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File: 190 KB, 1463x2048, Shonciety.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
78189832 No.78189832 [Reply] [Original]

Shonciety Saturdays

If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

ASMR Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Nise Menhera Twitter:https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter:https://twitter.com/managerotis
Menhera Twitter (dead):https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter (also dead):https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: soon™

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters. It's easier than you think.

Previous thread:>>78146612

>> No.78189897

>no neck ribbon
off to a bad start

>> No.78189932

calling my threads anti threads and then you bake this...

>> No.78189946
File: 240 KB, 519x481, promise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've yet to see a single broken pinky with proof and that speaks volumes about shonciety

>> No.78189954

every thread since she went on hiatus has been an anti thread

>> No.78189972

name 5 cheaters

>> No.78189989

does it still count if i wasnt there because i was out with my friends for this stream?

>> No.78190024

Astridson you cheater, or have you just moved on to Nina instead

>> No.78190034

leavers count too
no, assuming you didn't promise afterwards

>> No.78190102

his oshi is saru anyways

>> No.78190134

Skibbidi Toilet is brainrot shit. Joker memes are kino.

>> No.78190166

i guess i meant i promised before and after but i just wasnt there for that specific moment. i havent cheated on her though so it doesnt matter

>> No.78190222

i suppose that particular instance isn't as special, no, but the rest are

>> No.78190224

No wonder he wanted shondo as a side hoe

>> No.78190307

>not using the fixed version

>> No.78190316

it isnt possible to cheat on shondo because you arent in a relationship with her
this one fact confuses many people!

>> No.78190346

its time to move on fleece

>> No.78190382
File: 273 KB, 1463x2048, 1708221537777927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's not the problem, put in the work or get out of the bakery

>> No.78190425
File: 373 KB, 575x529, you look lonely.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE fallenshadow!!!!! im glad shondo is still cooking and tradewifemaxxing!!! she seems like she is really recovering a lot and having fun!! i cant wait to have fun with her again soon!! come back shondo! i love you!

>> No.78190472


>> No.78190597

I promised not to cheat on shondo
But shondo and I are on a break from this relationship so my devotion is on hold right now while we're on this pause in our marriage
So seeing some other girls does not mean I cheated on her, it just means I'm seeing someone else while we're on break, once she's back, I'll decide if I want to continue the relationship or not
I haven't broken my promise

>> No.78191012

>upset most of the day
>shondo tweet

>> No.78191038 [DELETED] 

Do you think she got to feel p*s big and strong hands on her body? I bet a man like him is ruthless.

>> No.78191043

Looks worse desu
>but it includes the ribbon
at the expense of defacing a good drawing with a MS paint tier fix. Good intentions, crappy edit.

>> No.78191046

Shondo I know you're worried about cheaters but being a whore and showing your skin is not the solution

>> No.78191088

there's nothing to deface if it's a drawing of my wife's skinwalker
Verification not required.

>> No.78191102

Don't listen to him show yourself in the swimsuit and I'll pledge myself to you til the ends of time

>> No.78191143

>he hasn't done it already
don't show us shondo, his ilk don't deserve it

>> No.78191159

show yourself in a cute princess dress but only for me and i will marry you and provide for the rest of your life @shondo

>> No.78191172

>he hasnt done the pledge already
fake husband

>> No.78191192

Slut it up shondo, make your swimsuit from last year a reality
Show off your midriff and ribcage like a good little slut and your husbands would come crawling back just to have a lick

>> No.78191198

I agree but you shouldn't be cruel.

>> No.78191216
File: 9 KB, 637x105, home of sexuals.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78191224

Yeah sure buddy. Bet you think you're a real artist with these crap edits. Bet you're into AI "art" too.

>> No.78191285

i am a real artist, and i'm right. and don't speak of ai in my presence, poppet

>> No.78191314

Yes, I always ask about my gfs previous relationships because I don't want some whore with STDs getting in my pants and getting a full test everytime is expensive

>> No.78191361

what does this have to do with shondo
go back

>> No.78191374

And then you stop asking after you get the answer instead of asking 24x a year, virgin-kun.

>> No.78191378

Then actually draw a neck ribbon that doesn't look like a 5 year old drew it then.

>> No.78191398

im not sure i trust her
i think this summer will NOT be epic
i am worried.

>> No.78191416

i'm not opening up photoshop to do his job. if you want it done right pay me or do it yourself

>> No.78191419

i trust her =]

>> No.78191429

Not when my girl is being elusive on purpose to try cover up parts of her past relationships for no good reason

>> No.78191444

literally never happened

>> No.78191480

I love everything about her, I can't wait to hear her amazing voice again!

>> No.78191489

link the clip where she talked about the 2nd florida trip oh yeah she didnt

>> No.78191488

2nd Florida trip

>> No.78191494

>staying with a "gf" like that for years
"men" like you are pathetic

>> No.78191513

>wah give me money
Typical grifter.

>> No.78191517

>parts of the relationship
This is how I know you're a virgin, the only question a non-virgin would ask is if they fucked. She answered this question.

>> No.78191536

>not doing it for the love of the game

>> No.78191581

Men love bad bitches, nerdy girls don't get any, it's just how the world is

>> No.78191594

She can withhold whatever she wants from you because she is a streamer and you are just the audience. You are not in a relationship, you are not married, she does not owe you anything. She has not ever and will not ever desire any of you IRL and wants as little to do with you as possible. Fucking incels.

>> No.78191611


>> No.78191634

>A non-virgin only cares if she had sex
Holy shit the joke writes itself

>> No.78191639

>nerdy girls don't get any
lol irl

>> No.78191670
File: 1.57 MB, 960x1660, 105_copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shondo please do me the honour of your hand in marriage (irl) and i will take care of you until the end of my days

>> No.78191673

I don't care if she shares or hides anything about it but if she does it's because everyone reacts differently to information like that.

>> No.78191675

you're one of my favorite posters, you always make me lol out loud, don't stop (unironic)

>> No.78191699

Men who have sex regularly are more desirable than those who don't, the opposite isn't true.

>> No.78191705

None of this makes any sense.
I'm predicting another meltdown and hiatus almost immediately after her return.

>> No.78191734

That didn't happen.
And if it did, it wasn't that bad.
And if it was, that's not a big deal.
And if it is, that's not her fault.
And if it was, she didn't mean it.
And if she did, you deserved it.

>> No.78191745

Shes in her manic state. You know what comes after

>> No.78191757

she is going to touch grass this summer and people are going to perceive her who are NOT me and i dont like this

>> No.78191821

>its gonna be epic
Husband trials starting soon. Don't bother getting prepared, because I'll win.

>> No.78191820

we get it Dewd you're an insecure bitch

>> No.78191834

You can stop watching tate now you underaged wannabe, that's not how you get girls

>> No.78191852

I hate everytime she goes out because I dont know if she will meet someone that recognizes her and I dont know how I will react when she eventually tells us that it happened.
I think it would be over for me, I would have to leave forever once it happens

>> No.78191887

stop posting about yourself and samefagging

>> No.78191896

winposters are going to lose bigly (haha biggly syadouBiggly1 syadouBiggly2) when shonmer is over and nothing has happened

>> No.78191930

No way she told us exactly where her moles are on her body AND she's going to wear a two-piece that reveals her moles like a slut begging for men to look at her?
This is going to be an easy catch

>> No.78191938

winposting is ironic or hyperbole you fucking geek

>> No.78191963

You don't get girls by simping for them while they larp as an anime girl on the internet either, bucko.

>> No.78191975

lol irl

>> No.78191986

>>78191938 (me)
nevermind i just remembered a lot of you are only here in hopes that you do win and aren't ironic

>> No.78191999

>that's not how you get girls
Worked for him. Your method on the other hand doesn't work for you if you have to pretend marry streamers.

>> No.78192017


>> No.78192059

Now you're just crying, go on and run out there to catch some girls you non-virgin

>> No.78192068

Nah, I'll win

>> No.78192087

yeah of course, i love her so why would i not want to 'win'?

>> No.78192121

This place smells of esteogen

>> No.78192146

keyword being "only"

>> No.78192161

You're so shook, let me guess you're a T3 sub? Probably not even 1 year either. Hahahaha paypiggie oink oink oink. She isn't going to fuck you.

>> No.78192174

nah, i'll win :)

>> No.78192189

you don't really want to win, trust me. Once you get what you were fighting for, all that is left over is the empty absurdity of our lives.

>> No.78192197

I smell a femcel in the thread.

Uh oh, stinky.

>> No.78192216

ive already won because shondo is in my life and i love her and she loves me

>> No.78192238

i will win by virtue of being the best combination of rich, stupid, fat, old and height

>> No.78192262

vtweeter arc is miserable go back to radio silence

>> No.78192286

>and she loves me
lol irl

>> No.78192306

Shondo does a really good job diverting attention away from the second Florida trip

>> No.78192352
File: 2.23 MB, 2800x3818, 1716832196719005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

once i get what im fighting for all that will be left over is the rest of our wonderful life together

>> No.78192356

im checking all the flight logs
havent seen any fallen shadow in the registers yet

>> No.78192382

you're exactly the kind of insecure faggot she was talking about wanting gone. you realise that right?

>> No.78192384

No I like her talking about dropping a cake.

Reminds me that she's still my favorite dumb bitch wife.

>> No.78192428

Ask her about it in a $1000 donation three streams after her redebut. You won't, pussy.

>> No.78192438

it's preferable to Big Things posting at least

>> No.78192440

Men that think a romantic relationship can fix them are more mentally ill than Shondo.

>> No.78192460

She made a lie reflexively on the spot because she knew saying that she went there alone would be a red flag, now she can't back down because she doesn't want to be known as a liar
What more do you want from her, just give her a break

>> No.78192505

She answered every question about her relationship besides that, curious isn't it?

>> No.78192511

>What more do you want from her
The truth.

>> No.78192557

why? if that's a dealbreaker just leave because you know what happened

>> No.78192617

Female in thread proving that females only know how to blow things drastically out of proportion instead of just admitting wrong or telling the truth

>> No.78192641

shondo in anny's chat?

>> No.78192648

why would going alone be a red flag any more than having been in the first place
you guys are way too fucking gay and insecure

>> No.78192686

no thats FT

>> No.78192687

Well, I believe they had sex and I'm willing to give her a pass on that if she's just honest about it.

>> No.78192692

yep, and she didn't even owe even half the stuff she did explain to all the insecure faggots that were expecting it. just wait until you find out that almost every female on the planet has an ex or multiple and the vast majority wouldn't even explain half of what shondo did about hers if asked because they wouldn't feel hesitant to call you what you are. yes, people in relationships see each other. crazy. shit yourself

>> No.78192732

>people in relationships see each other
unless you're married to shondo

>> No.78192751

>why would going alone be a red flag
The girl who needs her sister to escort her at a concert flies overseas on her own. Sus.

>> No.78192757

And you're way too new, she specified multiple times that her mother was always with her, and she repeated it like it was meant to ward of any concerns, so yeah going alone after saying all that would just be disingenuous

>> No.78192775

she's not your real wife

>> No.78192776

>doomposting in thread
>immediately chats to us in discord

>> No.78192833

Watch her call us gay again because she doesn't want to answer the only gap in her relationship that she refuses to explain

>> No.78192869

almost like you're "married" to the vtuber not the person and there's differences between those things you troglodyte

>> No.78192898

she clearly thought it would be if she brought up her mom going with her (the first time this was ever mentioned) in order to try to dull the blow and make it out to be more of a playdate

>> No.78192931

I bet he had his big manly hands running all over her body, warming her up and feeling up where he wanted. Shondo is a lucky girl.

>> No.78192951

i was making the point that having been alone wouldn't have been a red flag so she should never have had to make that fib up

>> No.78192957

why are you so gay

>> No.78192969

>goes to anny's stream
>calls a random man who isn't a husband cute
I love my relationship with my very monogomous wife

>> No.78192996

the filtering has begun, insecure and unaware is not a good look shogger

>> No.78193014

i hate this discord shit i have to wait for some retard to say in the thread that she is typing in there so i can go in and desperately seek attention

>> No.78193044

say that to shondo who banned and divorced someone partially because he called someone else cute

>> No.78193046

Is she wrong to call you an insecure faggot for this? She already said that if you're uncomfortable with her past in any way it's ok to leave. Just leave cuz you're clearly uncomfortable anon.

>> No.78193089
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>> No.78193097
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is asked a robot to do it

>> No.78193106

you guys are such faggots
"uuuuuuuuuuu you dont have to make it up to us uuuuuuu you dont have to work hard wifey uuuu"

>> No.78193116

and her vr is still not fixed
this is your most hard-working schizo loli on the internet?

>> No.78193120

it would be kind of dumb for that to be the deal breaker, or even if they did more than hug like she claimed (if they really did nothing more I feel sorry for the guy)
it is a weird fib to make up in your speech about how it's okay to leave if you're a weird incel that wants a spotless history but she's like that with men too for some reason

>> No.78193124

she's just trying to beat the lesbian allegations

>> No.78193176

>I am honest about everything I say and do because I love you and I don't want misunderstandings to happen so I'll tell you everything about me
>ok what about this
>...I think you should leave

>> No.78193201

okay then speak up while she's there and tell her to overwork herself again to the point she has another mental breakdown

>> No.78193202

she's just trying to beat the lesbian*

>> No.78193218

convenient narrative shift when it doesn't suit you guys

>> No.78193269

>worth it as in im in a much better mindset and can deliver better streams
how about you deliver some average streams Shondo? that would be nise

>> No.78193305

That's the reality, get over it. She's in a better mindset now and she'll start to make boundaries more clear.

>> No.78193320

fuck off zephyrin you cheating cunt, acting like you care now

>> No.78193358

why are you gay

>> No.78193370

can you believe she tried to do the woman move of making excuses on the British equivalent of the IRS?
white women really think they're above the law

>> No.78193421

zephyrin is such a sissy faggot that he counts as one of shondo's 2.5 female viewers

>> No.78193422

there's been no shift. i can distinguish the thin line between her as a vtuber and a person unlike you and this "marriage" is a big part of that

>> No.78193472

if she's going to pull a yuko I'm going to laugh so hard
imagine thinking husbands would follow you even if you break your promise of forever just because you're in a better state of mind

>> No.78193492

this is the strangest excuse for dereking I've heard

>> No.78193546

i would

>> No.78193581

nothing has changed. complaints here and passive aggressive bitching in offline chat but if she is there then immediately scramble to happynod and enable. she will have another melty brought on by you all after a few months and the cycle will repeat

>> No.78193600

You're not a husband, you're a shondophrenic. There's a difference.

>> No.78193622
File: 1.72 MB, 3049x4096, 1645119376666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her and can't wait to see everything she has been working on.

>> No.78193630

all she has to do is love us but that's too hard for her

>> No.78193693

not going to happen but she'll probably stop trying to fill the wife quota with phoned in intimacy and shit
I'll be happy for her if that helps her mental even though that's like kind of your job description
it's just what you get for wanting to be candid about loving your audience rather than being a holo-esque wife performer

>> No.78193696

>i-its not a larp! its real!
>um actually its just a larp, not real
pick one

>> No.78193750

they only gave a shit because she just didnt make a scheduled payment. i've wilfully neglected tax filings and misreported things for years with no repercussions simply because i pay on time

>> No.78193779

>i know you guys dont expect it, its because i want to do it
I expect it Shondo, I expect something in exchange for these 2 extra months of unearned hiatus.

>> No.78193786

i'm her husband and i love her, i'm not going to anti her or change that if she wanted to leave

>> No.78193816

>thinking husbands would follow you even if you break your promise of forever
if she broke her promise of forever then I would follow her because all the breaking of the promise would mean would be that she was on the market and im buyin

>> No.78193827

Mental space is as real as physical space. She is really married to me, that is a fact that science is just not aware of.

>> No.78193865

>i'm not going to anti her or change that if she wanted to leave
Because you're not a husband, you're a cultist (shondophrenic). A real husband is passionate and willing to deliver consequences for betrayal.

>> No.78193866

whenever a woman says that it's something she wants, it means it's something self-destructive to her career
and we're just going to have to syadouhappynod through it because if she gets any pushback she'll go back on hiatus

>> No.78193941

curious how none of you will voice this when she was right there in the channel reading

>> No.78193960

>dude just get yourself banned lol

>> No.78193962

she's always so anxious leading up to events but I guess aside from her last birthday the events themselves go fine

>> No.78193978

She said it with her own words. She has to forsake her husbands, who simply want to just spend time with her, in order to parade herself like some kind of circus act.
And has to do it simply because she wants to. It's shover.

>> No.78193980

because we're not retarded and willing to put her further into a hiatus

>> No.78193986

and bapy wasn't even there, there was no need to be scared

>> No.78193996

>it means it's something self-destructive to her career
jesse? jesse are you a vtuber? she became a successful entrepreneur by doing what she wants

>> No.78194042


>> No.78194062

>i can't tell my wife what i really think, i have to say it anonymously

>> No.78194065

Why would anyone criticize her to her face infront of 100 other retards who will dogpile them immediately? Even if you aren't an irony poisoned winposter you still don't want her to dislike you, which she will if you push back on anything.

>> No.78194069

every event goes like this:
>wow guys thanks for all the donos
>I'll try catch up with them in the next stream
>guys there are too many I can't do it
>I don't want to take the entire stream to thank everyone one by one
>streamelements broke again
>I feel so bad
>thank you guys for understanding

>> No.78194092

Shoggas I purposefully didnt respond to her in discord to test my fomo and Im feeling ok. I dont even want to know what she has to say so im leaving this thread again.
I will brute force curing my fomo if I have to, good luck and be Nise

>> No.78194116

name two times this happened

>> No.78194145

holy based, don't expect it to be cured but this will help

>> No.78194159


>> No.78194163
File: 46 KB, 500x500, 1692649231560394.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that irony poisoned winposting irlpilled guy?
me, and im going to win

>> No.78194162

no, she does what gives her money and success, you think a girl WANTS to kiss the mic for every five dollars you give her?

>> No.78194191

honestly if she'd be pushed into longer hiatus just from tough questions or mild critique she wasn't ready to come back anyway

>> No.78194212

>>78191705 me
Okay, I take it back.
There WILL be a meltdown. Holy shit she is so manic right now. She actually will just not listen to reason or her husbands right now.

>> No.78194220

What a pussy lol

>> No.78194226

anniversary and birthday

>> No.78194229

>she does what gives her money and success
I accept your concession that this move will not tank her career like you've claimed.

>> No.78194273

>dude just get yourself banned and dereked lol
>just make yourself into a pariah
face it, arguing with her or pushing back will just associate you in her head with people like fleece or baru and every other shogger will start to shit on you /here/ and in their cringe clique discords
shondo built this community to be this way

>> No.78194279


>> No.78194286
File: 110 KB, 596x748, twitter_🎀 🍫 🔪 shonshon(@goodgirlshadow)_20231223-060722_1738441147876257956_photo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

btw I didn't talk much because I'm socially inept and didn't know what to say not because I hate her

>> No.78194325


>> No.78194332

Then make a discord alt.

>> No.78194334

shondo if you turned up on my doorstep like this i would take care of you forever
dm me

>> No.78194344

Because they don't actually give a fuck about her and just pretend to care by fake-crying here. Nothing she said should cause any amount of crying or doomposting. Extremely stupid.

>> No.78194355

that's because you ARE just another fleece now either shit yourself publicly like he did or stfu

>> No.78194365

anon shittalking wife :D
other shoggas shittalking anon D:

>> No.78194389

Shondo, I no longer believe in you. You squashed that hope today.

>> No.78194407

I think it's reasonable to think not streaming for 2+ months and then coming back to a huge event and being showered with 10,000 subs and donos and a thousand chatters vying for your immediate attention would be stressful
I hope she just says she won't be reading stream or acknowledging donos for the comeback stream

>> No.78194451

lol irl

>> No.78194493

>I hope she just says she won't be reading stream or acknowledging donos for the comeback stream
This would be kino but it won't happen, we'll have 3 streams of catching up to donos.

>> No.78194503

ironically, being a new person will allow you to oneguy her far easier so it actually isn't a bad idea on delivering criticism, atleast in a stream chat
>being critical of your wife over anything and not just happynodding everything makes you fleece
lol irl
critique is not shittalking, and if you're referring to me saying that she made the community this way, then that isn't shit talk that is simply a fact

>> No.78194511

Gura does it several times a year and she's fine.

>> No.78194552
File: 12 KB, 540x78, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hear you, shondo. You better make up for all the time I had to wait.

>> No.78194573

>I hope she just says she won't be reading stream or acknowledging donos for the comeback stream
she won't be, they will be read through in the zatsu in the following stream

>> No.78194579
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It's ok. Lot of people are like that.

>> No.78194588

>squashed that hope today
Why today? I lost my faith in Shondo months ago.

>> No.78194599

she doesn't owe you anything

>> No.78194612

the only way shondo knows how to "repay" us would be sex appeal, so I'm waiting for the next asmr, it better have a countdown in it

>> No.78194620

she just said she does

>> No.78194632

being a whiny bitch =/= critique

>> No.78194634

You don't decide that

>> No.78194656

being a pariah among retards is fine actually
she may not handle banter well but more critical shoggers who aren't fleece tier have enough respect from her that she still consistently replies directly to them

>> No.78194666

she's saying that because she feels pressured by entitled brats

>> No.78194713

imagine forgetting the last time shondo asked for critique

>> No.78194724

she feels pressured by her own mental illness which tells her that she has to be productive 24/7 or she has no worth as a person

>> No.78194734

She does.
stinky femcel

>> No.78194757

You mean when she didn't listen to any of it?

>> No.78194773

But she did

>> No.78194800

by going on a hiatus immediately after?

>> No.78194840

She needs to make it clearer for all of the autistic 'men' in her fanbase that she is not literally married to them and that this is just an 'experience'. Maybe then the incels that plague her will finally leave her alone.

>> No.78194843

I didn't think she would choose the outcome that was worse than ending the marriage.
The outcome if pretending like it exists. She was correct when she said she would never pull a Rushia on us. We're getting the next best thing.

>> No.78194851

you will be one of the first to go

>> No.78194875

lol irl

>> No.78194895

this marriage exists in the quantum superposition of being 'real' and being 'larp' and people can pick whichever they want at any time in order to make their point

>> No.78194905

She needs to make it clearer for shitters like you that this is literally a marriage.

>> No.78194927

I don't know what she wanted honestly. I think it was supposed to be this "I'm growing" gesture but it just illustrated how stubborn she is. I don't think she needs the feedback anyway she does fine for herself with all of her neuroses. The only glaring problem is just the community.

>> No.78194941

shrodinger's shat
Verification was not required to author and publish this post.

>> No.78194955

it isnt. cult is unironically a good description for it.

>> No.78194965
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>> No.78194972

The last time she asked people to be real with her she sat there and replied to everyone and dismissed their thoughts one after another.
Pretty baseg of her if you ask me.

>> No.78194994

this is true of her too tbf
it's better when nobody thinks too hard about it, her nor us

>> No.78195015

I don't really believe it when she says she's in a better mindset. Just like she was in a "really good mood" some time ago and all it took was one barbie graduation for it to go completely downhill. I think she's just gaslighting herself again and this "much better mindset" won't last long.

>> No.78195027

that's because she's already doing a really good job and has her reasons for doing the things she does

>> No.78195045
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>> No.78195069
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i want to marry her for real

>> No.78195092
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It's always funny coming here after she gives an update and seeing all the anti faggots crawl out of the woodwork to shit on her. She didn't even say anything worth bitching about. Yet they always use this time as an excuse to shit out all their rage in a place where they're anonymous so they can't get called out for it.

>> No.78195100

It's called mania.

>> No.78195111
File: 1.50 MB, 1024x1024, VYpB1mzYGz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god I can't wait for shondo to kill me

>> No.78195127
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you too

>> No.78195138
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>> No.78195157

>she's already doing a really good job
>has her reasons for doing the things she does
she has excuses amounting to
>I'm just like this and I'm incapable of changing sorry
not that she has to, because as you said she's doing a good job, but the point stands

>> No.78195180

There's nothing to shit on, shogga. She shit on the marriage plenty herself today.

>> No.78195248

her reasons are often not very good and don't stand up to scrutiny
for example she often forces herself to play games that she clearly isn't enjoying because 'this was what was scheduled', and she does the same thing when she has technical problems with games which sends her mental off kilter completely, instead of just saying 'fuck it' and playing some other comfort game instead or just zatsuing for a while. yes she used to end streams over shit fairly regularly but that was more out of menhera than having an actual good attitude and backup plan.
also this is just an issue of scheduling in general, she picks out a lot of kusoge and winds up not enjoying them whereas she should just schedule games that she will actually have fun with (test the game beforehand for 30mins-1hr maybe?(i know she isn't really much of a gamer))

>> No.78195257

there's a lot she really isn't capable of changing anon, but sure you could make the case for some things

>> No.78195316
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Say that in fallenshadow-discussion shigger

>> No.78195322

You're an example of the happynodder collective, anything negative or not part of the mass psychosis of forced glowing positivity? Anti.
No wonder people aren't comfortable with just saying what they think. This is a massive problem all across the vtubing community, not just in Shonciety.

>> No.78195335

All she did was reassure (me) that she wants to be together with (me) more than ever.

>> No.78195380

see >>78195316

>> No.78195405
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>> No.78195445

Yeah, imagine spinning this wave of positivity and enthusiasm into something negative.

>> No.78195470

no wonder the threads have been shitty, the faggot is back

>> No.78195510

This general does it all the time. Just a bunch of sad sacks that stopped loving her a long time ago that need to move the fuck on instead of trying to force others into their pity party.

>> No.78195549

It was already said, in essence. Not just by me, but by many who expressed just a simple longing to be with her.
That longing was shot down and denied by her personally. She knows what events do and bring and there was nothing we were allowed to do about it.

>> No.78195605

Which one, theres quite a bit of those

>> No.78195620

They could at least take the viewer pill and turn off push notifications.

>> No.78195634

Sit in the chair and nod away.

>> No.78195690

What's that syadouClueless for, iProe?

>> No.78195710
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You know what? I will!
I will celebrate my wife's return and be happy and there's nothing you can do to stop me.

>> No.78195794

We're unironically too full, ban all sub-2year shoggers.

>> No.78195839

u cant compete old man?

>> No.78195864

my wife loves old men

>> No.78195871

make an exception for me please :(

>> No.78195873

i agree. good thing i'm a shogga

>> No.78195947

why ban them? she doesn't care about any of them and none of them are rich so they are irrelevant

>> No.78196021

what does your trust mean at this point, shondo?

>> No.78196072

everything!!!!!!!! she never broke a promiss ever >.<

>> No.78196083

We're too full indeed. Ban all the white ribbons, they're the ones causing stress to her.

>> No.78196170

ban everyone except for Gary, unban him. (not Gary btw)

>> No.78196210
File: 2.99 MB, 2747x3986, 1691149777656266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love my wife

>> No.78196234

every sub 1-year newfag has been cancer

>> No.78196268

I think it's easy not to change when you keep telling yourself it's impossible
entertaining the thought feels better than telling everyone it's impossible when you asked for things to improve, even just by a little

>> No.78196290

I can't be a sub 1 year newfag if I've never subbed to Shondo

>> No.78196324

she should change her relationship status from single to married
to me, obviously

>> No.78196411

shondo lets go on a few dates with the intention of getting to know one another better before making a firm commitment to each other
nothing weird involved, maybe we can go see a film together and go to a zoo or aquarium and see some aminals

>> No.78196460

you guys are pissy today

>> No.78196493

and on the flip side of that there's beating yourself up and trying way too hard on something that is impossible to change

>> No.78196600

i have no wife so i must argue

>> No.78196602

I don't earnestly believe things like "being too stubborn" cannot be worked on that's ridiculous

>> No.78196718

but she gave a good response to that didn't she? she acknowledges it and will try to be better about it

>> No.78196786

It's shonpiss saturday

>> No.78197015
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>> No.78197071

This gif always melts my heart.

>> No.78197087
File: 200 KB, 439x415, 1717869878184005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her

>> No.78197176

That was her response to her community/husbands expressing to just want to spend with her?
She didn't even bother reassuring us?
That's fine. I'll spare her the drama and leave peacefully then, shondo. You made it quite clear where your priorities are. Good bye.

>> No.78197280


>> No.78197302
File: 1.46 MB, 988x1080, 1693523800396926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright see you tomorrow.

>> No.78197307

see you tomorrow same place

>> No.78197388

What'd i miss? I left the thread at 4:30 pm shondo's time(last thread)
Is it worth reading?

>> No.78197423

no they were all being gay for each other

>> No.78197611

On Discord she chatted for a bit. Talked about how her comms are finally finished (so new outfit is finally coming) and now she just has to get her own work done.

Here? nothing. Theres never anything worth reading.

>> No.78197707

I guess I'll speed read it, hopefully won't take too long

>> No.78198183

fucking marry me you whore bitch

>> No.78198733

The absolute duality of the two types of husbands in Discussion.
Khaal addressing a real issue and concern.
And Bapy, syadouhappynodding.
It's a shame which one she is beginning to cater to now.

>> No.78198914

wait so she has a boyfriedn? fuck this shit of out

>> No.78198950

yeah me

>> No.78198959

>Khaal addressing a real issue

>> No.78199001

khaal is the exact kind of person she was talking about the other day. obnoxious faggot that cries when he can't monopolise her attention

>> No.78199070

you dont want to watch some stuff on chama before she comes back?

>> No.78199151

Only a shitposter or anti would not want to spend time with her before her big super duper events.

>> No.78199183

there are two types of husband
bapy and khaal are ironically both one kind of husband: someone who actually takes the marriage seriously
the other type of husband is one who treats it like a larp: shondo is this type of wife

>> No.78199237

Of course I do, I've been saying this for a while but Khaal didn't address a real issue. He just wants her to get back to streaming sooner (same honestly).

>> No.78199311

Zephyrin you fucking nigger, she should feel pressured to want to hang out with us. Fuck off to your gutter oshis you cheat on shondo with.

>> No.78199316

If she actually has the outfit finished that means the shumo will finally be released and she can finally quit being a GFE tuber because between the merch sales, huge amount of donations, gift subs and support from her comeback streams and the upcoming ASMR packs she won't need to grift anymore.
The husband arc is soon over and she will look back on it the same way she does her patreon/ASMR and the beans arc

>> No.78199390
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Shummer of Shondo™ is coming

>> No.78199402

>GFE tuber
She wants to be my wife.

>> No.78199448

She doesn't want to be with any of you IRL, take your fucking meds.
Unless its Nina posting, then you slay queen.

>> No.78199506

of course not she's fucking her boyfriend rn

>> No.78199605

quit being a pussy and tell him that

>> No.78199613

(You) can't compete with that Spanish shota.

>> No.78199634
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Nah, she'll still be my wife. Only difference is that i'll get to watch her streams with our daughter too.

>> No.78199660

He's /here/ dipshit. Only reason he's even bothering to antagonize Khaal right now.

>> No.78199708

True, I will seethe eternally in this threads and make the enviroment a shithole for it

>> No.78199778

move on fleece

>> No.78199823

he was the one saying she should just play bloons instead of doing an event

>> No.78199876

>Zephyrin is being a hypocrite
Wow what else is new.

>> No.78199938

I think you're just obsessed with another man

>> No.78199952

>nooooo not pressureino!!!!!!!
Zephyrin you fucking retard she'll come back to streaming without "warming up" and potentially repeat the hiatus, Shondo needs to gradually feel pressured to form a streaming routine.

>> No.78200050

I've been stuck with you cunts for 2 months while my wife neglects us. We should absolutely be having streams before any big events.
Not even for us, but for her to actually get into a groove again and help prep her.

>> No.78200086
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don't get pissy with me but from what she's saying it almost sounds like she'd be better off just being a content creator and uploading vids on youtube or something. i'm getting brainwormy hearing about how incredibly well she's doing and how hard she's winning when we're not even part of the equation. i thought she couldn't live without us? sorry for being mentally ill, but not a fun realization

>> No.78200103

>Not even for us
For us and her.

>> No.78200127

he was telling her to just get back into it with something like bloons, but he folded when she insisted on doing an event

>> No.78200215

she had too much on her plate for trying to do a full streaming schedule
she took a break to work on her mental health but also to ensure she has a manageable workload
her being done with all the big reveal shit means streaming will become a manageable workflow again while maintaining her mental constitution

>> No.78200237

>getting brainwormy
Weak. Guess what? Most couples don't NEED each other, they want each other.

>> No.78200388

Cool fit
Sucks its ai
Is it really that hard to pick up a pencil?

>> No.78200396
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>> No.78200534

shondi hurry up and filter me

>> No.78200544

>Is it really that hard to pick up a pencil?
pay me first and i'll consider it

>> No.78200575

well, art IS hard

>> No.78200692

shondo is such a good artist, i'm actually proud of her; I'm really bad at being creative

>> No.78200699

yeah, i am weak when it comes to shondo. cope and sneed about it all you want lol

>> No.78200700
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I got 10 shonbucks rn is that cool?

>> No.78200769

In that case she doesn't want you bro, you're a little boy not a man or a little girl. You have no appeal to her.

>> No.78200813

shondo i have a doctors note
im dying and the only cure is 450ml of nose powder delivered directly from the faucet daily
please.... you wouldnt let me die... right?

>> No.78200826

10 shonbucks? damn man you're going to ruin the shonconomy!

>> No.78201250

What happened i was busy with something for the last half hour

>> No.78201282

do your reps lol

>> No.78201305
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nothing happened

>> No.78201404

Actions > words. She's still thinking of the men who hurt her, meanwhile you don't exist to her.

>> No.78201424

we're cleaning shondo up after her boyfriend made a mess out of her

>> No.78201988


>> No.78202005

>inis joined a corpo
Melty when?

>> No.78202071
File: 8 KB, 821x461, 1715063893953042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i NEED her and i love her and i want hjer and i want to kiss and cuddle and hold and love and shes so nice and cute and wonderful i need her i need her i need her i need her i need her i need her i need her i need her i need her i need her i need her i need her i need her i need her i need her i need her i need her i need her i need her i need her i need her i need her i need her

>> No.78202202


>> No.78202365

gay fatso

>> No.78202465
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Not the corpo I expected desu. No melty though because she's not graduating. She's still Inis.

>> No.78202573

there wont be one

>> No.78202658

im straight and not fat actually but if shondo wanted to feed me and make me fat i would eat all the food she gave me

>> No.78203188

I want shondo to bake so much food that neither of us could finish it

>> No.78203202

isn't snoozy the one that tried to grift lolicons and couldn't hack it

>> No.78203754
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>I can still collab with the Barbies
Nothing has changed. Pinis is still a barbie. Shondo status: happy

>> No.78204081
File: 85 KB, 637x453, 1715841199036323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever i get angry or annoyed because of something I like to imagine shondo letting herself be beaten so I can feel better by venting out on her physically speaking
I need this very much rn

>> No.78204184

grown man btw

>> No.78204388

i'm with him on this one
