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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 295 KB, 1545x2000, GP5VpaiaAAACHOJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
78100997 No.78100997 [Reply] [Original]

Is this true?

>> No.78101051

I'm dating your oshi and can confirm it's true.

>> No.78101062
File: 15 KB, 112x112, kiraAyo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't use my yugioh wife to shitpost you disgusting freak.

>> No.78101158

>streamer works constantly

>> No.78101216

Some streamers actually have to work for their money.

>> No.78101231

you can only really blame your oshi for making this.

>> No.78101253

not a vtuber, she is pretty much a prostitute, so....

>> No.78101274

Why did she make this. Unfollowed

>> No.78101331

The desperate kind.

>> No.78101401

The tough work of streaming a game a few hours every other day.

>> No.78101447
File: 303 KB, 463x635, megakek ogey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you may see the occasional dick pic
>you better behave because the brand is on the line

>> No.78101467

lazy oshi cope. if your oshi stops streaming the moment she makes it big, she's just a grifter

>> No.78101524

This has "I cheated on my previous bf" vibes

>> No.78101550

Good luck earning any money just doing that.

>> No.78101556

>streamer may be showered with crawfish and expected to suck them on stream

>> No.78101603

>Less constantly than average person
>I will help her dealing with them
>Yeah. Kinda expected.
>I will forbid her from male collabs and any weirdo will get insta block
>Ignore them
>I will not let that relationship to get public !
>Expected. Wouldn't want to disturb her work anyway
>As long as it's a girl (look point 4)
>If she does, she's a retard.

>> No.78101706

Oh yeah they also need to pander to simps for money

>> No.78101803

>you may see the occasional dick pic
Has anyone /here/ sent a dick pic to a vtuber? Why?

>> No.78101857

Crazy coomers or the vtuber is constantly posting pics of her irl body.

>> No.78101868

do you really want a girlfriend with thousands of other faggots paying her money to make her larp getting fucked in the ass and posting drawings of herself getting dicked for the public?

>> No.78101910


>> No.78101916

Why crayfish?

>> No.78101977

Let me do a quick translation for anons that don't speak woman. You must accept that:

>you're very low priority in the relationship
>groups of people will inevitably throw hate our way and it's never my fault
>I won't follow through on previous commitments
>I'll let people hit on me personally
>I'll do lewd shit for men to masturbate to online
>I'll let people hit on me in my dms
>I'll surround myself with people that have second intentions and want us to break up
>I'll be sleeping away in events/parties/other people's houses(!) without you
>I'll be flirting on stream
>I will hide your existence because otherwise I'll lose access to most of the above
>if I let people know you exist, you have to be a good sport(cuck) about all the above

I feel bad for anyone this woman believes is "a good fit". Talk about damning with "praise".

>> No.78102094
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legally distinct shrimp

>> No.78102151
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I ain't reading all that

>> No.78102319

is this some twitch thing?
>collabs and events you can't attend
vtubers should only collab with female coworkers, and traveling with them to wherever they go isn't a problem.
>good chemistry with a stream partner
this is another female right? so no problem
>if she tells other people you exist
don't. it'll lower our income you stupid bitch.

>> No.78102584
File: 258 KB, 1024x937, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fy9mtpy.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to be a massive cuck to date a vtuber, especially the lewd or gfe kind. Yes, it also means their viewers are cucks, but I think the boyfriend is a cuck too. You're supposed to put up with your girlfriend prostituting herself online for money? Fuck no. These kinds of vtubers should just remain single and dedicate themselves to their audience.
>that's a big ask
No, it's not. If your dream is to have sad, lonely forever virgins fund your life in exchange for the sweet illusion of having someone that cares about them at all, then the least you could do is return their love on at least some level instead of double dipping. Dozens of men dedicating their lives to you isn't enough?

>> No.78102704
File: 92 KB, 412x842, KiraHishotori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>purple eyes
>orange hair
do indies really...?

>> No.78102727

Didn't you know ? Streaming is a soul sucking job

>> No.78102761

You suck the heads.

>> No.78102786

This is starting to make more sense. Does she go on long vacations with "her friends's bf" too?

>> No.78102812

Buying merch and watching streams isn't a chore. It is its own reward.

>> No.78102957

I see vtubers with open bfs getting into hardcore gfe or coombaiting and the whole thing is cucked. Either the guy has no self respect or the girl doesn't respect him.

>> No.78102981

Used to be married to a streamer and every point here except the crawfish one (maybe that's just a regional thing?) was true.
Eventually she sent nudes to her discord mods, some of whom were minors.

>> No.78103035

Oh no rev says desu look away!

>> No.78103124 [SPOILER] 
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she asked for it, I wouldn't do it otherwise.

>> No.78103225
File: 348 KB, 619x900, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people get hard at the idea of being seen. Same concept as women showing their tits online really, it's just that nearly no one wants to see your wanker.

>> No.78103235

I kinda laughed at that shit too. Yeah allow yourself to be cucked for the sake of my brand!

>> No.78103294

>Thank you for your interesting in

>> No.78103328

Thanks champ.
I'm glad those empty egg cartons like cats. That's all they're ever gonna have.

>> No.78103393

don't date a Twitch based vtuber. They will go to Twitchcon and start dating Twitch staff to get benefits from them like Front Page.

>> No.78103427

>You have to be a massive cuck to date a vtuber
>especially the lewd or gfe kind

>> No.78103428

>you wouldn't pirate a tuber

>> No.78103689

i haven't even subscribed yet and this bitch is hitting me with the terms and conditions

>> No.78104052

I like it. It's an honest warning. I wish more girls were this upfront with their red flags.

>> No.78104083

All me btw

>> No.78104204

>Streamer will not tell anyone you exist
>People will constant try to sabotage you and the relationship

something doesn't add up bitch

>> No.78104258

remember rosedoodle’s husband? (not a doxx her husband was always at her stream) yea that turned out really badly after she dropped him for a moderator lol

>> No.78104302

Mafumafu learned that the hard way

>> No.78104380

Thanks for the translation

>> No.78104449

Arrogant cunt I’m making the terms not you.

>> No.78104614

Unhironicaly the amount of streamer/CC i know and who ending up divorcing/breaking up is crazy high.

>> No.78104680

Why is everyone mad? This is surprisingly realistic, you should be happy she's warning you on what you're about to get yourself into. Would you rather she says nothing and let's you figure out why all this is happening on your own?

>> No.78104734

Thanks woman

>> No.78104765

You have to understand, most of /vt/ has never been in a real relationship before.

>> No.78104831

There's a lot that goes on behind the scenes other than just picking a game to play

>> No.78104896

I don't think anyone angry at this has been in *any* relationship before, romantic or not. Like, "has a varying schedule, works, can't hang out with you all the time" is something you learn just having a friend who has a job.

>> No.78105011

I don't see anyone mad?

>> No.78105034

highly true

>> No.78105079

>that nearly no one wants to see your wanker.
you'd be surprised

>> No.78105237

If you check the last two lines again you can clearly tell the points cover both IF and IF not when it comes to your identity being known so you should be prepared for both

>> No.78105336

... Sadly I can confirm that most of it is true... Except the crawfish part.

>> No.78105345

The thing about this is that famous movie stars and people in the arts have to deal with this and somehow they get married and have children like normal people.
The anime mask isn't an excuse to be an asshole. Relationships are work. You either take it seriously or you don't date.

>> No.78105359

If this is me and my oshi, it's a deal. I already spend my time watching her stream, people flirt with her and say tskr whenever she sneezes. It's no different except eventually I get personal time with her.

>> No.78105439

Riro fucked her fans. Riro fucked her manager. Riro took drugs on stream. Riro organized an orgy on stream. Riro masturbated on stream. Remember when she cancelled a collab, got high on benzo and did a 4 hours stream in a kiddie pool during the collab? That's Riro.

I just love saying that.

>> No.78105647

lmao this is some tumblr-esque shit

>> No.78105894

She was a bad person for some of these, but god bless her for making me cum several times.
In retrospect, such a trainwreck was kinda kino to experience live, so I can't bring myself to hate her, even though Idol never fully recovered from that disaster.

>> No.78106086

The crawfish thing seems oddly specific. Is there a video or clip of her doing this so I have a frame of reference?

>> No.78106100

Half of it is blown out of proportion. The last one is real* though.
*It (likely) wasn't benzo and it wasn't 4 hours, it was closer to 2 hours.

>> No.78106176

>finds a man that puts up with your BS and supports you
>think he isn't good enough
>drop him like an old card for a moderator of all people
Why are women like this?

>> No.78106331

Yeah, that means they shouldn't be streamers.

>> No.78106347

t. dramanigger

>> No.78106450

rosedoodle got divorced?

>> No.78106451

Yeah but do you see women lying about being single for their jobs on your regular daily basis? No because this phenomenon only happens in this type of business as shitty as it is. Look at what happened to rushia for example she lied so much to her fans about herself to the point it all rebounded back to her blew up and now look at her

>> No.78106599

>and now look at her
Retired with 1.5 mil?

>> No.78106761


>> No.78106874
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>You have to be a massive cuck to date a vtuber
Laughing at retarded parasocial goslings seems pretty based to me.

>> No.78106896

>card game autism
I will now attempt to seduce your wife with my deck.

>> No.78106911

>Veibae post

>> No.78106930
File: 1.66 MB, 1000x1200, 1689335049575678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>streamer may have good chemistry with a stream partner but nothing more
factually false.

>> No.78107061

Every job can be a soul sucking job, you just have to not want to do it.

>> No.78107107

Why the hell would you make this? It just seems like pointlessly antagonizing schizos for twitter brownie points

oh wait people do this shit all the time for twitter brownie points

>> No.78107122
File: 144 KB, 893x1082, 1690071074261932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're looking at it all wrong.
The point of going out with a vtuber (not a flesh tuber at all obviously) is to self incert as the fat balding faceless NTR man who is fucking their oshi

>> No.78107160

You assume that's a good thing, but Rushia is kinda like ES Nimu, she was used to a better lifestyle.

>> No.78107697

"Hey bby I do it for free."

>> No.78108175

Or...you can just lie to them. Keep the illusion(and their atms) alive.
You really think these well off girls with many connections in their 25-40's are single? Be real bro. Stop being a delusional cringe lord.

>> No.78109046

And "I will definitely cheat on you, this will not progress to marriage" vibes. My oshi would never.

>> No.78109532

First time I've heard of this. Got any further details?

>> No.78109727
File: 45 KB, 614x374, 1713299749865009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Terumi has been saying that for years

>> No.78109831

basically. I’m almost positive 50-60% of vtubers are in relationships and it just doesn’t come up on stream ever because chat is down bad and would sperg out

>> No.78109850

I think it'd be really hot to date a popular vtuber
I'd cum extra hard inside her knowing she has thousands of simps that will never touch her but send their money that we spend on expensive dinners

>> No.78109900

And then she leaves you in the cuck chair for a mod

>> No.78110059

Whatever you want to believe, anon.

>> No.78110068

You might not have noticed, but a streamer is a type of busker. The cream of the crop can coast on their success but most of them have to put in a lot of work to offset for the fact that they're barely getting paid.

>> No.78110182

Now google knows you post on 4chan

>> No.78110235

>sharing your wife with a bunch of loosers is based
nah, you are just a faggot.

>> No.78110328

you dont share shit, you are the only one that gets to fuck.

>> No.78110393

>date a cute vtuber girl
>feel her up while she streams
>eventually get bolder after some weeks
>lick her under the table while she does a zatsu and tries to not have any viewer notice anything
>at some point in the future things escalate and you even take her from behind, slowly fucking her while she tries her best to have it go undetected


>> No.78110405

Streamers don’t do any work. People that edit videos down to digestible chunks maybe, but it’s definitely not hard.

You’re supporting her so she can laugh at guys? 0 self respect

>> No.78110454

Bro, do not date an e-thot expecting her not to upgrade or cheat.

>> No.78110880

>Streamers don’t do any work
Do it then. If it's zero effort to exploit an infinite money glitch that also grants minor eceleb status, why aren't you doing it?

>> No.78110933

I'm a guy. Female streamers don't do any work.

>> No.78111096

>you are the only one that gets to fuck.
Bro if I want to fuck I'll go find a ons, if I'm in a relationship I want to spend time with my gf and not share her with 2000 guys on twitch.

>> No.78111213

I wonder why nobody watches this girl, a real mystery

>> No.78111239

Except when she flies out to cons ;)

>> No.78111241

To future vtubers,
You'd better be saving your money, because by the time you retire from streaming, your best years will be behind you and it's all downhill from there.

>> No.78111421

vtubers should fly to cons.

>> No.78111445

The VAllure girls ask for tributes so I sent a video of me doing one. She said thank you and to be louder next time through Maro.

>> No.78111486

>and somehow they get married and have children like normal people.
Are you handicapped? Celebrities are famous for how their "relationships" never work out and their children end up crazy.

>> No.78111512

I wouldn't even have a vtuber as a friend, they are all narcissists that are constantly fishing for attention.

Reminder that vtuber take advantage of lonely people for money, they aren't good people.

>> No.78111630

>100 avg viewers

>> No.78111632

Holy ESL

>> No.78111693


>> No.78111753

Yeah. Sleep, eat, shit......playing with your pet?

>> No.78111787

>and I will never have this happen to me because suddenly I remember it all came to me in a dream.

>> No.78111834

Streaming is easy as fuck. The hard part is being charismatic while doing it, and "networking" to get sponsors, collabs, etc.

>> No.78111870

>streamer will probably not tell anyone you exist
As long as she doesn't pretend she's single, this is the way it should be. Instead of saying something like "Oh woe is me, I'll never get a boyfriend!" Just say you're not interested in dating or something.

>> No.78111879

>showered with crawfish

>> No.78111919

It's true, but that's because they're real women. Why would you ever date a real woman?

>> No.78111929

>2view streams 3 times a week and just lives with her parents.
>Constantly complains about being exhausted and how much work vtubing is when she only streams around 2 or 3 hours.
Yeah, that's just laziness.

>> No.78111945

She wouldn’t be able to complain about it then.

>> No.78111949

Must be some kind of fetish thing.

>> No.78112048

To be completely fair I'd neither date a vtuber nor anyone who consumes their content beyond the occasional stream. Imagine dating someone who spends lots of time and money on people streaming as anime characters.

>> No.78113241

I think the crawfish thing says a lot about the type of streamer she is. Seiso girls don't suck on crawfish on stream. And she caters to shellfish fetishists.

>> No.78113275
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>streamer works constantly

>> No.78113684

So am I. The broader point stands, even if there's no money glitch. There are a million tiny parts which go into the machine of "being a vtuber" that we habitually take for granted as part of the whole, just like there are in your computer or car.

You're thinking about how hard it is to drive a car for leisure (ie, play a video game and talk to a friend you don't need to impress or engage, and can relax around), when even just driving someone around as a job has significantly more to it which can make it difficult and stressful. That's also assuming you didn't have to engineer and build the car yourself, or fund and found your own taxi business, and all that entails legally with licensing, insurance, and finances/taxes, let alone advertising and growing that business while being your only driver on staff, and paying attention and adapting to industry trends. Most people don't even how to get a basic DBA, let alone what a camshaft is.

The girls who are cute enough to be playing on easy mode still have to do most of those things at the start, before other people are willing to jump in and do a lot of it for them, or throw enough money at them to just pay others to do it. And even if overhead costs were somehow never a concern, they can't just commission all of the individual parts at random and hope that they somehow end up with a coherent and viable product by the end that will draw in more people.

After all of that, the act itself of being an actually good vtuber is still surprisingly difficult. A gargantuan mess of bitchy details that you need to manage surrounds the simple act of just playing a video game, while you're also trying to be entertaining. It's no wonder why streamer brain exists, or why managers are needed.

Of course, you can choose not to handle that mess, but that's how you stay in 1view status forever, and have nothing to show for it but a wall of 8 hour gacha or hero shooter vods where you mumbled one sentence every half hour into an xbox mic.

Vtubers that make it to mid-size are fundamentally startup businesses. Even if you have angel investors with more money than sense, you die very quickly if you don't put in work, and probably even more importantly, planning. The female buff doesn't fully nullify that, especially in the early stages, which is why you can still find an endless stream of female vtweeters with nothing to offer, absolutely baffled and furious that nobody wants hand them free money.

>> No.78113705

Hope her bf pays for grammarly

>> No.78113820

funniest part is she probably believes it

>> No.78114282

Constantly flirting and sending nudes to paypigs, mods, collab partners in dms is a lot of work

>> No.78114783

Why would a mod be an upgrade tho?

>> No.78115653

>1-2 hours
Cope. Also he's tapping that and you aren't. He can watch the stream too, but you can't watch him cuddling her or fucking her.

>> No.78116331
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>orange hair
Retard, that's just a chat redeem.
In her case, streaming is a side job.
I'm annoyed because OP is just a bunch of in-jokes from her community being taken out of context.
I recommend her if you like long, chill zatsus or cursed tangents during card games. She's very comfy but she hasn't had a lot of time to stream lately due to her main job.
Also she streams on twitch if that's a dealbreaker for people.

>> No.78116385

Why would I let my gf work as an emotional cumrag for the dregs of society? Maybe if she was in hololive making a million a year it would be worth it especially since the size of the fanbase and the nature of the company means she can act as an actual entertainer rather than a therapist/babysiter/whore.

>> No.78116641

lmao I remember that video

>> No.78117179

Man, that sucks.
Was the day-to-day life okay? It sounds tough with those odd work times. Did she have to prepare a lot for streams, too?

>> No.78117426

Anon, Holo girls work 12 hour days 6 days a week and they're considered 'average'.

>> No.78117941

Vtubers are just a form of entertainment like any other streamer. Dating one sounds like a landmine I'd rather not step in.

>> No.78118218

They are anything but average. Cover keeping them busy is one reason they're successful.

>> No.78118859

You may be shitposting but this is why I would never date a streamer. People think it's bad enough when a girl uploads shit on tiktok, now imagine how bad it is when you're woth someone who gives up all their personal info, sees stories about you two as content, and due to her streaming so much she inevitabley has to add more things, she will also be open about shit that may not be relavent to you, but it would effect ypur relationship. E.g. You may never do anal with her, but then you see a clip of her talking on stream about how she tried it and wasn't a fan meaning you now know your gf let some dude fuck her in the ass. It could also cause issues when she keeps talking about liking one type of guy and then you relaize you aren't that type. Then you have issues if her face is known and then you have kids as now the kids can enjoy the trauma.

>> No.78118952
File: 64 KB, 583x612, namiji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you hate women why watch vtubers

>> No.78119056

Some guy posted emails from rosedoodle's husband where he said that she left him to be with one of her moderators
People were saying that she flew across the country to fuck her mod or something, idk if that has receipts but it's funny
Eventually it got enough traction for rosedoodle to tweet about it
>I was in danger~ my friend came from out of country to make sure I was safe uwu~
>respect my privacy~
I guess that's why you should never trust any vtuber that openly talks about having kinky BDSM sex for content

>> No.78119753

What the fuck.
That's a shame. The only good clips I've seen of RoseDoodle is the ones with her husband.

>> No.78119942

>I'm annoyed because OP is just a bunch of in-jokes from her community being taken out of context.
Whew lad, those are some occupationally relevant in-jokes. So how does that even work without just flat out mocking other vtubers for pretending their partner doesn't exist, or flying to offkai without them?

>> No.78119960

haha wouldn't it be funny if you posted a link. Haha just kidding. Unless?

>> No.78120153

>Retard, that's just a chat redeem.
No it's not, I made it by hand.

>> No.78120483

DeepL could never

>> No.78121126
File: 126 KB, 600x616, jhdT9bPlTZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She can't stream very often due to her main job. (She works in the health industry tracking and analyzing data from pandemics and diseases)
A lot of her humor is cursed or sex shit, like the average twitchtuber.
She spent an hour once trying to understand the concept of peeing with morning wood by drawing stick figures trying to figure out angles and piss stream pressure to avoid hitting the toilet. Another stream was dedicated to researching and discussing the history/risks/moral implications of cannibalism.
She knows about the whole unicorn meta though, and yes, this is a gag poking fun at it, but at the same time she's a 2view who's so fucking far removed from it that anyone watching her would know it's a joke.

>> No.78121183

Ah, you're right. My bad. She has a similar redeem to turn her into a blonde bimbo that speaks like a caligirl.

>> No.78121792

Thanks, I hate literally every word you just typed. But I'm glad you found a small community you're happy in anon.

>> No.78121948

Yeah, that's why I was so surprised to see her on the catalog. She's so fucking tiny and far removed from everything /here/ that I couldn't imagine a dramafag finding her.

>> No.78122339

not interested. not watching her.

>> No.78122372

It's true. They're definitely the top of the heap.
However, you'd have to be crazy to think that all the work Cover has them doing is actually productive.
Corporations (especially Japanese ones) love wasting their employees time. Love it. If someone has any freedom or peace, it means they need to call a five hour meeting to solve the problem.

>> No.78124191

>leaving husband for a mod
Everytime, somehow

>> No.78124599

she seems extremely unlikeable, no offense

>> No.78124793

Relationships with anime girls aren't real.

>> No.78124950

>Therapist babysitter whore.
Isn't that what fauna is?

>> No.78124965

>streamer works constantly and may rarely spend time with you
Where do I sign up?

>> No.78125074

Buy an ad, whore

>> No.78125243
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>> No.78125695

What do you mean "is this true"? It's just obvious. There would realistically be more stuff you have to accept or breakup, or you will be a burden and ruin her career, then you break up.

>> No.78125771


>> No.78125844

you'd probably have to ask on /jp/ it was very popular back during the "do you really believe it" days

>> No.78126787

This thread proves relationships with 3D girls aren't real either.

>> No.78131006

You're still fucking her at the end of the day

>> No.78136077
File: 836 KB, 1996x1596, 1697305710279255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone who actually dated a 3view here, she was clear on the no GFE policy even before we met, and I didn't know she was a vtuber before we started dating. It's not as bad as it seems. Experiencing the person behind the screen is way different from experiencing someone through their streams, even if they don't play a character or change their personnality. They do get a lot of orbiters, but they're so bad at it that it's mostly something to laugh about with her.

>> No.78136216

I agree.

>> No.78139062

Sure since you're curious. Once she switched to streaming we started barely seeing each other, she'd still be asleep when I ate breakfast and left in the morning, we'd have dinner together when I got home from work, and then she'd put the headphones on and I functionally didn't exist to her for the rest of the night (unless she needed to yell at me because me watching Netflix in the other room was lagging her internet too much). Weekends even if she didn't stream during the day she was usually gaming with her discord community off-stream, which in hindsight should have been a bigger red flag. Whatever preparation she was doing for streams probably happened either while I was at work or after I went to bed.
It was very lonely and I cannot stress enough that you should not try to date a streamer unless all you want is a sugar mommy and you can bag a successful one. I only tried to make it work as long as I did because we'd already been together for a decade before she started streaming and things were great before that.

>> No.78142310

This is a story that every unicorn should read.

>> No.78142800

>things were great before that
>let it degenerate into "Weekends even if she didn't stream during the day she was usually gaming with her discord community off-stream"
Unironically skill issue for you, I don't expect much of a chick that becomes a streamer, but if you can't make her choose you over her new community, then you're probably like that guy who convinced Insomniac to put a marriage proposal in Spiderman.

>> No.78143038


>> No.78143226

This is already too much for most anons to deal with. Something something women are inferior to anon who collects autism bucks or works in retail. Anons never wanted to date a woman in the first place.

>> No.78143310

fucken based

>> No.78143437

If it's so easy why don't (You) do it, retard?

>> No.78143670

Anyone else getting the impression that, as fucked as society is now, that it's going to be extra super-fucked in twenty years?

>> No.78144227
File: 212 KB, 431x349, 1718308048279629.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't date because I'm married to FuwaMoco-chan

>> No.78144500

I had a fucked up idea of the future, where loneliness explodes to the point that the worst parts of gacha and donating to women combine into some sort of fucked up nightmare scenario. People will use an app to get a free friend from a company, and then you can only do certain things with that friend that are free, while the rest are paid services. Whales would fund the service by engaging in barely legal prostitution since it's the only way they could find any sort of companionship, even if it's fake.

>> No.78144600

Not really. I think there are some choices people can make now for the future, but they will choose to fumble. Not everybody is going to fumble.

>> No.78145135

Why give the friend away for free when you can make them do gacha pulls for them?
>Sorry, you only got a 3* this week

>> No.78145400

People need to be able to try one for free as the hook. You don't like the one you got? Too bad, pay to replace her. You want more than one at a time? Pay up.

>> No.78150318

> Bro thinks the work stops when OBS is closed

>> No.78154789


>> No.78155430

because I'm not a cute girl? obviously. If I was, I would be a vtuber and life would be easy mode.

>> No.78155498

You don't even need to be cute to be a vtuber, you just need to sound cute. Or hot.

>> No.78155506

I would take a 3* female friend.... T_T

>> No.78155566

true, I should have specified that. cute is a bonus, sounding cute is all it takes
