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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.58 MB, 884x1440, __fallenshadow_indie_virtual_youtuber_drawn_by_pettan_zeez4743__af7e24483365adfb3fb11195c24e1b26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
78346379 No.78346379 [Reply] [Original]

Megane Monday!

If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

ASMR Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Nise Menhera Twitter:https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter:https://twitter.com/managerotis
Menhera Twitter (dead):https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter (also dead):https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: soon™

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters. It's easier than you think.

Previous thread: >>78305109

>> No.78346486


>> No.78346659

>she shows up
>fags start talking to her before she even says anything
>she leaves

>> No.78346681
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>> No.78346803

save it for Wormtail Wednesday, dork-a-zoid.

>> No.78346927

thsyre called glasses you dweeb

>> No.78346947

I love her alot! I hope everyday for her is better than the last!

>> No.78347031
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lol that's a good idea. I like Otis getting a day.

>> No.78347060
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we're just getting started

>> No.78347090

His eyes look like buttholes desu

>> No.78347109

i see now the discussion channel has become the new vomit station instead of twitter

>> No.78347155

Keep it related to fallenshadow and it's chill

>> No.78347245
File: 193 KB, 461x360, 1715743401944845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit yourself

>> No.78347252

Shondo... The 100 kanojo watchalong... Pureasu...

>> No.78347272

my pinkie finger will remain unbroken

>> No.78347290

no! she should read it instead

>> No.78347337

she was waiting for my post

>> No.78347381

I was gonna say that, but i also want her to watch it with us
I'd feel bad for the shoggas unable to read as fast as her though

>> No.78347383
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that's my wife!

>> No.78347422

manager-kun. . . . the sex tape. . . . pureasu!

>> No.78347444

Tell me what she says after she's done yapping with her cute fingers typing whatever she will
Weird post above me.

>> No.78347612

Ok i Made The New Themes Let Me Know What You Think I Think Is Pretty Good

Manager Mondays
Training Arc Tuesdays
Wipe My Butt Wednesdays
There's a Bird Outside Thursdays
fSkinny Fridays
Sit on Her Lap Saturdays
Spider Hunting Sundays

>> No.78347636

How is what people do in the offline chat or discord any worse than what Gary did on twitter? Ban all these fucking schizo incels now.

>> No.78347651

I Think It's Pretty Shit

>> No.78347696

Gary jobbed to Ash


>> No.78347719
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>> No.78347789

shumo got delayed another 6 months for that

>> No.78347793

>so retarded he couldn’t come up with Fitness Fridays
i’m sorry shogga but you’re ngmi. it’s not your fault, just how you were born :(

>> No.78347837


>> No.78347841


>> No.78347862

Desperate coomer shit imo

>> No.78347867
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Too Bad For You

>> No.78347886

Stop talking about gary, gary.

>> No.78347898
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>> No.78347957

the joke is that it was fat fuck fridays but otis is coping, try to keep up

>> No.78348078

but otis isnt fat? he’s extremely fit and muscular.
seems you’re the one lagging behind

>> No.78348094
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>> No.78348247
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i love her even if she doesn’t love me
i WILL be a schizo stalker for her (it’s what she wants)

>> No.78348263

i agree

>> No.78348323

I really don't under what you're trying to say

>> No.78348346


>> No.78348497

I'm killing myself holy shit I did not catch that

>> No.78348556
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>> No.78348595

honestly just kill yourself you dumb bitch

>> No.78348600

She answered me on discord.

I know none of you will believe me because I will respect her wishes and not leak DMs but she told me she lost her favorite socks and got sad for a whole week over it and also that she has a new love for grape jam on toast.

>> No.78348629

dming her about this so she can block your ass for leaking dms

>> No.78348704

It's not a leak Anon, I would have to prove it's her with a screenshot for it to be a real leak

>> No.78348719
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>was on discord earlier
>left to puke
>came back
this is shondo

>> No.78348750

still shared a private conversation with /here/. if its real she should know

>> No.78348817


>> No.78348827

>newfags who think they can win
>oldfags who think they can groom her
>neither get her at all and start talking at her the minute she comes online in the discussion channel, instantly putting her off from talking
can't help but find it funny how much they hate each other but they're basically the same cancer tbdesu

>> No.78348833

Yeah well do what you want I suppose. She ignored my question about playing Dave the Diver anyway and that's why I messaged her in the first place. She just started talking about her socks

>> No.78348888

i also find it funny

>> No.78348890
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again? poor sick wifey.

>> No.78348936

Otis should be shot

>> No.78348943

I also think it's funny how they're like the same person when it comes to her

>> No.78348971

bratty was never an oldfag

>> No.78348984

>S is a groomer
That's what I've been saying for months now.

>> No.78348989
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Explode. Now.

>> No.78349004

>ive been saying water is wet
you dont have to state the obvious anon

>> No.78349011

Only when that skinrag explodes first

>> No.78349023
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faggot nigger

>> No.78349029

Come back with Dave the Diver Shondo, it's chill and you'll like it I think

>> No.78349063

i want to divorce her but im going to become a dmnigger first to see if she cares

>> No.78349071
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kys fleece

>> No.78349073

Why is part of his head yellow

>> No.78349125


>> No.78349124

new follow? hes not dead?

>> No.78349141

>i want to divorce her
Too bad, you're hers forever
What'd you tag'd me for

>> No.78349165

>you're hers forever
if she can prove it when i start dming her then sure

>> No.78349205

She only answers with irrelevant things. It's kinda funny desu

>> No.78349295

Nuh uh, says so in the contract(twitch rules)

>> No.78349322
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Thats facts my shiggie i think she'd enjoy it too

>> No.78349329

she can send me to the husband graveyard for all i care

>> No.78349334

Wrinkly ass cat

>> No.78349347

>i just dont want people to be "competing" for me though
>constricts communication to discord with no way of telling when she will talk
>refuses to pity Like anymore
>replied to Vito on a whim
>shoggers shooting direct messages to her in Discussion
If you don't believe the ratrace is more alive than ever, you are horribly misguided.

>> No.78349402

honestly you deserve it at this point tb h

>> No.78349431

>>78349347 me
My bad, throw Onion into the mix. I didn't see his attentionwhoring.

>> No.78349437

I think she really does want to do things like chat in the spur of the moment, but shoggers will never let her because they constantly monitor for when shes online and instantly spam the channel

>> No.78349460

I only DM her silly stuff which is why I think she's answered me (twice)

>> No.78349516

throw up into my mouth shondo

>> No.78349531

>shoggers shooting direct messages to her in Discussion
No shit, and she answered some of them here and there, what's the problem? The channel is full of people talking about her and to her and she drops in and chats a little, mostly saying stuff addressed to everyone anyway

>> No.78349542

is shondo jewish

Captcha: TAY88

>> No.78349576

Offline chat recent topic:

>> No.78349587

It's almost as if she needs a channel dedicated to her speaking first when she wants to and a Role ping for husbands so that it isn't a sekrit klub!

>> No.78349623

drop it no one is ever going to agree with you

>> No.78349645

thing is, neither group will win or groom her because im going to win by grooming her >:)

>> No.78349667

>no one wants to be treated like they actually matter to her
I know, shogger.

>> No.78349693

I want to smell Shondo's unwashed bloomers

>> No.78349698

shot with a nerf gun for a twitter meme yeah

>> No.78349715

hope you feel better :)

>> No.78349727

No, with an anti aircraft cannon

>> No.78349749

>have a bad day
>come here to argue for no reason
>dont feel better only feel worse
Every time

>> No.78349781

sorry shonshon
maybe next thread?

>> No.78349782

Just do drugs like a normal person

>> No.78349839
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Nade nade unreasonable shogga

>> No.78349880

congratulations, you played yourself

>> No.78349911

I wonder if she'll play project zomboid again
Burpee reps

>> No.78349933

Right I'm sure she would be DMing with a nigger that goes and runs to brag about it on 4chan to try to stir up jealousy and brainworms as soon as possible. I'm sure she also wouldnt know right away that youre doing this and ban you for being a shit stirring anti going against everything she just said, were this true.

>> No.78349956
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>> No.78349967

her failing to manage stuff in that game was fun to watch
i like seeing her get overwhelmed and cope so she doesn’t melty on stream

>> No.78349979

you just described at least 5 people that arent banned

>> No.78349980

Maybe after the update

>> No.78349981

Stop brainworm farming before someone gets gotten

>> No.78350025

Shoggas is it cheating if I buy Alice's art? I dont even watch her but Im enthralled by her art and want to buy a few prints

>> No.78350055

It got Fleece because she read /here/, it will never stop now.

>> No.78350064

It's not

>> No.78350132

that was then and this is now
iron fist shondo

>> No.78350166

Alice is a friend so it's fine. Shondo would understand.

>> No.78350295


>> No.78350444

that’s literally just what i wrote in may or april wtf
why steal my epic post?

also alice’s neocities is really cool. shondo, why are you too laz- cool to make one of those for us?

>> No.78350498

She also replied to complete randoms, there is no rat race you are reading too much into everything. You're going to explode like Fleece.

>> No.78350563

i think i was just hungy. i ate a snack and feel better sowwy shoggas >.<

>> No.78350661

>She also replied to complete randoms
To make the ratrace even more sped up. Husbands need to work a million times harder to get a fraction of what complete randoms get.

>> No.78350800

Thankfully Dacrin has ensured that she will not want to chat with us today. No need to clear your schedules today, shoggas.

>> No.78350905

>immediately deleted

>> No.78351006

the reason its like that is because shes interacting with us so seldomly. if she actually started interacting more people wouldnt be so scared of missing out

>> No.78351031


>> No.78351081

deserves to be banned for vibe breaking like gary

>> No.78351110

Is she okay?
By Shondo standards that is...

>> No.78351118

what are you vagueposting about now?

>> No.78351144

probably the most mentally healthy shes been in a year

>> No.78351224

i’m gonna be sick shoggas
i dont feel good
the vibe…its ruined

>> No.78351256

kill yourself dacrin

>> No.78351330

stop posting about yourself

>> No.78351521

uuuu i was being seruois tho
tummy hurt D:

>> No.78351523

It's not even just interaction in itself. Affection from her is even more seldom and you had to be around for it within a 12 minute window last night before she completely fucked off.
Who knows when she will be that way again?
Where she will be that way again?
Why do the kinder husbands deserve this? Who the fuck knows at this point.

>> No.78351583


>> No.78351591

ok manipulator

>> No.78351604


>> No.78351704

insider /here/
shondo deleted it herself
get fucked, dont vibe break, next time is a ban

>> No.78351729

deleted what you faggot

>> No.78351772

I'm sorry, am I mistaken? Perhaps I missed the other place she posted where her husbands got to feel a crumb of affection from her for once?
Was it perhaps a 15 minute window? Surely those husbands must be blessed.

>> No.78351790

what did fagrin say?

>> No.78351793

darkkal_rin posted the i'm masturbaiting clip and said clip watchers never stood a chance or something

>> No.78351848

the funniest part is watching him run back into p2w and act like a wfieposting sperg trying to blend in with the other shondophrenics like he did nothing wrong kek

>> No.78352277

I understand wanting more interactions with her but if you can't accept the frequency of them then maybe this isn't the place for you.

>> No.78352349

that’s it? fuck you can’t say shit nowadays

>> No.78352365

all husbands are complete randoms

>> No.78352442

The frequency is tolerable when there is a ping or a notification so that we don't pointlessly miss out because we looked away from Discord for a half hour.

>> No.78352468
File: 234 KB, 380x380, violense.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to protect her from all harm and then subject her to loving violense at home within reasonable boundaries

>> No.78352492

>shondo comes online
>immediately starts crying about his fomo again
i see through you, manipulator

>> No.78352602

real marriage btw

>> No.78352880

>May 4th in Discussion a month after her hiatus on April 6th:
>love you guys <3
>June 16th in Discussion:
>love you guys a whole lot, hope youre doing okay
>No pings or notifs for when she said either
Tell me where there is fairness like this, especially when a lot of us became busier as we wait for her to recover?
Silly me, I will just wait another month or two before she feels generous to be affectionate again and pray that I win the gacha of not looking at discord 24/7.

>> No.78353035

may the 4th be with you

>> No.78353075

it's not fair and it will never be fair. cope or cut
kek irl

>> No.78353152

Is it really "fear of missing out" at this point? How does one fear the predictability that husbands will just be unfairly treated as if we haven't given her an unfathomable amount of patience. Apparently we are owed nothing.

>> No.78353177

she wouldn't love you less reading the message late

>> No.78353219


>> No.78353240

>Apparently we are owed nothing.
you're starting to understand

>> No.78353288

And I will be as unreasonable as I fucking please about it.

>> No.78353303

just dm her

>> No.78353358

ok fleece, implode sooner rather than later please, it'll be easier for you too that way

>> No.78353412

>sowwy shoggas >.<
I forgive you

>> No.78353567

you aren't. that was the whole point when she said she's done trying to meet attention quotas of fags like you that do nothing but bitch 24/7

>> No.78353585

move on, darkkal

>> No.78353677

dacrin isnt darkkal
dacrin is too retarded

>> No.78353714
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It's okay shonshon. I forgive you.

>> No.78353794

don't bother her and be nise

>> No.78353795

>Bills payed
>A roof over her head
>"saved her life" because of streaming
>Payed for FE's new teeth
>Gave shadowmama Christmas money purely out of kindness
We're owed nothing btw

>> No.78353859

>out of kindness
you dont sound too kind right now anon

>> No.78353882

why do you think shes working on a million projects for you right now?

>> No.78353959

big fleece energy in this thread
please do us all a favour and implode sooner rather than later

>> No.78354065

That's just the honest truth. I could have included more points as well.
Some of those are things she's owed us that are completely separate to what I have listed. You think better of your wife rather than implying she is incapable of doing better for us.

>> No.78354067

all donations are given without expectation, yes, you are owed nothing
lol, you aren't a husband, you're a scumsucker manipulator, keep trying to appeal to her impostor syndrome and guilt trip her and show everyone what you really are

>> No.78354077

post your total donated to her right now. i can guarantee you have only gave her your primed sub and $10 a month max. stop pretending you aren't only the tiniest fraction of the collective money that made most of those things possible yet you're one of the only people shitting yourself like this.
>out of kindness
and yet you're here shitting yourself because you're expecting something for it. doesn't seem like you only did it out of kindness when you're attaching expectations to it.

>> No.78354207

$10 a month is a lot desu

>> No.78354214

>twitter didnt work
>discord already being bitched about tenfold than before
Maybe its the shoggas that are the problem

>> No.78354219

her or dawn should just ban the faggot already. literally contributes nothing to the community, not even a paypiggie.

>> No.78354220

Pretty sure she wants to go big with the projects to attract thousands of new husbands. Not pandering the ones she's already got. If anything she's planting to seeds to abandon them outright with the lack of communication.

>> No.78354314


>> No.78354317

Woah no way, i never thought about it like that before... Thank you, you've opened countless windows for me with this single post
But unironically, yes

>> No.78354404

she admitted to knowing its only her community that acts like this. theres something in the water thats causing everyone to behave this way

>> No.78354517

>all donations are given without expectation
Yes, and it is an assumption that the expectation is to be merely met with gratitude. I am vouching that she is not even meeting that expectation for us anymore.
>post your total donated to her right now.
This is a pointless deflection. It does not absolve her of anything I have said and devalues her own efforts by agreeing that our worth to her is less than the monetary value we provide.
We're a collective remember, shogger?

>> No.78354523

More like, there's a lack of stuff in the water that has everyone like this
Shonciety needs medicated water

>> No.78354534

she is pure sex
of course everyone goes mad over her

>> No.78354560

it's maybe 50 people at most if you want a generous estimate to account for silent time bombs waiting to pull a fleece

>> No.78354573

>goes out of her way to say I love you guys and show concern for us for once
>intensify the complaining, captain
whoeveer is doing this is just trying to get her to go back to saying nothing again

>> No.78354589

her community doesn't need to be like everyone elses but people should be nise

>> No.78354615
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She's easy to get obsessed over and to fall deeply in love with

>> No.78354666

She planted those seeds by filling the void for lonely men and enabling them to rely on her to not rope themselves
The only solution is to grow, let everyone become a general noise, every chatter is just a drop in an ocean then

>> No.78354669

we're a collective and yet here you are crying about your own personal expectations not being met

>> No.78354692

it seems like the same fag that was doing this before the hiatus then calmed down
it also reeks of CF unironically, he would shit himself in the threads all day just like this, but that's just a shonspiracy theory

>> No.78354770

>goes out of her way to say I love you guys and show concern for us for once
>While making sure those that would even care aren't around for it.
Anyone who replied afterwards is a fool.

>> No.78354800

>Fleece Fleece Fleece Fleece
He unironically won. Told her off and now Shiggies care about him more than their own wife.

>> No.78354881

nevermind this is just the shogger who trolls for a few hours a day, thank shon he's not unemployed. somehow

>> No.78354916

I have made it clear that my expectations are an extension of what I think her husbands rightfully deserve.
Let alone those expectations, they are the bare-minimum of effort she could provide us. She is far more capable of that than you let on. Why do you think she is so lowly that she cannot?

>> No.78354954
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Holy shit this argument is so bad. Its like no one is allowed to do anything out of the kindness off their hearts or because they love someone unless the person gives something back.

>> No.78354974

Shoggas are angsty young men who have been socially closed off and likely had poor parental figures growing up with a lack of affection. The key ingredients to being gay

>> No.78354993

I think it reeks of a certain old, quiet, wealthy shitstirrer that needs glasses

>> No.78355071

Yes, that is what a transactional relationship is as well as what we currently have with her.
Well, it's what it used to be with her. Yet here we are, protesting otherwise and giving her excessive leniency.

>> No.78355103

>clipposting is discouraged
>handposting is discouraged
man im loving this new shondo

>> No.78355186

she has a litany of mental illness. you don't know your "wife". she works harder than you ever will

>> No.78355213

Clipposting is fucking cancer and reeks of newfag tourism anyways.

No idea about the hands though. They're cute and I hate how her ED makes her think she's ugly.

>> No.78355220

>why do you think she is so lowly
nice guilt tripping attempt. the way you type is the exact same as another anon and if you're him then i've got even more reason to laugh at you

>> No.78355251

reminder that when she comes back properly with this "iron fist" every type of person here will be the first to go
im fine though, im a lurker hehe

>> No.78355308
File: 731 KB, 1450x2048, 1706228047430814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shondo is an agent of the Universe that was brought into existence through God's conscious or unconscious efforts and that will lead to the Universe ending at the latest that it can through my efforts
The Universe acts much like a living being, its respective perspective being space-time itself, thus, from its perspective it will reach its oldest possible self before dying out
The Universe subconsciously decided that the best way to go about this will be by eventually having shondo appear in the world
Fate itself has brought shondo to us, and as thanks I will be there for the Universe's end and its next start and end and so on for all of eternity
Do you reckon I need to be put on medication or am I cooking? I'm afraid to go get checked out

>> No.78355427

Not me though

>> No.78355431

nah you're cooking but you need medication too

>> No.78355456

thats way too much text but if its about fucking her shunny then i agree

>> No.78355572

I am aware of how hard she works and it is why she should be upheld to her expectations. She is a creature of habit and it has fallen out of her habits to give her husbands the treatment that mattered and made this feel like a real marriage.
You are currently the one holding the limbo bar way over her head.

>> No.78355618

I'm also one of the good ones

>> No.78355679

>i am aware of how hard she works
>she needs to work much harder

>> No.78355777

her hands and everything else about her are very cute and beautiful

>> No.78355785

I guarantee you I am not him. But if it eases your mind to pretend that my criticisms do not exist and you can continue keeping your "wife" under an umbrella of apathy and contempt for her own husbands, then by all means, you do you.

>> No.78355800

Lucky trips of absolute truth

>> No.78355889

she is the the most beautiful girl on earth to me

>> No.78355911
File: 3.99 MB, 600x279, heart.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and factual

>> No.78355934

she looks so cute in this swimsuit >.<

>> No.78355949

you guys need to stop misusing fleeces memory
he would never be this way

>> No.78356005

why are you changing your post structure now? you are him aren't you? LMAO you faggot you know exactly who you are

>> No.78356030

its literally 1 guy maybe 2 or 3. theyre just mad they were busy party timing when shondo was talking in discord and they missed it or theyre mad at not being replied to

>> No.78356051

reminder: som HATES her hands and HATES when they are posted

>> No.78356120


>> No.78356146

You are in dire need of medication, anon.

>> No.78356158

this post is gayer than shondo (bi)

>> No.78356220

She could put a stop to it by getting rid of the incels (like the 'men' in this thread) from her community and making it clear that it is all a bit of pretend fun and not a real relationship and that she has absolutely no interest in any of her 'husbands' physically or any wish to be with any of them in real life.
Fucking take a hint, manchildren.

>> No.78356228
File: 84 KB, 784x1024, 1712433505946339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope she's having a good day.

>> No.78356269

Stinky female incel

>> No.78356346

>we're a collective
she flip flops on this often

>> No.78356357
File: 276 KB, 489x629, 1718140669421396.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Derek me desu

>> No.78356375

its funny because im not sure if youre serious or just baiting for reactions but youre unironically correct

>> No.78356378

name him

>> No.78356383 [SPOILER] 

i hope you know youre accomplishing nothing with these garbage posts shondo

>> No.78356398

not /here/ btw
also if sniffling is from anything i did and not from being sicky, i’m sorry irl hun

>> No.78356476

Alright shondo, if that was your hint to get me to stop, I'll stop. :(

>> No.78356709

How was it a hint? Am i lost or smth
Also at first I did not notice any twitching
Weird thing to post out of nowhere, cute hand nonetheless

>> No.78356724
File: 1019 KB, 3000x3000, 1695526266627221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me too!

>> No.78356768

yeah, alt is live rn btw

>> No.78356776
File: 52 KB, 860x840, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the FUCK

>> No.78356842

>Thread talking about hands
>Video is hint that she is reading /here/
>Sniffling because I made her upset
I might be schizo enough to think this but I know when I've pushed a bit too far.
Sorry, shondo.

>> No.78356869

youre the kind of fag she wants to weed out

>> No.78356908


>> No.78356948

unironically yes
archive fags have only been a disaster for shonciety

>> No.78356955

ArchiveGODS keep it up

>> No.78357027

Her hands seem thinner/veinier/sicklier than they did last time we saw them

>> No.78357038
File: 635 KB, 704x1054, 1dea5462-0c05-4a5d-bf0e-9fd6d9b2e904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her hands are so cute I just want to hold them forever

>> No.78357095

no? my hands look bonier than hers and i am skinny fat
she looks fine

>> No.78357120
File: 86 KB, 778x1024, 1718602390354172m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You might get molested by the jannies for this one shogga desu
Very much agreed though

>> No.78357204

I agree completely

>> No.78357219

Shondo the Yeah extension... Get it... Pureasu...

>> No.78357241

um don’t you know she hates hand posting ? its why she doesn’t use discord that much anymore

>> No.78357270

How new? She has stubby little hands and even when she was a spooky skeleton they never have been very thin comparatively to the rest of her body
She was clearly underweight by the rest of her noodle arms last handcam but her hands themselves seem thinner now than they were then

>> No.78357272

>Noooo dont post clips of fallenshadow in the fallenshadow community server nooooo this should just be about discussing her IRL and not her content noooo
Disgusting groomers.

>> No.78357322

She posted it on twitter just now, jannies.
I have the incredible ability to restart my router so it's fine.

>> No.78357336

yes and im a manlet with stubby little hands, they are the same size as hers

>> No.78357374

We know, Retro

>> No.78357394


>> No.78357396

works on my machine, that just looks like a phishing attempt

>> No.78357451
File: 135 KB, 377x320, 1703668739484846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>12-14cm hands
>on a man
You're male regardless meaning you have different bone structure and fat distribution, and she's always had "chubby" type hands

>> No.78357587
File: 536 KB, 1102x516, 1715823511115527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It does look like she lost (more) weight to me too, which isn't good

>> No.78357592

She is amazing! Her Twitter post made my day!

>> No.78357606

not retro
idk i just ended up using some website to download it
mine are 16,5
yeah it makes sense what you say hope she isnt actually as skinny as you say

>> No.78357618

she has hag hands but she is still cute. if she put on a little weight they would be very cute

>> No.78357710

>niggers bragging about dms in the p2w chat
I fucking hate every single part of this community more and more each day

>> No.78357872
File: 1.12 MB, 1600x900, 1703825051526823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm, she was very thin before and the skin on her hands seems thinner and more transparent now than it did in old handcams
I hope she's not relapsing into old eating habits
Her hands were softer looking about a year ago so she likely lost weight again, see >>78357587

>> No.78357907

me if shondo decides to end the relationship

>> No.78358032

>lie to me once, i'll put her through a wall
>lie to me twice, ima start screaming. ima start screaming on her ass

>> No.78358038 [DELETED] 
File: 186 KB, 1561x1157, retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this you bro?

>> No.78358042

Her ED was worse during this hiatus. She's likely below 39kg now. I'm glad she achieved her goal.

>> No.78358109


>> No.78358112

If they just say how they got to dm her while it was okay then it's fine
If they brag about access to dms currently(not allowed to though) then gay and they should be struck with a whip

>> No.78358117


>> No.78358141

you caught me, who the fuck are you btw?

>> No.78358146

Source her ED's gotten worse? She said she's doing better mentally and physically

>> No.78358168

nta but she didnt eat at all yesterday

>> No.78358203

fallen shadow has cute hands!

>> No.78358343

im looking for you

>> No.78358350

you can say that again!

>> No.78358351

im your lawyer

>> No.78358470

this shigger brags about being an oldfag and that shondo followed him on her alt and about his dms all the time, not worth defending

>> No.78358852

fallen shadow has cute hands!

>> No.78359241

Who? Sounds very "-gger"-esque

>> No.78359359

the knigth

>> No.78359593
File: 80 KB, 1024x641, 1718471554687726m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodnight shoggas

>> No.78359635

The comments on her hand tweet are Gary tier, yet nobody gets banned. Curious!

>> No.78359660

>>78359593 (me)
ToT wait I just noticed...

>> No.78359701

show atleast 3 comments that are gary tier or youre a fag

>> No.78359718

You just responded to Gary.

>> No.78359802

no... i fell for the bait...

>> No.78359935

@shondo do a bit of hand exercise maybe get one of those strength trainers for grip and use that and do some hand stretches
luv u!

>> No.78359982


>> No.78360013

>Handposting is discouraged
>She literally posts hands after reading this

>> No.78360072
File: 1.48 MB, 1301x945, 1706639293382190.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder, there's no muscle in the hand
's all forearm exercises

>> No.78360171

>Sniffling from being sad
>Read all the mean posts today

>> No.78360286

I could actually pick her up by the wrist and snap it while she flails around in the air trying to make me drop her ToT

>> No.78360309

there is indeed muscle in the hands, but only for a few movements (such as separating the thumb sideways from the rest of the fingers).

>> No.78360528
File: 88 KB, 1125x1241, 1693447346038543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's here and I love her so much!

>> No.78360784

I won

>> No.78360862
File: 446 KB, 511x549, 1684203671521123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's my fute bagel

>> No.78361027

You mean that she's lurking on Discord? Yes probably

>> No.78361311
File: 1.04 MB, 2160x3424, 1717798727413693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78361528
File: 145 KB, 954x1432, IMG_5938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks shondo
i needed that right now

>> No.78361592

I cant believe she showed off her bare sexy wrist

>> No.78361637


>> No.78361675

Lads is she ever coming back? I miss her a lot :(

>> No.78361815
File: 91 KB, 795x811, GQF1tlkbEAAn-TL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78361988

finally a body structure that resembles a loli and not whatever abomination he was drawing before

>> No.78362366

thats a full grown woman

>> No.78362410

could be more cunny but it's an improvement

>> No.78362419

thats a grown woman
lolis are rectangles

>> No.78362544

i don’t think >>78361815 is giru, anon

>> No.78363580
File: 69 KB, 610x1024, 1718250040668930m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78364554
File: 1.09 MB, 1177x1075, 1689446674968526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78364623

look at her dainty little hand gesture, i wanna bite her fangers off

>> No.78365017

its too quiet... you guys are up to something...

>> No.78365057

I miss her spergy little hand movements they were so cute

>> No.78365327

gary level tweet

>> No.78365339

i've been busy with season 2 of Thunderbolt Fantasy

>> No.78365428

good shit shogga

>> No.78365506

thats nice dewd i hope you watched the first film

>> No.78365684

i did! it was great. watched it after the first season and then i got the second movie ready for when s2 is done. im really enjoying the autistic Monk character

>> No.78365762

ok if likes are private now why hasnt she liked any of my tweets?

>> No.78365785

because she hates you

>> No.78365819

probably :(

>> No.78365883

>tfw you were always a pity Like

>> No.78365887

true, if shondo wants to stop caring about FOMO and jealousy she should think about starting to like our tweets

>> No.78366856

she should just marry me irl

>> No.78366876

more like lol irl

>> No.78366933

shark week is canceled im not baking for you fags anymore fuck you

>> No.78366962

yeah she would be having so much fun she would be laughing out loud and having a big old smile on her face the entire time

>> No.78366980

she should post more pictures in cute clothes

>> No.78367033

she likes tweets, she just uses another account to do it. she has been moonlighting as a shogger for a while

>> No.78367087
File: 294 KB, 523x542, 1688061478853482.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78367115

yeah, to me in DMs

>> No.78367128
File: 1.20 MB, 960x1660, 105_copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So hyped for Tigershark Tuesdays

>> No.78367151

Wait when she mass liked every reply it was purely to appease everyone and not because she liked or cared what I said?

>> No.78367206

anon... >>78366933

>> No.78367228


>> No.78367248

We haaaave a winner!

>> No.78367313
File: 1.04 MB, 220x220, 1718381397741820.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont cancel shark week naaaaur

>> No.78367328

naur...say it aint so shogga!

>> No.78367452

nah, she genuinely liked the replies, but now she is hesitant to do that anymore since it creates pointless husband competition drama.

>> No.78367754

stfu shondo, no you didn't
now you can like peoples tweets without other's crying about not getting a like
and if someone brags about it, you can stop liking their tweets

>> No.78367946

That Shondo video reminds me of that movie where people have plants inside their bodies and you can see the plants moving around

>> No.78368056

> and if someone brags about it, you can stop liking their tweets
so yet more things to take into mind and worry about (keeping a list of braggers, having to play roulette each time there is someone new)?

>> No.78368137

it's not roulette if she actually quits caring about jealousy

>> No.78368249

kek are you so retarded you need to keep a list of people not to like? just literally remember them
oh wait, she can't remember husbands unless they're whales, i forgot this was a real marriage

>> No.78368280

That’s a funny joke!

>> No.78368299


>> No.78368304

if I was shondo I would let my husbands fight each other to the death so only the strongest genes carry on in my lineage.

>> No.78368468

id win

>> No.78368685

thank god

>> No.78369463

Good night shiggies

>> No.78369691

its kinda funny watching the p2w channel sometimes and seeing everyone playing nice with one another while they threadshit and seethe at each other the rest of the time

>> No.78370205

syadouYay in p2w so i can seethe at you

>> No.78370246

i dont fling as much poopie as one might think

>> No.78370254

Never seen the p2w channel, I dont invest my funds into trainwrecks but I enjoy spending my time with her

>> No.78370311

that's a shame. you're missing out on my amazing and funny messages, shogga.

>> No.78370335

you cant stop me
automatic handjobs, lets gooooo!!!!!!

>> No.78370348

donate 1000kr now

>> No.78370401

What currency is kr

>> No.78370473

Krona virus

>> No.78370491

Can you type one of them here like an exclusive sneak peek

>> No.78370505

Ni ni shiggie eep well!!

>> No.78370516

Kike Rupees

>> No.78370524

stop copying and making up fake stories ABCs

>> No.78370576

Why did the shogga cross the road?
To get cucked on the other side!

>> No.78370685

So 1000 kike rupees is currently 269 USD , why should I donate that to her, what will she spend it on

>> No.78370700


>> No.78370745

Thats deep...

>> No.78370818

>what will she spend it on
donate it to another vtuber

>> No.78370825

Will it put some fucking meat on her wrists

>> No.78370829

Using exchange rates is a misleading way to judge the value of a currency. 1000 kr buys you a lot more than 269 USD buys you (except for things like technology and the like).

>> No.78370896

probably not
hotel chocolat is expensive as hell so she wouldnt get much of it

>> No.78370903

why doesnt gary comment on my tweets

>> No.78370942


>> No.78371054

I know its more complicated than what I put please dont be autistic I have allergies

>> No.78371216

I would rather throne or something to choose the chocolate then, maximise her fat intake and turn shoggas into architects

>> No.78371270

she liekd my tweet tho?

>> No.78371296


>> No.78371302

>what will she spend it on
pretty princess dresses :3

>> No.78371365

A bit gay innit?

>> No.78371394

i would architect her so hard

>> No.78371426

shondo is gary

>> No.78371560

shondo is gay

>> No.78371563


>> No.78371609
File: 179 KB, 220x242, 1704601462930277.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78371657
File: 47 KB, 982x755, 1717613261061794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gary is gay
