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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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78116588 No.78116588[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If your oshi doesn't scream "Taiwan Is A Legitimate Sovereign Country" on top of her lungs the moment she streams on b2, she's a CCP sympathyzer

>> No.78116681

I thought we didn't want politics in vtubing.

>> No.78116766 [DELETED] 
File: 282 KB, 393x463, 1707835444079.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stfu chink

>> No.78116903

Filian will end up doing this thinking it'll just be like her usual jokes on Twitch.

>> No.78116912

Better yet, scream "Taiwan is the real China" and watch what happens

>> No.78117490

if they do that they are stupid

>> No.78117525 [DELETED] 

I hope chinks lynch her.

>> No.78117829

Taiwan is China woketards

>> No.78119595

Saying Taiwan is the real China is like saying Hawaii is the real America lmao

>> No.78119829

If they say that then they're Western sympathizer, which is as worst or even worse.
Really, kneeling to Biden?

>> No.78120794

No, it's completely different. The original government of China fled to Taiwan when the communists overthrew the mainland government. They are the rightful heirs of China.

>> No.78120903 [DELETED] 

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 Filian bing chilling 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.78121167

By your logic, the British owns both Australia and America then?

>> No.78121466 [SPOILER] 
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Nta but yes. Everything in red/pink should be.

>> No.78121537

That's not what that word means

>> No.78121556

They did though? Why do you think we have those family reunion memes along with Canada?

>> No.78121808

I see Taiwan as its own sovereign state but your literal cuckold way of thinking means you see a country as its monarchy and rulers and not the people that inhabit it, meaning you support the powerful minority over the powerless majority
And your post suddenly makes me understand why Taiwanese and SEA are such numberniggers

>> No.78122775 [DELETED] 

>haato accidentally shows Taiwan on stream
>coco deliberately shows off Taiwan on stream
>chinks go "wtf? keep that shit off stream"
>cover goes "fuck, our bad, sorry. we'll give them a short suspension as apology."
>yagoo wants to tell en to shut the fuck up but there are way too many EN covid tourists
>cover decides to nuke CN until en falls in line, might take a few years
>a few years pass
>en has proven they'll submit to the corp's interests, so it's fine to return to CN

>> No.78122953

You're either a newfag or baiting with this completely incorrect retelling of what happened. Probably both.

>> No.78123219 [DELETED] 

>Ignoring the fact the JP side was even more furious than the EN one (and that EN viewership was tiny compared to what it is today)
>ignoring the fact the zhangs demanded the termination of Coco
>ignoring the fact that when Coco returned they spammed her streams constantly
>ignoring the fact that they closed Fubuki's Bilibili account when she mentioned meeting up with Coco
>ignoring the fact that the CN branch encouraged harassment of Coco and attempted a coup against Cover.

>> No.78123316 [DELETED] 

This. People need to realize the reason the chinks threw a tantrum over the word "Taiwan" isn't because of the word itself.
Chinks are unironically risking their lives using VPNs to watch Hololive on Youtube to support their oshis.
Haato's was accidental and Coco was doing it deliberately.
Coco is risking Hololive getting banned by the CCP and that pissed off the chinks.
Imagine getting your whole family arrested by the CCP because you got caught watching Hololive thanks to Coco.

>> No.78123395 [DELETED] 

chinks got mad because cover sided with the EN tourists over them. seems fair enough.
>ignoring the fact the zhangs demanded the termination of Coco
based as fuck but you redditors aren't ready for that discussion

>> No.78123402

If your oshi does this, she's a redditor. China is based, Taiwan and Hong Kong are for redditors who want to feel like they're a part of something.

>> No.78123405

Cry me a river.
>JP side
You mean EOPs that watch Coco?
>All that revisionism
And I thought China was bad.

>> No.78123561

Again, obviously newfags.

>> No.78123619 [DELETED] 

It's funny because in the end, the chinks were right about Coco.
And Coco got fired anyway so...

>> No.78123654

>no counter-argument
i accept your concession

>> No.78123681

YWNBJ, fuck off back to /jp/

>> No.78123738

Kill yourself chang

>> No.78123744

You didn't provide an argument, you just completely made shit up because you clearly have no idea what actually happened back then.

>> No.78123789

If you're risking your family for a vtuber maybe you should rethink your risk assessment skills.

>> No.78123817
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are you denying that cover sided with EN over CN? maybe it's a little confusing for you since they still have similar levels of activity, but CN's the branch that actually shut down.

>> No.78123998

coco truly was a shit hire from start to end
>wanted to "revolutionize" vtubing
>contributed the most to the china meltdown
>flooded vtubing with redditors
>quit to become a fleshposter

>> No.78124025

Cover sided with EN and JP over a branch that was actively supporting attacking JP members. It's interesting that you're happy to effectively shit all over Fubuki as well by extension.

>> No.78124098

It was Coco's fault. Get rid of her and everyone's happy except the EN redditors.

>> No.78124161

So you are happy to shit of Fubuki then?

>> No.78124180

>to shit of
should've gotten rid of ID while they were at it

>> No.78124239

>what is mistyping
You're not answering the question. Interesting.

>> No.78124309 [DELETED] 

Can't say that anon. You'd get labelled as a chink or zhang or a west taiwan guy.

>> No.78124442

It was a loaded question, typical of seaposters who cannot properly formulate arguments. fubuki wouldn't have gotten harassed if it weren't for coco deciding that western politics belong in vtubing.

>> No.78124472

yeah, you're "canadian"

>> No.78124556

Pretty sure if Coco wasn't hired on, Holo'd still be filled with people lucky to break 200k subs and virtually no viewers. She helped prep the market for covid to explode HoloEN's popularity.

>> No.78124597

But it's fine for Chinese politics to be brought into vtubing? It's pretty obvious you can't answer the question because Fubuki stood side by side with Coco, showed her as much support as possible and dropped China after they hijacked her B2 account to put out a statement.

You weren't around at the time and I'm pretty sure you don't even watch Hololive - most likely a phasefag larping as a JP viewer.

>> No.78124602

holoen was a mistake

>> No.78124651

Show your memberships to JP Holos.

>> No.78124675

She also helped ruin the VTubing industry by letting twitterfags and whores in.

>> No.78124717

>caring about taiwan
lol, lmao even
go back to yiddit faggot

>> No.78124757 [DELETED] 

stupid fucking nijigger they were showing stats and saying coco was basivally shoving the fucking taiwan stat on chat to puss the chinks off is disengenuious. PLEASE STOP CONSUMING CHINESE SEMEN

>> No.78124783

Without Coco, VTubing would be a sad, irrelevant shitshow. Thanks to Coco, we got Gura, we got Mori the Rappin' Reaper, we got Phase Connect, we got Nijisanji fucking EN!!!, and we got Kirsche herself.

>> No.78124835

It's probably not even sisters. The fact they keep bringing up US politics for some retarded reason makes me think they're phasefags - as usual just shitting up the board.

>> No.78124858 [DELETED] 

you first holozhang

>> No.78124895

>fuck coco
the only thing that matters; fuck coco. She pandered to an EN audience and is closer to a twitch thot than to a vtuber idol.
Coco is one of the main reasons my hobby got infested with people that dont even have the courtesy to learn japanese.

>> No.78124935 [DELETED] 

on the contrare. those fags could be chinks with no clue how to let go.

>> No.78125002

demanding that vtubing become another vector for taiwan independence discourse is an extremely american thing.

>> No.78125003

You're retarded. Haato's analytics incident was acknowledged and Coco decided to do the same thing she did a few hours later anyway.
How is that not on purpose?

>> No.78125109

It wasn't even politics. Coco risked Hololive getting banned in China for that.

>> No.78125182

And harassing a vtuber for showing analytics is an extremely Chinese thing. All Coco did was show support for her friend and stick two fingers up to antis by doing the same, it wasn't some rallying call for Taiwanese independence.

>> No.78125193


>> No.78125203

if it ment gatekeeping redditors and normies then i have to agree.... i love the girls but damn....

>> No.78125263

Considering how most of the CN branch turned out (and the management of that branch) it turned out to be a good thing at the time. Or are you saying it's fine to have a branch run by people who are happy to support harassment against JP members (not just Coco)?

>> No.78125377 [DELETED] 

you will never be able to convince a bug of anything
they only answer to the command of their superior, not to reason
this is the core of confucianism on which bug culture is founded

>> No.78125382

fat greasy american fingers wrote this post

>> No.78125405

they harassed other JP members because coco and her EOP redditor fans painted a target on them

>> No.78125443

Never even been to the US, and thank you for your concession.

>> No.78125462

Unfortunately HoloEN has become synonymous with actively recruiting normies and tourists. Didn't have to be that way.

>> No.78125506 [DELETED] 

nigga it was a question she answered. if i went full schizo id say the chinks fucking egged her on to show said analitics as the went down a list of holos to see who is a simpathizer. COMMIES NEVER LEAVE ANYTHING ALONE! THEY RUIN EVERYTHING!

>> No.78125515

Because when she showed her YouTube stats, it was because someone in the chat room asked her

>> No.78125528

Fubuki made a conscious decision to show support for Coco - so again are you saying Fubuki is as much of a piece of shit as Coco?

>> No.78125555

You literally conceded the point that Coco deliberately provoked the confrontation, and that you supported her doing so.

>> No.78125585

>coco deliberately shows off Taiwan on stream
to this day there is zero proof coco ever did it deliberately. taiwan had been mentioned plenty of times prior to their meltdown without any consequence

>> No.78125622

lmaoo thanks

>> No.78125642

They were already chimping out at Haato because they were triggered by a fucking analytics page. Just because they were satiated by her suspension it doesn't change how they behaved to begin with - the fact you're fine with Chinese politics being brought into vtubing says a lot really.

>> No.78125712

You chimps freak out over Fauna saying she isn't your friend, take a fucking seat buddy.

>> No.78125717
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dumbass i am agreeing with you

>> No.78125728

don't use my wife for your political retardation, amerishart.

>> No.78125789

>no response
I'm not a sapling, faggot. Again show Holo JP memberships, because at this point I'm even more convinced you're just a phasefag.

>> No.78125889
File: 175 KB, 779x867, 1718036327158384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong guy but>>78125002
i was eating a burger
