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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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78156601 No.78156601 [Reply] [Original]

Did they make up? Her response was rather fast.

>> No.78157329

holozhang deflection thread

>> No.78157561


>> No.78157930

anon let it go

>> No.78158026

Doki is better than the dramafag tourists who use her

>> No.78158166

i mean you could chalk it up to that but it was a rather fast response than usual dunks against niji, maybe they really don't hate each other.

>> No.78158239

No, Doki just really doesn't like people being actually harassed or bullied, and retards were spamming her tags with it so it got to her quickly.

>> No.78158368

It was a disclaimer to absolve herself of responsibility. You'd do the same if someone used your likeness in a controversial piece of art.
Selen's too busy getting Mint flavored pussy juice all over her to bother hearing out a a solar dragon bitch that flew too close to the sun.

>> No.78158590

Could be, we don’t actually know if Elira was the bully with 100% certainty even if shes the most likely suspect right now. If she was the bully it’s possible that Elira didn’t mean for it to go as far as it did, as bad as Elira is made out to be /here/ I doubt she is so morally abhorrent that she wanted Doki to kill herself, maybe she apologized to her afterwards.

>> No.78158610

one of my guilty pleasures is lurking the vyt subreddit. they were all in on their frothing hatred of nijien, downvoting anyone who posted ANY nijien, and now they're pretending like they're just so above it all lmao

>> No.78158696

>elira is good girl dindu nuffin
oh fuck off already

>> No.78158708

kurosanji fags are turning into the sons of kojima
specimen 1

>> No.78158801
File: 2.96 MB, 540x540, DokiFreebirdSolo[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fegombw.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one of my guilty pleasures is lurking the vyt subreddit. they were all in on their frothing hatred of nijien, downvoting anyone who posted ANY nijien, and now they're pretending like they're just so above it all lmao
to be fair, that was literally the point: to get people to leave it the fuck alone and go back to focusing on all the positivity she has in store for her goons.

>> No.78158887

Black screen is on her channel, anon. Whether or not she was a bully before it doesn't matter because she incontrovertibly did bullying shit on Feb 12.

>> No.78158917

they will utterly dogpile you if you even hint they're slightly tribal, it's hilarious. really just perfectly encapsulates what makes redditors so fucking insufferable.
no doubt doki deserves some credit for trying to reign in the dramaniggers. it's just hilarious how the redditors are pretending like they weren't totally in on it.

>> No.78158974

kekkk rent free
keep it up

>> No.78159056

holoseethe, this is a holoboard

>> No.78159086

because they can't accept the fact that regardless of creed they're just shitty people, these people want the niji vtubers to die just like the SOK guys wanted dsp to die. They just can't publicly stated because looks and the morals they supposedly hold.

>> No.78159365

>Whether or not she was a bully before it doesn't matter
Of course it does, the bullies nearly got Doki to kill herself before Elira even made the black screen stream, not all bullying is equal. The black screen stream was always gonna be on Elira’s channel because she is effectively the voice and face of NijiEN now.

>> No.78159697

I feel like the situation is in a limbo state where you can point to the black screen and say they did it but there's not enough proof to say who did what specifically so people who wanted to defend her just had a shotgun blast and got everyone in niji regardless if they did anything. While on the other side one can chalk it up to the black screen stream being company enforced so there's an alibi to say that elira and co were forced to make that statement and are innocent, using them to mask the true culprit.

>> No.78160072

I personally think Elira was at least involved with bullying even if she wasn’t expecting Selen to attempt suicide, but unfortunately until theres a smoking gun people are going to be suspicious of you simply for being in Niji, whether or not you actually did anything.

>> No.78160219

I think both sides realized in the end that going at each other's throats was mutually assured destruction, doki doxing all of nijien and herself in a lawsuit but now we don't know who did what and probably never will.

>> No.78160699

I’ll be honest. Anyone who laughed at that one “apex predator” joke is probably guilty.

>> No.78161372
File: 2.23 MB, 2537x1813, __elira_pendora_and_selen_tatsuki_nijisanji_and_1_more_drawn_by_luyheg__ffb940a0a7b6144c33e5384c3c9ae920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes anon they wanted to settle things with a mud wrestling match but ended up having hot sweaty lesbian sex in the end.

>> No.78161603

Management won't let her take it down, and there is a very high chance that it was their idea to have her put it up in the first place. Also keep in mind she was in Japan at the time, so her choices were "destroy her own career" or "allow Niji to destroy her career"

Also there's the "Hippity Hoppity, your streaming gear is Niji's property!" clause in their contracts. Getting fired would have cost her every last bit of streaming equipment she brought with her from Canada; and there's a small but non-zero chance that they would have counted the suitcase she used to bring her stuff with her on a transpolar flight to be part of her streaming equipment, leaving her unable to take her clothes and toiletries home.
And there is a smaller but still non-zero chance that they would have counted Petra's place of residence as part of Elira's streaming equipment, which would have forced Elira to choose between "slander your suicidal ex-coworker" or "we'll fire you, have one of your other coworkers else slander your suicidal ex-coworker in your place, and we'll also make another one of your coworkers homeless." And it would have also had the additional effect of scaring the others out of doing off-collabs at each other's homes, lest they lose their home because a collab partner got fired.

>> No.78161952

>be Elira
>new coworker with similar design to yours completely outshines you
>get jealous and conspire with friends to sabotage her every chance you get
>finally succeed
>coworker goes on indefinite hiatus
>learn she was on hiatus because tried to kill herself
>learn this wasn't the first time
>learn that she was fired so the company wouldn't be held liable for your actions
>boss makes you ruin your own image to do damage control
>leave for two months because you regret what you did and your career is even worse now
>come back because your former coworker forgave you

>> No.78166815

She probably only responded because someone tried dragging Mint and Mata into it.

>> No.78166943

So Enna, Millie and Reimu then?
