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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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78242759 No.78242759 [Reply] [Original]

she's so cute


>> No.78242923

Do we really need 4 threads for a literal who?

>> No.78242974

Sure why not. She's cute and it's not hurting anyone.

>> No.78245495


>> No.78245596

Don't even bother her "fans" get really defensive when you point that out

>> No.78245658

nijitrannies will never learn

>> No.78245790

>Do we really need 4 threads for a literal who?
the sisters are paid steam gift cards to NEED twisty to ignite a revival of interest in nijiEN.

>> No.78245852

buy an add faggot, no one gonna watch niji shit

>> No.78245914

2 more
6 threads now

>> No.78245951

They hate lolis like Twisty, so it's very unlikely that they're the ones shilling her.

>> No.78245955

Pretty sure at this point she's had more threads than viewers.

>> No.78245991

just shilling the utter fuck out of this literal 3-view nobody.
If any small corpo vtuber did this shit they'd be flamed into the stone age. But Nijifags feel they have the right to do that.

>> No.78246269
File: 48 KB, 436x373, 1693003024670873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

making threads about someone is not "shilling" you retard this board is for discussing vtubers and anyone is free to make threads about any vtuber go the fuck back to /r/hololive if you want your corpo-curated reddit circlejerk, faggot.

>> No.78246319

Do society a favor and kill yourself

>> No.78246381

I'd tell you to do the same but you're probably already a dickless tranny so there's no risk of your genes passing on and dumbing down future generations. If being a self-appointed janny on a mongolian basket weaving forum is the best you'll ever amount to then I feel sorry for your parents.

>> No.78246416

It is shilling when there's already a designated general for discussion of the vtuber in question. >>78190165

>> No.78246428

Buy an ad nijinigger

>> No.78246445

>Calls me a tranny because I'm tired of hearing about his shitter chubba

>> No.78246484

Oh I'm sorry I guess we can't make threads about any vtuber if there's a general about them already? Really don't see what the issue is.

Filter her images then you whiny queer.

>> No.78246639

If you actually want to discuss the vtuber in earnest, yes it's best to do it in the general. Not as a spam of "hur dur she cute" threads on the catalog. The only people who do things like that are shitposters who want said chuuba to be shit on.

>> No.78246757

>we have to fill the catalog with this literal who but its not shilling i promise :^)
Fuck off and take your nijiwhores with you.

>> No.78246893

Protip for you, if people click her stream and immediately leave its harmful to her spot in the algorithm. If they leave quick enough, like under 30 seconds, she doesn't even get a view for it.

>> No.78248981


>> No.78249919

Honestly didn't mind having a thread or two for her on the catalog though I agree that at this point is has already gotten obnoxious. They're always very obvious shilling threads too. Drama discussion threads I can even understand because fans usually don't want that in a general, but this kind of circlejerking is literally what they're for.

>> No.78252290

>she's so cute

>> No.78252488

Many of those are sisters falseflagging. She already has dedicated schizo from /nijien/ after they doxed 14yo girl and now are trying to push a narrative that it was Twisty doing VRChat in their threads with no proper evidence. It's sad but unfortunately expected. She's too different from rest of Niji EN and a lot of "fans" of that dying branch are antagonistic to her.
If you want to discuss her, simply join the general, we like talking about her. Catalogbait threads... probably best to report them.

It's not shilling. It's trying to irritatate the people who browse the board with spam. Nijiniggers do this all the time, see all the holo bait threads. Kiara, Mori, Gura, FuwaMoco, you name it... it's just that this time they're targeting Twisty for crimes like being different or hating BL.
This thread in particular has small chance of being genuine but most of them definitely aren't.

>> No.78252595

who the fuck is this bitch and why are there so many threads on her? I ain't watching your shitty 2view indie retard

>> No.78252761

She will hurt someone. She joined a pack of bullies and approves of their behaviour.

>> No.78252832

You can't just post random links you found and pretend they support what you're making up.

>> No.78252854

Kek I recognize this url already, it's overused so much.

>> No.78253043

No, we need more >>78248736

>> No.78254523

Her ASMR stream made me coom like crazy.
I'll just selectively watch her VODs. Cba to get involved in sisterdrama.

>> No.78255135

her voice is so incredibly sexy

>> No.78255616

My new pet rrat is that the "she's making fun of Doki" shit is an act of sabotage to try and get Twisty Zaion'd.
The fallout from Dokibird has management in knee jerk mode where they're looking for people who might possibly be bullying before drama hits the fan this time. Past infractions all forgiven of course, because it would be admitting wrongdoing to even think of punishing anyone over Doki.
All they need to do is get their shitty zero proof bullshit into a public space where it can be reported to some dumbfuck ESL manager. They don't need to convince anyone with a working brain, they just need to hoodwink some underpaid nip looking for reasons to punish people for "bullying".
Boom, sister directly fucks over the cunny vtuber that dares steal their precious man's attention and invite a "problematic viewer base" into NijiEN.
