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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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78068049 No.78068049 [Reply] [Original]

>Chuuba announces that she's engaged on her debut
Is this a smart decision, business-wise?

>> No.78068110


>> No.78068118

>only engaged
So you’re saying there’s a chance?

>> No.78068207

honesty is the best policy

>> No.78068269

It's a good decision respect-wise.

>> No.78068300

It won't help her get money from groomers starting out, but if she can win some actual fans with high quality content, it might hypothetically work to her benefit.

>> No.78068470
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>shes engaged
but thats the best part

>> No.78068483

It's good at keeping unicorns and gachiko. Now she has to be genuinely funny and entertaining to make it. Women being women though, she might cheat down the line.

>> No.78068599

If she is engaged why she became a vtuber? Surely engaged people have better things to do that to pander to online people while being idols? I mean, going outside together or whatever. Is just strange.

>> No.78068742

Honesty about being taken is repaid with honesty of not actually watching vtubers exclusively for entertainment

>> No.78068746

Married people stream all the time retard. A lot don't even make money. It's just a fun thing they do. How broken are you?

>> No.78068753

In terms of peace of mind for her as a streamer? Yeah, smart as fuck, she can sleep at night knowing she isn't lying to whatever remaining audience she has after this. In terms of making money? KEK fuck no.

>> No.78068963

you can do more than one thing with your time

>> No.78069145

There's absolutely a demographic for married women tubers. Cucks rejoice!

>> No.78069285

Fleshstreamers yes, vtubers... not so much.

>> No.78069320

Do you like, legitimately not know what cuck means?

>> No.78069412

She's honest about it which is respectable, unlike holos who dodge the topic entirely because they want money from their gullible incel fanbase.

>> No.78069688

she could get the phase audience

>> No.78069790

>So many chuubas are in a relationship, yet wont admit it because they know their viewership will tank
>One of them is honest about it
Good for her.

>> No.78069849

That only works if you black

>> No.78069851

thirteenth post best post

>> No.78069892

not a great decision business wise, but i respect the honesty. 99% of vtubers lie and pretend to be single virgins for unicorn bux instead

>> No.78069932

either be honest about it or don't make it part of your chuuba identity to be "le quirky and lonely just like you" and it's not a problem. Wish her the best.

>> No.78069973

normalfags should stay away from otaku hobbies

>> No.78070059

at least it's better than what rushia did.

>> No.78070077

Good on her for making it clear from the start. It should filter out the bad apples before they even join.
Also if they're funny enough they can pull shit like this.

>> No.78070125


>> No.78070220

Yeah, doing that during debut is good idea if you want people to be aware of it, even if it loses you some viewers. Hiding it till later will fuck you over way worse.

>> No.78070236

Liking anime and vtubers isn't why you're single.

>> No.78070494

>he doesn't know

>> No.78070614

Good if you want to avoid parasocial fans, gachikoi, unicorns.
Not great for money or viewership.
I respect her for not lying and being GFE with a husband at least. But I won't watch.

>> No.78070648

>500 subscribers
B__ __ ___

>> No.78070656

If she does it on debut then its fine. Hiding it on purpose to milk people is not. Now she has to be actually a good vtuber to make it and try not to bring your SO / husband to the stream.

>> No.78071171

Obviously good. That filter all unicorn and it make everyone focus on her talent only, if she has any

>> No.78071268 [DELETED] 

this is her btw >>53615118

>> No.78071300

Someone still salty about her eh...

>> No.78072286

I only watch vtubers that pander to my lesbian fetish. I only watch one fleshtuber who is married because she caters to a very specific niche of mine.

>> No.78075736

well at least she was honest. nyanners and veibae are openly dating men and theyre doing alright.

>> No.78075900

rushia did nothing wrong. this michael bitch on the other hand...

>> No.78075963

I respect her a lot more for it, actually.

>> No.78076047

Don't care if she is engaged or not but I don't like when Vtuber show their 3D skin.

>> No.78076152

There are companies of JPs who regularly collab with males so it doesn't matter.

>> No.78076284

I don't understand unicorns why are they so fucking retarded. If a girl is dishonest to them whore! If a girl is honest from the very beginning also whore! There's no winning in catering to these fucking schizos.

>> No.78076351

Exactly. That's why you don't even try. Just treat stupid people like garbage. It's the right thing to do.

>> No.78076508

yeah to me

>> No.78076629

better to be revealed now then for it to come out later while burning people emotionally invested and really go after her hard.

>> No.78076650

Pls understand, SEA creatures barely have enough free time to shitpost /here/ never mind do anything else, gathering enough pagpag to survive takes a while
You know how weebs use words like "ecchi" and "hentai" differently from how they're actually used in Japanese? Same thing happened to "cuck" between /here/ and sane people.

>> No.78076711

she sold nudes, did a donothon and fucked off with thousands of dollars before graduating from her previous company. you guys can have her

>> No.78076716

Yes, better to tear the bandaid off immediately like Bae did when she announced she loves the homos. That way only cucks and fags will bother with them.

>> No.78076763
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I wouldn't call her a fleshtuber, those streams are pretty rare.

>> No.78076794
File: 86 KB, 750x1334, 6501BEDF-2856-414E-85E7-DD995218B068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So true, sisters. Only we get to have fun with our bois and Milord.

>> No.78077053

I see no problem with it as long as she’s not being annoying about it. Way better than leading her audience on and getting caught later.

>> No.78077086

Her previous streams were uh... very low energy. She also asked fans to make thumbnails for her because she didn't like doing it herself

>> No.78077909

married vtubers are basically virgins

>> No.78077929

not this one at all

>> No.78078057

>Usual npc tier response
Thanks for proving my point schizo. Consider doing something more productive with your time.

>> No.78078194

The average retard on this shithole don't know the difference between infidelity and cuckoldry. They just hear a word and throw it around carelessly like the unironic misinformed retards they are.

>> No.78078284

Good for her? Buy an ad

>> No.78078380


>> No.78078463

It’s an anti ad. OP made this thread to make her look bad

>> No.78078978
File: 356 KB, 619x765, cut4hex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cook that unichud, sister! My axe wound is getting so wet for you and milord rn!

>> No.78079034 [SPOILER] 

Shouldn't her nails be done up at least?

>> No.78080746

The only retarded schizo here is you. Unicorns don't call married women whores. They call women whores when they have multiple sexual partners or do GFE while in a relationship. Being committed to a single man is the furthest thing from a whore.

>> No.78080986

no, but being single is the reason he likes those things

>> No.78081051

Finally a vtuber for white men

>> No.78081074

doesn't even seem real, is the dude a 5 year old?

>> No.78081456

Absolutely pathetic.

>> No.78081798

Sure, if she's actually an entertaining streamer and people will watch her for that reason alone. Otherwise, it's a terrible decision.

>> No.78082567

This one is married and she still has dumb cucks who give her money so she'll be fine https://youtube.com/@hiiragiemuri

>> No.78082634

Result it's 99% chance of be an horrible decision. Well, unless Vtubing is just an hobby and she doesn't care about any form of success. It's harsh out there.

>> No.78083674

Genuinely hoping you are 8 years old and not this fucking retarded.

>> No.78084240

Was she streamer that jumped on the bandwagon? 1.4k as a solo indie seems odd

>> No.78084460

Why not?

This is the dream of every young woman:
- Thinking she's marrying the perfect guy and feeling so lucky, but in reality, I guarantee you it's a penniless, ugly loser.
- Receiving free money and gifts from lower quality men (cucks) simply for existing and being cute.

I praise her determination for chasing that dream.

>> No.78084604
File: 98 KB, 680x797, 051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it'll be almost like in doujinshi.

>> No.78085268

You're arguing with a sister. "She" only cares about owning the unichuds.

>> No.78085477

Ex-corpo who graduated after doing a donothon and getting thousands of dollars.

>> No.78085646

I wonder what won on her poll over whether or not to give her boyfriend anal for winning a game of league.

>> No.78087306

who cares

>> No.78087720

business wise? probably not. however i respect the honesty. i hope she makes it.

>> No.78087763

she lets chat decide if her hubby gets to fuck her ass?! lmao.

>> No.78087829

>"Honey, why did we get this bill from a company for internet bots?"

>> No.78087913
File: 21 KB, 637x405, 1715185369086261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The absolute state of vtubing...

>> No.78088041

>i was trying to boost your buisness i swear

>> No.78088671

Vtuber does not equal idol
Vtuber means you have an avatar someone rigged to respond to your camera movements

>> No.78089013

Please, this better be an underage retard and not just bait…

>> No.78090381

people in threads like this will talk endlessly about how much they respect vtubers who are honest about being in a relationship but won't ever actually watch any of them kek. actions speak much louder than words

>> No.78090629

...Yes? Displaying excellent character does not entitle you to a view. It simply means you don't get shittalked and ruled out from getting one.
This is nice guy syndrome

>> No.78091336

I was 12 when I found out that online games were filled with housewives...

>> No.78092485

Yes, and I'm a unicorn. I just won't watch, but I won't hold any grudge like I would if she led her audience to believe she wasn't having another relationship. I think there's room for that if it's stated from the outset. Good move.

>> No.78092521

oof good luck to her. it definitely changes the vibe with her community. also her fiancé is in her chat and comments on her videos..... that's a bigger red flag than anything. it's one thing for them to be behind the scenes but when they're active in her community. I feel like that's going to drive even more people away

>> No.78092659

I respect her for being honest about it, not that I think you should have to reveal your wedding ring on debut, but this is certainly better than pretending you don’t have a boyfriend or husband and leading people on.

>> No.78093042

? Is this supposed to be an own to me? I don't watch that faggot. But the fact you know what happens in his streams and among his fanbase means you're into his content and enjoy what you perceive as cuckoldry in secret.
Rewriting history again aren't you unichud? I bet it was also sisters who were harassing bae kobo mori and kronii over treating their male workers like human beings. Watch how hell shift it into the homobeggar boogeyman living rent free in his head.

>> No.78093277

> Surely engaged people have better things to do that to pander to online people while being idols?
who said this one was an idol?
gtfo tourist who thinks "vtuber" automatically = le ebil hecking idol culture~!!

>> No.78093295

>people are not into taken women (lying)
>people are not into taken women (honest)

>> No.78093464

>not into
Why do you have to be “into” them to not scream whore at them, just watch the anime woman play video games

>> No.78093535

It's more respectable than the whores who pretend to be single or the chuubas who bring males in a female only collab.
Atleast now you know what you are getting into.

>> No.78093549

Why even bother debuting?

>> No.78093571

So is she saying that to chat or is she actually engaged? I mean if she wants to do it as a hobby that's cool but if she thinks single men are putting out for married women she's retarded.

>> No.78093599

What happened next?

>> No.78093634


>> No.78093723

look I'm not into screaming at random chuubas I don't care for or calling randos whores
but you can obviously see how there's a preference
in the hobby dominated by the funni anime girls and the people that wanna watch funny anime girls without 3DPD bullshit

>> No.78093729

>she actually engaged?
Yes. I check her out yesterday because a /freak/ thread.
Timestamp 55:00

>> No.78093903

She need to bring her SO on stream toso chat can judge how he look.

>> No.78093912

all vtubers should be idols

>> No.78094042

How can they be idols when all vtubers are my girlfriends?

>> No.78094152

If you pull this amount of gymnastics in rl you'd be ripped and drowning in pussy. Instead the only gymnastics you do are mental and giving your finger a work out via typing retarded fucking nonsense then spergin out when somebody treats you like a nonsensical retard.

>> No.78094308

Imagine how fucking funny it would be if an oil baron groomed her and she ended up cucking her fiancé.

>> No.78094400

buy an ad

>> No.78094446

>vtuber = idol
i know holoboard is a joke but holy shit

>> No.78094465

You know there married people who are into Otaku stuff right? A resin and plamo painting youtuber got married and has a kid, and this guy paint 18+ wofes resin kits.

>> No.78094510

as if some Holos weren't femcels themselves..

>> No.78094512

>Debut stream
>Already fleshposting

>> No.78094726

This hobby has been full of normalfag grifters since 2020 this should come as no surprise to anyone who likes vtubers since before the pandemic boom.

>> No.78095323

I lift as is
the logic itself is pretty straightforward
most women are either an egf who's a potential partner or they're an actual entertainer who can be judged on their own merits
now the thing is most women just kinda put themselves in the former category
for money

>> No.78099075
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Best thing she could have done.
Much better than creating drama when her shit gets doxxed.
Girl has bigger balls than 95% of vtubers honestly.

>> No.78099212

The vtuber is not engaged. The person playing the vtuber character is engaged. That's why you don't share your relationship status (or other intimate personal details) unless you have incorporated it into your character. Why does no one, including vtubers themselves, not understand how this works? Why does no one take this performance art seriously.

>> No.78099924

>already conceded being a mimicuck

>> No.78099994

That doesnt really narrow it down alot, do you mean the former IdolEN girl?

>> No.78100210

Very few split the persona from the person playing it. This isn't a character in a movie, this is a streamer with a mask.

>> No.78101619

She's still a whore until she fully commits and actually gets married

>> No.78102353

This is true, there was this one online game I played and it was filled with housewives. There was this divorced one that kept sending me pics of her titties on MSN. Now that I think about it, that's kinda weird since I was 14 at the time.

>> No.78102382

was he a nebling?

>> No.78102390

There's a reason kizuna AI and her era died anon. Nobody watches vtubers for kayefabe and elaborate skits and lore anymore.

>> No.78103477

It's smart for not making people waste their time on her if her being engaged is what makes people not watch a chuuba. Whether it'll be good for her number of viewership down the line remains to be seen.

>> No.78103556


>> No.78104445

>Nobody watches vtubers for kayefabe and elaborate skits and lore anymore.
Man those skits were a million times better than any stream that comes out of a vtuber

>> No.78104461


>> No.78104729

Yet you retards love every other chubba that does this.
>She also asked fans to make thumbnails for her because she didn't like doing it he
>Literally every corpo vtuber ever
You think all of them are artists?
>but if she thinks single men are putting out for married women she's retarded.
I miss being this young and innocent, I guess you only watch SEA indies.

>> No.78104819

It's more that the boyfriend simply hung out and still hangs out in her chat.

>> No.78105028

Limes, Luchajin, Vexoria, Sayu (divorced), and that’s just off the top of my head. There are countless examples.

>> No.78105183


>> No.78105255

>Is this a smart decision, business-wise?
is this smart decision? no and i'm not just talking about unicorn or something like that, but potential drama and shit later, is it wrong doing this? no

>> No.78105297

She better be okay with this not being a career thing and it just being for fun

>> No.78105337

it's kind of funny so many vtubers do this, so scummy and greedy. Not even a month ago there was another one from the microcorps that stream on Youtube did a donothon, graduated and never even delivered on the goals. Luckily the corp weren't such greedy scumbags and did a reimbursement.

>> No.78105468

There are lots of people that don't care about this. Like with Nyanners, she's still banking and making thousands per month streaming with her bf and talking about how much they love fucking. Like you know Reddit exist and cucks exist and stuff.

>> No.78105487

there are actual housewife channels doing housewife things. And they're big. Not everything is gfe/parasocial, holofreaks

>> No.78105508
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>> No.78105514

well it is a joke because this is not a holoboard, too bad you fell for that bullshit nijinigger pull years ago.

>> No.78105544

idk anon, too bad for you, but holo walled garden works really well gatekeeping shit.

>> No.78105589

>thinking that when you show or talk about your "real" relationship you will be free from drama
lol,lmao even, if you think parasocial = unicorn, you have no idea,

>> No.78105665

holo isnt even gfe nijinigger, kawaii is.

>> No.78105701

it happens when normies come it. Look at Twitch and how it went from gaming focus to 3-thottery and vlogs and shit that has barely anything to do with gaming. Games itself have gone down in quality when the normies came in too. Stuff like Elden Ring became normiecore and now almost every game is some kind of Souls-clone or shitty flavor of the month/streamer bait. Star Wars got fucked. marvel got fucked. There is not one thing that don't immediately goes to shit when it hit the mainstream.

>> No.78105746

You faggots think everything is GFE, though.

>> No.78105807

>all chubas are GFE by default
Doesn't matter, really.

>> No.78105815

stop projecting and take your meds, wtf are you even talking about.

>> No.78105937


>> No.78106305


>> No.78106560

what a bore

>> No.78106686

Who? Buy an ad.

>> No.78108419

Limes as in Limealicious? She's married?

>> No.78108648


>> No.78108729

>NTR themed vtuber
So fucking hot

>> No.78109244

You are the only retard here who don't get anything. Cuck is a not a literal translation for NTR because no English word exist for it, so people use cuck and in that instance is always used correctly.

NTR is when someone you have interest in is "taken away/stolen" by someone else, it could even be just a crush or one sided love. It could even be the mom or sister in an incest doujin. But cuck in English is a person who enjoy watching his woman get fucked by other men, which is not the same as NTR.

When you watch a vtuber streaming with her bf and people call you a cuck they are using it as an insult to you retard. Only cucks and faggots would find that shit entertaining.

>> No.78110121

>No, I actually do not know the definition of cuck, let me explain in detail

>> No.78110237

Holofags are unironically mindrotted retards lmao

>> No.78110306

How did that work out for you, Yuko?

>> No.78111033

>I was 12 when I found out that online games were filled with housewives
>There was this on TV documentaryabout married women who "cheated" on their husbands doing ERP on WoW in 2009
Adds up

>> No.78111067

You never had a chance with her anyway

>> No.78111159

my nigga

>> No.78112209

Morally right, financially wrong.

>> No.78112431

Yeah, to me.

>> No.78112471

I'm the fiancé

>> No.78112923

You lucky bastard

>> No.78113077

Holy kek. This is that onlyfans porn girl.

>> No.78118205


>> No.78118334

Went on a hiatus from her corpo for mental health reasons, fans found out she was selling nudes and streaming on her alt during that time. Yeah... also once she did a donothon she graduated shortly after. Yeah......

>> No.78119974

Who was she?
Fat fingers?

Or not really?
Any /architect/ bros here that can evaluate?

>> No.78121339

She is not fat, shes fairly skinny in fact unless she gained a ton of weight. Some people just have chonk hands

>> No.78123285

That's the way to look at it

>> No.78124922

No, but imo vtubing is much better as a hobby rather than the main source of income. There are thousands comfy 2-3 view chuubas with a shit model but soul

>> No.78125152

At least she's not married like a certain vtuber from a popular company with magenta hair.
