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File: 84 KB, 1080x732, dookieshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
78084788 No.78084788 [Reply] [Original]

>Bullying 1 person in a black company
BAD! She even made attempts on her soul! You Evil!
>Bullying a lot of people in a black company
>They might attempt too!
Even better

Is this Justice?

>> No.78084857

BTW waiting on those receipts dookieshit

>> No.78084956


>> No.78084960

It's always morally correct to bully a bully

>> No.78084962
File: 87 KB, 556x806, 1708835307803943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is this Justice?

>> No.78085051

Link the animation, it's fucking kino

>> No.78085052

I always think it's funny bullies can't believe this is happening to them and unironically believe they did nothing wrong.

>> No.78085054
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Where's that lawsuit you've been promising? Then you might get a chance to see them.

>> No.78085145

I'm indifferent to Doki but Vox and Elira should deserve everything that they get

>> No.78085217
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Bump solely for sauce on OP's pic.

>> No.78085248

>They might attempt too!
Sisters are finally starting to believe they bullied Doki to suicide... holy shit. Is hell freezing over? Someone call up Tazumi!

>> No.78085296

>it's been three months
>doki wouldn't want it
doki has lost control
we are the ones wanting it now

>> No.78085320

Link to the based animation since OP is a pussy

>> No.78085326

I hate to say it, but the sister here does raise a semi-legitimate point. If Dokibird were to publicly encourage the dragoons to harass the black streamers, go out of their way to make their lives miserable, etc, yeah, she'd be lowering herself to their level. Fortunately, Dokibird has taken the high road and repeatedly discouraged such behavior by her dragoons.
That said, there is only so much she can do without further publicizing or alluding to individuals or just general information that could risk making things worse. therefore, it is on the fans of Nijisanji to remind their harassers of Doki's words, and not to repeat the mistakes of the black streamers that left the company and themselves in such dire straits.

>> No.78085330

if the remaining livers share the guilt of bullying wouldn't dookie and mint also considered as bullies since they allowed the crucifixion of Zaion?

>> No.78085765

Did you forget the fact that people hated Xsoleil for that move when it happened then? On top of that, the difference here is the former happened because management got pissed off but Doki happened because an unspecified group and amount of livers (nijis admission btw) were bullying her to suicide. Something they doubled up on after she went back to being Doki.

>> No.78086232

Zaion's issue was with management, not bullying by other livers.
And before you bring up Finana, Kotoka, etc., that was all after Zaion's termination, not before.

>> No.78086317
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I don't care who bullies who, I just want nijien to move over and die.

>> No.78086417

Based. Bully's without self awareness that this shit should happen to them and it does is the best. They beg for redemption when they themselves gave no quarter. Honestly get fucked thinking that the people you can pick on will remain saints.

>> No.78086428

Pomu/Mint is exonerated from Zaion/Sayu's case by Zaion/Sayu herself https://youtu.be/5TjmMPas7p4?t=3371
>Pomu is amazing, she's very sweet, and is just an all-around great person and a hard-worker.
This is what Sayu had to say about Mint/Pomu back in May 2023, and I doubt it changed considering she hanged out with Mint in person during Offkai.

>> No.78086517

Nijisisters not like this... our rrats...

>> No.78086681
File: 1.38 MB, 2076x1125, 1718246161726888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

riku already abandonned en, and niji is the next en corpo standing in our way. next year will be our year to take over.

>> No.78086872
File: 464 KB, 2800x2800, @hoopyon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all they have to do is apologize and work to be better people and it all ends.
Calm the fuck down, Reine. It's not that serious.

>> No.78086956

>lol if they just apologize for actively trying to kill her it's all fine!
Doki may forgive them, but if you're a fan you never should.

>> No.78087037

I mostly just want to know what the fuck happened.
I don't plan on harassing or attacking anyone, but they're pretty much dead to me until I get a fucking explanation, and I sure as hell won't step up to defend them.

>> No.78087130

>Is this Justice?
Why wouldn't it be? Turnabout is fair play.

>> No.78087434


>Niji en has over 3x members yet Indonesian side branch gets comparatively the same numbers
>Kobo alone for the last month got more subs than all of Niji en combined (who are losing subs)
HoloID has already long surpassed Niji en no wonder Tazumi is throwing them away lol.

>> No.78087982


>> No.78088077

Holy shit elira looks so hot here. Fuck i need more abused elira art. Bonus if its yuri with doki dominating the fuck out of elira

>> No.78088300

Doing bad things to bad people is necessary to protect the good.

>> No.78088477

I don't want Elira to kill herself. I want her to live with her failure.
Vox is a different beast entirely - he's an unironic nonce, so it's out of my hands what happens to him.

>> No.78088674

need the hatefuck fanfic NOW

>> No.78089685

>Firefox’s Enhanced Tracking Protection (Strict Mode) is known to cause issues on x.com
Guess I can't watch it because Musk can't install spyware into my computer.

>> No.78089835

dookie was among the bad people too since she was an active member when zaion was destroyed

>> No.78089879

Ok sis

>> No.78089959

i want art of elira tearfully handing her socks and shoes to an ugly bastard

>> No.78090012

doki moved on so should you.

>> No.78090029

I don't know, but I hate how they ruined this scene by turning it into one of those stupid "chad vs virgin" reddit memes.

>> No.78090118

You and your fellow vermin have tried to cause Sincroknights and Dragoons to fight each other since fucking February. Unsuccessfully, mind you. Give it a rest, nobody is falling for it.

>> No.78090644

I get it, but it's probably better if the joke was on Riku. We can meme about Elira being manager, but the real purpose of using the streamers to put out PR statements is to deflect the criticism towards meaningless tangents, while the invisible management gets away scott-free.

I feel like this was one of the most important statements put out by management that gets overlooked too often.

>> No.78090813
File: 3.25 MB, 1280x720, 2024-06-13_Kikino77_1801454782940381695_6HAMoh3fARjpHiBR.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're not fooling anyone elirafag
cunt deserves all the guilt and depression
i hope nijien never recovers

>> No.78090990

The only thing "bullying" Elira and Co. is the loss in viewership and guilt that she herself has to deal with.

>> No.78091098

I don't really care about anyone. I'm just trying to better understand what the fuck happened. This feels like a mixture of what they tried with the first public termination in NijiEN, which worked to fantastic success because it was a new hire who had about 1 month of media exposure, who later did everything wrong in the playbook to come back from such a smearing campaign. When the same tactic didn't work for Selen, who has had two years to establish a strong fanbase, the company resorted to the Kemono Friends tactic of using the voice actors to cry on stream while reading statements that obviously should've come from a management representative.

Which they actually did... with Riku? When he immediately follows up with a bonafide corporate apology, it revealed that they DO have staff with PR experience AND English fluency, it's all just reserved for the JP headquarters, apparently. What a god damn shitshow.

>> No.78091106

I feel like Elira is getting a lot of hate because she was friends with Millie/Enna and then the black stream but we don't know if her misinformation was malicious or ignorance. The timing of the black stream and the gurrat though seemed to deflect criticism away from Millie and Enna who likely were behaving poorly towards Selen. For Enna we have the apex predator comment everyone laughed at (I guess except Nina? I wasn't really paying attention/cared when it was on replay loop in all the drama) and Millie with that bs what happened tweet. To me if people are talking publicly like that about someone there's probably a lot worse happening behind the scenes which even that is speculation. I'm not sure if Elira has even that low bar of evidence for bullying Selen unless someone knows more info - that could change my mind but I just don't know

>> No.78091114


>> No.78091207

elira literally self destructed with that black stream. All the anger was on millie beforehand but she always wanted to be on the spotlight lol

>> No.78091311

It's hard to feel sorry for those who actively tried to destroy other people's lives. They couldn't just let them go.

>> No.78091402
File: 139 KB, 1124x838, NIJISANJI_World.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit still baffles me. The sheer audacity from a corpo to just carelessly swing its dick around and receive no immediate consequences aftewards. No one involved in tihs entire debacle has been fired, I would wager.

>> No.78091688

Elira has no leg to stand on. She was only ever friendly with Selen at the start of her career. Didn’t give a fuck or talk much about her, even in passing. Meanwhile Selen has tol stories of spending time with Elira. It speaks to a one-sided cordiality on Selen’s part, meanwhile Elira is completely is completely disinterested at best.

>> No.78091699

KEK based artist
Wished more of 'em had the balls to do the same

>> No.78091778


>> No.78091828

>but we don't know if her misinformation was malicious or ignorance
She's had plenty of time to come clean if it was the latter.

>> No.78091959

Apologizing will only mean them admitting guilt and fault and this won't look good with the jp shills who already see selen as the devil incarnate and a traitor lol. Because the jp statement made it look like selen was the problem and the she was a bully while the en statement they admitted of bullying selen.

>> No.78092056

That's fine but it literally doesn't prove anything and isn't as bad as the overt remarks Millie/Enna made imo. Like don't misunderstand me, I think about the supposed discord leak where selen said there was like a paper a bunch of the livers signed that they didn't want her around? Like I don't know if that was proven real or fake but like if it was real then to me everyone on that list could lose their job and its w/e to me. I think if you mess with someone's livelihood then you should expect that same heat to come back to you. I'm just saying that I've seen Elira get a ton of hate on speculation where it doesn't appear that the same persistent pointed hate goes towards ethyria, which is where it belongs again imo. I could be wrong though that's why honestly if there was like solid info time stamped videos direct quotes menhera moments towards selen i'd be fine with changing my mind on the subject. I just don't remember if they exist.

>> No.78092089

The black screen was just jp autism. When you fuck up in Japan you're supposed to take responsibility of your own actions. Is why they had elira vox and ike do the black screen because they were the main bullies the fact those 3 made it to the black screen and not enna or millie says that whatever they did to selen was bigger than anything enna and millie mightve said to doki.

>> No.78092156

she could very easily be forbidden to talk about it and divulging could have consequences with doki or niji or both. I have a feeling that after that shit sparked up both parties (doki, niji+livers) agreed to walk away entirely.

>> No.78092157

fight fire with fire, surely you remember that right?

>> No.78092181

I don't know if I can believe that. It took no blame and shoved all of it onto Selen. It's exactly the same shit they pulled with Zaion and the only reason those three were picked were because they were from positions of authority.
The "Daisenpai" and two of Selen's respected "friends."

>> No.78092279

This interpretation makes the most sense, then and now.

>> No.78092323

need a soundpost of this

>> No.78092328

elirafags really forcing the "she's a good girl that dindu nuffin" angle
guess it's the constant tweets she's making about being depressed

>> No.78092471

It doesn't really matter. People have mocked Riku constantly ever since the debacle. If the invisible EN management wants to use Elira as their face, then she'll be mocked as their proxy. Every jab at her is a jab at management. Pulling your punches and losing steam trying to direct your anger at the faceless shadows is beneficial to them. That's how they win.
That said, all that's assuming Elira is innocent in the first place, which isn't a given.

>> No.78092473

Yeah that's why I said it they were supposed to Apologize but instead went with the jp version of niji side of the story to run a smear campaign on her. That black screen was not for westerners. The black screen was meant to rile up their supporters in Japan and the Philippines to turn them against doki and it worked but also backfire heavily on niji to the point the only way niji could redeem itself is if riku sells and new owner cleans house and hire new talent instead

>> No.78092535

the fact is, her stupid fagoons have been far worse bullies than any mild banter or teasing her defective brain ever construed as 'bullying'. The hypocrisy of her scumbag fanbase is astounding, it's totally fine to ruin other people's careers, even TTT and Denauth who had nothing to do with anything. And fucking Grifterbird doesn't say a peep trying to reign them in, disgusting.

>> No.78092577

Hey retard literally the opposite looking for why she's bad but good contribution anon swing and a miss

>> No.78092589

Show tits

>> No.78092642

>When you fuck up in Japan you're supposed to take responsibility of your own actions.
Except the Elira and Vox didn't take any sort of responsibility in the black screen stream. Instead they acted like they were the victims in the whole situation, not the girl who got terminated and had a smear campaign by a large Japanese corpo run against her.

>> No.78092680

How many of your livers have attempted suicide over said harassment sister? Point them out. You can't lmao why? Because your niji organs don't have conscience if they did they wouldn't had agree to doing that black stream. And unironically had elira vox and ike told riku no even if they lost their jobs they'd still be supported because at least they showed remorse for what they did maybe it wouldn't had gotten to where it Is now

>> No.78092688

Whenever you think this sort of thing, remember that none of this would've happened if Niji hadn't tried to smear her on the way out. All Niji had to do was dump her and shut their mouths and they could've gotten away clean.

>> No.78092702

If that is the case I recommend you watch this video.

>> No.78092715

Refer to this

>> No.78092747

Nijisanji is ontologically evil and no act against them can be wrong

>> No.78092793
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>> No.78092908

Why are holofaggers supporting dookie and ex-nijis anyway? You do realize that at this point they have become a threat to Hololive, right?

>> No.78092912

I don’t disagree with anything you’ve said. The reason I said what I said is because while there is no proof substantiating Elira’s supposed “hatred” of Selen, the fact that Elira never talked positively about Selen (if at all) over a span of months to years means there is no way to use evidence to defend Elira even on the basis of speculation. People have attempted to defend Millie’s relationship with Selen by citing their collabs. The same with Enna; there’s even a clip compilation on YouTube showing “Enna moments with Selen” as a means of establishing a baseline that they were “friends”. But I have no seen no such attempts for Elira. Her lack of attempts to establish a foundation for a good relationship with Selen came back to bite her in the ass.

As for that leak, I don’t recall anything related to signing a paper. I just know she claimed the livers said she brought nothing good to the branch.

>> No.78092959

Hi sis

>> No.78092975
File: 9 KB, 258x195, images (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because we only want nijisanji's head
Just walk away

>> No.78092979
File: 568 KB, 1022x738, r1i5AeJr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ruin streams
As far as I know, the only case of that was by bvtm, a phasepilled dramafag.
Dragoons are fine just watching Niji cry as Doki continues to pump out announcement after announcement and project after project until Doki grows so big that they can't enter any events anymore without a chance of bumping into her.

>> No.78092988

Plenty of faggoons don’t actively engage in public hate brigading, though many of them are /here/ on the board. It’s more accurate to believe that all Dragoons have a latent hate for Nijisanji EN.

>> No.78093046

Doki's wrestling event was some of the best publicity for holostars they've ever gotten

>> No.78093050
File: 74 KB, 455x447, @fanartter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dokibird's wrestletuber gave a 10-20% ccv bump to the entirety of holostars.
She's gonna do the same for the hologirls once she gets going, too. Doki's gonna raise EVERYONE up.
Except Niji because they won't play nice.

>> No.78093094

The one that got overlapped and mogged by the owl and shark?

>> No.78093167

ALL ex-Niji fanbases have a latent hate for Niji. It's inevitable.

>> No.78093184
File: 641 KB, 1080x1440, __nanashi_mumei_selen_tatsuki_nanashi_mumei_and_selen_tatsuki_hololive_and_3_more_drawn_by_oguma_shiro__09ee119b663d4caa7de24f6a21a24cbc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup, that exact one. It's gonna be great and you'll be invited too if you stop being such a cunt.

>> No.78093189

>it's still community noted
As it should be.

Also Elira being a bully would unironically make her look better. If I had to choose I'd easily pick a bully kicking me down after the weakest moment in my life than having a close friend do it instead.

>> No.78093203

So you agree she's not a "threat" to Hololive then

>> No.78093215

It may be simply that Ethyria isn't get their own round of hate is because they already got their own "vaccine" for their own drama with Nina and the other members. It also helps that Enna has already accustomed her audience to see her as unhinged and bitchy as a default setting - from an ex-Aloupeep. Nina forgave them and good will was given to them as a pass for any future problems. Millie just happened to get caught in the crossfire of saying something so immensely stupid at the time.

>> No.78093438

When you call someone a hypocrite, its best to make sure your own house is in order first. Honestly, if it wasn't with Doki then it would have happened with another ex-member eventually since people naturally detest injustice.

>> No.78093453

Holo DEV_IS with 5 people is beating all NijiEN combined???

>> No.78093498

Nobody is losing sleep over doki eating good on the indie scene sisters except nijisisters like you of course.

>> No.78093510
File: 19 KB, 599x159, dookieturd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holokeks should thank whatever god they worship for this 1 gura stream. they almost lost the title for most non-jp ccv to dookie drama boosted debut.

Verification not required.

>> No.78093569


>> No.78093627

Let me know when your talent can beat any of the ID girls or even the homos. I can confidently say it will never happen. In before being bombarded with 2022 vox numbers lmao

>> No.78093708

I just noticed, this looks like the Pie Chart Kurosanji used in their report, with Hololive and Kurosanji in reverse, kek

>> No.78093745
File: 141 KB, 1214x682, 1718173713825673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>conceptual representation

>> No.78093892

Spiteful and immature. Nice animation though.

>> No.78093906

If you need drama for people to pay attention to you, you are admitting that you are not interesting otherwise.

>> No.78094014

>and good will was given to them as a pass for any future problems

>> No.78094041
File: 164 KB, 576x1024, 1694459799975353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Water boy is once again forgotten.

>> No.78094218

imagine being so unimpressionable that even dramaniggers forgot about you

>> No.78094319

As a mint ponu fan it makes me sad to see her in that state, idk if it’s sister who feel just as bad but I do know her passing would hurt mint and doki. Either way yeah you goons have been bully’s. sometimes forget she has fans since I only care for pomu mint and momroachies. I was happy when she contacted with doki after wrestling just missing dah rose. You lads might or might not have shit posted about how pomu was in some qlick wirh Elira and hated doki or some shit but it was just bullshit. Pretty sure she’s still friends with her, pomp/mint have always been friendship crybabys, so I really wish you lads didn’t hate this chick. It’s over we are all happy free of corpo

>> No.78094556

I've moved on to better things anon. The statement was for a possibility of 'why' they don't get as much hate vs the yet to be discovered truth. Fans will like what they like regardless of certain circumstances.

>> No.78095107

Of course the artist is from Chile. It explains everything.

>> No.78095234

ESL and Fagoons go together like cookies and milk

>> No.78095267

holy sister seethe

>> No.78095297
File: 30 KB, 876x393, firefox_l68Kgu8VBQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her audience is almost entirely EOP.
God, sis. You really can't get anything to stick, huh?

>> No.78095321

Fuck around and find out
Also I dont see this as a form of harassment unfortunately.

>> No.78095346


>> No.78095945

>Mintcuck simps for sociopathic bullies
seems about right

>> No.78096027

Whos your oshi anon?

>> No.78096156


>> No.78096158
File: 59 KB, 707x512, 1718240256545808.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schadenfreude is nice when you know they absolutely deserve it.
Imagine being such retards that you make your own CEO abandon your branch and tell investors so

>> No.78096219

It's clear no one has been fired because there's no perceptible changes in EN beyond everything generally getting worse. They still operate basically the same way.

>> No.78096230

who they? vivi & rosemi?

>> No.78096275

If they are still at nijisanji they deserve it

>> No.78096386

if elira quit and be an indie, will you support her?

>> No.78096431

Which is why I don't believe Elira bullied her. Why would you bully someone you don't give a shit about, at worse she ghosted her.

>> No.78096437

>Her pay pigs are US because her third worldie audience can't afford to pay

>> No.78096464
File: 3.93 MB, 1280x720, my deerskin friend dokibird[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F9cc4i1.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78096465

Why would she bother getting her own hands dirty when she can sic her mooks Enna, Millie and Reimu?

>> No.78096517

>just forget the 3 years of her harassing people

>> No.78096558

>it is now 3 years of harassing people
You guys are insane.

>> No.78096564

Only if she runs an expose on nijisanji black company activities

>> No.78096572

Any proof of this harassment past schizo rambling about overlapping?

>> No.78096582

Hell no, what's done is done.
Also she's painfully uninteresting as a streamer.

>> No.78096590

Any proof she denies being a part of management proceedings in EN?

>> No.78096594
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>> No.78096625

Don't know about Vivi but Rosemi is mirroring Pomu's status back in November 2023 like being excluded out of all merch drops, accelerating all her projects and collab wishes, and sadposting in members. Just now add that her remaining genmate has been the only one niji to collab with her in the last 2.5 months

>> No.78096631


>> No.78096646

Come back if and when she actually graduates from nijisanji, until that happens this is just all cope and wishful thinking

>> No.78096662

How exactly is saying " I didn't do that" harassment? You deserved to get beaten by your mother

>> No.78096678

>Selen fucked over the livelihood of over 40 people(staff included) thanks to her being bipolar and thinking she was bullied

>> No.78096681
File: 227 KB, 1080x1641, 1718343644190047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes because that's what she said right?

>> No.78096689

She also has been increasingly interacting more with her Tsunderia-era friends like Meru and Ember

>> No.78096692

>black stream
>intentionally sniping her livestream to release it to interrupt her
>leaking classified messages

>> No.78096693

Nijinigs are not people

>> No.78096709

>Posts image that has nothing to do with the conversation
Yup, it sure does

>> No.78096730

if niji fires all the bullies, will you support niji again?

>> No.78096754

>Proceeds to schizo ramble about how defending yourself and overlapping is harassment
>Schizo rambles about classified messages despite not even knowing anything about what happened

If only your mother smacked your brain back into place

>> No.78096756

Too late for that, should've done it on the 12th of Feb instead of doubling down

>> No.78096757

NijiEN would no longer exist considering that Luxiem, Elira, Millie, and Enna would be fired

>> No.78096758

I don't think living through 2% of minimum wage is a livelihood.

>> No.78096779


>> No.78096781

Rosebuds predicted her leaving over and over again since February but nothing happened, making it clear she's willing to go down with the yacht, so their coping is getting more and more desperate by the day.

>> No.78096804

How was Enna able to buy an apartment in Toronto with minimum wage?

>> No.78096809

What did the dragoons do to Trouble in Terrorist Town?

>> No.78096829

>it's not harassment because.... IT JUST ISN'T OKAY!!
Sperging about how being named in a classified document = doxxing is not a defense
Character assassinating while stream sniping and leaking classified info IS harassment however.

Seethe more while your company goes to shit and the whore of babylon cries about her mental health because riku admitted he abandoned EN

>> No.78096843

It's because Dokicucks want to project their poverty on to micro celebrities to make themselves feel better

>> No.78096846

By loaning money from Anycolor's loan sharks, I mean, finance department of course

>> No.78096862

No. Again, what's done is done, they're past the point of no return.

Am I supposed to feel bad about them reaping what they have sown?

>> No.78096871

The entire branch is rotten to the core

>> No.78096895

The nijiniggers began this war under the rather childish idea that they'll go out and bomb everyone else and nobody is going to bomb them. At Zaion, Gundou, Selen, and a dozen other places, they put this theory to the test. They have sown the wind and shall reap the whirlwind

>> No.78096925

>doki never said anyone bullied her
>nijisanji says her reasons for quitting was being bullied by others
>in blackscreen video elira admits that she and 2 others were the supposed bullies
its like going to the police to tell them you are not responsible for the murder when you were not even a suspect, it makes you suspicious as fuck

>> No.78096948

>Sperging about how being named in a classified document
Her location was in there
>Character assassinating
So you're actually so much of a lobotomite that expressing displeasure to your friend accusing you of harassment is a character assassination
>stream sniping
Muh overlapping= harassment
>leaking classified info
Proof? You've harassed more people than Elira ever did

>> No.78096976

black stream
denying reality is not an argument btw

>> No.78097023
File: 96 KB, 1080x729, screenshot_20240210-1107495186974846318484940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doki never said anyone bullied her
Uh huh

>> No.78097041

>My proof that she leaked classified information is that she leaked classified information
Dokifags are brainless

>> No.78097065

Here's a message from Ice-T, sisters.


>> No.78097068
File: 107 KB, 881x884, YmKXrqPL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also the police didn't even know anybody died yet.
>Her location was in there
According to Doki, that was a lie. The only locations in there were her own.
The only location that would refer to both her AND Elira is... Canada. Elira claimed that Canada being in the document means that Doki was going to dox her.

The rest is just so inane I won't bother.
Instead I'll just say that the entire fucking western world does not agree with your ridiculous interpretation of the events that took place in February, so good luck convincing a court in Canada to side with you over Doki.

>> No.78097098

>According to Doki, that was a lie. The only locations in there were her own
Wrong. Doki only said specific locations. Meanwhile Elira said she alluded to her locations. Doki can use as many weasel words as she wants, doesn't change she basically said everything they said was true

>> No.78097114

Reminder that nijis CCV, sub counts etc. did not collapse until the black stream
They could have survived the yab by leeching off the good-will of fandrones who wanted to believe it was all just MUH MANAGEMENT's fault
Black steam made even the last fence-sitter realize Nijishit is evil and all the organs are sociopaths.
Whorelira and Cox did more to burn down EN than Selen

>> No.78097119

Oh I'm sorry did I ruin your nijinigger psyops?

>> No.78097121

You don't buy an apartment. You rent. Buying an apartment is much more expensive compared to renting.
I don't want to hear that from you who never bought the ticket for that mega concert you retards like spouting about

>> No.78097151

>who never bought the ticket for that mega concert you retards like spouting about
The one that did way better than Anycolor expected? Kek

>> No.78097152

>The invincible ignorance fallacy,[1] also known as argument by pigheadedness,[2] is a deductive fallacy of circularity where the person in question simply refuses to believe the argument, ignoring any evidence given. It is not so much a fallacious tactic in argument as it is a refusal to argue in the proper sense of the word. The method used in this fallacy is either to make assertions with no consideration of objections or to simply dismiss objections by calling them excuses, conjecture, anecdotal, etc. or saying that they are proof of nothing, all without actually demonstrating how the objections fit these terms.
Imagine getting so buckbroken that this is what you fall back to

>> No.78097158
File: 116 KB, 1080x321, 1718092077975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's cool and all, but at the same time, Nijisanji has a history of lying so badly that they've lost every single legal case they've ever brought to court. Selen does not have the history of lying or employee abuse that Nijisanji has. Thus, her words carry FAR more weight than theirs.

>> No.78097198
File: 176 KB, 561x904, 1702822729765280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man imagine if timestamps were a thing attached to tweets

>> No.78097221
File: 35 KB, 648x585, Avoiding-the-Pitfalls-of-Circular-Reasoning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being so buck broken this is what you call back to

>> No.78097255

Ennaschizo said she bought it

>> No.78097319

Yeah. Like when she said she showed them her hospital records but then said they didn't. Or when she said she'd show receipts but then she didn't. Or when she hid a second suicide attempt that can't be proved until convenient. Good thing she never even actually refuted what they said and only made excuses too

>> No.78097347


>> No.78097349
File: 44 KB, 494x328, F7fhht2XYAA3gp5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doki never said she was bullied!
>Doki only said she was bullied after Nijisanji said they never harassed anyone!
We got em

>> No.78097352

>he thinks that the didndunuffin NijiEN clique that has bullying, harassment and other shit going on as back as fucking debut only did it to Dokibird
I love how you faggots try to memoryhole this stream because it exposed your piece of shit livers for what they are.
Flopsoleil was a term the clique invented by the way

>> No.78097363

Nice fanfic. Nyfco lost and /NijiEN/ doxxed a child by the way.

>> No.78097364

Not quite the "own" you think it is, sister.

To set the record straight - Doki never named who she'd been harassed by - but then the black screen video came out, and it became obvious.

Again - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7sgnWcXvKkM

>> No.78097405

>faggot doesn't realize he was being mocked
The absolute state of anon

>> No.78097429

Did we ever match all the names in the GC stream to the retards behind them? I know slumsaint was Enna but I'm not sure about the rest.

>> No.78097432
File: 282 KB, 1200x567, rentfree.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now say that without pissing yourself

>> No.78097433

>Doki never named
More goal post shifting. Why wouldn't you tell the whore blackmailing you with a lie to stuff it and fuck off?

>> No.78097501

the point is she wouldnt have said anything if they hadnt

>> No.78097541

>Truth is goalpost shifting
I guess it is... when you're fucking hallucinating

>> No.78097587

Literally everyone who's seen that stream knows what they were intending with it, retardchama. It gets mocked /here/ because they inadvertently revealed how toxic NijiEN was behind the scenes in an ill-advised attempt to clap back at shitposters. Case in point, the shots they took at Pomu's 3D, or "Flopsoleil".

>> No.78097612
File: 10 KB, 182x277, 1707785353728005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to know when my wose gets the fuck out of this shithole so I can just pretend it doesn't fucking exist

>> No.78097618

>terminated livers deserved what happened to them
>zaion said rape jokes
>dooki annoyed colleagues and staffs with her shitty projects
Both the managements and livers did nothing wrong
They are convinced of this too, that's why nobody was punished for the selen shock

>> No.78097732

What people miss since they are obsessed with the numbers is the "potential risks" report part where they hint at most of the girls no ping the fuck out this quarter

>> No.78097740

Nice changing of the point. She wasn't obligated to accuse them in public of harassment. She also shouldn't have threatened to make the document public during negotiations

>> No.78097772

>"Doki never said she was bullied"
>"Doki never said WHO IN SPECIFIC she was bullied by"
I think you need to move the goal post a little more over there

>> No.78097856

Source tard?

>> No.78097873

NTA. In this context "bullying" means "workplace harassment and stonewalling", not fucking "getting shoved into fucking blockers like you do in high-school".

>> No.78097905

You know what's interesting? Any time an anti-Doki, anti-Mint, anti-Sayu or pro-Niji thread gets a lot of traffic, /NijiEN/ slows to a crawl. But I'm sure it's just a coincidence and definitely isn't containment breaking.

>> No.78097949

I mean yeah, that's their primary hub after nyfco went tits up

>> No.78098076

Which further illustrates the problem, ESL-kun. There's no self-awareness at Kurosanji EN. There's no introspection. But there should have been if the branch was to have been saved.

Instead, Kurosanji EN doubled-down on the stupid behavior, extending the toxic workplace environment to the Internet wilds.

But even now, there's no introspection. Fuck Around - Find Out holds.

>> No.78098088

They are roleplaying as your toxic ass, you low IQ monkey.

>> No.78098141

And thank fucking God Nyfco is dead. I wish it happened before Niji leaked Sayu's dox to the psychos that infested that hellhole but better late than never.

>> No.78098171

introspection for what? dookie is clearly in the wrong

>> No.78098175

Hololive out of nowhere

>> No.78098188

Flopsoleil was a term they invented, it has never been used on 4chan before that stream
Pomu's 3D was universally liked on 4chan, the only person that tried shitting on it (probably one of the livers) ate a public ban and was left to be mocked by the entire board

They are roleplaying as themselves in their shitty discord doing what they do best. harass and attack other vtubers.

>> No.78098281
File: 398 KB, 1066x726, 1646489981523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>b-b-ut they dont do that!!!!

>> No.78098326

>the Nyfco refugee is calling anyone else toxic
Cute. Remind me, which site freely doxxed VTubers for fun again? Because it sure as shit wasn't here.

>> No.78098433

Take your meds, sis.

>> No.78098764

Not moving the goalpost, sister. Just correcting the timeline.

- KuroEN press release ("We never harassed anyone hurp derp.")
- Doki response ("I will not be silenced; am in hospital due to harassment/toxic workplace environment.")
- Black screen video ("We don't condone harassment but Doki hurt our feelings and is about to doxx us wink-wink nudge-nudge")

>> No.78098871

You've also just demonstrated that Sisters have no introspection about their own roles in the decline of Kurosanji EN.

You keep playing yourself, homie.

>> No.78099305

Imagine the victim being more professional than a corporation. Sisters are in shambles.

>> No.78099356
File: 18 KB, 800x582, 1709621998370718.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do know Gaza stroke first with their paragliders, right?

>> No.78099557

If she had any balls or sense of ethics that black stream video would be deleted by now even if Niji sends Yakuza after her. And yet, it's still up and being monetized. She deserves everything that's coming to her.

>> No.78099568

That is clearly Mysta

>> No.78099606

yo reading this thread gave me a thought, what if Elira volunteer BECAUSE MILLIE AND ENNA ASKED! Thats the thought i have, i have no evidence and shit. I guess Elira accepted it because she thought Millie and Enna was in the right or some shit

>> No.78099773
File: 1.42 MB, 4096x4096, __selen_tatsuki_nijisanji_and_1_more_drawn_by_rei_silvertone__2ef165718163d53f2d9cff46482517b8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Denauth who had nothing to do with anything

>> No.78099867
File: 202 KB, 494x611, 1714046603785695.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you cant be mean (enough) to horrible people
you cant be intolerant to intolerant people
Fuck bullies
kick bullies
bully bullies into suicide.

>> No.78099956
File: 60 KB, 288x194, 1711090184680819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder.

>> No.78100154

You’re going to claim that Mumei, the owl from hololive that took a break over the winter, was attempting to intentionally ‘overlap’ an event with Dokibird, the menhera who hospitalized herself over the winter?

You must be trolling.

>> No.78100248

It's also not true since her karaoke started hours later. Gura was the only one overlapping.
t.Watched both.

>> No.78100446

Maybe sisters should stop being cancerous in other peoples generals you huge idiot.

>> No.78100689


>> No.78100722

I'm pretty convinced Waggish Plonker is Ike, unless any of the other organs speak Swedish.

>> No.78101025

it's everyone elses fault that they aren't weak willed, pathetic pity-baiters like Selen? everyone should fake suicide attempts every time any hardship comes their way if they dont want to be bullied, is that what you're saying?

>> No.78101088

god I love Twisty more than ever, that was the most based thing I've ever seen. Someone actually calls her on her bullshit other than Reimu

>> No.78101102

>bullying bad people is good

>> No.78101225

I mean, let’s be honest. If she was upset that her “friends” in Niji were being bullied, she’d bring up more often how people shouldn’t be so upset with them. As things stand, though, all she did was pretty much just the minimum amount of responsibility she had to do to tell people that she’s not responsible for any harassment those people receive.

>> No.78101361

>Someone almost took her own life
Seems Fair
>Fan Animation made by someone not related to both parties
How is this fair

>> No.78101581
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>> No.78101615

>Threat to hololive
Are you out of your fucking mind? Doki is unity

>> No.78101640

Those are exclusively phasetards doing that.

>> No.78101742

Both of them are better than your shitty ccv elira

>> No.78101986

>I'm a pomu fan and I simp for bullies
Mint would never want a fan like this

>> No.78102012

i agree. noone should be harrased since there is no clear evidence who did what. however everyone in niji should be dropped. im honestly sad for everyone left in there who isnt a cunt.

>> No.78102067

>feels like all out war lol

>> No.78102341

Doki's already said her piece. This entire shitshow following her statement has been a clear demonstration to the rest of the chuubas still languishing there:

Anycolor cannot protect you

>> No.78102508
File: 109 KB, 584x1024, 1718227273207451m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont forget, your oshi's a hoe irl

>> No.78102602

Is that some indie 2 view or something?

>> No.78102872

Negligible impact, huh.

>> No.78103027
File: 462 KB, 1110x888, 1714201242307345.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rent. Free. Even more so because of the fucked up narrative you've created.

>> No.78103088
File: 596 KB, 1920x2137, 1707840235085082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Or when she said she'd show receipts but then she didn't
"Have" doesn't mean "show", ESL-kun.

>> No.78104828

and now you understand why there's no such thing as a good niji

>> No.78105072 [DELETED] 

Yes if she does fansly and porn asmr

>> No.78105430

take your zionist horseshit back to /pol/

>> No.78105782
File: 638 KB, 545x919, 1718369195096122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It all starts to make more sense when you realize the OP is a phasefag

>> No.78108027
File: 12 KB, 70x68, KannaFu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, she become a symbol to bring down Niji EN. Go back to JP, Black corpo has no place here.

>> No.78108320

Of course it's yet another phasecuck trying to revive drama, and it doesn't even benefit Doki anymore now that she has completely mogged her bullies.

>> No.78108398

Greatest fucking piece of porn that came out of that shitshow.
And I say this with total discontent because nobody had the balls to make more smut out of it.

>> No.78108660

Should have been a play button instead of the trophy

>> No.78109908

>Why are holofaggers supporting dookie and ex-nijis anyway? You do realize that at this point they have become a threat to Hololive, right?
any sane person will support doki, threat? holo are completely different so no.

>> No.78110084

so where is your nijiEN sister? miload? where is he?

>> No.78110476
File: 1.17 MB, 2894x4096, 1704554478478025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The animation
It's genuinely INSANE how UNSCATHED Ike is.
NO ONE remembers he was even in that stream and NO ONE gives a shit.
I don't even think he lost that many subs after it, and he didn't even go on a big no-streaming break

>> No.78110534

Most people love bullying people and believe it's ok because they have the moral high ground.

>> No.78110948

he cant lose subs when he never had one to begin with, literally no one cares about him in a bad way.

>> No.78111130

Ike's the "nice boy" stereotype, which is why he was meme'd as the vtuber moms would watch. He's generally very inoffensive but fails to make a lasting impression on people outside of his "nice guy" persona so he's forgettable otherwise.

>> No.78111233

>he never had one to begin with

>> No.78111370

People tend to focus more on Elira, who hosted it and implicated herself, Mille and Enna as being the perpetrators of the harassment. And Vox, who was the one doing the lion's share of the smearing against Doki. Ike got out more or less unscathed due to not actually saying anything noteworthy, at least not when compared to the other two stooges. Don't get me wrong, he's a coward for even participating and deserves far more flak than he got.

>> No.78111429

The nijileaker was 100% correct about everything.
No matter how much the nyfco fujoshis try to astroturf the board into memoryholing the past 5 months, it will never amount to anything.

>> No.78111614

Raden's rants are just that great

>> No.78112013


>> No.78112038

Doki has nice tits. I will jerk off to them tonight

>> No.78114180

I'd call this schoolyard-tier, but even children can come up with more scathing insults.

>> No.78114701

Source? I'm following Ember on twitter and I haven't seen any interaction

>> No.78114736

>the fact is, her stupid fagoons have been far worse bullies
Worse than The coordinated efforts from nyfco sisters to shit on any male vtuber that isn't in Nijisanji? You mean worse than the nyfco sisters efforts to dox and spread misinformation about hololive and other corporate vtubers? I have my doubts.

This is the funny thing about bullies, they are the first to cry when they're met with even the slightest retribution or pushback. Eat shit, you're getting what you deserve, have fun with NijiEN folding, maybe they shouldn't have pushed someone to attempt suicide if they don't want a negative reputation it's not that hard

>> No.78114774

Good job on promoting your animation OP.

>> No.78116640

If they were smarter than children they wouldn't be nijiniggers

>> No.78116730

>Is this Justice?
Even better, it's vengeance.

>> No.78116799

He got cucked out of his 1m play button.
He was at like 992k before it all happened. Now he's at 958k.

>> No.78116829

why are you larping as a woman

>> No.78116892

You mean nijisanji got cucked out of an 8th gold button, not him

>> No.78117290

As enjoyable as it is to see Dokibird having "won" a physical fight against Elira and Vox, I think some of the sisters do raise a valid point. This is almost certainly NOT how Dokibird hopes to see herself portrayed. Ethics and psychological trauma aside, a key part of her "brand" is that she is always above the petty mud-slinging that Nijisanji tried to draw her into.

>> No.78117553

See your mistake is thinking this is ever under dokibird's control
This is a hate mob, any control doki has over it is tenuous at best. If anything nijisanji has greater control over this than doki does simply by virtue of the fact that they can potentially make it stop by sincerely apologizing

>> No.78119211

Wouldn't be surprised.

>> No.78119270

And does that matter? She didn't commission nor had any hand in the art.

>> No.78120326

>A play button he wouldn't even receive

>> No.78120512

I agree with you, but only partially. We know for a fact that she wishes to just move on, and she probably doesn't want to be know as "the girl who owned Niji" but, like, for her own achievements. I also really doubt she likes to see her attempts exploited by third parties in a tribal proxy war.
That said, I also don't think she has any moral obbligation to weigh in. She said her bit at the very beginning, now it isn't her job to get out of trouble the very same people who didn't hesitate to stab her publicly in the black stream, considering that as >>78117553 she has no real control over the hate mob.
Also it really rubs me the wrong way seeing nijifans on twitter downplaying the brutality of the black stream (no, giving a person a panic attack live is not just a "PR mistake") or getting on their high horses pretending that the harrassement goes one way when Doki has to this day fake accounts made with her face as pfp used to anti her and is still scared to appear to events in person.

>> No.78120519

Fairness is a lie they tell children

>> No.78120671

Nice psyops, Dokidrone. Now what does she say right after that? I'll help you
>It's a shame I'll have to make those receipts public

>> No.78120759

I hope he graduates soon, apologizes, and says that he got forced to do it. I don't like him but my oshi does and in his current state Ike gives her bad PR.

>> No.78120791
File: 115 KB, 320x320, 468245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He got cucked out of his 1m play button

>> No.78121061

I'm sure most people with Niji oshis want their oshi to leave

>> No.78121418

Nah their oshi is the brand not the livers, they'll attack their own livers if they get out of the line like they did with Vivi few weeks ago and this isnt the first time it happened.
If NDF and Nijisisters really want their oshi to be happy and free, they'll encourage them to leave the company, not attacking them, this cult like behavior toward Nijisanji brand is part of the problem.

>> No.78123513

what do nyfco sisters have to do with the doki situation? totally separate issues for two sets of trash

>> No.78123651

>Unironic saviorfags
I'd rather just have the usual HoloDrone antis than saviorfags

>> No.78124412
File: 90 KB, 982x514, itconfessesfinally.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bad news for you
