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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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78143053 No.78143053 [Reply] [Original]

You fuckers been doomposting Q4 for months now, saying how Niji will die after Q4. What changed exactly? It’s out now

>> No.78143241

nijiEN*, and it doesn't get much deader than this

>> No.78143338

we now know that NijiEN was indeed, negligible

>> No.78143352

Unironically, two more weeks. Shit isn't gonna happen over night.

>> No.78143412

Who the fuck is that, the new denauth male?

>> No.78143621

>how Niji will die after Q4
Nah we have been talking about NijiEN specifically, and it really is dying by looking at the downward trend

Barely 3view for Denauth and no signs of revival from the old ones. Q1 may have NBA collab and the ENcounter shit but it will never be taller than the last year Q1 or even Q2. Majority of "core fanbase" who watch streams and send donos are gone

>> No.78143646
File: 1.35 MB, 1671x578, thriving.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are right, Niji is THRIVING.

>> No.78143873

Not Niji as a whole. JP cushioned the blow of EN so expect another merger by the following months or by some Christmas miracle would rebuild EN again post-Selen. Like that would ever happen for a short term CEO who thinks profits first.

>> No.78143880

>Riku forced to buy back shares
>Plans to merge EN into JP
A lot you dumb shit.

>> No.78143891

It's the end for NijiEN the moment the Q4 report mentioned that they'd focus rather on the domestic market than on overseas.

Now that we know NijiEN is living on borrowed time, you can expect things going to the shitter gradualyl until NijiEN announces they are getting absorbed by main branch

>> No.78143935
File: 180 KB, 1024x869, 1718397567992735m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek sisters are quick to switch up from
NijiEN will never fail to Nijisanji as a whole is thriving

>> No.78144199

The results were bad as expected and Anycolor indirectly admitted in the Q&A the branch is in trouble. It is possible the branch suffered a net loss because they spammed events that mostly did not pan out, meaning expenses may have exceed revenue.

If something is going to happen soon and the branch gets merged/closed down, the time to do it will be either just before or just after the shareholder meeting. They're in the middle of a stock buyback, so if they want to be insulated from the effect of winding down EN, now is the time. It is possible that instead of a formal wind down and "admitting defeat," they just start graduating people one after another while withdrawing all promotion and support for EN.

If they don't do it now, we'll likely have to suffer watching a few more quarters of relentless decline before they cave to reality and wind things down. There is probably a hard limit on how long they can keep the Livers trapped in the branch before they just quit regardless of any threats or fees the company tries to impose.

>> No.78144323

what happens if they fold EN and whoever remains keep yabbing

>> No.78144417

They do as they lord Rikku, they are not Vtuber fans, they are corpo fans and rich dick suckers.

>> No.78144639

They literally said EN isn't part of their plan any more and that all their focus for the next year be on JP, the branch is deader than dead

>> No.78144776

Can't wait to see the face of Biff when EN is deemed as a side project like ID. You gotta admit at least some proud EN sisters would get hurt to realize the reality that EN is on life support and they are under the shareholders' mercy

>> No.78145339

Yes? When you hear Pump and Dump what do you hear?
You did buy in when it was in 21xx right? They didn't hit the limiter today so take your speedo off and aim your shot. Surely you didn't miss out on free money, right?
In all seriousness you can just see the disaster plain as day
While you're reading it bear in mind that they just blew 7.5b yen ($48 million) on a stock buyback sooooo~ that already bad performance is tragically worse. They've reported the collapse of the EN branch for its 5th quarter now and are abandoning it. JP revenues are declining and concentrating in a minority of talents in addition to the economy and vtuber market contracting. It's grim.

>> No.78145890

Niji is "saved" with the cost of 7.5 billion yen. Safe to say the drama has pushed Niji back from the growth track quite a lot and now they will make golden geese like Chronoir work overtime to help Anycolor get the 30 billion yen they promised to investors because EN is definitely bot gonna make even a tenth of it

>> No.78146089

have they sold out the seats for that chronoir concert yet?

>> No.78146265

They already said that for strategic purposes going forward they're discounting EN. It's all on the golden geese to carry the company.

>> No.78151723

NijiID took a while to die after stagnating, it's only begun for NijiEN.

>> No.78152081

Who the fuck cares about JP, lmao
They are not the branch with Discord Leak.
Not the branch with bullying drama inside.

>> No.78152216

Well, people overestimated by how much EN will drop - lots accepted 70-80% when 20-30% was far more realistically because Q4 the year prior wasn't that high anyway.
But what nobody expected actually, was that Anycolor could buy out its stock back again, after just 3 months. Everyone thought that option was out of the table without getting delisted.

>> No.78152248

First Selen was negligible, then it was pomu, now it's nijien. Haha how far will they go? Will they follow riku to his next startup? Call me a fag but man's not even that a attractive

>> No.78152379

>Not the branch with bullying drama inside.
>Roa v Meiro

>> No.78152451

NijiEN will merge aka dead...
you can kill anycolour with simple trick...
take their top 10 chuba from anycolour...

>> No.78152548

why would a buyback delist them

>> No.78153851

You need to have a certain percentage of your shares public to remain listed

>> No.78153943

so that just means they can't do this forever

>> No.78153975


>> No.78154005
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>Spent 7.5 billion yen on stock buyback
Sure they're not dying lol

>> No.78154072

You see, they did the same thing as last quarter but this time it's worse so by next quarter they'll be fully dead this time and if not then the quarter after

>> No.78154102
File: 33 KB, 852x304, 1718404626705181.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You faggots were really hyping up a measly 8 percent decrease in generated revenue? This is you killing a branch? Them still getting over $25,000,000? Meanwhile HoloEN's revenue is so embarrassing, they had to hide it from shareholders? You faggots are really bad at this

>> No.78154126

>Finana below one Finana

>> No.78154193

No they were hyping up a -40% into a -22%

>> No.78154217

Oh it's the "hololive is hiding EN" baiter, you do know that no one falls for your bullshit anymore right?

>> No.78154278
File: 138 KB, 813x386, CpIIaVom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took this just now, so nope.
Not even the pit is sold out yet.

>> No.78154375

Ehh, Q4 could have been worse, it would be completely possible to bounce back for a relatively competent company, but Nijisanji isn’t that, Niji won’t die but NijiEN’s fate is up in the air if they don’t course correct.

>> No.78154567

>if they don’t course correct

>> No.78154659

thanks for taking the time, I could've checked myself by now but I'm a chronic lazy fuck

>> No.78154806
File: 367 KB, 1890x323, NijiAXSeats3WeeksIn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was their numbers at the start of the week. They're fucking cooked.
I believe an anon said if they go at this pace they'll sell out the seats in december... of 2026

>> No.78155139

I mean hey they were already delaying it twice, might as well do it 2 more times

>> No.78155200

My brother in christ NijiEN has declined for 5 straight quarters. Including the 4th quarter where they threw everything they had at the wall to get ahead of the 4th quarter investor report and july shareholder meeting. They failed so astronomically hard they blew $48 million on stock buybacks instead of fixing literally any problem with the company.
And by their own report, they are no longer considering EN in their financial plans for the future. It's been NijiID'd

>> No.78157195

I'm too lazy to engage with bait, so saved this post to do it for me:

The "Financial Results for" whatever quarter document (the one that looks like a slideshow presentation) isn't a legally required disclosure, unlike the "Financial Results for the Fiscal Year" document which is more dull (although it still has some nice quotes, like saying that NIJISANJI is "grooming" VTubers). This means that there's no required form for the slideshow. However, until 2024 Q4, there has been a very consistent style, so the change is a clear indication that some things--the things that were removed--were so unfavorable that they felt compelled to remove them. It hasn't always been exactly the same, but the changes which have been made were generally minor--not so substantial as eliminating half of the presentation.
First, the "Financial Summary". This has been showing a growing bar graph of FY 2024 (1) Revenue, (2) Operating Profit / Margin, and (3) Net Profit / Margin, with each quarterly report adding an additional piece, and comparisons being made to the "piece" (the relevant quarter) from FY 2023. It started off looking pretty good--they had about 90% Y/Y growth in (2) and (3) in FY 2024 Q1--but this cratered to 20% Y/Y growth by Q3. This page (showing the three graphs) is not present in the Q4 presentation. If we compare the actual numbers to the numbers the Q1 report touts, ANYCOLOR was looking towards the following at Q4: Revenue, 38241 (actual, 31996); Operating Profit, 17926 (actual, 12362); Net Profit, 12795 (actual, 8726). The forecast goals were deliberately understated so that, in the event of contingencies, there would be some breathing room, while still aiming for high growth. ANYCOLOR failed to hit any of the forecasts, much less exceed them.
Next up is the table of "Financial Reports"--pretty sleepy, right? But actually, the Q4 report is more sparse on details here as well. The Q4 report gives revenue, costs of sales (broken up into direct and other costs), and operating, ordinary, and net profits (with margins for each). The Q3 report gave revenue (broken up into NIJISANJI (just JP), NIJISANJI EN, and other), costs of sales (broken up into direct and other costs), gross profit, SG&A expenses (broken up into four categories), and net profit. So, the gross profit is bad, and NIJISANJI EN is bad--those were the main items removed.
Now for the colorful "Revenue (Quarter)" graphs. The Q3 report has one for NIJISANJI and one for NIJISANJI EN, with the bars being broken up to show sources of revenue for each. The Q4 report has one for branch and one for source. This hides the decline in NIJISANJI EN by mixing up promotions. You can, however, see that the NIJISANJI EN group revenue has declined continuously since FY 2023 Q3. Note also that the low performance of FY 2024 Q3 was explained away by a shift in dates--the same shift that buttresses this Q4. That's why they can boast a 47% Y/Y increase (which they show twice for some reason). This means that the FY 2025 Q1 report will be without the boost, so expect a significant drop Y/Y with that report. Will Riku have the money for a buyback then?
Riding this Q3-Q4 bump, the report shifts focus from the "Operating Margin (Quarter)" of previous reports to "Operating Profit (Quarter)". The decrease in "Direct Variable Costs" means less many going to the livers. (I'm looking to prepare a separate mini-report on that subject soon. I haven't run the exact numbers, but basically, while the company was 47% up Y/Y, the livers as a group were probably up only about 10% Y/Y, if that--and that's not counting how new livers get very little in NIJISANJI (both JP and EN).)
Next is "Number of VTuber and ANYCOLOR ID" (in both reports), but the graphs are cut much shorter now than they used to be. This is especially clear for the "Number of VTuber" graph--despite bragging about introducing more talents, the revolving door doesn't seem to increase the total number by very much. That explains the 20+ new debuts in the past year but only two more talents total in that time period.
The next slide is "Number of Employees" and this graph gets the cut-short treatment to match the last slide's two graphs. They mention "new graduate recruitments" for the substantial increase in employees, but I'm not sure what this means. In any case, the more employees (given the same number of VTubers) and the decrease in Direct Variable Costs means less money to the talents.
Now, what follows in the Q3 report is a summary of the company's progress towards its projected forecasts. This summary included short statements of what ANYCOLOR was doing to achieve those goals. The following slides then included many pretty pictures of all of the new VTuber projects they had started. Of course, having failed to meet the projections, these glowing images are absent.

>> No.78157260

The second slide here--"Revenue by Business Area"--is carried over from "Attractive Financial Model Achieving Both High Growth and High Margin" which they included in previous reports. The updates for FY 2024 Q4 are not bad, necessarily, but show off a recurring theme--ANYCOLOR has trouble with diversification. Growth in merchandise, event, and sponsorship revenue stalls, while livestreaming revenue actually declines. At this rate, only two approaches--merchandise and sponsorship--become the main avenues of revenue, as opposed to the traditional four. (Note that Cover does not have this problem. I will show this off more in an upcoming mini-report comparing Cover's and ANYCOLOR's respective FY 2024 Q4 reports.)
The first slide is basically the "Financial Summary" graphs that got cut from the beginning--they're now buried in the text. Importantly, they omit the (missed) forecasts, and show a pretty heavy stalling in all three departments. (I'm planning another mini-report on stalling figures by looking at first and second derivatives. By the way, feel free to say that you want one mini-report over another.)
They also add a "Revenue by Quarter" slide in an effort to dissuade investors from caring about the quarter-to-quarter variations in revenue. Riku pulled this trick in the Q3 report by mentioning all the events that got shifted to Q4, but now the over-inflated Q4 will come crashing down to FY 2025 Q1.
They finish off with some FY 2025 Q4 predictions. I mention that these predictions are about what they "expected" to get based off of FY 2024 Q1 results--the revenue a little higher, but the operating and net profits lower. This is after failing to meet their FY2024 predictions, I may add. The change in predictions (for FY 2024 and FY 2025) are as follows: They predicted a 30.2% growth in revenue, now 21.9%; a 35% growth in operating profit, now 19.7%; and a 34.4% growth in net profit, now 18.7%. As you can see, they've about halved their expectations from last year.
The final slide (ignoring the copy-and-pasted graphs and disclaimer at the end) gives a more detailed FY 2025 Q1 prediction. The plan is the same as always--the plan that's caused them to miss their FY 2024 forecasts--along with this quote: "business growth is driven by NIJISANJI in Japan". It seems that NIJISANJI EN is now a lost cause, to be cut off as needed. When going public NIJISANJI KR and NIJISANJI ID were canned and those branches integrated into NIJISANJI, at what cost is generally known. I expect similar things to happen to NIJISANJI EN based on this report. Now, the branch may not be completely dissolved, but it may be brought more into line with NIJISANJI management to reduce branch-dedicated managerial and related staff. I imagine the problems which led to the ongoing wave of NIJISANJI ID graduations to start to plague NIJISANJI EN.

>> No.78164334

Gaijin branch to heavy

>> No.78167124

>meaning expenses may have exceed revenue.
I think the AR live probably made some money though. But remember Niji has the mindset that 3D performances are "one pump chumps"

>> No.78167326
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>8 percent decrease in generated revenue
nijisister didn't send their best

>> No.78167617

100 ccv LMAO

>> No.78169260

Stating a fact is not bait. You could have just posted their revenue if it wasn't true.
