that person's "Hololive kamioshi", a word that only makes any sense to say which of your multiple oshimem is your number one now is becoming the exact same as the words it's meant to be compared to. Mere months after the large scale adoption of the word among EN fans.

>> No.78427155

Power Wash is garbage too

>> No.78427228

Meh I still found Nerissa's stream better but not by much.

>> No.78427244

That stream was boring as fuck, yeah. I tuned in for a good while and I was almost out of it. Didn't help that Nerissa wasn't even all there herself as she admitted.

>> No.78427360

You sure you want to? She's Shondo

>> No.78427385

i have like 13 kamioshi and everyone is my oshi

>> No.78427520

>now is becoming the exact same as the words it's meant to be compared to.
>Mere months after the large scale adoption of the word among EN fans.
Yeah, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. You're probably the same guy who said kamioshi never existed before FWMC
Aside from that, people will use words they don't understand all the time. Especially if they speak english, and are new to idols

>> No.78427522

Hi Nerissa.

>> No.78427593

Stop namedropping

>> No.78427605

True but I felt better watching Nerissa than Fuwamoco game wise.
Yea it was boring, I just wanted something as background noise so Nerissa was the better option out of the 2.

>> No.78427656

Your oshi isn't FWMC, what's the big deal

>> No.78427689

What if there is a jong player in EN4?

>> No.78427717

Jong is shit

>> No.78427822

Hi new gen scum, stop lurking in the golden geese of en gen

>> No.78427831

I never said that, but if you're entering multiple arguments about the same thing and assuming everyone you disagree with is the same person, you're likely full of shit yourself.
If kamioshi was supposed to mean the same thing as oshimem, it would never take off.

>> No.78427911
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Well that's news to me, I better go find my oshi then.

>> No.78427932

This is what they've been preparing you for, all those times they told you to not forget about them.

>> No.78427938

I can't see myself ever oshihenning. FUWAMOCO are too perfect for me. The vn/idol/jp culture stuff is already good but then they also pander to unicorns, don't swear, don't do peepee poopoo humor, are hags, are twins, genuinely care for their fans, and a million other things.

>> No.78427984

I dropped fuwamoco for pillow sorry bros not feeling them anymore

>> No.78427992

I can’t stop thinking of raping Moco-chan.

>> No.78428023

His idea of Oshi is that you will mever have streams you don't like, you will never dislike a choice they made, you will just blindly consume every single thing they put out and always either be happy or pretend to be happy about it.

>> No.78428085

But let ME guess, you're the retard who though Marine didn't know FWMC were twins, because you can't even read basic japanese despite posing as an expert:

>> No.78428094

You're so fucking retarded, you've been btfo'd multiple times already kys

>> No.78428095

I love my cooling pillow a lot but not more than FuwaMoco

>> No.78428106

I figured that but I decided to take the piss anyway.

>> No.78428115
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Shit, I don't know if I could resist watching her if she's good at mahjong

>> No.78428121

Nice try, I know it's you
Fucker was spamming on cooldown
>assuming everyone you disagree with is the same person
I only assumed as such because you said something retarded, just like the guy I know you are

>> No.78428209

Is it at least a banana pillow?

>> No.78428237

NTA but saying something retarded isn’t special here

>> No.78428342

Now you're expecting too much, I said player.

>> No.78428349
File: 301 KB, 1415x878, SOSCR HoloEN Classes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUCK now I'll have to update the class list when more info about EN4 drops.
The one with clock gears and doll joints will either be a puppeteer or clocker though

>> No.78428381

I know that, I'm a retard sometimes myself.
But there's very specific types of retard that doesn't just come and go and gives itself away before very long

>> No.78428382

can time slow the fuck down?

>> No.78428402

Prove me wrong, then, show me it being used in anywhere near the scale it's been the past year in english speaking circles. Surely you can easily find that with a quick Google search.

>> No.78428404

She is very special but man her paypigs are way worse than ours so I just enjoy the asmr and never chat or get involved

>> No.78428458

It's funny when he sits there acting so smugly. I hope he's getting some kind of satisfaction about being mad over someones opinion of a shitty stream from two good streamers.

>> No.78428481

The things I see her say on twitter would cause Ruffians to literally kill each other.

>> No.78428599

People say the same about every ASMR chuuba. I wouldn't know, I always just play the VOD and switch tabs. Couldn't even tell you a single fan's name from any of the ones I "watch"

>> No.78428622

For me to actually regularly watch a vtuber who plays mahjong, it'll have to be someone good or becomes good and doesn't stagnate at a mediocre level, and has an entertaining personality.

>> No.78428652

I think he enjoys being angry at the world.
But yea both those streams sucked ass regardless.
Yes, yes and that's why I merely observe and enjoy rather than get involved.

>> No.78428750

>two retards replying to themselves about a third retard for several minutes
>but the third retard is the one who is mad
Now you'll accuse me of being him, nobody else could possibly think you're clearly seething.

>> No.78428762

It might be similar to what happened to EN homo 1 and 2 where all 8 of them actually got hired at the same time, but half debuted first before the other half.

>> No.78428798

Maybe one of the girls in EN4 will give me ESR.

>> No.78428844

Yea that's always the best way about it.

>> No.78428851

You might like Sakino Moco. I watch her on the side.

>> No.78428877

I hope you swallow cyanide you retarded fuck. You and your 3 braincells don't deserve to be on this planet.

>> No.78428882

Not quite, 5 first, then a second gen built around the fifth. Who went to become their worst performer. Their lore even reflects that, with the 2 who were hired first in gen 2 leaving on a journey and coming back with the other 2.

>> No.78428886

just heard the news
it’s my time to shine

>> No.78428938
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Boy he sure is mad

>> No.78428950

This is why we have so many yesmen.

>> No.78428984

who was the 5th?

>> No.78429013
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>> No.78429064

I already know about her. What I'm saying is for the hypothetical that someone in Justice were to actually pick up or stream mahjong

>> No.78429113

Oh. There's zero chance any English VTuber is going to be good at mahjong or dedicated enough to improve.

>> No.78429148

Making fun of the game is fine, even I shat on it in replies, but the seething during the stream was unreal. Calling it a shit stream and saying you watched someone else just seems weird too. They made it funny and enjoyable despite being one of the worst games I’ve ever seen with a Notebook-tier ending to the stream. Nothing will be worse than the Halloween stream.

>> No.78429217

The Phase Slayer

>> No.78429286

oh, didn't know that

>> No.78429325

Oh battle plan #2 was pretty bad too. I try not to think about it that much

>> No.78429345

Tf is ice climbers

>> No.78429347

>baubau is now the homo thread

>> No.78429353

Agreed, honestly have a lot of great memories from that stream. All of the puns, cocoon boy, them realizing what the name means on NG+, the haunted house with nothing but pauses in it. Shit was actual kino. A lot better than some streams of much better games.

>> No.78429358

i love how so many people just confidently talk out their ass about the internal workings of cover

>> No.78429375

>seething during the stream was unreal
stop looking at chat.
Whenever I watch them I just focus on the actual stream

>> No.78429418

When was this thread ever not about men?

>> No.78429432

Comparing the end of mbembe to the notebook is a type of retarded I wasn't ready for today. You're right about everything else though.

>> No.78429467

Wow my single shitpost has spawned this, I am actually impressed.

>> No.78429493

It's gonna be one in a million to have one in Hololive, that's for sure.

>> No.78429496

I didn’t see any seething in chat whenever I DID look at it. It was mainly people stunned at how lackluster the game was, but I didn’t see anyone mad at Fuwamoco themselves.

>> No.78429500

He's talking about the thread, chat was having fun too.

>> No.78429562

I wonder if one of them will play Halo?

>> No.78429613

the thread was just funposting, come the fuck on you idiots.
No one was actually mad about them playing mbember

>> No.78429641

this song always come to my head when ruffian talk about men.
and ruffians think of other dicks a whole lot

>> No.78429655

One of the members is a conjoined twin

>> No.78429691


>> No.78429707

Not mad, I'm talking about stream quality. Nobody was angry at them or anything. I'm surprised there are so many people who can't make the distinction between game quality and stream quality. They kept saying it was their worst solo stream so far.

>> No.78429724

I always called her mogogo or mogotyan.

>> No.78429728


>> No.78429777

I meant their reactions, it was “Where’s the romance?” and “That’s it?” tier from them.

>> No.78429787

mbembe is shit

>> No.78429860


>> No.78429871

FWMC is no longer the new shiny toy they won't have jp all over them anymore say good bye to Ayame collab

>> No.78429923

if it's stream quality, I don't really remember the thread having a common sentiment of it being a bad stream, just lots of anons making fun of the game.

>> No.78429982

their membership stream makes so much more sense now

>> No.78430050

Honestly I was hoping for EN 3D debut dates

>> No.78430058

was mbembe really a worse game than jisatsu?

>> No.78430097

It's not even being mad at FuwaMoco themselves, just that the stream was lackluster because of the shit game

>> No.78430126

No. I thought that stream was worse.

>> No.78430137

Game yes, stream no

>> No.78430162

Yeah nobody was mad at Fuwamoco, the game was just shit.

>> No.78430164

will any of the new members even know japanese?

>> No.78430198

I've said this before, and I will keep saying this over and over; I only ever started watching Hololive because the two of them are in it, and by extension, the ones that they consider closest to them in the company or that they collab with.
If for example, they went indie or whatever, I would drop Hololive like a hot rock.

Ayame will never collab with? That's fine, I don't care about her.

>> No.78430205

I prefer if Cover let Advent be in the limelight for at least a year. Oh well.

>> No.78430292

Unironically true. They'll still be ahle to make friends, but they'll have to do the hunting and asking.

>> No.78430302


>> No.78430463
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>If for example, they went indie or whatever, I would drop Hololive like a hot rock.

>> No.78430488

We just have a schizo that overexaggerates this thread's reaction to things constantly. He was pulling the same shit yesterday trying to claim everyone /here/ was happy Mori's collab might get cancelled.

>> No.78430561

Why would anyone ever want Fuwamoco to collab with fucking Ayame?

>> No.78430600

Not everything is a single schizo, schizoschizo, holy fuck.

>> No.78430652

I never said that.

>> No.78430709

No if you've ever expressed a sentiment that has already been said or used a word that has been used before, you are the exact same person every time. Thats the rules of /baubau/

>> No.78430877

No point in sleeping now. Stream is in 5 hours

>> No.78430906

When is the last time Ayame even collab with someone from EN? I can't remember.

>> No.78430999

1 of them is very likely to know some Japanese.

>> No.78431042

>No point in sleeping now
There's never no point in sleeping

>> No.78431136

It's 4pm NEETbro

>> No.78431163


>> No.78431286

scheduled tweet

>> No.78431304

Sure thing overexaggerationschizo

>> No.78431516

Wait a minute guys...
FuwaMoco talking about eating cats right from the beginning was actually them wanting revenge on the cat in EN4


>> No.78431536

How do I politely oshihen? New Twitter account and leave my pawprint one silent? They won't be searching my username will they?

>> No.78431613

Just leave quietly. That's what people do all the time.

>> No.78431624

>politely oshihen
impossible you unfaithful whore. fuck outta here

>> No.78431644

If you’re a regular who chats a lot, they’ll notice something is off the moment you start doing that less after the new faces debut and assume the worst.

>> No.78431690

Just make a new account and fucking leave

>> No.78431732

If you're actually serious, they already said don't tell them if you're gonna oshihen

>> No.78431783

The politest way to do it is to wind down over time. Interact with them less and less so they slowly forget you before switching to a new account.

>> No.78431785

Send a max akasupa saying they've changed and the FuwaMoco you used to love isnt there anymore and then put. "former Ruffian" in your Twitter profile

>> No.78431826

I'm not saying it's a certain but I just want to know how to handle it. I have a weakness for dolls and violins...

>> No.78431896

>put. "former Ruffian" in your Twitter profile
everything but this. You should put RUFFIAN BAU BAU at the end of your name but remove the pawprint and call the new girl your kamioshi

>> No.78431948
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>> No.78432047

oh fuck I didn't know that faggot actually had former tako in his description too. what the fuck is wrong with people?

>> No.78432102

Lmao this is like tattooing the name of your gf on your chest and wearing it proudly even after you find a new girl

>> No.78432109

No chance. I prayed to yagoo that we'd get these two demon dogs and he gave me my wish. Even as an EU fag I'll stay with them forever, I'll suffer lack of sleep on weekends on vods on the weekdays.

>> No.78432196

Reminder Pandora's Box had him at #1 chatter too. Fucking shameless faggot.

>> No.78432210

Hungarian-chamma, I want you to leave though...

>> No.78432332

They retweeted him and probably will reply to him like they have the German. they're desperate to keep the EU menheras for some reason

>> No.78432371

No, that's clearly dlan.

>> No.78432434

The shameless part of me is kind of glad some ruffians will inevitably oshihen so the chat isn't as clusterfucked all the time. Part of the reason I like superchat reading streams is because a lot of people don't watch them, so the chat isn't scrolling stupidly fast always

>> No.78432437

The Estonian doxxfag will finally bother some other girl

>> No.78432449

Cause they want all of their fans to stay. It honestly feels good to know that I dont worry them at all like that. They have faith I'll always be their supportive autistic ruffian cause I always will be.

>> No.78432475


>> No.78432666
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>> No.78432782

Anyone else not give a flying fuck about EN4? I might watch their debuts, but Advent so far has given me exactly what I wanted since before even Myth, and there's not even enough hours in the day to watch all of them to begin with.

>> No.78432839

I have no idea what they will be like so who knows. Maybe there's a girl in there who will call me nii-chan.

>> No.78432889

I'm interested in every single new gen (JP/EN specifically). That doesn't mean I'm shopping for an oshi cause I've finally found mine after all these years.

>> No.78432894

Both incorrect. I'm happy I don't get name dropped here. Happy just supporting my oshi by being supportive on twitter, sending SC's, watching streams, and living my best life.

>> No.78432945

I only care to see which ones would be fun for FuwaMoco to interact with.

>> No.78432948

if the yellow tiger drops oniichan I'm immediately changing over. but that's about the only way I'll be stolen

>> No.78432978

There is no topping Advent and there especially is no topping FWMC

>> No.78433011

I remember stumbling upon one or two nips who used that to refer to their chatters and it was honestly strange.

>> No.78433020

I top FWMC every night in bed.

>> No.78433100

I wrote this

>> No.78433158

I watch other talents apart from Fuwamoco even though Fuwamoco are my oshis, so I’m interested and will check EN4 out too.

>> No.78433167

Stop pretending to be me.

>> No.78433199

Hearing it once from Mococo was enough to make me realize that it does nothing for me, especially since she really isn't into it.
I'm her husband, and she's my daughterwife.

>> No.78433250

change your name to ex ruffian and superchat another holo bonus points if you have NOEH in your new name

>> No.78433273

Gonna be really hard to beat FuwaMoco in the retarded weeb (note:not Wapanese) category and Kiara in the tangent and personal stories category If they can prove to be stronger in any of those, I'll give them a shot.

>> No.78433419

yeah but imagine someone who IS really into it saying it to you.

>> No.78433438

That one isn't hard to beat if you remove the holo only limit.

>> No.78433518

the doll and the loli are both my wifes I'm calling dibs

>> No.78433544

Why are there so many doom posters regarding the new gen? Haven't you guys gone through this before? I've been here before myth debuted and it's the same shit every time. Most girls will lose regular watchers when a new gen debuts, it's just how it goes.

>> No.78433564

I like Holo because they are curbed a bit on their personal leanings. I want to hear about cute, sometimes mundane shit, not who you're going to vote for or whatever your opinion is on current hot topic.

>> No.78433597

I never watched vtubers (or any streamers for that matter) regularly until fwmc

>> No.78433624
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>> No.78433643

>I've been here since before Myth
So you've swapped too then. It can happen to anyone, any time. They can watch their CCV drop like a rock depending on what happens around them.

>> No.78433656

I want to know who FuwaMoco are voting for, and I want to know their opinions on Israel/Palestine...

>> No.78433726

Why is this so special? If anything, FWMC constantly calling us Ruffians instead of "chat" is more special due to being a word specifically for us than calling chat big brother

>> No.78433732

go away

>> No.78433787

I still watch Ame when she streams, but I was never a paypig/gachi for her, whereas for fuwamoco I am. I find that people will migrate from girls that appeal to them as they debut until they find their real oshi.

>> No.78433798

Wouldn't FWMC be more in the Wapanese category of wanting to BE Japanese, in the original definition of Wapanese?

>> No.78433860

NTA but that's not how it works. Plenty of people were just sort of "meh" on Myth/Council, and never really had an EN oshi, or any oshi at all, and Myth is a particularly bad example since 3/5 stopped streaming any appreciable amount for long stretches of time. That's not "swapping" that's "watching streams".

>> No.78433923

I will continue having sex with Shiori
I will continue having sex with Nerissa
I will continue having sex with Biboo
And I will not leave and I will stay married to FWMC
Loyal to the end.

>> No.78433958

Did Advent even know this was coming? Fuwamoco and Biboo sounded genuinely confused by that tweet with their wanted posters

>> No.78433959

based adventchad

>> No.78434013

Not everyone is like that, I'm just as selective but I'll admit that the EN landscape looks like hell sometimes.

>> No.78434046

Yeah, they are. But they are also massive weebs in the sense that they really like anime and VN's, which is something I really like about them. But I'm a little sad VN's essentially got shelved for the 1m goal.
I guess I just don't get it. Prior to Myth, I would never watch streams anywhere, except for a few people who played niche games well that I played and had insight, and even then it was far and few between. My addiction to streaming was purely BECAUSE of Myth.

>> No.78434071

Fuwawa's not allowed to keep secrets anymore

>> No.78434073

Mori and Mumei were aware of Advent. I assume Advent is aware of Justice.

>> No.78434168

>DKC Returns on the switch
we're back DKbros

>> No.78434193

From what I know based on past things, it seems that they usually don't tell other Gens info about the new gen until a month or two before their debut, and even then they don't have much interaction outside of prepping with others for debut.

>> No.78434259

>FWMC constantly calling us Ruffians instead of "chat" is more special due to being a word specifically for us
You think that's special but it's basically the norm for JPs, so it's not something that particularly stands out to me

>> No.78434270

>that tweet with their wanted posters
could you link this here? I want to see.

>> No.78434278

Usually they're aware and can talk with the newcomers at least a month before their debut, apparently the manager(s) have to approve it though.

>> No.78434291

Yes they knew, they have a watchalong of the debuts this weekend. The tweets were all planned unless you're actually do autistic that the paper thin acting is real to you

>> No.78434398

Oh, that's what the collabs are?
Holy fucking GRIM. At least the Axel collab will no longer be their worst collabs, I guess.

>> No.78434411


>> No.78434542

It’s not. Just another case of faggots trying to force their fetish on them and shitting up the thread

>> No.78434564


>> No.78434582
File: 219 KB, 486x457, 1713905281572308.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fuwamoco and Biboo sounded genuinely confused by that tweet with their wanted posters
glad you think this of the only time they were acting
although I think they just got spooked thinking their nudes leaked due moris phrasings

>> No.78434627

I want our schizo's to move on to the next gen, but a lot of our worsts menheras are EU and I hate to have these EU girls have possible stalkers in their countries. If it's for fuwamoco's benefit I'll throw gen 4 into the schizo pen.

>> No.78434727

Wouldn't they just double dip?

>> No.78434834

They don't have the money or energy to keep up

>> No.78434951

Do you think Fuwamoco would be upset if one of the new girls is a breakout star and hits 1mil before them? Like imagine putting in all this work and effort, and then a loli with a cute voice debuts and absolutely mogs you in less than a month.

>> No.78435046

Are Justice looking at this thread seeing how they can get some of those juicy paypigs over to them?

>> No.78435053

Chances of this even happening are as close to 0 as we could possibly get

>> No.78435150


>> No.78435236


>> No.78435259


>> No.78435332

No the paypigs are already planning accordingly. The talents are none the wiser for now.

>> No.78435378

>the only time they were acting
Manorbros... I KNEW it was real. Arrest Nerissa RIGHT NOW

>> No.78435544

I still haven't listened to that
