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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 683 KB, 1140x741, races.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
78243028 No.78243028 [Reply] [Original]

Racism edition

>What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for Vtubers to give and receive advice related to Vtubing.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someone do X?
Is someone already doing X?

>What video editor should I use for editing clips?
DaVinci Resolve, Kdenlive, & CapCut if you don't feel like spending money or pirating, otherwise use Vegas Pro or Premiere.

>I have a question, is it okay to ask? Will I get real feedback?
Ask away! If no one responds, try asking again at a later time.

Open company auditions:
Brave: https://bravegroup.co.jp/audition_en/
Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en
Niji (Open indefinitely): https://twitter.com/NIJISANJI_World/status/1780415989332816307 (embed)

Useful links:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK (embed)
Op-Sec: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
What to avoid: https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt (embed)

Thread Question:
Why are there no vtubers with tanlines?

Previous thread: >>78216432

>> No.78243091

grace is mixed

>> No.78243094

first for gumping my jorts!!!

>> No.78243130

How many fucking times is Kliffoth gonna talk about that retarded ass moth man statue tweet? Yes it went viral, yes you didn’t expect it, yes we get it.
Now he is doing a bait “what’s you guys experience with a tweet going viral” and then he posts it again in reply to it.
Bro at least wait a couple of months before trying to milk your 15 minutes of fame again. Twitter moves fast, nobody cares anymore.

>> No.78243144

kys too slow

>> No.78243149

Mond is korean.

>> No.78243170

Now rank the males

>> No.78243209

Mix of what?

>> No.78243211

I have to restore my honor with gumppuku...

>> No.78243235

some flavor of asian iirc

>> No.78243270

I thought the race thing was gonna be fantasy based not real life.
There's no way gobb is black, not that I'd care either way but that voice is a chill middle aged white mom voice, that's why it's so comforting.

>> No.78243288

There was an /asp/ie who did "The Coffin of Andy and Leyley" style PNGs. Who was it, and would they do more as a commission type deal?

>> No.78243290

Please cover VTNL
wiplash cute

>> No.78243298

I'm sorry anon, she fleshposted...

>> No.78243318

I don't believe you, also koko being in white is very funny.

>> No.78243376

So Asian?

>> No.78243389

as a fellow black person, I immediately clocked she was a black girl. She even thought about debuting as a brown elf. she's black.

>> No.78243424
File: 2.46 MB, 1140x1472, racesa;;.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78243428

You can hear it in the voice instantly.

>> No.78243429

Like I said I don't really care, I just don't see it.
I don't need proof either it's fine it's not important.

>> No.78243439

>It, along with FATAL and RaHoWa, form the UnHoly ShiTrinity of Worst Fucking Roleplaying Games Ever Made. If FATAL is a hyperactive 13-year-old who takes hours to finish his attacks while constantly derailing the party with perverted tangents, and RaHoWa is a creepy skinhead who only showed up because his Klan rally got cancelled, then VTNL is the whiny rules lawyer who will spend five seconds copying the sample characters from the BRB, but twenty minutes bitching about the smallest house rule no matter how much the GM wants to let the other players move on. It's Russian, but the Nikita Khrushchev kind of Russian, not the vodka & hot chicks kind of Russian.
That sounds hilarious, and this style of writing reminds me of Encyclopædia Dramatica. I'm gonna check this article out. Not WIP but thanks for sharing.

>> No.78243480

How is Sin in "unknown"

>> No.78243499

Because I don't know what race he is

>> No.78243546

Koko is white

>> No.78243556

he acts like someone who isn't used to positive attention at all and he's pretty young as well. he won't leave it alone because it's probably the most interesting thing that's happened in his life

>> No.78243601

Marcus is literally Italian.

>> No.78243607

in what way?

>> No.78243631

Marcus lives in the Philippines?

>> No.78243654

He sounds like he is in his mid 20s, that’s not young enough for the young excuse.

>> No.78243659

Reminder that you will never have sex a 30yo+, hairy, 400lb+, 6'+, balding, ojisan.

>> No.78243675

In the way where she is descendent of Europeans with pale skin

>> No.78243684


Though thank god I'm not 400 pounds that'd be miserable.

>> No.78243703

it's killing me that I'm the first icon in the first row
I really thought my voice could pass for white its so joever

>> No.78243708

anon you'd be surprised at all the young sounding ojis and the old sounding teens i've heard

>> No.78243730

Nigga Spanish people are not latino/hispanic, they’re white, they’re Europeans.
Latinos/Hispanics are people that are native and Spanish mixed, along with many other mixes.

>> No.78243733

Is that why she has a heavy non-european accent?

>> No.78243739


>> No.78243755

Chibii, your model is literally black

>> No.78243757

It's not so bad. Not ideal, but not the worst.

>> No.78243810

No, Hispanic literally means relating to Spain or Spanish speaking countries. People from Spain are Hispanic unless they're like Basque or some shit

>> No.78243813

I've been 180 most my life, gained about 80 pounds over the year but surprisingly starting to lose weight, it's probably the eating only once a day that's doing it.

>> No.78243816

Sex with Mond...

>> No.78243837

>my voice could pass for white
Who lied to you, lil nigga?

>> No.78243854

yeah but-

>> No.78243859

She said she has a severe speech impediment which I believe because her written English is at a native level

>> No.78243868

I'm sorry little one...

>> No.78243891

now I feel like an asshole.
I'd just assumed she was asian or something.

She's cute regardless, I hope she's doing well.

>> No.78243904

Not chibii literally white washing herself

>> No.78243944

I've been 360+ until I hit 25, then finally hit 400 at 28. I'm 36 now and 430. For me it's the carbs, sugar, and sedentary lifestyle.

>> No.78243968

I do security work and it involves a LOT of walking.
It's certainly helped keep me from gaining mass.

>> No.78244005

I'm mixed but I don't like talking about it because everyone acts fascinated with me and I'm sick of answering the same questions all the time. Just makes me feel like I can't be the same as everyone else.

>> No.78244029

Name yourself.

>> No.78244062
File: 20 KB, 112x112, nepuHeh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 5'11, 155lbs and I think I'm fat. You guys are fucked up

>> No.78244067

I should get into something like that, but jobs around my area aren't hiring. I'm in something dead-end right now, been stuck with it for about 6 years now, and don't really see any way out of it.

>> No.78244111

I'm not that guy I'm the other guy but I'm 6'2 so I'm not drastically far away from where I should be.
Still fat though.

>> No.78244175

I'm 6'1 and around 170lbs

But I used to be 110 lbs because of anorexia

>> No.78244181

Hell yeah I am

>> No.78244187

Name saviorfags

>> No.78244269

there was a tierlist before

>> No.78244270

Glad you're better now, keep on keeping on, anon.

>> No.78244324

I had a viewer as soon as I went live today. Anyone else experience this strange phenomenon?

>> No.78244339

I don't want to spoil the fun for you, just enjoy yourself.

>> No.78244360

Are you talking about me?

>> No.78244400

I miss Layla.

>> No.78244521

If you fit the description I wrote, then yeah. I was thinking it was either Coco or Sun but I'm not sure who to ask.

>> No.78244632

i'll post here because I know they'll see it. sin and mokuba please gang bang me please your voices make me so wet I love your streams thank you

>> No.78244638

Kill yourself

>> No.78244669

No you have to say rope like Mond does

>> No.78244852


>> No.78244916

I'm not either, but I did do some art in that style

>> No.78244939

fucking dammit if i visit another aspie and they haven't fucking cleaned their toilets properly and i see little shit stains around the sides again i'm gonna fucking freak. you people are filthy

>> No.78244988

At least they're shitting in the toilet.

>> No.78245418

Seeing lava stream again, I feel like I need to put more effort when it comes to theming/branding/mascot more. She has one specific theme and all the stuff surrounding her fits the theme, bozus and colours included...

I want that :/ I need to think of a cute design I can bully for you guys...

>> No.78245483 [SPOILER] 
File: 11 KB, 773x853, image_2024-06-16_021103235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been feeling like that for a while man, only just now getting around to actually doing something about it.

>> No.78245528

I swear to god someone better stop me because I'm gonna fucking murder this guy! Your days are numbered, bitch.

>> No.78245572
File: 25 KB, 487x630, images - 2024-06-16T171315.835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want my mascot to be something like this but maybe simplified down

>> No.78245586

Aren't Brazilians considered Hispanic too or what's the word for these guys? Just latin-american then? Or rather, a Latinx?

>> No.78245666
File: 101 KB, 1072x612, MIXELS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pixel outline with a smooth gradient color scheme

as a spriter, I'm going to fucking strangle you.

>> No.78245675

brazilians are barely considered humans

>> No.78245696

Hey at least I decided to name the ethnicity. I could have just labelled you as a brown

>> No.78245740

I think mascots are rather basic. Having a pinkish white moth seems good, but don't know about it having a dress, that might be too much already.

Fortunately, you have some decent bits and ideas in your design that I don't think it'll be too hard to come up with. A skeleton cat or maybe just a neko-skull seems pretty good already, although getting it be as expressive like the bozus and be an.active part of a community is prolly gonna be the hard part in the first place.

>> No.78245846

Do you work on SMW sprites? Just curious cause I play a ton of those romhacks and if you do I've likely seen a few of your sprites

>> No.78245887

I second that notion (nice satan)

>> No.78245904

debating if i should make an anthro-women-i-find-hot folder guys what do you think

>> No.78245946

do it. be free

>> No.78246146

what if it's 400lb but lean?

>> No.78246157

It's SunAlbionis and the pic is of Coco and Alva... I doubt he will do a commission for you though, but maybe you can convince him

>> No.78246167 [SPOILER] 
File: 33 KB, 809x473, roster_v23a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah I work on far more autistic endeavors. I just like keeping that SMW example around for these occasions.

>> No.78246184

i wish i had a cat furry gf

>> No.78246228

Why is Kliffoth there?

>> No.78246241

Dan...... Why are you adding that cretin..

>> No.78246256

I see, those are quite good though. Consider taking a trip to smwcentral some time, your work would be much appreciated over there and the site is still pretty active surprisingly

>> No.78246261

I don't want my fans to be naked

>> No.78246266

how do i get added to this, i see a few of my friends are in already

>> No.78246288 [SPOILER] 
File: 65 KB, 218x231, moffman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be at least somewhat interesting and I'll think about it


>> No.78246300

kliff follows me too...

>> No.78246307

Hes gonna unfollow you after lmao

>> No.78246334
File: 45 KB, 146x169, scream.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im gonna regret this but let me check /asp/ tonight--
jesus fuck i knew it
im only half black, thanks

>> No.78246346

hmmm today I will be somewhat interesting

>> No.78246361
File: 543 KB, 1024x1024, AppIcon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ty for coming to Yippee mobile game stream! We very close to finishing! :D

>> No.78246375

My condolences

>> No.78246394 [SPOILER] 
File: 79 KB, 1600x900, icefoxRef.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a spriter, thoughts on this model?

>> No.78246400

Whats the other half gobb?

>> No.78246503

native american.

>> No.78246550

forgor to put reply >>78233712

>> No.78246606

I like the ice cube, though I feel like the style of it clashes with the fox itself, especially since the latter has prominent linework.

>> No.78246616

Anyone ever call you a zambo to your face?

>> No.78246648

Today has finally pushed me to seriously start working on a lore update. Not a rebrand or redesign or anything, but a way to talk about IRL stuff without going into specific details. Once it's done should I spend a bit of time on stream just going over it briefly or just dump it somewhere and just refer to it as needed?

>> No.78246684

No I don't go outside.

>> No.78246744


>> No.78246769

I jumped in a for a little bit but didn't stay because game dev isn't my jam but you were very cute

>> No.78246778

Hispanic isn't a fucking race you fucking retarded mentally ill nigger I will carve your eyes out with a rusty spoon and fuck the holes.

>> No.78246807

White, Black or Asian aren't races either if you want to get pedantic about it

>> No.78246818

thanks :D

>> No.78246822

Liar. Proof?

>> No.78246863
File: 424 KB, 500x500, AXEDMOKUBA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure, im the whitest mf on this tier list
pinche pendejo no mames, watch streams

>> No.78246881

Maybe. His original account seems to have gotten nuked due to an off-handed reply that he sent to me on there, so I figured I owed him one. It only takes me around an hour to do a full character sprite set anyway.

>> No.78246914

cute hes cuuuuute speak spanish on stream please

>> No.78246953
File: 29 KB, 706x635, nori'd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remind me on my next stream and i will

>> No.78246997
File: 7 KB, 240x215, FYI4foQWIAAkgBh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78247015

Wait, Pukki isn't black?

>> No.78247038
File: 3 KB, 162x162, aplinrun.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not even half way finished chill out.
I still have tons to add to it.

I've never done romhacks but I have been making smw sprites for vtubers over the past week, curious fi you've seen any of em.
I've made like 13 of em by this point.

>> No.78247110

Could you make one for Haru? He's been playing a lot of Mario lately and seems like he's going to make Mondays his Mario days going forward.

>> No.78247175

because he broke mutual on twitter and likely twitch as well I'm not keen on the idea as these are gifts for people who have either helped me or I consider friends.
Hope he likes smw though it's my favorite mario game!

But I will be uploading a yt video from my streams where I was trying to teach people to make them themselves, you could make one for him instead!

>> No.78247216

Pukki is lightskin black

>> No.78247300

I'd like to give it a shot, I've never made sprites before but I wouldn't mind trying for him.

>> No.78247370

What's his beef with you?

>> No.78247499

I haven't gotten around to putting the video together but the vods are still up for the time being if you'd like to check em:

here's the first day

here's the second

here's the third

I know they're very long vods but the pixelart bit is just the first 3-4 hours of the streams, if you want you can add me on discord for help Scege
Also I could send you the files I had setup so you didn't have to join my stream discord if you didn't want to.

Otherwise just give it time and I'll eventually put together a video of the best parts and upload a google drive with the files I have for people to use.

>> No.78247509

I don't think he's mad at me. He did a playful jab about some video game a few months ago, and somehow he got suspended over it. No idea why, unless someone else flagged it as an abusive tweet or something.

>> No.78247550

Makes sense, since the cube was made by downscaling a more detailed asset rather than being made from scratch

>> No.78247677


why are there so many cute black girl vtubers with white skin?

>> No.78247776

Purrson is white

>> No.78247807

>Fwofie is white
>Rura is white
>Gobb is green
>Grace is green
>Lava is fucking purple
>Gumpai is white

Do you guys just hate dark skin?

>> No.78247831

theres some "vtubing is racist" expose every month dude

>> No.78247862

name popular blacktubers
Notable ones like Sunkenji and Sawa grape are white skinned despite being black.

>> No.78247863

How many different ways have you heard people pronounce your name so far? I thought I'd heard everything until yesterday when I heard Gob call you "Skeh-geh".

>> No.78247896

sena bonbon is a ginger and with a black model

>> No.78247897

In a world where you can be literally anything, the free market says people don't want to be black

>> No.78247903

Weird post haru

>> No.78247923

I've lost count.
I've had the name for years and I'm still hearing it said in new ways.
I used to tell people how I'd say it but at this point I don't even say it that way I just alternate through ways I've heard people say it lmao

>> No.78248094

You can't keep calling every post about him Haru.

>> No.78248120

Hey Ria is pretty popular and she's brown.

>> No.78248133

/choc/ is easily one of the best threads on /vt/
so many great brown and black models

>> No.78248136
File: 288 KB, 349x337, changeling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a classic case of staying up way past my bedtime, but thats how it is on this bitch of an earth (also the weekend) take it easy /asp/, but take it

>> No.78248193

night night sleep well :3

>> No.78248241

i'm white, i'm from argentina

>> No.78248495

Kinda. It's ingrained into the white and Asian mind that brown is a filthy color. Therefore the natural response is to try to clean the perceived filth. It's not exactly a race issue, though there are elements of racism at play. It's a color issue. Reference the lightening of Hololive's Flare at the request of her actress.

>> No.78248625
File: 20 KB, 884x311, FATE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You will never succeed unless you have all 4 requirements for success. If you don't have a sexy voice, you are fucked. If you don't have any talents or skill, you are fucked. If you don't have charisma and the power to talk, you are fucked. If you are mentally unstable, you are fucked.

How many of these requirements do you have? If you don't have all 4, what are you doing here? If you do have all 4, what are you doing here?

>Inb4 I'm just streaming for the bros
Those bros will not give you money, approval of the bros will not translate into any quantifiable success. You must appeal to women since they are primary demographic for male vtubers unless you have an incredible kayfabe and voice acting like Gianni as Gabriel, don't kid yourself.

>> No.78248679

>Those bros will not give you money
Is that the reason you vtubing?

>> No.78248759

This is a very easy post to derail but instead of asking you to define success I'm just going to tell you most of us do this for a hobby.
I would say the amount who want to "succeed" is immensely lower than you'd believe.

>> No.78248822

You do it as a hobby because you could never do it professionally, it's a cope.

>> No.78248875

not sure what you're expecting me to say to this but I've been streaming 8 years and have never once done this for personal gain.
I work a full-time job that pays pretty well.

>> No.78248907

Because you can't do it for personal gain.

>> No.78248918

This image is dox shit.

>> No.78248955

How? The information is either verified by the people themselves or it's just speculation

>> No.78248990

I'm driven by far more interesting things than greed and self-serving behavior.

One day I hope you too will be able to enjoy things.

>> No.78249100
File: 22 KB, 505x172, Dox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78249231

had a really good stream... lotsa fun! super long, too (well, 6-ish hours, so)

>> No.78249270

You're driven by self-serving behaviour as much as anybody else, you just want to cope because if you could make 6 figures off of streaming, you definitely would try but you know you can't

>> No.78249373

I'm uninterested and you're not going to get a satisfying enough response from me.

>> No.78249372

i miss her

>> No.78249381


>> No.78249399

what if you're the copee and I'm actually the nirvana experiencing chad?

>> No.78249414

You wouldn't get so defensive then would you?

>> No.78249442

Gay sex tier list

>> No.78249449

NTA but are you saying that's not true? You wouldn't stream for 6 figures if you could?

>> No.78249487

are you trying to to u mad me?
holy shit dude it's 2024 please LOL

>> No.78249574

I also don't trust how finnicky a fanbase can be especially once they're the ones technically paying your bills.

It's an interesting idea for sure, but I've had years to ponder it.

>> No.78249605

If I could make $300/month - I could live off that money

>> No.78249690

>it's current year bro

Yeah you're definitely defensive about never being able to make this a career

>> No.78249707

list all REAL gays of asp

>> No.78249712

That's crazy man. If you could reach 6 figures then you've established an audience that would watch you do anything, even if you stray very far from what originally made you popular, or if you only stream like twice a month.
I'd take that over wagecuckery any day of the year. Makes me wish I was born female. Truly life on easy mode.

>> No.78249753

Please talk to me. I miss you.

>> No.78249775

insisting something is true doesn't make it true.

Don't you have something more productive to do than stir up meaningless conflict on an anonymous image board?
My shifts over though, so I gotta pack up and go home for the night.
Take care buddy.
Good luck in being a successful streamer!

>> No.78249787

>I could totally make a career off streaming but it's just because I don't want to not because I literally can't after doing it for 8 years

>> No.78250026

Men are so thinskinned

>> No.78250085

i love women

>> No.78250095

actually work breaks up the monotony of our existence.
it's often why you don't usually turn the thing you enjoy doing into your source of income, because it usually takes away from what you once enjoyed because you're doing it constantly instead of as a break from something else you do out of necessity.
some people might not have that experience and that's fine!
but there are people who do genuinely enjoy working and enjoy what they do away from work even more because of that.
I ain't saying I wouldn't like a better job, but my job is irelevant because I have a hobby to enjoy on my days off.

There are already people who don't work because of disability or other means and more often than not they're miserable because they can't escape the thing that makes them money and relax because their existence is what is making them money.
There's also a reason retired people still seek employment.
There's people who just get more enjoyment when they have a boring mundane job to make what they actally enjoy doing more exciting.

Call it cope if you want but it's actual life experience whether you believe it or not, hope it does help though!
I gotta go for real though, have a good day /asp/ies and see some of you again tonight!

>> No.78250104

I just want to be loved. I just want to be good. I just want to receive your affection. I want to be loved. I want people to think about me. I want people to rely on me. I want people to be happy with me. I want people to be sad with me. I want people to share things with. I want people to watch me grow. I want the adoration for doing a good job. I want to have someone to lean on when I get sad. I want someone to comfort me. I want someone to help me keep all the broken pieces together.

>> No.78250107
File: 107 KB, 1098x107, 1718161125965269.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we need more girls in glasses

>> No.78250202

Women won't do any of that

>> No.78250248

You underestimate just how much I love girls.

>> No.78250263

That's everybody buddy

>> No.78250288

Sex with Yumi...
Also I haven't seen you use the asset yet...

>> No.78250462

Digby is literally a black cat...wait is a white guy playing a black cat racist?

>> No.78250492

Strictly speaking? You're right.
But actually you're wrong.
The term hispanic is exclusively relating to the Americas. Not the Spanish.

>> No.78250528
File: 20 KB, 692x255, no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78250771

latino/a relates to the america
hispanic is spaniard

>> No.78250852

>Lava got gifted $275 headphones

I fucking hate being male

>> No.78250949

Hispanic is just a made up term by estado unidenses to box anyone who speaks spanish. Latinos are a spectrum of native american and euro, with a lot of them being somewhere in between, with a little african here and there.

>> No.78251096

How much you need to mix to become mixed?

>> No.78251103

iirc hispanic is derived from hispanidad which came from a spanish guy and got popular in south america in the 1900's

>> No.78251200
File: 1.04 MB, 1684x2399, 0235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to make a plushy of him so I can hold him

>> No.78251203

Thanks military, now no one will ever know what I am based on voice

>> No.78251233

At least 50%

>> No.78251237

None of them sounds Asian expect Ainslie and Rura

>> No.78251261

Hispanic is derived from Hispania, the old Roman provincial term for Iberia

>> No.78251291

Doesn't mean they're not asian?

>> No.78251305

Like this?

>> No.78251330

If you're a hapa, then you're mixed.

>> No.78251394

Between my cramp and reduced sleep quality, I wholly refrain from streaming today

>> No.78251757

I, too, miss Andy. I thought about her this morning.

>> No.78252235

Grace is SEA but grew up in Australia. Fwofie sounds american and I can't place Mond's accent.

>> No.78252357

Mond's from Germany but I'm fairly sure she's half white half korean

>> No.78252376

>Followed new (woman) vtuber off twitter
>They're at around 70 followers now
>Struggling to get past 3 viewers (they're really boring)
>3 subs already

>> No.78252423

Chrii is French I'm pretty sure there are niggers in her family line

>> No.78252435

Chrii is Belarusian

>> No.78252482

Belarusians are the French of Eastern Europe

>> No.78252487

Both of you are wrong. Chrii is sexy and needs to give me asmr. Simple as

>> No.78252543

she made it! I'm so proud of her!

>> No.78252599
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i come here whenever i have youtube algorithm questions or to have a menhera melty over not making the personal progress i want fast enough

>> No.78252601

>not even enough ccv to hit partner
>made it
retard chan....

>> No.78252603

i'm mexican, although my spanish isn't the best..

>> No.78252640

This raises the question, what is the best way to monetize yourself as a guy?

There are tons of ways to monetize yourself as a girl with obvious stuff like subs and donations and there's ton of extra stuff they can do as well like voice packs, girls get commissioned for art even when they're not good, lots of donothon goals like special ASMR, pain games, and guys like to buy girls throne gifts, etc. What do guys have that isn't just a shittier form of what girls have?

>> No.78252664

Mexican is a nationality

>> No.78252666

sure thing, sport :3c

>> No.78252693

She herself says she enjoys the slower chats, and 30+ ccv with everything on her throne being funded, and having a tight community and frequent fanart? I'd say that's making it, I'm sure she'll reach partner someday.

>> No.78252709

mexican, therefore hispanic

>> No.78252729

look at this nerd
have you tried being funny? or playing a himbo role? or being ultra good at a game to where it carries the lack of charisma? or playing the yandere parasocial ASMR type?

>> No.78252748

How do I show support for a streamer I like (not money me broke) other then watching and chatting in stream since I already do that

>> No.78252755

making clips and fanart

>> No.78252776

Girls aren't funny, good at anything or charismatic and they get shit thrown at them, why should I?

>> No.78252786

Latin not Hispanic

>> No.78252802

ok then. enjoy staying here for the next few years and not improving.

>> No.78252820

Because you don't have a pussy, simple as that
And no, having a nasty gaping gash from trooning out doesn't count

>> No.78252827

Clips, fanart, being active in their discord, interact with their social media posts like always commenting on their twitter posts, maybe DMing them and giving some personal support if they will let you, using their emotes in others chats is one that I feel is underrated since whenever I see an emote that catches my eye I always check out the channel it came from

>> No.78252864

>have you tried being funny?
Humor is subjective and jokes won't work if no one is around
>playing a himbo role? playing the yandere parasocial ASMR type?
I don't want to conform to either of these
>being ultra good at a game to where it carries the lack of charisma?
I have a job and don't have time to become S rank gamer/this doesn't translate to views look at most speedrunner channels

>> No.78252871

ehem sweaty, it's latinx

>> No.78252884

Even if the fanart is completely garbage and they are the greatest artist alive?

>> No.78252892

Trannies like you get the rope

>> No.78252896
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>> No.78252910

in fact theres a better chance they'll appreciate the effort as an artist themselves

>> No.78252919

>not hispanic
now you're just messing with me..

>> No.78252951

Man you fucking discount Spaniards are so easy to bait

>> No.78252977
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>> No.78252981

I hope you get ass cancer and die alone in the fucking gutter like the trash you are

>> No.78252992

Hispanic refers to Spaniards

>> No.78252997

Is there anybody here who is
>a himbo
>ultra good at a game
>does yandere parasocial ASMR

and makes money?

>> No.78253028

these are all excuse to be lazy. what makes you think the current big streamers weren't telling jokes to 0 viewers when they started? you don't have to conform to anything but you could play up your personality a bit more, amplify your autistic traits or something like that. and you don't have to do speedruns you could do FPS games. make clips of you trickshotting or getting a 10 kill streak or completely dominating the enemy team. there's definitely SOME game you're good at.

>> No.78253082

Plenty of people are good at a few specific games but very few are ultra good to the point it is impressive

>> No.78253109

Fake Belarussian. Can't even read Russian cursive. Probably was born in France in the family of expats

>> No.78253144

All the very top vtuber streamers on Twitch suck at games. I can run circles around them in games I have never played. What makes them big isn't their skills

>> No.78253161

Look nigga I didn't say I wasn't trying to be unfunny on purpose I said humor is subjective and wont get you views if no one is watching

The double standard that everyone has pissed is that women can get away with going live and just not being slightly more interesting than jingling keys while males have to reach a point of being a high level socialite AND get lucky that people click the stream

>> No.78253228

I know that and that's kind of my point, you can be really good at a game and still nobody will watch you because you lack showmanship

>> No.78253285

Nobody tell him who the top performing streamers are in the world

>> No.78253299

ok? the same thing happens irl. get over it. improve yourself. or don't and cry on 4chan that no ones watches you sit in silence for 3 hours.

>> No.78253382

Literally just copy Iriya. Dude has made like a whole 10 asmr videos and streamed 10 times and has psychotic fans already. If he ever gets the menhera pole that stops him from streaming out of his ass, he'll go far and so can you by just copying the most basic fucking formula of pandering to girls with asmr and an ikemen model

>> No.78253383

Just be a femboy like Haru and Beryl and get the horny gay community to buy you shit and get easy views

>> No.78253388

They are not vtubers though.
Face cam streamer > No cam streamer > Male vtuber

>> No.78253401

I hate Białoruskie. Kurwy zajebane, they smell and are the real cancer of Europe.

>> No.78253437

What if I don't have an attractive voice for ASMR, and don't want to whore myself out to horny gay men either?

>> No.78253440

Oh I get it
You’re the anti-male schizo from /wvt/ LOL

>> No.78253453

I've literally never seen anyone be horny for Beryl and Haru outright threatens to ban people for sexual comments

>> No.78253539

Maybe not horny on main but only desperate fags would watch femboy vtubers and it would explain their views and people buying them shit. If they lost their models or replace it with actual male-presenting models they’d be on the same level as all the other struggling male vtubers.

>> No.78253546

Alpin is kinda funny and has himbo capabilities and Iriya has the parasocial thing going on with his fans and he only uploaded a few vids
However none of you are good at games so you guys have to rely on your personality

>> No.78253549

Then you're going to have to be Bettel tier funny

>> No.78253604

I like watching Haru and Beryl and I'm not gay

>> No.78253644

femboys are objectively worse than female vtubers because they try to emulate the easy way of attracting viewers with girly looking models without actually being male and having an attractive voice or being good at video games or being funny, all femboys just hornybait or play genshin unironically

>> No.78253665

And other amazing lies you can try to convince to yourself

>> No.78253676

I still want to know what girl was so cray the even Iriya had to block her

>> No.78253744
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>but only desperate fags would watch femboy vtubers
You take that back

>> No.78253814

they are worse but they're clearly marketing and appealing themselves to a certain demographic

>> No.78253817

Kankuro is pretty good at Soulslike games and he uploaded a short which he's trying to transfer his knowledge into bitesize advice chunks which I think is probably a good route for him to take

Kuromaru is a pretty good Tekken player

Iriya with Apex and Skab is decent at FPS too like Squad

Ainslie is good at grand strategy

>> No.78253867


>> No.78253881

I just like how sweet Haru is and I'm not a fan of sex humour in general and he really steers away from that. Beryl is a pro-yapper as well. I don't want to fuck them.

>> No.78253893

I need to stream GunZ for people to see I’m the best gamer.

>> No.78253929

i don't
that's a future crime case in the making

>> No.78253941

Probably sent him self harm stuff or tried ERPing with him

>> No.78253961

iriya should do that meme with the who can match my freak song

>> No.78254000

I want haru to crush me with the thighs that vita leaked

>> No.78254088

anon haru posted that. when will you learn what astroturfing is

>> No.78254155
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Name of the image.

Normies will never understand not matching voice and model.

>> No.78254157

Who are some successful /asp/ie males?

Babi, progamming god
Flesh streamer, funny science man
>Abi (inb4 no, he averages 35+ ccv)

The only normal guy I can think of is Bloom who is an excellent singer

>> No.78254208

dont you losers hear the fat in her voice? these were not harus thighs

>> No.78254225

What does your voice sound like?

>> No.78254340


>> No.78254373

I doubt she cares

>> No.78254430

nta but you sound very femboy

>> No.78254433

Try speaking softer, like you're actually trying to perform ASMR content

>> No.78254625

I know.

>> No.78254713

Here's a bunch of different 'ASMR' (I don't consider most of them ASMR since they're mostly audio roleplays [IT'S A DIFFERENT GENRE] and they're just using ASMR in the title for algorithm reasons but whatever) channels with guys who don't have traditionally deep masculine voices:


There's no reason to feel you can't be successful with a different quality in your voice outside of what is stereotypically considered good. Honestly, the bar for male ASMR is shamefully low and just a little bit of effort on your part in terms of presentation or script writing will put you above most.

>> No.78254948

God I'd die of embarrassment having shit like this associated with me

>> No.78254967
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Meanwhile Poles are the biggest hypocrites of europe. You start trouble and pick fights with everyone before running to your sugar mommies and daddies for help.

>> No.78255017

>normal guy

>> No.78255034

I mean in terms of his model and presentation

>> No.78255037

Literally what it reminds me of. I just can't

>> No.78255191

Pick (or write) scripts and scenarios that don't make you want to die inside then.

>> No.78255267

Shondo used to sound so cool

>> No.78255273

Reminder that Israelis are entirely of polish ashkenazi descent. pierogi eaters are the root cause of every problems in this world

>> No.78255313

>pierogi eaters
Just opened the thread with pierogi in my mouth and see this.

>> No.78255336

Since she got COVID she said she can't do the onee-san voice for very long without pain.

This was my favourite of her onee-san voice ASMRs

>> No.78255377

With a pieróg, you pig, don’t eat multiple pierogi at the same time. Make love to a singular one each time you take a bite.

>> No.78255454
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Good morning /asp/ will be playing minecunt today what should I do??

>> No.78255842

It’s a tranny in a weird public tranny relationship

>> No.78256154

>how do I get fans as a male?
>>Make asmr which appeals to girls
>I dont have the right voice
>>plenty of guys have found success with different voices
>Its embarassing and I don't want to do it
Why didn't you just say that from the start? Stay ngmi then

>> No.78256246

So desperate virgins watching girls that sound like children are not as pathetic…?

>> No.78256266

kek this was hilarious, you guys got be funny or cringe if you want to make it

>> No.78256305


>> No.78256330

1d6chan rose out of the ashes of 1d4chan. Almost the entire site is like that.

>> No.78256548

>It's ingrained into the white and Asian mind that brown is a filthy color.
Really putting that degree in sociological myths to tell your friends to work huh.

>> No.78256560

I don't want to deal with psychotic fans

>> No.78256588

Cody is black

>> No.78256592
File: 100 KB, 778x851, StrongSummer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mentioned it briefly last night, but I'm going to be having a small scale event on Friday to ring in summer, and as a place to activate all the channel stuff and a few other upgrades I've got in reserve. Bit of a last minute idea, but I'll work hard to make sure there's fun on stream stuff to do too

>> No.78256644

ur so cute

>> No.78256744
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>> No.78256871

so is the clown faggot i cant find his name on there
also mamaubume is asian as fuck

>> No.78256893
File: 3 KB, 240x31, 1701676332326375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seconding the kill yourself.

>> No.78256958

? it's true, dont be weird about it momomuhammed

>> No.78257010

Burying my raging morning wood inside neetbat/mond! Pretending not to hear her telling me to stop! Leaving her unable to walk straight the whole day!

>> No.78257225

I just want to headpat Mond and wish her a blessed day today.

>> No.78257260

she left because of people like you. and she will again.

>> No.78257300
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AS A SPRITER THOUGHTS on this model?

>> No.78257345

Question: Amongst the people who like that type of thing, is it worth doing it for comedic purposes?

Does the average person who enjoys asmr/role plays have any time for some filled with jokes and humor, or does that totally defeat the purpose?

>> No.78257490

Good post.
Haru is always a leech and asking for free stuff from people but never does shit for others, at all.
Good for you.

>> No.78257576
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>> No.78257858

i wonder if serious male ryona asmr is in demand?

>> No.78258044

I see her in so many chats but she doesn't talk in mine

>> No.78258100

and it hurts so much...

>> No.78258115


>> No.78258232

Most of the girls just lurk quietly from my experience

>> No.78258283

But she seems happy, so at least I can be content because of that.

>> No.78258341

She is disabled you fuck

>> No.78258515

Schizo bake incoming

>> No.78258559

As someone who watches a lot of asmr, not really. I use it for relaxation and sleep, so constantly trying to joke would either make me laugh which is the opposite of what I want or the jokes land flat which just makes me cringe or take me out of the fantasy

>> No.78258565

And what do you mean by that? Do you think she needs your pity?

>> No.78258810

How are you feeling today?

>> No.78258904

Meme 'ASMR' is a totally separate thing from actual asmr. I like both but for incredibly different reasons. If you're gonna do actual asmr some circumstantial humor is fine but don't try to be funny on purpose, and if you're doing memes there no point in trying to put in actual triggers.
Honestly though if you don't enjoy asmr at all yourself I'd suggest not making it

>> No.78258914


>> No.78259138

I won't complain, but I'm drowning. I need someone to hold me while I cry. It's not going to happen. I'll just work out a bit.

>> No.78259195

my aunt weighs half as much as you and it's a whole family issue
fix yourself bro

>> No.78260997

Can we split the Asians up between East vs SEA at least?

>> No.78261234

Sex with black women

>> No.78261389

We need asians but from india

>> No.78261815

2024 is the year for desi chuubas

>> No.78262743


>> No.78263065

All hail Bharat!
