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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 580 KB, 2921x1645, GQMAfyfbwAAdjXL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
78348295 No.78348295 [Reply] [Original]

A thread dedicated to the lovable Blonde Thief with a Laughter full of Joy and a Heart of Gold!
Happybird Edition~

>Her Youtube channel
>Her Twitch channel
>Her VOD channel
>Her Twitter
>Her Shop
>STREAM Drift Away Dokibird's cover
>STREAM The Final Heist MV
>OP Sauce
Previous thread: >>78247957

>>The Selen Tatsuki Archives (Every acheivement/memory is still hers, they can't take that away!)
>STREAM Fly High Selen Tatsuki's Original Song & MV (Reupload)
>STREAM Last Cup of Coffee Selen Tatsuki's Cover & MV (Reupload)
>Play Detective Pomu and the Tatsuki Manor Mystery!!

>> No.78348370

This is a giga long tangent

>> No.78348371

Kept us waiting, huh?

>> No.78348446

Jesus Youtube doesn't want me to live today...

>> No.78348447
File: 593 KB, 796x712, dokibirb[sound=files.catbox.moe_2F9ho2mb.opus].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she didn't really give me autistic vibes when I started watching her. But then again her obsession with multiplayer games might have masked it

>> No.78348490

I think she has plenty of issues, but with how well she acts with people, I don't think autism is one of them.

>> No.78348518

Doki leaked...

>> No.78348570

Sand Land bros...

>> No.78348624
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>> No.78348639

Monk Mori...

>> No.78348648
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Mori in a potato sack...

>> No.78348656


>> No.78348658


>> No.78348660
File: 606 KB, 1920x1080, caw[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F6jhrgp.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78348674
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>> No.78348672
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>> No.78348684
File: 593 KB, 796x712, dokibirb[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F9ho2mb.opus].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My OS screwed up the [sound] link

>> No.78348708
File: 1.62 MB, 1366x768, File--.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori in da /HAHA/

>> No.78348716

I didn't know Doki was friends with Mori.

>> No.78348741

the one with downs is cuter

>> No.78348744

>I wouldn't be able to catch the reveal live
>wouldn't be able to watch it until the next day

>> No.78348754
File: 705 KB, 679x1001, [blender] 20240617_233217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate the chibi model's smugness.

>> No.78348830
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>> No.78348846
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>> No.78348887


>> No.78348927

The one in the left is NAKED

>> No.78349005


>> No.78349098

I think she was talking about the artist doing it? I'm not sure.

>> No.78349110
File: 48 KB, 355x294, Screenshot from 2024-06-17 14-40-19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crowki forma negra

>> No.78349132

Evil Crowki...

>> No.78349142

Didn't expect her to talk about xenoblade.

>> No.78349151

>doki's as nervous about the new skinsuit as we are
honestly reassuring to hear

>> No.78349201

I can't wait for it...

>> No.78349203

She was talking about Poki, who is the one commissioning the Mori plushies

>> No.78349317

Dr House is a top tier series... I miss him.

>> No.78349342
File: 158 KB, 1074x775, Screenshot_20240617-163406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fagoons, where are we?

>> No.78349376

It's because she made the strange decision to retire her normal dokibird one. Which is baffling, she can 50/50 it if she doesn't like it as much.

>> No.78349380


>> No.78349394

Please undestand, we are hiding from the Forestland army, takes time to get there.

>> No.78349421


>> No.78349435

Not now Nijinig

>> No.78349451

>Which is baffling, she can 50/50 it if she doesn't like it as much
yeah, that's the part that throws me off
especially since she's saying now that it doesn't even carry over any design elements from the current one

>> No.78349476

So it's confirmed that Kamame is the main character illustrator since Klaeia is only giving feedback, right?

>> No.78349484
File: 151 KB, 937x605, Screenshot 2024-06-17 224819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMAO Youtube cmon...

>> No.78349543

>Falseflagger not hearing the stream.
She is scared because she knows change is hard, but she does want to retire this because it's 4 years old and you can see it at times.

>> No.78349552

>not even War Thunder
Cringe also KEK

>> No.78349558

What do you mean? It's anime world of tanks

>> No.78349573

> Mentions there's a huge change in certain parts
hmmmm what parts could they be?

>> No.78349592

>Says the same thing in different words

>> No.78349593
File: 463 KB, 540x782, [blender] 20240617_234756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took one of the F1 Race Stars models and made something... quite cursed. I'm putting this monstrosity in the VGTC car if I have the time.

>> No.78349602


>> No.78349628


>> No.78349647

Her dick will be bigger

>> No.78349661

A real set of badonkers?

>> No.78349690

not only because "change is hard", she's saying it's going to be completely different from what she has now and confirmed last stream that she won't be streaming as retro doki anymore. she's saying herself it's a huge gamble that a lot of people might not like very much

>> No.78349704

Her boobies? Her massive fucking tiddies? Her super stuffed up milkies? Her honker wonker doinky boinkies? Her fucking fabric stretching wind flapping gravity welling sex mounds? Her super duper ultra hyper goddamn mother fucking-

>> No.78349712


>> No.78349737

The non-Selen looking parts. I am so hoping it's kamamesigogo123

>> No.78349763

90%: No blue elements.
50%: No Mei Mei and Bao Bao.
10%: Not blonde.

>> No.78349810


>> No.78349872


>> No.78349875

>she lost over 200 people since sandland started lmfao
ok that's actually funny.
Either way I'm here for Doki. If there's anything I've learned about her all this time, it's that her tastes are impeccable and that I'll love absolutely everything she picks.

>> No.78349903

I think sandland is bad gameplay wise but the vibes are very chill so I like the streams of it.

>> No.78349920


I was also thinking that she might go more for more orange and green.

>> No.78349952

I felt bad for her when she said she's worried. I'm likely to like it less than the current one, but like you I'm here for her more than anything. I can live with it and it being something that represents who she is and what she wants is what's most important.

>> No.78349964


>> No.78349989

>If there's anything I've learned about her all this time, it's that her tastes are impeccable and that I'll love absolutely everything she picks
I love doki, but also she likes all kinds of overdesigned gaymer shit so I don't know if I trust her taste all the time.
worst case I'll just drag a PNG of old doki over the new skinsuit when she streams

>> No.78350011

>her tastes are impeccable
>Apex nerd
>Overwatch degen
>People she hangs out with

>> No.78350070


>> No.78350086


>> No.78350101
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art related at least.
Though the weakest design to me was thief selen, it was still nowhere near bad.
bearlen, fly high, and commander though were absolute peak.

>> No.78350109

Which is why for me it's more like "Doki's tastes are terrible, but she is so much fun to listen to."

>> No.78350130

I had the same reaction to doctor stone's village

>> No.78350148

But she hangs out with us...
Jokes aside, I don't like how some people are implying that you have to like absolutely every aspect of a chuuba's tastes if you're a fan.

>> No.78350197


>> No.78350226

Wait... that makes sense.

>> No.78350247

I think doki's taste in almost everything is awful, yet I'm still here supporting her
Her humor is right

>> No.78350260

There's an island in the South Atlantic that has about 1.5k people who all descend from six original families. The only issues they have are them all needing glasses and all of them having asthma.

>> No.78350347


>> No.78350360

>needing glasses and all of them having asthma.
You described 99% of this fucking website

>> No.78350373

Exactly. She's got a real talent for creating fun experiences out of things that I normally wouldn't enjoy at all. Even Apex.

>> No.78350495
File: 181 KB, 2048x2048, 1683687191496161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78350598

I'm on the 1%? damn

>> No.78350597


>> No.78350627

Beautiful Blonde Princess!

>> No.78350669

Her worry is justified. I've seen anons complain about Fubuki's model update and she just made a couple of lines thicker and her skin clearer

>> No.78350670

The best part? She doesn't give a flying fuck if she loses viewers because of the game she chose to play, she even made fun of that fact, she is not a total ccv numberfag unlike some other chuubas and retards like to claim she is, she is based as fuck for this.

>> No.78350763

Doki's the type that to hate plot holes and then not pay attention when they get explained

>> No.78350768

I liked Thieflen, but Commanderlen was my favourite Selen design overall! Fly High Selen was great, too! Selenbear's hair was kinda meh, but her outfit was great!

>> No.78350785


>> No.78350788

Unless doki's new skinsuit has something I hate in it, I don't care how different it will look and I'll keep watching her. I'm here for the person behind the model, not the model itself. There were chuubas I tried to watch bc of their models but they didn't catch my interest enough for me to keep watching. If anything, I'm excited that doki is getting a skinsuit that fits her current self more.

>> No.78350792

She cares about numbers, otherwise she wouldn't even mentioned it
She's just not as retarded as others to have a meltdown for it

>> No.78350818
File: 592 KB, 1269x720, 1711163430059238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She doesn't give a flying fuck if she loses viewers because of the game she chose to play, she even made fun of that fact, she is not a total ccv numberfag unlike some other chuubas and retards like to claim she is, she is based as fuck for this
how new are some of you guys

>> No.78350970

>Unless doki's new skinsuit has something I hate in it
>shirt has a photo of riku on it

>> No.78351003

Apex is kinda meh for me now, even if Doki's playing it.

>> No.78351016
File: 84 KB, 320x293, nya[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fl17dsl.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78351022

She absolutely cares.
Why do you think she picked to talk about the skinsuit and merch stuff before the stream, instead of at the end when in general most people show up for her afternoon streams? She wanted to get a higher starting number for Sand Land. It sort of worked.

>> No.78351035

>Dr. Stone inbreeding
What a topic lol

>> No.78351101

She cares about numbers, it's just that ccv is several steps removed from what's actually important

>> No.78351135

Wait... Doctor Stone ended? Manga included?

>> No.78351158

She says that, but then she won't play any JRPGs because of the long commitment, and because people will tune out of it more and more over time.

>> No.78351205


>> No.78351228

she cares about numbers, but she's aware of what kind of game would bring her numbers and what would not, and sometimes she intentionally chooses to play low-number games anyway because she wants to have fun

>> No.78351250

the manga ended a while ago

>> No.78351253

Doki it's a straight line how did you get lost?

>> No.78351254

She never liked JRPGs to begin with.
This is her first time.

>> No.78351382
File: 1.81 MB, 2048x1536, Heh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She only says that to avoid saying the real reason for not playing JRPGs. (That she fucking hates them, which based desu.)

>> No.78351453
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>> No.78351493


>> No.78351514

>has a 30+ minute rant of Dr Stone plot holes in the middle of a completely unrelated anime game
I stand corrected

>> No.78351550

You have no idea how crazy the explanation and the ending goes. Definitely not what ANYONE expected, period.

>> No.78351577

The only good JRPGs are Ichiban-era Yakuza/LAD games, change my mind.

>> No.78351593

I do basically agree with her 3 parts is probably the sweet spot limit. Something people seem to forget is that numbers do represent real people and going on too long filters them because people dislike tuning in to something without having seen all the previous parts and also have lives so probably will miss one eventually.

>> No.78351677
File: 927 KB, 1280x720, 1709086426985.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Tsugumi Ohba fucking sucks

>> No.78351723

death note guy got lucky because platinum end was most garbage thing i've ever wasted my time on

>> No.78351774

yeah me

>> No.78351787

Yeah, I think Platinum End is the worst manga I've ever read, and I've read my fair share of trash isekai manga.

>> No.78351797

Because she never gave them a chance to show their awesomeness to her! Streaming is the perfect way to get into new things that you either didn't like before, or that you've never tried before. She never tried playing a JRPG on stream before, so her saying "it's a long commitment " never really sat right with me. Now that she's tried one, maybe she'll be more open to the idea of playing other JRPGs, too!

>> No.78351833

But enough of Nakaba Suzuki

>> No.78351893

death note always made me laugh with its ridiculous level of exposition

>> No.78351909

To be desu I think Yakuza's been better as a brawler/beat-em-up and with the majority of side-content being optional. And didn't make NG+ paid DLC.

>> No.78351914

He wrote something more after Death Note part 2? Who trusted him?

>> No.78352005

Yakuza 7 is a very bad JRPG tho, the combat system is so shallow and boring, the only thing it has going for are the ridiculous animations and attacks. Yakuza 8 is a huge improvement over it.

>> No.78352034

That's why it's a good idea to play the game a few times in the same week, to try and get through the story as much as possible every week. If she's having fun, she shouldn't worry about how some might not watch every part of it. Us regulars will all still show up!

>> No.78352036

doki should permanently be e bird
captcha ONYYO

>> No.78352127

Only if Crowki can become an anime girl in her place.

>> No.78352191

I agree
if her new skinsuit is actually just crowki at all times, all my doubts will be erased and I'll consider it the most based thing she's done since re-debuting

>> No.78352320
File: 69 KB, 250x250, Selen Cry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want more Mass Effect...

>> No.78352380

Ass Effect?

>> No.78352409


>> No.78352445


Mass Effect, Half-Life 2, Dead Rising, Call of Pripyat, so many I want her to try

>> No.78352463

She got baited to play this whole game by the BandaiNamco intern when she could've just stopped after the original story ended.

>> No.78352546

Yeah honestly this should've just been a one and done

>> No.78352625

>Dead Rising, Call of Pripyat
Good taste

>> No.78352633

Doki pee!

>> No.78352644


>> No.78352659

Doki Pee!!

>> No.78352690

Yeah the second part plot and pacing is really...repetitive. It's pretty clear the anime ended at the dawn and all of this was written with a JRPG mind with all the repeating dungeons.

>> No.78352701

Personally I don't mind it too much because in all the streams there have been interesting and funny tangents she's gone on. Plus there has been the occasional funny moment in the game as well.

>> No.78352742
File: 22 KB, 307x307, Pee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78352778

I like Neptunia games...they are harmless fun time killers.

>> No.78353178

Damn, people REALLY don't give a fuck about Sand Land, huh?

>> No.78353294
File: 121 KB, 402x212, blJUz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doki made herself yellow so we'd always find her again

>> No.78353344
File: 194 KB, 344x318, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean the game has literally got <500 reviews on steam, it's a manga that takes around 20-30 minutes to read stretched out to about 30 hours

>> No.78353481


>> No.78353489


>> No.78353503

Oh I thought that was my Internet fucking up...

>> No.78353514

Did Doki even notice her stream is currently busted?

>> No.78353553

Wow, that little? People really skipped this game huh?

>> No.78353560

Just like me...

>> No.78353604

Stellar blade dropped the same week is why

>> No.78353660


>> No.78353672

With YouTube shitting the bed recently I wouldn’t blame her if she considers streaming more or even switching to Twitch

>> No.78353700

It was Youtube, in certain regions only btw.

>> No.78353705


>> No.78353742

The demo was awful.

>> No.78353765

Fucking Youtube

>> No.78353856

The classic Phantasy Star games, Phantasy Star Online 1, Final Fantasy 1-X/X2, the Shining Force series, the Xenoblade Chronicles games, the Neptunia games, the Classic Zelda games, the Mana series, and Chrono Trigger would all like to have a word with you.

>> No.78353871


>> No.78353881

I'm pretty sure the only reason Bandai found her that day specifically was because she is the biggest sandland streamer

>> No.78353958

>the Neptunia games
anon... The neptunia games have great writing but they are completely dogshit games. VIIR is the closest thing to a playable game and even that has serious, serious issues, like horrific game breaking bugs in NG+

>> No.78354003

Youtube CAN and WILL take your entire channel down if it wants to btw Doki.

>> No.78354106


>> No.78354157

Doki should play Stellar Blade in the future!

>> No.78354328

Is Doki playing this on Mouse and Keyboard? Why?

>> No.78354434

She's clearly on controller, WDYM?

>> No.78354500


>> No.78354503

we need crow emote

>> No.78354502


>> No.78354511

She has her "YouTube guy"

>> No.78354567

I've not come across anyone else streaming it at all, including fleshies.

>> No.78354572

I could hear the keys being smashed when she was driving the bike.

>> No.78354727

Lmao, fucking Narutards

>> No.78354856

"Who cares about stealth when you're a Bounty Hunter?", most of them actually, Doki. Boba Fett in The Empire Strikes Back, is a great example.

>> No.78354868


>> No.78354942

Actually it's the vanilla Dragon Ball robot...

>> No.78355289

omg she learned

>> No.78355348

She did it!

>> No.78355402

Surprised she remembered the block command

>> No.78355416

The power of spamming heal consumables.

>> No.78355478

>jobs to a blind guy and a hole next movie
Bobba Fett just gets overwanked because he looked cool desu

>> No.78355515

there are a shit ton of good jrpgs but almost all of them are absolute numbers poison and are killing her channel

>> No.78355525

>star wars as a reference

>> No.78355799

Hey, until Disney retconned decades of books and comics he eventually made it out and had a successful career after that.

>> No.78355836

he also got an awful d+ show
considered one of the worst ones

>> No.78355880

This games writing is completely shit lol

>> No.78355926

DESU that was a pure Goku moment, you know the kind of.

>> No.78355941

second half of the game**

>> No.78355943

Beelze is very dumb but still her reaction was funny

>> No.78356258

Boba Fett was cool in the EU Comics and novels. Disney completely screwed him up, though. Even Star Wars Jedi Survivor had a better, more lore accurate version of Boba Fett in it (that Doki never got to see, because she didn't do the Bounty Hunting sidequests.), and that was made by EA!

>> No.78356555


>> No.78356591

In the original version of the final Season of the clone Wars, Boba and Cade Bane were meant to have a standoff, that would've ended with both of them getting shot by one another. Boba's shot to Cade would've killed him, and Cade's shot to Boba only caused Boba's helmet to get dented.

>> No.78356628

Doki is EXTRA dumb today...

>> No.78356645
File: 1.31 MB, 1360x955, 1708559181589875.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doki... thank you reading my superchat and saying my name...I can go back to lusting after you normally...

I hate hormones.

>> No.78356841

Dragoons trying not to doxx themselves
challenge impossible

>> No.78356900
File: 311 KB, 2048x2048, GNjDUKLWoAA-wu0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good goon!

>> No.78357196

>child soldiers
Didn't expect all this from Sandland.

>> No.78357321

freeza did all that with saiyans and namekians
toriyama must love it

>> No.78357454


>> No.78357488

Yeah he is Japanese

>> No.78357525
File: 272 KB, 1000x1000, thumbsupdragoon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy for you goon

>> No.78357804


>> No.78357805

>Never upgraded anything since Forestland entering.
Yeahh...she's cooked.

>> No.78357844

She is jobbing to a Toyota with weapons...

>> No.78358005

Just like the entire middle east

>> No.78358135

toyotas are indestructible, haven't you seen top gear?

>> No.78358230


>> No.78358235

>Risegnat was there

>> No.78358315

>punching car to death

>> No.78358340


>> No.78358982


>> No.78358994


>> No.78359009


>> No.78359020

So, why don't Sandlanders just invade Forest Land?

>> No.78359108

Cars with missiles too OP

>> No.78359169

Sandlanders have been poor until they blew up the damn

>> No.78359179

More rizz than 95% of chat...

>> No.78359666

They don't want the full Vietnam experience...

>> No.78359809

Forestlanders HATE

>> No.78359954


>> No.78360084

Doki almost said rape that little brat.

>> No.78360139
File: 251 KB, 756x1024, 1694668503876339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Toriyama knew what he was doing.

>> No.78360236


>> No.78360293

Wow, based.

>> No.78360384

>that smug face

>> No.78360487

Sand Land is an anti-military history, this shit she's playing has nothing to do with Toriyama.

>> No.78360570

>the glorious resistance: 8 people
It's over...

>> No.78360608

This is not the Toriyama part, that ends with the Dam.

>> No.78360829

That's exactly what I said.

>> No.78360986

>>78360570 (me)
Nevermind, it was 3...

>> No.78361286

Goofy ass game

>> No.78361299

Well, the animation clearly couldn't be bothered to make a proper cutscene out of that...

>> No.78361350

Only Japanese People could write a story where there are guns, an insurgency, and the enemy leader is standing on a platform in the open without getting shot.

>> No.78361363

Doki will be the one tuning out first, her attention span sucks

>> No.78361444

I'm fairly sure it's just the animation messing up completely. It was clearly poorly made but the idea wasn't bad.

>> No.78361514

Bandaid RPG slop, as one would expect

>> No.78361599


>> No.78361654

>old gun only did 2digits worth of damage
>Upgrade does 2k
Wow she really could have sped up that fight

>> No.78362041

>That might be a war crime Doki
>Well he started it

>> No.78362145


>> No.78362267

look at how fast that was in comparison

>> No.78362349

Upgrades are imbalanced...

>> No.78362491

I'll be completely honest the Toriyama art style is gatekeeping me hard from getting the game
His art style is good for Dragonballs but feels really out of place for any modern games
I‘m willing to watch it simply because of Doki is streaming it

>> No.78362585
File: 317 KB, 536x664, Screenshot 2024-06-15 203416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back to the Sandlands...

>> No.78362588


>> No.78362595

Anon, it's literally the style Dragon Quest has gone with for ages, wtf are you spewing?

>> No.78362635

>Just when she thought she escaped the sand she's sent straight back into it

>> No.78362655


>> No.78362747

Next week for sure

>> No.78362799

people forget this and i have zero clue why they don't pretend like DB is the only thing he's ever done

>> No.78362826

Damnit RPR

>> No.78362845

It's the same reason I don't enjoy Dragon Quest that much even though I do play jrpgs

>> No.78362854

I disagree. I think more games should use classic 80s and 90s Anime art styles.

>> No.78362882

>changing the entire schedule of the tournament for Doki
Holy shit

>> No.78362922

wtf how much clout does doki have

>> No.78362928

they really wanted her

>> No.78362953

heh that's nice

>> No.78362966
File: 201 KB, 500x500, dokiWave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Until next time Doki!

>> No.78363005

Bye Doki....

>> No.78363012
File: 347 KB, 1200x636, Dragooslingchibi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bye Doki... it was comfy
>last Sand stream for sure
It will be two more at least lmao

>> No.78363041
File: 390 KB, 463x632, Screenshot 2024-06-10 020836.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is the power of "Dokibird".

>> No.78363058

apex HATE

>> No.78363097
File: 2.53 MB, 480x270, 1677811868181377.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bye Doki, fun stream today, it's good to be back home as well! I'll be sure to VODwatch that first hour where you talk about the 3D Chibi Doki stuff too...
Can't wait for the Skinsuit reveal too, I'm almost certain it's going to be amazing Doki!

>> No.78363293

I don't like anyone on her team, absolutely dogshit
S4 can eat shit too

>> No.78363341

I don't know anyone besides rpr

>> No.78363426

from what i can tell for the western side
most people only really care about DBZ and onward and then Chrono Trigger
they barely care about the OG Dragon Ball these days and they don't understand that DQ has always been the most popular RPG series in Japan with his designs

>> No.78363427

Who is on her team? I was tabbed out when she was talking about it.

>> No.78363450

Are you the same schizo who was complaining about RPR during the collab she did with him and Dtto?

>> No.78363510

RPR, surefour, roflgator.

>> No.78363542

rpr is cool

>> No.78363586

It doesn't help that the original Dragon Quest had to be renamed in the West due to there being a board game with the same name. Apparently it didn't sell very well, but Nintendo started giving cartridges of the game away for free with Nintendo Power, and it became a popular game due to that.

>> No.78363650

>Suddenly not liking others streamers is considered being a schizo
Nice deflection retard
I don't like RPR but I don't hate him as much as the others, so no

>> No.78363659

Ugh. Sounds like it'll be a snooze fest.

>> No.78363744

Surefour has been part of some of the twitch rivals events. Not sure what the anon's problem is with him. Or with rpr for thst matter.

>> No.78363793

Fuck off, you aren't being subtle.

>> No.78363959

Deflection from what? And it certainly seems strange that you type a lot like him.

>> No.78363975


>> No.78363991

Since they're both FPS "pro players" I can understand why that anon has problems with them. That, and the Apex collab Doki had with them both 2 years ago still sits in my mind. I didn't like seeing Doki being sad.

>> No.78364132

>one collab
They moved past that fuck off

>> No.78364214

Remind me who that is again? I've heard his name before, but I don't remember seeing Doki Collab with him.

>> No.78364237

Harpy Bird!
Not sure if janny will be big gay so no image

>> No.78364266

So you've clearly not aware of the many, many collabs she's had with rpr since she came back as Doki. And the couple of collabs she's had with S4 too. Thank you for outing yourself.

>> No.78364297

If I were him I would have no problem saying it, Twitch streamers like these are the worst. Have you never seen roflgator's content? The guy is horrible

>> No.78364319

That was my first impression of both of those dudes at the time, and it wasn't a very good one, Bro.

>> No.78364323


>> No.78364350


>> No.78364462

Again, that was my first impression of both of them, and it wasn't a good one. It's cool that they've both been alright with Doki since then, but I'm still hesitant whenever I see them collabing with her. FPS "Pro players" are all assholes.

>> No.78364488


>> No.78364518

I think you are confusing me with another anon

>> No.78364541

Fuck you RPR for inviting Doki to this shit. I even like RPR.

>> No.78364574

VR chat degenerate and just overall shit person, long history that I have no interest in getting in to

>> No.78364598

A week or so ago the threadshitters went after Gumi, now they're going after RPR again. Imagine wasting your life shitting up generals on /vt

>> No.78364603

Someone animated her intro using the chibi and crowki

>> No.78364641

I see. Sounds like he's an asshole.

>> No.78364686

So we are not allowed to dislike others? not that serious anon

>> No.78364766

Man, I like RPR but this sucks. This will be the last time I'll comment on this.

>> No.78364782

rpr is the guy that started the where is Selen campaign and has always got her back. He's 100% a bro, and if you legit have a problem with him then we ain't on speaking terms.

>> No.78364798

I'm not a thresdshitter, I'm just saying that I could understand why some people might not like certain individuals that Doki collabs with, especially since they're both FPS "pro player" assholes, and Twitch streamers to boot.

>> No.78364797

Dammit, I expected the ass wiggle

>> No.78364874

Ugggh I just woke up.

>> No.78364880

I hope the one missing can make it less painful.
Again i'm expecting 0

>> No.78364915

I am well aware of that, but one day he could very well turn on Doki, and given how he was during that stream years ago, it wouldn't surprise me.

>> No.78365051

It would be nice if it's DTTO, but with that lineup IDK if she would be considered for this team.

>> No.78365065

Some anons have a fish memory with S4 and RPR together

>> No.78365158

Maybe Tenjin might be asked to join.

>> No.78365164

With S4 and gator there? Please leave her out of this, she will barely speak.
I get kind of sad when that happens with dtto

>> No.78365224

Actually a decent pick

>> No.78365226

yeah don't bring dtto to a team like this

>> No.78365228

You're right, but like I said, I doubt that she'll even be considered anyway. Tenjin might be, though.

>> No.78365310

Please be 10jin!

>> No.78365326

>Turn on dtto
Your ass must have avoided literally every collab since then holy shit. please be a thread shitter because there's no way you're actually this dense.

>> No.78365340

Probably for the best not to try. I got banned for posting that Mint Paizuri image, which was BS, since it's never gotten anyone banned before.

>> No.78365364

Are you sure that's the one? since there's a roflgator who was an OW coach. RPR was saying he is picking a team to win so I doubt he'd pick a VRchat guy

>> No.78365407

? I was talking about Doki.

>> No.78365409

Bro, I like S4 and RPR but this sucks. I don't know why RPR would invite Doki knowing she has a New Model debut.

>> No.78365416

What if Doki wanted to put her huge dragon cock into your butthole?

>> No.78365464

At least we will forget that since the new skin suit will be there after it

>> No.78365467

What is bro yapping about
Don't forget to take your meds everybody

>> No.78365478

Same guy yeah, he got started in OW

>> No.78365482

She doesn't have one, though. She has a Pussy!

>> No.78365499

Didn't she say that she DIDN'T tell him.

>> No.78365543

So you didn't watch her stream today? Way to give yourself away

>> No.78365547

I must have missed that then, sorry. Still sucks tho.

>> No.78365566

Retard was going about how RPR is gonna turn on doki based on ONE collab years ago that they worked past. My dumbass didn't read and thought he typed Dtto

>> No.78365590

If anything she would have a cloaca

>> No.78365605

How long will this invitational be? Will it delay the new Skinsuit reveal?

>> No.78365627

Anyway enough of this Bullshit threads at bump limit. Will someone else bake or shall I do it?

>> No.78365641

Nah I watched the whole stream but I was doing stuff on the side. I missed it.

>> No.78365662

Not in the fanart that I've seen!

>> No.78365728

Not sure hopefully not longer then 2-3 hours since the reveal is 4 hours after the invitational would start.

>> No.78365772

>>78365547 (me)
Yeah, I look back at the Vod you are right.

>> No.78365776

Bake if you can!

>> No.78365932


>> No.78366021

I have lost some respect for RPR

>> No.78366057
File: 401 KB, 2048x1536, Man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aight, gonna head to Bed soon bros, tired af after a long day and have to be up early again tomorrow lol but glad to have come home to a Doki stream...
Goodnight Goons~

>> No.78366060 [DELETED] 
File: 578 KB, 2048x2048, F4ZFVUhaAAA7a3f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one asked

>> No.78366099

GN goon o7

>> No.78366113

Sleep tight dragoon!
very awkward my response to another post went up as you posted lol

>> No.78366118

GN goon.

>> No.78366258
File: 60 KB, 1024x1024, 1713058260144421m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodnight goon.

>> No.78366286


>> No.78366307

>The Biggest Vtuber Minecraft Server.
Is this the Vshojo server or something else? If it's something else, would this be a cool place for Doki and Mint to do their Minecraft collabs in?


>> No.78366350

No clue and no

>> No.78366372

Goodnight Bro!

>> No.78366493

It's the VSMP, lot of indies and small corpo girls are on there

>> No.78366503

No, it's organised by PixelLink. I think it's all small corpos so I'm not sure whether they have any indies involved.

>> No.78366584
File: 141 KB, 467x451, Comfy Selen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>deleted CARROTLEN
Rest well Dragoon!

>> No.78366629
File: 578 KB, 2048x2048, F4ZFVUhaAAA7a3f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Carrotlen was too slow to show her dissapointment

>> No.78366680

A few small indies have been invited, but idk if Doki & Mint would be too "big" to join.

>> No.78366969

>look up who roflgator is
>instant regret

>> No.78367160

If Kai and Juna join the server, they might put a good word in for Doki and Mint to join.

>> No.78367345

After 15 years of the game being out they finally put tables in Minecraft, huh?

>> No.78367369

I... I don't think Doki would fit in there considering that right now she's bigger than the entire server's populace combined. She'd probably either bring a flock of new viewers in to everybody, or drain everybody away by having so many people compare the other chuubas to her, causing friction.

>> No.78367546
File: 115 KB, 456x548, file_80_-removebg-preview.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't that guy just constantly embroiled in drama?

Also just bought the crow voice pack. First voice pack I've ever bought, and it was adorable. Great purchase.
It's so freaking cute.

>> No.78367717


>> No.78367801


>> No.78367833

Thanks RPR

>> No.78367831
File: 146 KB, 324x354, 1717121159157664.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't looked up the game for tomorow is it decent?

>> No.78367982
File: 670 KB, 909x1031, 1707154498593821.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're gonna spam seething fuck off. She literally said she's was invited and we all know she basically never says no. Either way it ONE stream fuck off and cry on twitter or something

>> No.78368322

If that Roflgator person is always caught up in drama and if he's an asshole like what some of the Dragoons that are aware of him are saying, then I get it. It's like when Doki was in that Rust server. A lot of us were worried that she was going to get caught up in Hassan's or someone else's bullshit.

>> No.78368382
File: 811 KB, 1860x2413, BreadReady.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fresh bread is up keep bullshit out of it

>> No.78368407

That ONE stream guess what it is right before the New Model debut. What a way to sour the day.

>> No.78368462

Thanks breadmaker.

>> No.78368512

Nvm. Daiya just said on Poko's stream that the tables were mods that she begged the Pixel staff to put in the server.

>> No.78368540

You're making it sound like they're going to also appear at the outfit debut you fucking troglodyte. It's an invitational and unless retard decides to cause a shitshow there should be no issue

>> No.78368704
File: 212 KB, 512x512, Thumbs_Up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you breadmaker

>> No.78369223

Thank You, Breadmaker!

>> No.78369486


>> No.78370107

rpr HATE

>> No.78370294

Pippa is in the server too, apparently!
