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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 542 KB, 756x615, 1718509970457050.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
78235315 No.78235315 [Reply] [Original]

Based UnityCHAD

>> No.78235426

The more holostars incline the more leverage they have to collab with the girls and change hololive culture into something like nijisanji.
Thank goodness sisters are busy owning the unicorns to actually watch streams and support the bois

>> No.78235882

Honestly Kronii in Bettel’s outfit looks pretty cool, also Flayon deserves mating press (from me)

>> No.78235922

Isn't it pretty rude to draw shit like that?

>> No.78235965

No you autistic faggot.

>> No.78236001

i want to fuck Flayon

>> No.78236028

>fauna wearing the shirt version of shinri's outfit. LAME.
Shinri rocks that dress, though.

>> No.78236070

Kinda, I mean it's nice but you see how people here act, also if anyone ask Fauna,Mumei,Kronii about the image it'll cause problems

>> No.78236088
File: 327 KB, 1080x868, 1679343796076044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are all homobeggars are trannies???

>> No.78236173

>Holostars is a safe space

>> No.78236193
File: 891 KB, 1366x768, 1703752032442084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same reason why all Stars haters are?

>> No.78236208

Isn't this from really long ago?
Anyways, whoever made it pussied out. Fauna shouldn't have a shirt with that outfit.

>> No.78236243

Retarded obvious post shinri 3D bait thread aside, Bae looks good with Flayon's Sui, guess it's the long messy hair.

>> No.78236245

It's rude to ask people about other random streamers, anyways. It's pretty rude to go into kronii's stream and start screaming "HEY DID YOU SEE THAT FANART OF IRYS THE OTHER DAY?" unprompted.

>> No.78236278
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>> No.78236343 [DELETED] 


>> No.78236411

where is irys

>> No.78236422

Who hurt you op? Why did you go back all the way to march 2023 to dig this up? Didn't get the attention you wanted in global? Faggot.

>> No.78236435
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>> No.78236444

No? More like fucking yes. Surely artists knows people in the art didn't really interact with each other. What's the point?
Funny enough holostars kronii interacted with are gone and she mostly ignored people in the art... so even people who collabbed with stars before don't have nay connection anymore

>> No.78236463

I really hate these she/they people on Twitter. Those who use these pronouns aren't all the time mentally ill "MTF" But enbies or just biological women with modern terminally online brain rot

>> No.78236464

Even the Pipnigs having a gay orgy is somehow less embarrassing than this.

>> No.78236480

>Fauna shouldn’t have a shirt

>> No.78236548


>> No.78236576


>> No.78236613

Popular thing usually attracts trannies just by virtue of the number of people who watch it, don’t really know why anyone thought all the holofans were based and redpilled.

>> No.78236628
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>> No.78236683

Fuck off. Shinri likes/retweets ALL and ANY fanart that has him in. Doesn't matter who.

>> No.78236694

Sounds kino

>> No.78236697

Man it's gotta feel like dogshit to draw this and know somewhere, deep in the recesses of your brain, that half the people you're drawing will not interact with your art at BEST and more likely than not will be either grossed out or just straight up annoyed as they scroll past it.
I know fuckall about stars en but there's no way they like/encourage shit like this either right? Like this level of desperation from fans just looks bad for both parties.

>> No.78236727
File: 227 KB, 804x652, 1702268615243472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still haven't watched a single holostars or whatever stream since 2020. I literally just do not care about the holostars.

>> No.78236729

>star hater
???? I dont see anything "sars haters" though???
most holostars fan pretend to be hololive fan btw

>> No.78236739

This is why Gura stopped streaming. Imagine being Gura and realizing your fans are all hairy fat fucks.

I would also lose motivation

>> No.78236812

oh..it's just 78236739.

>> No.78236910
File: 750 KB, 1142x793, 564984546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but Kiara never stop streaming though???

>> No.78236927

ngl tempus pulls it off better

>> No.78236932

No? It's just a bunch of outfit swaps.

>> No.78237012

>I know fuckall about stars en but there's no way they like/encourage shit like this either right?
Yeah.. unlike their fans holostars first of all more or less know their place and 2nd of all don't want to be fucking leeches and want to stand on their own feet
Cover unironically fucked up when they created holopro.

>> No.78237176

The only ones to be angry about this are antis

>> No.78237185

No? Why swap them with girls instead of other holostars then?

>> No.78237251 [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 599x151, 1718511849239585.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my gosh how cute!!! seggs when

>> No.78237259

I'm holostar anti yeah cry about it

>> No.78237274

these look like average men.

>> No.78237329

And that is why I not only anti the homofaggots, but their fans too.

>> No.78237389

Why do unicorns do that thing where they oppress themselves and then complain about being oppressed?

>> No.78237395

ESL-chama, here's your (you). Now go hit those english lessons.

>> No.78237473

>average men in US
murican was a mistake

>> No.78237538

Believe it or not, these guys are supermodels by holofan standards.

>> No.78237589
File: 1013 KB, 717x1060, shinyspicy44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because lots of artists have already done that?

>> No.78237629

so like hentai/NSFW artist? do you hate hentai artist now? sure there is some girl ok with it but im sure the majority don't like their hentai. anything to say?

>> No.78237706

Hefty kek

>> No.78237707

And? Why not swap them with nijis then? Or at least with people they interacted with?

>> No.78237730

those are what holostars look like IRL btw

>> No.78237734

She said she likes traps, and 'trap' is a transphobic slur, because trannies can never be as feminine as a trap (who is not even trying), so trannies hate her.,

That said, I would love to see IRyS in Shinri's outfit (the no jacket version)

>> No.78237742

I hate Australians so fucking much

>> No.78237780

Well, at least it's untagged, so that's something. You'd have to go looking for it if you wanna see it, and that will never be me.
>t. actual unicorn

>> No.78237790
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>> No.78237802
File: 113 KB, 1089x857, D28DA8F5-644D-4884-ADE1-3EF1347681FA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78237817

No, the actual reason is there are only 4 members of tempus 2, so there is nobody they could outfit swap with IRyS

>> No.78237821

>filtered all trannies homobeggar

>> No.78237837

bcs thet can draw whatever the fuck they want. wtf is this policing other art? go fking draw yourself, pick up the pen.

>> No.78237842

yes hentai artists should stop drawing holos who said they don't like it
actually ALL holos will be against art of them fucking holostars

>> No.78237929

Because unicorns are predominantly women/browns/troons all of whom have been practicing that exact tactic for decades.

>> No.78237939

Kronii in Bettel’s outfit and Flayon in Bae’s outfit look the best.

>> No.78237984

no because they know that holostars are fucking unpopular useless leeches and want to leech hololive even with their shitty fucking ART
>wtf is this policing other art?
hololive does this all the fucking time tho? they have actual rules about fan art btw
I guess this one wasn't tagged - at least something... but still I doubt girls would appreciate this shit much

>> No.78238001



so picrel is hentai artist tier now?? and holostars just retweet it?

>> No.78238017

Well then she just has to go naked!
And even though it's technically sorta correct, if someone is a she/they and is still talking about 'Council', odds are they are in the 'tranny twitter Council lesbian' clique that hates IRyS.

>> No.78238030

Sister, message me. I will fill your womb with my seed and solve all your problems(if youre not fat).

>> No.78238048 [DELETED] 

>xhe doesn't knosgnhaww

>> No.78238084

Drawing lewds of people who ask you not to do it is generally considered rude, yes. Likewise with shipping, guro, etc. I know these things are difficult for you newfags, and especially if you're only here for the homos or here via Niji, but please do try to keep up.

>> No.78238171
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>> No.78238198

>still talking about 'Council'
Anon, that fanart is from before Promise was even a thing. Yes, that's how far back OP pulled from to make his faggy bait.

>> No.78238220
File: 1.02 MB, 1080x1080, 1709111933319652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based UnityCHAD

>> No.78238263


>> No.78238318
File: 33 KB, 573x210, 1712556595043500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unity is just the first step in evolving into a true holoan.

>> No.78238341

ask you not to do it" show 1 clip any holo girl ask ppl stop draw their NSFW fan art. just 1.

>> No.78238365


>> No.78238447

it is RUDE tier
and yeah he retweeted it so he's part of the problem

>> No.78238470

There was Ina who asked people to stop when her timeline got flooded with images of her back.

>> No.78238493


>> No.78238532

Unichuds gotta dig up shit that’s over a year old just to get mad at, who lives like this?

>> No.78238536

show me one holostar in hololive city lmao

>> No.78238548
File: 59 KB, 900x900, 1718496205724114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm no longer asking. Support holostars now

>> No.78238553

>untagged post from march 2023
kys nijinigger

>> No.78238589

OP is obviously a unity"chad" homobeggar, dumbchama.

>> No.78238619

All the in-denial trannie faggot in the numbers general.

>> No.78238727

>Post is not even tagged
At some point in OP's miserable life, he ran into this and decided to come to /vt/ and make this thread

>> No.78238757

No, this shit comes directly from somebody copy and pasting a post from /#/ (aka unicorn central) >>78234746

>> No.78238779

This will blow your mind and make you see the world in a whole new way:

>> No.78238790

>t. has never head of a falseflag
I'm sure you thought dragoons were the ones shitting on Hololive

>> No.78238828

Such wise words

>> No.78238896

Worst part is they have had this for a year. The alternative is they're a no life genetic dead end and scrolled allllll the way back and use it just to bait the retards.

>> No.78238973

Global too.

>> No.78239034

It was first posted in /#/, then they posted in in hlgg, then they made this retarded bait thread.

>> No.78239038

That thread and global are constantly raided by beggars falseflagging with cuckposting.

>> No.78239042
File: 114 KB, 794x900, 1698499464468348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I wonder why the threads of the largest company that has girls catering to unicorns has unicorns in them. How strange...

>> No.78239055

Holy rent-free, were you the one trying to start the shit there first?

>> No.78239093

Sisters aren't sending their best. Simple as.

>> No.78239215
File: 266 KB, 555x822, IMG_3646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this rude?

>> No.78239254

Rude to my dick. How dare she make it hard?

>> No.78239310

How does this excuse unicorns being retards and making bait threads about year old fanarts just to outrage themselves?

>> No.78239344

Le gasp, what's that? It seems CGDCT is the preferred content that the majority wants, hence numbers. If only unityfags and homobeggars watched holostars streams and supported them better they would have had a chance on changing the culture but oh well HAHAHAHAHA

>> No.78239432

Those are unicorns, actual beggars don’t exist anywhere on this board.

>> No.78239472

Or maybe OP is just a fucking shitstirrer? Why does he have to be a unicorn, a unityfag or anything else? Do you even know on what fucking site you are? You're on shitstirrer central, aka 4chan. And it looks like it's working too, because there's plenty of your type biting the bait too.

>> No.78239533

They're jewish.

>> No.78239534
File: 100 KB, 720x415, 1709031583013002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actual beggars don’t exist anywhere on this board.

>> No.78239535

I don't wanna scare you anon, but there are no beggars here

>> No.78239560

You seem to misunderstand the issue. Nobody gives a fuck about the homos except unicorns and their retard den of /#/. Just stop talking about them.

>> No.78239652

They don’t, you’re literally getting trolled by your own ilk and shitposters.

>> No.78239704

It's not rude but it is kind of tone deaf.

>> No.78239710

So he's just deliberately doing this to throw a tantrum, right? Being an /asp/ie he should know what he's actually doing here.

>> No.78239809

To be fair, unicorns are the biggest shitstirrers out there

>> No.78239924

In the rare times I get out of my General and see shit like this, many people taking the bait and jannies not giving a fuck because bait threads are truly the thing that really keep this place alive... Anyway, kill yourself OP

>> No.78240002

I'll tell you a little secret. If you see one of them with one of those ai generated images, they're 100% a larper because they always end up saying stuff an a actual unicorn wouldn't.

>> No.78240003

Because all these catalog bait threads ALWAYS come from /#/, nowhere else. Like literally if there a bait thread in the catalog, there’s a 50% or better chance it was first posted in /#/.

>> No.78240065

To be fair, [Enter anything] are the biggest shitstirrers out there
> It's so easy to spread lies don't you think so

>> No.78240163
File: 1.68 MB, 1774x1612, 1697766320462017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As opposed to all the falseflagging phasefags we've had doing it instead?

>> No.78240169

Because all these catalog bait threads ALWAYS come from [Enter thread], nowhere else. Like literally if there a bait thread in the catalog, there’s a 50% or better chance it was first posted in [Enter thread].
> It's very easy to lie don't you think so?

>> No.78240179

Nice discord raid, nijibitches. There are too many illiterate [REDACTED] congruated in here for it to not be coincidental. The shark scares you.
Remember anons "Once is not happenstance, twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action."
This was posted in #, hlgg, and now this. Stop interacting(if possible) and let them brew in their own ass juices.

>> No.78240230

Is that why there were so many unicorn bait threads? 'cause Gura had her announcement?

>> No.78240246

That isn’t a lie, /#/ itself literally brags about the fact that they’re responsible for most of the garbage in the catalog with their “MOST INFLUENTIAL THREAD” shit.

>> No.78240313

I would assume so. If not , it's the failure of their own that weigh heavy in their minds.

>> No.78240317

Was going to reply exactly this.

>> No.78240325


>> No.78240367

But when it was posted in /#/, it was posted in response to a post, not trying to troll people. /#/ is literally the source of this image then getting posted in hlgg and the catalog right after despite being a year old.

>> No.78240470

aren't a few of the homos trannies as well? it's the bird right?

>> No.78240650

It's just weird, the type of art the girls would never even give attention

>> No.78240670

You're thinking of Kronii

>> No.78240728

Vtubing is the only form of entertainment where the males are the woke ones, reminds of the whole "male feminist are only on it to get more pussy"

>> No.78240794

It's weird to see it that way, You'd think it would have been the females intead that are the woke ones.

>> No.78240825

>got shit on number posting this
>go to global and got shit again
>post on catalog instead

why homobeggars are so fucking retard????

>> No.78240845


>> No.78240859

No… That WAS Flayon's PL and I said was because he stopped HRT 10 months, or before he became Flayon, he came to his “senses” and just decided to be Bi. Bette than going full troon at least.

>> No.78240876

you are suffering from /vt/ brainrot and paranoia if you look at fanart of anime characters swapping outfits and seeing it as rude. Thats like getting upset at autistic crossover drawings on deviantart.

>> No.78240900

anon that was someone he followed. not him kek

>> No.78240925


>> No.78240935

>literal subhuman
Why are all homobeggars so fucking disgusting??

>> No.78240984

It comes with having lived in the nijitrenches for so long.

>> No.78240994

Even worse that the guys are the ones that go "actually this is problematic" while the girls are the cool ones that do some edgy jokes from time to time and never get cancelled

>> No.78241048

No, they are not. They are Hololive Productions which is shortened to Holopro, not Hololive.

>> No.78241109

Yeah then tell me who keep spamming on global when Vesper and Kronii collab???????

>> No.78241110

I know about the “pink haired” with a shitty voice changer vtuber that everybody thought it was another avatar of his. I'm talking about the Dog boy, it was confirmed to be him. He was taking Female hormones years back.

>> No.78241143

Yeah that's what I said

>> No.78241203

kys OP, along with the artist and whoever else likes this shit. do you really want hololive to turn into niji 2.0?

>> No.78241263

Do you need more screenshots of trannies who also follow the girls? Flash news faggot, the entire scene of Western vtubing is filled with all of the fucking rainbow and their mafia too.

>> No.78241382

>the guys are the ones that go "actually this is problematic"
The dinosaur guy made like 3 streams racially segregating Animal Crossing villagers and joking about colonization. Altare made a prison rape joke near debut.
It's a mixed bag in both branches, remember Fauna almost panicked when she accidentally spelled out "fag".

>> No.78241443

Not even the unicorn give a shit about them, beggar are gona beg, unicorn ignore tham or tharsh them when bored like i'm taking a shit right now you have my attention. That basicaly the only value of homo, giving me a way to shit on retard while i'm taking a shit. Beggars are so pathetic kek.

>> No.78241465

because most male vtubers are literally faggots and troons. Normal guys don't do this shit. And the few that do notice they always choose weird models like animals, monsters and stuff but never regular anime characters.

>> No.78241480

when was the last time En girls had a male collab

>> No.78241491
File: 637 KB, 587x543, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>March 20th 2023
who cares

>> No.78241501
File: 391 KB, 776x630, IMG_0292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now screenshot the girl who support it

>> No.78241565

You pieces of shit retard who bring shit like this >>78235315 >>78236088 and pretend to ignore this >>78236193 really need to eat a bullet

>> No.78241574

Are holofags just the right wing chud version of Steven universe fans?

>> No.78241615

Male vtuber was a mistake

Only mentally ill faggot and sexpest becomes male vtuber

>> No.78241669

>reddit spacing
Like pottery.

>> No.78241713

Now show any hololive girl who support it?????

>> No.78241715

>Not even the unicorn give a shit about them
That’s a fucking lie, /#/ can’t stop talking about them 24/7. They have ruined that thread with their cock obsession.

>> No.78241724

seems like it. "Youre only allowed to draw fanart the way we like it!!1" despite the actual actors behind the characters not caring nearly as much as they do.

>> No.78241761

Yep, totally pottery>>78241501

>> No.78241786
File: 58 KB, 272x1024, 1717565949517818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>right wing
No, they're identical to Steven Universe fans.

>> No.78241800

>Leeches want to leech
I'm shocked

>> No.78241855
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>> No.78241890

Is this the part where i mention any of the girls who are actual lesbians, and then you call me an anti for it?

>> No.78241983

Oof not a good look KFP

>> No.78242037
File: 58 KB, 791x487, 10283890192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you like a sneak peak on why homobeggars are called homobeggars.

>> No.78242110

It's just redditors. They're in every chat.

>> No.78242125

No one has an issue with the L part of the LGBT. Hell, personally I've got no issues with the G and B either. It's the T where all the issues are at.

>> No.78242231

kronii looks good in bettel's fit. we need more jester girl chuubas

>> No.78242241

>Those who use these pronouns aren't all the time mentally ill
But they are

>> No.78242276

>no LGBT mention
>no safe space faggatry
>no support the cause bullshit
Homobeggars never watch stream, just like always

>> No.78242283

Are you legitimately retarded? You just responded to my post with proof that you are obsessed with the homos after I accused /#/ of being obsessed with the homos. Why are you stalking these literal whos that come from god knows where?

>> No.78242305

>also if anyone ask Fauna,Mumei,Kronii about the image it'll cause problems
yeah it's called homobegging, it's bad for girls and the boys

>> No.78242329

>Kiara, I'll become a girl and then go lesbian for you
>I'll become a girl

>> No.78242348

>no pronoun mention
Lol nice try homobeggars trannies

>> No.78242407

>drawn over a year ago
I can assure you no one cares about this other than catalog bait threads

>> No.78242416

it's cringe but whatever, people can draw whatever they want

>> No.78242449

Polka exists

>> No.78242483

>show any hololive girl who supports it
>here's a hololive girl who supports it
It never gets old seeing that cope KEK

>> No.78242503

why do all troons use childish words like girl/boy instead of using woman/man to describe themselves? really weird

>> No.78242524

Yes, and we need *more* like that. Did you not hear him?

>> No.78242534


>> No.78242583

Only ESLs complain about using girl or boy instead of woman or man. It's very common in English speaking countries.

>> No.78242595

>"i am going to become a girl"
>huh, good thing you didn't use any pronouns in that sentence, otherwise you'd be a tranny

>> No.78242615

>actually calling Kanata a troon
Holo"fans," ladies and gentlemen

>> No.78242640
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>> No.78242659
File: 838 KB, 865x1080, THE HOLOSTAR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love UNITY!
Its the best part of watching corpos.

>> No.78242669

Tough crowd. I'll take my wares elsewhere then.

>> No.78242686

traps aren't trannies, phoneposter

>> No.78242695


>> No.78242727

>No anon, obviously the fan is a girl who wants to become a girl.

>> No.78242798

Cope. You're jacking off to a man dressed as a woman, it's functionally the same.

>> No.78243114

>Man dressing up as a woman is fine, but man dressing up as a woman is NOT okay

>> No.78243276

>gender expression is good if it's japanese.
It's a shame it's literally impossible to have an actual discussion on this board, because there is something interesting in how gender dynamics are politicized in the West, which actually radicalizes anons against perfectly healthy forms of gender expression which would be embraced if they were found in the equivalent japanese subculture.

>> No.78243355

>trannies, japan

>> No.78243390

it's fucking fan art not a death threat

>> No.78243392

No it's bad all around, there are faggots in Japan too

>> No.78243407

Unironically yes, asian men make better trannies than fat american luz extinguidos

>> No.78243472
File: 351 KB, 240x184, Van.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and all that rainbow shit needs to be exterminated

>Gender expression

Please bring the global cleansing already

>> No.78243481

>can't find any yabs to undermine his 3D showcase
>resorts to retweeted fanart from 15 months ago

>> No.78243570

Trannies hate word trap with passion. They want this word to be fucking banned.
They unironically convinced that traps are them and they are girls.

>> No.78243683

"Gender expression" is simply ontology to rational people.

>> No.78243805


>> No.78243908

what there to undermine when it flopped?

>> No.78243928

>200 replies over an outfit swap fanart from a year ago
This thread really didn't need to go any longer than "Cute artstyle" and "Fauna shouldn't have a shirt"

>> No.78244016

this. i guess some anons really can't resist responding to bait
and of course it quickly devolved into retards shitflinging about trannies
just nuke the thread

>> No.78244056

>are outfit swaps rude
Christ, even tumblr is smarter than you.

>> No.78244141
File: 2.60 MB, 498x409, ki.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The art is cringe but at this point both of you retards are just flinging each others' shit at each other. What a pointless thread.

>> No.78244194

In case you're not larping and actually believe this
They call themselves "the most influential thread" because everyone blames all schizos and bait on /#/, not because they're actually responsible for everything
They're way behind on any bait that isn't related to Hololive or Nijisanji and usually have to import those from the catalog instead.

>> No.78244245

>"It's only ok when"

>> No.78244267

If I was less lazy I'd spam art to get this to bump limit but I have no important things to do

>> No.78244302

have more important things to do i mean

>> No.78244652


>> No.78244656

>Holostars are inclining
>Sisters aren't watching them
Seems like the best outcome for the homos

>> No.78244723

They shouldn't care about how people act here, or they'll end up like Twisty.

>> No.78245128

homobeggars death

>> No.78245341

male vtubers are a blight on the industry

>> No.78245529

>Noel didnt even know wtf is LGBT
kek, nice example
>Manlet Vox box

>> No.78246842

all male vtubers are sexpests

>> No.78246983

because the women are pandering extra hard to men, which means leaving that shit at the door, and the men are pandering extra hard to women and gays, which means they have to

>> No.78247012

preach it rebel sister
louder for the people in the back

>> No.78247033
File: 311 KB, 419x421, IMG_8451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just for digging shit out of /#/ I hope flayon fucks your waifu

>> No.78247107

Most of them are homosexual, except Bettel and Axel who are retarded and Altare who is Korean.

>> No.78247127

stop leeching from the holo girls, watch your fags in your own corner and avoid causing real problems for the girls. be compassionate, please

>> No.78248586

/vt/ truly is the most faggy board on this site.

>> No.78248870

That threat won't work.
Phasecucks love this.

>> No.78249657

That's outdated. Here's the updated one:

>> No.78249978
File: 156 KB, 600x330, 1698604323056278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78251487

heh you pathetic seething creature never watched hololive in your fucking life
seethe more tho your homo leeches will NEVER be popular or successful and hololive will continue to dominate

>> No.78251533

sure if it's their OG they can draw whatever, but when they start doing this shit when other real people involved? how about using your brain for 2 seconds.
Tho not like those shitty leeches care about what actual hololive talents think

>> No.78251692

You really don't get it... All this homobeggar shit is resulting in more annoying begging for collabs, interactions etc and then homofans are arguing that it's girl's fault that their shitty leeches aren't popular enough cause girls don't let them leech properly.
It's fucking ANNOYING

>> No.78252058

What a non-issue.

>> No.78252596

If Flayon tried, I'd just wear that little faggot like a condom and fuck them both.

>> No.78253304

Kys peruano.

>> No.78254741

Don't forget the reverse-pipeline

>> No.78256722


>> No.78258247

>Tho not like those shitty leeches care about what actual hololive talents think
Here's what actual hololive talents think:

Does mutliple collabs with stars
>Muemi collab with stars and with Niji males and interacted with them on twitter
>Kronii multiple collabs with stars and worked on a song with one and worked for non holo males
Fauna is the only one you have a leg to stand on with but you'd be pretty retarded to try

>> No.78258447

I said it before but it's still funny to imagine that now that likes are private they just like Star tweets as they normally would since they don't need to worry about a bunch of spergs crying at them lmao

>> No.78260121

i hate this for the sole reason the outfit swapped Fauna isnt JUST wearing the jacket.

>> No.78261775
File: 137 KB, 1202x1404, FfVAcWAUYAAyL5l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unity has only led to kino
Lack of unity leads to stagnation.
Embrace collabs, do not shun them.

>> No.78262011

so true sister

>> No.78262030
File: 258 KB, 687x458, 1709859601334828.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes, the "male collab to black company pipeline."

>> No.78262166


>> No.78262515

because troons tend to be bi-sexual. Like they cut their dicks off but most still like women. In fact, lots of those freaks like women more than they do men. It's funny. One has to wonder what was even the point to transitioning other than a fetish.

>> No.78262647

rangeban sea

>> No.78262848

Quit policing art it's cringe

>> No.78264061


>> No.78264380
File: 28 KB, 1009x633, 40DAB421-E566-4B82-9C9A-18EA5ADD7AA0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This you, tempusanjisister?

>> No.78264732
File: 109 KB, 1024x442, 3B84857F-CAB8-4F67-81D5-A79B8D6666F4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sister don’t look…

>> No.78264903

I think everyone in this thread should die desu

>> No.78265323

are you retarded?

>> No.78265382
File: 266 KB, 442x639, 1713297354809342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you say this as if the girls all have pure innocent fans

>> No.78265444

is it really a unitychad if hes only doing it because he stands to gain by being included in the girl's spaces

>> No.78266065

any more fanart of her in Axel's clothes?

>> No.78266223

we need to ACCELERATE into the ideal future already

>> No.78266306

you fag are more sensitive than twitter
what a shitty board

>> No.78266766

The other guy is retarded because I doubt the girls really care about one-off artpieces but so are you because you're obviously a catalogfag who doesn't actually know anything about the girls.
Kronii completely memoryholed stars after Vesper and Magni left, it was obvious she only cared about those two and not stars as a whole.
Mumei never collabed with Tempus at all, only with StarsJP and never with any niji males (is Selen a male now?)
Only Bae would seem to care about Stars but even then she really only cares about StarsJP these days. And the last interaction outside the Barbie watchalongs or callins (from Hakka I think) was a long time ago.
Funnily enough you're also wrong about Fauna because there is one thing you can talk about that catalogfags never mentioned because they didn't notice - Fauna is the only HoloEN girl to follow all of Armis on Twitter after Bae and Ane. Yes, not even Mori followed Armis

>> No.78267247

>it was obvious she only cared about those two and not stars as a whole.
Yet she wrote a song with the JP star. Reminder that just because they don't interact publically doesn't mean they don't behind the scenes. It's not insane to believe that.

>and never with any niji males
Yes she collabed with JP stars, liked Vox's outfit and unliked it when dramatrannies started spamming her. "Selen", she was in a whole 3D showcase with Nijimales.

>Bae was so long ago
2nd reminder that DMs exist and Bettel just mentionned Bae recently about potentially another Barbie watchalong

And yes you can add that reason for Fauna on top of the other obvious reasons

>> No.78267434

>those two
Nope, she only cares about Vesper and only Vesper, since you claim to watch streams you would know she only really talks about him and have never appeared in a mix collab without him..

>> No.78267535

I do find it hilarious that they both just stopped completely
Seems kinda two faced honestly

>> No.78267564

I watch the occasional male chuuba but I don’t watch big corpos

>> No.78267710

>Yet she wrote a song with the JP star.
Huh? No, she didn't write anything. She got invited to do a few lines for a unity song, songs which have completely dried up ever since Axel stopped doing them. I expect Hakka to do more song collabs with HoloJP before any of HoloEN frankly.
>she was in a whole 3D showcase with Nijimales.
Oh wait you're literally just being retarded because Selen never even had her 3D showcase. But I know the stream you're talking about. Is being in the same stream in different segments a collab? You should use Bae's 3D showcase for better "evidence" in that case then lmao.
>Bettel just mentionned Bae recently about potentially another Barbie watchalong
He actually didn't. This is how I know you're a dramatranny who knows nothing except catalogshit. Get the fuck out.

>> No.78267862

>Huh? No, she didn't write anything.
>Axel stopped
You stupid fucking idiot. You literally don't know anything you're talking about.
SHIEN. She wrote for SHIEN.
Also, wrong again. Axel says he's currently working on another big group cover, so be ready for that.
So very ironic that I know "nothing except catalogshit" retard

>> No.78267927

Correction, she used him in his song for her song*

>> No.78267949
File: 21 KB, 320x320, 7D7FA24E-49F0-49F1-A766-23857B827360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this entire thread
holy shit some of you are so retardedly autistic its pathetic
why are subhuman seaniggers like this?

>> No.78268052

Understand Holofags really don't like males but also love to talk about and know everything about them (more than their own girls)

>> No.78268116

You're exactly the kind of subhuman im talking about

>> No.78268162

Oh you're talking about Mafia. I forgot about that since it was so long ago
I will concede that I forgot about that, and will point out again that this was back when Stars/HoloEN interactions were at their peak.
>Axel says he's currently working on another big group cover
I will believe it when I see it, he's been "working" for a long time with nothing to show for it.
You still didn't show proof about the "recent" mention about another Barbie watchalong btw

>> No.78268304

The dumb OP is bait anyway from March 2023,. Culture warriors immediately pounced on it to call each other trannies
This is where the entire thread should have been nuked and everyone banned

>> No.78268459

I watch both HoloEN and Tempus which is why I know that branch interaction between them is almost completely dead
The only people trying to recycle bait about them are stuck in the past, trying to relive the golden age of Tempus bait.

>> No.78268948

Wrong again because this was before the collabs was even happening. If anything this was the first instance of anything.
>I will believe it when I see it
>"Okay maybe that hint was a bit of a bully here's a better Hint for the next group cover, good luck. Hint: Ending."
This was a member post a week ago. You don't have to believe me I don't care but that won't change reality.
Corrected he says:
>Barbie diamond castle with Bettel 2.
>*someone asks if it'll be with Bae*
>I don't know if it'll be with Bae it's short notice
But the last one was done short notice too.

>> No.78269872

>Wrong again because this was before the collabs was even happening. If anything this was the first instance of anything.
I'm just lumping everything in that time period together since the DBD collab happened only a few weeks after that.
>You don't have to believe me I don't care but that won't change reality.
Ok, sure, I do believe you. But I think in EN only Mori and Bae would show up. Let's see if Kronii does but I kinda doubt it. I actually enjoyed Mr.Schadenfreude but the lack of D1 English subs was extremely disappointing,
Okay thanks for linking a timestsamp. That seems like primarily a Bettel 2 collab, he mentioned the possibility of Bae in response to his chat. Wouldn't be surprised if she shows up but she would be hard third wheeling so it would be kinda weird.

>> No.78270424

