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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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78090920 No.78090920[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.78091006


>> No.78091027

She's a cunt for this but it's accurate kek

>> No.78091043
File: 59 KB, 719x707, 1693817271846734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The second I heard "Men's Mental Health Month" I assumed it was another ruse.

Remember that to women and leftists, men's mental health always just means that you should go to therapy i.e. go talk to a liberal woman who voted for Joe Biden. These people will never actually admit, or even understand, what problems men have.

>> No.78091062

I dont care about this literal who but if you wanna be funny since your feelings got hurt you can keep the post and bring this up when she inevitably has a meltdown in the future because shes a woman

>> No.78091079

Terminate her

>> No.78091108

Oh, no. The cunt behaved like a cunt, who could've expected it? Me. I expected it.

>> No.78091191

Meanwhile the rightoid idea of mens mental health is to go shoot up a mall or school/kill your wife and family once you snap.

>> No.78091215

She's right.

>> No.78091237

Here's your AR-15 xir, the other FBI agent will provide you with GPS directions to the nearest Christian school right away

>> No.78091260

No, they don't want men to seek therapy, they want men to die, full stop.

>> No.78091304

then who the fuck is going to pay them? are they retarded?

>> No.78091337

>woman being evil
It's baked into their DNA.

>> No.78091346

She has a point. Why would you vent to a woman when they have the emotional intelligence of children? Vent to your bros instead.

>> No.78091410

that's been very popular with the left recently too

>> No.78091417


>> No.78091495


>> No.78091519

Based, never show any weakness to a woman because she will use it against you. It's just another trick to defang modern men like therapy, getting in touch with your emotions and other garbage girlslop mental health bullshit. Stay toxic, stay dangerous.

>> No.78091530
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Same bitch, btw

>immediately resorting to mockery and strawmen the moment a man admits to his problems
You’re literally proving his point lmao

>> No.78091536
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>> No.78091609

Let the bears have her. Or better yet, vent to the bear. Don't let them steal our bear-bros.

>> No.78091646

>are they retarded?
Search your feelings, you know the truth

>> No.78091660

Yeah, that's about what I expect out of a woman.

>> No.78091702

why do women always insult and mock their paying fans? and then call them incel pigs when they rightfully leave? many such cases

>> No.78091704

yes and that is based
who was this directed towards?

>> No.78091728

NTA but that's her whole shtick, no?
This whole thread is like shitting on Shibi for being a dom or hating Haachama for being retarded.

>> No.78091766

...no? What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.78091787

That's the chick with the leaf bra right? Cute design.

>> No.78091847

I love you bro...you're a real one

>> No.78091850

Ever since it was revealed the chudjak shooter was a liberal, they’ve quintupled down on the “all conservatives are school shooters” rrat. They’ll keep denying reality, because losing one of their core strawmen is an unacceptable truth to them.

>> No.78091856

I hope she ends up in an abusive relationship and nobody cares enough to listen to her, and then gets permanently disabled because of it.

>> No.78091865

Typical modern woman.

>> No.78091921
File: 744 KB, 1170x857, IMG_1259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Oceane won, and that YOUR WIFE (real) would never talk to you like that.

>> No.78092016

I wish her new model was better, it's just not the same

>> No.78092035
File: 3.65 MB, 328x352, 1000010051.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe Kawaii wasn't the bad guy after all

>> No.78092039

But she's right? Men should never vent to women I thought everybody knew this.

Men showing weakness gives women the omega ick

>> No.78092050

I'm going to tell you something you don't want to hear, as soon as a man opens up to a woman or appears vulnerable in any way they instantly start becoming disgusted by you. I wish this was a joke, but it isn't. Women are lying sacks of shit who don't actually care about your feelings, they just want to pretend they do and not actually have to deal with you potentially looking weak. And this isn't just some women, it's ALL women.

>> No.78092074

who this we-have-kronii-at-home chuuba?

>> No.78092078

POV: women with 90% of the shit they complain about


>> No.78092131

the last time i vented to my bros horrible things happened on this board

>> No.78092154

Men's mental health to many just means be more like women.I'm not opposed to the idea of mental health, but when it means imitate women's emotionality and the like it's not what's best for men.

>> No.78092160

Because that's what relationships are for, in theory.

>> No.78092228

Care to elaborate?

>> No.78092288

bluepilled retard

>> No.78092293 [SPOILER] 
File: 888 KB, 720x722, BeeYourself[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F21iew7.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I graduated college and 2020 and wasn't able to find a job for 6 months.
During that time I would vent to my girlfriend about how frustrating applying, going to interviews, and getting rejected was.
Eventually she got fed up with dealing with it and told me, "Shut the fuck up. I don't fucking care about your fucking feelings."

>> No.78092312

I would have beaten her

>> No.78092364

remember: beaches and shores

>> No.78092393

Holy fucking pathetic, she has less going on in life than most of the retards here and that's not a lot

>> No.78092398

This is true though, women SAY they want men to be emotional too, but there are dozens of studies that show once you open up about being vulnerable to a woman she no longer finds you as attractive.
Just search on Google, there are millions of posts in all kinds of women's forums and social media groups asking for help because "I've seen my man cry and now I don't find him hot anymore".
This is not incel posting, this is just the sad biological truth.

>> No.78092415

Women amirite?

>> No.78092460

did she say this to her chat or to a specific person? like is this just meant to be paypig bait?

>> No.78092462
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We unironically really need to revive the mythopoetic men's movement. It genuinely had a way better idea about how to fix masculinity than either the current manosphere grifters or the clueless female therapists. Turns out granpire Vesper was on the right track after all.

>> No.78092465

So then the follow up question is, why can't women just act like human beings?

>> No.78092478

He got sus

>> No.78092530

Know any good bear chuubas?

>> No.78092571

They can and do, but only to other women. Just like men don't act like human beings in womens' eyes.
Always remember: the feeling of empathy always comes to a hard stop at the separation of sexes, this works both ways, and it's sadly not changing anytime soon.

>> No.78092601

"Poets" should pull a Lord Byron and go to an active warzone like Ukraine and die there.

>> No.78092607

I'd have a smoother experience with having sand up my ass crack than dealing with this beach.

>> No.78092608

Too much meat and she's brown.

>> No.78092622

>pull a Lord Byron
become a famous historical figure and be regarded in some places as a folk hero?
yeah i agree

>> No.78092621

imagine being a man and having/wanting empathy lmao.


>> No.78092664

They have no incentive to. Society hands them everything on a silver platter and they're told by everyone around them that they're special, regardless of whether they deserve it or not. Take away the preferential treatment and the problem will solve itself, one way or another.

>> No.78092670

>anytime soon
what do you mean soon, I'd say never

>> No.78092742

Burgerland political tribalism must be crazy if you can't talk to a therapist without making it about partisan politics somehow.

>> No.78092778

THIS. Whether they do it consciously or not, it's another shit test.

BASED. She's teaching that guy a lesson, although it's most likely a fag.

>> No.78092822

Because being empathic means you can understand the feelings/thoughts of someone, but men and women think and feel inherently in different ways. Sure we can understand some base emotions/thoughts of each other, but there are differences even on those. An example of this is the pain of loss, while men initially hurt just as bad as women if they lose a child they eventually come to terms with it better than women, on the flip side a man might never forget a lost relationship but a woman will usually get over it after a short while and find a new partner. They won't even remember you after a few months.

>> No.78092830

>Burgerland political tribalism must be crazy
It is, and they keep trying to spread that bullshit everywhere else.

>> No.78092857

If women really have it better like this thread says, why shouldn't have I been born a woman then?

>> No.78092893

am I really the only one in this thread (and her twitter replies) that sees this as a joke?
she's making fun of women just being ironic, it's pick-me behavior

>> No.78092894
File: 41 KB, 211x152, 1688945491588530.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone wants my secrets, but none of you can handle it

>> No.78092907

They are acting human. As anon said, it's an evolutionary biological measure to detect and filter out weak men. She's doing the most human thing possible: trying to raise the chances of survival for herself and her offspring, albeit unconsciously.

>> No.78092936

well, you see that spike in mtf trannies lately...

>> No.78092956

I've seen too many women be cruel for literally 0 reason to ever take something like that as a joke. And so have many other men.

>> No.78092962

Except a lot of the people who compliment women just want to manipulate them into sex.
It's a case where the grass looks greener on the other side in both directions.

>> No.78092969

This bitch is a giga grifter. Ignore her and pretend like she doesn't exist like you should.

>> No.78092970

Bitch, you ain't the Potion Seller, start yapping.

>> No.78093008
File: 206 KB, 343x551, 3022172733321919.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What was the joke?

>> No.78093009
File: 46 KB, 512x512, 1718349951701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you think so many nerdy boys end up trooning up?

>> No.78093048

Because they have autism, no?

>> No.78093051

Part of being human, rather than mere homo sapiens, is behaving in a way that is greater than simple ape brained impulses. So no, they're not acting human.

>> No.78093071

Stop touching your chin like that.

>> No.78093077

and that would be exactly the point and perfectly in line with what the joke is calling out

I don't watch this girl so I don't know her personality but if we're talking just plain joke comprehension, it has all the signs of irony

>> No.78093081

You mean you wont

>> No.78093116

Not true, and don't go fishing for compliments in a bar or club where the entire point is to find someone to fuck. I've complimented many women who I had no intention of having sex with them or even desiring to do so. If women are too retarded to not assume I'm after that shit then those women don't deserve compliments, and unfortunately nowadays it's best to just not even attempt to compliment women as they will 99.999% of the time see it as harassment.

>> No.78093130

Nobody cares about male mental health why you think there's so many school shooters and massacres these days all by the hands of men.

>> No.78093153

That doesn't change the fact that they get handed everything on a silver platter, the reason may vary and it's usually sex, but at the end of the day they get a lot of perks from modern society for basically just existing as a hole.

>> No.78093173

emotional intelligence is made up bullshit so woman feel less bad about lower average iq compared to men. there is no such thing.

>> No.78093185

>I was pretending to be retarded as a joke
No, no pretending. Enough. Dint joke about this shit when there is literally a suicide epidemic happening due to this kind of garbage.

>> No.78093188

The real sad biological truth is that the best reproductive strategy is serial monogamy and that people's tendency to torpedo relationships after a few years is evolutionarily adaptive.

>> No.78093232

They mostly have it worse, it's just a few specific things in a few countries where they have the edge.
You can get strong emotional support from a male friend group as well, it's just a bit harder to make friends. The only edge they really have on men is that even 4s and 5s can manage to feel attractive and wanted while every man below 7 is pretty much fucked in that regard, you better be funny or wealthy.
But there are 4B women on this planet and maybe 500M actually have a good life comparable to men.

>> No.78093235

Lmao making shit up like always deflection from the most shameless political party in America like always. Only in America is okay to gossip about hunter Biden penis and show it to the everyone in the house while proudly saving the pic on your phone like your precious mtg and Lauren boebert.

>> No.78093245

Every single rightwing grifter has just told you:
bottle that shit up because expressing your emotions will give most women the ick (sometimes true but not always)
get more money
grind harder
work out
clean your room

While most liberals will tell you "X" has had it harder

Both are pretty bad and lack both introspection, but at least through self improvement you can at least like yourself more, even if the idealized version isn't really who you want to be in the end of the day.

>> No.78093248

Mozumi is a shitter but I'm glad she exists. She's serves as a mirror for women and a wakeup call for men. They really can be this cruel and uncaring. Not that most men are any better.

>> No.78093272
File: 254 KB, 456x488, 1718350427042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make me, faggot

>> No.78093276

women have no empathy, you should never try and vent to one because they will just lose respect for you

>> No.78093280

its a shittest. a evolutionary filter.

>> No.78093287

what prevents from becoming a tranny in 2050 when they figure everything out

>> No.78093327

Why are women like this?

>> No.78093344

literally the most delusional thing I’ve ever read in my life

>> No.78093356

Men are reactionary. Hurt a man he will hurt you back, care for a man and he will care back. We only do things we learn from women affecting us.

>> No.78093363

i had a similar expierence. stoped dating alltogether since. just bang hookers. its easier and cheaper.

>> No.78093366


>> No.78093384

But anon, how will you ever grow your beard?

>> No.78093388

no, it's because they realized it's easier being a woman in current year, the less aggressive solution to inceldom is just to become a faggot

"there are no gay incels"

>> No.78093387

2/6 of my bros wouldnt really care but they're still leagues better than average mozumi-esque woman.

>> No.78093419

Any more reddit memes to throw at me, axe hole boy?

>> No.78093432

This will definitely not bite her in the ass in the future.

>> No.78093441

I was depressed all throughout my teens and early twenties, my right wing grandpa always told me to man up and go fishing or hiking, so I did and it did not help one bit. Then my aunt told me to go try visiting a therapist. You know what she said after our session? I shouldn't visit again because it's expensive and I'm depressed because I'm poor, so it would be better to get a self-help book that explains how to accept being poor. I did and it didn't help. Then I found vtubers and got happy watching their streams before getting depressed again because I can't afford merch. Now imagine me telling this to a woman.
By the way, medication was the only thing that actually helped me, but I can't really afford it.

>> No.78093446
File: 79 KB, 1000x1000, 1718350688330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still like having a dick, balls, facial hair, and a deep voice.

>> No.78093456

I don't know what everyone is so upset about I thought it was funny

>> No.78093506

women in first world countries have it better than men in almost every single metric

>> No.78093529

Tits or GTFO

>> No.78093554

literally the most delusional thing I’ve ever read in my life

>> No.78093558

But most women are in the middle east, India, China, and Africa. They have it worse than men there.

>> No.78093593

factually incorrect
first world countries have more than 50 million people you troglodyte

>> No.78093608

This is how my last GF acted when i opened up to her unironically men are not allowed to feel emotion or express our feelings a lot of woman just exspect us to be stone monoliths that just provide for them and if we get lucky enough they let us give them our sperm nothing else i hate what toxic feminism ideology has done to humanity

>> No.78093617

NTA but that's kind of a retarded argument, obviously we're talking about the west, life is gonna be shit either way if you happen to be born in those places

>> No.78093635

It would be pretty funny if you put a rope around your neck mozzu, give it a try

>> No.78093642

Vtubers are a fun distractions I agree. Most of your problems can probably solved your money. Unfortunately I can't help you with that. Hang in there brother, try formulating a plan and see if you can get extra shifts or a part time job while VOD-ing or watching your favorites.

>> No.78093658
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>Then my aunt told me to go try visiting a therapist. You know what she said after our session? I shouldn't visit again because it's expensive and I'm depressed because I'm poor, so it would be better to get a self-help book that explains how to accept being poor.
I heard about shitty therapists, but this one takes the cake. Holy fucking shit

>> No.78093662
File: 13 KB, 356x356, 1687129026609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet all those anons who were shilling V-dere to the moon and back a year ago are feeling real stupid now.
What a shitshow of an indie group, this isnt even the worst stunt they've pulled.

>> No.78093666

Nobody gives a shit about Men's Mental Health, especially men. Besides this shit is just reactionary shit made by people that hate the gay shit this month. It's so fucking obvious it's not about caring about this thing, but to hate on the other thing. But some retards eat it up, I pity them.

>> No.78093674

Can you name a wear in which men have it better in the first world? Women have:
>more money
>higher education
>less chance of being murdered or assaulted
>shorter prison sentences
>less homelessness
>less unemployment
>less young women are single

>> No.78093704

Fun fact, that's standard.

>> No.78093736

>men's mental health month
>is also fag month
Not really good for my mental health desu.

>> No.78093757

Because if you were a woman, there'd be a 80-ish percent chance of you being regarded as a penis socket and nothing more. Only first world women have it good. The closer you get to shitholes, the worse it is to be born a woman.

>> No.78093770

Or maybe you just live in a bubble that's about to pop.

>> No.78093776

Money helps but it's a proxy for power. Power is the only thing that will make men feel fulfilled and not depressed.

>> No.78093781

Why not just eliminate sexes completely and just use artificial reproduction? No more male-female D&C.

>> No.78093791

sad to see that airi girl in the replies, thought she was little smarter

>> No.78093805

kek really makes you think

>> No.78093822

But I wasn't born in a shithole, so presumably I wouldn't have been born in a shithole as a woman either.

>> No.78093834

It’s not good to be a man in a shithole country either you fucking retard

>> No.78093846

Reddit meme? So now news don't count? Why you keep making excuses for being retards.

>> No.78093845

Ok, Mr. Matrix.

>> No.78093848

So 80 percent of the earth's population is in the middle east and Africa, neat information

>> No.78093855

I see kirsches retard fanbase is having a field day again
let me help you
go back >>>/pol/

>> No.78093863

Good thing I'm a fag.
Imagine not being on the winning team

>> No.78093881

Why is everyone mad at an obvious joke? I dont get it.... Did she like do something that implies this goes beyond a joke?

>> No.78093890

explain the joke for me

>> No.78093893

Not seeing her reply anywhere, so either deleted or not true.

>> No.78093919

Is this why /dere/ has never baked since? They knew she'd pull this stunt?

>> No.78093921

If feminazis and the (world health organization) have it their way in the next couple of decades thats were we are going to be at man

>> No.78093926

I thought her schtick was eating things you aren't supposed to and playing retro vidya.

>> No.78093928

she deleted it lol

>> No.78093942

This I fucking hate kirsche fatass with a passion ever since she tried to ruin off kai /pol/fags and /pol/ grifters have been coming to here to bring and leave their /pol/ faggotry all over the board. Who you think is making those hololive china threads?

>> No.78093943

>Then I found vtubers and got happy watching their streams before getting depressed again because I can't afford merch
lmao maybe men deserve to be miserable

>> No.78093945

men's mental health month? you mean when 5 people do a performative gesture or stream and then we all just collectively forget what men do or how they think for the next 11 months? great.

no one cares about men's mental health. this is faggot month for 99% of everyone. this is the month where everyone sits around and complains about how hard it is for people who take dick up the ass, then we continue to bitch about it all year for reasons that aren't important.

i don't even want to hear about this. so long as nothing is being done, and so long as awareness is so completely transient, this doesn't matter. sure, it might get us a couple good asmr streams/videos, but that's it. no one actually cares about men, we just make society work and we say and do nothing, because that's how we're wired.

we're also wired to organize and collectively snap when shit gets too oppressive. but no one likes to talk about that either, which i think is the reason everyone just glosses over men's mental health. addressing the issues means addressing the likely outcomes of said issue if left unresolved, which is nothing short of societal collapse and destruction of current world order.

>> No.78093951

What part implies that this is a joke

>> No.78093954

What's the joke? Where's the setup? What's the punchline? Why isn't it funny? Tell me.

>> No.78093960
File: 11 KB, 586x110, a8d0445caff66a4be3d65d4c90b26bc9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nvm, she didn't

>> No.78093977
File: 578 KB, 600x638, 1718351687982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78093978

rent free + L + cringe + (You) eat pagpag

>> No.78093982

Are you kidding? Feminists are the biggest opposition to artificial wombs.

>> No.78093986

Why is that a bad thing? Seems pretty based

>> No.78093996

Not just means mental health, all mental health is going to therapy. Apparently thats a bad thing somehow? Whats the alternative? And yeah most therapists are liberal or progressive since conservatives still mostly don't believe in therapy

>> No.78094007

it's funny because it's true, if you vent to a woman as a man get ready to be clowned and you deserve it honestly

>> No.78094030

>the joke is that i'm a cunt and you're a loser!
unless this is the point of the streamer, this was a faux pas at best and a cunt moment at worst. some streamers have this as their kind of gimmick, where they're just a bitchy cunt for laughs. i don't think this is the same thing, however.

>> No.78094033

It has been absolutely intolerable since the first day of Facebook when for the first time people went on the Internet and realized that the rest of the country wasn't exactly like their own social circle.

>> No.78094035

no they dont have a thread because faggots in kawaii and Vdere would flame each other to death everyday

>> No.78094039

>deleted her comment after realising this won't look good to her paypigs
kek typical

>> No.78094043

I wish there was an option to report obvious /pol/ shit. Stay in your board

>> No.78094044

Is this thread some kind of psyop to make /vt/ want to be women?

>> No.78094048

You can get the same out of a therapist that you can put of a dog, and the dog would cost less

>> No.78094051

I would have at least respected that a little more

>> No.78094066

the hell they are

>> No.78094072
File: 29 KB, 304x263, 1000009979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck is it /pol/ to think a chuuba making fun of depressed men during fucking men's mental health awareness month is a bad thing?This is distasteful no matter what side you're on.

>> No.78094092

people are spazzing like shes making fun of weak men but its just as likely shes making fun of women for being twats, isnt it?

>> No.78094102
File: 90 KB, 1000x743, 187478.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure is a mystery why we have a epidemic of men becoming troons

>> No.78094127

You first, Mozu.

>> No.78094128

this is partly true. conservatives are rightly suspicious of a profession dominated by progressives. however, you can't cast out every single therapist because of that. there are therapists in red states and rural areas that are not seething liberals.

also, you can go to a psychiatrist if you really want to. psychiatrists are differently trained and are meant to poke around and fix shit, therapists are meant to listen/reassure and provide tips and some help.

>t. only ever been to occupational/speech therapy as a kid
>t. wouldn't go to a therapist unless directly told to by a doctor (possible honestly)

>> No.78094140

Anon you really have to stop giving assholes the benefit of the doubt. If it quacks like a duck and so on.

>> No.78094142

They are.

>> No.78094154

funny how this conveniently got no replies x)

>> No.78094163

this is /vt/. half the fuckers on here lopped off their sausage and taters long ago. the other half are chuds like myself who watch vtubers so we don't have to look at actual women. know your audience

>> No.78094166


>> No.78094182

That seems reasonable? Wouldn't a shitty therapist try to wring him dry?

>> No.78094191

>internet women
>not making fun of men for having feelings

>> No.78094204

Nobody gives a shit about men mental health.

>> No.78094217

this is partly because men have everything way worse and partly because women can't do anything right/commit to consequences

>> No.78094225

From what I've seen of her content, no.

>> No.78094243

>shoot up a mall or school
I think troons are appropriating that culture.

>> No.78094263
File: 147 KB, 1111x597, 1717233813748434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>proving her point

>> No.78094267

>you're just poor, that will he $200 plus tip thanks
>don't bother coming back since you probably won't have money anyway and I want to find a full ripe wallet to drain instead

>> No.78094293

Nah religious nuts still got that bit pretty nailed down in the States.

>> No.78094310


>> No.78094307

Stop ego searching mozu
better yet stop treating your fans like trash every stream.

>> No.78094316

dude, get minted. seriously. go to a trade school and learn something in a year that will pull down $20/h, you're the exact audience for that kind of thing. cheap and relatively easy, plus you can spec out as something else later in life because it's so cheap and fast.
boisterous cunt/degenerate tranny

>> No.78094321

I'm reminded of that one anon saying how vtubers made him realise how he prefers women to be under strict rules. Because this is what "indie freedom" results to, I suppose.

>> No.78094322

/vt/ really is like San Francisco and Chicago after all

>> No.78094332

He's paid by the NRA to fling shit and deflect blame. No point in arguing with that retard.

>> No.78094350

she's making fun of guys being retarded enough to go into a fucking vtuber's chat to traumadump with no sense of self awareness, and of women for being cunts. she's absolutely right about both, and that's what makes it so funny. fucking look at this thread.

>> No.78094356

What is it with /pol/tards and not only having a victim complex, but also a superiority complex at the exact same time?

>> No.78094364

Gee, I wonder who could be behind this post?

>> No.78094370

she didn't have a point, she was just being a cunt and we're all making fun of her for being a cunt. this isn't the "gotcha" you think it is

>> No.78094402

Chicago is nowhere near as woke as san fran. Trannies regularly get made fun of in public here.

>> No.78094404

THIS is my board , you buttmad burgerstani. Heed your own advice first.
Also that's a meme from /int/ you fucking newfag.

>> No.78094417

the NRA? are you fucking serious? those disheveled boomers can't even wipe their own ass because they're too busy picking up used brass. if you think they're paying anyone but themselves you're crazy. no one likes the NRA aside from 55+yo idiots

>> No.78094422

my brother in christ you are crying about fucking men's mental health month on a board about cartoon women the joke writes itself

>> No.78094423

It's extremely common for those to go hand in hand whoever has them.

>> No.78094433

Honestly I meant it in a sense that /vt/ has a large population of batshit insane people like these two cities seem to have.

>> No.78094442

thanks, I will now watch your chuuba

>> No.78094445

If people care about men mental health there wouldn't be troons and rightoid incels shooting up schools malls mosques or your local church or men committing massacre world wide every single fucking day. You don't need /pol/ brain rot to determine that. What lefty pol you're insinuating/pol/ is right wing shit hole.

>> No.78094452

>muh /pol/

>> No.78094499

>and rightoid incels shooting up schools malls mosques or your local church or men committing massacre world wide every single fucking day
That's lefties and blacks

>> No.78094511

Just checking.

>> No.78094516

she sounds fat

>> No.78094525

no, we're laughing at an inept cunt over what may be the least self aware thing this month. you're just being a retard

>> No.78094563

I don't think she's "both sides"-ing it. You shouldn't trauma dump on her or any random vtuber but I don't think she's criticizing the general "ick" some women get when they see a man be very vulnerable.

>> No.78094569

Sure they were.

>> No.78094571

So what exactly was her joke? I've yet to see anyone ITT explain.

>> No.78094584

Here's what you do about that kind of situation, you either ignore it or you ask politely for them to not do so. What you don't do is shit on all men and have a retarded women moment that could cost you a fair chunk of revenue.

>> No.78094588

don't care, don't visit trash boards. this site should've stayed with just /a/, and some offshoots like /jp/

>> No.78094613

exactly. don't let your shit loose for everyone to see (unless it's /r9k/ or /adv/ because that's kinda the whole point), and also don't be a cunt to men who do. this boils down to general human decency which is in very short supply today

>> No.78094629

Okay than explain this then? >>78091530
It's either
>She's a complete hypocrite who thinks she can vent to her own chat all she wants while making fun of the same environment she encouages
>She didnt actually mean the words in that post's image at all, and was just using GFE buzzwords to attract vunlerable paypigs
Either way it makes her look like a terrible person.

>> No.78094633

theres no cure cause theres nothing wrong with you trick someone into thinking there is something wrong and it becomes highly profitable find a solution for the "solution" and you have infinite money who cares for the masses they "deserve" it anyways

>> No.78094634

>his boils down to general human decency
so the exact opposite of her tweet?

>> No.78094638
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>> No.78094648

the joke is that she's being a cunt. that's it. there's the joke

>> No.78094658
File: 47 KB, 720x519, 525ae01bd7539de4a97dbd3777278d46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its funny because she picked a career based on venting to garner sympathy money

>> No.78094675

precisely, yes. no one seems to get that. i'm glad i'm not the only one with a brain here.

>> No.78094680

This /vt/ has been anything but helpful is all just tribalfaggotry.

>> No.78094712

Truly the Brie Larson of EN Vtubing.

>> No.78094713

you absolutely should put retards on full blast in public or they'll never learn.

>> No.78094719

She didn't say
>POV: you vented to a random vtuber
which would at least not seem so insulting.
If she meant it like you said, she's a retard. You can't take back these kinds of jokes.
This joke just makes it seem like she's laughing at the concept of men having feelings and daring to express them to women, which hey, yeah tons of women are like that. But vtubers are supposed to at least try to hide their evil awful personalities if they have them.

>> No.78094734

>I have to block off parts to be professional
>I'm also very sexually frustrated
Pick a personality and stick to it, goddamn

>> No.78094749

I agree, it's important to point out how much of a disgusting vapid cunt mozu is

>> No.78094751

>some amoeba on twitter did something retarded again
Thread should've ended after the first post honestly.
Literally who?

>> No.78094757

Are you sure it's a joke

>> No.78094766

so many triggered scrotes, maybe she was right

>> No.78094770


>> No.78094771

it made me laugh

>> No.78094781

Same shit, different dimension. Why even bother?

>> No.78094797

If you want to put people who are being retarded on blast, name names and don't point your finger at 50% of earth's population

>> No.78094814

Burgerland therapy is partisan politics. The field of therapy in the united states exists largely to A) take potential blue team voters out of loony bins and back into positions where they are enfranchised, and B) justify the continued money siphon in to blue team policies

>> No.78094823

lazy attempt at mocking a crystal cafe poster. try again once you've done more than learn the word "scrote"

>> No.78094824

nah she is right, get your triggered manbaby ass out of here

>> No.78094829

She doesn't even need to. If you personally feel attacked by this then yes the joke is about you.

>> No.78094853

yeah, but this thread is filled with schizo /pkg/fags who're still seething about her leaving their corpo and making anti threads every day

>> No.78094858

Look's like the vdere general isn't gonna be baked for awhile...

>> No.78094859

Remember to mentally blacklist the entire corpo if you disapprove of this. Don't be weak faggots who give the other girls in this corpo a chance.

>> No.78094865

>The worst she can say is no

>> No.78094884

Why is her laugh so fucked up like she's struggling to get air, is her throat closing up while she laughs? Does she have allergies or something?

>> No.78094890

so true sister

>> No.78094893
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>don't care, don't visit trash boards
>/a/ and /jp/
roru, rumao
i love /a/utistic /jp/ies and their complete lack of self-awareness

>> No.78094899

The only person I was still following from her group was Airi, not anymore I guess.

>> No.78094919

It contributes to the problem

>> No.78094940

I have never nor will ever trauma dump in a chat, not only because it would ruin the stream mood, but because I also have a desire to keep opsec unlike all the retarded children these days. The fact of the matter is that she is literally shitting on all men, explicitly.

>> No.78094962
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Not gunna lie he handles the replies like a champ. Makes the girl laugh look like she's seething.

>> No.78094969
File: 1.30 MB, 1941x1941, 1688931933282.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she was right about them all along
I never should have doubted nene, gomen...

>> No.78094985

>POV: He took the small corpo pill

>> No.78094988

All shitpost at side she unironically have a point the biggest mistakes men can do is to vent to a woman in confidentiality. Or talk about anything. Because the moment you piss them off everything you thought you told a friend will all be used against you at some point. I kinda made that mistake in trusting a girl I used to love. One day she got pissed off at me because I was tired of playing her games and she decided to tell everyone everything I said about how I felt about certain things to ppl even added their own fuckin spin into the mix to make it even worse. I literally had to fight someone because of it. And in the end the dumb bitch ended admitting she added extra bullshit because she was mad and that as a man I need to understand her lmao. Last time I saw the bitch she was knocked by two negros and both bailed out on her.

>> No.78094995

it's obvious this is just /pkg/fags seething at vdere for being better than them in every single way, trying to drum up controversy with samefagging posts by "totally assmad males"

>> No.78095006
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Her genmate is in on the joke. Why won't (You) anons join in?

>> No.78095033

>just a joke
lmao even

>> No.78095060

so should i become a woman or what

>> No.78095074

>cheap cosplay whore
yeah mozzu is better

>> No.78095077

Man's taking a stance. Respect.

>> No.78095090

>on all men, explicitly
you actually believe the goofy shit you're saying
that gives me the big lmao

>> No.78095091

Is there some sort of context to this, like is she reacting to a cringe superchat or something?

>> No.78095109
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they seem like a group of great human beings

>> No.78095111

Anon most of this thread doesnt even know who she is. She just said something extremely retarded on the worst possible month she could have.

>> No.78095122

Sure you are, Mozu.

>> No.78095145

That's what the posts read as retard, I'm sorry you can't understand the English language.

>> No.78095159

Not Airi too...

>> No.78095160

porn vtuber

>> No.78095173

>the worst possible month
do people actually take awareness months seriously?

>> No.78095176 [DELETED] 

Someone should dox her, beat her and brutally rape her, i would find that funny desu

>> No.78095197

Remind me of a single time Nene has ever directly attacked her fanbase
I can name 3 easily with mozu

>> No.78095204

You forgot to say as a joke anon, that way nobody can criticize you.

>> No.78095208

The best kind of vtubers.

>> No.78095217

go back to /pkg/ fag, your company has other things to worry about

>> No.78095223

The bitch didn't even say it as a joke.

>> No.78095230

>muh both sides
No, it's literally just you and your political buddies.

>> No.78095232

Elia wouldn't do this.

>> No.78095235

Oh, should've just put /j at the end.

>> No.78095245

did you already forget all her twitter meltdowns?

>> No.78095274


>> No.78095275
File: 136 KB, 463x453, 1713469528803291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Men's Mental Health Month is the same month as Tranny Pride Month

>> No.78095282

I dont even know what that is faggot

>> No.78095300

>make bait thread a week ago just to attack kawaii while shilling v-dere to bump limit
>"oh woe is my it's /pkg/ antis attack my innocent oshi, despite being caught red handed ;("
I belive the word here is "Poetic Justice"

>> No.78095314

>Men are easy, just be nice to them.
Apparently asking a woman to do that is considered the hardest thing to do.

>> No.78095326

why are sisters pretending to care about the mental health of men just to bash on a girl with giant tits bantering on twitter

>> No.78095336
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Okay but why did she reply to that guy?

>> No.78095338

>all mental health is going to therapy
It really, really isn't. Trying to replace family, community, time in nature, livable wages, physical activity, and a million other things that actually make up good mental health and have been systematically deprived from people en masse with therapy is the problem.

>> No.78095349

how about I bash my cock into your eye socket you stupid cunt?

>> No.78095353

Mozzu really makes them seethe for some reason

>> No.78095356

I thought November was supposed to be Men's Health Month? You know, that No-shave November movement or whatever?

>> No.78095365

KEK. Is this a tranny because this was actually pretty funny. I may watch this vtuber that you have successfully shilled but only if they're not a troon.

>> No.78095396

she's one of those pickme girls

>> No.78095398

That word has lost all of its meaning.

>> No.78095399

but you don't have one

>> No.78095417

/vt/ truly is 90% media illiterate men acting like women
take the estrogen pill

>> No.78095421

HoloCHAD here, i dont fucking now who the fuck is your ungrateful one view whore so i will continue to shit on her, but i give her my deeply thanks, because she only makes my oshi look even better and the thing that let me sleep in the night
is that your whore will never be even close in HoloGOD territory

>> No.78095425

this guy couldn't handle the bants

>> No.78095428
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nene had a few retarded moments on twitter

>> No.78095436
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She really thought she had a zinger there. A real knee-slapper.

>> No.78095437

Reminder that kawaii girls are literal nijisisters

>> No.78095441

I think the reply chain indicates it stopped being bantering and people actually having contempt for this fella.

>> No.78095454

>conservatives are rightly suspicious of a profession dominated by progressives.
Isn't that basically any profession that requires having an actual education and knowing anything?

>> No.78095462

>opening up
You deserve to be laughed at. Man up.

>> No.78095466

Yeah quite retarded to qrt a retard on twitter, i agree

>> No.78095491

because it's not a joke, see her reply and whichever discord got linked this thread to defend her honor.

>> No.78095515
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You mean the one girl that cried on stream for replying to Alban and then quit to make her own indie group?

>> No.78095529
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My knees remain unslapped. She really should have left it at the initial post.

>> No.78095535

i mean that is based, isekai is shit and killing the anime industry
t.i read isekai slop daily

>> No.78095549

Make me.

>> No.78095556

The alternative is you stop ingesting big pharma chemicals that destroy your brain, eat healthy, exercise and go for walks every day and your mental health issues will clear up.

>> No.78095564

no, it's not. don't be like that. the "conservative rube" narrative is dumb and not grounded in anything aside from a breakdown of wall street shit. people who are working desk jobs lean left, people who do more labor or do skilled labor lean right. if i told you to ship 10 working 4 axis mill programs in a day, you likely couldn't do it. the conservative programmers you're trying desperately to dunk on could.

>> No.78095580

Dumb cunt never should have tweeted it all, Doki would have never been this mean spirited to post this shit in the first place

>> No.78095598

>calling out endless isekai slop
>politely replies to someone who impolitely replied to her
i fail to see an issue with this. she conducted herself well and made her position known without obscenity nor slander. what's wrong here?

>> No.78095604

>Go to therapy
Is it wrong, retard faggot?

>> No.78095605
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And they say women can't be funny. Well, nobody's laughing now!

>> No.78095609

they are friends with Elira

>> No.78095623

>make obvious joke
>some retard takes it seriously
>gets laughed at
what is the problem here?

>> No.78095628

Yeah Doki is a sweetheart (when she's not playing FPS games)

>> No.78095633

explain the joke

>> No.78095634

>brat acts like a brat because of an oversensitive faggot souring the mood of a shitpost
I just can't see this thread any other way.

>> No.78095641

the retards here are also taking it seriously

>> No.78095657

Hope she's ready for everyone to publicly laugh at her next time she has her weekly menhera spergout.

>> No.78095660

I dont see a joke

>> No.78095663
File: 1.01 MB, 990x667, 1687206318594815.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no no no... kawaii is a nijiEN branch...

>> No.78095664
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>> No.78095675

The joke would have worked if she just never replied to the guy. Now everything just comes off as mean-spirited.

>> No.78095677

She could have just ignored it. She ruined her own joke by being weird about it.

>> No.78095681

>playing retro vidya
I wish. Apparently she can't even do that since her sister kept bringing in men to have sex with or something

>> No.78095688

thanks for proving my point

>> No.78095689

>Sexually frustrated
I can fix her

>> No.78095702

How is that attacking her fanbase?

>> No.78095713

Her sister is pimping her out while she's streaming?
