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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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[ERROR] No.7826008 [Reply] [Original]

so /vt/, what should be done about the dramafag problem?

>> No.7826032

Stop watching entertainment based around e-celebs.

>> No.7826068
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>> No.7826075

Stop browsing /vt/

>> No.7826085

>posts a dramanigger thread complaining about dramaniggers
You're part of the problem OP.

>> No.7826099

Go watch vtubers and stop trying to be their savior.

>> No.7826124

stay in your generals
mods rangeban anyone not posting in generals
problem solved

>> No.7826126

You can't have an industry dominated by women without drama. It isn't possible. If you don't like drama then stop watching Vtubers that generate drama and stop coming here.

>> No.7826127
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nothing. this is a cow board. this is our purpose.
(you)r oshi fucks up: we celebrate her guts being ripped out and decorate the trees with it.

>> No.7826138

>simp for egirl
>delude yourself into thinking you somehow have a chance with her
>I gently open the door
>get ridiculed for thinking you had a shot
>wHaT aRe We GoInG tO Do AbOuT tHe DrAmAfAgS???

>> No.7826183
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go the fuck back to lolcow
oh wait you can't, even the faggots mods from that website had enough of your shit and they locked your kind out

>> No.7826208

Just call out the bullshit, then ignore the drama completely. They want attention, nothing more.

>> No.7826277

>Just call out the bullshit
>They want attention
Sasuga saviorfags.

>> No.7826306

contractually obligated dickpics as to avoid menheras?

>> No.7826313

The only solution

>> No.7826336

Look, I think a lot of the shit with Matsuri right now comes down to her continued showing of her being a shitty person and everyone white knighting her despite it. Doubt anyone even cares about Za Hando but rather that she makes up a stupid lie and acts like a menhara after it.

>> No.7826369
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this is true btw

>> No.7826439

You just got to remember that you are a better person than anyone who engages in or condones dramaposting. You got people here literally writing Elliot Roger-type manifestos on why they dont like a vtuber, spending HOURS venting on stupid shit. Hopefully you're better than that.

>> No.7826458

Her decision making is too retarded to not be intentional.
>Your boyfriend appears on stream briefly do you:
>A: admit it was your boyfriend and take the fallout on the chin
>B: claim it was your brother (best possible option)
>C: claim it was a stalker which makes zero sense because you had no reaction to him entering your room whatsoever and pretended not to notice when your chat spammed it for seven whole minutes
It HAS to be intentional. I refuse to believe someone is that fucking stupid.

>> No.7826500
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>> No.7826523

It was intentional, but it probably was not what she intended. She probably thought saying it was a stalker would get her sympathy and savior fags (That is assuming she thought at all, which i don' think). She is mentally ill, and unstable; what you think is unlogical can be perfectly sane to her.

>> No.7826865

Penalty of death

>> No.7826939

call them chuds and incels
watch them recoil in fear, as they say "i have been found out"

>> No.7831641

ban them. just ban them. purge them like the virus they are. We're long overdue for an ethic cleansing within our community. If we rule with an iron fist, stopping timeloops, rrats, and anything else at the roots we can weed out the dramafags little by little till they go back to the sewers that they came from. We must restore purity by returning to gatekeeping.

>> No.7832493

Graduate all vtubers that make lewd jokes and lie and it will stop

>> No.7832561

We should get rid of the fags who make up lies then post incendiary images.
So, Matsuri, seems she'd fit in here quite well.

>> No.7832626

Stop being such a reactive bitch that always feels the emotional obligation to respond to my troll posts like he can't help himself. My kryptonite is when people don't respond, because then I can't keep irritating them with senseless back and forth. If you people learned how to stop suffering from last word syndrome like toddlers, people like me wouldn't be here.

>> No.7832667
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have at ye, miscreant

>> No.7832721

This. I don't see the supposed unicorns, just matsuri gachikois accusing everybody of it when in reality it's mostly people laughing at them or calling out shitty behavior.
If anybody idol or not did that people would say, and have said, the same.

>> No.7832885
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Poster IDs to filter the schizos and rrat makers, the /biz/ approach.

Also update the sticky post to include chuuba's past incarnations.

Or this, the /vg/ approach, generals everywhere.

>> No.7832908
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imagine this board with flags and ids

>> No.7833389

Longer bans. You only get a warning or 24 hrs for roommate discussion.

>> No.7833595

Even retards have standards, you have to understand and accept the purpose of containment threads inside the containment board.
Do not cast your pearls before swine. We feed schizos with rrats, so they'll be too busy to shit on our generals.
The general threads I visit haven't been this fun to use in a while, because almost all of the retards are too busy discussing Matuli getting dick.

>> No.7833619

Nah, go to the root of the problem, ban anybody whose roommate shows their face, the fuckers clearly don't care about the virtual element and are the ones inviting meatspace drama into things.
3DPD always.

>> No.7833895

Based /a/non.
In all seriousness, they are asking for it by doing so.

>> No.7834587
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There's also the problem displayed at 5594458, reports takes forever to be adressed and responded.

They either recruit more jannies to do it for free or they revamp the queue system entirely.

>> No.7836367

delete this board and have one (1) containment thread on /jp/

>> No.7836603

t. manchild
If you want a pure woman who will never lie or be lewd, find a 2D waifu and leave this "hobby" if it's THAT hard for you to accept women can lie and make lewd comments, even if they're behind an avatar

>> No.7836943

>it's okay to lie
Sychophantic apologia, shit behaviour is shit behaviour.
Please tell me how pretending to be the victim of a crime to protect your lies is good behaviour, that others posters are fags is irrelevant to this one point.

>> No.7837351
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1. Stop aliging yourself to fandoms like hers or M*tsuri herself

2. Do exercise, eat/sleep properly

3. Clean yourself DAILY

4. Find other hobbies other than sitting infront a computer all day on a Chinese basket weaving forum

5. (this is most important) TOUCH GRASS

6. if you followed all the above maybe get a real woman and stop relying on anime girls who literally just real girls with an avatar to hide the slutty shit they do irl ( unless they're M*tsuri then they stream it like retards)

>> No.7837691

I get the feeling the 'touch grass' fags are too busy screeching it to go it themselves, you lot seem much more obsessive with sex on the mind 24/7.
3DPD, always.

>> No.7837716

gas them. society would be better off

>> No.7837905
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>I get the feeling the 'touch grass' fags are too busy screeching it to go it themselves, you lot seem much more obsessive with sex on the mind 24/7.
>3DPD, always.

>> No.7838235

So all of them?

>> No.7838327

Why are you so obsessed with sex and other people having it when laughing at a menhera's overreaction?
If you thinks fags should get off imageboards and not engage in drama why are you here?

>> No.7838428

>People ITT wanting to ban opinions they don’t like
Honestly why the fuck do you guys come here? If you want censorship and forced positivity go to Reddit for Christ sake. This board is fucking doomed

>> No.7838874
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What problem? Virtual Idols are like Wrestlers and I wouldn't have it any other way

>> No.7839362

The solution: https://streamable.com/x05kbf

>> No.7839681

Damn dude that's way too devilish. /vt/ has gone too far

>> No.7842214

I've seen people here want to ban anything related to Vshojo or Unity, regardless of your opinion of either don't pretend like the "everything must be positive" and the "everything must be negative" crowd are so different.

>> No.7842747

Glad me snitching lolcow to Cover actually did something. Now I'll wait for kiwifarms

>> No.7842753

Have all the girls record and release a JAV so unicorns go away.

>> No.7842874
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Spam images in the drama threads and sage

>> No.7842899

make a hololive board

>> No.7842993

Kill a rrat with a stronger rrat until one true rrat emerges from the pile of rrat corpses.

>> No.7843845

To be fair, lolcow was filled with man hating whores obsessed with actively trying to ruin their IRL lives a la NGA.

We don't look for drama. We just get fed it by the stupid mistakes chubas make, and only want them to either gitgud or fuck off.

>> No.7844443

This. I remember a thread complaining that this board was too slow before the hand yab. Wonder if he's enjoying the speed now

>> No.7845929

/vt/ desperately needs post IDs. It would do immeasurable good for stopping the shit where 1-3 schizos/shitposters can singlehandedly tank any thread they want by relentlessly samefagging.

>> No.7850281

Stay in generals and filter and hide the drama threads

>> No.7850521

Staying in generals is easy, but the really persistent drama posters are getting wise to filters, and are using vaguer titles that get around the filters, hence the "why is she the way she is" posts. Intentions are obvious for the most part, but the major buzzwords are absent.

>> No.7850560
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>Staying in generals is easy, but the really persistent drama posters are getting wise to filters, and are using vaguer titles that get around the filters, hence the "why is she the way she is" posts. Intentions are obvious for the most part, but the major buzzwords are absent

>> No.7850593
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Soijackposterbot, you should get some sleep!

>> No.7850634

You should deal with it virtual ytubers of the v

>> No.7850829

Soijack replies are basically a compliment in this context, dude. So thanks, anon? Botchama? Idfk.

>> No.7850901

jannies get paid?

>> No.7852093

But you need to know you're a faggot. How will you know that if nobody tells you?
