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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 857 KB, 1920x826, 螢幕擷取畫面 2024-06-18 193034.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
78395458 No.78395458 [Reply] [Original]

Lolikami reaches 100 millions!!!

>> No.78395523

The world is Full of pedos I guess

>> No.78395546


>> No.78395675

100 mil for a japanese song is wild
there are only 120 million jp speakers. so the vast majority of the views:
- have no idea about what the song is saying (i'm EOP and personally still don't know if this is anti or pro loli)
- are from people looping this instead of playing it once for novelty

>> No.78395692

Lolikami spends 281days 22 hours 45mins reaching 100M views!!!

>> No.78395822

Ui, Our beloved Loli lord

>> No.78395897


>> No.78396479
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>> No.78396753
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>> No.78396818

based pedophile anthem.
Antis are not welcome in our hobby.

>> No.78396870
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We welcome everyone become one of us

>> No.78397003
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>> No.78397102

Who fucking care them?

>> No.78397194

Yeah? It's literally ran by them.

>> No.78397434

A large portion of people love loli. That's fact

>> No.78397763

Holy Fuck

>> No.78397957 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.78398063

Good proof

>> No.78398152

This graph is completely bullshit, just by the fact that 8 year old is at 0. There's no way low teens are where the peak is, those are basically hag lite.

>> No.78398213

graph is not just the same without kuro and illya holding it.

>> No.78398224

From this study:

>> No.78398251

Thanks anon

>> No.78398441

not really beating the lolicon = pedo allegations

>> No.78398443

Nah has to be biased data, like 10 is the maximum acceptable age, everything beyond that is hag lite. There is no way everything below 9 is 0. Fuck off with your hag propaganda

>> No.78398659

Please prove it

>> No.78398719

>hag lite
WTF is this?

>> No.78398894

Shotacons... when will we get our win?

>> No.78399000


>> No.78399043

>(i'm EOP and personally still don't know if this is anti or pro loli)
It's anti but in an in-jokey kinda way, like roasting your friends.

>> No.78399154

>100 millions
Free english lesson for ESL, you dont need to make that plural, I know it feels like you should because you are talking about more than one million but you dont.
Example: "There were millions of them"
"How many exactly?"
"100 million"

>> No.78399201

Imagine a hot woman in a lewd outfit shaking her ass and saying she will punish all the coomers and send them to hell
Its kinda like that

>> No.78399256

Do you Bibideba reach 50 million within 2 month?

>> No.78399295

Thanks for your teaching

>> No.78400036
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>> No.78400336
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Loli Kami vs Bibideba

>> No.78400470

Cunny rules

>> No.78400602


Stop projecting

>> No.78400703

Homos will never have a hit song

>> No.78401108

If Bibideba can keep current pace, it will be simple to reach 100M earlier than Lolikami

>> No.78401189

And the sky is blue

>> No.78402559

>corpo vs indie
resources are not comparable, holotard honoring his name as always.

>> No.78403161

Linear growthchad.

>> No.78403311

UI really has it good. pretty much a holo without the corpo baggage

>> No.78404399

>Algo war
>indie vs corpo
You're retarded

>> No.78404688
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she's gonna do it

>> No.78404721

They should do this study more, I'm curious how true it is.

>> No.78405823

she's bigger than hololive and more talented than any holomem

>> No.78409986

Although you're correct, the grammatically correct phrasing would be "it's literally run by them".

>> No.78410656


still the biggest chubba winner

>> No.78410771


>> No.78411576


>> No.78411898


>> No.78412183
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Memes aside this is what needs to be taken into context when viewing the chart, considering the demographic being sampled. If you were to test convicted sex offenders or men from politically powerful families, the result would obviously be quite different.

Namirin is by definition not a vtuber.

>> No.78412876

Technically she debuted as a vtuber but only like 3 years after the song.

>> No.78415322
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>> No.78415408

Would the song have still been popular if:

- It didn't have a catchy dance.

>> No.78415931

Basically: do you really think real people in real life would feel safe replying "yeah, I'd totally fuck an 8 year old girl" out loud? That shit you keep in and never let ANYBODY know.

>> No.78416353

IIRC it wasn't a questionnaire, but an actual electrode attached to the body checking for a response. It eliminates some of the bullshit but isn't foolproof, since social conditioning can be applied deeply enough to condition even physiological responses, as seen in traumas and phobias.

>> No.78416755

Thanks for the clarification, I didn't know that. I guess it's not quite as I said but still something you keep buried deep inside since in that moment you know people will be able to judge you.

>> No.78417320

The body eventually abstracts that kind of thing into a direct fear or avoidance response after long enough. They won't even know they're hiding it.

>> No.78417492

That’s the exact opposite of anti. Do you know what friends are?

>> No.78423339
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>> No.78424712

this aint a mori thread

>> No.78425636

Oh yeah, I remember it, you are not wrong lol.

>> No.78425753

It has to do with neoteny and general societal advantages but I'm not a biology schizo so I can't confirm anything beyond my initial suspicions about why even.

>> No.78426265

Yeah, like how this song was an anti.

>> No.78426436

ACTUALLY this is an antilolicon song.
>but but but my mesugaki
antilolicon song

>> No.78426817

It's good, but I honestly think the Turbo eurobeat remix is even better. It's my preferred version.

>> No.78427444

Is nothing sacred to you?

>> No.78427933
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lol retard

>> No.78430797

The what now?

>> No.78430805

100 million more!

>> No.78430988

Eurobeat remix by Turbo.

>> No.78434842

Lolicons winning.

>> No.78435110

Suisei could never

>> No.78438155

What is she doing?

>> No.78439556

I look and sound like that

>> No.78439939

PedoGODs keep winning
kneel normies

>> No.78442743


>> No.78443299
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>> No.78445197

What does the R stand for?

>> No.78445848

Going to need some context for that graph. There is absolutely no way most men find 13 year olds the most attractive.

>> No.78445957

it's 14

>> No.78446168


>> No.78446300

do incels still think that the song is pro-loli?

>> No.78446382

pachi pachi pachi

>> No.78446933

Ok so study involved 80 men and there doesnt seem to be any pre screening mentioned and some of the volunteers got super aroused by everything. So, what are the chances that actual pedophiles or porn obsessed coomers volunteered just to see some pictures of naked kids as part of a study?

>> No.78447554

many people seem to agree with the results though

>> No.78447614

always have been

>> No.78448006

Literally just put a picture of a 14yo and a 24yo next to each other and dont reveal the age

>> No.78448415

If you read the paper they did a bit more than that. Both clothed and fully nude pictures of all ages, with an audio playing a narration of either: consensual sex with an adult woman, """consensual""" sex with a child, violent sadistic rape of a child, or just general violence to a child.

>> No.78448584

14yo can consent in my country

>> No.78448618

Ok, but where's the people aroused by 8 year olds? Why did only hebephiles volunteer for the study?

>> No.78448782

Interesting you mention that. In ads for adult friend finder and similar sites they used pictures that 12-16 year olds, in various states of undress, had put up on sites like Lunarstorm

>> No.78448807

They weren't told the exact nature of the study beyond "sexual preferences" until they actually responded to the ad, at which point multiple men dropped out.

>> No.78448898

Pedo are in jail or browsing their super secret club.

>> No.78448987

>browsing their super secret club.
Not so much in 1995.

>> No.78449234

Why do you think internet evolved this fast ?

>> No.78449443

Nothing in that study says anything about specific ages though, they only tested adult and child with clothed, nude, rape and consensual depictions. They didnt test for specific ages.

>> No.78449982

So a boner test?

>> No.78450291
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>> No.78450384

Yeah, that is what the study did. So, I still dont know where the graph came from because it doesnt seem to have come from the study the other anon posted.

>> No.78451427

Seems like a bad study when guys can get boners for no reason, let alone from stress.

>> No.78451555

oh god she even got the moves down

>> No.78451855

No no those ones target REAL lolis. Those don't matter we need to protect the DRAWN FAKE Lolis!

>> No.78452599

Its also pretty old at this point, almost 30 years. The study only says that some of the men got hard on pedophilic stimuli, not that they preferred pedohilic images to adult ones so either anon linked the wrong study or he just made up the graph and is talking out his ass.

>> No.78453790

how fucking new are you, everyone here knows the graph is made up (did you really think this kind of graph would be made?). Everyone is just pretending this graph is real for the sake of discuss

>> No.78454034

More like anon makes up bullship graph and bunch of anons eat it up because it confirms their worldviews or some other bullshit beliefs and they continue posting it.

>> No.78454697

Nta, this graph has been posted on 4chan in one form or another for well over a decade. I think that's what the anon you're replying to is saying.

>> No.78456619

Why would this graph reaffirm my world view? This graph is hag lite propaganda, girls are best before 10

>> No.78457619

yeah and I dont think many anons post it or comment about it ironically

>> No.78457723

Now you see our power

>> No.78457858

Congratualtion Ui-chan, I'l creampie you again as a reward

>> No.78458115

Can't wait to see Ui's reaction. Maybe that will bring 9yo Ui back for another stream

>> No.78458455

If they do the research again they'll see the atrractive age have reduced a bit

>> No.78458620

And now Ui is forever known as lolikami

>> No.78458711

The west has fallen...

>> No.78459059

>new MV is just her sticking her tongue out and shaking her ass
So it’s pretty much confirmed now that she’s not only aware of the RAPE meme, but also leaning into rapebait, yes?

>> No.78459188

Shigure Ui, my beloved queen of trash. <3

>> No.78460253

Funnily enough, this is actually a modern change; in ye olden times (to the 1800s, at least), the plural millions was proper, leading to the even more awkward phrasings of money as (for example) "twenty millions of dollars".

>> No.78460817

>almost 30 years
Unfortunately, under the former law (obscenity) scientific purpose is allowed, while the current law (starting about 2000) looked specifically at cyberpunk and doesn't have a specific exception for anything (including scientific etc. uses.)

>> No.78461759


Ok fags, let's settle this right now.

>> No.78463124

Yeah, it have gone full circle again. In medieval time, research against god's teaching is prohibited. This time against your government's teaching is not allowed. Good job hindering progress of humanity

>> No.78463325

>t. least obvious honeypot

>> No.78463789

You can't be arrested for thoughts yet, it's getting there but not quite yet.

>> No.78466914

all me

>> No.78467661

oh no lines on a paper lead real animals!!!

>> No.78472536


>> No.78476400
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>> No.78480189

She should just be a loli all the time

>> No.78480445

tits or gtfo

>> No.78480687


>> No.78484206
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>> No.78484649

> Only 80 people, biased sample!
>He doesn't know about the longitudinal studies or the demographic studies, but acts like he's not just a lost midwit
It's settled science, sorry.

>> No.78487769

>Examined among 80 men drawn from a community sample of volunteers
>Their mean age was 38.3 years (SD =10.74, range = 19-66)
>Fifty-two subjects were Caucasian, 25 were African American, 2 were Hispanic, and 1 was Asian American

Using studies is fine but please scrutinize all parts of it before you come to some retarded conclusion

>> No.78488359

You could literally run a test in California of 100 men, and when it turns out 50-75% identify as gay or bi or something other than straight are you going to claim that sample size is indicative of all men everywhere?
Come on now
The only thing that studied proved was people in the area at that age were pedos
That's it
