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78203520 No.78203520 [Reply] [Original]

The last surviving GFEs of NijiEN

>> No.78203612


>> No.78203751

didnt the one on the right call a guy onichan ?

>> No.78203756

God gives His hardest challenges to His strongest warriors

>> No.78203885
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Do you fuck your relatives?

>> No.78203990
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The better Vivi.

>> No.78204088 [DELETED] 

holozhang deflection thread

>> No.78204138

>He doesn't fuck his relatives

>> No.78204308

You are retarded

>> No.78204450

I'm going to miss vivi's design, it's 10/10.

>> No.78207025

GFEs are cringe

>> No.78207901

girl on the left is literally pandering to women only
she has zero appeal

>> No.78208196

You wouldn’t make a child your girlfriend right?

>> No.78208624

I feel like this is a bot at this point, or someone who literally has no life. Whenever i've checked out any threads between work and during down time, this thing is always around in threads that have nothing to do with Holo even.

>> No.78208955

Never watched a single stream, but the rrats in the walls told me she has an abusive brother that beat her bloody as a child but she's such a brokon that it only awakened a ryona fetish on her. I choose to believe this rrat because it sounds funny.

>> No.78209082
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>> No.78209326

Vivi won't be gfe until Majin Obama is both raped and killed

>> No.78211977


>> No.78212237

That's about the GFE you can expect in cuckisanji, yeah. lmao

>> No.78213852

Never since I learned about Vtubers because of Kizuna AI, I have watched them looking for GFE.

>> No.78216898
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Yeah if you're a cuckold.

>> No.78217112
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I take Aia

>> No.78217641
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Aia has already been upgraded. Look up Poette Evergreen

>> No.78221592


>> No.78226072

Literally WHO

>> No.78226130


>> No.78226358
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They're both top tier GFE. Pretty rough around the edges as streamers but they really succeed at making you feel welcome in their community and having childhood friend vibes. Too bad they're stuck in an evil company.

>> No.78228740

lol, lmao even

>> No.78228891

Klara wants Vanta to hold her hand. Twisty teases Vanta that she can touch Klara's boobs but Vanta can't. Klara keeps repeating she wants to hold Vanta's hand.
Twisty says that Vanta wants her stepmother. (2:28:50) Twisty says that Vanta was on her knees for her begging her. Vanta and Wilson are weirded out, and start begging for someone else to join the call.
Twisty keeps repeating that Vanta is her big brother.
Klara wants to buy Vanta's body pillow. Repeats several time
Twisty says she'll buy Vanta's body pillow, and then force him to sign it. Really weird, like she's trying to be "femdom" but with Vanta?
Twisty googled a lewd mousepad of Finana and is posting it in the discord. "tee hee don't look you are boys" and they look anyway
Twisty looks up gay porn of the boys, and Vanta threatens to kick them off the stream. (2:40:40) Twisty is looking at naked art of Vanta but says it's not as dirty as she was expecting.
Twisty reads fanfiction of the males
Finana says Wilson likes to climax or something, and Twisty imitates Wilson cumming.
Wilson almost leaves the stream.
Twisty asks if Vanta is into milfs, things get awkward when Finana starts talking about actual incest.
3:00:33, 3:01:35
Twisty keeps repeating she wants to go on a lobster date with everyone.

>> No.78229346
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>Holocorns hate her for being a skank
>Dragoons hate her for pulling a Reimu
>Nijisisters hate her for being a cunny and a gachi homewrecker
Niji sure knows how to pick em

>> No.78229404

What, did Scarle already graduate?

>> No.78231030

The one that gets me is Dragoons. You have to be brain damaged to think there is any connection between what she said and Dokibird. They're just fucking imagining drama in their head purely so they can get mad at it.
At least the other two have a thread of logic to them, even if they're just being a bunch of crybabies.

>> No.78233169

this is REALLY fuckin weird bro

>> No.78233331

Why is it ALWAYS Vanta that gets this weird shit said in his streams when he’s never even a part of it?

>> No.78233468

>what if we let a horny nijisister with no idea of how to entertain an audience in

>> No.78233734

Time to join the next wave so she can lust over me, too!

>> No.78234124

Do you really think it's Dragoons that did that?

>> No.78234452
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That's the best part

>> No.78235229

Dragoons sure are retarded enough to believe everything has to do with their oshi. Dokibird is great and all but her retarded fanbase was always the most annoying braindead underage faggots on this board from back when she was still Selen.

>> No.78235378

She was too old for her.

>> No.78235410

So why did she private the VOD then?

>> No.78236169

I can't wait until Vanta graduates, not because I hate him but because every time I see him it's because someone said something completely off-kilter to him specifically. I have a feeling like Twisty is aiming to get term'd for sexual harassment so she can cry about it afterwards and claim it's all lies, but she should just be doing that in DMs so the receipts don't exist after she's gone.

>> No.78236339

Because at the time it was privated people on 4chan started using it as bait that she unironically hates working at Nijisanji and she gets bullied by everyone.
Someone, whether her, another organ, or a staff member saw that and privates the vod less than 5 minutes later.
With the timeline of events they presumably thought they could shut it down before it got clipped, but apparently 5 minutes wasn't fast enough.

>> No.78236352

So this is nijiniggers standard of GFE... sugoi

>> No.78236603

GFE, huh?
I guess we got a twistyschizo now, but damn. I guess I'll add this as a copypasta for the next twisty shill thread they make tonight.

>> No.78236828

didn't twisty very recently sexpest one of the guys live on stream lol

>> No.78236862

Niji astroturfers are so unfamiliar with good female streamers that they interpret Vivi only OCCASSIONALLY criticizing her chat means she's a GFE streamer

As for Twisty, she isn't GFE, she's just an attention whore.

>> No.78237227


>> No.78237671

>choose a cunny model, act all loli, then bam sekuhara! ur a pedo!
ok thats nice and all but if true whats the 4d chess here?? for what purpose?

>> No.78238043

Maybe to sow discontent in NijiEN? Piss off sisters? Whatever it is, one thing is for certain: she is most certainly not growing a fanbase from any of this that she's doing.

>> No.78242707


>> No.78242794

To deal the final killing blow to nijien within by causing a true civil war between the members and their fans.

>> No.78242821

They have both collabed with males, not GFE

>> No.78243206

Any amount of time is not enough, as of someone has an anti who is any level of competent with computers they can have an archiver program running at all times to archive every frame of data as it reaches the internet. Privating things that could get you in trouble is nearly pointless, the best thing to do is not to say anything retarded in the first place.

>> No.78244186

I wouldn't call either of them GFE, especially not Vivi.

Just because you want to fuck them doesn't make their content GFE.

>> No.78247535

Yes the fuck it does

>> No.78248498

>a twistyschizo now
It's Ennaschizo, he got bored of Enna because she banned his alts from her chat. Not Ennacuck , Ennaschizo

>> No.78248542

well, at least this one helps annoy the fuck out of the twistposters. Hopefully to the point that they stop fucking making these annoying threads.

>> No.78248628

>abandoning your current ASMR to go flirt with Aster

>> No.78248819

You're behind times anon
She belongs to Vanta now

>> No.78249909

I'm dead serious. Someone's gotta do it or she's gonna take 40 y/o bald manlet ojisan cock as a groomed bride

>> No.78250372

I dont really give a shit about Nijis anymore but this bitch is crazy to do this considering she is already with such low numbers after just debuting.
She is not just fucking up, she is purposely fucking up.

>> No.78251380

Twisty is rude and annoying when interacting with the boys and all of them seem to dread her
in that sense the OP thinks she is the most GFE in Niji

that was one of the worst streams I've ever seen. All of your quotes are out of context bait.

>> No.78251459

you mean KEK experience?

>> No.78251882

twisty must be the worst gfe of all time considering she's making far less than minimum wage in donos

>> No.78252259

I legit don't understand why Niji doesn't try to come back with enforcing a legit GFE gen or single organ. It's a way to test the waters, but it might be due to internal issues. Elira is still manager after all

>> No.78252332

Because the main audience of Nijisanji are women.

>> No.78252668

Basically this. Twisty is the closest that NijiEN has gotten to have a real GFE chuuba, and her numbers are just terrible. Men don't watch NijiEN anymore, and the sisters couldn't care less about the women of the new waves.

>> No.78252849

It's still an avenue. A desperate Hail Mary that could work with actual oversight. Limit interactions between genders, and don't give me the "Women like guys who have other women around them" because the stream that got Hex shadowbanned was a clingy BFE one.

>> No.78252943

You don't have any idea what GFE means.
Twisty flirting with Nijimales automatically disqualifies her as one.

>> No.78253183

The thing is, even if they were to debut a real GFE, Niji would still need to actually reach to that audience. Their growth is completely dead, no one cares about them anymore, and the Nijisanji brand is now just baggage. A random indie GFE has more chances to make it big than a NijiEN GFE chuuba.

That's why I said
>the closest

>> No.78255014

Is she graduating?

>> No.78255111

I hate Nijisanji. It needs to fall so all the normies infesting vtubing fuck off.

>> No.78255215
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>why Niji doesn't try to come back with enforcing a legit GFE

>> No.78255732

It's basically confirmed that she's leaving when her contract expires, together with Kunai.
The whole reason she joined Nijisanji was to collab with her oshis (Selen, Pomu, Chii-chan) but they all graduated shortly after she joined and it was soon revealed to mainstream that Niji is a black company. She wants out.

>> No.78256883

Pretty obvious that she is. Her oshi's graduated or got fucked. She barely talks to any of the other members besides the new ones, Aia and maybe Fulgur. Kunai is dead half the time and she doesn't like Claude (the new wave has had more collab streams then their wave). She's gone in a couple months.

>> No.78257033
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The whole Vivi/Kunai situation is just depressing
>Join NijiEN without any kind of promotional push (they didn't even get to sing their own wave theme song)
>The main audience (yumes) doesn't care about you
>Your coworkers don't even try to help you out
>Claude is the only one from your wave who gets some attention because he is a male and part of the hanamori clique
>You become a meme because no one knew you existed and they can't believe how unpopular you are
>Pomu and Selen get out and become more successful than ever
>Anycolor's mask fall off, everyone realizes that they are a black company and you can't distance yourself from them
>NijiEN numbers take a nosedive and Anycolor doesn't even try to turn things around
>You can't even get any collab, promo or merch because Anycolor doesn't give a fuck about you
>The new waves do terrible and prove that NijiEN can't grow anymore

Honestly, if I was Vivi or Kunai I would just bite the bullet and pay Nijisanji to get out early

>> No.78257254
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Kunai is gone.

>> No.78257503

With what money?

>> No.78257674

Anon, she can't even afford a soup.

>> No.78257720

>Take a loan
>Ask a friend for help
>Use your savings

>> No.78257752

Vivi my beloved...

>> No.78259385

But she already took a loan for debut

>> No.78259746

Vivi, i love you.. please sukuna save her..

>> No.78262047

Vivi is only good for degradation porn. I have used her koikatsu card a lot. There, I said it.

>> No.78262086

Grifty lost

>> No.78262243
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Kunai is even telling people to unmember and there's no way she has a lot. I feel corpo isn't for her because se will keep sinking to the bottom like this.

>> No.78262389


>> No.78262471

Sophia Valentine, she sound like a lost child on the verge of crying most of the time... it's hot

>> No.78262707
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lol this isn't a sign shes going to quit, its her saying "please pump my numbers and my savings account when i come back so i dont have to get another job again." whether she means "on my PL" or "on here" by when i come back is anyones game though

>> No.78262774

She’s even worse than aia

>> No.78262905

Let me translate
>Guys, I appreciate your help, but this job doesn't pay my bills and I had to get a different one. I know I promised you a watchalong, but I'm tired as fuck and I'm not in the mood to pretend that I like being Kunai, so... well, see you next month, maybe. You can cancel your membership if you want, it's not like it's giving me money or anything.

>> No.78267624


>> No.78268503

males will literally never go back to niji bro
why the fuck would they after being treated like dirt over the female fans

>> No.78272695

I'm wondering just how long she has left. It's possible TTT asked for a contract for less than 2 years long, especially with how blatant she and Vivi are graduation baiting. It's starting to feel like they're the ones going "2 more weeks"

>> No.78272711


>> No.78274731

>flirting with men is GFE now
Well if that's what you're into

>> No.78275345

They debuted back in October, so MAYBE Anycolor wants to get some 1st anniversary merch going before letting them go.

>> No.78275811

Anniversary for wave which doesn't have official name?
I bet they're hoping the two graduate so that Claude can be incorporated into Krisis.

>> No.78276178

Claude will join Lazulight!

>> No.78281154

I guess >we love cuck GFE now?

>> No.78281265 [DELETED] 

Twisty is for men with NTR fetishes

>> No.78283473 [DELETED] 

>Twisty is GFE now

>> No.78285713


>> No.78286070
File: 2.43 MB, 1280x1464, 1648535279194.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NijiEN has been like this for years

>> No.78286128

I guess you guys don't think the fgc grifter might be fucking your oshi behind the scenes
Sad really

>> No.78286365
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When the GFE is a mods and likes to hang out in another boys channel (real discord gf moment) and the other one talk about cumming with another boys

>> No.78286601

There's no way a vtuber would ask their fans to cancel membership unless they are extremely successful. Another one bites the dust by the end of this month probably. I feel bad for the nakarrats, this is just doomposting on another level.

>> No.78286911

People has been saying that about Enna for ages. At least Twisty doesn't seem to hate his male fans like that other chinkoid.

>> No.78288389

Twisty is male? Finally, a real shota in NijiEN

>> No.78289127
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>> No.78289198

What do you know, Anon?

>> No.78291344

Luca’s cocksleeves

>> No.78291434

Gonna be grinding my axe till when I met mister bald ojisan manlet for even interacting with Vivi and behead him mashallah

>> No.78291777

Speaking of, since it's obvious she's gone/on the way out now, I can finally drop this tidbit I've been holding onto for months. It's very minor so don't expect a big mnidblowing anti-niji rrat.

During her Monster Girl tier list stream, of which had MANY controversial placements, when she got to foxgirls and how she just didn't like them, she went on a mini-tangent about how she had to fight both management and her artist on making changes to her design for a while pre-debut, most notably her ears. Her hairbuns were originally fox ears, and I believe she was supposed to be more kitted out with weapons. My own rrat is that's why her lore intro was so kino because the entire thing was a borderline 5th graders animation going roughly "dude I literally do not care about this lore shit" and is probably the defining final note on why her and her entire wave got snuffed in the crib. Not like you can do much else with 1300 dollars anyways lmao

>> No.78292035

Vivi's doodles are cute

>> No.78295397

Sex designs

>> No.78295620


>> No.78298129

So it seemed like she already wasn't into it at all since the beginning and may have already felt regret that early. Damn, I hope she's got something lined up or some savings since it's getting more depressing the more I hear about her.

>> No.78298831

Even if they debuted in October, there's usually a preparation period of a few months before that. I'm wondering how much prep time TTT actually got considering they're already somewhat experienced streamers, especially Kunai, and their barebones debut advertising.

Just guessing things, but if the contract was only a year long, they'd be out the door by now or soon since Vivi and Kunai definitely do not want to renew. If it was 2 years, they may have negotiated for an early graduation at least until the 1 year anniversary. It's not like they're making Anycolor much money anyways so management may be more willing to let them go.

>> No.78299662

>tan blonde hair delinquent looking guy
This dude is literally the NTR stereotype but every time I see him he's trying his best not to cuck the Nijiwhores' fans. What a king.

>> No.78300306

Don't you know anon? Nijisanji is all about subverting expectations
>NTR stereotype, actual black man
actually avoids drama like a champ and not a sexpest
>the good, wholesome dragon sister
actually evil bitch
>have 2 very loved and hard working livers that makes them lots of money and goodwill
actually maliciously harms their ability to work properly
>have a legion fans that pour lots of support for their livers on twitter
actually only 1-3, maybe 4 finanas of people watch streams

>> No.78306332


>> No.78309163

they keep falling for it
