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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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78112306 No.78112306 [Reply] [Original]

This is the writing thread, for all things VTuber fanfiction. Our works cover a wide variety of different stories ranging from greentext shitposts, full-length adventure novels and smut that’s been tuned to capture (almost) every fantasy. You can check out the three years' worth of stories we’ve written in the archive below:

>"Isn't this just you fuckers writing fanfiction?"

Previous thread: >>77954692 (Where we learned a lot about ourselves and Kiara kept stealing wips)

/wg/ rentry: https://rentry.org/wgrentry/

>> No.78112331
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Story anchor.


>> No.78112381
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Do you have a story you'd like to see written? Reply to this post with it! Try to be as clear and concise as possible; the better you describe your idea, the more likely it is to be picked up!

Consider forwarding your prompt to the prompt archive to keep your idea safe and alive forever! No information is gathered - it's all completely anonymous. Use the form below:

Curious to see the prompt archive? Check it out here if you need a little more inspiration!

>> No.78112438
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Story recap!
There were 2 stories posted last thread.

Holocalypse - Part 2: Mud in the Water
Tags: Amelia, Aqua, Botan, Ririka, Rikka, SFW, Action, Post-apocalypse, Drama, Korone, Suisei

Another one to the pile
TAGS: Azki, Fuwamoco NTR, Physical Violence, Parody, Meta


>> No.78112519

Never read anything poll posted because its clearly made in bad faith and just fishing for (yous)

>> No.78112521

Flare... please stop sitting like that...

>> No.78112567
File: 2.54 MB, 3000x3000, FlareBlanket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Affair with Flare

>> No.78112588
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>Flare bread
Are you trying to seduce me into writing, Mr. Anonymous?

>> No.78112602 [DELETED] 

You might as well delete every greentext story in the archive them because they are poll posted as well.

>> No.78112723

My fucking god look at those sweater puppies

>> No.78112731

except those are usually the fruit of people bouncing ideas and engaging with the thread instead of going "you guys would like to read my fic? why do i ask :C, everyone is so mean 2 mee"

One its people engaging in conversation and the other is an annoying faggot shitting the thread because he has a brain parasyte that leads him to write 20 posts instead of a story

>> No.78112865 [DELETED] 

>instead of going "you guys would like to read my fic? why do i ask :C, everyone is so mean 2 mee"
>other is an annoying faggot shitting the thread because he has a brain parasyte that leads him to write 20 posts instead of a story

I hope you're aware on who you're talking to right now right? But it doesn't change my point that greentext stories are "poll posted" asd well.

>> No.78112912

That idea from last thread about Flare seducing and getting the attention of a young brain-rotten zoomer.

>> No.78112998

You're talking to me, anonymous. Hi, I have sex with chuubas and swing a sword around sometimes. I also go to school, have a job, race cars, and get thrown into situations I'm ultimately not ready for at the start. Nice to meet ya.

>> No.78113070
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>I hope you're aware on who you're talking to right now right?

>> No.78113158 [DELETED] 

It means you're talking to me, the "faggot" who made anon bake another new thread ASAP (to possibly get away from me).

Oh, that scenario >>78112912 is talking about last thread? yeah that was also me, the "faggot" who shat up the thread. He might want to delete his reply because it makes me feel weirded out that folk like my "ideas".

And now I'm gonna delete my own replies and stop cluttering up the thread.

>> No.78113589
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Going to an elven fair with Flare.

>> No.78113642
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>those ears

I think I'm going to be sick

>> No.78113698

Fauna participating in the elven tradition of cum chugging alongside flare (who was a stick in the mud last time) so they can get over their differences and bond

and also drink cum

>> No.78113751

why would cum chugging be an elven tradition? And why would Fauna willingly take part in it?

>> No.78113870
File: 290 KB, 1326x1500, FlareBirthday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Voting Flare for mayor.

>> No.78113881

>why would cum chugging be an elven tradition?
Well its hard to explain. The origin of the tradition is quite hard to pinpoint and that's why I reccomend the works of the antropologist and elf specialist Anon.E Mous.

> And why would Fauna willingly take part in it?
Fauna wants to be more racist to elfs, and as such is willing to partake in their traditions to better hone her racism

>> No.78114290
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I have a feeling that it’s gonna be a good thread

>> No.78114432
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I want to trust you, but the fact that you have an erection right now makes me believe this is less historical documentary and more historical fetish...

>> No.78114595
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well everything in your and mine post can be considered a truth.

>> No.78114678

>why would cum chugging be an elven tradition?
You didn't read The Elven Border?

>> No.78115754


From "The Missing Links: The Convergence of Anthropological races in evolution.", chapter 5; bodily fluids and their distinct uses.

"The ritualistic use of certain excretions, fluids and substances was a common trend among anthropological races, such as the forehead blood mark by the Homo Leone and the use of urine as partner markers by the Homo Lupis. The Elven races also participated in such a ritual with sperm."

"... other excretions or bodily fluids were usually discarded and washed, as the races descending from the Elven had a history of being incredibly clean, but sperm, and specially human sperm, has been noted in both their folklore and history as an important element in multiple rites of passage."

"()... As early as the year 200 B.C, we have records of the Elven historian Legolas, who said in regards to the Treaty of Simian-Elven races, "Princess Lamy, as a form of contract, demanded the finest warriors and scholars of the Aronimoose kingdom, to 'Gather their essence in a large bowl made of Quartz, with the capacity to hold 2.5 Bebians (3 liters) of liquid. The task was carried out as demanded, and a bowl overflowing with the Simian's white lifeforce was delivered. Princess Lamy took the bowl with both hands, demanded her servant to pour Sake inside, and proclaimed "Here is, the essence, the power, and the willingness of Simians to merge with the Elven. The Elven accept their offer and efforts." Afterwards, princess Lamy drank the Quartz bowl, leaving no trace behind."

"This particular eagerness for the Simian fluid, seemes to come from the idea practiced in the mysteries of Firunai Share, where it is said, "Simians, like Elven, exclude life energy through their members. This white substance has a bitter taste, and is a great form of nutrition for the body. The thicker the batter is, the more nutritious it is. Every elf should keep around at least, 4 Simian men as a way to keep a steady, and ready, energy supply. However, copulation with the simians, as if they were Elven, is horrid, for it results in a waste of nutrients, and could lead to the creation of an abomination in the pure Elf's body."

>> No.78116142
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>> No.78116461

That's not Flare

>> No.78118034

In order to prove she's not attracted to humans, Flare lets 5 guys (all me) gangbang her, and she will not cum once.

>> No.78119166

Huh, so it isn't

>> No.78119197

Laplus trying to keep up her chuuni act during sex

>> No.78119754

Will she ensnare your cock in her Darknesss until it surrenders its sublime seed?

>> No.78120089

She'll try and stutter that as I pound her into the mattress.

>> No.78120143

In fact, she will try to read it from a piece of paper while she and her hands shake.

>> No.78120939

I want to break her concentration by just changing my speed.

>> No.78121001

Do elves not wear panties to fairs

>> No.78121147

Panties are considered superflous above a certain pubic hair length.

>> No.78122626
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>> No.78124176

Incredible lore

>> No.78124301

Be careful, her horns and tail are dangerous when she forgets about them from excitement.

>> No.78124782

i wanna sniff flare after she has a day in the dance studio

>> No.78126491 [DELETED] 


>> No.78127799
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>> No.78131680

Who would be the most likely chuuba to work in a Halloween Spirit Store?

>> No.78134115

Conceptualize the aroma

>> No.78136969

Fauna, you know shes tripping on that pumpkin spice

>> No.78137052
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>Hey Anon, I deleted 500 words off your WIP.

>> No.78137393
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>> No.78137675
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>Just 500? Pathetic. Next time try to leave a dent, you fucking albino dumpster diver.

>> No.78138054


>> No.78139234

>Anon, while you were asleep I made your metaphors make less sense and ruined the flow of your prose

>> No.78139687

we do need a Fubuki spanking fanfic don't we

>> No.78139959

What pride flag is this

>> No.78142973
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>> No.78143325
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Great. That's my whole fic gone. Fuck you Fubuki

>> No.78144355

Space jam but it’s Chadvent vs Promise

>> No.78145570

Council in Court Three: Advent of the Mythical Dunk

>> No.78145796

Fauna has a heated gamer moment and says the n word

>> No.78146973
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>> No.78147162

Actually a pretty good prompt. How would she react? The ramifications?

>> No.78151361

I think she would have a moment of shock that lets you know shes very aware of what just happened and then immediately try to play it off as if nothing happened by moving on. Cover would of course go the same way, acting as if nothing happened. /vt/ would be divided down the middle between “based” and “problematic” though leaning more toward the former, as would Twitter though leaning more toward the latter.

>> No.78154889
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>> No.78154892
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>> No.78155747

Kiara's sweaty ass...

>> No.78157363

imagine the smell

>> No.78158930
File: 2.17 MB, 1350x4000, KoboTummy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Winning a bet against Kobo so she has to flash her tummy whenever you're in the room together, even if there are other people there

>> No.78159129

He's right you know.

>> No.78159333
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Imagine Kiara wiping her sweat with a rag and then using that to jerk you off

>> No.78159686

That's good, but you could also cut out the middleman and have Kiara give you a sweaty assjob

>> No.78159802

why not she gives you the handjob then gets you up/finishes you up with her butt?

>> No.78159994

you can cut the middle man out even further and just cut out Kiara and replace her with literally anyone else

>> No.78160007
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now we're talking

>> No.78160310

Heated negotiations but with this Kiara would end my dick.
Hell another sweaty ame fic might be enough

>> No.78161632


>> No.78162439
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abusing Mumei's praise kink and training her

>> No.78165619
File: 3.15 MB, 1920x1080, RiverFlare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78167960
File: 468 KB, 936x1674, KroniiMicrophone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Singing Karaoke with Kronii(It's the end of the world and she wants to spend it singing songs with you)

>> No.78167997
File: 598 KB, 1300x1057, 92278753c55e0b90788aa4d052797a77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a beautiful day for a cheeky little rape

>> No.78168312

reminds me of the Council Megami Tensei idea an anon brought up several months back

>> No.78168787

Oh shit lol

>> No.78168864
File: 380 KB, 1108x2048, IMG_8660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys guys If you pronounce faux pas wrong it sounds like “fox pass”
Wouldn’t it be funny if Fubuki gave Mio the fox pass so she could say the f word

>> No.78169009

fuck you talking about my foxxa

>> No.78169303
File: 127 KB, 758x912, 3bdc83a71dea998706b64450c0b52fef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing I still remember from that one Robin Hood movie is the fax machine gag; the quickest way to send a message is to fox it.

>> No.78170889

That's a cool perspective.

>> No.78171536

>"okay, how about 1000 words off your WIP?"

>> No.78172111

could you illustrate to me what "cheeky little rape" is like please? I'm wondering for...science

>> No.78172563
File: 868 KB, 1400x977, a050c32fec1c4a7cadbc1376161fecc3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The rape itself is your usual classic rape stuff, the "cheeky little" part is about Miko's unpredictability. You can never tell when Miko's suddenly gonna go "Alright, Usada. Bend over and spread those cheeks" and then forcefully press a confused and frightened rabbit's face against the dinner table and brutally violate her.

>> No.78174004

I'd say it's rather hot

>> No.78174167

Luckily Miko only has a small cock.

>> No.78174287

She's got big toys though, just look at the size of that fucking carrot >>78172563

>> No.78174843

Miko will get her comeuppance when Pekora goes back in time and rapes her as a baby

>> No.78176416
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>> No.78177176
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my oshi on the left

>> No.78177698

It's a turn-off when artists just copy their reference image and attach an anime character's head on it. When I look at that ass, I can smell the vile stench of 3DPD.

>> No.78177819
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ooookay bud

>> No.78178285
File: 1.54 MB, 850x1322, sample_0300786137ff5b6a945c6f86a9aee0dc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fubuki's ass and legs look like lifeless old shriveled meat forgotten in the fridge. Compare it to the beautifully shaped ass and meaty legs full of vitality on display here.

>> No.78179228

Suisei squeezing your head with her thighs while she's getting eaten out

>> No.78180279
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>> No.78180653
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Suisei is gonna insert herself into a leading role in your favorite fic.

>> No.78180691

Real funny coincidence that you say that, anon...

>> No.78181378
File: 36 KB, 515x542, EdghECKUEAELlBc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post that one line you never got to use.
>At last I know you've been thinking about me like I was thinking about you. Now I ask myself: Do you remember, like I'll remember you?

>> No.78181459

that's a child

>> No.78182151

Dokibird War writer here. So, after Dokibird's recent twitter statement tacitly asking people not to use her as a cudgel against Nijisanji, I'm getting coldfeet about continuing my fanfic. What are your thoughts? Would continuing what is in effect an anti-Nijisanji fic centered on Dokibird be disrespecting Dokibird's wishes? Or is it something I can solve by throwing in more nuance?

>> No.78182334

You were always going to make a crass shitpost. Either embrace what you were going to make or abandon it. No amount of nuance can save a premise that came from the gutter. So unless you want to spend the rest of the year polishing and 'ship of theseus'ing your premise till premise till it no longer resembles what you started with, embrace the trashy premise or abandon it.

>> No.78182347

The latter. Add in elements of some allied troops being absolute ass to innocuous Kindred, Famillie, Aloupeeps and (Elira's fanbase)

Then probably do a scene where Doki publicly not tolerate the atrocities, and those who partook will face sanctions.

>> No.78182530

There's a difference between writing a story that explains the unsavory motivations and actions of individuals and a 30 second copy paste dance shitpost of the latest hot meme with a few well drawn depictions in it.

>> No.78184121
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>> No.78184152

We are
Google docs Gobulin
do you have a writer capable of the "Finished WIP" move?

>> No.78185479

Wouldn't it be more wise to delete your fic since you're getting "cold feet" and don't want to write the fic anymore?

>> No.78186011
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For me the most charming aspect of fanfiction and stuff made by amateurs as a hobby in general is that the creators do the thing their passionate about with zero compromises no matter how niche it may be. Basically as anon here said >>78185479
You either go balls deep or you pull out.

>> No.78186947

No. I've decided. I'm going to make it more nuanced. Humanizing Elira, enna, etc. Depicting Anti "war crimes". Having those war crimes give Dokibird pause. And maybe, just maybe, asking whether she should have done more to prevent them.

If questions had easy answers, they wouldn't be interesting.

>> No.78187020

I do not mean this in a rude way but I'm glad that you're sticking to your guns and hammering forward, anon.

>> No.78187078

I love it when she sits on my face

>> No.78187477

I prefer the rag. It's demeaning and sets power dynamic boundaries

>> No.78188372

No rudeness detected! The more I think about it, the more ideas come into my head. Where one creative door closed, three more opened in its place.
Thank you to all the anons here who helped me work my way through and brainstorm this!

>> No.78190356
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>> No.78191604
File: 724 KB, 3812x2238, GIPiogYXYAA4t__.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You were in love with her, that was the only thing you were certain of. Maybe once you reach the top you can call that business finished.

>> No.78194372
File: 535 KB, 459x565, stay alive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78194408


>> No.78194845

It's a wise choice to go with a more nuanced, realistic portrayal. There's nothing wrong with writing wish fulfillment and alternate timelines per se, but it feels petty when they're seemingly motivated by hate and spite rather than yearning or lust.

>> No.78194938

My cute, ancient demon gf with red eyes and butt

>> No.78196673
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>> No.78198561

That's your best alternate outfit you're wearing, but please stay inside the image. You're not that kind of demon.

>> No.78199324

New here, what's the preferred format to post in?
I'm used to just writing directly into the reply box here on 4chinz, but I'm not seeing a lot of that in this thread.
I'm really lazy, FWIW

>> No.78199464

The usual, easy options are rentry.org or published Google Docs (both anonymous)

>> No.78202038
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>> No.78204541
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I posted this and wrote about that scenario.

>> No.78206124
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>> No.78206172
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Rubbing Mio's tummy while you spoon and her tail starts wiggling as her heel starts to kick. Then you call her a good girl and she cums.

>> No.78206237

Nothing stopping you from posting direct to thread, there used to be a lot of that years ago. If you want it archived though, chuck it in a google doc or a rentry page and reply to the story anchor with the link

>> No.78206240

>Chloe after her pornstar colleague asks if she wants to cheat on her boyfriend with him.

>> No.78206491
File: 515 KB, 1280x1000, a205849374cad5b844ef454fe50bc21a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mio is property of Taiga

>> No.78208924

Taiga made it so Mio is content with cats and adopted (adult) children of a clearly different species

>> No.78209100

had an awful idea where pippa ran a hotel and the rest of phase connect tried to help her

>> No.78209174

Thrill killing someone with a chuuba and finding said chuuba becomes immensely aroused by it

>> No.78209267

What's this called, killsexual?

>> No.78210052

>phase runs a hotel with Pippa as manager

So... a brothel.

>> No.78210116

No, not a soup kitchen, a hotel

>> No.78211690
File: 119 KB, 850x1151, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sana visits the office for an art deal and since she's no longer an employee and just a contractor, there's no rule against blowing her back in the bathroom or offering her some money for a blowjob

>> No.78211779

That would be using rentry.org or google docs.
Nothing is really stopping you from posting stuff in thread, it's more just thread etiquette since writers here prefer writing out longer fics that would take an excessive amount of posts if written out in thread.

>> No.78214725

no dying

>> No.78217528
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>> No.78217550
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>> No.78217634
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>> No.78219487

more girls should have sex for money

>> No.78222075

Is there a concept of a published fic that you would like to see more of or even write yourself? A spiritual sequel of sorts?

>> No.78222551

sorry, Anon, but even if you paid a woman she still wouldn't fuck you.

>> No.78222769
File: 147 KB, 850x1454, flare thighs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and yet your mom does it for free lemao

>> No.78223211

Im fond of Power Botan and i would like more of that accurate representation of her instead of dominatrix botan.
But then again i dont know how i would elaborate on it aside from more sex

>> No.78223429

Not because I'm doubting AA, but because I really want to see more chuuba-based ttrpg pseudo-quests like HF.

>> No.78223691

>Y-y-y-y-y-y-your mom kekwlmaoXD
you know you have to be over 18 to post here, right? cute attempt, though.

>> No.78226284
File: 1.11 MB, 842x1397, a1627a5afccd34cea725bc188bf4a08b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78226462

I'm a lot bigger than 18, your mom can attest to that.

>> No.78226842

Speaking about dick size, whatever happened to the Robocco Small penis appreciation fic?

>> No.78228383

Roboco had bigger things to deal with

>> No.78228986

This sounds like something the residential cucks would love.

>> No.78229414

probably in a wip pile because the author doesnt know where to go.
That's the issue with those ideas. They are not bad and novel, but they need a clear vision to push through.
Hell its why some of the best ideas here are either something the author pulls out of their mind palace once they come out from their author cave OR that are well discussed here in the thread

>> No.78232721
File: 125 KB, 850x1133, sample_068ad5477186a4069d160ab1aef3c259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78233892
File: 361 KB, 410x653, image_2024-06-16_114041909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Koyori fucking other men as an experiment to see how deep her love goes for you

>> No.78234931
File: 400 KB, 546x669, 1716242914591124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78236820

>The second another guy puts a hand on her she vomits

>> No.78237099

This is like cutting your hand off as an experiment to see how important your hand is to you in daily life.
Also very hot though.

>> No.78237573

>koyori cucks you as an experiment because it peaks the both of your curiosities
>bull fucks her like wild, and he has a bigger dick
>she takes notes on everything bull-kun does and teaches you how to do it because sex with you is overall more enjoyable since she actually loves you

>> No.78239291

Reminds me of that old concept where (You) have to watch her getting fucked while high off her own chemicals and recording and noting down the results, powerless to do anything else.

>> No.78241738
File: 227 KB, 1050x1400, __hoshimachi_suisei_hololive_drawn_by_karyln__f303364be31af249e80de816a9a26a66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78243363
File: 190 KB, 850x1202, __minato_aqua_and_minato_aqua_hololive_drawn_by_mugi626__sample-06aeac40b5177fd4c01ba5a1db3c77e7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78244180

I don't know how this general feels about AI writing, would it be okay if I posted the first chapter of a story I made with Command-R+ and allowed other people to rewrite it and continue it if they want?

>> No.78244699

Yeah, let's keep that cancer out of /wg/

>> No.78244905

>I don't know how this general feels about AI writing,

>> No.78246350

you can write the shittiest pile for the world's most niche kink, and that will look better than a decent AI written fic.
make an earnest attempt to get the images in your head out, Anon. Don't let a toaster do it for you. Otherwise, you'll never improve

>> No.78246475

You don't know the Flare image+your mother posting?

>> No.78246508

I don't have much interest in writing myself, I just generated something I thought was interesting and was wondering if anyone here would like to use it as a template to write something better

>> No.78246583
File: 486 KB, 640x1030, 1000003168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...no...I didn't know that was a meme...if you're telling the truth, then...my bad.

>> No.78246613

It's interesting conceptually but the issue is that bots don't have a concept of character. It's most easily visible in AI Chatbots of chuubas. It'll be good and stuff but then it'll go completely out of left field or lean so hard into the keyfabe that it becomes unbelievable.

>> No.78246620

you're better off just pitching a prompt and hope it generates a conversation then I'm afraid

>> No.78246714

How long is this chapter we're talking about? I admit I'm morbidly curious but no promises that it will be continued or even received well.

>> No.78246826
File: 9 KB, 833x96, 1698180457884684.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78248340

>Getting recruited by Lui into Secret Society HoloX as a Devil Summoner thinking it's just a chuuni's social club.
>Getting mildly concerned when they state their eventual goal to dethrone God and install Laplus is his place.
>Getting wildly concerned as Laplus states that everything is going "keikaku doori" when the usual megaten apocalypse signs start happening (Demons start terrorizing Tokyo, A shady Demon Summoning Program starts spreading through smart phones, etc).
>Wondering if you're on the right team when the nukes start flying

>> No.78248345
File: 649 KB, 2213x3174, 1696379219379928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78248865
File: 77 KB, 1024x708, 1000003846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>holox goes full chaos
>unfortunately for them I decided to go full law this playthrough

>> No.78249776

>Be too much of a goody two shoes and end up Law aligned
>When the time comes for HoloX's plans to come to fruition you're sent to deal with the last of the faithful.
>Storming the Ark you come across the fusion of Kanata and Coco
>You are judged and offered redemption
>Kanata (Satan) joins you in storming the HoloX base in order to hijack their transmission equipment.
>Boss fights with each HoloX member, each death breaking a seal on Laplus' chains
>Final boss fight with the unsealed Laplus Demon thanking you for breaking her chains, and promising a quick death despite your betrayal.
>Finally beat her, Kanata (Satan) connects with the HoloX transmission gear, and sings a song
>The pure-hearted of Tokyo find their way to The Ark
>As the song finishes Kanata teleports you to the bridge of The Ark and orders the ship to set sail.
>She thanks you saving the seiso of Tokyo and for redeeming yourself.
>The Ark ascends into Space
>In the command console below you, you see the earth.
>Then you see the nukes starting to fly.
>God's Wrath devastates Earth.
>In shock you see the end of the world while the promises of paradise and rewards go in one ear and leave the other.

>> No.78249796

As long as you don't anchor the story and are open that you're not the author, feel free to link it.

>> No.78250398

OK, here's the story: https://rentry.org/g6xrt93k

>> No.78250634

This is painfully generic, and the prose is so dry and uninspired that I'm pretty sure there's more to be gained from just seeing what prompt even spawned this.

>> No.78250747


>> No.78251205

This feels like it's from an AI trained on lots of non-fiction and posts from across the net. There's no nuance or depth, it's just saying everything it wants to convey in an orderly fashion.
Until we get widespread AIs that are trained on the works of good authors and learn to develop some kind of literary style, authors like us are probably safe.

>> No.78252808

>now that you judged everyone on earth you and kana(satan) must judge one last person.
>the one who ordered the genocide of earth's population

>> No.78253379

Foreheads aren't supposed to look this cute.

>> No.78255178
File: 151 KB, 844x1200, __kurokami_fubuki_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_nagae_yama__f6023878204be7359ad7ba09d64ae044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78255389

Very nice foxy funbags. Really want to take a piss on em'

>> No.78255702

I would like to gently drape my flacid penid across her face, with my balls hanging down her chin.

>> No.78256163
File: 2.15 MB, 1920x1080, d1eb4336e46c47dca09ca8e6bbea4942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck do you have a flaccid penis when you've got THAT in front of you? If it was me there's no way I'd be able to stop my cock from shooting a lifetime worth of pent-up cum like a wax dart through Fubuki's head and splattering her brains all over the walls.

>> No.78257132

Roboco crying that her fics are AI generated by default

>> No.78257462

Why not just deposit your balls into her tongue's care?

>> No.78257898

I'd like to have a turf war with her.

Getting a tailjob from Towa's very flexible tail.

I mean there were more than a few slavers who sampled the wares, if you get where I'm going...

>> No.78257999

Buddy... my stuff was already incomprehensible You IMPROVED my work

>> No.78259338
File: 3.86 MB, 4280x2966, __mori_calliope_and_death_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_jun_wei__511ff8fd8e53b581df97016a5f6b47fb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78259920

Formula Holo.

>> No.78260768

I'm not into cuckolding but I do love voyeurism, so give me a minute.

>> No.78261069

Koyori making a mindless clone of herself so that you two can watch it get railed

>> No.78261482

Please have (You) playing the role of an assistant researcher recording and making notes of everything.

>> No.78263048
File: 599 KB, 4093x3000, 1703362831343275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78265645
File: 115 KB, 850x689, 1705226788988348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78265650
File: 139 KB, 850x1412, __la_darknesss_and_la_darknesss_hololive_drawn_by_thomas_8000__sample-08c0351404dae04645ec9dcfc5e25605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Laplus smut doko

>> No.78265698

How about the one where she has giant breasts

>> No.78265871

>>78112381 You, Lappy's [REDACTED] grade teacher, play a game with her where she's her chuuni persona. Then, when she loses and trying to do an asspull, you punch her for real and rape her.

>> No.78266205
File: 994 KB, 850x1202, sample_67e9100851481057b041bd385ce423cf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sickening filth like that exists? You absolute degenerates

>> No.78267858
File: 901 KB, 850x1202, sample_920fcc823ddf879f1cea6ba5df44ac2e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78268440

stupid kusogaki

>> No.78269368
File: 2.61 MB, 640x360, A peafowl denied her yuri [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F6hja86.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cucking Reine

>> No.78270049
File: 198 KB, 1528x857, FEETMENTION.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropping Ninisanni Scenario 2 this week for sure. Days away. I'm estimating midweek, but you know me and timeframes.
Sorry for the delays, sorry for everything. Making a game is actually kinda tricky. The playtesting that I've been doing has been pretty rough, there were so many bugs!
But now that's over with, everything works properly because everything that could go wrong, did go wrong, and I fixed them all up.
It's really clean right now. I think people will like it. I'm still laughing at the little lines a year and a quarter in.
All I've got left is the speedrunning playtesting phase where I go through super fast and make sure 100% of it is clean and error free, no matter what you do. I put in a lot of silly gameplay thingamajigs in this one, and it's sometimes hard to keep track of. I think you'll understand when you play it.

>> No.78270599

My job as a writer is secured.

>> No.78270939
File: 1013 KB, 3600x2025, GQMlEM4aUAAFDJq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure there's a prompt in here somewhere

>> No.78273180

Hi, Ninisanni anon.
Is the game a prequel or a parallel what if or how else would you describe it?
Do you have to play through the first game to truly get it? Ninisanni 1 still sits unfinished for me - Petra, Selen, Wosemi and Millie, plus completionist content not completed

>> No.78273196

Do you think Lamy and or multiple Lamies have ever written for us?

>> No.78273423

Is Lap the gaki most likely to openly seduce you?

>> No.78274859
File: 925 KB, 850x1200, sample_5ea89324afd989413f206415e8479a30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78275211

It's a sequel. Canonically, it takes place after the super seducer achievement, which is just you seducing all 9 girls in one run. But there's no reason to do that for context, as it doesn't unlock any scenes in the first, just extras.
In Ninisanni 2, the dates are canon, but none of the epilogues are canon except Reimu's since most of them take place after a big timeskip.
For core context, I'd say Petra and Selen's is the only one you should play to get the context for some scenes in Ninisanni 2.
The others you mentioned are good too, but mostly just add context to the relationship between the MC and the girl in question, rather than Petra and Selen's which has some plot/setting that I reference again.
But if you don't plan on doing Selen or Petra's routes in 2, you don't really need to bother.

>> No.78276264

What the fuck La+ is cute?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

>> No.78277533

Loud chuunis are among the cutest when they have a serious moment.

>> No.78277625

One of them wrote "The Elven Border". You can tell because Lamy wins the elvish cum chugging contest in it

>> No.78278036

Any tips on not getting distracted while writing? I keep losing my flow and somehow spent the last 20 minutes or so looking at alchemic symbols.

>> No.78279159

It happens. Pro writers call it "research"

>> No.78280131
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>> No.78282225
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>> No.78282330

Why do some people sometimes put "~" at the end of this post?

>> No.78282413

It indicates a soft or coy tone.

>> No.78282549

>Coy meaning:

* bashful, shy
: bashful, shy. 2. : marked by cute or sly playfulness or pretended shyness. using coy tricks to attract attention. coyly adverb.

Just the thought of anon's trying to be cute when they throw insults to folk they hate makes me have mixed feelings towards that. Like its as if they're pretending (not that I'm blaming them as I sometimes think that as well) they're secretly cute girls.

>> No.78284261

Your fics fucking garbage, Anon~

>> No.78284396

Which chuuba posted this?

>> No.78284568

Defo Shion or Gura.

>> No.78284996

damn brat...

>> No.78285340

What's the total time to read clocking in at about?

>> No.78286115

nta, but that reminds me. How do people get read clocking estimates? When HoloJourneys last updated someone posted that it was a 54 hour read or something.

>> No.78286368

Divide the wordcount by 200, that's how many minutes the average reader will take (short pauses/double-takes included).
Divide by 100 instead if the reader is assumed to be jerking off.

>> No.78287325

I'm thinking 16-20 hours for Ninisanni Scenario 2, but I estimated a bit higher for the first one and people said their playtimes were a couple hours lower.
It'll at least be double the length of Ninisanni Scenario 1, if not more. So maybe 12-16 hours? 800 pages, thereabouts, but VN reading is slower than book reading in my experience

>> No.78288330

Too harsh and direct for Gura

>> No.78289417
File: 1.37 MB, 504x1080, 1713436620140000.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A budding office romance between A-chan and anon but everything happens like a musical.

>> No.78289418
File: 80 KB, 267x223, 1707615469052191.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78289624

I'm curious what exactly you mean by this. Could you elaborate? Like, no feelings of jealousy involved at all, or there are, but there was just never any relationship between the observer and the girl?

>> No.78290037
File: 279 KB, 362x421, 1682512428670199.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Divide by 100 if the reader is assumed to be jerking off
How fucking doomed are newer readers of that series once more smut comes out for it?

>> No.78291046

I am a fan of NTR because of the leverage it adds for emotional drama/pain, the "big reveal" moment, where the cuck finds out that they've been betrayed and it breaks them emotionally is one of my favorite parts of it.
Cuckolding in itself, AKA, the act of knowing your partner is cheating on you and getting aroused from it is lost on me. I know it comes from a powerplay/masochism/she loves me so much that she's basically just masturbating angle, but that doesn't do it for me.

There is however, common ground between my vouyerism fetish, my NTR fetish, and cuckoldry, and it's where I'm not involved in the relationship, but I know something's going on. Like for example, Odysseus from the archive. I didn't self insert as the cuck, I saw myself as someone who saw someone's wife get fucked, I KNOW it's someone's wife, and I get to see these strangers make a mess of her, while the cuck's either oblivious or already suffering. That bit of "Oh man, the poor bastard..." is what makes it hot to me.

In short, I know what's up, but I have no part in it other than watching like a third party.

>> No.78292525
File: 1009 KB, 1179x2049, 1715876112139546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turning Fauna into a fat fucking fartqueen.

>> No.78293367

The world of Hololive is suddenly plunged into chaos as a power struggle ensues between the various generations and branches. The once harmonious idol group has now become a battleground, with each member fighting for their own survival and dominance.

>> No.78294847

i dont wanna turn her, i want to enjoy her

>> No.78295639

>The company, long divided, must unite; long united, must divide. Thus it has ever been.
Hololive but it's the Three Kingdoms, and (You) are an up and coming general set on uniting all of hololive.

>> No.78296019

A certain rabbit, known for being a dipshit won't admit she has a crush on you, and suddenly, you find yourself with a loving wife and two children.
You are Pekora's dad, and now that your little girl is bashful towards a boy you can't help but smile as you realize how long it's been since you met Pekomama

>> No.78296584

Closed Incest Timeloop?
With Pekomama/Pekora eternally looping time until she can finally square the circle and find the missing link between not being able to admit she likes you and being your wife?

>> No.78299205
File: 1.23 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Promise visits the elven border

>> No.78301746
File: 108 KB, 850x1168, Shionsex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No that would be Shion, Laplus would be second tho

>> No.78301813
File: 446 KB, 960x540, 1718591796094107.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Promise sells their bodies to pay off their drinking tab
They work as barmaids in skimpy outfits

>> No.78303699

This, but they literally sell parts of their bodies and Kronii has to get her cock cut off

>> No.78304464
File: 659 KB, 488x702, 1681369098934820.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78305803
File: 891 KB, 3821x2589, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A chuuba gets turned into a loli and now you and her genmate must take care of her like you were her parents
the lolified chuuba can also be faking her mental age just to get you two together

>> No.78306318

This is just making me imagine Mori just doing a really bad job at pretending to be a kid. Like acting like a mix between an edgy 90s kid and pretending to be Gura doing a bit.

>> No.78307014
File: 3.56 MB, 480x852, YcRX3eznied-Q4lR.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

raising foobs with enemy sounds like an idea

>> No.78309108
File: 2.94 MB, 2150x3035, 89343658_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think? I feel like Shion doesn't quite have the spine, at least not to follow through. All bark no bite.

>> No.78310508
File: 663 KB, 1536x2304, 1701110110774379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Promise working the bar to pay off their debt
>uniforms are too small, so their ass and tits are spilling out
>but Promise is forever, and they vow to stick it out
>days pass, it's clear they're too incompetent to properly serve food or drinks
>owner takes them aside after a particularly bad night
>Bae enthusiastically asks if they finally paid back what they owe
>owner simply shakes his head, then guides them to the gloryhole station...

>> No.78311593

More like they get drunk, they get fucked and they go "did we pay yet?" Only for the owner to point that their tab got bigger

>> No.78312896

The legendary barf incident...

>> No.78315967


>> No.78316017

>Mr. Yagoo is helping me find my gun.

>> No.78317182

Has Shion always had thighs this thick?
Sorry if I didn't add anything else to my reply. I'm just in disbelief that such a bratty witch like Shion has such juicy, creamy, lickable thighs that I want my head crushed by.

>> No.78318523

Nah, its fanfiction/art.

>> No.78318892

See the magic purple stone above her crotch? That's the source of her thigh's power.

>> No.78319306

Damn half-slutty brat! Refusing a womb tattoo and using a gem instead!! Rape Correction is Needed!!!

>> No.78319374

A tatoo just seems even more off-brand for a witch. She should use a thigh thickness potion, really.

>> No.78319614

>magic purple stone

Which one do I believe?

>> No.78319648

Both? The stone is from that fanart

>> No.78321140
File: 294 KB, 1600x1600, wife and daughter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78321562

This guy gets it.

>> No.78321631

Oh, I see.
I genuinely think the gem (that gives her the thick, juicy, lickable thighs) doesn't suit her. In my eyes I could see her using a potion to make her get more "meat" to her legs.

>> No.78321694

Shion selling potions that are the equivalent of cosmetic surgeries sounds like a profitable idea.
But if she could do that, why doesn't she have giant tits yet?

>> No.78321785

Too obvious.

>> No.78321800

>"why doesn't she have giant tits yet?"
They swelled up like a hot air balloon and gave her extreme discomfort (they popped very loudly when she attempted to go outside).

>> No.78321799

I guess they would be.

>> No.78321924

Interesting. What are your thoughts on scenarios where the cheating gets revealed to the cuck (intentionally or not) but instead of breaking up he's kept around as a sort of pet for the girl and her new partner? Love's totally lost, they're just exploiting him for their amusement.

>> No.78322809
File: 810 KB, 850x1202, sample_5b25c026873b350d06e706422b56a87c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78323797
File: 394 KB, 850x638, sample_751494759168d288bc583ef7d6ec39a5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78324743
File: 575 KB, 1811x3572, 23c8ce9b4799285d15ac167741728fb9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78326162

This Chloe looks like she is 175cm tall

>> No.78326532

This should've been her true height

>> No.78326594

More importantly, she has a really long torso. Just look at the distance between her tits and her ass.

>> No.78327106

Short stack Chloe is hotter imo.

>> No.78327623

we need to bully mococo by taking her on dates and kissing her

>> No.78327789
File: 85 KB, 904x1084, 1718626582537122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's too erotic for that

>> No.78327961

The fact that the girl in this porn is the exact the same height as Sakamata made it even hotter for me. With the power of my extreme hyper ultra concentration, I can almost see her as Sakamata.
missav dot com dm18 en fc2-ppv-2283981

>> No.78329717


>> No.78329933
File: 126 KB, 1414x1000, Lamy Brapper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lamy sucks and fucks her way out of a bandit den
and then comes back with nepolabo to suck and fuck some more

>> No.78331163

Mmm... Mogobelly.

>> No.78331174

The part about a cuck dragging on with his spirit crushed is more my style.
Him getting turned into a pet is too much for me.

>> No.78331513

All of the other prompts ever, but with Fubuki replacing all chuubas involved.

>> No.78331517

How about that prompt about Koyori fucking other men to test her love for you but she finds out she loves having good sex more than she loves you but she pities you too much to leave you so it ends up in a loveless marriage. Story ends with you coming home alone after a long day at the lab doing both yours and Koyori's share of work and research while she's out with one of her boyfriends.

>> No.78331616

Pretty sure that anon wanted to be a third party just observing, not the tragic protagonist.

>> No.78333351


>> No.78333894
File: 462 KB, 634x649, 1712666278272738.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78333921

Oh, I will be the third party in my own way. Tragic Anon will still be there.

>> No.78334154

Fubuki sure loves cheese

>> No.78334655
File: 44 KB, 551x578, 1703128461903800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78334880

Specially the one from my dick

>> No.78336468
File: 101 KB, 746x575, don't be revolting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be revolting, anon! Fubuki wouldn't suck your dick if it was glazed in honey!

>> No.78336839

Yeah she would, once she sees it's not fully developed

>> No.78337774

How about dating Fuwamoco and treating Mococo nicely while bullying Fuwawa?

>> No.78338573

Both might be happy with that.

>> No.78338602

She'd be taller than me.....

>> No.78338635

Maybe she'd think you're cute.

>> No.78338692

The folly of always wanting to show off everything in one shot/picture/art

>> No.78338926
File: 1.97 MB, 2064x2914, ca71afda51907c9cde84bef1d497406b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And then tell anon to put on a skirt and some make-up, and then ravage his ass with a strapon.

>> No.78338971

Meant to quote >>78338635

>> No.78339084

I'm taller than her, so I'll get behind her while she gets behind the cute and short anon.

>> No.78339470

And while you do that, I'll make out with the adorable manlet anon.

>> No.78339641

Sounds like a cooperative writing project with multiple POVs

>> No.78339747
File: 1.38 MB, 1175x1322, 227a3ee43b5a542cb78240090ee047b5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm taller than you, but I'm just gonna be on the couch watching a movie while ignoring everything that's going on behind me.

>> No.78340463

Wouldn't it be funny if it turned into a gay gangbang while Chloe watches hahaha

>> No.78340582

The only two people really down for this weird wanting to fuck the authors shit left over a year ago dude give it a rest

>> No.78340616

You could write something like that, but on your own.

>> No.78340796

Shut the fuck up Shiori.
Take your weird ass fujo fangirling somewhere else.

>> No.78340811

Not to interrupt the gayposting but is there a baker abouts?

>> No.78341330

t. my oshi (I hope)
