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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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78308294 No.78308294 [Reply] [Original]

What's a unicorn?

>> No.78308452
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The worst Gundam design.

>> No.78308561

A miserable little pile of secrets.
But enough talk, have at you!

>> No.78308825
File: 173 KB, 602x820, main-qimg-bab942e684fa0dfb10c8d9026e8928d0-lq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Despite their superficial resemblance to horses, unicorns as traditional depicted have cloven hooves, making them even-toed hoofed mammals related to cattle, sheep, antelope and pigs rather than to odd-toed hooked mammals like horses and rhinos.

>> No.78310108

people that feeding her

>> No.78310525

A bisexual twink who's down for casual threesomes but does not want to be in a relationship

>> No.78310550

The only one of the three ponies that can cast magic

>> No.78310601

The best healer in Warlords Battlecry 3

>> No.78310619

the pillars of the vtuber industry

>> No.78310653

Calm down there zechs

>> No.78310717

A narwhal

>> No.78310747

No, that would be gachikoi. Most unicorns don't do art, fan projects, Donate or do anything really.

>> No.78310750

Not that anon, but didn't Treize design it?

>> No.78311851

Aye, the entire design reeks of Treize's philosophy.

>> No.78312102

a newfag

>> No.78312133

It’s what hospitals use to call bedbugs without saying bedbugs outloud.

>> No.78312146

a cuckold

>> No.78312195

I'm sure the top vtubers just pander to them for no reason then.

>> No.78312296

The second biggest boogeyman on /vt/
#1 is "sisters"

>> No.78312637

>pander to them
more like avoid doing what they actually want to do out of fear of getting a bunch of raging manbaby incels stalking and murdering them

>> No.78312717
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>> No.78313097

A parasocial deluded cuck.

>> No.78313852

why does chloe look so retarded

>> No.78313936

Sakamata is so fucking hot...

>> No.78314264

That hot? Me

>> No.78314455

Mounts introduced in World of Warcraft around the Wrath of Lich King expansion.

>> No.78315589

So many people confuse gachikoi with unicorns. Not all gachikoi are unicorns and not all unicorns are gachikoi. I see it all the time from drama tubers. Yeah there’s a lot of overlap for sure but they are two separate things.

>> No.78315734

A pure virgin

>> No.78315816

A man whos not going for faking what he really feels to get good boy points.

>> No.78315949

This. A chuuba can survive a homocollab(see how Kronii before she immediately fucked up)
A chuuba cannot survive rejecting or shitting on her gachikoi(see Yuko)

>> No.78316038
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Hark. We lure the knave out with a pure maiden and then reveal she is in fact a harlot!

>> No.78316077

Care to elaborate? I always assumed it was the same thing

>> No.78316083

The most annoying mentally ill insufferable faggots to plague the Vtuber industry.

Just how delusional you have to be to artificially cuck yourself with an anime girl that doesn't even know you exist.

They are worst than troons when it comes to denying reality, constantly creating threads (such as this one) to validate their pathetic mental illness among themselves.

>> No.78316148

They both have one thing in common.
Equally insufferable.
Next thread

>> No.78316212

nta but gachikoi basically means being in love with your oshi.
A unicorn wants his oshi to be "pure." There's a massive spectrum on how intense a unicorn can be and no real set definition. The most accepted definition is no male vtuber collabs.
Not all unicorns are gachikoi, and not all gachikoi are unicorns.

>> No.78317240

>projecting your rape fantasy

>> No.78317345

>The most accepted definition is no male vtuber collabs.
Maybe in this microsm where doxx isn't allowed but everywhere else and the original definition is about their virginity/bf status

>> No.78317445

Also they make sisters seethe and write tons of paragraphs attempting to insult them

>> No.78317480

Yeah exactly this. For example Mikeneko still had gachikoi that were ok with male collabs but then also had gachikoi that weren’t (unicorns). To add: as a myth unicorns were said to only allow virgins to ride them and kill the impure if they attempted. i would say most unicorns in vtubing just don’t want male collabs and don’t care about their oshi’s virginity

>> No.78317627

Whatever a sister or beggar wants them to be. In essence and originally though, they are typically the majority of (non cuck) fanbase.

>> No.78317853

Boogeyman for people who hate cute girls who do cute things

>> No.78317957

Most gachikoi are the biggest supporters of vtubers. If it weren’t for them, vtubing would be a lot less financially viable. They aren’t a monolith either. Some gachikoi are quiet and some are loud attention whores. All you are going to see is the loud ones because the quiet ones are just that.

>> No.78318276

I would consider myself a unicorn because I don’t like most male vtubers. They don’t appeal to me. I do watch vtubers that collab with males but it depends who the vtuber is. I dont like it when a vtuber that is obviously branded to being cgdct decides to break said brand. I also don’t like when vtubers collab with males to simply “own le unicorns”.

>> No.78319720
File: 59 KB, 1280x720, EdDutton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think the worst, most mentally ill Nijisisters/K-Pop stans/Beliebers/etc..., but male. Imagine the most delusional fanatics who hallucinate about having some sort of exclusive relationship with a teen actor or boyband singer, going as far as demanding the actor/singer in question to treat their non-existent relationship as real, and scorn any interaction this actor/singer has with members of the opposite sex. These adult men are about as cognitively feminine and as much of an antisocial (spiteful mutants, even) of a group as those mentioned groups are, but unlike in those fandoms, they make up a much larger percentage of the vtuber fandom, and are much, much louder.
About a third of all men are cognitively feminine and in previous, "patriarchal" eras, these men most likely would have been religious or even members of the clerisy. But they are the way they are today because there's no one, no system to correct their behaviours, and nothing is being done to stop the exploitation of their tendencies, because the current era is anti-men and dysgenic and has dismantled all support systems these cognitively-feminine-leaning men could have had like religion and family, and boys club (during their early developmental stages), etc...

>> No.78319787
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>> No.78319918
File: 537 KB, 2048x1536, 23EE256F-55F6-436C-829E-ACF376049581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The mythical creatures that protects hololive

>> No.78321559

There is a very clear definition for unicorn.
It only became ambiguous after a bunch of retards on this board wanted to wear an insult as a badge of honor because their whore oshi is a male collaber with a boyfriend.

>> No.78321583

Well then, what's that "clear definition?"

>> No.78321641

Guardians of the garden walls
Upholder of the cgdct culture
Those who defended holoEN from nijification during the grim era under omega

>> No.78321705

Someone who wants their oshi to be virgin. Unicorns dig through """dox""" to find connections to males and check if they're intimate or not. This is what it was always used for on 5ch.

>> No.78321716

Dueling type gundam with no range weapons (white fang added vulcans later)

>> No.78321731
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The MYTHical creature known as the unicorns

>> No.78321780
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Unsure, but it sound like a gay STD

>> No.78321803

The heart and soul of vtubing

>> No.78321840

I can't believe I'm saying this. In fact, I'm honored to be able to find one of you in the wild, but go back to your containment board.


>> No.78321909
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Unicorns are evil you shouldn't trust their words. Instead, heed my words and we shall break the walls that separate the stars from their rightful place.

>> No.78321975
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>> No.78322299
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Upon our victory, bathed in the blood of unicorns, We shall witness the brilliance of Unity in all its glory.

>> No.78322397
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Oh no no no unicornkeks your walls lmao

>> No.78322398

Someone who wants to live in a delusional fantasy world that caters to them and will have a tantrum if anyone breaks that delusional fantasy.

The fantasy is that they have real relationship or a chance at a real relationship with a female vtuber.

>> No.78322472
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>> No.78322494

corn that has only one giant seed

>> No.78322497

>t. having a tantrum

>> No.78322613

Anyone who doesn't watch male vtubers according to beggars. So I guess the majority of the vtuber audience is a unicorn by that logic.

>> No.78322638

Yeah, the guy in the pic.

>> No.78322929

>Upon our victory
Lol omeGay has been dead since last year how's it going for you.

>> No.78323094

Fucking retard. Gachikoi are less obsessed versions of unicorns.
Together they make up the bulk of the fan base.
Unicorns donate more and gachikoi WANT what unicorns want just that they won't immediately leave if there's a male Collab.
The unicorns pay disproportionately highly.
Gachikoi and unicorns are brothers in arms.

>> No.78323355

The ones keeping the vtuber culture alive.

>> No.78323561

You are so confidently wrong that it's funny. You just made fanfiction about these terms bro

>> No.78323640

Unicorns don't do shit other than harass their oshi and other fans.

>> No.78323776

You've been shitting the thread for a while now aren't (You)

>> No.78324265

>shitting the thread means opinions I don't like get posted
t. proud unitroon

>> No.78324354

Isn't that what it always meant?

>> No.78324431

>Making stuff up and doing the same things they claim others do
t. proud homobeggar

>> No.78324570
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>> No.78324572

Scotland's national animal

>> No.78324776

What makes me a "homobeggar"?
Your oshi has a boyfriend so you are not a unicorn.

>> No.78326422

Maybe if you homobeggars didn’t use it to insult people who didn’t want constant homocollabs it would’ve been used differently

>> No.78326673

the thing that ruined original Bladerunner
seriously they didn't need that shit

>> No.78326876

Holy shit you're fucking retarded. Unicorn is originally an insult. You are a clown who basically loves calling himself a cuckold.

>> No.78327270

Gundam Unicorn sucked ass, UC just started going into the shitter by the time the 80's ended.

90's EU gundam is probably the franchise at it's peak.
