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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 320 KB, 1068x1103, 1718677805120074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
78373023 No.78373023 [Reply] [Original]

It gets boring when Holostars get serious

>> No.78373322
File: 234 KB, 358x362, SBfd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK I was curious to see prices for stripper pole rentals and instead I found this terrifying picture and I have no fucking clue what the context is. I am scared.

Anyways, locally I found places that rent it as low as 200 bucks a day. Cover could easily afford to rent one whenever they wanted if Japan has similar prices.

>> No.78373401

I bet Nerissa can do it with some practice, no one else comes to mind from holoEN

>> No.78373513

kiara and fuwmco

>> No.78373529

I like how hololive always lives rent feee in the minds of beggars

>> No.78373549

Watch streams retard

>> No.78373560

>still 3 views

>> No.78373565


>> No.78373631

>homos still get low viewer counts

>> No.78373653

kiara? nah, she'll complain too much

>> No.78373654

They have little dog syndrome.

>> No.78373727

they should just stream on twitter, they get more engagement there than viewers on youtube

>> No.78373961

It would unironically cripple or kill Nerissa

>> No.78374143

she's FAT?

>> No.78374251

Some people are saying he’s strong as fuck but flexibility doesn’t mean good fighting skills. I wish I can kill all of them

>> No.78374252

really? her leg grip is strong tho, I am certain

>> No.78374281

she just (you) but female

>> No.78374291

i was hype for tempus but vanguard took the wind out of my sails and armis sunk the ship

>> No.78374293

her back is so fucked she needs a metal rod in there

>> No.78374373

Retarded tweet, but am i supposed to disagree and go "uhhh no actually i don't want to see Nerissa working a stripper pole"?

>> No.78374410

she is fit that's why I think she could, and for some reason I can't imagine Kiara doing it

>> No.78374488

Why are unicorns so psychotic over anime pngs?

>> No.78374617

Good. Get filtered. The less incels in the fandom the better.

>> No.78374714

Why are homosisters begging people to watch their boys when they’re the most untalented people on the planet and brought one of the worst types of fans in existence?

>> No.78374794
File: 528 KB, 400x300, 1658291167580430.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i joined the hype when Tempus debuted lol

>> No.78374902

Not beating the "homobeggars don't watch streams" allegations

>> No.78374910
File: 13 KB, 519x126, yuripilled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>check profile
>see this
You are shitting on someone trying to goad Advent into doing poledancing as well. Shame on you, homosexuals.

>> No.78375011

your fandom got subsidize from female pandering incel

>> No.78375040

>got subsidize
[citation needed]

>> No.78375143


>> No.78375223

if you want whores go watch other corpos

>> No.78375239

low commitment cenobite

>> No.78375269

Apparently it was already installed in the office.
For AkiRoze and her hips

>> No.78375352

Yeah same. Can't believe how hard they squandered the premise of Holostars EN.

>> No.78375372

I agree for once, the girls should do this

>> No.78375459

Why is it always trannies?

>> No.78375489

zoomer hobby, old man
Yeah, average zoomer girl who wants to be quirky. Trannies go for either the full she/her or they/them.

>> No.78375530

Now if they could just convert those xitters into real viewers, then they could fuck off and stop leeching.

>> No.78375590

waifucels don’t superchat male talents nor buy their merch though

>> No.78375677

Nerissa has this whole sexy aura, I really wanted her to do it

>> No.78375696

But they have. They also don't leech.

>> No.78375736


>> No.78375770

>stop leeching.
when was the last time they leeched?

>> No.78375819

Luxiem would be Kaicenat by now if they can do that

>> No.78375860

Very ironic post

>> No.78375974

their leeching literally every single day from the hololive twitter and they're still shitters

>> No.78375989
File: 32 KB, 861x458, 1718674037676606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's happening behind the scenes why was the promise collab cut short to just one hour just as the holostar 3D event was starting. Why are promise just going along with management decisions, was omega's push for more holostars for 2 years while they get neglected enough?

>> No.78376009

Thousands of nijisisters are looking at the clip and thinking, "Shit, why dont we have this? Time to jump ship"

>> No.78376016

>Hololive not mentioned at all
>says with 6516510 hololive threads active to participate in just happened to find his gapping ass in a Holostar thread

>> No.78376101

so they don't leech

>> No.78376240

lol. this guy thinks it was management's decision. lmao, even.

>> No.78376342

homosisters really think the girls care about what the homos are doing, lol

>> No.78376472
File: 41 KB, 565x549, mooms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78376524

whatever helps you sleep at night and helps you continue the illusion they're your girlfriend :D (don't forget to Aka "unicorn")

>> No.78376546

>the holo girls need to step up their game
They're gonna need to lose some weight first before they can attempt that kek

>> No.78376622
File: 12 KB, 450x450, 1700324898168482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It gets boring when Holostars get serious
*It's so boring
That's what the original Uk*poster wrote.

>> No.78376727

She simply can not. She'll likely always be one for very minimalist movement in dance routines

>> No.78376836

I mean I would be pissed if this is what some of my money is going to instead of you know, supporting the actual talented people in the Cover

>> No.78376861
File: 470 KB, 909x987, 177231952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but that’s a quote reply and not the original post

>> No.78376968

She has Midwestern sour cream joints. Her knees would explode before she could unbutton her bra.

>> No.78377030

>numberfagging twitter posts
The fucking state of this board.

>> No.78377083

>holo girls
are you ok?……..

>> No.78377158

they don't have any numbers on youtube so people have to get creative

>> No.78377295

>Hololive not mentioned at all

read the first 3 words from the OP screenshot.

>> No.78377308

But it’s fucking true though, many sisters would actually rather like their posts than to actually watch their streams. Then they have the audacity to complain that “no one” is giving their boys a chance when they are the exact same people that say that their numbers don’t matter

>> No.78377351

because they don't care about holostars, they only care about the downfall of hololive

>> No.78377465

>xitter with the most flamingly lesbian feed ever asks for more yuribait
>actual morons inmediately think it's an anti
(You) are at the point where you're now imagining shit to be upset at.

>> No.78377472

Not of hololive, but you people.

>> No.78377481

Men are supposed to stand by himself. Don't leech from women

>> No.78377612

That would be the same thing as me wishing for the downfall of sisters instead of the homos, except sisters don't actually support the bois in any meaningful way

>> No.78377736


>> No.78377795
File: 501 KB, 2000x1398, GOBpl5UWgAANt3J.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is an important thing to remember. They work for the same company. They have access to each other's discords. They probably don't talk that often behind the scenes, but they certainly don't hate each other. Even without management's interference, they don't want to sabotage each other.

>> No.78377828

>still doesn’t know one of them is a secret fan and was caught their debut chats
oh no no no don’t tell them

>> No.78377958

Wrong, Kiara got fagsper fired for raiding her and i'm happy she did, cocky fucker crossed the line

>> No.78377968
File: 1.82 MB, 960x540, 1693971133798198.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally THREE FUCKING MONTHS AGO korone did a flip on stage

>> No.78377972

Not like this ollie bro brat bro……

>> No.78378023

>they don't want to sabotage each other
Then the boys who got scouted shouldn’t have said yes to join Holostars if they don’t want to sabotage them. They share the same funds from the company therefore some of the money was used for their pathetic concerts and 3Ds

>> No.78378191

Hopefully she does another flip off a roof lol

>> No.78378308

Shut your bitch ass up. I don't even care for the homo's, but you just sound stupid as fuck.

>> No.78378389

It’s not her

>> No.78378447

>maybe even kronii

>> No.78378537

Pppfft Kiara would be the FIRST girl to step up and show what she's made of.

>> No.78378575
File: 32 KB, 720x720, 1660587822430727.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so upset he can't even (You) the right post

>> No.78378630

You think? My money would be on Bae. She seems like she would smoke that pole... if you know what I mean.

>> No.78378646

>Homo sisters
>When x gets serious
Someone post the nyfco shot of sisters false flagging to take down the stars for 'miload'

>> No.78378683
File: 79 KB, 586x607, Zeta x Kaela.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is when you say trannies are based, actually.

>> No.78378699

Do you still really think it’s only them though?

>> No.78378718

Not your personal army. Do it yourself.

>> No.78378754

The worst case was that old timey cartoon one that got like a million likes or some shit for only a 2 hundred more viewers

>> No.78378776

Bae would be athletic, yes. But Kiara has that pride of being able to dance/show off, so if there was ANY experience pole dancing she picked up in her career or some girls night out type deal she'd be first on it.

>> No.78378841

That's not really personal army. Not calling you to raid.

>> No.78379270

Imagine renting a steel pipe for 200 dollars a day. People fall for these scams?

>> No.78379650

You're on /vt/
VTubing is a scam

>> No.78379733

Ok, you hold it steady while some girl performs on it, tough guy

>> No.78379801
File: 15 KB, 767x286, IMG_0591.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From your dream?

>> No.78379827

look at this retarded faggot lmao

>> No.78379868

It's not just a pipe. It's a whole setup with a weight that's pretty unsafe if you don't know what you're doing.

>> No.78379870

Bro you could build one for like half the price or less. Just don't cheap out on material and you're good.

>> No.78379949

>It's a whole setup with a weight that's pretty unsafe if you don't know what you're doing.
it's /vt/. most of these anons are larger than the hambeasts they make fun of on a daily. expecting them to have any common sense about how a dance pole is set up and secured is beyond their capabilities.

>> No.78379957

what exactly does that MEAN? they "dont support the boys?"
Who are all the memberships? the superchats? when you go to an anime convention, is all the merch that people are buying and selling not real? or all the official merch? what the fuck does "they actually arent REALLY watching and supporting the streams" even mean? like legitimate question

>> No.78379990

One mention is all it took. One just one and they came begging for collabs and making ships between the two.

>> No.78379999
File: 953 KB, 720x1280, Gura teasing.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura can do it...onegai

>> No.78380003

Holy mental illness
Dosent this guy have like 300 average ccv? Are most of his viewers like this?

>> No.78380085

Ive seen stuf about buddy subs before, arent they like, only for hyper-shitpost threads?

>> No.78380154

>Are most of his viewers like this?

>> No.78380173

So advent is getting their 3D right? Which one will do a pole dance since they already have the pole? No i do not know the rest because i only watch Biboo which wont be doing a pole dance.

>> No.78380191

don't get your tampon in a knot sister

>> No.78380394

Well, phasecuck call him flaygod for a reason

>> No.78380540

>yes, everything I sai was all vauge emotional bullshit with no real meaning based in reality
KK thx anon. nice talk

>> No.78380599

Just like cock lives rent free in the minds of unicorns. Meant for each other.

>> No.78380762
File: 154 KB, 590x967, 1716192526162394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTA, but its your own fault starsister for not gatekeeping nijikeks, now you are eternally associated with them.

>> No.78380834

Kek beggar trully are retarded.

>> No.78380883
File: 1.11 MB, 1920x1080, very cool.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still not as cool.

>> No.78380894

>2 year old twitter screencap of some random nobody

>> No.78380982

holy FUCK!!!
is...is that a fucking TWITTER USER!?!??!?!?!?!?
I..I kneel....your argument...is superior......

>> No.78381002

Am i supposed to not read anything besides the underlined part? This is literally a nijinig saying it -does not- watch holostars. How the fuck do i gatekeep that?

>> No.78381035


>> No.78381116

Yes, it's an anti subreddit

>> No.78381202

No, most of these people are genuanly mentally ill freaks hyper focused on shipping homos with holos.
And the thing is they don't watch either, it's all mentally ill SEAniggers who use these ships to self insert because they don't have the mental capacity of imagining themselves with a holo.
Ironic shitposting attracts unironic retards, especially so on leddit. All ironic posting/circlejerk subleddits are like this no exception.

>> No.78381205

>This is Hololive's smartest soldier

>> No.78381321

Think he is saying you homofags let nijiniggers floster without pushback then act surprised that people don't like your homos.

>> No.78381411

I just looked it up lol. its a fucking "be as Le edgy" as possible hyper shitpost random board. Christ, homowhiners have sub zero IQ for their arguments

>> No.78381525

It’s funny because they claim that Bettel and Shinri are “brotubers” when those two were also probably the reason why there was not much pushback on the Nijisisters. Those two actually encouraged their fans to allow them in and now can you guess which ones has the most Nijisister-like fans?

>> No.78381583

>2023 is 2 years ago
Actually retarded
Tell her to fuck off and stop using your homos as a weapon to shit on holos?

>> No.78381624 [DELETED] 

>I just looked it up lol.
>its a fucking "be as Le edgy" as possible hyper shitpost random board.
Their head moderator got banned by reddit admins for promoting stalking and harassment of people they disagreed with and then whined about it. They constantly raid and brigade the main sub. The "le edgy it's just a joke bro" excuse has been run through more than your mother's vagina.

>> No.78381632

Didn't a nijinigger chumpedo just cause Kiara to have a meltie over numbers...?

>> No.78381764

>keyboard warrior
Fight your own battles sis

>> No.78381790

Bettel has the most nijikek overlap, Gen 1 had mostly stars sisters and holofags overlap. You can check the archives of /mans/ nijikeks started showing up when gen 2 was announced and homofags did nothing to stop them. In fact they told holofags to fuck off which they did now look at their thread and viewership.

>> No.78381814

>Tell her to fuck off and stop using your homos as a weapon to shit on holos?
Sis... you're own picrel shows exactly that.
Out of curiosity, have you told anyone to stop using your whoros as a weapon to shit on stars?

>> No.78381876

And he is a recognised shitstearrer who got clowned on.
Your homos are being used on leddit/twatter/YouTube to shit on holos. Only people telling them to fuck off are holofags.

>> No.78381948

>Tell her to fuck off and stop using your homos as a weapon to shit on holos?
That's what people are doing sister, since you want other people to do gatekeeping for you don't be surprised that people start to hate your homos.

>> No.78382005 [DELETED] 

>They constantly raid and brigade the main sub
>oh no muh heckin watame picture got downvoated im gonna cry
are unicorns giant babies

>> No.78382103

everyone knows the girls don't do their own dancing, why would you think the men do?

>> No.78382152

Iirc they are botting homoposts on leddit and celebrating that da boiz are popular on leddit.

>> No.78382156

yeah, they seem to be idiots, but thats it

>> No.78382186

Holy ESL, the reading comprehension of the average anon on /vt/ really is abysmal.

>> No.78382218

retard. Only Niji does that.

>> No.78382262

>got clowned on
Retard-chama, he's been a chumbud for 31 months.

>> No.78382264

I don't want my BAU BAUs to behave like prostitutes. They earn more than all the Homos by just being cute

>> No.78382299

They did dance. On AR live you can see their moves

>> No.78382322

It was proved to be a phasecuck stirring shit like they always do

>> No.78382394

Could be worse. They could be botting streams to pretend da gorlz haven't hit yet another all time low.

>> No.78382426

Yeah, I guess they couldn't find the funds to hire their usual cartwheeling skinwalkers like they use for JP.

>> No.78382489
File: 1.88 MB, 640x532, 1681687973928953.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>zoomer hobby

>> No.78382570

That's a holofag retard
A nijikek why am i not surprised.

>> No.78382776
File: 37 KB, 886x892, bull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a-anon...the op image

>> No.78382897

>can't take what she dishes out
Why am I not surprised?
Them being a whorofag makes it even better. They expect people not to shit on the thots while shitting on others KEK

>> No.78383030

Got an infographic sister? Chart? Proofs?

>> No.78383054

Anon there's been at least 12 anti-holostars threads made in 24 hours.
It's clearly the sisters. It's their MO to clog up the catalog whenever they're upset with something. Notice how there hasn't been a single twisty bait thread all day?
Though I do find it hilarious that they're even making bait threads on niji organs because of how much they hate Twisty for collabing with the boys.

>> No.78383058
File: 2.76 MB, 3040x3448, GPRtlGOaUAAEOXH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somone's oshi didn't tell them they loved them today

>> No.78383091

Nah that's just how stars fans refer to the girls, just like you whorofags call the boys "homos"

>> No.78383199

Or maybe others are finally fed up after constant stupid shit coming from the Holostars?

>> No.78383291

Alight what's got the women pissing themselves now?

>> No.78383336

>constant stupid shit coming from the Holostars?
>stars does their own thing
>/vt/ gets triggered

>> No.78383454

>stars get their own thing from the money that the girls mostly earned

>> No.78383472
File: 441 KB, 1941x1064, sistersvsstars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure, sister. We totally believe you. These threads are entirely organic and "whoros" is definitely a common term used by "stars fans" to refer to the holomem.

>> No.78383506

>how much they hate Twisty for collabing with the boys.

>> No.78383549

What? Didnt you know /vt/ are full of super sensitive snowflake? Its like those vegans retards that complain about restaurant serving meat product. Can just easily go to a vegan restaurant but they rather protest like a retard infront of the butcher shop.

>> No.78383575

Still havent seen proof that stars are a net loss for the company after 2 years of you faggots pushing this narrative.

>> No.78383579
File: 76 KB, 703x426, Botahomo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Certainly! It's my pleasure!

>> No.78383603

>stars get their own thing from the money that the girls mostly earned
[citation needed] your rrats don't apply

>> No.78383686

Then i’m sure Yagoo can confidently show their numbers and how much money they bring to investors, right?

>> No.78383700

>Women are realizing that men are superior in every way
That's right sluts, get back to polishing our cocks with your tongues while you do the dishes.

>> No.78383830

>Cover gets a cut from the girl’s merch, superchats,etc.
>Cover uses that money to fund concerts, 3Ds, etc. to all of their branches
>Cover therefore uses some of their funds on the homo’s shit and don’t make much back

>> No.78383837
File: 1.56 MB, 1350x4950, ennakek_sister.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes, the ennacuck botschizo. Another fucking sister. You're really not helping your case here, sister.

>> No.78383911

are you perhaps retarded?

>> No.78383912

Important thing to note, that Yuul person also states that they don't even watch streams and just check out clips. Amazing fanbase the homos have.

>> No.78383915

>ask for proof
>provide proof
>Instant deflection
The absolute state of sisters KEK

>> No.78384011

Since when do sisters defend Fuwamoco? Are you stupid?

>> No.78384233

The entire fucking profile is yuribait, with a chunk of it involving Holo girls. The one in the OP is the only one involving Holostars.
This thread was just too retarded to realize they were friendly-firing until it was explicitly pointed out.

>> No.78384794

>she doesn't understand insults
As expected from a teletubbies fan

>> No.78384993

Sisters really must hate themselves since they now acknowledge it as an insult. Do yourself a favor and an hero already.

>> No.78385065

>resorts to "no u"
Anon how would da gorlz feel if they found out you hated women so much? Some fan you are

>> No.78385376 [DELETED] 

>The one in the OP is the only one involving Holostars.
That's one too many.

>> No.78385402

Because these idiots have a single brain cell they punt between each other. 90% of their logic can be shit on with the most basic of thought processes and any 30 minute look into what StarsEN actually does.

>> No.78385420 [DELETED] 

The reason people dislike you isn't because you're a woman.

>> No.78385817

Aww do you hate me because I called out your retardation? Don't cry now.

>> No.78386268

Those things aren't worth a shit unless they come with professional setup. Even then I wouldn't recommend using them if you're over a buck ten or so, and that's pushing it.

>> No.78386485

The nijisisters like Ruze

>> No.78386504 [DELETED] 

You're not even replying to the same person.

>> No.78387098

You know who else Cover gets a cut from? The guys. Gee, I wonder if Cover and Holostars management invest that money back into their own branch. Nah, that makes no sense. Gura must have personally rented that stripper pole for the bois. Concerts are sponsored btw.

>> No.78389627

Nta, that the best part sister, we can shit on you and love holo at the same time, we don't live in a retarded world where you must love everyone which you implying now. Also homosis are uber hypocrite, i remember you shit on mori because she doesn't collab with your homoen anymore and i think she knew it too.

>> No.78389643

They are still using huge advanced3D studio, equipment and experienced staff that are there only because of hololive. If holostars were its own thing they would have NOTHING

>> No.78389743

>actual gayass stripper contest
this shit is why the only homos ill ever watch are brotubers such as roberu and yumeoi
who would never ever degrade themselves like this

>> No.78390905

bettel's still fucking froot sister

>> No.78392006

they want the fujo audience

>> No.78392369

It does get boring when homostars are involved, yeah.

>> No.78392406

She's that fat?

>> No.78393739

they should make Gura, Laplus, Kobo, and Shion poledance

>> No.78394176

lmao, someone really pushed your buttons huh? did you forget that flayon gets like 200 ccv on average? is that your idea of support?

>> No.78394502

Homos have such pathetic viewership that you guys have resorted to numberfagging their tweets? That’s just sad

>> No.78394550

squandered implies that it had potential in the first place, but the JP branch clearly shows us that the market for male idol vtubers is tiny

>> No.78394621

It started like that but once unicorns started posting there, sisters came in fupl force, so now it’s full of unironic homobeggars

>> No.78394689

Do you think they can afford what they get solely from what their fujo femcels spend?

>> No.78394760

It was, but now people share their genuine shipping delusions because there's no where else for it.

>> No.78394806

not argue with anyone. just point out any fag try to use number or money to attack star boys is direct attack at Cover and Yagoo, that they are stupid, favoritism and incompleted. that should be enough to know who those fag are which can only be 2 kind. if you can get some joy argue with them then fine, otherwise, don't be their entertainment.

>> No.78394923

So yagoo and cover are the enemy?

>> No.78395009

The homos literally had active pages on nyfco full of happily chatting homosisters who shat on holos and their fans just like nijisisters. The fanbases will never mesh when homos keep getting shoved into hololive spaces and vice versa. Women and men want different things.

>> No.78395217

Why are you ESL? Of course you can't argue against objective facts. You're a minority and homos are unpopular several years into the game. They are living off the goodwill of Yagoo and the support holos receive. Honestly, homo fans should just be humble and quiet instead of trying to start shit with the bigger fanbase. Like jpstars. You might have gotten more holohomo collabs like jp does if sisters weren't so retarded. Now no one wants to touch them.

>> No.78395293
File: 294 KB, 674x1020, 1718711045463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dumb zoomer brat, it's time for correction

>> No.78395427

Thank god the girls will ignore these bbq faggots.

>> No.78399906

BASED BASED BASED the boys are so much better and more entertaining than the holowhores, by the way I don't watch either

>> No.78404713

Dumbfuck, unless the girls physically built the studio with their own 2 hands, calibrated all the equipment, and are running all the tech stuff themselves, it's Cover's studio. They can decide what to fucking do with it.

>> No.78410062

