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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.78378232
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>> No.78378269
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>> No.78378483

Mint's egg... evaporated...

>> No.78378548

I do not want to stalk Mint. I wouldn't say no to a round of Mario Kart or two with her. Maybe we can talk about snacks. That'd be fun.

>> No.78378599
File: 109 KB, 512x512, 1702247920138934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop bringing this up in the new thread

>> No.78378642

What the fuck.
Should we contact mgscon?

>> No.78378914

No I'm >>78378275 >>78377822
He also said he drove 3 hours to see her and I obviously don't live in America. I've also never been able to go to any cons there for meet and greets because of my shitty job and I hate it!!!
I doubt it's any of the other Aussie Pomies either since I think most of them are too broke to fly.

>> No.78378931
File: 513 KB, 1023x1442, 1712016007295793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

V1 Minto-chan, my beloved!

>> No.78378956

>knife-wielding psycho wisp is stalking her at every con she visits
she needs a fucking security detail

>> No.78378979

But imagine having a Mario Kart LAN party with Mint and friends.

>> No.78379041

don't be so gullible fucking idiots

>> No.78379038

I guess nijitrannies have nothing better to do than to raid this thread huh? You don't even watch your own organs considering their ccv dropped harder than the Uchiha population.

>> No.78379117
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Matara is going to protect her

>> No.78379161

>dropped harder than the Uchiha population
Friendly reminder that they totally deserved it and Tobirama was right by racially profiling them

>> No.78379311
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I am glad you didn't go insane...

>> No.78379374
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>> No.78379455
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>> No.78379476

>I also don't want Mint to check the thread out because she's bored
It won't happen, no one is /here/, this place is irrelevant and avoided by those cursed with knowing about it
But on the off chance she reads the thread:
hi Mint! sorry for the hornyposting, it will happen again

>> No.78379693
File: 855 KB, 880x843, 1700060480391029.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tomodachi Life will finally happen this year right bros?

>> No.78379735

Mint, if you're reading this, I think you're a really nice, cute and caring person and never fails to bring a smile to my day! uuuuuuu

>> No.78379889
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I agree with this Wisp

>> No.78380004
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>> No.78380109

What are the chances mint posts here?
Schedule links, hornyposts she can't share on her official account, ritualposts

>> No.78380467

She talked about things you'd only know from the main Niji thread multiple times as Pomu so pretty high actually.

>> No.78380746

Fuck I hope she's not weirded out from me talking about her visiting my dreams. I cannot control who shows up in my dreams. Hope she understands that.

>> No.78380813
File: 595 KB, 1068x720, 1700149242931812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over for you anon...

>> No.78380909
File: 216 KB, 1008x1431, GQJeU9uWoAAtp39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too late, she knows who you are and HATES you now

>> No.78381162

If Mint ever brings up visiting a dream about playing co-op frozen Dong then I'm going to fucking freak.

>> No.78381213

She's an oldfag that's seen way worse shit than goes on in this blue thread

>> No.78381236

>【OUTER WILDS FINALE with Ewiwa】you're the only person I'd travel the universe for【Pomu Rainpuff】

>> No.78381284

Let's try to have a little decorum and not post Mint lewds or lewd Mint herself, huh my Wispggas?

>> No.78381290

>co-op frozen Dong
Good taste tbdesu

>> No.78381297
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>Already moving to something else
I hate summer man

>> No.78381691
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>> No.78381788
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How about I deck you in the face instead

>> No.78381886
File: 465 KB, 1860x2631, Minto_OL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You want the impossible.

>> No.78382332

I'm just not that into her to fly to America to see her in a con.

>> No.78382593


>> No.78383102

If I ever came inside Minto I am unsure what I should yell as I climax
>BROTHERRRRRRR (in Liquid's voice)

>> No.78383481
File: 816 KB, 2361x4096, GLIJ5RmbMAA4Sho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fine, I lay claim to BUSTIN' BUSTIN' BUSTIN' BUSTIN'

>> No.78384029

Some Briskadets were having a melty over the thread shipping them with Pomudachi one night with people posting a bunch of fanart of it and then the next day Pomu asked which EN fanbases people thought would work well together and the first timestamp happened when someone said Pomudachi and Briskadets.

>> No.78384076

Their denial about Sonny being a pomudachi until he started crying during the totsu was funny.

>> No.78384387

Why did Mint only private the Patreon Lethal Company vod instead of deleting it? Do you think she rewatches it sometimes?

>> No.78384440

Deleting vods fucks up with the algo

>> No.78384463
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Minty toes

>> No.78384502
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>> No.78384621

He was nearly crying during her last minecraft even and they still refused to believe it.
I just don't get it. People were telling them he was one since his debut.

>> No.78385818


>> No.78386734
File: 114 KB, 871x327, faumint uuuuu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. sicko

>> No.78388059 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.63 MB, 1272x1576, 5t3fr7jwiaq71.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be honest Wisps
Could you compete?

>> No.78388174
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I don't know if I am skilled enough to make a cosplay but sure

>> No.78388292

I agree. They should collab. But apparently Fauna doesn't do non-holo collabs?

t. low self-esteem

>> No.78389558

When Mint was playing Outer Wilds today, at one point she flew over the an open geyser in Timber Heart and commented it looked like a hole. It made me think of rimming her butthole.

>> No.78390795
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>> No.78391030
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Ghost matter hole...

>> No.78392075


>> No.78392158
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VOD time yet again.
It's like I can't ever catch her streams live anymore.

>> No.78392208
File: 243 KB, 610x535, 1698968263421467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what happens when you're Australian! or European!

>> No.78392234

Well she always streams at 2 in the morning for me. I can never watch live, even for a little while, except now this nintendo direct.

>> No.78392313

I wonder which games will interest her most. And which games drop anyways. I'm old and feel as if all good Nintendo games need to be 2D.

>> No.78392502

Directs have non Nintendo stuff too, meaning even a few games that are not exclusively on the Switch, so it's hard to say what might be featured. People have obviously been waiting for Silksong and Metroid Prime 4 for years and are going crazy so every major Direct now is just hoping for those. And Tomodachi Life I guess.

>> No.78392637
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I didn't ask to be born in Eastern Europe.

>> No.78392664
File: 1.05 MB, 1130x782, Minto_melting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where is it

>> No.78392770

Will Mint play DQ3 once she sees it in the direct tonight?

>> No.78393191

She will play with my dick once she sees it

>> No.78394656
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>> No.78394698

I, uh, love Mint.

>> No.78396074

You don't seem very convincing. Where's the passion?

>> No.78396618

Good morning my wispggas
Nintendo direct in a little bit hope we feelin?
That's our word, you can't use it if you finna disrespect our culture (mint lewds)

>> No.78397050 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.78397617

Is she streaming the Direct with someone or is it just her?

>> No.78398239


>> No.78398465

I don't remember her mentioning anyone else

>> No.78399181

Threads empty, now no one will now if they announce bloodborne for the switch before a pc port I'm painting the ceiling with my brain

>> No.78399245

She also sub-only'd her chat after the /b/omu leak. And since Niji """""management"""" are a bunch of underage pajeets who can't even figure out how to lock down a subreddit, it almost certainly wasn't them that warned her.

>> No.78399401

you need only a couple containment breakers on twitter/youtube/kiwifarms equivalent to alert her
still no proof that she is /here/

>> No.78399500
File: 14 KB, 750x750, 1702586569248818.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She won't wake up for the direct

>> No.78399604

Can't blame her, if it weren't for being at work my ass wouldn't be awake either.

>> No.78399664

Maybe not actively, but let's be real, she has history of being on 4chan. Even if she never posted nowadays, I doubt she wouldn't sometimes look out of curiosity, even if only rarely.

>> No.78399911

>I doubt she wouldn't sometimes look out of curiosity, even if only rarely.
Yeah, she probably stalks some followers on twitter, joins a fan discord or egosearches
But not here

>> No.78400090

It's been 15, 16 years. You act like retards on Twitter who get outraged because some literal who said nigger in his edgy teen phase.

>> No.78400294

She's awake!

>> No.78400327
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>> No.78400400
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It's almost time...

>> No.78400417

obviously, it's a ghost

>> No.78400747

Same. It feels like i amassed some dogshit karma in my previous life or something.

>> No.78400873


>> No.78400943

where is she

>> No.78400968

She just got done washing her face

>> No.78401023

and she nweed to set up

>> No.78401025

You tell him, my Wispgga. Regarding Direct, it's just another Mint stream for me. I don't play any Nintendo stuff anyways, but I'm always happy to watch Minto do whatever.

>> No.78401053

Am I the only one with Elira's stream on as well and is pretending they're together on VC?

>> No.78401084


>> No.78401125


>> No.78401174

Her voice sounds even rougher today...

>> No.78401229

She just woke up. I'm too lazy to look for it right now, but reminds me of when she overslept a Get Ready With Pomu stream and started like 2 hours late right before going to work.

>> No.78401318
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He said the thing

>> No.78401375

Probably not

>> No.78401482


>> No.78401528

yeah Mint, I agree

>> No.78401554

Mint your rotten brain...

>> No.78401636

ghost data...? spooky

>> No.78401838

>I was a basketball before
What did she mean by this??

>> No.78402037

Why do all girls love small cute cinnamoroll but never like small cute boys like me..

>> No.78402042

She was Mint Basketball before

>> No.78402174
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>literally just a litter of foxes
rude, foxes are so cute

>> No.78402376
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DQ chads we eating good

>> No.78402433

Funkopop game...

>> No.78402451

>negro funko appears on screen
>she laughs

>> No.78402545

I'm FOMOing so much now, I've never played any Nintendo games

>> No.78402790

All those remasters and remakes remind me how much better games used to be. You know, Turok, Metroid...

>> No.78402818

Hell yeah

>> No.78403103

Actual Zelda game

>> No.78403121

Legend of Link!!!
Also based to reintroduce an original 2D Zelda, this makes me hopeful for another 2D Metroid

>> No.78403508

kitty D:

>> No.78403530
File: 26 KB, 120x136, 1704814372650193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do we get Mint to play Dragon Quest 3 when it comes out in November?

>> No.78403538

Not missing much for most of it desu

>> No.78403651

Mint is currently cooming

>> No.78403690


>> No.78403866


>> No.78403891

I only ever played the gameboy Saga games

>> No.78403904

It depends on how much value you put on video games and their cost as opposed to what they offer. Many Nintendo games are great, many are just fun, but they NEVER lose their value. They are always expensive. That said Switch is a pretty great system for small games.

>> No.78403941


>> No.78403975


>> No.78403985

Prime 4 finally, it has been aeons

>> No.78404062

>Prime 4 is no longer vaporware
We are so back

>> No.78404150
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Silksong keks...

>> No.78404273

I'm just hyped for Minto Edgeworth streams now. Those are gonna be fun.

>> No.78404285
File: 310 KB, 800x800, Minto_Mint!.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Silksong announcement trailer
>5 years ago
way to rub it in, Mint...
It's okay, I can wait a bit longer...

>> No.78404442

>Mint doesn't like Metroid
:( so sad...

>> No.78404636

MP4 announcement was in 2017, but that game at least had the issue of being shelved and then restarted development just before covid
Silksong has had a playable build for a while. It's anyone's guess why it's taking so long when the development of it started as an expansion of the original. Either they have horrid production issues or they're making like a game that's thrice as big.

>> No.78404656
File: 66 KB, 480x480, 1692139900107404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She found Snake in the Power Pro trailer

>> No.78404732

I just got on, what?

>> No.78404734

>Silksong confirmed to be JP only

>> No.78404783

Romancing SaGa 2 remake announced during the Direct

>> No.78404894
File: 40 KB, 447x599, df9fb8d42eea3f53148633897cae3fff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, I love her excited giggles so much...

>> No.78405120

Surprised it wasn't SaGa Frontier 2 Remastered. I wonder what they've changed in the game in the remake. I see timeline battles were introduced. On the other hand it's my favorite SNES RPG.

>> No.78405265

Did they set a date for the Xeno X port?

>> No.78405277


>> No.78405346

Oh... Fire Emblem then?

>> No.78405406
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>> No.78405581

Yeah, Never Ever.
Shit Xeno game

>> No.78405700
File: 313 KB, 2089x1662, Minto_cheeks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uuu I miss Mint already...

>> No.78405712
File: 1.81 MB, 1800x2700, GQERd8uXAAABldD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mint is gone... I miss Mint......

>> No.78406126

I miss the funny ghost girl...

>> No.78407310
File: 1.74 MB, 2160x3840, GPonfNwagAACIdl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess I go take nappy

>> No.78407309
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>> No.78407357

Happy nappy Wisp!

>> No.78407366
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>> No.78407547


>> No.78408775

Is it weird if I want to save my armpit fucking virginity for Mint? She made me attracted to them, so I'm saving myself for her

>> No.78409473

I think they may have announced EN4....or maybe not.

>> No.78409626
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Sounds normal to me

>> No.78409798

Damn... she didn't make it in.

>> No.78409953
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retarded holofags that never watched a single second of her thinking she would go again to a black jap corpo lmfao

>> No.78410135

Should have been obvious the moment she came back as Mint

>> No.78410741

Well, she is joining wactor

>> No.78410750
File: 438 KB, 796x557, 1712453980044014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well at least that rrat is finally dead

>> No.78410918

Isn't Wactor a spanish-speaking corpo? Or am I getting it confused with something else?

>> No.78411150

Yeah but it's a jp company

>> No.78411268

Huh, had no idea.

>> No.78411412

I'm so glad mint is not joining holo, now we just need to get rid of vshojobeggars and everything will be better

>> No.78411779
File: 23 KB, 128x128, 1717289168906221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good luck, you're gonna need it

>> No.78412659

Any of chance of her joining vshojo was gone the moment she made contact with doki.

>> No.78412899

yup, because she would rather join dokicorp

>> No.78413030

NTA but I really doubt either of them will start a corpo. Maybe create a named group of indie friends like Hanamori but that's it.

>> No.78413512

what’s wrong with holo? I think their content is a little boring, no offense to them, but I feel like it could’ve been a good fit for mint.

>> No.78413684
File: 283 KB, 1531x2094, 1715731894879547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't give a fuck about corpos.

>> No.78413864

Based liggerman

>> No.78413883

She'd have to graduate and Holo doesn't really interact with anyone outside of the holobox so she would essentially have to sever most of the connections she's made since redebut. Nothing wrong with them, or Vshojo for that matter, but most fans want her to stay indie so she's free to do whatever she wants.

>> No.78414011

Their fans, they almost made me drop vtubers but I discovered mint at the perfect time, they shitted on her during her first days in niji even celebrating people overlaping her debut and a lot of them a shared her doxx including the retarded jannies and mods from this board until it was discovered she was underage.
I don't want to share a fanbase with them, I would even take the sisters again over them. Vshojobeggars are really annoying but I would take them over retarded holo fans any day

>> No.78414053

It is more like she feels content now and is less likely to veer towards the vshojo group. Note how she did not schedule any other collabs with them and is planning for more with doki. Doki can even help her with management stuff. So she's all set.

>> No.78414054

fair. It obnoxious how they’re basically just in a walled garden, even filian has straight up collab begged on stream for a Biboo collab and it didn’t lead to anything

>> No.78414172

Congrats, you've been psyopped. Shitposters and antis /here/ don't represent holofans.

>> No.78414325

Nah he's right. I will never forget how in that thread someone posted Mori's irl pics and deadbeat jannies deleted those while still leaving Pomu's doxx thread up.

>> No.78414452

The hell are people so obsessed with her joining corpo, especially a JP one? She can finally sing Snake Eater and shit on stream, and you really want to go back to permissions autism hell? Nah, I'm glad she's not in EN4.

>> No.78414497

That was a self-delete and the thread was pruned like 30 minutes later when the jannies woke up.

>> No.78414631

>and the thread was pruned like 30 minutes later when the jannies woke up.
No it wasn't. It was only deleted shortly before hitting archive, long before Mori's doxx was deleted.

>> No.78414723

hololive is super popular /here/ and even if you think the blue dorito is dumb they’re usually a good financial decision for your oshi, in terms of having a relatively long and sustainable successful career. maybe not the best fit for mint but that’s how I see it

>> No.78414742

Sorry anon, but I am talking about times before this board even existed, and well obviously this board, Twitter, even youtube comments.
Maybe 2 years ago it would be just a /here/ problem, but this board influenced the vtuber community even if we try to ignore it and dont like it

>> No.78414885

>Shitposters and antis /here/ don't represent holofans
Have you ever been outside of /here/?
The "fans" are horrible and hateful everywhere.

>> No.78414915

Maybe we're thinking of different threads and someone did the same self-delete bit twice, but the one I'm thinking of was pruned very quickly. But in either case the thread was pruned and holding a grudge against all holofans for the jannies incompetently (or even maliciously) leaving it up for too long is dumb. Most holofans don't support doxxing.

>> No.78414919

just like how sister shitposts in this very general never get deleted no matter how often you report them... then again, this is another corpo, but still.

>> No.78414987

But they do represent nijifans though, amirite?
Corpofags get out

>> No.78415281

Yeah that's fair, but it's not just holofans, it's fans of every corpo. Niji also had a big community of antis based around the doxxsite, I'm sure there's antis among vshojofans, small corpo fans seem particularly insane. The only company that seems to disproportionately attract them is Phase, but even most phasefans are normal people in my experience.
No, they obviously don't.
That's the issue here, everyone is so fixated on this minority of shitheads that they can't recognize that most fans aren't like that.

>> No.78415393

uhhhhhh i like mint.

>> No.78415456

Same desu

>> No.78415464

I want say all holo fans are bad because a bunch of KFPs, teamates and saplings watched Pomu and now Mint so. Some of them watched Mint before she went to NijiEN

>> No.78415602

How did I brainfarted this hard?

>> No.78415768
File: 990 KB, 2460x2474, GP-g2tMbEAMV6Qk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mint is FORBIDDEN from graduating until she releases covers of all the good MGS songs

>> No.78415830

Yeah but like I said, the doxx was not the only reason why I dislike them, that was the last straw I would say. Maybe you are new but back in 2020 and 2021 they acted like bronies, that's why everyone started calling them holobronies. Good luck discussing anything somewhat related to one of the holo members like a game, an event or something like that because they would invade the threads making them unusable full of offtopic. It wouldn't be a problem if it was /here/ like you said, but it was in other boards, they almost killed /jp/

>> No.78415853
File: 2.13 MB, 2560x1440, 1693911466508256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All 1 of them?

>> No.78415881
File: 315 KB, 1505x2048, 1716002882174252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't.
I LOVE Mint.

>> No.78415999


>> No.78416005

it's your true feelings

>> No.78416118


>> No.78416124

I agree with you, some of them are good or unityfags and that's nice, saying all of them are shit is also shitting on mint. But still, those fans can watch her without her joining holo

>> No.78416579
File: 238 KB, 391x502, 1714453220672422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does all the fun stuff happens when I'm taking a nap??

>> No.78416713
File: 416 KB, 1600x2700, GPmBVQ5X0AAq1dQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You slept through the watchalong? SHAME

>> No.78416736

I mean, it was just a direct watchalong

>> No.78416897

My biggest problem with Holofans is that they pretty much anti anyone who isn't a UwU animu idol

Kronii, Mori, Kiara, Bae (early on), etc etc. Fauna and Gura are exempt from almost everything because they have cute voices and act like they don't have a backbone, the second fauna expressed even a slight amount of backbone holofags freaked the fuck out. Mint talking shit about any of her fans would unironically cause her to be one of the most hated Holo girls because she'd be showcasing that she's not just some spineless animu waifu idol

>> No.78417077

I slept through many a stream because fuck your EST

>> No.78417168

I’ve mostly come to the conclusion that idol culture just comes with too much baggage. I don’t like the way holofans worship their idols while simultaneously putting them in a cage. but this is starting to get off topic so I won’t digress further

>> No.78417284

Again, you're basing this on shitposts.
Keep in mind there are, to this day, faggots go through the catalog antiing everyone using Mint images, I'm sure there's some retarded holofag who thinks "wow all the mint fans are antis" because of this, but we all know that's not true.

>> No.78417335
File: 353 KB, 1480x2300, GQWUsEPbAAA6FF7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silly anon, ghosts don't have spines

>> No.78417487
File: 36 KB, 280x185, 1712636110467319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello I really like the VTuber Maid Mint Ch. ミント・ファントーム

>> No.78417545


>> No.78417581

Me too

>> No.78417638

I bet mint would collab with the holo males like she did as indie and niji, they would anti her just for that

>> No.78417833

good morning sirs

>> No.78417916

You like Mint? Then name all her oshis

>> No.78417971

Sorry for not being a cuck

>> No.78418073

You're sharing your oshi with thousands of males, you're a cuck by default.

>> No.78418145

Mint, despite herself being all in on idol culture, also does not follow "idol culture". It's good she's indie

>> No.78418152
File: 228 KB, 585x564, 1701495400710911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No...I was a holobeggar...this can't be happening

>> No.78418244
File: 755 KB, 2773x4096, 1698706396611934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78418352
File: 49 KB, 461x354, 1710849307670924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78418630

>all in on idol culture
Ehhhh, liking idols is not being all in on idol culture, even less with all her Hot takes about the industry

>> No.78418759

"Idol culture" is a completely meaningless buzzword. She would have fit in perfectly fine but I'm glad she's staying indie since I think that's perfect for her - no perms autism.

>> No.78418966

wow brownfeet posts in /mint/ too?

>> No.78419563
File: 101 KB, 1284x1272, real.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78421155 [DELETED] 
File: 464 KB, 701x392, justice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>new holoEN gen debut
Looks like Mint is going to be even less relevant very soon. Maybe some of you should try watching the debuts, unless you're just too used to being on the losing team (I know most of you are ex-nijinigs so you probably got used to losing and crying all the time)

>> No.78421609

I will save vtubing in the near future and bring back true unity in the vtubing community

>> No.78421717
File: 46 KB, 275x337, 1617474050447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice bait

>> No.78421745

holokeks really proving they are the worst vtubing fanbase lol

>> No.78421819

All vtubers are my wife one way or another

>> No.78421900 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 225x225, 1713058226927174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bring back true unity in the vtubing community
"Unity" is a cope for people with irrelevant shitter oshis who can't handle the direction things are actually going in - total Hololive domination. Either switch sides or be on the losing team, simple as.
I'll give you this, though, maybe if Mint sucks up to Kiara even more she'll keep from going totally broke.

>> No.78422006

>it's a chumcuck
Oh that explains it. What having a trash oshit that never streams does to a mofo lmfao

>> No.78422078

Dont worry anon, I will collab with gura in the future too

>> No.78422167

Sister, you're not fooling anyone. You lot suddenly LOVED her when she overlapped Doki's Wrestletuber.

>> No.78422190 [SPOILER] 
File: 60 KB, 249x249, 1697804609018960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78422257

I think mint is cool and stuff

>> No.78422426
File: 89 KB, 269x265, 1714174436915017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would explain her being so extremely busy and overbooked... Wouldn't she be allowed to stay Mint on the side?

>> No.78422444

I'm surprised that jannies finally seem to do something. I mean, it's like they never do anything against sister raids so that's indeed pretty unusual.

>> No.78422577

>sister raids
Nah, not at this hour. This is unironically chumpedos. They hate all vtubers that aren't their non-streaming oshit. Remember how they were shitting on Kiara just because she typed something in Gura's chat? And then was suprised how nice Pomu's chat was to her compared to her own genmate lol.

>> No.78422755

Jannies are on high alert all across the board right now.
Also a decent possibility he was shitting up multiple threads and got nukes

>> No.78422991

You guys need to learn not to reply to bait.

>> No.78424552

Mint is for hugs.

>> No.78424614


>> No.78424701

No. Just hug Spurdo.

>> No.78424790
File: 72 KB, 610x535, 1713038334609132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck corpos, indie all the way

>> No.78424963

she really plans to doublestream while sick...

>> No.78425025


>> No.78425884

I want to hold mints hand

>> No.78426465

I love Mint and I will love all her friends because it'll make her happy.

>> No.78426531
File: 277 KB, 2048x1451, 1713013142552144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need a hand? *ba-dum-tss*

>> No.78426671

I want more Mint feet

>> No.78427164
File: 479 KB, 800x800, mint_nod.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good afternoon!
How was the Nintendo Direct? Is Tomodachi Life 2 finally real?

>> No.78427255

Good afternoon! It's not real...

>> No.78428105
File: 249 KB, 1088x1775, GQXw8kfaIAEUuML.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78428709


>> No.78429565

This but directly on my face

>> No.78431069

[Panko news] she enjoys streaming now

>> No.78431137
File: 134 KB, 441x414, 1716474386121782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one's mine

>> No.78431184
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>> No.78431186

(me) woops wrong thread

>> No.78431303
File: 264 KB, 808x642, 1712930432103259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wisps, get him!

>> No.78431380

I want to rim mints asshole

>> No.78432586
File: 781 KB, 3461x4096, GQVNM5YakAA9xnZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78433016

Hey guys, would you still like mint even if she doesn't join a big and popular corpo? :(

>> No.78433111
File: 140 KB, 440x375, 1712275217994828.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh ffs piss off will ya?

>> No.78433418

Hey guys, would you still like Mint even if gumbawat jotikai seeknay te bo wanai Solo? Ho ho hoooooh

>> No.78433539
File: 230 KB, 421x423, 1708197519697826.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course

>> No.78433986

If you're the drawgoon pankobro from /haha/, draw something for us too and you can be welcome

>> No.78434637
File: 95 KB, 500x500, MFFC4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's talk a bit about something more productive.
Are any Artwisps around? Any who have experience and/or motivation to create a few players for our VTL 7 team?
We have a full squad of 23 and a few backup ideas that strongly need to be considered.
I hope this post won't be too long, but these are the players + noteable backups + designs that we thought of.
for reference: >>/vt/thread/74930739#p74945588
-----MINT FC ROSTER-----
Her VR Chat lowpoly Chocomint model. I already have this as a blender file. This could be a base for other players, I can provide this. https://x.com/scuffward/status/1794886949855256793
RPJ wearing a Ghostbusters uniform. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0tdyU_gW6WE
Mint wearing a Ghostbusters uniform. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=78NqcZGPfBU
Mint in her podcast bikini.
Her MGS pachislot machine. You may consider that /wtg/ uses a player in ther VGL team called >ARCADE which is an Arcade machine. Perhaps we may just reskin this.
S(k)rooky obviously: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NoznEOPo4UY&t=5778s
Just a box... courtesy of the artist to make it more like her emote, the Twin Snakes ingame model or that con box
Mint wearing Snake's uniform. This is also for the artist to decide if you want to make her look like her wrestler at Wrestletuber, like fanart, close to an ingame model with Mint's head etc.
We're waiting for /nijien/ to decide on their roster. I already talked to their caretaker. We may get the rights to their player FROGBERT if they drop him, so that's settled.
Mint's V1 model. >>/vt/image/3nEERi0Bi9jv+Hvlh3j76w
A regular Wisp.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4lYGs4Boauc Feel free to design that player more like that ingame model or some fanart.
Add stink lines if this isn't too complicated!
A jar filled with sand with some Native American chief headwear. Alternatively with actual hands and feet.
A fat bastard version of Mint. https://i.warosu.org/data/vt/img/0751/42/1714880869442774.jpg
Pomu Rainpuff with cardboard wings.
Cel-shaded Mint resembling the characters of Facade: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=irDaWl7n7-A
Since it's a Spanish name, there were some ideas to give that players somewhat Mexican props, like a sombrero and a beard
Mint as a nun: https://i.warosu.org/data/vt/img/0749/30/1714646083626700.jpg
Let's be real, just her emote would be a bit boring.
based on this: https://i.warosu.org/data/vt/img/0769/86/1717129528932099.jpg
2D sprite of Rather Dashing, check her Peasent's Quest stream for reference https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=slg6wFalELg
Snake in his underwear.
We have no image for this, so just go with a freaking Minotaur.
A Wisp with cat ears.
This fact became more important lately and we should think about it if some ritualposts etc. become outdated. Mint in a Kimono. Design ideas may include https://i.warosu.org/data/vt/img/0762/62/1716254599139662.png and https://i.warosu.org/data/vt/img/0768/87/1717029765320829.jpg
We had some player ideas that were rejected. I may add one more to this list.
>rejected players
Mintcraft, Fresh Bread, HAGS as a short form, SHE HATES US, SHE LOVES US, Mint is gone..., Mint Fantôme (yes, just the vtuber name is too bland)
>new to this list
Pomu with tits. We didn't talk about Mari as a possible player yet, she gets posted in here quite frequently, BUT WE MAY NOT LET HER PLAY. She already plays for /corpo/ and is called >Sexy Pomu in their roster.
If you're interested, it's best if you message me on Discord: mintfc. Yes, that account is a single purpose VTL one. I may provide additional information and resources on there like that blender lowpoly model

>> No.78434699

Hey guys, would you still like mint even if she was tall and with big tits?

>> No.78434798


>> No.78434857
File: 141 KB, 1025x2048, GQJe7b1bYAAlahW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of fucking course

>> No.78435149
File: 232 KB, 421x423, 1712275693586471.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats mint's excuse for no new model or joining vshoujo if she ISNT joining hololive then?

>> No.78435249

watch streams

>> No.78435483
File: 128 KB, 817x794, Minto_OL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>78434637 (me)
God, it's obviously Minotaur Milking Farm. Setting up this post took far too much time.

>> No.78435486
File: 112 KB, 402x391, s1199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm not, but here's some reaction images i made months ago but never got the opportunity to post (i think)

>> No.78435496

Holobeggars and vshojobeggars are having a melty today

>> No.78435580
File: 121 KB, 444x431, s1203 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78435669
File: 92 KB, 446x446, I pretend I do not see it...jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


she's making her own corpo with blackjack and hookers

>> No.78435692

Wasnt the fairy model just a black Pomu because she was censored?

>> No.78435746
File: 123 KB, 423x410, mint looking at you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78435771

My two cents:

S(k)rooky and Eat Gay are a little weak considering they were one-off streams so if there are any thread memes people like more to replace them then that would be my preference, but if nothing comes up they're fine. Honestly, NO MONKEY has more staying power than those two at this point. Bootaro and Mintoji-san should be easy by taking from 4cc teams though.

>> No.78436027

I personally like Japanese Princess as a replacement option, I feel like it has the most history. I think the sand curse could probably be swapped out as well, as she hasn't really mentioned it much as Mint.

>> No.78436139

I think the sand curse has more story than half of the roster ngl

>> No.78436307

I'd also add that Thread Prayer's gone and is probably not coming back. My suggestions are Crying Wisp, Mintoki Doki in Mint's clothes, Gay Typo Mint Mint in rainbow colors

>> No.78436362

We could also do BLOOD PACT and have it be a Doki clinging onto Mint's back or vice versa, or some other combo model.

>> No.78436844

I would prefer mint only players ngl, dragoons have their own team

>> No.78437133
File: 30 KB, 300x450, Minto_bigclapper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

+ Japanese Princess, S(k)rooky, Sand Curse, No Monkey, Minotaur Milking Farm
- Thread Prayer, Eat Gay, crossover players without talking with /HAHA/
We just talked about Pomu with no detail idea as far as I can recall. There are mono coloured players in the 4CC, I'm thinking about Glowie of /x/ for example who is just a very bright green character, but Pomu with cardboard wings would be a witty take on what she said about her time in heaven.
S(k)rooky is fun, Eat Gay is indeed pretty weak. A Bloons reference would be great, but I have to admit that I missed her latest Bloons stream and therefore I'm a bit out of the picture. Please provide some design idea!
Japanese Princess and Sand Curse are both good.
We talked much about Sand Curse and how we need it as a goalkeeper so we may blame every defeat - of which we won't suffer many - on the Sand Curse.
Yeah, the Thread Prayer is a great design idea, but it doesn't have that much staying power anymore. The Crying Wisp is basically a take on some rejected idea, so it's out in my opinion. Gay Typo Mint is just another take of Eat Gay - if Rather Dashing is a weak idea, than Gay Typo Mint would be as well. Eat Gay at least has some more depth to it.
About all and every Mint + Doki ideas... /HAHA/ also works on a team. If we want to include some crossover player, we should coordinate this with /HAHA/. I think that we have enough Mint specific ideas.

>> No.78437308

>Please provide some design idea!
I have a perfect suggestion

>> No.78437345

That's true, I forgot the goalkeeper idea for the Sand Curse.

>> No.78437438

The cardboard wings were a reference to her graduation not niji btw, when she went to heaven she attached some Angel wings but someone, I don't remember if chat or her said they looked like cardboard

>> No.78437443

Thank you!
This looks amazing and it should honestly be pretty easy to make.

>> No.78437545

She talked about them in her return stream. She said she would graduate to go to heaven back in 2021, but when she returned, she said that it turned out that they just gave her cardboard wings in heaven.

>> No.78437549

I think the censored Pomu would be better and easier to do

>> No.78437618

easier, but pretty bland.

>> No.78437688

Yes anon, I just said she said on her 2021 graduation that they looked like cardboard and she mentioned it again during her comeback stream, some of you guys should watch at least her debut and graduation streams as minto

>> No.78437723

BIG fan of the Ice Monkey, call it 0-0-0 Ice Monkey or NO MONKEY or something. A+. I also don't think there's anything wrong with having a Doki reference. Like it or not, her friendship with Doki was a big part of her, and probably will be again as Mint. Not wanting to step on /HAHA/'s toes is one thing, but we have some little shits in here who schizo out about dragoons and Doki and they should shut the fuck up.

>> No.78437797

I don't think it's bland, bland would be having a default player with just a boxhead, like the Iluna player if you watched the /nijien/ matches

>> No.78437898

Shits or not, but he's right that we need to negotiate with /haha/ first

>> No.78437936

Ima b honest with u wisps
I think those AI generated chat overviews are really funny

>> No.78438002

They are, yeah.

>> No.78438029

I think we should wait for the doki rep because we already have pretty good players, maybe for the next tournament the podcast would already end and we can substitute hags with blood pact

>> No.78438396

I'd suggest NO MONKEY. It's a great idea and that X reference looks amazing.
yup, we need to negotiate with /HAHA/. A crossover player could be great, but we first need to know what /HAHA/ is cooking.

>> No.78439119
File: 446 KB, 1500x1909, GQYRz7QWEAASXsb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78439275

Dumb bitch you are dropping my tea!
I'm not tipping

>> No.78439342
File: 2.26 MB, 1605x2240, 1692271404839465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78439550

that's it you are getting not only the tip but he shaft and balls too

>> No.78439787

I really like this Mint.

>> No.78439910

Yeah, I want the baker to choose this picture for the next bread or I'm doing it myself

>> No.78440030

I haven't baked in quite some time, but I thought about this one: >>78439119
Go on and bake, I'd just suggest this brown one for the bread after this.

>> No.78440189
File: 143 KB, 437x414, 1716349628860297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funnily enough I posted both of these pictures so I can legally go with either of them

>> No.78440377
File: 2.39 MB, 1536x2048, Very_Fat_Wisp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's too powerful!

>> No.78440583

Look at that fat fuck

>> No.78441526

he's literally me

>> No.78441817
File: 639 KB, 2480x3508, GQOVj9OWcAAq_0l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78441913

Look at that fit fantome

>> No.78443211

Any bakers?

>> No.78443334

some Wisp wanted to bake... >>78439910

>> No.78443416

Yes, don't worry

>> No.78443504

Minto might be a few minutes late because she just got out of a call

>> No.78443515

She will be a bit late

>> No.78443525

Btw should I make an early bake since Mint's gonna stream right now?

>> No.78443612

I say go for it

>> No.78443648

page 9. just wait a bit, there's so much happening on the 'log that it will surely take no time for /mint/ to reach page 10

>> No.78443719

Alright, waiting to hit page 10

>> No.78443852

[Mint News] She pees

>> No.78443888


>> No.78444043

That shit? Me

>> No.78444513
File: 155 KB, 1116x1002, 1712792612369194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.78444536
File: 2.01 MB, 854x480, Minto_aaaa.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78444636

Of course is not a drill, is a maid
