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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 85 KB, 1000x953, Twisty_Amanozako_Portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
78244170 No.78244170 [Reply] [Original]

Unicorns, lolicons, coomers, fujoshis, yumejoshis etc seem to hate her, why?

>> No.78244225

Well considering she's already managed to piss off two Niji fanbases she on her way there at least

>> No.78244305

Finana has some competition, she also has 1 Finana CCV

>> No.78244361

That implies I even know who she is or what she sounds like. All I know is her bait threads are fucking hilarious because her underaged fags have absolutely zero opsec.

>> No.78244445

>Get hard shilled here
>Get hated
These retards should stop

>> No.78244486

Nope but using a space of the catalog coz fuckers like you want to shill her makes me hate her.

>> No.78244565

From what I can tell it's either "She's crying for help" or "This bitch is making fun of what happened to Selen/Doki". I don't watch niji chuubas but Klara has piqued my interest.

>> No.78244575

You got that twisted (heh), she is the only one ANYONE cares about in the new wave, so of course shitposters would only talk about her. Everyone else is irrelevant even by NijEN;s poor standards.

>> No.78244640

Nobody hates her, but everytime someone makes a shill thread for her you get a bunch of people making shit up >>78244565 about her.

She's really inoffensive.

>> No.78244675


>> No.78244703


>> No.78244738
File: 261 KB, 780x1009, sistersvstwisty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only hate her because you morons keep making these threads about her, causing the anons to actually get annoyed enough to dig up dirt on her like how she joined the /nijien/ vrchat ERP server and got doxxed by the sisters because of course they did, revealing that she's not only /here/ but an unironic, full-blooded sister.

If you want to actually help her, go fuck off to twitter where people ACTUALLY hate her.
And by people I mean the nijiEN fanbase.

>> No.78244816

Then what was that deleted vod all about? cause desu this sounds like cope to me.

>> No.78244877

QRD? to what this anon is talking about?

>> No.78244920
File: 309 KB, 352x387, 1627387401789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zaion 2.0. Shame about the model going to waste.

>> No.78245032

She can always hire that same mama and commission something almost similar like Kson's or the exact same thing like Miguel's

>> No.78245035

I don't think she knows what audience she wants to pursue, so she tries to target everyone but in consequence she targets no one

>> No.78245039

She did a yandere gfe asmr. Near the end, she muted the stream for about 10 minutes to go onto Aster's stream and playfully flirt with him while her own audience was watching her silent mouthflaps until she was done. When she came back, she said this because Aster was comparing her to Gwen from league of legends.
Kind of not a good fucking thing to do in your first week while the branch is burning due to this exact thing you're joking about, on top of the whole "abandoning your audience mid stream" thing.
If she gets terminated, this is absolutely going on the rap sheet.

>> No.78245148
File: 67 KB, 945x1309, orcute1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care about the person behind the model. Just the model. Dead chuubas rarely get fanart.

>> No.78245155

According to sisters she doesn't even want to target an audience, she just wants a small group of people watching her and doesn't wanna interact with any other niji's. Her existence is truly baffling.

>> No.78245159

>she is the only one ANYONE cares about in the new wave,
Klara is a 4view and has more subs than them, maybe you meant to say people >here

>> No.78245164
File: 215 KB, 1080x914, Screenshot_20240616_023407_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people were happy after she left vanta stream yesterday, there is like 10 of those comments in the vod calling out people over that and some hating on twisty

>> No.78245166

twisty amanozako put up a steam called "Yandere ASMR roleplay" In the now deleted vod she said "Everybody in this company is evil and abusive and Uhm...im getting harassed". From what i can tell people have taken it in two different meanings. ITs either to make fun of someone or its a cry for help.

>> No.78245320
File: 2.63 MB, 1073x2067, image (1) (9).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop with that shit, the only 4view stream was a 3k raid

>> No.78245461

She's alright, aside from the constant Minecraft streams

>> No.78245506
File: 15 KB, 376x293, orcute4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78245687

I like constant Minecraft streams. But she keeps resetting her world for stupid reasons. Also her texture pack looks like shit and make my eyes bleed.

>> No.78245807

She doesn't deserve the hate, it reminds me of the stuff Nina, Kiara and Selen (before the black screen, about her FPS grinding etc) went through, the stuff people make up or exaggerate here or on the doxxsite

>> No.78245894

>She's really inoffensive.
Vanta and Wilson disagree

Klara wants Vanta to hold her hand. Twisty teases Vanta that she can touch Klara's boobs but Vanta can't. Klara keeps repeating she wants to hold Vanta's hand.
Twisty says that Vanta wants her stepmother. (2:28:50) Twisty says that Vanta was on her knees for her begging her. Vanta and Wilson are weirded out, and start begging for someone else to join the call.
Twisty keeps repeating that Vanta is her big brother.
Klara wants to buy Vanta's body pillow. Repeats several time
Twisty says she'll buy Vanta's body pillow, and then force him to sign it. Really weird, like she's trying to be "femdom" but with Vanta?
Twisty googled a lewd mousepad of Finana and is posting it in the discord. "tee hee don't look you are boys" and they look anyway
Twisty looks up gay porn of the boys, and Vanta threatens to kick them off the stream. (2:40:40) Twisty is looking at naked art of Vanta but says it's not as dirty as she was expecting.
Twisty reads fanfiction of the males
Finana says Wilson likes to climax or something, and Twisty imitates Wilson cumming.
Wilson almost leaves the stream.
Twisty asks if Vanta is into milfs, things get awkward when Finana starts talking about actual incest.
3:00:33, 3:01:35
Twisty keeps repeating she wants to go on a lobster date with everyone.

>> No.78245945

Hey, since it's worked out well exactly zero times for phasefags, maybe another corpo can try it and get better results.

>> No.78245979

I don't hate her. If anything, I'm indifferent to her.

I fucking hate (You), however, for making this same fucking thread 3 times every single day for the last 3 weeks.

>> No.78246038
File: 109 KB, 934x778, 1699783030367490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did they really use chains for Vanta because he's black? kek

>> No.78246066
File: 555 KB, 1200x609, poor nigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of pic.rel incident

Why is the nigga always stuck with the crazies?

>> No.78246094

That's Sonny actually

>> No.78246103

Because he joined Nijisanji

>> No.78246166

The transcript alone vindicates my decision to stay the fuck away from niji.

>> No.78246180

No wonder the wigger Kyo left, if a fake had it rough with Enna, now everyone seems to be forcing themselves into Vanta's space

>> No.78246297

Wait, but sisters told me she was only doing the onee-chan thing with sonny when those clips hit the catalog. Fucking hell man I don't feel much sympathy for males let alone nijimales but Vanta really is giving me good reason to start.

>> No.78246357

>Vanta and Wilson disagree
No they don't, you're just an autist.

>> No.78246456

Sonny can go die in a ditch again but poor fucking Vanta, dude. How many more times is this guy gunna get sexually harassed?

>> No.78246524

She's not Elira so no

>> No.78246558

no, she choose to join nijisanji, she can deal with it herself

>> No.78246575

She hasn't reset her world since the stream labeled Let's Play #1. She's making a world that she wants to make into a Denauth server eventually.

>> No.78246578

now that's the same cope that people used to say about Hana and guess where that put her?

>> No.78246599

he joined nijisanji, he deserves it

>> No.78246607

>doesn't wanna interact with any other niji's.
Then why join Vanta's stream?

>> No.78246611
File: 882 KB, 3681x1911, GKo45nga8AAsrwq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Twisty looks up gay porn of the boys, and Vanta threatens to kick them off the stream. (2:40:40) Twisty is looking at naked art of Vanta but says it's not as dirty as she was expecting.
>clearly uncomfortable and half-jokingly threatens to ban her
>his eyes dart around in a panic and he goes stonecold quiet
>can't even seriously tell her to stop or forcibly eject because m-muh nijifamily
I don't even need to watch the rest but holy fuck

>> No.78246626

I can't believe i am sympathizing with a homo, Twisty acts like a Nijisister so other sisters hate that she one-upped them

>> No.78246667

people don't care, simple as

>> No.78246669

Jesus christ. I knew sisters were sexually repressed schizoids but this is a whole 'nother level.

>> No.78246698

Okay, too many stories and accusations are getting jumbled up jfc

>> No.78246699

She also made fun of Vanta's fanart and merch in front of all his viewers and insulted the viewers who pay for those things. Pretty damn rude, even as a joke. Wouldn't surprise me if Vanta finally loses his patience with her and tells her to stop coming to his streams.

>> No.78246723
File: 457 KB, 939x536, lulu question mark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How? How is it that in literally every single Twisty thread, there's ALWAYS a new reason to dislike her? I'm even fucking sympathizing for a homo for christs sake, I'm fully expecting someone to make a post timestamping her talking about eating puppies in a week.

>> No.78246736

actually she hates pitbulls

>> No.78246748

He literally asked her to collab with him, Sonny and Klara. You faggots are genuinely autistic or deliberately dense

>> No.78246787

Going to need a timestamp, but it's also hilarious scrolling down to the comments and seeing them all talk about "how disrespectful chat was when they celebrated when she left".

Even nijifans hate Twisty.

>> No.78246800
File: 304 KB, 519x577, 1693668669801445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this whole transscript
>niji fans unironically like these kind of interactions

Absolutely insane to me, how can anyone enjoy this

>> No.78246833

She hates dogs.
I'm not fucking kidding.

>> No.78246838

quite unironically and sincerely, is she the anon that shitposted about wanting to go into niji solely and legitimately for the purpose of fucking it all up?? i legit remember reading such a post
someone this redpilled couldn't possibly exist but here could it be...

>> No.78246848

Based, fuckers should be extinct, owners should be jailed for owning one

>> No.78246851

I have to be devils advocate but there is fun to be had in bantering, hell your pic is a brat with her chat too, but there's a clear limit this weird new addition is clearly passing.

>> No.78246860

finally someone sensible

>> No.78246897

no one even slightly loli adjacent is going to join niji en and subject themselves to the niji en audience, unless they're actually, genuinely retarded

>> No.78246927

There are people that saw kyo shitting on ennas fans and calling them cucks and the replies to that were majority "omg that is so us lol"

>> No.78246936
File: 105 KB, 650x365, 1714521830788844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>female bullies male
>i feel bad for the male

>> No.78246957

Foreigner SAN

>> No.78246967

>twisty is a /here/ sleeper agent to destroy niji from the inside out
I want, nay, I NEED this to be true, 'cause it would be so damned funny.

>> No.78246986
File: 120 KB, 250x370, 1718054953229359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fix it then grifty

>> No.78246995

This has to be the most retarded hire yet

>> No.78247006

Yeah cause he's trying to support the new members while also riding the hype of the new wave himself. Twisty is new so it's not like Vanta knows exactly what sort of dumb shit she's going to say on his stream. He's had to cover for the stuff she said so many times in that stream that it wouldn't surprise me if he just gives up on her.

>> No.78247011

Twisty hates nijisisters and she tries to make it very obvious that she wants nothing to do with them

>> No.78247050
File: 1.01 MB, 842x929, 0MicZpF9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They don't.

>> No.78247081

Is this the part where it gets brought up she's from /nijien/ and you attempt to derail the thread by having the same argument with anons until bump limit like you usually do? If so,
>skip cutscene

>> No.78247082

The others they actually do watch do the same more or less though. Enna, Finana and such have viewership despite barely being better

>> No.78247096

Don't you get tired of spamming this slander? Vanta never threatened to lick her out and her saying that she's an ojou sama isn't femdom. They all literally had no problem with Twisty and talked about how fun she is to talk to after she left. You Holofags s are pathetic

>> No.78247105
File: 139 KB, 242x365, 1712516589876806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She said that the livers are nothing but kind to her and she's just worried that their fans hate her because they don't understand kayfabe or that she's trying to play a pre-established role in collabs. She's trying to play a bratty ojousama but Niji sisters and dramafags don't get it at all. Vanta and the others invited her to play GTA RP after this "disastrous" stream btw. Clearly he hates her.

>> No.78247112

Are they still trying to claim that 14 year old girl that they doxxed is twisty? They can't be that fucking retarded can they

>> No.78247115

>Vanta never threatened to lick her out
Phone of sausagefingers, which do you think it is /vt/?

>> No.78247123

The irony

>> No.78247132
File: 79 KB, 1000x1000, GLGCs3xXwAAsxvB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>78247115 (me)
>make fun of sister's typo
>make my own
No... it can't be... not like... this...

>> No.78247149

time for bed

>> No.78247161

why are sisters spamming here when they should be botting or donating?? i dont get it

>> No.78247171

>Wilson and Vanta hate her and thinks she's offensive
>which is why Wilson and Vanta invite her to multiple collabs and want to raid into her

>> No.78247176

>yap yap yap
viewsame -> /nijien/ edit -> trash post
saved you a read

>> No.78247195

timestamp btw
femcels are really going hard trying to demonize this girl for daring to interact with their precious baby boy Vanta even though he hates those kinds of fans.

>> No.78247198

It's almost like that's awful kayfabe to have for the type of audience still watching NijiEN

>> No.78247230

Twisty made all the shill threads to make /vt/ hate her, throwing off management's suspicions as she continues sabotaging NijiEN.

>> No.78247237

>doesn't even link a timestamp

>> No.78247239

Nice nyfco raid sisters, you freaks will never get close to the boys like her

>> No.78247254

Who is her audience supposed to be?
>pisses off chinese sisters
>pisses off people who were hoping for a bit of GFE by still lusting over male colleagues like mad

>> No.78247263


>> No.78247269

>piss off two Niji fanbases

>> No.78247302
File: 116 KB, 98x99, 1709540186295250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who are we to disrespect her efforts then?

>> No.78247304
File: 13 KB, 320x320, 120dddfd6740d991983b3a12eef20a77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's everyone's favorite time of night folks! The gambling den is open, taking all bets, taking all bets! How Twisty's fanbase will end up doxxing her tonight! The odds are 1:1000000 on an address, 1:100 on a roommate, and 1:10 on something new entirely! Call yer shots soon folks, because this game starts quick and it starts wild!

>> No.78247326

Is her kayfable being dumb slut?

>> No.78247328
File: 305 KB, 1019x1338, 1707949249585055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my bad here you go

She isn't lusting over them tho. She's being bratty in the most annoying way, like a kid that just learned what hentai is and just keeps bringing it up to make adults uncomfortable. At no point were the guys like "t-that's so hot Twisty" they were cringing and calling her weird, as she wanted them to.

Who cares what Niji sisters think? Let her do her own thing. She doesn't have to pander to an audience that hates her simply for being born a woman.

>> No.78247333

i NEED to marry this woman if so

>> No.78247338

I got 100 (you)'s down on her maiden name.

>> No.78247342
File: 344 KB, 617x655, dokibirdbird.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All in on new dox! They're gonna find something spicy tonight! I know it!

>> No.78247353

Kinda yeah
here she asks males if it feels good from their prostate if they poop
she's extremely sheltered and stupid. she thinks adam and eve are real for fucks sake.

>> No.78247354

$20 on the eroASMR finally getting dumped.

>> No.78247385

I bet on doxxing herself

>> No.78247394

All in on her doxxing herself again!

>> No.78247413

>they don't understand kayfabe
Making viewers think it is kayfabe is a skill.

>> No.78247451

>Attempts to doxx Twisty in every anti thread
>Say it's Niji
So it's Holofags

>> No.78247484

It's called a bet kids, and 1:1 odds ain't a bet!

>> No.78247486

Yeah. But this is the same audience who torpedoed Vox's career over a yo mama joke. They're too ESL for traditional vtuber rules to apply.

>> No.78247490

I'm not saying she has to pander but I just don't really know what people expected like of course a bratty loli isn't going to be liked by the NijiEN fanbase

>> No.78247516

>sisters on /nijien/ doxx twisty after she joined their VRChat ERP servers
>they get called out
>"it's holofags!!!"
rent fucking free

>> No.78247528

Fine, 1:100, I'm feeling lucky today

>> No.78247541

Literally nobody has made an attempt to dox her but her fans. How the hell would we know about the /nijien/ thing or the erotic audios if not for them?

>> No.78247567

>join a game with your user information public
>just some random asmr youtube channel

>> No.78247571
File: 152 KB, 837x1850, M0v7kDbPRX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anti thread
fucking every thread on Twisty outside of her general is going to be an anti thread you retarded cunts.
All the doxxing happens in /nijien/ anyways.
Except for the other night when she exposed herself /here/ AGAIN.

>> No.78247572

I just find it weird that the argument from a lot of people seems to boil down to "wow Niji sisters hate her guts she must be a terrible person and streamer" when like...it should normally be the opposite.
She's trying to court a new audience. I like her just because it's interesting to see a NijiEN that is unabashedly a lolicon and lusts after women instead of men. It probably won't pay off for her, but she can just take her skills elsewhere when her contract expires.

>> No.78247593

>Except for the other night when she exposed herself /here/ AGAIN.
are you fucking serious

>> No.78247605

Shit, does this count for today's bet?

>> No.78247621

>Scrolls through NijiEN to farm drama
>Falseflag routinely in the thread
>Desperately wants to believe Twisty is actually a teenage ASMR channel
>Continues to spam it in every anti thread
>"It's definitely not Holofags!"

Every time

>> No.78247630

Wait hold up, she proved the channel was hers by... posting about it first in a bait thread?

>> No.78247657

>She's trying to court a new audience
I understand that but I'm not even sure what type of audience she's trying for because if it's lolicons that's going to go horribly wrong and make things even more toxic then they already are

>> No.78247664

It wasnt even her
Its some random underage girl. Now why would she be hanging out with /nijien/ I wonder

>> No.78247667

>Retards unironically believe that someone checking a YouTube channel means they're Twisty and proceeds to loop the same schizophrenia again

Yeah, it's the same three faggots spamming the thread. This only confirms it

>> No.78247668

I didn't say they hate her. But she's difficult to work with.

>> No.78247694

>gets called out on the doxx
>"N-no, actually it was not twisty! just a teenager who has an ASMR channel!"
kek now it's even worse, but I guess pedosisters arent the brightest bunch.

>> No.78247722

Image is way too long, could just crop it down to the first 2 or 4 posts. Still though, pretty damning imo since who the fuck would have notifications on for a channel that supposedly isn't hers?

>> No.78247723

Eh it might scare off some of the more annoying sisters who don't want to share a fanbase with lolicons. Things might improve for Niji if they hold their ground and let her filter the worst people.

>> No.78247738

How is looking at someone's profile a dox? Does scrolling through someone's Twitter classify as a dox now? Are you really this retarded?

>> No.78247740

>just admitting to doxxing a teenager in an ERP server.
holy fucking shit

>> No.78247761

>twisty is an "i accept your concession poster"
You could forge steel with the hatred I feel for this woman.

>> No.78247764
File: 44 KB, 832x303, x7fHE0XwpK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought so too but the whole conversation was just too fucking funny.

>> No.78247789

Stop pretending like you're not one of the same three faggots. Anyone can look up a YouTube channel and find the most recent video. Only a fucking idiot believes your bullshit

>> No.78247790

>interesting to see a NijiEN that is unabashedly a lolicon and lusts after women

>> No.78247804
File: 498 KB, 500x281, 1644198163278.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't let this revelation that she/her fans doxxed her again distract you from the fact that Twisty is sexually harassing males in literally every interaction she's had with them, and that niji is now officially as if we didn't already know a whorehouse.

>> No.78247849

Sisters and fujos hate her because shes a lolicon and has lots of flirty banter with male coworkers while guys hate her because she has lots of flirty banter with male coworkers and she made a joke that could have been vaguely about doki

>> No.78247855

I'm not going to timeloop an argument you clearly had and lost with anon in whatever thread that's from.

>> No.78247879

>how is posting a underage girls information in a den of subhumans doxxing
Truly a mystery
Why did you post it in the first place, why are you stalking underage girls?

>> No.78247885

>Continues pretending like he wasn't the schizophrenic faggot spamming the same shit in every thread

>> No.78247886

>why are you stalking underage girls?
Cuz she's a pedophile.

>> No.78247913
File: 75 KB, 640x640, 1712496808251421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She just like me.

>> No.78247930

>"OMG it's twisty"
>Doing the most basic amount of investigation which is clicking on her profile proves she isn't Twisty

Why are you avoiding the questions? Is it cause the answers make you either lose or sound retarded?

>> No.78247941

I'd say don't degrade yourself like that by comparing yourself to a subhuman, but given the Twitter @ and how fried your image is I don't think much higher of you either. No offense.

>> No.78247951
File: 128 KB, 250x370, grifty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78248019

>Still doesn't deny they welcome underaged girls into their erotic roleplay server
>Memoryholing how /nijien/ cried about it "getting out" and how it was supposed to "stay contained"
pedosisters have 39iq huh

>> No.78248048

She's also memoryholing the fact she's got notifications on for a channel "disproven" to be Twisty, yet "proven" to be a 14 year old. There's really no winning for it.

>> No.78248075

>zero opsec

>> No.78248142

...someone give me a quick rundown on whats this ERP underage doxxing youtube notification thing is about?

>> No.78248179

>Calls it an ERP server with no evidence
>Says they knew it was an underage girl despite that being impossible
>Continues saying they had notifications on despite there being no evidence plus the video was posted 6 hours before the post even happened

Yeah it's the same faggots looping for a week

>> No.78248220

tl;dr /nijien/ claims to have doxxed an ERPer in their VRC server that was twisty, until it hit the catalog and then it became a 14 year old for some reason.

The important new thing this thread is >>78245894

>> No.78248239

Here's how it'll play out. Someone will give a long explanation essentially saying something a long the lines of "Twisty got doxxed by NijiEN" or "NijiEN is full of pedo doxxers who stalked an underage girl" then this faggot will go like
>OMG, sisters are le terrible. Nijisanji needs to die

>> No.78248271

>sister gave up even trying to defend herself
GG no re

>> No.78248294

>Nooooo continue looping the same thread for eternity with me
Kill yourself

>> No.78248308

>Nijisanji needs to die

>> No.78248317

All the "controversy" around Twisty is the most milquetoast shit I can't even fake being outraged by. Talking shit with coworkers and having a VRchat PL isn't a yab.
Her true crime is that she's boring and her streams are super boring. Please fuck play less singleplayer vanilla minecraft.

>> No.78248324

>Nijisanji needs to die
See? You're finally getting it!

>> No.78248419

>pretends to lust for women
>orbits men
many such cases

>> No.78248423

>Some girl joined the /nijiEN/ VRchat server
>A braindead ESL sister that doesn't know english claims that was Twisty because "they sound alike" (She doesnt understand english and cant tell 2 people speaking english apart)
>Sisters dox the girl in the thread, turns out she is 14 years old
>If you check the original thread, those posts are never deleted. Nobody ever calls them out on it, in fact they all support the dox posting (they hate Twisty.
>Unfortunately for them, what they did leaks out into the catalog first /news/ and then threads. And the sisters roll how they "found" Twisty's PL.
>People that arent retarded quickly point out its not Twisty and how she is underage. People quickly also point out that minors are allowed on a VRchat server in a community that was proven in the past to be full of actual predators and sexpests (Do your reps on Selen's VRchat server that she tried to make)
>The tone quickly shifts how its "holobronies" that posted it and how they didn't dox anyone
>Massive damage control across the entire board while the sisters still try to claim that is Twisty

tl;dr /nijiEN/ doxxed a minor in their VRchat ERP server

>> No.78248436

There it is

>> No.78248467

cry about it.

>> No.78248501
File: 174 KB, 752x1396, 6492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78248512

>(Do your reps on Selen's VRchat server that she tried to make)
Wait, is that why her vrchat worlds were removed?

>> No.78248523

I am pretty sure that Sonny is either or scallion emote

>> No.78248560

Phase connect is more popular than nijisanji. Why do you losers post here if you hate 4chan so much?

>> No.78248591
File: 420 KB, 2224x2174, inspector pomu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My understanding is that
>/NijiEN/ general has a vrchat server where they hang out or ERP or something?
>A girl who they think sounds like Twisty shows up in their server one day
>One of them traces the girl's username back to a youtube ASMRtuber that stopped uploading like 8 months ago (because I guess nyfco refugees are physically incapable of going 5 minutes without doxxing someone)
>This information inevitably spreads to the catalog
>Nijisisters get assmad, as if it wasn't their own damn fault anyone knew about this to begin with
No idea if the ASMR channel is actually her, because I don't give enough of a shit about Twisty to go digging into her past. Search up "twisty vrc" in the archive if you want to look into the matter yourself.

>> No.78248631

Why would they claim its holobronies that doxxed her and then try to damage control how its not doxxing HMMMMMMMMMMMMM
They really arent the brightest are they

>> No.78248705

>Holobronies spread something they themselves consider doxx
>Isn't actually even close to the definition of doxxing and literally can't be Twisty
Do you get it now?

>> No.78248758

>holobronies did it!
it originated on /nijien/ and on their server tho

>> No.78248780

Spreading something you think is dox is still attempting to dox someone

>> No.78248791

I don't know, I checked her out after seeing all those threads and was surprised by her cuteness.

>> No.78248804

Then why did you post a minors information in your thread? Why did nobody report it and instead cheer how you doxxed twisty?

>> No.78248844

so you admit sisters were trying to dox someone by spreading that info on their general?
But you said that didnt count as doxxing so why worry about other people sharing that info if its harmless, hmm?
which is it?

>> No.78248863

What information was posted?

>> No.78248913

If YOU consider it doxxing and YOU spread it, YOU are deliberately trying to dox someone

>> No.78248945

welk the sisters or /nijien/ thought it was doxx and sisters knowingly posted it onto their general so...
But again, you said that was not considered doxx, so if it is not doxx, it doesnt matter if other people share it, in which case your point is moot.

>> No.78248953

holy retard.
Nobody would have that information if you didn't fucking gather it all in one place.
This is exactly the fucking problem everyone had with nyfco.

>> No.78248958

>lusts after women instead of men
are we looking at the same chuuba? maybe she is but she already going the male accessory path in less than 3 months lol
what kind of new audience she tries to find? gfe, cgdct, coomers and cunnybros left the nijien shithole (or going back to nijijp) long before selen yab. en asmrfags? they stick to nene or shondo instead. male viewers who watches mostly girls but are fine with homo collabfest? they left after pomu is gone and the rest are megacucks who stays in enna streams
so what kind of audience she aims?

>> No.78249011

Not a single person in that thread considered it doxx. You said it was doxx and showed people it. In a dramafag thread
How does that change the fact you tried to spread dox?

>> No.78249103

>calling us out on doxxing means doxx is being spread!!!
Sister is so braindead she admits its dox while also denying its doxx in the same post... my fucking god you are retarded

>> No.78249170

So why did you spread something you consider dox

>> No.78249227

this is the worst >>77266748
this one too >>77266796
heres the doxx >>77266882

>> No.78249316

>>78249227 (me)
More fucked up shit

want more proof sis? or got scared?>>78249011

>> No.78249353

Actual subhuman

>> No.78249386

this one is just ironic >>77268315
more doxx >>77268563
even more >>77268688

the pedosister shrieks in pain as she gets called out

>> No.78249415

jesus fucking christ

>> No.78249431

>Considers something dox and shames people for it
>Proceeds to show "dox"
When the moralfag contradicts his own moralfagging

>> No.78249434

KEK thanks anon I'm saving this for future twisty threads

>> No.78249471

I wonder who posted said doxx to begin with hmmm?
Also your holofag excuse is invalid, the archive shows it was sistera and that they were aware it was doxx, it was even deleted by jannies because it broke the rule.

>> No.78249476

so what was the youtube channel that stated she was a mentally ill 20 year old

>> No.78249513

>exposes that the sisters have been fucking collecting all of it in their thread and going COMPLETELY unchallenged.
Jesus fucking christ. Learn some goddamn sense already, woman. Stop fucking doxxing people, or at least have the intelligence to NOT POST IT IN A PUBLIC PLACE YOURSELF.

>> No.78249515

Answer the question. Why are you spreading something you consider the doxxing of a 14 year old? It's been hours and you still haven't answered

>> No.78249541

NTA but it's clearly because you sisters were pretending like you weren't doing it, obviously.
You twiddle your thumbs after dropping a fucking nuke on random people and cry whenever anybody calls you out for it. Your response is ALWAYS to deflect blame instead of taking accountability and stopping your awful practices.

>> No.78249548

>no u
pedosisters are pathetic

>> No.78249564

Yet you're the same three faggots. Now answer the question

>> No.78249590

Went to check these out of curiosity and goddamn that's weird.
Not sure what this one >>77267876 has to do with anything, though; it links to a post in a totally different general. You must've grabbed the wrong post number.

>> No.78249592


>> No.78249613

>get your answer that it's because you retards won't stop doxxing people and blaming others for it
>you don't like that the answer clearly fucking puts the blame on you and only you
>ignore it and continue to deflect blame
Fucking rangeban these people already.

>> No.78249663

>I doxxed people because you doxxed people first
That's your answer. A "no u". So if I were to doxx Holomembers right now, it'd be justified because someone else posted them first?

>> No.78249671

yeah I grabbes the wrong one its >>77267896

>> No.78249678

I loved the spanking vocaroos
Bitch sounds like my kind of freaky

>> No.78249715

This is your brain while you are high on doxxing people
Bunch of lowlife subhumans

>> No.78249743

but we're not doxxing anyone, we're just calling out YOUR doxxing and your deflection saying it was holofans when the archive shows it was YOU sisters.

>> No.78249767

So if I post a Hololive member's face, it's not doxxing because someone else found it?

>> No.78249792

If YOU post the hololive member's face, then try to scream that I did, and instead I direct people to the post where YOU posted it, then YOU are still the one at fault for doing it in the first place you disgusting cunt.

>> No.78249832

So if I post a link to a Hololive member's face, I'm not doxxing them because I didn't post the dox but only directed people to it?

>> No.78249836

I love how sisters started with
>holofags are doxxers
and have goalpost shifted to
>well, we might have posted doxx, but you calling us out means you are a doxxer too!

>> No.78249863

Buy an ad

>> No.78249866

Except you are the one that posted the original dox you fucking retard

>> No.78249877

It isn't doxx because it isn't Twisty. However you three faggots clearly are convinced it is the doxxing of a 14 year old yet you keep on directing people to it. Very interesting set of fake morals

>> No.78249905

The "original dox"? Meaning that you acknowledge that directing people to it is a dox?

>> No.78249944

I know you're trying very hard to not look like a complete subhuman doxxer but you don't need to samefag so obviously, exactly one minute apart.

>> No.78249943

so in that same thread they point out those are the lyrics to song enna sung. that's the entirety of the claim of them being a minor. the doxx is them putting their username in public. was that all you wanted to point out

>> No.78249969

That's not what samefagging means, you retard

>> No.78251141

fuck you I was gonna post this too

>> No.78251301

So from what I get nyco sister made a home here then posted proof of them grooming underaged children.
Very cool sisters hope you all get hanged and stoned to death.

>> No.78251634

Am I supposed to hate her because she makes sisters and unicorns mad?

>> No.78251687


>> No.78251868

You can't make autists understand jokes, it's impossible.
This is why they should be locked up in compounds with read-only access to the internet at the most.
